kuroheishi · 1 year
🎭 a blog i miss writing with
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// Ahhhh damn there are so many people I actually miss to see on here who I used to write with a lot! I call it the first Owari Tumblr generation haha!
I will tag some of them so if they EVER come back they'll find my random tag after years hehe HEY IF YOU ARE GOING TO SEE THIS I MISS YOU GUYS BUT I HOPE YOU'RE ALL OKAY AND HAPPY!!!
@undyingxloyalty is an absolute talented and super kind rper, Kat was so amazing and she's such a big absence in my RP life haha but I'm sure she is okay and I wish her all the best always!
Fortisgladio, deactivated blog but literally the canon Yucihiro ever existed. I admired Lizzie with my whole heart and I think she understood Yuichiro in such a deep level it was fantastic to read any of her threads/thoughts. I was honestly lucky I was able to interact with her Yu. She was a joy to be around and I have to thank her for inspiring me to write better and always do my best with Yu's character!
Then Poenited who deactivated too THEY WERE THE GUREN FOR MY YUCIHIRO. I don't know how else to explain but that, there was just something when we started making our muses interact that clicked y'know? And it hurt me in the best way, I treasure Yu and Guren's relationship the most so I miss writing with them gross sobbing.
@chiheisxn MY AKANE SIS WHERE ARE YOU honestly miss the fun we had at the time uebfcdhsjsdc our threads were always so adorable eucsdhbsdc and honestly it was always so much to talk in general
@sassyshinoahiiragi SHE WAS THE SHINOA FOR MY YUICHIRO no need to add other words, Chelsea was also a big part of my golden tumblr era and I'm glad she is doing good hehe
@brassboundvalkyrie KIT!!!!!!!!!! MUM HORN AND LAU WITH CROWLEY our endless Skype chats eufdsihsdsdc I miss those happy and free of responsibilities times damn
@lordgeales and @monophagia THE VAMPIRE DADS they always came in a duo I swear and I miss nagging you both you guys were SO AMAZING
@fallenangelmikaela ALICE HOWLS I KNOW YOU ARE AROUND ON DISCORD but I'm so happy to still see you're doing amazing hehe our rps were also the super fun ones so I will treasure them 5ever
It's kinda sad not to know what happened to some of those awesome people but as long as they are safe and happy that's what matters!
I also probably missed so many people but they're definitely the ones who have impacted my Tumblr experience the most and in the best way heh.
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tsunami! happy birthday you little brat i swear you're such a jem on my dash and if you're not on it i'll fight you to the death! i mean i love you??? i swear this isn't meant violently LMAO I JUST THIS IS HOW WE COMMUNICATE L O L okay so maybe part of me constantly wants to fight you EVEN on your birthday! but yeah know i love ya and i've got your back always! HUGS THE HELL OUT OF YOU
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Aight - now we fight -
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lifeguilt-blog · 7 years
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                    “OI, Yuu. Come here for a sec. There’s something I want to tell you.”
@fortisgladio. ;;
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saangu · 6 years
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new recruits and all but like ----- where is her yuu and mika?? 
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@fortisgladio​ ┐♡└ for an ♔audience with the King♚ It’s time for a MEME WAR jk no violence allowed here :^]
   ☾♔♚☽ “And what do we have here?” 
A ruined city, that was the chosen battleground. Or at least...what the humans chose anyways. How foolish. However, he couldn’t deny...this was quite the favourable situation that he’d been thrown into. Who would’ve expected - as he gazed before him, at the other individual standing - an encounter like this would’ve occurred. At least, for the other - for it was quite unfortunate for the cattle to have run into him, of all people. What absolute unfortunate luck.
There was no one else around, nothing. Not even the sounds of the battle that undoubtedly both of them had been a part of - so how did it end up like this? Perhaps it had been misfortune on both sides actually, instead of just the other. Oh well. Not that it truly bothered him.
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“It seems today is not your day, livestock. You had the chance to bump into anyone else among my brethren that is present here today - yet you had to encounter me instead. The gods truly hate you, don’t they?” What a joke, gods. As if they truly existed.
“Nonetheless, I suppose I shouldn’t kill you off so quickly either. You seem to hold some potential of a decent soldier. That smoldering look of burning anger in your eyes is quite easy to see, you know. If you don’t learn to keep such passionate emotions in check, it might just lead you to your demise one day.” Indeed, the one that stood before him didn’t appear to seem much, but with his keen eyes and sharp senses, the King was able to easily pick the other out as an individual out of the ordinary; different and apart from the common crowd. Hmm...interesting. 
“I suppose I should grant you a chance, and let you prove your worth to me so that I might let you g—” Just then, he paused, finally looking at the other with close attention. In that instant, the bemused, arrogant look on his face fell. 
No way. This had to be his lucky day.
“Hold on - I’ve only been given descriptions about you, thanks to my faithful espionages, but never seen you in person - yet I have no doubt you are the one.” Just as quickly, he surged forth until he was right up in the soldier’s face, crimson eyes wide with a dangerous expression, his smile was all but nonexistent. “Don’t tell me...are you Yuichiro Hyakuya? The rat who dared to kill a fellow noble belonging to my faction - and even more importantly...” One of the rumoured Seraphim children Krul did not kill. Could it be?
“Hey...answer me, if you want to keep your arms and legs attached.”
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gailetis · 6 years
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Tumblr loves to do this to me everyday-- @fortisgladio
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asphyxiashon-blog · 6 years
-> @fortisgladio
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“ Heeeey, ... You aren’t dead are you ? ”
Okita shook the boy he had found ... just laying on the ground. He was in a strange uniform and has a weapon and it put him on edge at first but .. He looked young and he was unconscious so what damage could he do to him right now ? None. He was confused but he wasn’t heartless even if he’d like to try to make himself beleive that sometimes.
“ You know, you don’t seem dead so you should stop sleeping on the ground “
He joked as he put his elbows on his knees, resting his head in his hands as he was squatted down to look at the boy, it seems he might finally be waking up with a relief but he had a lot of questions for him once he finally was aware of his surroundings.
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saangu · 6 years
‘ repeat after me: we are going to get through this. ’
she was a sergeant, she was a soldier of the moon demon company and had been for years. perhaps the deaths of comrades and the wretched stench of rot and decaying bodies that filled her nose would never stop haunting her with the very thought that this would be the day, she’d die. but for three years…for three years, she had endured and fought on the same battlefield. against the vampires, and for three years she had come home victorious.
but today, somehow today seemed so different than before, the deafening explosions that erupted from all around, the blood that stained steel, the stench of bodies that had fallen on the battlefield, her sends her senses to a frenzy, frantically trying to keep it together as panic crept into her mind slowly, seizing her senses and kept her still, tenjiryu clutched tightly in her hands as she tried, damn tried to keep it together. she hated it when she felt this way when she was at war, when she had to fight – no – had to fight. for the sake for the civilians and her comrades that had fallen against the enemies’ blade.
but no matter what she did, she couldn’t budge. she couldn’t move, it was one of those days where her senses and mind wanted nothing more than to run and hide. wanted nothing more to do with this endless war, this pointless bloodshed, 
no matter what she tells herself, she is still a child. a child who had to fight for the future. 
with her heart hammering against her chest, her breathing became restricted, as if someone was choking her, she begun to hyperventilate, her vision blurred and suddenly she was once again, that helpless child, drenched in blood – and stood there, watching her comrade be slaughtered right in front of her. 
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she knew she was going to black out right there, right there where any enemy could’ve charged towards her and finish her off without her putting much of a fight in the first place. one hand releasing tenjiryu and rested atop her hammering heart, clutching her uniform. her knees began to weaken and slowly she sank into the ground. « calm down! » she screamed at herself, but the horrid memories, clashing against the reality that is before her, she couldn’t tell what was real or what was a delusion, her thoughts scattered an in a frenzy.
it was when a vampire, cloaked in forsaken white, came charging towards her, did she thought this was the end. but in a blur black and green, her arm was grasped firmly by her comrade the vampire was sliced into two, and in no more than a few seconds, evaporated into black dust into the air. 
and before she knew it, she was engulfed into a warm familiar hug. tenjiryu disappearing in a cloud of fire, though the battle continued to rage around them, as their comrades continued to fight with every ounce of strength they had. she stood there, unmoving –
before the thought ate away the last bit of bravery, the last bit common sense she had, the words whispered from Yuuichirou snapped her out of it. regaining a bit of her senses as the blonde turned towards him. the words, once reached to her ears, echoed throughout her mind. like a wave of relief from the awful, soul-breaking thoughts, her mind was cleared. 
« we are going to get through this »
it was quite silly now that she thinks about it. as violet hues closed and opened again to look up to a reassuring smile, dark locks framed a bruised bloodied face, and yet those radiant green eyes and glowing smile persevere, through all that hell, through all of this. he continued to brighten the day with a smile, how can this boy, hyakuya yuuichirou, have so much control over her? how simple it was for her to simply calm down at the mere words that had been uttered by the other. a black gloved hand gripped the taller boy’s shoulder and she hauled herself up from the ground, still shaken from the sudden breakdown during the battlefield, yet the boy made no move to let go of her yet, seeming to wait until she could stand on her own.  
« we are going to get through this » 
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despite the explosions nearby,
despite the shouts of falling comrades,
seeing that smile from yuu, gave her a sudden surge of hope. those words he said to her, were recited in her heart, like an anthem, a chant. she could care less about the fact at how it was so obvious that she was having a mental breakdown right in the middle of battle. now, her teammates needed her, yuu needed her to fight again. 
« we are going to get through this »
the smile that was returned was strained, obviously the thoughts were still there, but the words that took over her mind, the loudest voice in her head was yuu’s. she heard nothing else – they were going to survive, they were going to live, they were going to come home victorious. the violet hues lit up with color once more as she took a step back from the younger boy. ❝ thanks yuu ❞   she said, her voice a bit strained, but the fighting spirit lit up within those eyes of her’s. burning like a hearth in the night. ❝ thanks for having my back, but we’re too far from the others, we need to regroup as soon as we can. ❞ with her mind clearer, she was able to understand and perceive the situation around her. her squad was scattered to far away from them, they needed to regroup and rebuild their formation.  the blonde turned her gaze once more to the fight-ready teen, who only gave her a little smirk, taking a fighting stance as a group of vampires had spotted them. ❝ let’s go ❞ she said, with a smile of her own. 
|| ▻ warm suggestions // @fortisgladio
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#i made it kinda ic bc i lost our thread and i want one ok
/pushes this post across the table
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millesimus-archive · 7 years
i’m banning @fortisgladio. first she hurts me with feels for yu and then she was like ‘i have this crackship for this other muse i have’ AND I AM SCREECHING
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gailetis · 6 years
Tagging the people I owe replies for!
Hey guys, so I kept wondering why my laptop randomly shuts off. Found out that after I removed the charger, it shuts off.
...Turns out the battery’s failing, so my laptop’s gonna be taken to HP to be fixed and it’ll be a while before I get it back. :^( I’ll still be on mobile but it’s hard making things look nice with that.
Sorry in advance!
@fortisgladio @lacusthebae @elyon-kurae @chiheisxn
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undyingxloyalty · 8 years
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“I never really asked you before, but... how spicy do you like your curry?” He might have something in mind. Maybe.
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lifeguilt-blog · 7 years
squints with my old man eyes @fortisgladio is that my son
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sanguclover-blog · 7 years
@fortisgladio @undyingxloyalty 
AAAA id love it if either of you wrote me a starter!! 
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bedrydant-blog · 7 years
nature aesthetics.
bold the natural aesthetics that appeal to / apply to your muse.  repost, do not reblog.  feel free to add any natural features you see fit !’
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fluffy white nimbus clouds. dark grey cumulonimbus clouds. rainclouds. a hurricane. light spring breeze. a sherbert-colored sky at sunrise. hazy yellow skies. deep blue ponds of fresh water. blankets of sparkling snow. tornado winds. monsoon flooding. rich, orange sunsets. soft, purple clouds at dusk. heavy hail. the rumbling of thunder. icy sleet. gentle snowfall. moss-dusted tree bark. pink sunset clouds. grey winter skies. navy blue skies in the daytime. cool mist in the morning. leaf-bare trees. giant ocean waves. the full moon. a cracked, dry desert. rolling hills of prairie grass. sweeping waves of briny seawater. rocky, steep ravines. rippling canyon walls. spindly, cave stalactites. creeping, green ivy. lush canopies of leafy trees. dense, white fog. a peaceful creek of clear water. flowering cacti dusted with dew, catching light in the morning sun. a bubbling, hot pool of volcanic sulfur. sharp, grey mountainsides. fossils nestled in chunks of rock. a white sand beach. deep imprints of animal tracks in the dirt. soft, squishy moss. uniform rows of birch trees in winter. delicate mushrooms popping up in spring from beneath the decay on the forest floor. tumbleweeds jerking in the faintest wind across the desert landscape. light rain. summer wildfires. a mixing of hot and cool air before a storm. silent lightning in the static of summer heat. a windy blizzard. thick flakes of snow tumbling down from the sky. a tree standing alone in a barren, yellow field. a desert of loose sand and tall, orange dunes. a pure blue sky. a river of molten rock. a grove of flowering trees. twisting, mangled roots sticking up from the muddy ground. bitter, cold winds. tumultuous skies of stormy clouds.branches of lightning ripping across the sky. a foggy swamp. the tree-bare foothills of a mountain range. sandy brown cliffsides. rocky coastlines. the violent shaking of an earthquake. the mysterious sound of ethereal trumpets in the sky. the lights of the auroras borealis and australis. a black sand beach. a lone tropical island in the reef of shallow, aqua waters. underwater volcanic vents. a herd of migrating mammals. tree branches growing heavy with ripe fruit. light streaming down through the clouds. a field of lush grain wading peacefully in the summer breeze. the sound of insects and frogs teeming in the night. natural diamonds nestled in coarse desert sands. a frozen lake.
tagged by: @regalius <3 tagging: @fortisgladio, @ofoblivium, @otouto-san and whoever wants to do it!
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crusaderce-archived · 6 years
                       one-liner starter                                            ( @fortisgladio )
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            « Why  do  you  seem  so  interested  in  a  forgotten  past  anyway? »
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