#fortune in obey me
gifti3 · 3 months
So i headcanon that demons (maybe angels too) have more than 1 heart…
Imagine that one day your demon darling invite you to dinner and ofc you agree! So you’re talking with them waiting for ur meal then it arrives. On the plate it’s a cooked DEMON heart and it’s not just any demon heart it’s your demon’s heart. Them smiling and said “do you like it?”
Apparently, demon do that to express love to their mates and it’s also one of the most imtimate ways (in demon’s sense) to show love.
I need more contents of the boys actually being demon 😔
i fuck with this, not gonna lie
the monsterfucker in me is always intrigued by the differences in how a nonhuman would express their love lmao of course most people would be surprised if their demon lover presented them with their second heart but after initial shock and them explaining if you think about it….you cant help but be (strangely?) touched like wow this person really likes me huh (///∇///) so we r pretty much soulmates! presenting one of ur hearts is a pretty big deal just from a logical standpoint, cause u forever nerfed urself for someone
now actually eating the heart is a whole nother question lmaoo
yea you know demons sometimes like to eat each other (and humans sometimes) but humans dont really do that as a casual activity and it usually gets you ostracized lol
u cant help but feel a little bad not eating it though…they cooked their whole second heart, they had it removed from their body which probably wasnt a painless thing to do but for your demon its mainly a way for them to show their devotion more than anything ,,,tho i know some of those brothers were actually expecting you to eat it lol it would be very funny if you both were sitting there after you were like aww thats so sweet and then he was like….well r u gonna eat it? :]
asmo and mammon come to mind first honestly LMAO
asmo is “kind of” intense when it comes to love and the mammon is a tsundere--"well...are you gonna eat it or what?"(//︶^︶)typa deal--so thats why i say that
and then maybe beel and belphie
beel cause i feel like it might go over his head at first (especially since this involves food) but then he'll remember like oh right humans dont eat that my bad
belphie i just think is hopeful you know...if that makes sense, so hes not surprised if you dont wanna eat it but maybe a bit huffy about it
i think satan and lucifer are too smart and like “normal” to actually expect a human to do that
while levi is... levi
hed probably get self conscious and be like well yea of course they wouldnt wanna eat my heart...
and then u gotta really reassure him its not him its you :d
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once-in-a-blood-moon · 6 months
Solomon who’s lived for so long he can’t remember most of the things he’s done so most things feel new to him 🤝 Me who has the worst memory known to man that things I’ve already done also feel brand new
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gach-artblog · 1 year
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I heard if you stay with someone for too long, you're likely to mimic their habit/ gesture without knowing. I think this will definitely happen with my MC and Solomon, they just haven't noticed it yet.
🌟: I wonder why Satan always drags you out whenever I offer to make dinner, Yoru? I mean, we study together all the time so isn't it normal for study buddies to have a meal together?
🐑: ... Yeah, I wonder why. Goodwill is supposed to be appreciated after all.
(📗: Goodwill is not supposed to bring people diarrhea!!)
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coolsosha · 1 year
I saw that Skullgirls had Marie update so i downloaded it again.
And since my account is ObeyMe centered, i made some ObeyMe Palletes for some characters.
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I looove how this turned out♡
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mallleus · 1 year
Solomon: You can’t go and change the past or you risk creating a time paradox!
Also Solomon:
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misc-obeyme · 6 months
problems of using a 10 inches tablet (im autistic and unable to use a smaller screen LOL) is your family seeing what your doing.
I was staring at this PERFECTION for .. straight up, thirty minutes. and saying I'm licking his shoulders in the gc i was in. my mom read it all. sp i made it worst by showing her the picture and rambling about how lickable and bitable and bot Barb was for the next ten minutes and she's possibly going to drop me at a mental hospital ssjksnzkks
(btw god of all things Barbatos? I'm envious now /pos /silly😂)
LOL! Ahhh the joys of living alone~ nobody ever knows what I'm doing unless I tell them 😈
Though my mom is aware of my Barbatos obsession and I've shown her pictures of him, she just takes it all in stride. She's kinda like whatever makes you happy dear~ lol thanks mom.
Then again, I didn't exactly tell her that I wanted to lick or bite him, so perhaps she'd have a more dramatic reaction if I did that. No, honestly, I don't think she'd care.
Anyway, here's hoping your mom doesn't drop you off at a mental hospital lol. I think it's perfectly reasonable to want to bite that guy, I mean look at him.
(Also I am trying very hard not to let that title go to my head lolol!)
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doodlboy · 1 year
Turning the obey me men into my ocs they don't belong to solmare anymore
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Day 10: fortune
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Mammon day dreams about 2 things, dates with Mc, and mpney pools
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sketch-guardian · 1 year
RAD classmates with an alternative mc? Like one moment their in goth clothing next hour they’re in blinding pastel colors or something
Hi🤗sorry for answering this late,but I was a bit busy with university again😣I had to do some research on alternative clothing to get a clearer idea of ​​the style in question too🙈but I hope it was enough to write a satisfying reply, as usual I'll do my best✨ (P.S.: in any scenario, I think the RAD classmates would love MC just the way they are, whatever their style is, just wanted to add that💕):
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MC's quirky style would definitely attract Demya's attention and honestly would also satisfy some of her tastes, she would find it intriguing and adorable at the same time. The goth part of the style would remind her of her demon form or of the clothes she usually wore when she attended parties at The Fall, sometimes a bit provocative, while the pastel part would remind Demya a little of some of her clothes used for other types of occasions, such as for example when she wants to feel comfortable and cute at home (or when she wants to be domestic with her mate). Basically, Demya would approve of MC's style, so much so that sometimes she would even take their cue for how to dress, so that they could go around Devildom looking pretty with coordinated clothes, like true alternative fashion icons. Going out with matching outfits would make Demya feel closer to MC, not only that,but it would also be a lot of fun and it would be like having achieved couple goals,which would of course trigger jealousy in other demons such as the seven brothers (the only thing Demya would refuse to wear as accessories are collars and chokers, for obvious reasons)
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Not gonna lie, Domnra would find the alternative style quite attractive and hot, he wouldn't even know exactly the reason, but he would find it appealing, perhaps due to the fact that he too looks a bit like an emo with his haircut , but in his case it is not a style matter, but a strategic way to hide his scar, not wanting to receive unwanted attention. In any case, the details he would particularly prefer on his partner are the goth ones such as studs or fishnet clothes, while Mobim would have a particular soft spot for pastel details, especially the fluffy ones, occasionally offering to model some accessories, thinking it would be nice if itself, MC and Domnra were to match and bond together as a happy little family, while maybe listening to some music together too, such as rock or metal, one of the shadow demon's favorite music genres (still, they wouldn't mind listening to what MC prefers. As long they're spending time together in a comfortable setting, whatever they do, both Domnra and Mobim in the end would be satisfied)
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Although his fashion style is quite different,especially colors wise, Azul loves everything that is considered eccentric or bizarre, so MC's style would suit him quite well and he would have no problem helping his lovely star choose what to wear for the day/night and how to style their hair, he would also accompany them shopping if his help was requested. Azul would also find it a cool idea to immortalize MC on canvas or take alternative fashion themed aesthetic photos, after all he is an artist and MC would be a great muse, provided they agree to model of course, because their consent is important (if it was for a surprise gift though, in that case the demon would do everything in secret, as best as he could at least, since he's an open book). Considering his not very edgy clothes, Azul would prefer the pastel aspect of the alternative style and sometimes he would accept MC's advice on some accessories to wear that could compliment his figure and colors without ruining his usual attire. Still, Azul is known for cosplaying with Levi sometimes when he's less busy, so if MC wanted him to dress up as an alternative character, he wouldn't miss out the opportunity to show off
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Being an expert in fashion, it is very likely that Zuri has come across the alternative style at least once in her long life and therefore would know more or less the basics of how to organize such a wardrobe, even though it is not a fashion style she's particoulary fond of. Zuri tends to dress in a very elegant and refined way, at best in a practical and simple way if required by the context, so it is unlikely that she will adopt something typical of her beloved's style, despite her ability to appreciate both goth and pastel details, however she would let MC dress as they pleased without any harsh judgment, as long as in more important situations (such as noble settings or parties at the Demon Lord's castle-) they respected the formal dress code and didn't show up in alternative clothes, because that would be inappropriate. Being also good at sewing, if MC wanted made-to-measure clothes or if Zuri wanted to give them a present, she would personally take care of designing, creating and packaging clothing for them, making it one of a kind, a special set just for them to wear
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They wouldn't be an expert on the subject despite their vast knowledge and considering their comfortable and rather shabby and vintage way of dressing, Odon wouldn't seem to care much about something like fashion or physical appearance, for them the only thing that would count the most would be MC's happiness and if their dear friend is happy wearing clothes of a specific kind, then Odon would be content too. They wouldn't really have an opinion about alternative style or a preference on goth or pastel aspects to be honest, but they would be willing to try some alternative clothes with MC, as long as they are loose, soft and comfortable, a bit like their sweater and poncho, because they wouldn't feel very comfortable with tight, low-cut or too bare skin showing clothes, not for a matter of insecurity, but simply for personal tastes. Seeing MC so sure of how they want to show themselves to all realms without any kind of fear would make Odon proud, because seeing a human standing up to other creatures without being scared of openly expressing their ideas and likes would be quite rare, and Odon would be pleased to assist them, just wanting acceptance and reception for MC (moreover, Odon's unintentional dark cottagore-like style would probaly compliment MC's alternative figure well-)
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earl-grey-love · 5 months
I want to rewatch m.ad me..n but I'm worried I'll get fixated on that instead of obey and I don't wanna...
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obeymeow · 1 year
being neurodivergent is all fun and games until you remember those hourly quote bots on twitter and think well maybe I can't make a bot anymore but I could schedule a few quotes a day, that shouldn't be hard. it sounds fun to have a bunch of quotes of my favorite character Thirteen from hit mobile game Obey Me! and its sequel Obey Me! Nightbringer. and then you think about how arduous collecting the quotes is going to be but she's only been in the games for maybe a year and a half with little screentime and you love collecting things so you start but then you remember that you love collecting things so naturally you have ALL of her screentime in the game and suddenly you have 45k characters of quotes and are several lessons into season 4 (which is truly a trial in and of itself) but not nearly close enough to the end but you refuse to just stop collecting the quotes and make the account with the EXCESS of what you have already because you literally only have season 4 to get through and if you don't do it just seeing the bot (because now you've been informed you can make tumblr bots instead) will haunt you with that knowledge even if nobody else would ever know. this is a general anecdote of a situation that could easily happen to anyone though and not in any way related to my life
#obey me on side#ummm i don't have a personal tag yet because i hated looking at this blog before the revamp so i'll do that later#with the carrd. usually when i say i'll do something later it means sometime in the next 3 years but i actually mean this one#but rn there's no way to tell i'm a lesbian (except for the thirteen icon. + probably also the ruri-chan banner she's lesbian colors)#okay maybe you can tell but I want to be CLEAR#anyway i would also like to note that immediately before starting this project i spent a full week lamenting my lack of free time#because I wanted to write some fics. and then literally as soon as i got free time I went um. no. quote doc instead I think#????? girl why did you do that to yourself#fortunately i'm now bored of reading s4 so i can go back to writing#unrelated but all of these fics contain a significant amount of solomon and i like him that's not surprising but it was unintentional#which IS surprising. like okay one of them is about solodeus (specifically mc playing matchmaker so i don't clickbait) so that's obligatory#and another is based off of the new solomon card (IT'S CUTE) so that's also kind of obligatory#(the third one is based off of luke's card from the dnd nightmare a while back because i was entranced by its strange unbalanced party)#but usually i try to switch up the characters i write about to get comfy with all of them and not just the ones that make sense to me#that's not entirely accurate it's my one braincell bouncing around like a windows screensaver picking a new fave every time it hits a side#but also to get used to writing them all. anyway#i'll just write about satan to balance it he's always been a fav but i am obsessed with him in nightbringer he is so offputting and tragic#if you're still reading these tags please see above on th 'later is up to three years' in regards to the fics still haven't posted anything#hoping to change that soon though I WILL eventually.
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finished chapter 11 of nightbringer, and I cannot express how I adore it.
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edgybutnotveryedgy · 1 year
Me when i find a new unhinged trash anime
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lyekai · 1 year
had to factory reset my phone earlier and lost all my om! data 😁 i wanna kms
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sailorrose19 · 1 year
Might as well draw this greedy little bastard(affectionately) for Inktober
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yanderenightmare · 5 days
Bakugou Katsuki
♡ TW: omegaverse, size difference, somewhat subjugating omega politics, old-fashioned high-class politics of sorts
♡ GN reader
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Bakugou doesn't tell people about his home life, so you can imagine the Bakusquad’s utter surprise when they invite themselves over only to find out he has a little omega housewife waiting for him.
“Oh, hello,” you say when the four additional Alphas pour in through the door after your Katsuki.
They all look at you unblinking. The biggest one, a redhead, doesn’t seem all that surprised—as though he’d had some suspicion that’s now been laid to rest. But the other three, an electric blond, a guy with raven hair, plus a woman with cotton candy curls, look at you as if they’d just stumbled upon a mouse in a lion's den—all slightly horrified at the sight of you.
Your alpha, the tightly wound grump seething with annoyance, stomps over to you and plants a quick kiss on your hairline. “They just barged in,” he grumbles under his breath. “Sorry if we scared you.”
You hum calmly in turn, “That’s okay. I heard you yelling in the driveway, so I wasn’t surprised.”
The four members of the Bakusquad are all gobsmacked at the domestic sight—the boss, their boss, their hard-headed macho boss, bending over and apologizing to this little omega half his size.
“Are you hungry?” you ask, peaking over the breadth of his hunched shoulders to the others with a warm smile on your pretty face. “I just finished dinner.”
“No,” Katsuki growls grumpily and winds his arms around you—like an old, tired dog, voice gruff, “Uninvited intruders don’t get my dinner.”
You only giggle it off, brushing his stubble with a soft hand, gently handling him further down to your level so you could place a kiss on his other cheek. “Oh, stop, Katsuki. Be nice to your friends.” 
Then you walk off to the kitchen.
Calling out sweetly over your shoulder, “I went a little overboard, so there’s more than enough for everyone.”
And by god, if they don't fall in love with you right then before they’ve even got a single word out.
But love at first sight isn't all so strange. None of them have ever seen an Omega outside of on film—much less been hit with the scent of one. They're all bewitched and confused at the feeling as they trail after you as if they've been compelled by some higher power.
"Please sit," you smile, gesturing to the long table where only two seats have been made. "Katsuki, hon, help me, please"
They all scoot into each their unplaced seat while your big lousy Alpha begrudgingly helps set the table for the unwanted dinner guests. They remain silent as you serve them like the perfect homemaker—all crimson-cheeked and ashamed at how they sniff after you as you pass them by.
You sit just as brightly despite the awkward tension. "Please, enjoy."
They all obey, eating in utter silence—every single one of them trying hard not to stare—and all failing miserably.
Kaminari's the first to speak, having been left shaken by curiosity he no longer could contain.
"So... did he kidnap you, or?"
It's a fair question to some extent. Omega's are a dime a dozen, all regulated strictly by protective institutions. You can't just find one to mate like in the old days. You need to apply for one and be vetted—not to mention they cost a fortune.
"Denki!" Kirishima whisper-shouts in admonishment, shaking his head from across the table.
"What? I'm I the only one who's thinking it?" he throws his hands up and defends.
Katsuki's fist strains around his fork, but you lay your mit atop his, and he calms down shortly.
“Don't worry, Mitsuki and Masaru made the arrangements and paid the dowry," you giggle, running your hand through your Alpha's ashen hair with fondness in your eyes. "I was a graduation present of sorts. They worried Katsuki wouldn't take care of himself once he started working and thought having a mate might help him with his busy day.”
If Katsuki appreciates you spilling his business like that, he doesn't say anything about it—just continues eating.
Denki sighs and sags in his chair. “I always knew Bakugou’s folks were loaded. How nice...”
Sero grins, “Your jealousy is showing.”
Denki pouts, “I’m not exactly tryna hide it.”
"Yeah..." Mina pipes up. "Can't deny I'm jealous, too."
Sero's grin falls as well with his confession, "Yeah, me neither, actually."
You keep smiling sympathetically, "Well, you're all welcome here—I don't mind the extra company."
"Really?" Denki lights up.
Mina and Sero, too—in awe and in unison, saying, "She's an angel."
"Get yer own," Katsuki grumbles. "Now shut up and finish your food. Then you're leavin'—all of you."
"Oh, come on, man," Denki whines. "Have a little pitty for your fellow Alphas."
"Let's stay respectful, guys," Krishima buds in lightheartedly. "Think about what you're asking."
Then, rethinking the conversation, the other three all realized how it had sounded, even though they hadn't meant it that way. And they all blush even darker than before.
And still, you just smile—alphas are all so cute.
Especially your hyper-protective one.
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♡ prequel ♡ BAKUGOU KATSUKI masterlist ♡ BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA masterlist
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