#found family whump
jordanstrophe · 9 months
I love it when a high-status caretaker adopts a nobody whumpee. I also love a high-status whumpee getting adopted by a nobody caretaker, who has no idea who whumpee is, but whumpee adores it because someone is treating them like a normal person for the first time.
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justbreakonme · 4 months
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chaotic-orphan · 2 months
Partners in Crime (2)
Read part one here
Casper peeled himself off the ground, his limbs exhausted as if he had just donated every drop of his blood. Even if he did donate all his blood, Monroe would still expect him to show up to work, or get Dante to grab his corpse for another fucking job.
He wobbled when he got his feet under him. It felt weird, like Monroe had cut off one of his senses; taken his eyes, or deafened him, or plucked every nerve from his body.
Monroe smiled at him as he grabbed the wall for support coming in from the balcony. “There you go, Casper. Taking it like a champ.”
“Oh fuck off, Monroe.”
Gavin laughed at that, eyes darting between the strange pair. Casper settled heavy into one of the chairs at the island, where Monroe was sitting when Casper arrived.
“Was any of this necessary?” Casper asked, not thanking Monroe as he slid a cup of coffee across to Casper. Little bit of milk, two sugars, just the way he liked it. “You still haven’t told me why you did it.”
Monroe inclined his head. “I thought I told you playing coy doesn’t suit you, Fox.”
“You think that I somehow betrayed you and used my power for someone else?”
Monroe just stared at Casper across the marble countertop. It was Gavin who answered. “He doesn’t think, Casper. He knows that—”
“Oh fuck off, Gavin, nobody wants you here,” Casper replied without looking at him. “You know that, right?”
“At least Gavin understands loyalty,” Monroe replied, heavy eyes pinning Casper to his chair. Casper rolled his eyes, bringing the steaming mug to his lips and gulping down two mouthfuls, gathering his thoughts.
“Like a dog,” Casper replied finally, casting his attention back to Monroe. “Well, I won’t be useful to whatever plans you want to discuss for the next few days. You’ve ensured that, dickhead.”
Monroe waved the insult away. “Nonsense. You know me, Casper, I like to plan well in advance. Your abilities should be up and running by the time I have use for them.”
“How convenient.”
“It really is. Just remember how you got to where you are today, Fox. How quickly your life changed after you met me.”
“Not for the better,” Casper grumbled.
Monroe raised his mug of coffee in a sardonic toast. “And yet, you can pay your rent.”
“As can you in your fancy hotel,” Casper shot back, raising his own cup. “Partners, remember?”
Monroe’s eyes glimmered with a dangerous smugness that Casper hated. It was just so irritatingly superior. “Partners,” he replied coolly.
They both took a sip of their coffee. Even with the two sugars, somehow Casper’s coffee tasted bitter, or maybe it was the eerie emptiness in his body. The dreadful absence of something he couldn’t quite describe.
“Now,” Monroe said, setting his cup down and clasping his hands on the table in front of him. “To business. Gavin, be a dear and grab my papers for me.”
Gavin stood and nodded, as if following Monroe’s commands were his life purpose. His reason to breathe. Casper kept his eyes trained on Gavin’s back as he left the room.
Stupid git.
Monroe inclined his head. “He’s useful.”
“Yeah, as a footstool. Or maybe with a gag, he would be.”
Monroe smiled. “Mmm, so tempting, Casper. I could get the pair of you a matching set. I’m sure Dante knows a guy.”
Dante answered with deathly silence as he so usually did. Casper could picture him in his usual spot, sprawled out across the couch in the living room, a book in his hand.
Casper scoffed. “I’m sure he does.”
Gavin returned, sliding a manilla folder across the countertop to Casper. Casper stopped it with his hand and looked down at the stupid file. He didn’t want to do this again, last time was supposed to be his last job. He wanted to wash his hands of this life already, he was tired of it.
“Do you need Gavin to open the file for you, Fox?”
Casper raised his eyes to Monroe’s across the table. He clenched his jaw and pushed the file a little away from him. “I don’t want to do this anymore.”
“Open files?” Monroe asked innocently.
Casper’s expression dropped, exposing his irritation. “This. This fucking whatever we have here. Aren’t you tired? We got everything we want, Bass, let’s quit while we’re ahead.”
Monroe crossed his arms over his chest, cocking a brow at Casper. “You want to stop making money?”
“We have enough,” Casper grumbled. “The two of us, okay. You have your passive income now from your hotels and your real estate and I am secure. I have savings and shit. We don’t have to keep living like it’s all going to disappear tomorrow! We can stop.”
“I don’t want to stop.”
“Easy to say when you’re not the one taking the risks!” Casper snapped. The air seemed to chill with the snap of a book behind Casper and he straightened in his seat as he heard Dante move behind him.
Gavin, the idiot, broke the silence with a sneer. “You’re such a fucking pussy, Casp—”
“Dante, please show Gavin out.”
Gavin’s head whipped to Monroe, but Monroe didn’t even look at him, his hard gaze fixed on Casper instead.
“What? Why, I can help.”
“I know, but it’s getting late, and Casper and I need a chat.”
Before Gavin could protest further, Dante put a hand on his shoulder. Gavin looked between the two at the counter before letting out a disapproving groan and shrugging Dante’s hand off.
“Fine. Call me when you need me.”
“I will.”
Dread pooled in Casper as he watched Dante and Gavin leave. Somehow, Monroe still made him uneasy when he shouldn’t. Casper had known Monroe way before the other two did, but Monroe had a lethal way about him. In his words and his quiet power. The fact that he could beat the shit out of Casper but paid someone else to do it said everything about the man.
Only when the doors to the penthouse shut did Monroe begin to walk around the counter towards Casper. Casper set his jaw, not letting any of his anxiety show as Monroe undid the button of his waist coat.
“You’re right you know,” Monroe said casually, attempting to disarm Casper. Casper had grown with Monroe; he’d seen him do this same set up right before he added the dagger to your kidney with a smile. “I don’t take the risks.”
“I know.”
A razor-sharp smile spread across Monroe’s lips that seemed too large for his face. “Do you know why I don’t take the risks?”
Casper scoffed and looked away. That was a mistake. If there was one thing Casper should’ve known — one thing Monroe taught him — it was to never take your eyes off the enemy. A flash of movement caught his eye and before he could face Monroe again there was a hand in his hair.
Casper flinched, then froze, his blood pounding an erratic war drumbeat in his ears as the hand ruffled his hair. Casper turned a wide-eyed glance to see Monroe smiling, genuinely this time. Casper wanted to slap Monroe’s hand away like he always did, but there was something wrong with this picture. Some void opened up in the pit of his stomach ready to swallow him whole, but he couldn’t put his finger on what.
“It’s because I don’t have to, Caspy,” Monroe said simply with a casual shrug, but his eyes… the way Monroe was staring at him reminded Casper of a wolf looking at a particular vulnerable piece of meat. “I pay Dante to do most of it.”
Casper batted Monroe’s hand away with his forearm, steeling his expression once more. “Yeah, and I do the rest, putting my life and freedom on the line.”
A flash of movement and Casper’s head slammed against the marble island counter. Casper’s hands shot to the hand on the back of his neck which pinched harder as he tried to pry it off.
“Casper…” Monroe sighed as Casper groaned, trying to push himself from the chair and out of Monroe’s reach. Monroe hooked his leg around the chair and slammed Casper’s head down again. The thump of his head off the counter resounded through his entire skull, rattling his brain. Casper cried out, letting go of Monroe’s hand and instead pushed against the countertop. “Sometimes you can be a real brat, y’know that?”
“Fuck you!” Casper spat, spit flying from his mouth as he cried out, Monroe crushing his skull against the cool stone. “Get off of me!”
“Remind me again, Caspy, why don’t I take the risks?”
Casper didn’t answer initially. Monroe’s fingers went to Casper’s hair at the nape of his neck, fisting a clump and yanking Casper’s head back over the chair. Frightened eyes met warm blue eyes, smiling down at him.
“I’m a patient man, Casper. I can wait for your answer.”
“Bas... let me–”
“EHH!” Monroe said, mimicking the sound of a wrong answer buzzer on a gameshow. “Try again.”
“Okay! Fine! I don’t know! Why don’t you take the risks?!” Casper spat, the words rushing out of him as his head snapped up again.
Monroe stared at him as if he were a piece of meat. Casper reached for his ability pathetically, finding nothing comforting when he found the usual well of magic inside him.
“I don’t take the risks, Casper,” Monroe began softly, crowding Casper as he lowered himself slightly to stand over him. “Because I’m not the unregistered powered individual between us.”
Casper’s lips curled back into a snarl. “You bastard! You were the one who told me not to register!”
“Potato-potahto.” Monroe’s hand in Casper’s hair snaked over his shoulder as he leaned in closer to Casper’s face, a mock comfort that only made Casper’s heart race in his chest. “Point is, if you want to cash out and settle now when we have so much potential, well then… my good morality would win out and I’d have to report you to the proper authorities.”
The words stung something deep inside Casper’s chest, as if one of his arteries to his heart had just been severed. Like Monroe reached into Casper’s chest, plucked at the wire connecting his heart to his body and snapped the chord with a sickening smile on his face.
Monroe… he wouldn’t do something like that. Not to Casper, not after everything they had been through. Casper was the only family Monroe had— not blood, but as close to it or better.
“You wouldn’t,” Casper challenged, his voice coming out far smaller than he intended, trying to call his bluff. This was the first time Monroe said anything like this to him. Granted, it was also the first time that Casper talked about quitting but…
Monroe’s smile was anything but warm as he pulled back, patting Casper’s shoulder with his hand. A gesture of mock reassurance. “Do I look like I’m joking?”
Monroe straightened, pulling back altogether and began to undo his cufflinks as Casper straightened, trying to catch his breath and mulled over the threat silently. He felt sick, more so than he did when his powers were muted, but this was on a whole new level of control. Even for Monroe.
“Listen, Caspy, it’s not a bad thing we’re doing, and it’s not like I’m forcing you to do it.” Casper remained silent. He didn’t bother to point out the fact that Monroe was forcing him by blackmailing him into staying. Monroe’s voice turned soft, honey-coated words adding: “It’s for our mutual benefit, and you know – you know – I’d never let anything actually happen to you.”
Casper looked away from him, opting to stare forward instead out to the night-soaked sky that fell like a shudder over the city.
“You’ll see in time,” he said, unclipping his pocket watch and leaving it in front of Casper. “I haven’t steered us wrong before; I don’t plan on doing it now.”
When Casper still didn’t reply or look at him, Monroe sighed. From the corner of his eye, Casper could see Monroe run a hand through his hair. He was uncomfortable with his threat at least, Casper noted. At least he was still somewhat human.
“Tell ya what. I’ll have your bed made up in your room, huh? You’ll stay the night.”
“No thank you.”
“Nonsense. It’s already late.” Monroe said, gesturing to the windows. “Your room hasn’t been touched; I think your bed was stripped but other than that it’s golden.”
Casper crossed his arms across his chest. “I have an apartment. I’d rather go home.”
Monroe paused, glancing over his shoulder at Casper. Casper could feel the eyes boring into the side of his face, but he refused to look at the man. Even though his heart sped up in his chest. Was this considered being a brat in Monroe’s eyes? Would he hurt him again?
Casper stiffened, preparing for the blow.
Monroe hummed.
Casper risked a glance. It was a mistake.
“I wasn’t asking.” Monroe told him with a smile. “We haven’t had family time in a while. We should relax, hmm? Just the two of us. Catch up. How about a movie?”
“Bas—” Casper protested getting to his feet.
“You can choose the film. And we can order takeaway, that sushi place you like? I haven’t touched your room, but I can get one of the maids to make up your bed?”
Casper sighed. Monroe grinned at him, knowing he had won.
“Choose whatever, I’ll be a few minutes.” Monroe said before ruffling Casper’s hair again and turning away. The protests died on Casper’s tongue as he watched Monroe retreat to his bedroom to get changed.
He didn’t want to stay here ever again. That’s why he moved out in the first place. He had outgrown living with Monroe who blurred the lines between family and business associates in the blink of an eye. It gave him whiplash. To go from the caring, protective older brother to the cold-blooded bastard that was Monroe.
“Fuck,” Casper muttered under his breath. He really shouldn’t stay. He should disappear while Monroe was distracted and move country, or continent. Or planet if he didn’t want Dante to find him and drag him back.
He dropped his head, running a hand through his hair and pulling at the strands on the back of his neck, letting out a long, tired sigh. Pale eyes flicked to the golden pocket watch that Monroe had discarded on the counter. Casper glanced up, making sure Monroe wasn’t lingering as he grabbed it, turning it over in his hand to read the inscription.
Fight. The world has enough doormats anyways. - C
Casper ran a thumb over the indents of the letters in the metal. It was old. It was old when he got it from a backstreet merchant known only as Grouse. Definitely stolen, but Grouse always had a soft spot for Casper. And Monroe. The only real cost was the engraving that crippled Casper financially for a week, but it was worth it. To see Monroe’s face light up when he gave him the gift was worth it.
Casper sighed, putting the watch down and getting to his feet. After all this time, Monroe was still the only shred of family he had in this world, the same way Casper was Monroe’s only family. Monroe had found him on the streets — the two of them scrawny and skinny — and taught him how to live instead of just survive.
Casper remembered looking up at the terrifying boy a couple years older than him that had just taken out three guys double his size, probably triple Casper’s. Monroe’s eyes gleamed with something monstrous when he turned to face Caspe, his chest heaving as he threw down the lid to the trashcan he had used to fight the other boys.
Monroe’s gaze softened when they fixed on Casper’s half concealed body. “You just gonna lay there and die, or are you gonna fight?”
Casper blinked owlishly at the boy. People rarely noticed him, let alone spoke to him when they saw him. He risked sticking his neck out a little to get a better look at the hot-blooded boy. He had blood gushing down from his hairline, staining the right side of his face.
Casper’s eyes widened as he saw one of the boys get to his feet behind the boy. Casper didn’t think, he just moved. He dashed past the other boy, standing between his saviour and the other boy. He scooped the metal lid from the ground and mimicked how the nice boy fought. He smashed the lid up, not quite reaching the taller boy’s chin like his saviour, but instead slammed it into the other boy’s chest, then below his ribs before sweeping it against the back of the bully’s legs.
The hulk fell with a thud. Wordlessly, Casper turned to face his saviour who was beaming down at him. Up close, Casper could see the dirt on the boy’s face and the small red stream down his nose. His teeth-stained red. The boy put a hand in Casper’s hair and ruffled it.
“A fighter. Good. The world has enough doormats anyways.”
The words were the nugget of wisdom Monroe had told Casper, back when they were kids. It wasn’t the full quote because the engraver said that it wouldn’t fit on the back of the pocket watch, so Casper pulled out the important parts and cut the rest.
Monroe taught him the way to survive the streets. He taught him everything he knows; rumours were power, favours currency, and of everything Monroe had taught him, only the smart ones survive.
That initial mantra – you just gonna lay there and die? – echoed in Casper’s mind like an earworm, every time someone hit him to the ground, he’d hear Monroe’s voice and get back up.
Casper walked into his room and stood in the doorway, taking it all in. Everything was how he left it. His bed took up most of the room, a super king and softer than any bed he had ever slept in. His PC was set up on his desk in the corner of the room, his screensaver lighting up the screen. Casper made a point not to look at it as he took the first door to his right.
His wardrobe, a small box room with shelves panelled into each wall and a hanging space in the back. Casper grabbed black tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie, getting dressed in the wardrobe. Hanging his signature leather leather jacket up with care and throwing the rest of his clothes wherever they landed.
It felt good, like old times as he stepped out of the wardrobe and walked to his ensuite. He missed him, the old Monroe; the version that was like an older brother. Bass. Not the dictator who had taken over Bass’s body, the hard businessman Monroe, who took whatever he wanted and left nothing for anyone else.
Casper made a point of ignoring the small voice in the back of his head that told him that’s the way Bass had always been. That it was Casper who changed. He didn’t have the energy to deal with that kind of revelation tonight.
He stopped in front of the mirror and sighed. He didn’t look into it, but he could see the gash on his forehead from the corner of his eye.
Just wash your face, Casper, he told himself. Tiredness pulled at his mind, fraying the edges slightly. He didn’t notice he was tired before, but the weight of everything felt too great. Or maybe it was because he was in comfortable clothes.
Just remember how you got here, Casper, Monroe isn’t there for you. He really wished that voice would shut up for two seconds. Thankfully there was a knock at his door.
“You ready?” Monroe called from the other side. Casper nodded, realising after that Monroe couldn’t see him right now. “Yeah,” he said back, walking to the door and opening it. Monroe grinned at him. He was dressed in red and black chequered pyjama pants and a white t-shirt. His grin exposed his faint dimple that was so much more prominent when they were kids.
Casper followed him to the couch, settling in while Monroe pressed a button on a remote to lower the blinds over the windows. They closed with a soft hum while Casper scrolled through Netflix looking for something to watch. He had one hand on the armrest of the sofa, propping his chin up while he scanned the films idly.
“I called for Maid to come up and change your bed, and asked Butler to place the order for sushi.” Monroe told him, scrolling through his phone casually.
Casper hummed in reply. From the corner of his eye he saw Monroe pause his scrolling on his phone and turn to face him.
“Oi, don’t tell me you’re still mad about today,” Monroe said. Casper shrugged one shoulder, eyes still focused on the TV. “Caspy,” Monroe whined like a child, slamming his foot at Casper’s leg. “Come on.”
“You got your dog to force me to drink some fucking potion that cuts me off from my powers for who knows how long, and then threatened to expose me to the government for being an unregistered Supe.” Casper said, turning his head to glare at Monroe now. “Sorry if I’m a little pissed off.”
“That’s business, Casp. You know that.” Casper studied Monroe’s face, his jaw clenched. Monroe’s face softened, a cheeky grin exposing his dimple again. “Casper~” he sang, setting his phone down on the armchair. “You can’t be mad at me forever.”
Before Casper could reply, Monroe lunged and caught Casper around the neck. His elbow locked around Casper’s throat while his other hand went to his hair, knuckles poised and ready. Casper kicked out, forcing the pair of them back against the couch cushions, trying to break free. Monroe responded in kind, locking his legs around Casper’s waist, immobilising him completely.
“Say you love me.”
“Say you love me.”
“No way!” Casper grunted, pulling on the elbow locked around his neck and pulling it off slightly. He couldn’t help the smile that came to his face. “Get off me, idiot!”
“Say you love me or I won’t let go.”
“I’m going to punch you,” Casper told him.
Monroe sighed, tightening his grip on Casper’s waist with his legs. “Then you forced my hand.” His voice grave.
Casper cried out when Monroe gave him a nuggie, bucking wildly as his hands reached for Monroe’s wrists and yanked his hands off Casper’s head. Casper planted his foot on the couch and launched them off the side, rolling until he was free of Monroe’s clutches, a wide grin on his face.
Monroe got to his hands and knees with a small laugh. “Say you love me or I’ll eat all the sushi in front of you.”
“Like you could.”
“I’m serious,” Monroe said, pushing himself to his feet. “I’ll get Butler to tie you up and you can watch me eat all the beautiful dead fish.”
The doorbell rang. The brother’s locked eyes for a moment. Then it was a mad dash for the door. Casper reached it first, smiling at Butler, hand out to get the food before Monroe barrelled into him from the side, and pushed him to the ground.
“Thank you, Butler,” Monroe said, fixing his hair and grabbing the bag. “You are a star.”
“Of course, Mr Monroe.” Butler said, his eyes drifting behind Monroe. Casper’s hand darted over Monroe’s shoulder, kicking the older man in his shins and grabbing the bag of food.
“Thank you Butler!” Casper called over his shoulder, dashing to the kitchen and quickly unpacking the dishes.
Butler hummed while Monroe groaned, taking Butler’s outstretched hand. “It’s good to see you both together again,” he said earnestly.
Monroe’s grin melted to a genuine smile. “He’s still a little shit.”
“As are you, sir.” Butler said with a wink. Monroe waved the old man’s comment away with a breath through his teeth.
“Psssh, me? Never.”
The rustling of cartons and paper bags drew Monroe to the kitchen, where he saw Casper sitting on the edge of the countertop, a piece of California roll between two chopsticks.
Monroe smiled at the scene. It was good to be together again, to see his little shithead of a brother again. Compared to what he was when they were kids, Casper was a man now, same as him. He didn’t need as much protection as before, Monroe would always be there for him. Always.
Even when Casper didn’t want him to be anymore.
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whump-blob · 1 year
Whumpees that are back home but it doesn't feel like it
I love whumpees that are completely changed by their previous experiences .They are not themselves anymore. Although they are back home physically but they feel like a completely new person to their family or team
They wear different clothes
They've changed their hair
Their manners and habbits are completely different
Their way of speaking
Their likes and dislikes
Their food preferences
They don't remember their past
The old whumpee is gone forever and in their place is this stranger
It's extra painful when whumpee tries their best to be like their old self according to their family/team. And despite their best efforts the team doesn't accept them. Of course the team is still kind to them but whumpee can't ignore their looks of pity, distrust and frustration towards them.
They feel like they are responsible for everything. For taking whumpees place. For robbing the team of their friend.
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youneedsomeprompts · 1 year
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requested by: @rainywolfden & anonymous request: protective prompts. especially some family based ones, but just scenarios where one character thinks they need to protect another character would be nice
Feel free to use and reblog!
defending the other when someone says something only slightly criticising about them
"You take that back!"
jumping in front of the other, no matter whether they're being physically or verbally attacked
putting a hand on the other's shoulder to show their support
not accepting hate/critique of the other because no one knows their real struggle
"I actually think A is doing a great job. You shouldn't judge when you know nothing."
getting furious when someone takes advantage of the other's weaknesses
noticing the other struggle without them having to say a word
always feeling responsible to protect their younger sibling(s)
never letting their children out of sight because something could happen in these two seconds
"Leave my baby alone!"
accompanying the other home at night
looking out for potential dangers all the time
comforting the other as soon as they're alone
"Hey! What did you just say to my sibling/child/friend/etc.?!"
seeking the one who hurt the other to take revenge
"You messed with the wrong one!"
not leaving the other's side 'just in case'
only stepping in when the other can't handle it anymore
"You've got some real nerve."
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qwertycake · 9 months
parental caretaker and kid writing prompts
- younger kid standing on their caretaker's shoes and rocking around. almost like they're dancing or waltzing.
- the thing where the caretaker pulls the kid closer to them by like wrapping their hand around their head and covering their ear and tucking them against them.
- kid sitting on caretaker's shoulders. always a good one.
- "shh, shh, I know, I know"
- any sort of "take me instead" situation, said by either character. devastating.
- dealing with sickness. like obviously the kid getting sick and accidentally calling their caretaker mum/dad/parent in their feverish delirium is super cute and top tier.
- BUT ALSO. hear me out. caretaker getting sick but trying to push through to look after their kid and their kid works super hard to make their job easier or look after them in small ways.
- kid hiding for some reason (minor anxiety or major trauma or anything in between) and the caretaker comforting them or trying to coax them out.
- caretaker sweeping kid up in a big ole bear hug and spinning em around.
- kid hiding behind caretaker.
- "you should be in bed" "I can't sleep" "...alright, get over here, you can stay up for five more minutes"
- caretaker and a maybe slightly older kid arguing and making up.
- caretaker picking up slightly older kid from a party that's gone wrong in some way.
- caretaker who's maybe less like a parent and more like an older sibling. they take their kid to abandoned buildings and eat cheap takeaway/takeout with them.
- caretaker teaching their slightly older kid life skills that they maybe didn't have the chance to pick up on when they were younger.
- or yk just caretaker teaching their younger kid life skills. like trying to get them involved with cooking and lifting them up to help grab things and letting them watch things get cut up and prepared.
- caretaker indulging their younger kid in tea parties with their stuffed animals.
- caretaker looking after a kid's comfort items (bonus point if the kid is older, and double bonus points if the kid is too embarrassed to care for their comfort items themselves).
- younger kid curled up by their caretaker while their caretaker plays videogames. bonus points if the caretaker lets them play like baby mode co-op (like luma in mario galaxy). bonus bonus points if the caretaker is like an older sibling and gives the kid an unplugged controller.
- older kid playing co-op with their caretaker and getting way too invested. bonus points if it's mario kart. bonus bonus points if they're showing each other their favourite games from their respective childhoods (because yk different eras).
- caretaker carrying an exhausted kid to bed.
- better yet, the kid pretends to fall asleep in the car so they can be carried inside (caretaker knows their game but is more than happy to carry them).
- caretaker having a hard day working late and coming home to their kid sleeping peacefully on the couch, clearly having waited for them to come home.
- kid having a hard day at school and caretaker is in the middle of making dinner for them.
- caretaker shielding kid from danger with their body.
- kid refusing to leave caretaker's side when they're both in danger.
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finemealcreates · 2 months
What Day Is It?
July 19: Forgetting an important date | offense
If Danny was a better planner, he would have been paying attention to the date. If Danny had been paying attention, he would have known what date it was. If his phone hadn’t been destroyed in the last fight, he would’ve gotten an alert to what day it was. 
Yet, none of those things happened. Danny hadn’t seen the date, hadn’t checked. Hadn’t thought to check. He’d been living at the tower for so long, he’d grown complacent, hadn’t thought about the fact that the seasons were changing. 
Hell, he hadn’t even really processed the fact that Garfield asked Robin what day it was. And got a response! Danny heard it out loud, and it hadn’t registered in his head. No, the fault is his own. He has no one to blame but himself. 
It just would have been better for it to click in his head what day it was not in the middle of a fight with Killer Moth. 
Kori ducked under one of the creatures that flew over her, hands glowing with her blasts as she shot to wound some of them. Danny was near her, releasing a cool breath to ice over their wings so they would fall. Garf was currently a gorilla smacking bunches of the down at a time. 
Robin threw his bird-a-rangs at the creatures, grappling all around the battlefield to get closer to Killer Moth and stop his device. Rachel was providing cover, using her powers to restrict multiple of the creatures before throwing them to the ground. Victor was tailing behind Robin, shooting any being that got too close, but aiming to help hack the device. 
That was the plan, anyway. 
None of the creatures had even put a scratch on Danny, not really. He was getting better at remembering to go incorporeal, letting any blow go through him than land. It was something he had told Robin he wanted to train more to do on instinct than not, and Robin had agreed. Robin will be proud of how much progress he’s made. 
The point is, none of the beings they were fighting had landed a hit on Danny, so why was pain suddenly coursing through him? 
It started with his left palm, causing him to hiss as the ice blast flickers before going out. The pain is sharp yet jolted, almost pulsing. It crawls up his arm, causing the muscles to spasm in the worst kind of way. He loses the ability to focus on flying once the pain spreads past his arm and begins to crawl through the rest of him. 
Hitting the ground so hard a crater forms doesn’t hurt as much as the pain he’s currently experiencing. Some of his muscles are locking, other muscles are jolting and spasming. He has no control of his body, teeth clenched and eyes closed. He can’t even curl in on himself, offer any comfort. 
Ringing in his ear, that’s all he can hear. The worst pain he’s felt in a while coursing through him. Is he seizing? He can’t tell if he’s seizing. Why is this happening? Why is he in so much pain? He hasn’t felt like this since–
A yell pushes through his teeth as he realizes what’s happening. What day it is. 
His Death Day. August 24. 
Fuck, fuck he knew it was coming. He’s always been so careful. Making sure he’s in the Far Frozen when this happens. Frostbite always knows how to soothe the pain. Hailwind, Frostbite’s coremate, always has a drink ready for him afterwards. 
Are they wondering where he is? Are they worried about him? Fuck, he was so stupid. So so stupid. 
Sounds, so many sounds are around him. But he feels like he’s underwater. He can’t understand what any of the sounds means, he can’t tell what’s happening. 
But he feels when someone grabs him, touches him. It burns, it burns so much. Please, please stop. Please don’t hurt him. He’s sorry, he didn’t mean to—
“Frostbite!” he manages to call out, his throat has a lump in it. “Frostbite please!” 
Is he crying? He wouldn’t be surprised if he was crying. He just wants his dad. He wants Frostbite. He wants to go home—
Coolness touches him, and he can finally breathe. 
“Dad?” Danny whimpers, the pain still too strong for him to manage to open his eyes. 
His father chirps at him, core rumbling. Danny relaxes into the hold, the pain still coursing through him. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize what day it was,” Danny whispers as he digs his face into the familiar fur. 
“Don’t apologize, frostling,” his dad soothes, pressing a soothing kiss onto his head. 
“Please make the pain go away,” Danny begs, hands clutching whatever fur he can. 
“I’ll do what I can,” his dad assures, his hands becoming a lot cooler as they rub Danny’s back. 
“What’s happening to him?” a semi-deep voice Danny should recognize demands, firm. 
“Thank you for taking care of my son, but I will be taking him now. He can explain when he wants to,” Frostbite replies to the voice, not answering. 
Good. Danny doesn’t want strangers to know what is happening to him. He feels so vulnerable, out in the open. He wants to be home. He wants to go home. 
“But—” the male goes to protest, but something stops him. 
“Leave it be, Robin. Phantom called for this being, called him dad. He’ll take care of him,” a more feminine, yet slightly monotone, voice speaks up. 
“Thank you,” Frostbite says softly, offering a smile. “You’ve all made my son your family and taken care of him. He’ll be safe, I promise.” 
“Home,” Danny groans out, feeling another strong course of electricity run through him. “Please, I want to go home, dad.” 
Frostbite softly shushes him, pushing his hair out of his face as he plants another kiss on his forehead. 
“We’re going, Hailwind has some hot coco brewing for whenever you’re up to it.” 
Danny forces a smile as he cracks his eyes open slightly. 
“Yes please,” Danny whimpers, vision blurry through all the tears. 
Frostbite chirps soothingly at Danny as a hand lets go of him. He feels his dad making a sweeping motion, hears the familiar sound of a portal. Danny barely feels the familiar shiver down his spine as Frostbite walks through it, feeling his body jolt against his will. 
He hears people whisper behind him as the portal closes, cutting their words off. 
Danny comes to with a hot cup of coco in front of his face. 
He groans as he sits up properly to accept the cup, his muscles protesting and groaning. 
“Was it that time of year already?” Danny mumbles, hands curling around the cup. 
“Yes it was, young one,” his pa confirms, sitting on the bed next to him. 
Hailwind’s hand comes up and pushes his hair back. A soft kiss is placed on his forehead. Blissfully cold and chill. 
Danny feels himself relax as he takes a sip of the warm drink. 
“I don’t remember coming here,” Danny admits after he lowers the cup, fingers twitching slightly in anxiety. 
“Well,” his pa hesitates, right ear flicking slightly as he pushes his mouth into a thin line, “to be honest this year wasn’t like the other years.” 
Danny frowns as his brows furrow. 
“What do you mean?” Danny questions, taking another sip of the rich chocolate drink. 
He doesn’t know how Hailwind makes it taste so good, but it’s the best hot chocolate he’s ever had. Human world kinds don’t compare. 
“Frostbite had to come to retrieve you,” his pa admits, running his claws gently against Danny’s scalp. 
“I don’t remember that,” Danny replies, leaning into Hailwind’s hold. 
“You were in the middle of a fight. Or … you were?” his pa ponders, tilting his head slightly. “The fight seemed to be over by the time your dad got there.” 
Danny’s brows furrowed. A fight? If he was in a fight, does that mean—
“Did I start …” Danny trails off, biting his lower lip anxiously. 
“Your father and I were worried when you didn’t show up when you usually do,” his pa begins to explain, pulling Danny close against his side. “After it had been too long for us, Frostbite came after you.” 
“And he found me while I was around … my friends,” Danny breathes out, curling closer into his pa. 
“Yes,” his pa confirms, turning his head to press a kiss against Danny’s head. “You were on the ground, a crater had formed around you. He got there as soon as one of your friends tried to grab you.” 
Danny tucks his face into Hailwind’s shoulder, his own shoulders drawn up as much as he could. 
“Can’t imagine that went well,” Danny sighs, closing his eyes as he allows the soft fur to soothe him. 
“No, you started to scream and call for your dad,” his pa admits. 
Danny lets out a deep breath, handing Hailwind the cup. Only after he hears it clink on the end table does he climb more into his pa’s lap. 
“This is awful,” Danny says into Hailwind’s chest. “They’re going to have so many questions.” 
His pa hums, Danny feeling the movement on his face in the other’s chest. 
“You only have to answer what questions you’re comfortable answering,” his pa assures him, one hand still running gently against his scalp while the other rubs his back. 
“But if I don’t answer them they’re going to be so annoying about it,” Danny bemoans, turning his face so his ear is pressed against his pa’s chest. 
Hailwind chuckles gently, body shaking slightly with it. 
“That’s what happens when you join the Teen Titans,” his pa teases gently. 
Danny huffs out an annoyed breath. 
“I’m a teen, Pa. What team was I supposed to join? The Justice League?” Danny asks sarcastically. 
“Just saying,” Hailwind goes on, ignoring Danny’s sass, “you can’t expect a group of teenagers to be completely emotionally mature about something.” 
Danny huffs, knowing his pa has a point but not wanting to admit it. 
“Yeah yeah, whatever,” Danny mutters, turning his head to the other side. 
Focusing, he brings the cup of hot chocolate back to him and takes another sip. Still warm, even though it shouldn’t be. His pa is the best. 
“Thank you,” Danny says after he gulps down half of the cup. 
“Of course, Bear,” his pa replies, pressing another kiss on his head. “We’re always here for you, whenever and whatever you need.” 
Danny feels tears begin to gather in his eyes, and wipes at them. 
“I don’t deserve you,” Danny eventually says, a lump in his throat. 
“That’s the thing, frostling,” his pa starts, voice gently yet serious, “we’re family. You don’t have to deserve us. We don’t feel like we deserve you either.” 
Danny hums, a small smile tugging at his lips. 
“Will you help me figure out what I’m going to say to them?” Danny asks after he finishes his drink. 
“Of course, Bear, of course,” Hailwind tells him, a smile on his face. 
Danny shakes himself slightly, trying to rid himself of the nerves he feels climbing their way through him. 
He’s ready, he practiced what he was going to say with his pa and dad. He discussed what boundaries he could set, and which ones he would, and what to say if they asked certain things that crossed a line. He was also reminded that worse comes to worse, he could come home. 
Though, his parents assured him that wouldn’t happen. It was clear that his team cares about him. 
But Danny’s not sure. 
Most of the team, sans Robin, has revealed their secret identity. Danny told them his first name is Danny, which isn’t untrue, but he hadn’t shared the whole truth. All they knew for sure was that he was a ghost boy who wanted to help. That was good enough for them. 
How are they going to react when he explains everything? Does he even have to? His parents told him all he had to share was what he was comfortable sharing. Theoretically he could just explain his Death Day, all ghosts have them. You don’t have to be a half-ghost to have a Death Day. 
But … but Danny doesn’t want to half explain. He wants to share all of himself with them. Because he trusts them. And part of him wants to see if they’ll accept all of him. He’s come to think of them like family, so he hopes they take the news well. 
With a final sigh and shake, he phases through into the common area. 
Everyone is gathered, Robin is pacing, Rachel is meditating, Garfield and Victor are playing video games, and Kori is floating near Robin while shooting him nervous glances. They all snap their heads towards him when he lets the invisibility fall away from him. 
All of them shout a form of his name as they rush over, Robin the first one to reach him. 
Robin’s eyes seem to scan over him, hands reaching up to physically check for any wounds. Kori and Rachel are on either side of Robin, doing their own checks. Garf transforms into a hawk and perches on Robin’s shoulder, Victor towering over all of them as his own eyes do a scan. 
“What happened? Are you alright?” Kori questions as Robin flips Danny around to check for any more injuries. 
“I’m fine,” Danny answers, letting them finish checking him to soothe their own nerves. 
“What happened?” Robin demands, turning him back around. 
Danny does his best to offer a soothing smile, but he fears it comes out as a bit of a grimace based on their reactions. 
“It was my own fault, I lost track of time,” Danny states, letting out a sigh as he rubs his arm nervously. 
“What does that even mean?” Garf questions, face scrunching up as much as it can in hawk form, wings rustling slightly. 
Danny lets out a big breath, steadying himself. 
“So, you know how I’m a ghost?” Danny asks, all of them nodding. “Well, ghosts who become ghosts through … death have a …” 
Danny pauses again, sighing as he runs his hand through his hair. His legs become a tail as he wraps it around himself for a sense of comfort. 
“This is a bit hard to explain, I’ve never had to explain it to the living before,” Danny explains. 
“You don’t have to explain if it’s too much for you,” Rachel assures. “We all have parts of us we don’t feel comfortable sharing.” 
“It’s not that,” Danny says. “I want to explain. I don’t want to keep any part of me hidden, not anymore.” 
“Take your time, man. We’re listening,” Victor promises. 
Danny offers him a smile as he releases another breath. 
“Ghosts who have died have what we call a Death Day,” Danny begins to explain, moving towards the couches and taking a seat. “Every year on your Death Day, you re-experience the thing that killed you.” 
He doesn’t look to see their reactions. He’s not sure what reaction he wants. None would be ideal. He doesn’t want sympathy, or to see the sadness in their eyes. It’s a part of his life, and he doesn’t want to have to hold their feelings about it along with his own. 
“Point is, August 27th is my Death Day. I forgot it was so close, and wasn’t paying attention to the date. I usually go to spend my Death Day with my folks. They always make the pain … less,” Danny explains, running a hand through his hair. 
“I’ll make sure to mark the date so that we don’t have something like this happen again,” Robin assures, surprising Danny slightly with how close he is. 
“Yeah dude! And we can make a care basket or something for you next year to take with you!” Garfield pipes up, taking the form of the cat as he rubs his body against Danny’s legs comfortingly. 
“On my planet, we would have a date to celebrate the dead, perhaps we could do that for you if you’d like,” Kori offers, a smile on her face. 
“I have some techniques that help with physical pain that could help you perhaps,” Rachel proposes.
“And I have some lotion I made that helps me during bad pain days,” Victor suggests. 
Danny feels his lips wobble and his eyes gather moisture. 
“You guys would do all that for me?” Danny asks. 
“Of course!” Kori exclaims. 
“You’re family, man,” Victor follows up with. 
“Can I … show you something else then?” Danny asks nervously. 
They all nod, backing up slightly to give him space. 
“I am a ghost, and my name is Danny Phantom, but …” Danny sighs as he closes his eyes, concentrating. 
He feels the familiar tingle course through him, like a toned down experience of the day prior, run through him as he transforms. 
“But I’m also a human. Danny Fenton,” Danny finishes, opening his eyes. 
His teammates look a varying degree of surprised. Even Robin looks a little shocked, though he covers it up better than the rest of them. 
“Wow,” Garfield mutters, eyes wide as he looks up at Danny. 
“I’m a … I’m a halfa,” Danny begins nervously explaining, hands twisting together. “At least, that’s what they call me in my home dimension. Half-ghost, half-human. We’re not very common. Most people die all the way, not just halfway.” 
Rachel nods, hand coming up to her chin as she seems to think. 
“I believe I’ve read about halfa’s in one of my tomes,” Rachel says thoughtfully. “There’s not a lot of knowledge about them due to their rarity.” 
“Wait, if you’re half-human, then how come your dad’s are yetis?” Victor asks, brows furrowed in confusion. 
Danny laughs a little at that as Kori elbows Victor. 
“You cannot ask someone about their parentage, Victor! It’s quite rude,” Kori hisses under her breath. 
“Honestly it was the first thing I thought you’d ask when I revealed myself,” Danny admits, smiling to show that he’s not offended. 
Victor smiles sheepishly anyway, offering an apology. 
“Frostbite and Hailwind took me in after some … unfortunate events in my past,” Danny explains, stomach clenching as he thinks about what happened. 
He wants to explain everything to them, but perhaps not everything everything. Some things still hurt too much to talk about.
Robin nods in understanding, offering a smile. 
“Thanks for explaining this to us, Danny. It takes a lot of guts to open yourself up to people,” Robin says, pulling Danny in for a hug. 
“We love you Danny,” Kori says, joining in on the hug. 
And, before he knows it, everyone else has joined. He’s surrounded by his team, nah, his family. They’re all hugging him, holding him, they accepted him. 
Danny smiles wide, hugging them all back. 
“I love you guys, too.”
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greatgigintheskiess · 9 months
Classic tropes/prompts in parental stories <3
The kid wakes up in the middle of the night because of nightmares and is too scared to sleep by themselves, so they sneak into their parental figure's bedroom, begging them to sleep together
Hide and Seek
Parental figure carrying the kid piggyback
Tickle fights! (no need for explanations, that's just adorable qwq)
Kid falls asleep somewhere and the caretaker finds them, bringing them to their bed
Caretaker and the child fall asleep on the couch together while watching a movie <3
Caretaker takes the kid to a fair, playground, restaurant or shopping, just spending the day and having fun together
Winter! (picture snowball fights, sleighing, buliding a snowman, hot chocolate, baking cookies, Christmas presents)
On a cold winter day Caretaker notices that the child is freezing so they draw a gentle smile and say: "Come here", pulling them under their coat to warm them up
Caretaker gives the kid their clothes, which are waaay too large for them so they are sitting there in a oversized sweater and Caretaker rolls up their sleeves
(and for a bit o' whump :D) Child gets injured/sick and the caretaker has to tend to their wounds or nurse them back to health
Stargazing together or catching some fireflies (I have a soft spot for that one <3)
Or just both of them cuddling under a blanket in front of the fireplace while rain and thunder is rumbling outside :3
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jasmines-library · 10 months
Hii! Sorry idk if your okay with this, if your not, feel free to ignore! <3
So I was wondering if you could do youngest batsib reader, who’s not really part of the family yet? Okay so, they’re a criminal like catwoman, they only steal from people who deserve it and just kind of a troublemaker around Gotham. They have electricity powers. They’re parents died at a young age and they ran away from the orphanage because they didn’t want to get adopted. They’re actually really smart, and know a lot of martial arts to help them get by. Anywaysss, I was wondering if during a place they were trying to rob, blow up for some reason. And it lead to them being knocked out and injured. Someone from the batfamily came across them and instead of turning them into the police, they take them to the batcave and patch em ip before putting them in a cell. They wake up and the batfam interrogates them, they find out they’re a kid and knows their secret identity (because he’s really smart) and after a bit, Bruce offers to take them in, and train them to be a vigilante. Reader is reluctant and doesn’t really trust them but they’re getting really tired of sleeping on the streets so they reluctantly says yes.
My Way Home Is Through You
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Note: This was fun to write, thanks for the request anon!
Warnings: Minor undescribed injury, theft, none really, fluffy found family fic.
Word count: 1.7k
You slunk along the sidewalks, clinging tightly to the walls as though a small child might do to their mother in a crowd of people. Hiding away in the shadows was nothing new to you, you had been a nobody for years. Constantly running, never settling in one place for too long before you were slinking off again and finding a new corner of Gotham to call your home for a few miserable days before the cycle started again. At first you had tried to cling onto the last shreds of your parents that you had left. You hung onto your name but soon that began to get you into trouble when the orphanages kept trying to pursue you and ‘bring you to a new and loving family’, so it was back to being just another face in the crowd. Just another ordinary kid trying to navigate their way through a big city.
Except…you were more than that. In your time alone you had discovered you had quite a knack for stealth. It started off when the nights became too cold and the growling in your stomach was so overbearing that it drowned out all other senses. You were still small, which you used strongly to your advantage, weaving in and out of the sea of faces before slipping small pieces of food under the hem of your raggedy sleeve that was far too long for you and dangled below your fingers. After that it soon became easy enough to steal other things. Just enough to get by. A ring here, a gold watch there. Small items from the cruel and the unworthy that you could pawn off for a little extra cash. 
There was something else about you though that helped out just a little bit. It was one of the reasons that you had spent so long trying to hide away. See, when you were young you discovered that there was something different about you. When you focused hard enough, you could feel the electricity channelling through your veins and sizzling at your fingertips. You learnt to manipulate it, to bend it to your will and it quickly became very useful when picking locks. You used it to fry them seamlessly before sneaking in and if worse came to worse, you could stun the police when they came thundering after you shouting profanities and threats and they ran, never to catch you with your nimbleness. They had tried to set the vigilantes on you more than once and you knew very well that their eyes were always on you, following your every move just waiting for the perfect moment to strike because you had seen them. Sometimes in the uniform. Sometimes not. As much as they tried to be they were much less subtle than they thought. 
When you reached the complex it was dark. All of the lamp posts nearby had flickered sporadically before burning out completely, so you hopped up the steps blindly before crouching down in front of the locks. You then outstretched your hand and took a deep breath, letting your body relax to feel the current dance in your veins and settle on your fingertips. You then directed the current towards the lock watching as it fried before swinging open. You darted in pushing it shut behind you and then set to work around the house. It was small and shabby with mould growing in some of the corners by the windows. It crawled up the walls, a darkened stain that emitted a putrid smell when you got a little too close. The floorboards cracked and groaned as you moved around the plot, weaving in and out of the furniture that had been strewn across the room. It was clear that someone had left in a hurry. You were shuffling around the unmade bed, reaching for the safe when you heard it. 
Tick. Tick. Ticktick. tickticktick.  
The sound was daunting, getting faster and faster as you scrambled to find the source, overturning chairs and throwing them to the floor as though they were nothing then tearing up floorboards. It was too late when you found it ticking away impendingly. The timer blinked by quickly as it neared zero and you were neft with no choice but to try and get as much distance between you and the weapon. The meagre metres you had out between yourself and the bomb hardly made any difference at all as it ignited flinging you across the room. Wood splintered around you as the concrete cracked and crumbled in heaps which you skidded to a halt on. You felt like you were going to hurl as your head thudded against the debris with a sickening crack that made your vision swam before all of the colours merged into one and you knew nothing more but a dark and heavy silence. 
“Move it! Go!” 
Nightwing shoved his little brother rather harshly in the shoulder to urge him forwards. Word had just reached them that a small house on the outskirts of the city had suddenly exploded and the number of casualties was currently unknown. Dick always seemed to get a sudden adrenaline rush whenever an emergency came in and not matter how fast he moved he always felt as though he could never get there fast enough even if he was hurtling through the city at an alarming speed. 
He had to swallow back his alarm when they skidded to a halt at the scene. There was nothing really left of the building besides a few odd shaped pillars of concrete and pipes that were strong enough to survive the blast. The rest of the building was a dismal load of ash and dust that rose in ribbons as the wind lifted up the pieces that were small enough and carried them away into a cloud of sky.
Nightwing pushed his way through the crowd that had gathered and ducked under the police tape despite their protests. His heart nearly stopped when he inched his way around what used to be a bed but was now a cluster of broken timber buried under a pile of rubble because he spotted your figure sprawled out across the floor. He skidded to the ground and began to pull the pieces of clutter away from you, grimacing at the sight of the blood that came away on his fingers.
Red Hood dropped down beside him just as Dick Grayson brushed some of the dust from your face and sudden recognition washed over him.
“Hood.” He said over his shoulder. “I think you better call B.”
Your head felt like it was going to explode when you woke up and there was a stabbing pain in your side but when you moved your hand to slide the hem of your stop up you were cut short by a metal handcuff securing you to the wall next to the bed you had been placed in. Shuffling around awkwardly you managed to push yourself up into a sitting position to gauge your surroundings better. The cell you were in although small was rather well lit and surprisingly homely. Too bad you had no intention in staying. You had planned to use your powers to fry the handcuff, but when you tried to summon the electricity you were left high and dry when nothing happened. 
“That’s not going to work.” A figure you hadn’t noticed in the corner of the room told you when you began to try again. 
Frowning at him, he folded his arms and leaned against the wall. “Power suppressing cuffs.”
Rolling your eyes you slumped defeatedly. You should have figured as much. 
“What were you doing in there?” He asked, narrowing his eyes at you from behind his infamous cowl. 
“That’s none of your business.”
“I think it is, kid.”
You turned your gaze away from him and picked at the skin around your thumb. “It’s not that I wanted to be in there. It’s what I had to do.”
The vigilante stepped forwards and took a seat next to you. “Go on.”
“I needed the money. I can’t go to anyone so I have no choice but to find my own way around problems. I was gonna pawn the jewellery off. And besides it’s not like the guy owned it in the first place. He was the one that stole it from the jewellers last week.”
“How’d you know that?” Batman frowned. That information had only been revealed recently.
“I get around a lot.”
He pursed his lips. “What else do you know?”
You could have grinned like the cheshire cat right there and then as you began to list things you had learnt. 
“I know that you still haven’t caught that guy who escaped from Arkham last month. I know that you’ve all been watching me. Oh and I know that you are Bruce Wayne.”
The man faltered. “What? How?”
“You’re less subtle than you think.”
“Or maybe you’re smarter than you think. What d’you say your name is kid?”
“I didn’t.”
He sighed, watching you in silence until you eventually gave him your name. 
“You’re something, Kid. I’ll give you that much.”
“Thank you…?”
“How would you like to stay? We would train you to become a vigilante like us.” The question was so sudden that it made your head spin.
“I can’t ask that of you.” You told him. It was more of an excuse really. You weren’t sure if you could trust him or not.”
“You’re not. I’m offering. A warm place to stay, a family to care for you.”
A smile twinged at the corner of your lips. That was something you had longed for for so long but had never seen that it had slipped to the back of your mind forgotten. 
“So, what do you say, Y/N?”
“I think I would like that.”
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whump-galaxy · 2 months
The older of two siblings works to keep their younger sibling out of trouble. They endure emotional and physical pain daily just for their younger sibling.
The younger sibling is grateful, sure, but never knows the true extent of their sibling’s protection. They patch up their older sibling’s wounds while nagging them to be more careful. Sometimes they can come across as rude or uncaring, but they don’t know why their older sibling just won’t listen.
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heffawhump · 6 months
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Art by Shadowshandsface for chapter 7 of my fic In the Walls.
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naensut · 7 months
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GIF by sarcasmcloud
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found family
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chaotic-orphan · 2 months
hi i love your blog so much!! i just read your merry may of june day 21 i think, the charismatic one with the henchmen Dante and Gavin and it was so so so good. would you ever consider making it a series? it literally hits all of my fav whump tropes. no worries if you’re not interested. congrats on your degree by the way!!!
Partners in Crime
Read part one here
@dreamingonmyown this is for you! I'm glad you enjoyed the first part - I don't know if this will become a series, and I'm not really happy with this part but I have just stared at it for too long so maybe I just hate editing it. Whumpee is Casper now, and Monroe is Whumper. Monroe went through like six names changes so if there's a weird name it is probably Monroe :)
Casper peeled himself off the ground, his limbs exhausted as if he had just donated every drop of his blood. Even if he did donate all his blood, Monroe would still expect him to show up to work, or get Dante to grab his corpse for another fucking job.
He wobbled when he got his feet under him. It felt weird, like Monroe had cut off one of his senses; taken his eyes, or deafened him, or plucked every nerve from his body.
Monroe smiled at him as he grabbed the wall for support coming in from the balcony. “There you go, Casper. Taking it like a champ.”
“Oh fuck off, Monroe.”
Gavin laughed at that, eyes darting between the strange pair. Casper settled heavy into one of the chairs at the island, where Monroe was sitting when Casper arrived.
“Was any of this necessary?” Casper asked, not thanking Monroe as he slid a cup of coffee across to Casper. Little bit of milk, two sugars, just the way he liked it. “You still haven’t told me why you did it.”
Monroe inclined his head. “I thought I told you playing coy doesn’t suit you, Fox.”
“You think that I somehow betrayed you and used my power for someone else?”
Monroe just stared at Casper across the marble countertop. It was Gavin who answered. “He doesn’t think, Casper. He knows that—”
“Oh fuck off, Gavin, nobody wants you here,” Casper replied without looking at him. “You know that, right?”
“At least Gavin understands loyalty,” Monroe replied, heavy eyes pinning Casper to his chair. Casper rolled his eyes, bringing the steaming mug to his lips and gulping down two mouthfuls, gathering his thoughts.
“Like a dog,” Casper replied finally, casting his attention back to Monroe. “Well, I won’t be useful to whatever plans you want to discuss for the next few days. You’ve ensured that, dickhead.”
Monroe waved the insult away. “Nonsense. You know me, Casper, I like to plan well in advance. Your abilities should be up and running by the time I have use for them.”
“How convenient.”
“It really is. Just remember how you got to where you are today, Fox. How quickly your life changed after you met me.”
“Not for the better,” Casper grumbled.
Monroe raised his mug of coffee in a sardonic toast. “And yet, you can pay your rent.”
“As can you in your fancy hotel,” Casper shot back, raising his own cup. “Partners, remember?”
Monroe’s eyes glimmered with a dangerous smugness that Casper hated. It was just so irritatingly superior. “Partners,” he replied coolly.
They both took a sip of their coffee. Even with the two sugars, somehow Casper’s coffee tasted bitter, or maybe it was the eerie emptiness in his body. The dreadful absence of something he couldn’t quite describe.
“Now,” Monroe said, setting his cup down and clasping his hands on the table in front of him. “To business. Gavin, be a dear and grab my papers for me.”
Gavin stood and nodded, as if following Monroe’s commands were his life purpose. His reason to breathe. Casper kept his eyes trained on Gavin’s back as he left the room.
Stupid git.
Monroe inclined his head. “He’s useful.”
“Yeah, as a footstool. Or maybe with a gag, he would be.”
Monroe smiled. “Mmm, so tempting, Casper. I could get the pair of you a matching set. I’m sure Dante knows a guy.”
Dante answered with deathly silence as he so usually did. Casper could picture him in his usual spot, sprawled out across the couch in the living room, a book in his hand.
Casper scoffed. “I’m sure he does.”
Gavin returned, sliding a manilla folder across the countertop to Casper. Casper stopped it with his hand and looked down at the stupid file. He didn’t want to do this again, last time was supposed to be his last job. He wanted to wash his hands of this life already, he was tired of it.
“Do you need Gavin to open the file for you, Fox?”
Casper raised his eyes to Monroe’s across the table. He clenched his jaw and pushed the file a little away from him. “I don’t want to do this anymore.”
“Open files?” Monroe asked innocently.
Casper’s expression dropped, exposing his irritation. “This. This fucking whatever we have here. Aren’t you tired? We got everything we want, Harry, let’s quit while we’re ahead.”
Monroe crossed his arms over his chest, cocking a brow at Casper. “You want to stop making money?”
“We have enough,” Casper grumbled. “The two of us, okay. You have your passive income now from your hotels and your real estate and I am secure. I have savings and shit. We don’t have to keep living like it’s all going to disappear tomorrow! We can stop.”
“I don’t want to stop.”
“Easy to say when you’re not the one taking the risks!” Casper snapped. The air seemed to chill with the snap of a book behind Casper and he straightened in his seat as he heard Dante move behind him.
Gavin, the idiot, broke the silence with a sneer. “You’re such a fucking pussy, Casp—”
“Dante, please show Gavin out.”
Gavin’s head whipped to Monroe, but Monroe didn’t even look at him, his hard gaze fixed on Casper instead.
“What? Why, I can help.”
“I know, but it’s getting late, and Casper and I need a chat.”
Before Gavin could protest further, Dante put a hand on his shoulder. Gavin looked between the two at the counter before letting out a disapproving groan and shrugging Dante’s hand off.
“Fine. Call me when you need me.”
“I will.”
Dread pooled in Casper as he watched Dante and Gavin leave. Somehow, Monroe still made him uneasy when he shouldn’t. Casper had known Monroe way before the other two did, but Monroe had a lethal way about him. In his words and his quiet power. The fact that he could beat the shit out of Casper but paid someone else to do it said everything about the man.
Only when the doors to the penthouse shut did Monroe begin to walk around the counter towards Casper. Casper set his jaw, not letting any of his anxiety show as Monroe undid the button of his waist coat.
“We can talk about that tomorrow, Casper,” said Monroe. The surprise must have been written plainly across Casper’s face because Monroe laughed. Not a cutting, mocking laughter or anything snide. A warm laugh, like how he used to when Casper had met him first. “We should relax. Watch a movie. It’s been an age since we did anything like that.”
Casper’s brain was stuttering and short circuiting, trying to find the angle and fighting the familiar ache inside him at Monroe’s easiness. He swallowed, nodding his head. Monroe smiled his easy smile and nodded.
“Good. I’ll get changed into something more comfortable,” he said, unclipping his pocket watch and laying it on the counter. “You can pick the movie if you want. Do you want a tracksuit? Actually, scratch that, you need one and to clean yourself up. You’ve got blood on your face.”
Casper rolled his eyes at the faux concern. “Gee, I wonder why.”
“Oh, relax. You know that’s just business.”
“Taking my powers isn’t just business, Harry, it’s personal.”
“Casper,” Monroe drawled in his gentle, chiding way. “Let’s not fight anymore, hmm? We’ll talk about all that tomorrow. I didn’t change your room, do you still have clothes here?”
Casper lowered his gaze. It really had been an age since he’s been here. “Yeah,” he said quietly. “I did.”
“Good. I’ll be a few minutes getting changed.”
Casper swallowed. Monroe reached a hand up and ruffled Casper’s hair until Casper let out a cry and batted his hand away. “Oi!”
Monroe laughed, disappearing from sight. Casper didn’t move for a moment, the smile on his face felt off, strange. He really shouldn’t stay. He should disappear while Monroe was distracted and move country or continent. Or planet if he didn’t want Dante to find him and drag him back.
Casper dropped his head, running a hand through his hair and pulling at the strands on the back of his neck, letting out a long, tired sigh.
Pale eyes flicked to the golden pocket watch that Monroe had discarded on the counter. Casper glanced up, making sure Monroe wasn’t lingering as he grabbed it, turning it over in his hand to read the inscription.
Rumours are power. Favours are currency, and only the smart ones survive.
Casper ran a thumb over the indents of the letters in the metal. It was old. It was old when he got it from a backstreet merchant known only as Grouse. Definitely stolen, but Grouse always had a soft spot for Casper, and Monroe. The only real cost was the engraving that crippled Casper financially for a week, but it was worth it. To see Monroe’s face light up when he gave him the gift it was worth it.
Casper sighed, putting the watch down and getting to his feet. After all this time, Monroe was still the only shred of family he had in this world, the same way Casper was Monroe’s only family. Monroe had found him on the streets — the two of them scrawny and skinny — and taught him how to live instead of just survive.
The words were the nugget of wisdom Monroe had told Casper, back when they were kids. It saved Casper’s hide more times than he could count, especially in the beginning when Monroe wasn’t there all the time to have Casper’s back in a fight.
Casper walked into his room and stood in the doorway, taking it all in. Everything was how he left it. His bed took up most of the room, a super king and softer than any bed he had ever slept in. His PC was set up on his desk in the corner of the room, his screensaver lighting up the screen. Casper made a point not to look at it as he took the first door to his right.
His wardrobe, a small box room with shelves panelled into each wall and a hanging space in the back. Casper grabbed black tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie, getting dressed in the wardrobe. Hanging his signature leather leather jacket up with care and throwing the rest of his clothes wherever they landed.
It felt good, like old times as he stepped out of the wardrobe and walked to his ensuite. He missed him, the old Monroe; the version that was like an older brother. Harry. Not the dictator who had taken over Harry’s body, the hard businessman Monroe, who took whatever he wanted and left nothing for anyone else.
Casper made a point of ignoring the small voice in the back of his head that told him that’s the way Harry had always been. That it was Casper who changed. He didn’t have the energy to deal with that kind of revelation tonight.
He stopped in front of the mirror and sighed. He didn’t look into it, but he could see the gash on his forehead from the corner of his eye.
Just wash your face, Casper, he told himself. Tiredness pulled at his mind, fraying the edges slightly. He didn’t notice he was tired before, but the weight of everything felt too great. Or maybe it was because he was in comfortable clothes.
Just remember how you got here, Casper, Monroe isn’t there for you. He really wished that voice would shut up for two seconds. Thankfully there was a knock at his door.
“You ready?” Monroe called from the other side. Casper nodded, realising after that Monroe couldn’t see him right now. “Yeah,” he said back, walking to the door and opening it. Monroe grinned at him. He was dressed in red and black chequered pyjama pants and a white t-shirt. His grin exposed his faint dimple that was so much more prominent when they were kids.
Casper followed him to the couch, settling in while Monroe pressed a button on a remote to lower the blinds over the windows. They closed with a soft hum while Casper scrolled through Netflix looking for something to watch.
His phone rang beside him. His heart fluttered then shuttered when he saw Monroe’s attention turn to it. “Who’s that?”
Casper shrugged as nonchalantly as possible. “Don’t know.”
“Aren’t you going to answer it?”
Casper bit the inside of his cheek as he kept scrolling. Monroe scoffed, reaching over. “If you don’t answer it, I will.”
Casper pushed his hand away, dropping the remote and quickly grabbing his phone. Hero’s name popped on the screen and Casper wanted to curl up and die. “You pick something to watch,” Casper told Monroe, who cocked his brow at Casper.
Casper stood and walked to his room, shutting the door behind him and then walked to the ensuite, locking that door too. “Hello?”
Casper’s heart swelled at the voice.
“Hey, Hero. How are you?”
“I’m sorry for calling so late, I must have woken you—”
“No, no, not at all. I was — uh —” Shit, think Casper, what were you doing? “—shopping.”
Shopping?! Idiot.
“Shopping?” Hero asked, a smile in his voice. “At 11 pm?”
“Oh, yeah, y’know… less crowds.” Hero laughed and it made Casper’s heart thrum in his chest. “Why, uh, why are you calling if you don’t mind me asking — not that, it’s not that I don’t want you to call, I’m just — uh, y’know— curious?”
“Oh, right. Of course, I just finished a very long shift.”
“Fighting bad guys, do-gooder?” Casper asked, his voice light despite his stomach tying itself into knots. “Crime never sleeps.”
“Exactly,” Hero said with a laugh. “I — well, I was out fighting crime and the moment we caught the villain I was…”
Casper’s heart leapt into his mouth as Hero trailed off. He looked over his shoulder again just to make sure he wasn’t being followed. He didn’t want Monroe to overhear anything he shouldn’t know.
“You were?”
“It’s going to sound stupid.”
“I love stupid,” Casper said immediately, screwing his eyes shut and wanting to kick himself.
“Well, I was — I wanted to see you.” Casper yanked the phone away from his ear and threw his fists in the air, mouth open in a silent scream of joy.
He brought his phone back to his ear, and said “great. I would love to see you. Where are you?”
“I’m… at your apartment building, but you weren’t picking up.”
Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, fuck.
He had just lied himself into a corner. Monroe wouldn’t let him leave without a solid excuse, and then he’d get suspicious and have Dante tie him up all over again.
“I’m actually not home right now,” Casper said eventually, running a hand through his hair. Fuck. He really wanted to see Hero’s face.
Though, he could imagine it crestfallen when Hero said: “oh,” pulling at his heartstrings. “It was presumptuous anyways—”
“No, no!” Casper said quickly, bolting upright. “I like presumptuous! I just, I won’t be home tonight. I really am sorry, Hero.”
“I’m sorry,” Hero replied with a sigh. Shit, they probably felt humiliated right now! Say something! Say something Casper!
“I shouldn’t’ve—” Hero began at the same time that Casper said, “What if we—”
Then simultaneously again: “no, you go ahead.”
Then they laughed and Hero said, “you go.”
Casper licked his lips, not expecting the nerves to tingle the back of his neck. “What if we got breakfast tomorrow morning? You can tell me all about your hot crime fighting.”
“None of it,” Hero said with a flush and Casper could imagine the blush igniting Hero’s face. “It’s not hot.”
“Beauty is subjective, dear Hero, and you are the epitome of sex on legs.”
“Casper!” Hero said, mortified, but he could hear the smile in Hero’s voice and Casper knew everything was fine.
“We can meet at the needle in town?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Okay, see you then, 10? 11?”
“Yeah, ten sounds good.”
“Okay. Good night Hero.”
“Night Casper.”
Casper couldn’t keep the grin off his face as he stood and unlocked the door. His smile washed away when he saw Monroe lingering outside the door, arms crossed.
“I think we need to have a little chat.”
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sadiecoocoo · 7 months
You guys should watch Ultimate Spider-Man. They give Peter so many boyfriends. Also it deserves more recognition and fan content that I don’t wanna make rn and literally cannot make since I don’t have access to my computer rn
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whumpypepsigal · 2 years
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The Recruit s01e01: “Okay. Get some sleep.”
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a-chicken-with-adhd · 22 days
I feel like a really good fan fiction idea is Jason Todd, who dies but becomes a ghost for the six months before he resurrects and is stuck to 'haunting' Bruce.
He watches as his dad mourns him, tries to kill Joker but is stopped because of international laws and Superman and his moral code.
He watches as Batman becomes darker, more unrestrained, rougher, crueler in response to loosing his son and towing closer to that line he swore to never cross.
Watching as his father flings himself into danger headfirst with no precaution to his safety, to take out thugs and criminals gruesomely, almost as if he wishes to be the one to not make it out.
Watching as his dad shuts himself from everyone, Dick, Alfred, the public etc.
He watches as Bruce blames himself for his death, for being the catalyst for the entire thing.
All the while Jason gets over the fact that Bruce couldn't save him, maybe gets over the fact that Batman couldn't kill the Joker, but becomes really, really mad with Bruce on how reclusive and angry Bruce had become and how he couldn't get over his (Jason Todd's) death.(maybe he is mad at himself for dying and not being able to hug his dad or fight crime with batman?)
And when he finally crawls up from his grave. All he can say is 'Bruce, dont be sad. I'm okay.' Or 'Dad?' But slurred and broken due to the brain damaged from bleeding into the brain and asphyxiation.
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