koloheboy808 · 2 years
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kringle-c · 2 months
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charmsterz · 1 year
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kisha jumpstart fanart, if you even care
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farsight-the-char · 2 months
Tau "People of Iron" and other AI that hide themselves undercover as Imperial Servitors and/or really "Steel Blessed" Techpriests if needed.
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yarikvadila · 3 months
bro just went on ttwitter and saw ppl be mad at ukrainians for dehumanisng russian soldiers. like damn do you hear yourself??? like im sooo sowwy for not treating fuckers that kill my people destroy my cultyre history and land with my utmost fucking respect :((((((( its just so fucking maddering thats russians can torture civilians destroy our cities kill our best ppl and at the end of the day ppl are gonna be mad at ukrainians for fucking living i guess
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nic-writes-sometimes · 7 months
you keep me around like a coal miner keeps a canary
only when i stop singing pretty songs is when you finally give a shit.
heard but not seen
for what i am, for what i could be
you, oblivious, herd me into a cage built before my time, before your time as well
i sing while you carry on
you need my song, or more aptly, you need my life
you use me to rescue yourself, when the silent fumes seep in
my song, my life, is the first to go
that is when you notice
that is when you share your perfunctory gratitude
“thank you, thank you”
“you saved us, our hero”
leave your false adulations on the floor of my cage
next to my lifeless corpse
it means nothing to me
i am not your saviour
i was a unwilling drudge, just like you
caged, because that was all you knew
honestly, i pity you
in death, i can be reborn, reinvented
though you may roam
your mind is still confined, caged if you will
and there you let it rot
a slow decay, a warning to all who can see
you've forgotten how to sing
i am not your savior
but i am mine
tomorrow, you will go back to the coal mines
today, i will fly and sing free
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the-acid-pear · 1 year
One of the most painful things one can experience as a DR theory enthusiast is when you notice something and you think Oh My God This Is It like you had this huge fucking epiphany you connected the doths you just saw the face of god and so you decide to look for the thing you saw again so you can show it to others because you HAVE to and then you realize what you saw was sheer fucking coincidence, just a perfectly timed random event. Literally soul crushing.
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wizzardhat · 1 year
Funniest thing about oath of the ancients is you can just go ahead and commit crimes. "Shelter the light" well today the light is this insane goblin lady im gonna bust out of prison.
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nervousmonolith · 11 months
can't believe in an alternate dimension you'd be steve minecraft yoooo this is just like meeting a celebrity
the minecraft fixation was truely inevitable
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kootiepatra · 1 year
#FFxivWrite2023 - Day 10: Free Day (my word: "Young")
“Ah, Keimwyda! You have returned,” Rammbroes said, a smile breaking through his perpetual furrow of concentration. “What news of your mission? Are we any closer to acquiring the remaining abrasives?”
She nodded, and retrieved the two precious satchels out of her bag. “I’d say we are,” she smiled.
His eyes went wide. “You’ve brought both!? I shall have Master Garlond begin work on the crystals immediately.” He turned to give the order to an aide, but they were already excitedly sprinting off to find Cid. 
The Sons of Saint Coinach were not ones to rest on their laurels, Keimwyda observed.
Rammbroes turned back to her with visible relief. “I confess I can scarce believe you were able to locate them, and so quickly. Did they give you much trouble? How came you upon them?”
“Well… a bit of trouble, I suppose” she began, not fully sure how to explain what her hunt had been like. “Do you know of anyone else who would be after this sort of material?”
He shrugged. “On the one hand, it is more specialized stuff than your average tinkerer would ever require. On the other—as you have experienced yourself—it is quite rare. So everyone who knows how to use it is like to be constantly on the prowl for it. Why do you ask?”
“I had… uh, a bit of competition, you could say.”
Rammbroes’ face went deadpan, with an unspoken “Gods, what now” behind his eyes. “Do any major law enforcement agencies need to be appeased? Merchants paid off? Are there any bounties?”
“No!” she replied quickly. “Nothing like that. It was just strange…”
But before she could figure out how to get into it without forfeiting all appearances of being a professional, the renewed bustle in the camp demanded Rammbroes’ specific attention. “Would you be so kind as to fill me in later?” he asked apologetically, before being whisked off by one of the other Sons.
In far less time than she expected—although she really should have known better, given the breakneck pace at which these folks worked—all of the requisite crystals were polished, and Cid was unfolding his plans.
Keimwyda could mostly follow along with what he was saying, although much of it still felt a bit esoteric to her. She admittedly had not been at this adventuring business all that long. Yet she still could not help but feel that perhaps the best way to protect the secrets of a dangerous tower with deadly automated security measures was to… let the automated security measures keep doing their thing, and leave well enough alone.
She had been adventuring long enough, however, to develop a healthy distrust of all things Allagan. It also seemed fairly safe to assume the Empire would be unwilling to leave well enough alone.
So she was content to heed the experts on this one. She didn’t need to fully grasp the particulars to trust that Cid and Rammbroes knew what they were talking about.
Cid was just concluding an impassioned speech about the “freedom through technology” the Ironworks sought to provide, when a voice rang out over the camp.
“A compelling viewpoint. It is unyielding wills such as yours that have defined the course of history.” 
Keimwyda’s hand reached back for her bow. She had heard this interlocutor before. All eyes looked up to the scaffolding above—there was no tree canopy to hide away in this time. And there, standing brazenly before all in plain sight, was a red-haired Miqo’te man, a satisfied grin on his face.
Rammbroes sighed heavily and called back to him, exasperation plain in his voice, “So, you return at last.”
Keimwyda’s head snapped towards him in surprise. He knew this man?
He continued, “What, pray tell, has kept you so wholly preoccupied that you could not spare a moment to inform me of your progress or preservation?”
The dots connected in Keimwyda’s mind. Oh. This was the associate he spoke of at their very first meeting.
“Why, the task you assigned to me, of course,” the stranger replied. “Surely you have not forgotten about the aethersand? I tasked a passing adventurer with delivering it. A more capable courier I could not imagine.”
Now it was Rammbroes’ turn to shoot an alarmed glance at Keimwyda. “By Thaliak’s… what did he DO?” he asked her under his breath. She could do nothing but shrug sheepishly.
With a melodramatic swan dive, the Miqo’te launched off of the scaffolding, dropping into a three-point landing in front of them. 
“Greetings adventurer,” he said to her, raising a presumptuously friendly hand. “Did I not say we would meet again?”
For the first time, Keimwyda could get a proper look at him. Oh, she thought to herself, annoyed but now also amused. That explains it. He’s so young. She bit her lip to stop herself laughing at how dashing he clearly thought this whole charade was. Oh honey.
She would not be surprised if he were not that much older than Alphinaud.
She would be later surprised to discover he was. He would much later be much more surprised—and mortified—to discover she had thought so.
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theeeee-roman · 4 months
why believe in love with a mortal man when lucifer morningstar threw himself out of paradise with an excruciating fall and a humiliating trial against all of heaven just to meet his first love, lilith; again?, or when he gave the fruit knowledge and root of all evil to a WOMAN to choose free will? what did adam do besides wanting to top?
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girlboyzone · 1 year
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happy one year
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musingmanor · 2 days
Hey guys could you guys kindly donate to my Kofi, Not only do i need new tablet + software (i make money thru my art) , but i need some extra funds bc not only am i not employed but after being duped into a scam (i was talkint to these ppl for days and was under the impression i was going to be hired but foundout a bit too late they were a fraud place) my mom has cut me off finacially deeming me unworthy of her funds and i have like $80 in my bank acc alone. this isnt really good for my mental health esp since i have an ab/usive parent and may be homeless since she isnt starting to cut me off bit by bit after draining me for years finacially.
edit: If you wanna buy some adopts off my shop theyre still up
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purp1e-ph0enix · 1 year
in JLDAW when Damian told his father to save her, Bruce wasn't even surprised of what he said or didn't look at Raven and exactly understood what Damian meant and FUCK I NEEDED THAT SCENE WHERE HE TELLS ABOUT HIS FEELINGS FOR RAVEN TO HIS FAMILY OR THEY FINDOUT HE HAD FEELINGS FOR HER THEMSELVES OR HOWEVER THE FUCK THEY FOUNDOUT!!! 😭😭😭
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valdin-s · 2 months
i just foundout that boys exist!!!11
and they ahve tummys !!
and realy nice hair !
and anjkld;snfad d.,sdmna
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piquuroblox · 13 days
Opiplease help me I just read a Dandy x reader thing andim in class i cant myclassmates are looking at me i cant actlike this jelpmeimgoing to tweakoutimmediatoajskdMkawideuueuuieuuueuUUEUEUFHSD ASDFJASDFHA
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