#fox transformation
ranharrafantasy · 5 months
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Fever Dream
He knew he was in a dream, he had to be. He was running in a dark forest, faster and faster. He didn't know what he was running from but he was scared and all he knew is that he needed to go faster. Looking down, he saw his pants tear off and his legs bulge and grow orange fluffy fur. The fur grew rapidly until it was encasing the entirety of both his legs. He was gaining speed but he needed to be faster. Two nubs grew out of his abdomen quickly. The fear he felt was indescribable, partly from his transforming body, but mostly from whatever he was running from. Faster! He needed to be faster. The mounds of flesh quickly formed... ___
Full Story and Uncensored Version at Link in Description
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jackstockhypno · 1 year
MtF Kitsune Transformation Hypnosis
On your vacation to japan, the spirit of a 9 tail fox kitsune draws you in, feminizes you, and transforms you into its true kitsune form. 
Connect with me here: https://jackdominates.com/links
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monsoonxskies · 2 years
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Lmao get foxed idiot ✨
Figured I’d start branching out into other characters, and Edgar kept winning my polls (on various other sites, not here)
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Megan Fox, ‘08
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bluegiragi · 5 months
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the new in-house artist is kinda eye-catching...
early access + nsfw on patreon
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portalmonsterrr · 9 months
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Mechanic Kaveh save me. save me Mechanic Kaveh
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molinaesque · 5 months
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"You know what inspires me? When there's no one in the house… and I'm all alone to do whatever I want." - Walton Goggins, Mulholland Distilling (2023) (x)
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vanillayoteart · 1 month
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Gothic Punk 2
You ever finish turning into a vixen with an impeccable sense of style? Something for juniortumblewwd from my weekly streams!
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weirdobarbie · 2 months
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MEGAN FOX as Mikaela Banes TRANSFORMERS (2007)
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cloudabserk · 3 months
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thinking about how sasuke’s chidori would have killed sakura or karin if he’d gone through with it. and how naruto’s partial transformations into the nine-tailed fox badly injured sakura and almost killed jiraiya.
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rooksunday · 4 months
when the coruscant guard toured their new barracks, they immediately clocked a problem.
“where are the rest of the bunks?” stone asked, looking between his datapad of assignments, and the last of the dozen bunkrooms.
even sleeping two to a pod, with four pods to a room— even hotbunking, like they were going to have to if the ‘suggested’ shift schedule was correct— there simply weren’t enough beds.
thorn grimaced. “we could give up the rec room and mess.”
“and eat where? and we need at least one room for sitting in and staring into the middle distance,” stone countered. they’d been doing a lot of the latter that day already.
with a conceding shrug, thorn turned to fox, who had been increasingly stiff and silent as the inspection had continued. stone couldn’t blame him. the building that the senate had ‘generously provided’ appeared to be held together by force of habit and spite; stone could relate, but he didn’t want to spend a war there.
“what are you thinking, sir?” stone prompted fox. the vod was always thinking something. that was his problem.
fox shook his head slightly, as if stepping out of deep water. he hummed.
“i saw something on the holonet… leave it with me,” he said.
after fox had left—marching with determination toward the broom cupboard he’d claimed as a an office—stone turned to face thorn, who was already looking at him with a particular tilt to his visor.
“on the holonet?” thorn repeated. “have you got any idea what he’s talking about? all he looks at on there is conspiracy theories and pictures of tookas.”
stone slowly shook his head. “i’m sure it’ll be fine. i’m sure it’ll be… fine.”
the guard moved in. they made it work. what other option did they have?
six weeks after landing on coruscant, fox burst into the commanders’ shared bunk with something fluorescent streaked across his armour and the stench of burnt feathers in his wake. he’d lost his helmet somewhere. stone had been cleaning his armour and threw the cloth at fox in instinctive reaction, but fox just batted it away.
“what the kark, sir?” stone spat out, heart thick in his throat.
“whuzzat?” thorn mumbled as he rose to a sit. “fox, you stink.”
“of victory,” fox countered. he stalked across the room and thrust and vial of smoking … something… to stone. “here, drink this.”
stone’s eyebrows rose. “no? sir?”
“is it tasty?” thorn asked, sleepily.
fox produced another vial from his utility belt and held that one out to thorn. he popped the cap with his thumb. smoke boiled out, glittering like dust motes. this vial was presented to thorn.
“i put honey in yours,” fox said.
of course he did.
but if fox was handing mysterious vials to thorn, he probably wasn’t planning to kill them all. probably. besides, it had been a long assignment and the war wasn’t going anywhere. the chancellor wasn’t going anywhere. stone took his vial, and saw thorn take his.
“well. cheers, i suppose,” he said, catching eyes with thorn, who rose his vial in turn.
between them, fox danced from foot to foot like he’d drank too much water before a long shift. his attention flickered between stone and thorn as they drank. his eyes were bright and he kept making and unmaking fists at his sides. he looked like a tubie waiting for their first live fire drill.
stone drank.
“huh. that doesn’t—“
then things got really kriffed up.
cody rubbed at his comm as if that would help comprehension.
“say again? some interference on my end,” he said.
the tiny blue rex rubbed the bridge of his nose. “tookas, vod. hundreds of tookas. they’re all over the senate building. they’ve herded the chancellor into his office and are blocking the hallway. no one can move them. the optics would be terrible.”
“where did they come from? can’t the coruscant guard take care of it?” cody didn’t want to assign fox to animal crowd control, but wasn’t protecting the senate his job? an invasion probably counted.
“that’s the problem. one of the tookas… it knows dadita.”
“excuse me, captain. did you say there’s a tooka that knows dadita?” general kenobi asked, leaning in to see rex. he’d been working on the other side of the office on the negotiator; sound didn’t have far to travel.
“that’s right, sir.”
“fascinating. what did it have to say for itself?”
rex shifted his weight. he looked off-camera. “it said, ‘tell cody i’m the kar— i’m still the smart one’. sir.”
silence weighed heavily in the room. cody scratched his nose and turned the message over for a second time. a third. an eleventh.
“therefore you believe that this tooka—“
“is commander fox, sir, yes,” cody said, so rex didn’t have to.
“fascinating,” kenobi said again.
“yes, sir,” rex said, his tone implying that fascination wasn’t really the problem. “and also— excuse me, sirs, one moment.” his voice became louder as he looked off-cam again, and his brow furrowed. “did someone give fox’ika a lightsaber? why is it red? what do you mean, you found it in the chancellor’s office?”
cody met his general’s eyes, and suspected his own were as wide.
blast it, fox was the smart one.
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darkmagenugget · 3 months
Look, I know it is a few hours late, but the idea for "make a terrible comic day" was too good. Weird al sings my labels. XD
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For those that can't read it:
"In order to keep track of my growing number of labels... I brought "weird al" Yankovic to sing them."
"🎶Trans, Ace, furry, lesbian!
Plural and maybe Therian!
ADHD, autism too!
Fox Girl, Gamer, Streaming crew!
Artist with a small fixation
On Anything with transformation!🎶"
It's not all of them (Doesn't include shapeshifter for example) and doesn't include my headmates, but I just thought this was too funny of a thought with all the labels I apparently have. XD
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Fox News decided to talk about nightshade so now a ton of transphobes are review bombing the show, on google the rating dropped all the way down to 2.7 stars
Please help boost the ratings with good reviews, I think we can all agree we don’t want this show canceled before it can even start
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mosaickiwi · 7 months
MC/Angel relaxing with Fox Ren giving him all the smooches and cuddles~!!! Or daily life with Redacted with MC/Angel as a house spouse teehee~!!!
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Kinda sorta combined them oopsies teehee <3 <3 da best fluffy boi
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
~Literal Domestic Fluff~
You’d been busy since Ren left to patrol the territory early that morning. With him out of the way, cleaning up was admittedly easier. The kitchen was spotless, paw prints in the hallways scrubbed away, and the laundry almost finished. A scant few linens fresh from the dryer lay in the basket at your feet, one being carefully folded as you lounged in your favorite window seat to bask in the setting sun.
You paused to bring the warm fabric up to your face. The pleasant floral scent of the detergent was nice, but nothing compared to the fresh mountain air you’d finally gotten used to over the months. You opened the window all the way to let in a breeze.
Something immediately felt different, almost relaxing about the faintly cool air flowing past. It took a moment to realize the real source of the calm that washed over you.
A familiar presence was running through the sparse trees that lined the farthest edge of the garden. Before you could even call their name, he was making leaps and bounds on pink-toed paws to cross the short expanse of greenery between you. In a matter of seconds the ethereal fox morphed into a shape closer to human as they approached, though the tails and ears stayed in place. He came to a skittering halt outside the window.
“Angel!” Ren excitedly spoke as he reached up to you, a sparkle to his pale blue eyes. 
You dropped the blanket and leaned over the window sill to take hold of his outstretched hand, placing a quick kiss to his forehead for good measure. For once, you were the one towering over him—if only by a few centimeters. “Hi, Ren,” you said with a smile.
His excitement only seemed to intensify at your affections. Nine fluffy tails began to wag in delight while you carded your other hand through his hair. “I missed you.”
“Really? I couldn't tell,” you teased, waving away a couple stray leaves and flower petals from his pointed ears. “I missed you, too.”
Your bonded partner immediately flushed pink at your response, then something caught his attention that made his nose wrinkle. “Are you okay? Was it too cold while I was gone?” 
You weren't sure what he meant until you followed his gaze to the disheveled blanket next to you on the cushioned seat. You shook your head to calm him down. “Just doing laundry.”
He was hesitant to accept your answer, but the second kiss you pressed to his lips seemed to distract him well enough. Ren stood up straighter, determined to make it last as long as possible. Shivers ran up your spine when his fingers carefully settled along the base of your neck to keep you steady. 
Though you weren't quite finished, you were forced to pull away and breathe. “Hmm, maybe I am a little cold. We should—hey!” you suddenly laughed, gently pushing them back. He was practically crawling through the window to reach you at the mere suggestion of cuddling. “Let me finish up, okay? Just a few minutes. And use the front door.”
His ears fell flat in embarrassment as he nodded and settled down. No longer crowding the window, but still on his toes to better see what you were doing.
You took your time folding the blanket and what was left in the basket. It was hard to ignore the focused gaze of the man, nor the way he noticeably perked up once you finished folding something, only to pout at the next piece of fabric you grabbed. With a little less willpower you would've abandoned the laundry far sooner to give them all of your focus.
Eventually, you had a neat and tidy pile of sheets to put away. A quick peek from the corner of your eye in their direction was enough to alert him. He bolted from the window in an instant, just for you to hear him loudly sprinting through the villa’s many hallways seconds later. There was barely any time to stand up before you were scooped up in their arms.
He nuzzled into your neck with an almost desperate sigh as he mumbled, “I’m sorry I was away for so long, beloved.” You could faintly feel his teeth nipping at the skin above your collarbone. “Y’smell different.”
“Huh? Oh.” You made a mental note to find a scentless laundry detergent on your next outing into town. Maybe it would bother him less.
The warmth of his silky tails enveloped you, barely tickling you when they brushed back and forth over your form. As he carried you from the room, tucked safely close to their chest, you happily gave them the attention they’d been waiting for.
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texaschainsawmascara · 5 months
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Megan Fox @ Juno premiere, 2007
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newgroundstier · 5 months
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put some fur on that beast intermission: this guy again
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