#fr actually you guys are life savers!
reegis · 11 months
commissions closed!!!! thank you so so much to everyone that got one or donated ily proposing marriage asap 💖💖💖💖
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mochacoffeeumai26 · 1 year
•Metal and Flesh• (Orphan part 2)
(Before Transformers 4. Filler chapter)
Summary: As you grew older, you started to understand why your Autobot family had to remain in hiding. You hadn't seen Optimus ever since he was ambushed by humans, for now, you remain with Bumblebee.
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It had been a few years now that you had been with your metal family.
As you got older you started to understand and realise that there was a reason you all had to remain in hiding.
From what you've overheard from time to time, there was an incident in Chicago that had forced all Autobots to remain in hiding.
"Hi sisters-!" You thoughts were interrupted when you saw Bumblebee approaching you.
(Not me adding a meme)
"What's up, Bee?" You grinned and looked up at him. You couldn't help but notice that his radio sounded weird.
Bumblebee bent down to your level and gave you a frustrated look. "My...voice...the radio it's-....." Then, it was as if the radio completely stopped working.
"Again? Seriously, it's like these things don't even last long." You sighed and shook your head. This wasn't the first time you had to replace or fix Bumblebee's radio.
The autobot shrugged as if it wasn't his fault. You facepalmed before speaking, "Bro, you know I got no money, no education. Nada! It's hard for me to steal a radio out of a car everytime this happens."
You will admit, having no actual home or what is considered a "normal life" did make you feel left out and sad sometimes.
Bumblebee ruffled your hair with one of his digits as if to comfort you. You giggled before playfully slapping his servo away.
"Alright, alright. This is the last time I'm stealing from someone's car. After this, you're on your own, Bee."
Bumblebee nodded happily before transforming into his alt form.
You sighed and shook your head. "Sorry, bro. Not this time. Can't risk humans knowing about you. Remember what happened to papa...?" You mumbled the last part sadly.
Bumblebee immediately transformed back. You put your hands on his face plate. He gave you a sad look, he knew how much Optimus ment to you. No one really knows if he's still alive or not but everyone was hoping for the best.
"Anyways!" You smiled, "Stay here. I mean it, Bumblebee. Stay put. Got it?"
Bumblebee made gestures like he wanted to argue but with his radio broken, he couldn't say anything so he slowly nodded after a few seconds.
You had been walking towards a small town for about five minutes now. In the distance, you couldn't help but notice that there was a vehicle and a few girls on the side of the road.
Had their vehicle broken down?
"Uh... You guys need some help or something?" You asked as you approached them. The girls were slightly shaken to see you, it was as if you appeared out of nowhere to them. To them, it was odd that a kid younger than them just appeared.
"Huh? Oh, hey. Unless you know how to fix my friend's vehicle." A blonde girl replied.
"I can fix it in five minutes!" You grinned.
And so you did. The benefits of having a metal family who can turn into vehicles.
When they asked how to repay you, you just asked them for a radio for a car in a joking manner.
"Lucky you. I'm sure my dad has one in his barn full of junk. I'm Tessa by the way." The blond from earlier smiled.
"[Name]." You grinned, "You're a life saver. I really need that radio."
At least now wouldn't have to break into someone's vehicle and steal one.
"Dad!!" You heard Tessa yell as you walked behind her. Her house was honestly pretty nice in your opinion.
"Ugh, he's probably in the barn. Come on." Tessa motioned for you to follow her. While you were walking toward the barn, you cringed when you saw something that looked like it was supposed to be a robot security dog or something.
When Tessa opened the barn door, you saw a guy putting out a fire with a fire extinguisher, that must be her dad-
"What a first impression," You snickered.
You heard him groan in frustration before he turned to you and Tessa. "Oh, Tess, hey. Is this uh... one of your friends?" He spoke.
You were younger than Tessa by probably 3-4 years.
"Yeah. I owe her a favor; she just wants a car radio. I figured that you might have one in the bar." Tessa nodded.
"Okay. Hey, kid. I'm Cade Yeager."
"So... what do you do exactly, Cade?" You asked as you looked around the bar, there was a lot of "junk".
"I'm an inventer." Cade said as he looked around fora car radio.
"He uses junk to invent more junk." Tessa carelessly dumped stuff on the ground as she helped her dad search.
"Hey! We do not use the J word in this household."
"Your dad's got a point, Tessa. Besides, most of this stuff is actually useful when you know what to do with it or how to use it." You smiled once you found what you were looking for.
"Thank you! See? She gets it, Tess." Cade was kinda happy to know that you didn't have the same mindset as his daughter.
"Sorry I took longer than expected, Bee." You spoke as you finished replacing the radio.
Bumblebee didn't seem to be bothered. "What...were you up to...girl?" The bot looked at you as he 'spoke'.
"Well, I made a friend. And I met her dad. They were the ones who gave me the radio," You smiled and looked up at the Autobot.
Bumblebee ruffled your hair with his servo. You didn't have any friends, so seeing that you made one- or two, made him happy.
It made him happy to see you smile.
(This is unedited and rushed.)
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arhvste · 4 years
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❝suna rintarō dating hcs❞
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→ YOU had to approach suna first
→ man is unbothered about relationships fr 🥱
→ but you actually approached him over work cause y’all were paired together for some project
→ listen, suna isn’t superficial nor is he interested but when you came up to him he was like
→ 👀
→ he thought you were ‘a e s t h e t i c a l l y pleasing’
→ refused to admit he was interested lmfao
→ also wasnt about to put effort in to a relationship
→ hes a go with the flow type person
→ and that mf flow ended up with him laying on your lap in the present day
→ you ended up dating after your project was over cause suna lowkey grew to like you
→ “hey you’re pretty hot, should we just date or smth?”
→ “yeah ight 😌👍🏽”
→ thats literally how his confession went 😐
→ that’s okay though cause who tf wants a whole headache of a confession?
→ certainly not you and suna was fucking glad you didn’t think his confession was shitty
→ dates with suna are the best
→ you want food? you’re ordering take out
→ suna will only kinda take you out if you specifically ask him to or it’s late late at night
→ he likes taking you out to climb roofs of buildings and just talk about whatever at 2am
→ theres actually a specific roof the two of you deemed ‘your place’
→ there’s an old farmhouse roof not too far from either of your houses
→ if you’re bored or just wanna see each other at 3am you can bet your ass that’s where your meeting
→ neither of you are allowed to tell anyone about your secret roof though
→ god forbid the twins find out and show up one day and ruin the vibes 👹
→ anyways back to dates
→ you guys just kinda hang at either of your houses
→ suna doesn’t wanna drag you around a crowded place and you don’t want that either
→ that’s why he only takes you out late at night 😼
→ sometimes you come with him to meet his dealer
→ no i was joking ^^
→ but anyways in school your relationship is kinda lowkey too
→ you don’t like hide it but what’s the need to show everyone you’re together you know?
→ suna isn’t gonna sweep you off your feet in front of everyone to make a point
→ but he most certainly will do it in front of the twins
→ why?
→ because they annoy him with their bickering so he sees it’s fair he annoys them with his relationship
→ everyone knows y’all are together because atsumu has the fattest mouth 😤
→ but everyone’s super chill about it and nobody bothers either of you about it 😼
→ suna parents love you too btw
→ he introduced you pretty quickly since you were always at his house
→ oh yeah, this is y/n my girlfriend. 😐👍🏽”
→ thanks for the grand intro suna 😍
→ okay but his parents often invite you over for dinner
→ suna just seems more motivated with you around
→ hes not a bad kid but he does slack off when he gets too comfortable
→ so for exam season youre a life saver
→ “i don’t need to study i’m already good at this subject”
→ “rin study 😐🔪”
→ 😐😑😐
→ “okay y/n you win 😁👍🏽”
→ same goes for volleyball games
→ kita insists youre a life saver
→ man SLACKS off when they’re in the lead 🥱
→ give him that little ‘🤨’ look and suna is like
→ 🏃🏻💨🏐
→ youre the only one he’ll consistently stay somewhat motivated for
→ ya just have to shove him a little to do it
→ clingy asf sometimes
→ will hang onto you when he’s tired
→ not like how he’s normally pretty sleepy but
→ like tired tired
→ “rin get off i need to piss 😡”
→ “we are one, now take us to the bathroom 😔🤚”
→ it’s nice in bed though
→ personal heater suna 😩
→ in the summer hes a pain in the ass though
→ you just don’t use a comforter anymore because suna’s taken it’s place
→ you’re the only one hes clingy too though
→ so if he’s on a training camp he’ll just bring one of your stuffed toys or a t-shirt or smth that smells like you
→ nobody on the team dares bring it up to him
→ i just know this man wouldn’t hold back when it comes to insults
→ atsumu would try to violate him for it
→ suna would just look at him and be like
→ ��looks like it’s not just osamu you’re obsessed with but me aswell.”
→ “we’re twins i’m NOT obsessed with him 👁💧👄💧👁”
→ overall you have a pretty good relationship
→ there’s no stress or no arguments
→ you guys kinda just vibe together and go wherever life takes you 😎
→ and in the future, suna lowkey hopes thats down the aisle
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buttonpusherdiy · 7 years
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NYOS are an instrumental duo from Finland, they release their third album “Navigation” on the 29th September. We caught up with guitarist Tom Brooke ahead of the release.... 
Hi Tom, Please can you introduce the band?
Hey Marty! Nice to to talk to you... we're NYOS, a noisy instrumental duo based in Jyväskylä, Finland!
Where does the name come from and what does it mean?
NYOS is actually a lake in Cameroon which is located in the crater of an inactive volcano... the lake is saturated with carbon dioxide due to the layers of magma below the surface and has been known to have dramatic and unpredictable eruptions of carbon dioxide... there are only three known lakes like this in the world, and it can be really dangerous. We wanted a name for the band somehow associated with nature, and its power and unpredictablity, so when we read about lake NYOS, it really hit the spot and just stuck with us...
Who are your biggest influences?
That's always a super hard question, as we listen to all sorts of stuff and we've always had a pretty free approach to writing music for NYOS. Both of us are lucky enough to have jobs where we're around music all of the time (Tuomas, the drummer works in a record store, and I'm a recording engineer), Tuomas is a big rap and pop fan but comes from the Jyväsklä punk rock scene, and I kinda tend to just immerse myself in whatever I'm recording at the time these days... So I guess in someway the variety music we come across in our daily lives is probably the biggest influencer for how we go about things.
In terms of somewhat relevant bands to NYOS, for me at least, as a reluctant guitarist, the biggest influences would be bands like Don Caballero and Battles who have kinda led the way with the possibilities of looping (a total life saver for me, musically)...
You're releasing your third album "Navigation" in September, how was the recording process for you?
Navigation was an equally fun and painstaking album to record for us! We recorded, as with the previous albums, at my studio here in the Finnish countryside, but this time we made a real effort to be a lot more strict with both our playing, and also the sounds. We made a point to have a little more variety to the soundscapes, as the last record, Nature was intentionally recorded in quite a flowy, consistent way. We spent a lot of time tuning or even changing the drum kit to suit each song (and sometimes even half way through the track) and I spent a lot more time playing around with different effects and guitar tones than ever before!
We also decided to treat ourselves by hiring Mandy Parnell, who is an amazing engineer to master the record. She has mastered a bunch of our collective favourite albums (Björk, Go Go Penguin etc) so it was a real pleasure to have the final polish on the record done by such a pro!
Is it much different being in charge or recording your own album compared to working with a producer?
Yeah, I guess so... at least with NYOS, I've recorded everything we've done to date, so we don't really have a comparison, but for me personally, I like the simplicity of doing things myself, these songs all have relatively weird structures, and really high track counts, due to the amount of layers and loops involved, so to not have to spend time explaining this stuff to an outsider definitely makes things easier! That being said, I don't think we're ruling out ever recording elsewhere, that would be a good experience too!!
Have you guys any plans to tour the record in the UK?
We have a busy Autumn/Winter ahead touring the new album! We'll do a large European tour from late September through to mid November, and yeah as part of that we're actually coming to the UK (my country of birth!) for the first time! We're really looking forward to that one!
Any crazy tour stories you'd like to share?
No comment... :)
Where can people find out more about you guys?
You can find us on the usual internet sites, facebook, bandcamp & Instagram
Or alternatively, come say hello on one of our coming tour dates:
27.09 - Oulu, FI @ Tukikohta 28.09 - Tampere, FI @ Vastavirta 29.09 - Turku, FI @ TVO 30.09 - Seinajoki, FI @ Bar15 04.10 - Jyväskylä, FI @ Lutakko 05.10 - Helsinki, FI @ Bar Loose 06.10 - Lappeenranta, FI @ Galleria HOI SIE 07.10 - St Petersburg, RU @ Fish Fabrique Nouvelle 08.10 - Tallinn, EE @ Helikopter 09.10 - Riga, LV @ DEPO 10.10 - Vilnius, LT @ XI20   11.10 - Budapest, HU @ Robot w/Melt Banana 12.10 - Linz, AT @ Secret Location 13.10 - Leipzig, DE @ Ex-Black Hammer 14.10 - Berlin, DE @ Schokoladen 15.10 - Nurnberg, DE @ Kunstverein 16.10 - Zurich, CH @ Boschbar 17.10 - Geneva, CH @ Urgence Disk Records 19.10 - Munich, DE @ Container Collective 20.10 - Ybbsitz, AT @ Kiwi 21.10 - Murska Soboda, SI @ MIKK 22.10 - Szeged, HU @ Grand Café 24.10 - Brno, CZ @ Bajkazyl 25.10 - Pilsen, CZ @ Pod Lampou 26.10 - Bamberg, DE @ Pizzini 27.10 - Mannheim, DE @ Wir Sind Die Toten Fest 29.10 - Norwich, UK @ The Rumsey Wells 30.10 - London, UK @ The Unicorn 31.10 - Glasgow, UK @ Bloc 01.11 - Leeds, UK @ CHUNK 02.11 - Rouen, FR @ Le 3 Pièces 03.11 - Strasbourg, FR @ Le Diamant D’or 04.11 - Karlsruhe, DE @ P8 05.11 - Frankfurt, DE @ Klapperfeld 06.11 - Hamburg, DE @ Hafenklang 07.11 - Aalborg, DK @ 1000fryd 08.11 - Oldenburg, DE @ MTS LP’s & CD’s 09.11 - Siegen, DE @ Vortex 10.11 - Rostock, DE @ Subset Fest 12.11 - Stockholm, SE @ Cyklopen
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Navigation is released on Meta Matter Records on the 29th September and is available to pre-order here now - http://bit.ly/1T6EuF3
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