#fr though he's such a grump but I love him
radiant-flutterbun · 1 year
Lair review for @pumpkin-bread​
First impression: I’ve reviewed your lair a few times before but your lair is always impressive! It’s filled with so much lore, love and care. All you dragons are so interesting and full of personality.
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He’s a beautiful dragon and genone! I absolutely love the midnight cloak and how you’ve layered his other apparel on top of it. The horns and glasses give him so much personality. His overall look is scholarly yet elegant. And his lore reflects this! He’s a lovely stuffy coatl. I hope he finds his sister.
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An XYY genone! Nice! He has gorgeous colors that drew me to him. I LOVE the accent, the wings from it are very eyecatching. I love how nicely the wind halo matches his seafoam glimmer. I also picked him because of his name and broadcast message. Trouble makers are fun.
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Her broadcast message said she wasn’t a dragon so I had to click on her. Ooo she’s a changeling. One that went against her purpose! I love that! Very, very interesting! As for the dragon herself, she has nice soft colors. She’s very beachy and tropical looking. She just looks sweet. Her accent really adds to her and makes her look even more from a tropical rainforest.
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This is a really handsome looking imp! That accent is just SO GOOD. Very pretty. Very gothic. Accents like these are why I’m often broke on FR. I’m glad you were careful not to cover the accent up with much apparel. And we’ve got another grump of a dragon. I love him.
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Plum constellation looks impeccable on this dragon. I love the witchy (gender neutral) vibe you’ve got going on with how you’ve dressed him. The garden hat actually works better than the witch’s hat here. And the shadow aura really solidify his magical aesthetic.
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Arcane primal has to be one of my favorite primal types and it’s very cool that you got it from a scatterscroll! Mistfall is a really stunning dragon. Again i’ve picked a dragon with plum. I guess I’ve never realized how good plum looks with starcon! The greens from radioactive work really well by blending with the purple that comes from radioactive butterfly. The green is just the right amount of green if that makes sense? It looks really nice with her otherwise purple-blue colors. Again another excellent choice of accent too.
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Angelic wildclaws by beloved. That accent is *chef’s kiss*. I guess I should expect by now for your lair to be filled with beautiful dragons wearing beautiful UMAs. I should also expect by now lovely dressed dragons. I love the mix of blues and gold in his outfit. The gilded rose collar layered over overcoat is SO GOOD. Loved his bio too. He seems like a good priest.
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It’s by coincidence that I chose Trina after Sorrow (Love that they’re friends), I chose the dragons prior to reading their bios. I chose Trina mostly because her broadcast message got a chuckle out of me and I had to see what she was complaining about lol. I too hate the cold, Trina. The gijinka art is her bio is very pretty. I like how the candles go with the inkwell wings too.
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The first aether I get to review! I love her vibrant pinks and soft blues. The accent look very nice on her. She really makes an excellent aether. i couldn’t imagine her being any other breed. So sad she got hurt during the crash tho! Glad she seems to be doing ok though. She seems like a sweet dragon.
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Oof ok this dragon really hits a lot of things I love ok. We’ve got death theming, abyss shell, VEIL BABY. I love this little guy already. 10/10 would adopt. Absolutely gorgeous little baby. Did I mention abyss shell is VERY good? And both wisteria hawkmoth and violet diaphanous give a green accent that looks so good! And her lore? A little gravekeeper with amnesia? I’m going to cry.
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tasteofdeathao3 · 2 years
You’ve spoiled us with those headcannons 😩
Izzy‘s such a sour patch kid on the ship , enough of a fuss bucket to irk the crew a bit but his sweet moments make up for it .
I love the fact that Ed‘s such a pro at taking care of him and more relaxed with his methods while Stede pushes(?) Izzy into trying new things. Like yes it’s fine for him to have his safe foods but it wouldn’t hurt for him to experience new things aswell. Same with Izzy going non verbal! Ed‘s fine with filling in blanks and following pointed instructions while stede‘s the one pushing for him to communicate , be it sign or a whisper .
aww ty ty <3
fr though Izzy is such a sweet'n'sour kiddo, one moment he can be so sweet and timid and the next he's kicking and stomping because someone borrowed a toy from his game! the tinies usually aren't too worried about playing with Izzy, mostly forgetting about his cranky side until it comes about, but the carers in the room are always vigilant, especially when they know Izzy refused a nap or didn't want to eat his lunch lol (they all still find him desperately cute).
Ed is kind of a pro at taking care of him, mostly because he's known Izzy for that long and has dealt with his tiny side quite a few times (though he didn't do the best job back then, and is still learning now). He's witnessed a lot of the things that still bother Izzy, like food insecurity, fear of abandonment, need for schedules and fear of change, and is absolutely delighted that when Izzy's small he can help make that go away - so you'd usually catch him giving in to Izzy's food demands far before Stede.
Stede, however, is really concerned about Izzy's eating habits! of course, it's fine and good to have safe foods, but Izzy has trouble eating to the point where he isn't eating much at all, which Stede cannot have. Ed will let him have his sliced plain bread for every meal, but Stede will sit with him and get him to eat at least half the plate of curry & rice that Roach made for them before he'll give in. So far it's succeeded in giving Izzy some other food that he knows he can enjoy, and is teaching him that it's okay to eat more than your allotted rations on The Revenge.
and yes yes!!!! when Izzy goes nonverbal, which is quite often, Ed is well experienced in his specific type of sign language, easily able to distinguish what he means within a few moments (much to Stede's bewilderment, who is struggling to understand half of the thing's Izzy's saying, much to the boy's annoyance). He's cool with Izzy pointing at things and poking at his cheeks and mouth to convey what he's trying to say, or even just reading his general body language to see what he needs, if he's feeling sleepy or hungry or overwhelmed. Stede, who is trying is damndest and still failing, is trying to encourage Izzy to communicate more. They're still unsure if Izzy's going nonverbal because he's comfortable and happy or because he's feeling vulnerable and scared, so Stede is really working on making Izzy at least try to communicate clearly, with a clear set of signs (closer to sign language than the ridiculous shapes Izzy tries to make with his hands normally), or even a super quiet whisper into Stede's ear.
They're complete opposites when it comes to everything else though lol. Stede will coddle Izzy and let him whine and moan through bath time and bedtime, let him fall asleep whenever he wants, while Ed will just pick Izzy up under the arms and sling him away if he's getting pissy for no good reason. Ed is definitely the no nonsense parent between the two of them, the bad cop, though to everyone else's standards he's still a huge softie.
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icantspeakspanish · 2 years
Obey Me! Brothers react to you behaving like an older, caring but short tempered sibling
a/n: i have no idea how thisll do because for some reason i only post haikyuu content on here🧑‍🦯 || i had to rewrite this entire thing because tumblr just decided to crash outta nowhere😐
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
he was pretty much the first one to notice how you treated him he brothers and also like, but he didn’t say anything
you weren’t harming or anything, so lucifer’s fine with it
UNTIL you notice how much he overworks himself sometimes
that’s when he’s getting bothered😭
you can’t really tell a demon to go to fucking sleep you tried, it didn’t work🙄
so you’ve come to the decision that it’d be best if you’d stick around in his room until he goes to sleep
why this would change anything you may ask?😟
because you’re annoying the living shit outta him as you should
putting this aside, y’all also often get bothered by the other ones behavior
cuz oldest sibling stuff, the usual shit
BUT as soon as you guys get over these „differences“, you become the most horrific duo in hell
that also goes for lucifer’s brothers
when someone messes something up, they’ll feel the DOUBLE pack of sibling wrath
that does not mean that y’all wouldn’t have the others back when they need you
swears you’re the best thing that has ever happened to the devildom
all because one time, mammon really wanted something but didn’t have enough money anymore
so youre like:“how much is it?“
and him, not expecting you to actually get that for him, just answering casually
till you wipe out your money and give it to him💀
„wait, are you serious???“
you ain’t even looking at him🥲
as you may have expected, he’ll use that more often now😒
remember how he swore that you’re the best thing that has ever happened to the devildom??
takes everything back as soon as he sees ya angry
Never stopped breathing so fast after hearing „god fucking dang it, Mammon!!“ shout through the entire house
And he can’t lie to you 🥱
Sometimes, the teasing and blaming by his siblings gets the best of him
You SENSE it immediately when something shifts in mammon so you’re quick to make the others stop by either threatening to embarrass them or really just yell the SHIT out of them
It works 😍🤞🏻
And you comfort him too😠
Do i even need to start
Homeboy BARRICADES himself in his room sometimes
🥱🚪 <- you at his door on your nightly round, throwing water and food into his room
Reminding him to stay fucking hydrated, eat his fucking food you protected with your life to not let beelzebub get it
He thinks you’re a good listener
And you show interest in his hobbys even though you maybe don’t understand a word
He really appreciates you for violently taking care of him🥰
Still respects you☝🏻
Fucking joking, Levi is terrified of you when you loose your shit
Underestimates you SO HARD BRO
Like mammons like „and then, they yelled at me…“, and he’s like:“Y/n is a human. You can snap their neck, why are you terrified?“
Yeah bitch you tHOUGhT🖕🏻
Views you completely different after you made a demon feel bad by yelling💀
„yeah its basically— did you just grump at me? What are you, a fucking dog??“
„Y/n, that is a demon.“
„so??? no one gonna raise their voice at me.“
Mama ain’t raised no bitch
Thats how he respected you
Satan starts loving you after you get him a cat😭
He goes 🥺
You’re also honest with him when you think he’s either in the wrong or right with Lucifer
Will rather listen to you JUST TO PISS LUCIFER OFF LMAOOOO
He sees you having a stressed skin and assumes its because you’ve been kept awake day n night because of his brothers
And says you’re very welcome for a skincare night😩😭
talking bout love interests all the WAAAAAY
Like you guys are besties, exchanging tea, gossiping n all😭
Will hide behind you when Lucifer gets angry at him because he knows you snap back💀
When something happens, his eyes go immediately to you checking if you jus saw that too HAHAHAHAH
Will threaten anyone, even in the human world, who’s in question to date you if they break your heart😚
Beel tries his best to avoid making you angry
And when you’re on your fifth way to the kitchen at 2 AM to get lucifer his fifth glass of milk to fall asleep
You see him sitting there like ☹️
„Hey Beel, what’s wrong?“
„Im hungry.“
You look around a bit confused, then get an idea
„I can bake you a cake if you go back to sleep then?“
So there you go
Screw Lucifer’s glass, he asleep now anyway😠
Some low demon was mean to him?
You’re bout to go feral
One of his brothers picked on him eating
The house is on fire
everything for this men🙄✌🏻
Belphie LOVES making you angry
Belphie HATES you treating him like a fucking child and all of his words are cries😭
Like he’s trying to provocate you and you look deadass at him and go
„You’re done?😐“
You both try to not smack each other for beels sake <3
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Finished BTD2. Thoughts. You know the drill (no pun intended). This one was tough!!
BTD1 ver \ TPOF ver
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I didn't think he was all that interesting when I first saw him.
The fact that he is apparently my favorite was not known to me until the creation of this list, just now.
But maybe that's not such a surprise because he's actually got a lot in common with Rire (despite being a fallen angel rather than a demon).
Like Rire, he seems to enjoy the finer things, he's jaded, and more importantly: you have to keep his interest, and he gets bored easily.
Unlike Rire, he's pretty serious by nature (therefore more difficult to entertain and less inclined to put up with 'misbehavior'), practically forlorn even.
Also unlike Rire, though, I think he's more able/likely to become truly fond of someone. He's downright soft once you win him over.
Wings pretty. Hair nice.
I'm also a sucker for the whole 'call me anytime you need help, I'll swoop in and defend you' kind of thing 🥰
First ending: "Cain dropped you"
Favorite ending: either "Cain saved you" or "Cain saw your value"
8.5/10 I'll take him
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Baby boy. Baby.
So sweet and anxious. Doesn't want to hurt you but does want to remove your spine and keep it. Loves you so much he wants to (literally) climb inside your ribcage but also can't believe anyone could truly love him back 🥺
someone get this man a psychiatrist
The little sad smiles, the mutters, the blushes. I could just eat him up fr
First ending: "he took you to the woods"
Favorite ending: "Lawrence got closer" or "Lawrence kept you"
*gently holds* 8/10
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Gets a special mention despite not technically having his own route because I love him, your honor
I do have a weakness for grumps so this is not shocking
Another fallen angel, related to Cain. An all around good boy despite being kinda cranky. Also a priest if that does anything for you.
You get a nice epilogue with him if you let him rescue you!!
7.5/10, glad the boyfriend he apparently has doesn't keep him from fooling around with me 😏
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Went back and forth on him a lot throughout his route
Me when he first appeared on screen: 😳 awooooga!!
Highest percentage of death endings, I think. Yikes. He's easy to piss off.
Big stronk. muscles. scars
I like his personality too. Playful, flirty, and generally easygoing as long as he's not angry.
Protective, loyal, and affectionate (once you win him over), and probably a lot of other traits one could ascribe to a pet dog because.... werewolf
Some of his endings actually gave me feels. He can be very sweet.
Lets you wear!! His clothes!! Because they look good on you and also yours smell good so he wants to keep them! 😖
Some uh. rough kinks 😬 just ignore those I guess
The best ending you can get with him is also poly, which is very cool, because he already kinda has a bf
I actually kinda dislike the bf so 😒 he's a brat and not in a fun way
First ending: "Vincent stepped in"
Favorite ending: "Vincent saved you"
*scritches ears* 7.5/10 (yeah he's tied with Damien, whatever. I can't choose)
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I realize I picked a very cute CG but..... this little shit
Once again I'm going to piss off the fandom, because he's another major fan favorite
but he really is kind of a little shit. Also I'm sorry, he looks like he's 13 years old and the thirst train just cannot leave the station with him looking like that
I do sympathize with him and he certainly can be adorable. I'm perfectly happy to be kind to him when he's not zapping the ever-loving shit out of me 😠
I can't forgive him for what he did to my baby boy though!! Ever!!!! I hated playing that scene over and over jfc 😭
(also let me just say...... seeing that body he has in the freezer was so cathartic, I very nearly pointed and laughed)
First ending: "you took Law's place" (of course)
Favorite ending: "you helped Ren"
6/10 I do feel the urge to hug him when he cries
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Hashirama & Tobirama With a Little Sister Headcanons
( as children )
♡ butsuma was never really a good father. he was constantly pushing his children into war one way or the other, so i headcanon him as being, to put it bluntly, a very abusive father.
♡ i imagine butsuma being absolutely infuriated when he finds out that his youngest child is a girl
♡ "what am i going to do with this? she won't ever be as strong as my sons!"
♡ with this being mentioned, hashi and tobi's little sister grows up constantly being called a 'total misfire'
♡ so, with that in mind...
♡ get ready for a whole lot of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
♡ GOD, hashi just loves her SO MUCH
♡ when she was little, hashirama would play with her in her room like, all the time. no buts. all the time.
♡ "wanna play with the blocks? you want the green one? here you go!! i love you so much!!!"
♡ he can't believe he has a little sister! three brothers it took to get him here and now all he wants is to play with her constantly
♡ when kawarama and itama become fatalities to the uchiha clan, hashirama has a newfound drive to protect his youngest sibling. he vows to never, ever let anything happen to her, may god help him.
♡ stands up for her against their father. butsuma is furious, but hashi's little sister never forgets that. hashi made a vow to protect her, and that's exactly what he's gonna do.
♡ whenever she has nightmares, he's always there to comfort her, no matter what. if he has a curfew and has to be in his room and stay in there at a certain time, he'll sneak out and crawl through the halls just to get to her room. #goodfam
♡ during the colder months he likes to wrap a long scarf around his sister and throw one of the ends over her head, just for shits and giggles
♡ she doesn't mind, she's giggling too
( as teenagers )
♡ when things get a little more rocky in their lives now that hashirama is older, he finds he doesn't have enough time for his baby sister anymore. right around the corner he'll be in his twenties, and his baby sister is still only barely past the age of ten. now that he's much more stronger and able to provide more for his family, he's willing to do anything it takes, even if it means he won't always physically be there for his sister.
♡ when butsuma passes away and hashirama becomes the head of the senju clan, there's a lot of strain on him, but he manages to pull through
♡ his baby sister is always getting noogies or having her hair ruffled by him
♡ once she was complaining about her hair getting too long and how she didn't like it, so hashi sat her down and cut her hair for her. he was like "OMG KSJGFSHGBJRGH IM GONNA CUT YOUR HAIR ARE YOU READY? im not the best at cutting hair. like, TERRIBLE. im TERRIBLE at it. but i hope it'll look good on u!! cus ur so cute!! look at those squishy cheeks!!!!"
♡ his little sister is like "uhh, on second thought???"
♡ he does a terrible job
♡ he cuts it at about a few inches above her shoulders but it's so UNEVEN
♡ he tried his best
♡ she cries because it looks so bad but can't get mad at poor hashi
♡ his little sister enjoys practicing being a homemaker before fighting other clans, so that's what she does. while hashi and tobi are out, she stays at home and sweeps, scrubs the floors on her hands and knees, does the dishes, washes the laundry as best she can, etc
♡ by the time hashi and tobi get home she's fallen asleep on the floor
♡ when she woke up nothing went well.
♡ if his little sister wants to dabble in some medical ninjutsu, hashi complies immediately. 3 seconds after the words are out of her mouth hashi is dashing out of the house towards the medical quarters to see if he can find a nurse nin to teach his lil sis
♡ oh, btw, lots of "sis"'s
♡ and hugs
♡ and cheek kisses
♡ he can't resist he loves his baby sister SO much. like, 100/10 would fr die for her
( as children )
♡ he comes off as a bit cold and distant sometimes, but he really does care about his little sister, especially after itama and kawarama.
♡ whenever she'd come up to him wanting to play he shrugged her off and made her cry quite a handful of times, but every time he'd cringe at her sniffling and would be guilt-tripped into stacking blocks with her or some shit like that lmfao
♡ tobi definitely would not go to hashirama's level of affection for their little sister. it's just... it's just kinda nasty to him
♡ he hates the idea of receiving such affection and wouldn't "obsessively" kiss or hug his baby sister like SOMEONE he knows
♡ although once in a while he'll lay a hand on the top of her head
♡ she doesn't really know what's happening but he takes it off after .2 seconds
♡ he just aint that kinda brutha
♡ one time his sister started uncontrollably crying in the garden outside of their house and when he came to see what was wrong she pointed at a dead lizard on the ground and "i stepped on him!" poor babey
♡ tobirama honestly doesn't see how that's a problem. big deal, how many, i dunno, ants has he stepped on before? he never cried about that. he just cant understand what the big deal is. it's a lizard. there's billions of them.
♡ "so what? he was bound to be caught by a bird sometime or the other."
♡ in which the crying ensues, again, and tobirama begrudgingly places a hand on his sister's shoulder in some way to console her, but that's the best he can do. if his sister jumps at him while she's crying for comfort, he may lay a hand on the back of her neck while cries on him. that's it though
( as teenagers )
♡ when he's in his late teens, he's constantly out of the house preparing battle strategies just in case. he's virtually never at home except for when he gets off from his strategizing earlier than normal. when he's out late, he doesn't come home till past midnight probably or he'll be pulling an all-nighter. it's just who he is, and battle strategizing in case of a uchiha attack is necessary. someone's gotta do it
♡ now that his sister is older, she now has a bit of knowledge in the kitchen, and sometimes makes a little, small snack for her brother if he gets home late. it's not much, but it's the best she can do. probably something like a little tiny cupcake or a small dish of sliced fruit for him
♡ he appreciates it, but will never ever say that to her. his pride wouldn't be able to take it, showing thanks to a little girl when at the very least it should be him cooking for her. but we all know he doesn't have time for that
♡ once hashirama switched around the salt and sugar jars by accident since he just. he just doesn't know anything that goes on in the kitchen. it was a mistake. their little sister decided to make a little treat for tobirama when he got home, and she put salt in the cupcake instead of sugar. made it all nice and as neat as an eleven-year-old could, even put only a very small amount of icing on the top, just how tobi likes it
♡ when tobi got home he found it sitting out on the kotatsu in the dining room and decided to take only a bite before getting ready for a much-needed hot bath
♡ and promptly spat it out on the floor
♡ he was SO angry. ???????? like??????? did she do this on purpose??? was she messing with him?? was she angry that tobirama couldn't stay home the other night to eat dinner with her???? she knew that he had a busy schedule, so her giving him this garbage was unacceptable and selfish
♡ he's just a big grump
♡ when he confronts her about it the next day, shes like ??????? huh??? i didn't put salt in the food, get your mouth checked
♡ and then hashirama, amidst the loud arguing, is rubbing his neck like ...... hey guys, i have a confession to make
♡ when konoha is formed, tobirama is old enough to have his own home, and hashirama is arranged for a marriage with a woman named mito uzumaki. so tobirama moves out, and brings his little sister with him
♡ she runs the house while he's out being hashi's right-hand-man and whatnot
♡ y'know, slaving away, but now, thanks to hashi, pretty good at medical ninjutsu
♡ now that they're living alone together, tobirama has a bit more time for her. when he's free, he takes his sister out to a secluded spot to practice battle moves with her, pretty much trying to show her everything he knows, as much as he can. if his sister has an affinity for water like him, then all the more convenient. this gives him a much larger platform to teach her on
♡ she lowkey hates his style of teaching though
♡ "i can't be hitting you that hard" headass
♡ tobi she's like, thirteen, with barely any battle experience. you're a grown adult male whom has literally wasted some people, including that spikey-haired angry man's brother, ok
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oikaw-ugh · 4 years
Also, halo, Pilar! @ineedselfcontrol-helpme BKSSJSJ I'M GLAD YOU ARE INTERESTED OF MY OCs too 🥺
Number 2: JUNKO
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Full name
Arai Junko (Breath of Darkness)
Preferred name/nickname
Generally referred to as
The feminist HAHAHHAHAHA
Warning: mention of abuse
Sex: Female
Height: 5'2"
Weight: Somewhere around 50-60 kilos hehe
Build: She's not fat, she's not thin either. Just right :')
Hair: She used to have a long silky hair that reaches up to her waist (like Fujita's) but she hated how men like her hair so she cut it into uneven layers and ties her hair now.
Skin: She has smooth and pale skin tone but ever since she became a slayer, her complexion became fair with all the sunlight.
Eyes: Her eyes are deep brown in color. Fujita used to mock her for being 'alive but dead' with how dull-looking her eyes are.
Mouth: Not too thin but not too full.
Hands: They are slim and long. A fact she likes because it is like her sister's.
Feet: Average
Scars: She got two lashes on her cheeks from her sister's abusive husband.
Other features: None.
Noteable features: Whenever she unties her hair, Fujita is in awe with how beautiful Junko actually looks with her hair down.
Accent: None
Verbal Ticks: None
Language: Let’s assume they speak Nihonggo.
Articulation: She kind of share the same vocabulary with Fujita as she also came from a wealthy family.
Laughter: Her voice is surprisingly low so whenever she laughed, everyone gets scared as it feels like listening to a huge man laugh.
Grump: She mutters under heart breath whenever she sees or hears something so sexist.
Breathing: She makes this cute 'Mmm' when responding to question. She mumbles most of the time which creeps Fujita.
Face: She always has this (o_o) face all the time and it sometimes creeps people who personally don't know her. Good thing Maria is always there to reassure everyone that that's just how Junko looks. She also space out a lot, too.
Hands: She likes to play with her fingers when she's spacing out.
Legs/Feet: She likes to tap them relentlessly on the floor as if she's anxious.
Habits: She always run her fingers on her hair. She checks whether if it's already too long for her liking.
Posture: Kind of slouching. She used to be as poised as Fujita but she learned that men like delicate women so no.
Walking posture: She walks delicately, though.
Sitting posture: She slouches which ticks Fujita off but she couldn't care less.
Personal space: She's fine. She can handle hugs or people who are close to her AS LONG AS THEY ARE NOT A DUDE. I'm sorry. She just hates them.
Spacial awareness: She doesn't like bothering people so she's very wary of her surroundings yk what I mean?
Introvert/Extrovert: An introvert. Even when she still stays with his father, she's mostly quiet and her only friend was her sister.
Optimist/Pessimist: In between? She's kind of hopeful since she's with her friends but also pessimist as she fears things might not go according to what she'd hope.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: She's straight. But that does not mean she's interested with men.
Romantic: She's never been in love and I think will never be. Oh wait, she's in love with her niece ✨
Memory: SHE HAS A SHARP MEMORY. That would explain her hatred towards men.
Planning: In her most private daydreams, she planned on settling down with Amida, Fujita, and Maria if they all decide to retire.
Pensive: She doesn't regret anything that she's done. But if it's something about her friends, she'd overthink of it.
Intuition: She knows she's good at making decisions. If she isn't, she wouldn't be with her friends.
Goals: To keep her friends and her sister and her niece safe.
Insecurities: None. It used to be her scars but she realized that would kind of scare men away so she loves it.
Achievements: She's been told her whole life she'd only be successful if she settles down with a successful man. Her achievement was when she was able to stand up against her sister's abusive husband.
Anxiety: She hates men but truth to be told, their stares still make her anxious
Overwhelmed: When she visited her pregnant sister only to see her mistreated and in a poor condition.
Self-help: When she has internal conflicts, she thoroughly thinks of it. If it's too overwhelming for her, she asks for Maria, Fujita, and Amida's opinion because their different viewpoints gives her a clearer picture.
Comforts: Her sister's cooking, Maria's cooking, Fujita's 'funny' remarks and Amida actually rebutting against Fujita.
Philosophy: Men are trash.
Triggers: Men
The Past
Parents/Guardians: Her mother died even before she could open her eyes so she and her sister lived together with their sexist father. He has always told them that they would only be successful if they get to marry a successful man.
Her sister is her only friend. She learned kindness and gentleness from her sister. When her sister was bound to marry someone she didn't knew, her sister suggested the two of them run away. In the end, this suggestion wasn't pushed because her sister was afraid of their father.
School: No. But she was pampered well by her household.
Adolescence: She had the greatest adolescence! She actually grew very pretty! Hence, why men are all over her.
Leaving home: Was meaningful to her. It meant that she finally is able to stand up against her father. Leaving home was like freedom.
Further education:
Life events: When she didn't receive letters from her sister after her marriage, she grew worried and decided to visit her, only to see her wounded physically and pregnant. This got her fuming mad and she lashed out against her brother-in-law. He was drunk and was trying to violate her but she fought back, making her brother-in-law angry, breaking the bottle of alcohol just so he could hit her face, giving her scars.
Junko grew angrier with what he has done (WHO WOULDN'T THO WHEN YOU JUST WOUNDED THEM EYE-) He was about to go near her once again when Maria, who was on her way to another mission, heard of the commotion outside.
Worst day of their life: When she gave her brother-in-law the chance to hurt her and her sister and when she did not stand up against her father regarding her sister's marriage.
Lessons: Men are not to be trusted and she is not an object.
The Relationships
Family: The moment she left her household, her father is no longer part of her family. The only ones she considers as family are her sister and her baby, Amida, Fujita, and Maria.
As for Amida, at first she hated him. But when she knew of what happened to him, she kind of relaxed and accepted him.
Friendships: She's basically a loner her entire life and her only friends are her sister, Fujita, Maria, and Amida.
Friends in need: She'd be willing to help them. Be it as little as Fujita looking for her shoe or Maria chopping the firewood.
Annoyance: When in an argument, she's usually composed. But when you say something that offends her (like, this is why women should...), she'd actually scream at you.
Romance: She dislikes the thought. She hates the thought of being tied down with a man. Though if this man actually drinks his respect juice, she might - might - accept him
Marital problems: She was almost bound to marry someone.
Adversaries: -
Enemies: Men. And demons.
Strangers: She's gentle as long as you are not a dude.
Fun stuff: She loves visiting her sister along with her baby! She also likes it when she and the gang are on a stand by and they're just having fun.
Dating: None
Best friend: Amida, Maria, and Fujita
Love: Her friends, her sister and her niece.
Respect: She respects her friends, her sister, and women in general.
Mingling: At first, people are wary of her. But if they get to know her, they'd grow fond of her because she's a sweet bean! (That is if you're not a guy)
Comfort levels: She's comfortable talking to women but men? She's out.
Physical: She low key likes it when Maria or her sister caress her hair. Exclude Fujita, though. That bitch does not even know how to gently pat your head.
Group: She's fine with mingling in groups as long as you're not a guy
Jealous: She's jealous of no one.
Temper: LONG. How did you think she survived her father if she didn't have one?
Empathy: She emphatize to those who are wounded. So when she learned about Amida's state before becoming a slayer, she grew soft.
Affectionate: Lowkey motherly-like. She'd ask if you are hurt, or are you hungry or thirsty. She'd listen to you ramble and she wouldn't mind you wasting her time.
Distaste: When she hates someone, she'd tell it straight to their face since she hates beating around the bush.
Responsibility: She feels like it's her responsibility to keep her sister and her friends safe.
Self-esteem: Normal. Not too high to the point she's arrogant but not too low to the point she'd shy away. But if we're talking about Junko who was still living with her father, she has a very low esteem.
Honesty: She's very honest to her friends and sister. Unlike Fujita, she wouldn't hesitate telling her deepest secrets to Maria. But on Amida's case, it took a while for her to relax around him and to befriend him.
Leader or follower: A follower. She follows wherever her friends are.
Praise: She hates praises. It reminds her of the feeling of how men aggressively praised her from the past because of her beauty. Praises make her feel like she's an object.
Criticism: She accepts them and she works on them.
Insults: She takes them lightly but if it came from a man, please prepare your ass for her breathing form.
Embarrassment: She's embarassed when she's seen doing something out of character. Like, when Fujita caught her trying to plant, she blushed as if it was taboo for her to plant.
Flirting: No. :)
Attention span: She's very attentive when it comes to her friends and sister. She remembers the smallest detail and she never forgets the things her friends tell her no matter how random they could be.
I know no one asked but I have 4 OCs from Demon Slayer universe and I'd love to create this with them but I'm confused on which OC do I make one first.
So pick a number between 1 and 4 :) (2 and 4 are out-)
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hopetouched · 7 years
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                         FAE'S (almost) BIRTHDAY BIAS LIST!
I've been around for a short amount of time (about a month more or less) and I wanted to make a gift for all of my flowers (you guys)!! My birthday is coming up on the 29th and I wanted to just show everyone how much I appreciate them and how hopeful I am for a good celebration and good year!! I'm sorry if I forget anyone, just know you're all amazeballs and special, and that Ben loves you, or at least tolerates your presence even if he's a huge grump ass about it.. NOW, ON TO THE BABES!
@xwiinged​ | @ordertouched | @codesliicer | @carttusah  ZED BOY ME BOB. How many fucking blogs do you need? I love them all. You're my best friend, we live together, we beat each other up, we feed each other weird shit we find and you manfully swallow all the crappy baked goods I make even if you don't want to, and you have me some panda underwear. I don't know what I'd do without you after all these years. We're a packaged deal. The two for one sale nobody wanted. The buy one get one free nobody deserves. My partner in crime etc etc etc. I gay this shit up every time I make something for you so we'll just leave it at we're gals bein' pals even though neither of us are gals. And on most days we aren't even pals.
@galacticdebt​ ARES, YOU SON OF A BITCH. My other best bro. Me, you and Zed are the trifecta of peas in a pod. We met in SWRP three years ago. THREE. THREE WHOLE YEARS! Feels like I've known you my whole life. And you're another one I get really gay(tm) abt when I talk for stuff like this so I'll keep it short'n'sweet. You're my Assistant to the Best Friend, the cherry to my pie, the cinnamon to my apple, and the best dad I've ever had. You make me laugh, you make me cry, and I'm pretty sure I've peed a little over stuff you've said in the past. Keep being the best and remember I'm always on your side.
@savedpeople | @mcstexcellent JEN!!!! THE ONE I LOVE!!! A PIECE OF MY SOUL!! We've been friends through the Hetalia days. 'Nuff said. Nah but, I love you so much. You're so kind and sweet and deserve everything good in the world. Your Ted is adorable and I love him. I wish I could get on Rhys again to go bug him, they're the best bros I've ever done seen. I'm excited for your Negan (lbr top tier daddy is how you hook me), and I'm ready to follow you everywhere and anywhere you go. Any time one of us makes a new blog, we're always on top of each other. I think you were probably my third follower when I made Ben. We've got some true love going on, my friend. I couldn't be happier to have you as a part of my life even if we don't talk every day. You're one of the most important people to me and I'm so blessed and thankful to have you.
@ruthlessproficiency | @isdchimaera | @maetra NIK!!! OTHER LOVE OF MY LIFE!! We've been friends for a couple years now? Whatever who's counting it's been a lifetime honestly and I love you. You're my salty sailor and man of my dreams that gives me every ugly cliche I could ask. We met through mutual interest in SW on FR and it still makes me smile to this day at how small a world we have and how easy it is to connect with someone in another state, hemisphere, continent, whatever, over something so simple. Dragons? Star Wars? Mutual hatred of idiotic children that can't figure out how coli works if it bit them in the ass? SO MUCH IN COMMON. Nah but we do and I love every second of it. One of my best bros and I hope we stick together forever.
                     NOW TO THE REST OF MY LOVELY FLOWERS!
@chrrybtch | @cptphasma | @ncgotiator | @reydiiance | @storm-worthy | @skyhcpped | @qvarterstaff | @neversith | @rebelflown | @mostdaringpilot | @canderousordo | @techniiciian | @bigdealeightseven | @alderaaniia | @infiltrationiisms | @starsmourned | @starssystems | @soulscatter | @occisoren | @destinedtwin | @deadlymarch | @twentyoneeightyseven | @causefound | @holdscards | @alderastars | @hedeserted | @lstjedi | @hopegave | @pistcs
+ Anyone else I may have forgotten! 
                   Everyone is a superstar and I love you!!
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