#fragile flower
slavexisabel · 1 year
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izzyphan · 2 months
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katesemeniuk · 5 months
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Blossom in the night.
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absoluteslayage · 2 months
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shanastoryteller · 18 days
Shana, your tags on this post ...I need to know more! What exactly was the plan for Supernatural season 3 if it hasn't been for the writer's strike??? And how haven't I heard about this already?? I need the deets!
i'm so glad you asked :)
the original plan for season 3 was for sam to descend into using his demon powers to get dean out of the deal, and for dean to never go to hell. then the writers strike happened, the season got cut from 22 eps to 16, with only 4 after the strike, and that wasn't enough time to establish sam's spiral and powers, so changed the ending. it's on the wiki and there are some articles around about it
this was, in my opinion, the worst fucking decision they could make
it ruined the characters in a lot of ways and really unbalanced everything in a way the show never recovered from
the thing is that this arc is so well set up!
literally at the end of season 2 we get
"You're my big brother, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. And I don't care, I'm going to get you out of this. I'm going to save your ass for a change."
sam has evaded azazel's every attempt to corrupt him. his shitty home life, all the demons he's exposed sam to, killing jessica, taking away his father, putting him in a literal life or death hunger games scenario. each time sam refuses to play ball
(sam's incorruptibility is what makes him qualified to be king of hell, but that's a different post)
he's the moral compass between him and dean. always has been. there is nothing in sam's messed up, twisted life that has pushed him pass mercy
but dean could do it. there's nothing sam wouldn't do for his big brother
john told dean that he had to either save sam or kill him. except he's never needed to save sam, because it's literally always sam making the measured, compassionate, merciful call. he's the one holding dean back, not the other way around
and sam straining towards darkness for the first time, for dean, would kill him. we'll come back to this
mystery spot, as an episode, is actually pointless if the plan was for dean to go to hell. because sam's sneak peek into what his life is like after dean doesn't do anything. i love this ep, but it's narratively pointless now
with the og plan, mystery spot is the turning point. it not only tells sam how miserable he'll be after dean is gone, but it also establishes what he's willing to do to get him back - pretty much anything. it's not theoretical pain, it's not theoretical grief. mystery spot is the thing that pushes sam towards being hard, away from the moral sweetness he's embodied for the past two and half seasons.
the next ep, jus in bello, shows this. sam is considering doing the terrible thing. he's now capable of considering the terrible thing in a way he wasn't before mystery spot. this is when his descent starts, when sam decides he's willing to trade his humanity for his brother's life
and then the writer's strike happened
right when it's getting good, right when sam's arc is ramping up, we lose it. and instead of picking it back up, pushing dean's deal to next season and giving it the weight it deserves, they say fuck it, and send dean to hell
but this fucks it all up. we have sam's "descent" with ruby and demon blood. except not really because he's not even hurting anyone. and dean's back, but not because of sam. sam didn't save him
this fucks it all up
because deans anger and fear and desire to save sam should have been tempered with the knowledge that he did that to save dean's life. that once more someone dean loves has made a terrible sacrifice for him, which he can't stand, which he hates. he has the self esteem of a gnat and the best people he knows keep destroying themselves for his benefit
i think the og build up was sam strengthening his powers to kill lilith, doing it, and then releasing lucifer at the end of s3. sam unwittingly starting the apocolypse to save his brother (does he regret it, dean wonders. it would be easier if he did)
and now everything is shit and dean's drowning but here and his brother has turned himself into something that's not unlike the kid dean loves so much it almost killed him, but not exactly the same. and now he understands john, because this is the sam that dean has to either save or kill, except he could never kill him. he loves him (and how can he kill sam for doing this when it's dean's fault, when dean made the deal that doomed his brother when all he wanted was to save him)
this is the flip that the show has been building towards. dean having to be the moral center for his brother for once. dean being the one saved. dean finally having to face his father's words and deciding once and for all if he's john's son or sam's brother
but instead dean goes to hell. and he's no one moral's center. because he broke in hell, he tortured people and he enjoyed it. they ruined dean with this. because instead of fighting and growing from his violence, they push him into it, and then they call him a righteous man. dean was the one harming people, he's the one that descended into darkness, not sam. sam and his demon blood had still only been trying to good, and in the end did do good, far more than anything dean did in hell, or has done since. his moral outrage, his anger, his disgust towards sam isn't only wildly out of character, it's hypocritical as hell. sam remains the moral, compassionate one, even through this. it never slides to dean. neither of them are really forced to grow or change, only to become twisted into each other in ways that hurt them both
this should have been the story of what sam would do to save his brother (anything) and what dean would do to save his brother (anything)
they should have saved each other
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catabolics33d · 2 months
First time actually attempting something inspired by old scene/emo art properly, I HOPE I did it some justice for my first go ^_^;
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Unpixelated ver.
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more-than-ideas · 4 months
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Hannes Caspar
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hermitjunk · 1 year
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Watching bdubs last life playthru and really impressed that they not only survived the nether but also a scar attack. and bdubs is also ill the whole time?? They are held together with popsicle sticks and glue 👍
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dairyfreenugget · 1 month
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(Alt text under read more)
Making species sheets ❌️
Making ocs for these species ✅️
ID start: A digital drawing of a draft breed horse with horse fly traits. They're black, white, and grey in colouration, with a black body, horizontal stripes, and lighter head and feet. They have six limbs with bug feet stylised to look like hooves and long fur coming off them. They have a bug abdomen for a tail, which is covered in fluffy hair resembling a horse tail. They have a grey mane on their neck and around their throat. The mandibles resemble a sort of beak that splits into six segments, and their tongue looks like a sharpened blade. They have short antennae above their eyes resembling ears. The text in the top right corner says, "Damsel. Female domestic horse fly", and then in brackets "Draft breed." End ID.
ID start: A digital drawing of a small pterosaur creature. They're covered in soft black fur with bright blue streaks on their neck and a blue mask on the face and a soft blue gradient on their wings. They have four wings with little feet. The front two wings have opposable thumbs. They have tiny pointed ears, yellow eyes, long whiskers, and plates on the muzzle mimicking a beak, surrounded by longer fur that forms a small crest on top of their head. They wear a small, white cloth tied around their neck that has a small silver bell attached to it. Their left side has a faded, long scar going along it. The height chart in the upper middle shows they're small, around the size of a crow or a raven. The text on the upper right corner says, "Bellatrix. Male northern bluecrested false wyvern" and then in brackets, "extinct." End ID.
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discount--dracula · 2 months
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today i'm saying farewell to my darlings (only for a short while, but it hurts nonetheless)
see you in our new home lovelies
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slavexisabel · 1 year
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izzyphan · 3 months
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oh-snapperss · 2 years
life series four predictions before literally anything gets announced!!
-etho and bdubs team up with cleo!
-etho and bdubs are the last two alive and etho kills bdubs to win the series
-grian kills someone second session
-jimmy first out (manifesting)
-someone goes red the first session
-it's either scott or skizzleman
-scar and grian don't speak to each other at all OR they team up AGAIN
-the Cursed Build of the season will be built by....... tango!
-there's another canonical marriage
-the series will drop on february 16th and it'll be called first life
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melit0n · 8 months
I love Jaws with all my heart, so, here I come with a little analysis again!
First off, the title. Bite my neck, drink my blood and make us one type vibes. Sleep Token in general has a massive thing with biting, teeth, consumption and chewing (there's a massive post on Reddit with all the times it's been mentioned, which, if I remember correctly, is around twenty), across their discography, and Jaws is the immediate beginning of this trend.
Jaws are a sign of power, destruction, love, sadness and joy. We bear our teeth when we're happy, when we're angry and when we eat. It is the ultimate metaphor for so many emotions. You don't know someone until you've seen them destroy something, to shout and scream and chew and bite, hence the line "show me those pretty white jaws; show me where the delicate stops". He's asking to see the real them, whoever they are.
All the lyrics have this underlying religious tone, as most Sleep Token songs do, but here it's more directly addressed. "Stained glass" is almost always associated with Churches and Cathedrals, and presents 'them' as something Holy; something that can and will be worshipped. However, the line "Whites of your eyes burn" completely removes all the ideas of safety that surrounds a religious figure. Of course, when it comes to divinity and sin, fire is a massive symbol we have to talk about. To burn is to suffer, but to be cleansed. It's this double entendre that presents this figure of safety as one who is also a threat. A predator.
Then, of course, we have "And I'm not here to be the saviour you long for". Unfortunately, Vessel seems to be in this constant battle of 'I can fix them; we can fix eachother. We're gonna be fine!' and 'I fucking hate you; leave me be or I'll have at you', which is what's seen in this one. Neither of them are the saviour the other one yearns for, yet Vessel still tries. He asks, and then repeats over and over, creating the tone of begging and pleading, for them to show him what they've lost and, in turn, show him love.
He's asking them for the two things they can never genuinely give, but he never stops trying because God forbid the things he'd do if he was alone again.
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fragmcntedsouls · 8 months
@exitiumstarters ✦ billie dawson ✦ exitium.event002
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Of all of the places to have been summoned to, the OEA headquarters had been the very last that Billie would have envisaged walking blindly towards. Despite her intention to carry herself with confidence as she arrived, the latter was clear from her expression. 
First and foremost, she needed a drink - but she wouldn’t be accepting any handouts from the vermin responsible for her death. Instead, plucking a flask from her dress she made easy work of unscrewing the cap and taking a gulp as she mentally prepared herself to head inside. 
Taking it step by steady step, the banshee began to descend down the grand staircase, breathing a sigh of relief for not having taken a tumble. As she approached the bottom of the staircase she found herself greeted by another and whilst she might have looked the part, she wouldn't waste an opportunity to show that she was still Billie "well, this is fucked up."
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more-than-ideas · 5 months
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