#francis barcellas
ariparri · 5 months
You're welcome! I have fun with them, too!
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Once again using my four main OCs from Azure Bloom!
Rukka Rosare: Being a princess and part of the kingdom's military, Rukka has a slightly stiff posture. On most occasions, she stands tall with an air of confidence around her. She can maintain and hold eye contact for a long period of time, which sometimes makes the other person uncomfortable. Every now and then though, she relaxes a little bit before going back to being a stiff board because she can’t be caught “slacking.” Due to her training as a soldier as well as her demon genes, Rukka has greater stamina than an ordinary human.
Pheabe Bliss: Pheabe is the shortest one in the group and is the most hyperactive one. Her mannerism when she speaks involves a lot of hand movement and bouncing on her toes. While she does stand up straight, she does tend to slouch a bit when she gets more comfortable. Being the more sociable and approachable one of the group, Pheabe is quite confident. She has a lot of stamina as a speedster and is pretty athletic, being able to keep up with Francis in parkour and Rukka during her training. Pheabe is smaller than the rest of the group, she also has more softer features such as rounder eyes in contrast to Rukka's sharper features.
Dante Manzanares: Dante is more relaxed in his demeanor. There’s a bit of a slouch to his posture and he’s often leaning on one leg when he’s standing with his hands usually on his hips. When he’s walking, the heels of his shoes are slightly dragging against the ground as he doesn’t pick up his feet too far above it. When he sits, he’s practically lounging with either both his feet or one are propped up. Other times his legs are also spread out. Dante is the tallest one within the group, and also the most athletic one. It’s hard to tell under his leather jacket, but Dante is also the most fit and has more muscle than the others.
Francis Barcellas: While he is more relaxed than the girls, Francis is also more on the respectful side compared to Dante. When he’s sitting, he does the same as Dante, propping his feet up and lounging comfortably until someone else joins them and he sits up straight to make some room for them. Francis formerly being part of a group of thieves, is more agile and has better stamina and control as he’s the only archer within the group. He’s the second tallest one in the group, almost sharing the same height as Rukka. His posture has him stand up right, chest puffed out but he’s not as stiff as Rukka.
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ariparri · 3 months
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No matter the being making the deal, Rukka would prefer the favor over losing a body part. Especially if another person's life is on the line. Now Rukka is a girl of her word, she will honor the deal no matter how awful the deal was. Rukka is also the type to think of all the possible consequences that will come to this proposition and how she can find a work around to it. Of course, she won’t vocalize it, she can’t have the other being know what her own plan is.
Both Dante and Francis are on the same boat in this situation. Due to their upbringings, they definitely have the mentality of whatever it takes and not think much about the consequences. Both were originally thieves, they know a shitty deal when they hear one. But what choice do they have when the other option is literally losing an eye? They’ll take the favor even if it means they’ll be painted in a bad light. Francis though can easily create a new situation whereas Dante wouldn’t be able to think that far ahead to make situations better.
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ariparri · 6 months
•°☆Tis I, the Soup Fairy!☆°•
Coming in a little late...
As it is wobu wed eve (a term I just made up), I shall bestow upon ye last week's question so you may participate again tomorrow. Twice the fun!
What texture does your character absolutely hate? What about it makes their skin crawl?
Hello hello ♪( ´θ`)ノ
I’ll go ahead and answer for my actual OCs and not my fandom OCs for this ask (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Since I’ve been neglecting them (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Rukka Rosare - Rukka doesn’t like anything that has a velvety like feeling to it. Especially velvet fabric that are so obviously cheap that it leaves some lint on her or feels very rough and sticky. Rukka's gowns were originally made with velvet fabric and she often complained about the feeling of it especially on hotter days where it practically sticks to her skin. Running her hands over it also feels like the fabric is pulling every nerve of her fingers out.
Pheabe Bliss - Pheabe hates the feeling of dust or anything chalky, especially if there’s a thick layer of it on her hands. If she can easily roll a layer of dust off her fingers by rubbing it together but still feel a faint layer of dust, she’d throw a bit of a fit about how filthy she feels and she’s uncomfortable until it’s been washed off. She doesn’t like how it makes her skin feel dry and weird to touch. To her it feels like her skin dried up and is about to just flake or peel off.
Francis Barcellas - Francis doesn’t like anything that has a slimy or even a smooth and squishy texture. While it doesn’t necessarily make his skin crawl, he doesn’t like how it feels. He was never a fan of fish being served raw and gets grossed out if he has to eat it. The meat would just sit in his mouth and he’d struggle trying to bite into it. But the chewy texture of it makes him gag. He really has to hype himself up to eat salmon but still fail to actually eat it once the meat touches his tongue. Slime itself is also something he finds absolutely disgusting.
Dante Manzanares - He isn’t too big of a fan of things that should appear soft but have a rough and coarse feel to it. Any hand towels or blankets with a rough and scratchy feeling to it are things he hates having to use. It always feels like he’s tearing off his own skin. Ever since Saian took him in, he’s been spoiled to have better towels and blankets. Will absolutely refuse to use a blanket and sleep with his own coat as a makeshift if the blanket has a rough texture.
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ariparri · 7 months
Azure Bloom
Azure Bloom is an original project of mine. The universe takes place in the world of Zozivaria. The story mostly follows four protagonists; Rukka Rosare, Pheabe Bliss, Francis Barcellas and Dante Manzanares. Azure Bloom is currently in a WIP
Blog Masterpost
Zaeneya Kingdom
Zaeneyan Capital
Stained Glass Queen Raina
Crescent Moon Princess
Dancing in the Rain
Core Four
Core Four consists of the four main characters of Azure Bloom; Rukka Rosare, Pheabe Bliss, Francis Barcellas and Dante Manzanares.
Core Four
Pheabe's Confetti Canon
Francis' Introduction (Outdated)
Shadow Arrow
The Wisterias
Saian Fujino Design
Leader of the Wisterias
Zōge no Gensō
The Nakahara Clan is an assassins organization that resides within Katsuyama. The current grandmaster of the clan is Shiro Nakahara.
Shiro Nakahara
Taira Matsubara
Taihang Mountains
Morgan Cheng
Boque Bandits
Lore & World Building
The World - Zozivaria
Side Story/AU
This section contains content from fandom OCs being added to the Azure Bloom storyline as unique characters to fit the setting and theme to the universe.
Multiverse Saian
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ariparri · 5 years
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It’s that random time of the year where I make art of my main OCs and not my fandom ones!
I honestly miss drawing my main four.
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ariparri · 5 years
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I haven’t drawn anything for my two mains in such a LONG while.
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ariparri · 5 years
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Something I drew for a contest in Amino.
The first image shows Rukka’s parents, Conrart Reynfrey and Raina Rosare having fun dancing in the rain. While the second image shows Francis Barcellas and Rukka Rosare slow dancing in the rain.
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ariparri · 6 years
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And there it is! My main OC ship, Shadow Arrow, or Francis x Rukka.
Unfortunately for Francis, this is an outdated design of his, one I have since I first created him. Like Rukka, he’ll be getting a redesign sometime soon.
But yeh, they’re called Shadow Arrow for a reason, because Rukka can manipulate shadows while Francis is a spirit archer. Francis likes to flirt with Rukka, she acknowledges his flirting and does share mutual feelings for him yet she doesn’t make it obvious although others can see it clearly.
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ariparri · 6 years
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Rukka Rosare is one of the main characters in Azure Bloom, or Konpeki no Hana. She’s the second child to Raina Rosare and Conrart Reynfrey, and the sister to Ari (placeholder name) and Raizo. Rukka is one of the dedicated members to Grim Watchtowers, and the love interest to Francis Barcellas.
Rukka holds an emotionless expression majority of the time, making it seem like she isn’t a caring person. She’s very straightforward and assertive, not taking any person's actions so lightly. There are times when she can be a bit dull, making her allies feel awkward when they try to make a joke and she’s hardly laughing. Whenever she does show any sort of emotion, it’s gone as soon as it came. But, Rukka does have a heart, although she expresses it in a way that isn’t exactly comforting.
In spite of her expressionless demeanor, she is prone to react passionately about threats to those few she deeply cares about such as Spike, Pheabe and, later on, Francis Barcellas. She even goes as far as to shed tears openly after seeing Spike's body laying amongst the ruins during a battle.
One of the official artworks for Azure Bloom is finally done!
I got a whole lot more to do, however I need to give all the other OCs new designs before I can work on theirs.
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ariparri · 6 years
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I finally had time to draw Francis, one of the main characters to Azure Bloom. He is also the love interest to my main girl, Rukka Rosare. I still have to finish up his reference sheet, but here’s some short info on him.
Name: Francis Barcellas
Affiliation: Grim Watchtowers
Weapon/Element: Bow | Light/Spirit Bending
Guardian: Gidaxus, Will o the Wisp
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Personality: Francis is a cool, confident, and most of the time, a laid back fun loving young guy. Before joining Grim Watchtowers, he was snarky and arrogant, remarking after winning a fight that no one could face him. He also has a competitive nature, with his friendly rivalry between his friends Danté, and James. While very serious when it comes to important matters, he isn't above having a bit of fun from time to time. During his first encounter against Rukka, he seemed to dislike fighting against a girl but nonetheless did not hold back against her. It was also then that he has shown to have a caring side when he couldn’t bring himself to strike Rukka down when he defeated her, which resulted in Rukka taking the advantage to knock him down instead.
Origin: A former student of Fortuna High, Francis makes a lot of money through dishonest gambling wagers. As part of what's called a fraud team, consisting of him and a few friends, they pick fights for money. They manipulate the odds by concealing their true strength. Francis escalates the odds against him and makes what appears to be a foolish wager. His opponents soon realize they're the real fools when Francis beats each and every one of them. During a mission Rukka and a few others were on, they get ambushed by Francis' group and are forced to fight. Eventually the mindless fight ended with Rukka taking the victory, leaving Francis surprisingly embarrassed at his first loss. Back to his hideout, Francis felt a strange emptiness within him. He recalled the memory of his encounter against Rukka, the rush from their fight, and something else he wasn’t exactly sure of. His friends, nor their gambling could not quell these yearnings. He remembered what Rukka said before she left with her group, “You have skills that could be used for the good, yet you waste them in these mindless fights... If you ever plan on changing your lifestyle, come find me at Grim Watchtowers in Dewmond...” His blood stirred. Filled with excitement he hasn't felt in years, Francis slipped away from his group and headed for Grim Watchtowers.
Current Role: Francis is currently a member to Grim Watchtowers, and works alongside Rukka, Pheabe and Spike. On days he isn’t on missions, he normally hangs around with Danté and James as they are considered the “Fuckboy Trio” although they’re actually decent guys.
Fun Facts: He nearly killed his love interest during their first encounter. Like a few other members of Grim Watchtowers, Francis' guardian spirit, Gidaxus, can take on a physical form and tag along with Francis. He often lets Gidaxus hide in his pockets, or rest atop his head. Despite his own skills, Francis still considers himself a low class archer who has the help of a spirit to fight.
Quote: “Oh come on. Is this really all the power you can muster? I thought demons of your kind are supposed to be all that. Tsk, what a waste of my time.”
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