gingerandannoyed · 5 years
Dan's adventures in Italy: Bologna Day 1
Yes. I'm going to write a one of those wanky travel blogs. Why? Because I'm a pretentious wanker. I'm also going to start it with a wanky semi non sequitur. Why? Because I'm a pretentious wanker, which you should know by now through the opening gambit or just simply by knowing me.
I judge a new place by it's attitude to dogs. Bologna seems dog-friendly and there are loads of breeds and owners around who seem responsible. This is a good start. I even saw a collie today, on a day when Archie (my collie) had further good news from the vets. Clearly, this was meant to be. End of semi non sequitur.
I jumped off the bus straight into the town centre and went for a wander. My Airbnb wasn't available for a few hours so I sunk a couple of large beers on the main square (Piazza Maggiore) in the sweltering sun then treated myself to an ice cream whilst I poured over a local map. I was happy to find that it seemed like quite a small place. I'm used to walking across Edinburgh city centre so this appeared to be pretty straightforward. After checking into my first ever Airbnb (a lovely room with marble floors and a veranda) I ambled through the Porticos (covered streets), checking out some of the anti-fascist graffiti adorning the pillars (Bologna has a rich left wing history and is one of the reasons I chose to visit- thanks Ash Sarkar and Franco 'Bifo' Berardi) until I found a recommended place (https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/ShowUserReviews-g187801-d2045586-r193591795-Cafe_Zanarini-Bologna_Province_of_Bologna_Emilia_Romagna.html) for a cheeky Negroni and a wee read. I was grateful for the Porticos as a brief thunderstorm hit and we were subject to a very short shower
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Strolling down the street to La Sberla (https://m.facebook.com/lasberlabistrot.it/) was a pleasant and sobering up experience in the 30C+ heat and I proceeded to smash some bread stuffed with anchovies, veal with ham and cheese, and a panacotta with caramel and salted chocolate (this was the highlight), all washed down with a bottle of Gradizzolo.
So far, so friendly. And everyone speaks decent English and I wander round in utter embarrassment at my basic Italian. The strangest thing so far has been the prevalence of condom vending machines every so often. If this were in the UK, they'd be smashed open by several 14 year olds who would then blow them up for a laugh. If they were making balloon poodles, you could understand. But I fear the heat is getting to me as I digress into nonsense, so I will sign off for the night.
Ciao xxx
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Bifo: After the Future
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radiowebmacba-blog · 7 years
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Podcast with Franco Bifo Berardi on the free radio experience Radio Alice: http://rwm.macba.cat/en/specials/radio-alice-franco-berardi/capsula
Radio Alice was created in Bologna in the late seventies by a group that brought left-wing activists together with artists who worked with counterinformation, or what Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi (one of the core members) called ‘the creation of divergent realities’. Perhaps to the surprise of the powers that be, the liberalisation of the radio airwaves that brought with it the country’s first free and non-commercial radio stations soon gave way to a local, short-range guerrilla movement that ruptured the long, tedious monopoly of the state media. Radio Alice was by no means the only free radio experiment in Italy, but in spite of its short lifespan – the station initially operated from 9 February 1976 to 12 March 1977 – it had a strong influence on the social and political life of the capital of the Emilia-Romagna region. Reflecting the opinions, obsessions, and stories of its listeners and organisers, and establishing itself as a creative platform in the new non-commercial radio space, this small neo-dada bastion was an important piece in the jigsaw puzzle of life in Bologna, eventually amplifying the voice of the popular uprising and the clashes between students and the police in early 1977 (the chain of events that eventually led the station to be shut down). The strong personality of Radio Alice was more than just the sum of the points of views of the original collective (Franco Berardi, Paolo Ricci, Filippo Scòzzari and Maurizio Torrealta, among others). Rather, it can be seen as a complex collage of the ideas of the autonomous movement (which emerged in Italy in the sixties) mixed with the influence of the Situationists, the pre-punk seed that was starting to spread in Europe, and the work of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari.
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mantecadecacao-blog · 6 years
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Una comunicación sin cuerpos
La cuestión de las redes sociales y la Comunicación en general son temas que me interesan desde hace mucho tiempo, por lo que son habituales en mis posts aquí en el blog.
La entrevista al pensador italiano Franco Berardi que os voy a recomendar apareció ayer mismo en el diario El País de España, y me pareció tan certera en la definición de sus ideas que decidí no esperar ni un día para subirla. Creo que, sino nuestro acuerdo total o parcial, al menos nuestras reflexiones.
Y como incentivo para que la leáis, voy a agregar seis frases muy significativas del artículo (podrían haber sido otras seis), tras lo cual dejaré el enlace al mismo. Espero ser lo suficientemente convincente para entrar en él.
“Hoy (...) mutamos de una forma conjuntiva del pensamiento, de la comunicación, del afecto, a una forma conectiva”.
“Vivimos una época de patologías masivas, como las crisis de pánico, la depresión, la ansiedad, que no son patologías simplemente psíquicas, sino de la relación comunicacional”
“Lo que pasa en la esfera política, social, parece una locura porque seguimos interpretando comportamientos, sí, dementes, con las categorías de la racionalidad política”
“La democracia está muerta porque la democracia es la posibilidad de discutir todo, principalmente las reglas”
“Vivimos una condición que es psicopática. Las herramientas de la política no sirven, porque la venganza no atiende a razones”
“La única terapia que yo veo tras la oscuridad presente es la reactivación del cuerpo colectivo, del placer de encontrar el cuerpo del otro en la dimensión colectiva”
“El problema es como la pantalla se ha apoderado del cerebro”, El País 20.02.2019
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babuinorey · 7 years
“Lo que podemos, como trabajadores cognitivos, es desprogramar la máquina que nos ha llevado al actual estado”
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abcediario · 5 years
@worldwidepedrol #citações #jornalpublico #vitorbelanciano #francoberardi #capitalismo #filosofia
Estamos a viver dentro do cadáver do capitalismo e viver numa carcaça não é saudável para os nossos corpos e mentes.
Franco Berardi, filósofo
Há 20 anos não faltava quem projectasse que o crescimento económico seria ilimitado, os recursos naturais infinitos, as desigualdades sociais atenuadas e que a tecnologia nos libertaria do trabalho. Depois aconteceu a crise de 2008 e todos esses horizontes…
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ilariopastore · 8 years
Leçon d'insurrection - Franco Berardi Bifo | Through Europe
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simonemonsi · 9 years
Bifo: After the Future
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tetine · 9 years
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In conjunction with Bifo talking baroque #francoberardi #whitechapelgallery (at Whitechapel Gallery)
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paolovincenti · 9 years
One hundred years ago, on the front page of Le Figaro, for the aesthetic consciousness of the world Filippo Tommaso Marinetti published the Manifesto that inaugurated the century that believed in the future. In 1909 the Manifesto quickly initiated a process where the collective organism of mankind became machinic. This becoming-machine has reached its finale with the concatenations of the global web and it has now been overturned by the collapse of the financial system founded on the futurisation of the economy, debt and economic promise. That promise is over. The era of post future has begun.
1. We want to sing of the danger of love, the daily creation of a sweet energy that is never dispersed.
2. The essential elements of our poetry will be irony, tenderness and rebellion.
3. Ideology and advertising have exalted the permanent mobilisation of the productive and nervous energies of humankind towards profit and war. We want to exalt tenderness, sleep and ecstasy, the frugality of needs and the pleasure of the senses.
4. We declare that the splendor of the world has been enriched by a new beauty: the beauty of autonomy. Each to her own rhythm; nobody must be constrained to march on a uniform pace. Cars have lost their allure of rarity and above all they can no longer perform the task they were conceived for: speed has slowed down. Cars are immobile like stupid slumbering tortoises in the city traffic. Only slowness is fast.
5. We want to sing of the men and the women who caress one another to know one another and the world better.
6. The poet must expend herself with warmth and prodigality to increase the power of collective intelligence and reduce the time of wage labour.
7. Beauty exists only in autonomy. No work that fails to express the intelligence of the possible can be a masterpiece. Poetry is a bridge cast over the abyss of nothingness to allow the sharing of different imaginations and to free singularities.
8. We are on the extreme promontory of the centuries... We must look behind to remember the abyss of violence and horror that military aggressiveness and nationalist ignorance is capable of conjuring up at any moment in time. We have lived in the stagnant time of religion for too long. Omnipresent and eternal speed is already behind us, in the Internet, so we can forget its syncopated rhymes and find our singular rhythm.
9. We want to ridicule the idiots who spread the discourse of war: the fanatics of competition, the fanatics of the bearded gods who incite massacres, the fanatics terrorised by the disarming femininity blossoming in all of us.
10. We demand that art turns into a life-changing force. We seek to abolish the separation between poetry and mass communication, to reclaim the power of media from the merchants and return it to the poets and the sages.
11. We will sing of the great crowds who can finally free themselves from the slavery of wage labour and through solidarity revolt against exploitation. We will sing of the infinite web of knowledge and invention, the immaterial technology that frees us from physical hardship. We will sing of the rebellious cognitariat who is in touch with her own body. We will sing to the infinity of the present and abandon the illusion of a future.
Franco Berardi aka Bifo
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