#frank kuenstler
garadinervi · 1 year
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Trobar Presents Poetry, Caffe Cino, New York, [1960(-1964)] [Between the Covers, Gloucester City, NJ]
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kulturell · 4 years
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Mirror Mirror Sommer Festspiele 2017
Unsere Micro Edition findet in einer Secret Location in Berlin Schöneweide statt, für die Adresse schreibt uns bitte eine Mail an: [email protected]
Lineup Preview:
5.9.2017/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OLBRZYM I KURDUPEL + WILLI HANNE Marcin Bozek - bass / Tomek Gadecki - sax / Willi Hanne - drums
http://www.ensemble-megaphon.com/kuenstler/willi-hanne  www.facebook.com/OlbrzymIKurdupel                                       
Frank Paul Schubert - sax / Olaf Rupp - guitar / Ulf Mengersen - bass Thomas Rehnert - drums
www.frankpaulschubert.de / www.thomasrehnert.de / http://www.audiosemantics.de _______________________________________________
Alexandra Macia - visual performance
http://alexandramaciagodino.tumblr.com                 _______________________________________________ 6.9.2017//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FeoBe & Michiyasu Furutani Brianne Curran - violine / Liz Kosack - synth / Adrian David Krok - drums
http://ausland-berlin.de/michiyasu-furutanihttp://eboef.tumblr.com/about _______________________________________________
OLBRZYM I KURDUPEL + WILLI HANNE Marcin Bozek - bass / Tomek Gadecki - sax / Willi Hanne - drums
https://soundcloud.com/requiem-records-1/olbrzym-i-kurdupel-willi-hanne-untitled                                                                                         ______________________________________________
7.9.2017////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DUO SUB ROSA Elisabetta Lanfredini - voiceUygur Vural - cello
http://www.duosubrosa.com _____________________________________________________
LEMOINE PIERSANTI OHLMEIER Philippe Lemoine - sax / Davide Piersanti - trombone / Lothar Olhmeier - sax, clarinete
https://www.lotharohlmeier.com ____________________________________________________ CROSSTALK JITTER Tomomi Adachi – voice, electronics / Olaf Rupp – guitar / Kriton B. - daxophone
www.adachitomomi.com / www.audiosemantics.de / www.kritonbeyer.com 8.9.2017/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// KOVACS & DYBERG Kamilla Kovacs - voiceMia Dyberg - sax
http://www.kovacs-dyberg.com ____________________________________________________
QUARTETTE SUSANNA, WONG, VURAL, STEYER                                           Susanna Hood - movement / Eric Wong - guitar / Uygur Vural - cello / Edith Steyer - sax
www.edith-steyer.de / www.susannahood.ca / www.uygurvural.tumblr.com / www.ericszehonwong.tumblr.com 9.9.2017////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
Philipe Lemoine -sax / Rosemarie Försters - vox / Klaus Kürvers - bass 
https://soundcloud.com/vocaliza  / http://klausk.berlin _________________________________________________
Casey Moir - voice & pedalsJohan Moir - double bass & objects
https://soundcloud.com/caseymoir/ignite-2http://casey.moir.se _________________________________________________
LCLab (Live Cinema) _________________________________________________ CEEYSSebastian SelkeDaniel Selke https://www.facebook.com/pg/CEEYSMusic
  10.9.2017///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Gå På Brianne Curran - violin / Rieko Okuda - viola / Antti Antti Virtaranta - double bass
Weitere Details folgen in Kürze!
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mastcomm · 5 years
Jonas Mekas’s Debut Is an Artifact of Beat-Era New York
The threatening atom bomb casts a baleful shadow over the serious young people who inhabit “Guns of the Trees,” the first feature made by the hugely influential filmmaker and activist Jonas Mekas. Shot in and around New York in the early 1960s, the 75-minute, black-and-white movie projects a sense of beatnik doom as evocative as it is dated.
In notes distributed at the movie’s premiere, Mekas, who died last year at 96, called it his “meditation on love and death in a period of darkness,” and “Guns” is a period piece. That it is showing, at Anthology Film Archives in Manhattan through Jan. 29, in a 35-millimeter restoration print made from the original negative, burnishes its anachronistic quality.
When “Guns” opened commercially in February 1964, two-and-a-half years after its first screenings, The New York Times critic Eugene Archer cautiously noted that the movie “has been sparking controversies among observers of its genre at private screenings here and abroad” and called it “one of the farthest out of far-out films.”
Essentially, the movie concerns two couples. One pair Barbara and Gregory (Frances Stillman and the filmmaker’s brother Adolfas Mekas) is white and gloomy. The other Argus and Ben (named for their actors, Argus Spear Juillard and Ben Carruthers, a principal in John Cassavetes’s “Shadows”) is black and life-affirming.
Argus is happily pregnant. Barbara has committed suicide, and thus the movie is largely a flashback. Militantly sullen, Barbara rails against the ugliness of the world and the spirit of autumn while her lover, the black-clad Gregory, tries to figure the meaning of existence. Meanwhile Argus and Ben frisk through various locations and make love in what looks like a cold-water loft.
The action is punctuated with blasts of high-frequency noise and white light and underscored by Allen Ginsberg reciting “Sunflower Sutra” and intermittent folk songs provided by Sara Wiley, Caither Wiley, and Tom Sankey (who three years later composed the pioneering Off Off Broadway folk-rock musical “The Golden Screw”). To add to the existential drama, two satirical mimes occasionally appear, and a monk (Frank Kuenstler) wanders through the proceedings searching for his lost faith.
Even Ben has a crisis, ranting about strontium 90 in the rain and Caryl Chessman in the gas chamber. And he exclaims, “Nixon (Nixon!) running for president.” While these topical references might require footnotes, the interpolated footage of peace marches, the lashing the city received from Hurricane Donna and the so-called beatnik riot of April 1961, when folk singers battled police in Washington Square, speak for themselves. The shots of despoiled industrial landscapes in and around New York are mutely eloquent.
Mekas never made another dramatic movie, yet “Guns of the Trees” was key to his development as a filmmaker. It anticipates his diary films in its use of a poetic voice-over, focus on the artist’s friends and interest in recording their scene. Indeed, while the movie’s over-articulated angst may be tiresome, one need only look through the two-dimensional drama to see a raw and heartfelt document, a homage to a sooty, ungentrified New York and the hard rain falling on its earnest bohemian inhabitants.
Guns of the Trees
Through Jan. 29 at Anthology Film Archives, Manhattan; 212-505-5181, anthologyfilmarchives.org.
Rewind is an occasional column covering revived, restored and rediscovered movies playing in New York’s repertory theaters.
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/entertainment/jonas-mekass-debut-is-an-artifact-of-beat-era-new-york/
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wildhotels · 12 years
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El Atlantic (1973, Frank Kuenstler, available here)
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cornrowasylum · 13 years
J E N N Y , J E N N Y
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Lineup Update vom 5.9.2017
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Free Improvisation, Free Jazz, Performance, Experimental Musik & mehr! Zum 1. Mal treffen wir uns dieses Jahr für die "Sommer Festspiele", eine etwas kleinere und überschaubarere Version des "MMIAM". Selbstverständlich wird es hier nicht an der Qualität mangeln, wir haben ein wunderbares Lineup zusammengestellt, und laden Euch dieses Mal nach Schöneweide in ein Atelier ein. Der Ort befindet sich in der Nähe vom S-Bahnhof Schöneweide und ist von Neukölln und Friedrichshein leicht erreichbar. Zu Fuß oder mit der Tram überquert Ihr den Fluß über die Brücke an der Edisonstraße. Da wir keine Ausstellung haben, fokussieren wir uns dieses Mal ausschließlich auf Musik und Performance. Es gibt trotz allem eine Menge Kunst in dem Raum, deshalb ist es ja auch ein Atelier ;) Lineup in Progress: 5.9.2017/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Einlass:19:00 Start: 20:00 Set 1 Frank Paul Schubert - sax Olaf Rupp - guitar Ulf Mengersen - bass Thomas Rehnert - drums http://www.frankpaulschubert.de/ http://thomasrehnert.de/ http://www.audiosemantics.de/ _______________________________________________ Set 2 Kamil Korolczuk – improvisation for tapes and modular synth Alexandra Macia - visual performance http://cargocollective.com/kkamil http://alexandramaciagodino.tumblr.com/ _______________________________________________ Set3 OLBRZYM I KURDUPEL + WILLI HANNE Marcin Bozek - bass Tomek Gadecki - sax Willi Hanne - drums http://www.ensemble-megaphon.com/kuenstler/willi-hanne/ https://www.facebook.com/OlbrzymIKurdupel 6.9.2017//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Einlass:19:00 Start: 20:00 Set1 Olbrzym i Kurdupel + Willi Hanne Marcin Bozek - bass Tomek Gadecki - sax Willi Hanne - drums https://soundcloud.com/requiem-records-1/olbrzym-i-kurdupel-willi-hanne-untitled _______________________________________________ Set2 FeoBe & Michiyasu Furutani Brianne Curran - violine Liz Kosack - synth Adrian David Krok - drums http://ausland-berlin.de/michiyasu-furutani http://eboef.tumblr.com/about 7.9.2017////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Einlass:19:00 Start: 20:00 Set1 DUO SUB ROSA Elisabetta Lanfredini - voice Uygur Vural - cello http://www.duosubrosa.com/ ___________________________________________________ Set2 LEMOINE PIERSANTI OHLMEIER Philippe Lemoine - sax Davide Piersanti - trombone Lothar Olhmeier - sax, clarinete https://www.lotharohlmeier.com/ https://soundcloud.com/davide-piersanti ____________________________________________________ Set3 CROSSTALK JITTER Tomomi Adachi – voice, electronics Olaf Rupp – guitar Kriton B. - daxophone www.adachitomomi.com www.audiosemantics.de www.kritonbeyer.com 8.9.2017/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Einlass:19:00 Start: 20:00 Set1 THE IMPOSSIBLE TRIO Roksana Vikaluk - voice Adrian Palka - steal cello Wolfra, Spyra - electronics https://www.facebook.com/pg/theimpossibletrio ________________________________________________ Set2 KOVACS & DYBERG Kamilla Kovacs - voice Mia Dyberg - sax http://www.kovacs-dyberg.com/ __________________________________________________ Set3 TRIO SUSANNA, VURAL, STEYER Susanna Hood - movement Uygur Vural - cello Edith Steyer - sax http://www.edith-steyer.de/ http://susannahood.ca/ http://uygurvural.tumblr.com/ __________________________________________________ Set4 Amélie Legrand - Cello/Voice Teresa Riemann-Drums/Voice) https://soundcloud.com/am-lie-legrand-130463982 und http://unterholzwortfetzen.blogsport.de/music/ 9.9.2017////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Einlass 18:00 Uhr Start: 19:30 Philipe Lemoine Rosemarie Försters - vox Klaus Kürvers - bass https://soundcloud.com/vocaliza http://klausk.berlin/ _________________________________________________ DYBERG MENGERSEN DUO Mia Dyberg sax Ulf Mengersen _________________________________________________ IGNITE Casey Moir - voice & pedals Johan Moir - double bass & objects https://soundcloud.com/caseymoir/ignite-2 http://casey.moir.se/ _________________________________________________ LCLab (Live Cinema) _________________________________________________ CEEYS Sebastian Selke Daniel Selke https://www.facebook.com/pg/CEEYSMusic 10.9.2017///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Einlass: 18:00 Uhr Start: 19:30 Oliver Orthuber - visual performance Rieko Okuda - viola ______________________________________________ Gå På + Alexandra Maciá Brianne Curran - violin Rieko Okuda - viola Antti Antti Virtaranta - double bass Alexandra Macia - visual performance http://alexandramaciagodino.tumblr.com/ https://www.facebook.com/musicgapa _______________________________________________ Penelope Gkika - violin Caroline Cecilia Tallone - hurdy gurdy https://soundcloud.com/penelope_gkika http://www.autrecords.com/project/penelope-gkika/ _______________________________________________ Philippe Lemoine - sax Guilherme Rodrigues - cello Yorgos Dimitriades - drums http://philemo.free.fr/Philippe_Lemoine/Philippe_Lemoine.html https://yorgosdimitriadis.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guilherme_Rodrigues
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