gayvecchio · 3 months
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eaion · 9 months
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DUE SOUTH (1994-1999)
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Benton Fraser and Ray Vecchio in due South 2.18 "Flashback"
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pigtailedgirl · 9 months
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Jesus I can't get over how much I love this. How Fraser is all huddled in on himself but for Fraser how open it is, his little hand over head, eyebrow rub, I'm fucking tired and I feel safe showing it. Ray noticing it. How Fraser has his hand over his mouth to deny, the headshake like no, moves his hand aside but not totally. Looks at Ray in the eye, when he gives the honest answer, the wish I spent more time, and looks away with the ingrained justification behind the emotional reasoning.
And as Ray is sharing, Fraser's reaction! That huff and little smile cause Ray wants it to be funny, looking at him try to smile it, but he can't hold it, so a glance away. Cause and it's so not, and just...that stop and stare of concern at the end.
As Patrick Stewart would say "Acting"
Here have a Riv Chase cuteness. Fraser can't even nitpick he impressed.
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billiethepoet · 6 months
Making friendship bracelets at 221bCon and I made one for Benton Fraser.
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ltbkpod · 6 months
The Fraser/Ray V fic we discussed on our latest ep
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persephassax · 1 year
POST-CANON Due South ficlet(s)
I was on a plane and some images popped into my head and I wrote them down and I hurt my own feelings.
Title(s): without the ghost of a shadow (all it ever meant)
Pairing: Gen (RayV/Fraser implied, RayK/Fraser a speculative possibility)
Summary: It’s been many years, but Ray remembers.
Warnings: permanent absence of Fraser & RayK, Ray lives in Florida with Ma, current U.S. History canon compliant.
Mentions of Police Violence, real events, caring for aging relatives, sad feelings.
Author’s Notes: I think a lot about these characters and how they would feel abt current events and the world we live in now, i think abt the role of dS as a part of the copaganda/colonial-imperial image laundering machine, but also the fairy tale qualities of so much of this kind of story telling. If any of these themes bothers you, please skip, thanks :)
without the ghost of a shadow
A man shoots another man three times on a beach without reason or explanation and Ray is grateful that Fraser isn’t here to see it. It’s been twenty years since Florida became Ray’s home (or the closest approximation thereof), seventeen since Stella picked back up and went to New York City to work for the Attorney General, and eight since Ma moved south to live with him, because she couldn’t stand the harsh midwestern winters, leaving Frannie and Maria and Tony and the kids back in Chicago.
He looks around these days and isn’t quite sure he recognizes the world anymore. Everything has seemed a little strange since Fraser appeared in his life and stranger still since he left, but Ray thinks that things have gotten worse in ways that have nothing to do with his personal experience of reality.
Benny isn’t here to see these United States become the worst version of themselves; the shame that Ray feels when he looks at the cruelty and chaos around him, the sick confirmation of his most cynical expectations, is hidden from the only eyes Ray ever believed could see the good in every one.
Benton Fraser was one-of-a-kind and when he left, the world seemed to forget what he’d been so eager to prove; that with kindness, courtesy, and respect (for each other, for the law, for the world) everyone could be better than the worst that was expected of them. Ray knows that he often forgets it himself, and forgot it even while Fraser was still there to guide him, no wonder that without him here, everyone else is having so much trouble.
When he’s standing in the kitchen in the morning, looking out at the bungalow across the street, it’s peach colored stucco walls, and wooden framed windows, its grassy lawn, the morning air still heavy and wet with the swamp of the Everglades, the whole neighborhood sinking into the muck beneath it, an inch a year, he thinks about his friend.
He can see him, Fraser, red cheeked and satisfied, standing by the dog sled, while the dogs take a break. His hair is still dark, his teeth just a little crooked, his eyes shining with the light reflecting off the endless snow of the Yukon. He looks exactly as he did when he left Chicago the last time, the last time Ray saw him. Kowalski is with him, hair still the same unkempt dishwater blond, his teeth chattering, his hands shoved into his armpits, he’s bitching at Fraser about something, but he’s smiling, even though you can only see it around his eyes. Diefenbaker is sitting next to them, giving them that head half-cocked look, the one which says “why are you humans so stupid?” his tongue lolling out, his breath, hot from the sled run, forming clouds in the air.
He smiles, even as he can feel the sharp cold of the Northwest Territories prick at his cheeks, despite the sunlight spilling into the room, because they’re together, the three of them. The grand adventure continues, in that other place where the good guys in red always get their man, and friendship can vanquish even the darkest of demons, and you have to trek a hundred miles on snow shoes and climb a telephone pole to hear the bad news about the place where Ray has realized he set down roots and can no longer be moved.
He sips his coffee, and setting the mug down he can see how the Florida sun has come to live in his skin, darkening it to something warm and brown, no longer subject to the bleaching, overcoated Chicago winters. He can hear Ma putting about in the hall, and lets himself worry for a moment about whether she’s going to slip in the bathroom. He took the tub out a few years ago and had a walk in shower put in instead, and they’ve long done away with bathmats, but he can’t help himself, not that he’d ever say anything where she can hear him.
In his mind’s eye, Fraser turns to Kowalski and says something to him that he can’t hear over the distance between them, and Kowalski grins for real this time and Dief gives his own doggy lupine grin. Kowalski goes to make sure everything is set on the dog sled, and Dief trots to the front of the pack to get strapped in, but Fraser lingers for a moment, his eyes seeking out the middle distance, like he’s trying to catch sight of something just beyond the horizon. He brings his hand up to the brim of his Stetson and dips his chin a fraction, and Ray knows that its for him.
They get back on the dogsled and keep heading north, and Ray blinks a few times in the Florida sun and turns away to start making breakfast.
(all that it ever was)
When the news of Treyvon Martin’s murder hits the national news circuit, all Ray can see is Willie. The separations of families at the border remind him of Mrs. Gomes, mothers desperate to love and protect their children. Ray’s known too many cops in his life to believe in the good ones. He himself has been desperate for the collar, eager to wash his hands of a messy case, committed to throwing the book at whoever was at hand, and let God sort ‘em out. Ray has held a gun with the intent to kill a man just for the satisfaction of seeing him die, knowing full well that the men and women of his station-house would back his word.
And the part of his soul which still has Benny’s fingerprints all over it, the only part of himself that has ever felt clean, cries out at the injustices that litter the news every day.
The problem, Ray finds himself thinking, is that once you meet a good man, once you’ve lived next to the real deal, you can’t quite forget it. There’s no ghost of Benton Fraser stepping in to provide color commentary on Ray’s life (and may God have mercy on him, that he should not live to meet Benny’s ghost), just the pattern and the memory of a man who believed in the goodness of others, and who believed that Ray, too, could learn to look at the world and see it as he did.
It’s a terrible gift that Fraser gave him, he thinks, as the world turns, and someone passes a law which makes him think of Ms. Fraser, and the things he found he did like about a woman, after all. To see the gap between the world as it is and what it could be, the promise of a kindness which need not be out of reach, perpetually unfulfilled, was to have his heart broken anew every day.
Titles come from The King of Terrors
thanks for reading
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slashmommy · 2 months
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Got three premiering vids into DC-Slash Con's vid show for this weekend (July 19-21). 1. Thiel/Boerne - Never Gonna Tell 2. Spock/McCoy - Fairytale 3. Mystery Vid
BTW, registration is still open if anyone wants to come. It's 2.5 days of slashy goodness using Zoom and Discord so you don't have to travel! https://www.dcslash.org
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gjdraws · 19 days
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for all those who've been here for more than one fandom I'm just apologizing in advance for trope repetition
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kseniayahz · 5 months
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shh don't bother them // art exchange with @thegoodthebadandtheart <3
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gayvecchio · 17 days
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allofthebeanz · 13 days
With all the lovely @sammaggs meta for Burning Down the House being posted, it made me realize how damn good of a job pg and the team did with that episode. I obviously adored it before, best character introduction ever if I'm honest, but seeing the effort they took to make RayK have moments similar to RayV, even nearly the same dialogue but behaving slightly off. It's just like how Fraser must've felt! He knew it wasn't Ray Vecchio, but RayK acts like him just enough in this first meetup that you're second guessing yourself. Is he a replacement to RayV only? Is this a new character???
And on top of all that you notice how Fraser becomes far more intrigued when RayK has his own moments. The moments where he's not pretending to be Ray Vecchio but wholly himself. I'm thinking of the 'electricity. your tongue. not a good mix' exchange. The classic moment where he tells Fraser to let him think after all this frenetic movements and Fraser leans in. How Ray was a little shit after he got shot.
Just... I love that episode so much. The writers did so well with that one, I could watch it a million times.
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Benton Fraser & Ray Vecchio + Closets
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pigtailedgirl · 8 months
Please shoot the other leg.
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paramountie · 1 year
even though I prefer their platonic relationship, it is fact to me that fraser was on year 3 of a 5 year plan to wife up ray vecchio, which was cruelly interrupted by ray vecchio being sent undercover and then put on an indefinite hold by fraser meeting the love of his life
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swordofsun · 2 months
I'm only 5 episodes into s1 of my due South rewatch, but it's just so delightful. It's not even what I'd consider due South yet. But it's delightful. And it's wonderful to watch RayV learn to be a better person despite trying not to.
Fraser drags Ray kicking and screaming into being a better person and doesn't even notice because he always thought Ray was a good person. It's not even that Fraser looked at Ray and said, "I can fix him," so much as he already thought Ray was awesome and Ray spends the next two seasons trying to live up to that. Never noticing that he didn't need to or when he does unconsciously start to be that better person. Meanwhile Fraser just continues on not really noticing because Ray's just being the person Fraser already knew he was.
Fascinating dynamic.
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