Vieni a prendermi, stavolta fallo tu
Ti ho accolta nei sogni, nella mia poesia
Stavolta entra a casa, tienimi per mano, e non lasciarmi andare via
#prendimipermano #pensiero #dedica #frasid'amore #anima #lucetenebra #arte #espressione #parole
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#fabbricante_di_illusioni #aforismi #amare #quotes #like #followhim #creator #frasid'amore #frasi #tumblr https://www.instagram.com/p/CkrFUycN9Ug/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Dawson’s creek quotes✨🤍
Lilly: What's a soulmate?
Dawson: It's uh... Well, it's like a best friend, but more. It's the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. It's someone who makes you a better person. Actually, they don't make you a better person, you do that yourself because they inspire you. A soul mate is someone who you carry with you forever. It's the one person who knew you and accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would. And no matter what happens, you'll always love her. Nothing can ever change that. Make sense?
"How do you explain the things you love? You can't. You just do." —Dawson
"If we are truly meant to be, then we'll find a way back to each other." —Dawson
“I have to admit I fell in love twice…first was with you and the second was with the person you became when you were already mine.” -Joey
Where-ever you go and who-ever you're with you'll always have a piece of my heart.
Jack: that’s the point. You don’t need help. There’s nothing to figure out here. There’s only what you feel.
Joey: what I feel is fear.
Jack: I’m not telling you to sleep with Pacey..
Joey: but
Jack: all the really exciting things in life require more courage than we currently have. A deep breathe and a leap. See joey, the kind of fear you’re talking about..sometimes it’s how you know it’s worthwhile.
You know you really love someone when you can spend the entire night just sitting by a fire watching them sleep." ~Grams
"Not all kisses are magical and most boys don't live up to your expectations, but there are those times when everything, I mean love, romance, relationships, it all falls together perfectly and it's incredible." —Joey
Arthur Brooks: And remember: you’re still young enough to fall in and out of love a few more times before you get it right.
Dawson: That doesn’t sound very fun.
Arthur Brooks: It isn’t..and it is.. and it isn’t. But it’s worth it. Every single time.
Jen: I want her to belong, I feel like I never really did.
Jack: Jen. You belong...you belong to me. Don’t you get it? You’re my soulmate.
“It’s agony. Complete, excruciating agony. It’s like your heart has been ripped out of your chest and stomped on, and you can’t breathe… you don’t want to eat… you can’t function. It’s the most intense pain that you’ll ever feel, and the worst part is, there’s no way to relieve it. It’s unyielding, merciless torture, and you *know* that it’s yours for life.”
She's so beautiful that every time you look at her, your knees tremble, your heart melts and you know right then and there, without any reservation that there's order and meaning to the universe. -Pacey
I’m scared that I'm going to end up alone. I'm scared that I'm always going to be somebody's friend, or sister, or confident, never quite somebody's everything. Mostly I'm scared I'm never going to find a guy that I love as much as I love you. Jack
"I'm leaving because you didn't ask me to stay." ~Pacey
"Sometimes when I see you smile, I think of how much I am going to miss it. You don't know what you do to me. You don't have a clue. You don't know what it's like to be me, looking at you."
"There aren't very many people in this world that can give you butterflies. So when you find someone that can, never let him go." Dawson's Creek
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take. Life is measured by the moments that take our breath away."
Joey: You were wanting to kiss me all night?
Pacey: Yes.
Joey: Even when you were yelling at me.
Pacey: Especially when I was yelling at you.
Joey: So... is this... some sort of... recent new development in your life?
Pacey: Wanting to kiss you? No. It's sort of always there... like... white noise, or... the secret service or the threat of nuclear war, for that matter. Just somethin' you get used to.
Joey: I don't know. I guess I feel different. Like... I've always had this tendency to assume that change, when it happens, can only be for the worse. You know? And lately, I kinda feel like that's not true... like whatever's waiting for me out there... may not be that bad. And even if it is... then not knowing about it... might actually be the good part.
You can’t choose what you love; it chooses you.
I thought I would give you a little list of the things that I wish for you. Well, there’s the obvious. An education. Family. Friends. And a life that is full of the unexpected. Be sure to make mistakes. Make a lot of them, because there’s no better way to learn and to grow, all right? And, um, I want you to spend a lot of time at the ocean, because the ocean forces you to dream, and I insist that you, my girl, be a dreamer.
God. I’ve never really believed in God. In fact, I’ve spent a lot of time and energy trying to disprove that god exists. But I hope that you are able to believe in God, because the thing that I’ve come to realize, sweetheart… is that it just doesn’t matter if god exists or not. The important thing is for you to believe in something, because I promise you that that belief will keep you warm at night, and I want you to feel safe always.
And then there’s love. I want you to love to the tips of your fingers, and when you find that love, wherever you find it, whoever you choose, don’t run away from it. But you don’t have to chase after it either. You just be patient, and it’ll come to you, I promise, and when you least expect it, like you, like spending the best year of my life with the sweetest and the smartest and the most beautiful baby girl in the world. You don’t be afraid, sweetheart. And remember, to love is to live.
“I used to be afraid of so many things…That I’d never grow up. That I’d be trapped in the same place for all eternity. That my dreams would forever be shy of my reach. It’s true what they say. Time plays tricks on you. One day you’re dreaming, the next your dream has become your reality. And now that this scared little girl no longer follows me wherever I go, I miss her. I do. ‘Cause there are things I wanna tell her – to relax, to lighten up, that it is all going to be ok. I want her to know that meeting people who like you, who understand you, who actually accept you for who you are, will become an increasingly rare occurrence. Jen, Jack, Audrey, Andie, Pacey, and Dawson. These people who contributed to who I am, they are with me wherever I go, and as history gets rewritten in small ways with each passing day, my love for them only grows. Because the truth is – it was the best of times. Mistakes were made, hearts were broken, harsh lessons learned, but all of that has receded into fond memory now. How does it happen? Why are we so quick to forget the bad and romanticize the good? Maybe it’s because we need to believe that the time we spent together actually meant something, that we were there for each other in a time in our lives that defined us all, a time in our lives that we will never forget. I can’t swear this is exactly how it happened. But this is how it felt.”—Joey
“the simple act of being in love with you is enough for me.”
Pacey: I love you. I have always, always loved you, but our timing has just never been right. And the way I figure it, time is no man's friend. Well, I have to get right with that and be happy now. Because this is it, this is all we got. If there's one thing that I've learned from losing Jen, that's what I've learned.
Joey: Pace, I...
Pacey: Actually, hold on, I'm not done yet because I also want for you to be happy. So I want you to be with someone, whether it be Dawson or New York guy or some man you haven't even met yet, but I want you to be with someone who can be a part of the life that you want for yourself. I want you to be with someone who makes you feel the way I feel when I'm with you. So, I guess the point of this long run-on sentence that's been the last 10 years of our lives is that the simple act of being in love with you is enough for me. So you're off the hook.
Pacey: See this? This is you. It's not showy or gaudy. It's simple. Elegant. Beautiful.
Joey: It's my mom's bracelet.
Pacey: I know.
Joey: How do you know?
Pacey: Well, because you told me. Six months ago. You were wearing that blue sweater with the snowflakes that you have. You were walking down the hallway at school. I was annoying you as per usual. You said, "Look, Pacey, I just found my mother's bracelet this morning, so why don't you cut me some slack?"
Joey: You remember that?
Pacey: I remember everything.
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ilmionomenonesiste · 3 years
Vorrei chiederti di baciarmi.
Ma solo un bacio.
Un bacio mi basta per scaldarmi il cuore.
Mi basta per tenere vivo il tuo ricordo.
Uno solamente, e ti sarò grata.
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E così il mondo ha iniziato a vivere a un metro di distanza dall'altro, quell'altro che le persone di solito neanche notano e che adesso ne studiano ogni minimo dettaglio: il colore dei capelli, che scarpe indossa ma nessuno noterà, invece, gli occhi macchiati dalla paura e da un passato indelebile. A un metro dall'altro ci accorgiamo finalmente che qualcuno esiste oltre noi ma saremo tutti troppo offuscati dai nostri obiettivi di vita per accorgerci che stiamo cercando tutti la stessa cosa, "un posto nel mondo che sappia ancora di quotidianità". Il pensiero va a te, a me, a noi che viviamo da una vita ad un metro da noi stessi, che ci rincorriamo, ci perdiamo di vista e ci ritroviamo la notte in uno specchio. Il mondo sta conoscendo quella che per noi è sempre stata quarantena. 
Ritrovamenti di inizio quarantena....
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solitarios-posts · 3 years
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Ho tanto bevuto alla salute degli altri che ho finito con il perdere la mia.
(W.C. Fields)
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nichilismous · 4 years
Ditemi che ne pensate.
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Chissà se ti manco, a volte, perchè so che di sicuro non ti manco sempre come tu a me. Chissà se ti vengo in mente ogni tanto, la sera tardi, quando parlavamo sempre e ci scrivevamo quanto aumentava la voglia di essere uno accanto all'altro. Quando facevamo l'una e la sveglia era alle sei. Chissà se ti viene la voglia di scrivermi che hai fatto una cazzata ma tu non lo faresti mai, piuttosto mi scriveresti "hey, come stai?" Sei così superficiale e io troppo empatica ed è per questo che non riesco a pensare di non mancarti perchè è impossibile che su di te tutte le nostre cazzate, i nostri baci, i nostri sguardi, i nostri sorrisi non abbiamo fatto alcun effetto. Non puoi capire quanto invidio il tuo modo di nascondere sempre le tue emozioni.
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Vederti ridere
è come un cinema
tutto per me,
sí è,
è tutto per me.
-Michele Merlo
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beatriceroyal · 6 years
E se penso al nostro inizio
Mi si rallegra il cuore
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moongiorgia · 6 years
"Con il tuo amore,
I baci hanno un'altro sapore."
-Cit @moongiorgia
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muuuuaaaa · 6 years
Risparmiate l’acqua
Fate la doccia in due!
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ilmionomenonesiste · 4 years
Adoro il modo in cui i tuoi occhi si perdono nei miei.
Adoro quanto la tua pelle sfiora la mia, da provocare i brividi.
Adoro quando rimaniamo in silenzio,guardandoci negli occhi e con il cuore che batte.
Adoro ogni parte di te.
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A te sembra facile
dirti che sto bene
quando tutto non va..
Sono quello che odiavi di me.
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axxees · 6 years
Non ti odio per niente
Non ti amo abbastanza
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