#frc course mumbai
Ocean Offshore Marine India This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment.
#BOSIET course is a minimum requirement to work offshore. The course consists of four modules; Safety Induction, Helicopter Safety and Escape (HUET), Sea Survival and First Aid, Fire Fighting and Self Rescue. The BOSIET is required for cold water areas and includes additional training in the use of survival suits and emergency breathing systems during the #HUET module.
Introduction1. 1 #Basic Safety Induction, #Helicopter Safety and Escape (HUET), #Sea Survival and First Aid, #Fire Fighting and Self Rescue. #Emergency Breathing System (EBS) , In-water Procedures
Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipments. We are the best institute to offer the #offshore courses in India. We offer all types of courses related to the offshore Industry.
Courses 1. OIM (Offshore Installation Manager) 2. BS (Barge Supervisor / Barge Master) 3. BCO (Ballast Control Operator / MOU Stability) 4. MS (Maintenance Supervisor / Chief Mechanic) 5. OPITO IMIST (International Minimum Industrial Safety Training) 6. Crane Operator Course - Level 1, 2 & 3 7. HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer) 8. HDA ( Helideck Assistant) 9. BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training) 10 . PSCRB ( Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boats ) 11. HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training) & Helicopter under water escape & sea survival training 12. H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety Course) 13. FRC / FRB (Fast Rescue Craft / Boat ) 14. HFF (Helicopter Fire Fighting) 15 HDFF ( Helideck Fire Fighting )
Basic Offshore Course Roustabout Course Enclose Space Entry Helicopter under water escape & sea survival training Container Familiarization Safe Working Practice Marpol Environmental Compliance Training Environmental Safety Training Basic safety Training Roustabout Course Anchor Handling Accident Investigation Safe Lifting and Hoisting Fast Rescue Boats / Craft Crane Operator Rigging and Slinging Designated Person Ashore (DPA)
D.G. Shipping and I.M.O. Approved STCW 95 /STCW 2010 : Courses Elementary First Aid (EFA) Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention (FPFF) Augmentation Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention (AUG FPFF) Medical First Aid (MFA) Oil Tanker Familiarization (OTF) Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (PSSR) Personal Survival Techniques (PST) Refresher Course for FPFF (STCW' 2010) Refresher Course for PST (STCW' 2010) Security Training for Seafarers with designated security duties
AVAILABLE COURSES Nautical courses Basic Offshore Courses Writtens and Orals Preparatory Classes Engineer Courses Engine Room Resource Management Catering courses Rating Courses Passenger Ship Training Technical Maritime Training TANKER COURSE MARITIME ENGLISH (APPROVED TEST CENTER FOR MARLINS UK) AUDITOR TRAINING COURSES RECOGNIZE BY PANAMA,HONDURAS, BELIZE COURSES RECOGNIZE BY LIBERIA
And Ship Manning, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Training, Marine Training, CDC ( Palau Panama Liberian Honduras Indian ) & COC Assistance I Remain At Your Service For Further Assistance.
Contact for the offshore course booking of #BOSIET, #HUET #FOET, H2S #HLO #FRC #PSCRB, HFF, #HDFF #STCW 2010 Etc. #Now In India. Email- [email protected] [email protected] Mob-8750141747 Hirma Detergent Powder And Cake
Mobile number: 8750141747
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wickednerdery · 5 years
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Title: Out of Time Author: @wickednerdery Fandom: Marvel Pairing/character: Loki x Stark!OC Rating: FRC Summary: “I’m always VIP.” Notes: So I found this gif on Google - if it’s yours, I’m happy to credit - and it inspired this idea where Loki (after escaping with the Tesseract in Endgame, perhaps?) ends up in a strange cyberpunk/futuristic Earth. No idea if I’ll continue this or what, but it HAD to come out, lol!
Chapter 2
The Midgard he arrived at was not the one he left. It was older, wilder, both brighter and darker in turn. Loki shifted into Midgardian garb before approaching a main street, nothing looking familiar. The cars ran on their own, machines walked alongside mortals, and the sky above was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.
“Hey, you lookin’ to jive?” A man asks from behind leopard-printed leather mask. 
Loki takes the other in fully. Boots, hooded jumpsuit to match the leopard-print mask, and wild burgundy mohawk. The lights at the knuckles of his gloves alternate between red and yellow as he closes fist, then glow pure yellow across the board as a small, square, tab appears from between two fingers.
“Three million credits.” Heterochromatic eyes smile. “Thirteen million for VIP.”
“I’m always VIP.” Loki waves his hand, the man switches a plain white plastic bit for a red one, stamped with golden mask. “Now, tell me more about this ‘jive’.”
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“Ms Stark! Ms Stark!!” The crowds, press and plebeians both, call for her as she steps from black auto-motive. Some cheer in excitement, telling her they love her. Others scream in tirades, declare her a “Tuhao war bitch”. Interviewers ask about men, women, freedom versus security, and her thoughts on Stark technology used to hold down the lower class.
“Sorry, no questions this evening. Not for Ms Stark anyway.” The voice of her car is that of her ancestor. Red lines blaze from head and tail lights, demarcating a barrier and allowing her to carry on into the museum unaccosted. “But I’d be more than happy to answer some, maybe take any praise you have for her.”
Once away from the masses, Ana tugs at the collar of her cocktail dress. It unravels gold, falling to the floor as a gown for the evening. Simple trick really, more to do with sewing than technology, but it never fails to turn heads. “Tony...” she smiles. “Don’t get yourself a parking ticket talking to all your fans.”
“Of course not, when have I ever done that?” The auto replies in her ear. 
“Last week? That time in Tokyo...that other time in Mumbai.”
“Okay, okay, point made. I’m out.”
Ana chuckles as car tires screech away in the distance. She carries on, men stepping aside with bowing heads to let her in. Her name is a whisper of reverence on their lips. Upon entering the exhibit turned ballroom people catch sight of her and begin to applaud.
“Ladies and gentleman, CEO of Stark International, chairperson of the Avengers Youth of America, and head of Earth’s Legion of Scientific Security...Ms Ana Roget Stark!” In the official announcement by the museum’s spokesperson the applause rises in volume and gusto.
Loki looks up, drink in hand, with interest. Stark? His lips curl in amused interest. He scans the crowd, then moves his focus back to her. Like the Stark he knows, she’s wholly confident and reveling in the face of adulation. While more polite, her smile indicates she believes herself worthy of the love she receives.
Her eyes scan from the balcony, land on the mysterious man in black. When he lifts his glass in notable salute, her brow goes up a fraction. Then she turns to the museum head. “Yes, yes, thank you for that...way too impressive introduction. I really would have just settled for Nobel prize winning person of the century.” She laughs, all but Loki join in. “My great-grandfather, Anthony Stark, unknowingly started this museum when he passed, leaving behind his suits and prototypes in the workshop of Stark Tower. Some still unfinished, some ready for mass production to make the world safe in his absence. They were able to be preserved and, yes, even improved upon as this place was created around them. As much as the Starks may have given to this museum, it gave back to the world. It is a sprawling testament of technology and innovation, of how far we have come and how far we can go. I thank all of you, each and every one, for your commitment to science, to knowledge, and to this museum in particular. I encourage you to continue that commitment tonight at the auction and in going forward with your donations.” Her eyes return to the man whose eyes never left her. “Thank you for coming, I look forward to speaking with you all before the night is over.”
Loki does not approach the lithe beauty with his enemy’s name, but his eyes do not leave her either. She swans about the room with the same confidence as the Stark he knows, but her manner is more delicate. She uses more deference in approaching others, is more flattering toward them than herself. Her show is alluring, appealing, boarding on arrogant but never crossing the line. Yet, when she does finally approach him, her manner changes.
“So, how did you do it?” She’s direct, no longer glad-handing, but nevertheless rapt with anticipation as she sits beside him at a table. “Cyber worm? Reverse engineering? Or did you figure out the sequence and use the key-code?”
He opens his mouth, then closes it. He’s no clue what she’s talking about, can’t even think how to answer.
Ana’s face falls to disappointment bordering on annoyance. “You bought it pre-rigged. Figures. I send out a golden ticket and people can only think about the quick buck.” She sighs, starts to get up. “I hope this was worth whatever the invite cost you, because it’s all you get. I don’t have time for fans.”
“Wait.” His hand flies out, takes hold of wrist.
She twists free, grabs his wrist in retaliation, and hits him with 75,000 volts via taser ring worn on her middle finger. She keeps hold until he’s limp, then releases and lets him tip over the table like a drunk. “Security, toss the lump in black at table 17.” Frustrated at her failed test, done with the night, Ana heads out a discreet side door that leads to the rest of the museum.
Looking over the reconstruction of the late Tony Stark’s penthouse Ana sighs. This is still where she feels most at home. Here and her own workshop, but she’s no mind for innovation right now. “How did you do it? How did you keep going?” She asks her ancestor aloud. Failures didn’t bother her, they were always part of success. It’s lack of momentum that drives her to darkness, to the functional bar where she pours two fingers of old school whiskey.
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“You are a Stark.” Loki, in more regal and battle-ready gear, stands before the screen display of old New York. “Though a far fairer one, to be sure.” He winks, laughs when glass drops, shattering at her feet.
“Who are you?” Hand goes to her ear first, patching her into Tony, then the ruby and gold bracelet. She rubs it, anxious. “Oscorp? Stane International? Yak?” Ana takes him in, his new suit and the wild glint in his eye. “Or are you one of the anarchists? AIM? One of those anti-techs groups?”
He laughs. “Oh no, I’m my own man, Ms Stark. I don’t follow, I am followed.”
“Well, you have my attention, Mr...Mystery Man. What do you want?”
Loki hadn’t thought that far ahead. He’s merely intrigued by her, by wherever, whenever, he’s arrived.
“Really? I give you the floor and you stand mute?” Ana smirks. “Fascinating...and pointless. Thanks for the disruption and broken glass.” She starts to make another drink.
“Not curious how I got here then?”
“Only when you plan on leaving.” New glass in hand she heads out of the exhibit. She sees a biohazard symbol swimming across a fully masked face, hears the huff of the silencer, and feels the world slip past her as she goes down.
In a flick of his wrist Loki blasts the man through the wall, rushes to Ana as her gold dress goes red, then black, with blood. He gets arms under before her head hits the floor. “You’re not allowed to die until I wish it.” He watches her eyes widen in surprise, as if she didn’t expect him to be real.
“H-How...noble...” She snarks through the blooming pain, her world going dark as the mystery man’s suit.
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So...that’s everything I have that’s clear in my mind for this right now, haha! Like, I know that Ana lives and all, but I’m not sure after that. I’ve some options: Loki leaves her to recover and stalks her from afar, Loki brings her back to her home and keeps her semi-captive there, Loki leaves her, but she seeks him out in gratitude and interest. ...But, even then, unsure of the sweeping story - is there a set enemy to go against together? Do they become enemies themselves? Or is this more of a romance? Is there more time travel?? So many questions/ideas, not enough determined yet, lol!
I’ll take suggestions though, haha!! 😉
Side Notes: Tuhao is a Chinese term referring to people of wealth. By “jive” the guy means party, in general. The description of the sky is a pull from William Gibson’s Neuromancer (awesome book!). The groups Ana lists are all from Marvel, all enemies of Iron Man in one way or another. And, yes, her self-driving car has the voice and personality of Tony Stark - he is her main AI, just as JARVIS and FRIDAY were Tony’s.
Tagging: @lady-crowned-with-stars​, @beccaliciooouuusss, gravitational-anomaly, @fuckthatfeeling, @v-2bucky, @ultrarebelheart​, @tarithenurse​ @latent-thoughts​ @chibiyanai​ @lukeevansandjdmobession​ @sweetfictionalworld​ @ladyfluff​ ...And I legit don’t know who else to tag anymore lol
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What does it mean IFRS 16? How to get a grip with it?
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From 16th January 2020, any company with leased assets portfolio are working through IFRS 16 leases. You are probably wondering what does it mean IFRS 16?
International Financial Reporting Standards 16 (IFRS 16) is the first overhaul of lease accounting and affects most of the companies' reports involving a lease. It creates a substantial impact on financial statements and high-level equipment leases.
Want to know more about IFRS 16?
It was promulgated by IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) and was issued in January 2019. IAS 17 was the earlier leasing standard before IFRS 16.
The new IFRS 16 standard provides needed transparency on liabilities and leases assets on the companies.
You may probably ask "How to get a grip with IFRS 16?"
Here's the solution.
How to get a grip with IFRS16?
If you want to get a grip with IFRS 16, the first step is to make sure all the data has been correctly classified from all the leases (here, no grandfathering is allowed). Also, make sure all the supporting evidence must be filed and collated for the smooth audit process.
Now, you have to assess the new standard impact, and it should have on your accounts. This is the right time to interact with your stakeholders on the balance sheet, your profits, and KPIs.
Don't underestimate the additional time in collecting extensive disclosures and necessary information. The FRC expects the companies in the expansion of the new standard in annual accounts and reports.
If you understand the consequences of IFRS 16, then it is an opportunity to reflect on the financing strategy of the company for capital expenditure.
You have to update your audit plan for the new IFRS 16 standard to make audits easily. If you are an auditor, you have to approach audit testing, risk assessments, and documentation into account. You have to be more explicit in need for more staff and resources.
But wait. There’s even more about IFRS 16.
More Information on IFRS 16:
How does the lessee accounting model work in a nutshell?
IFRS 16 has introduced liabilities and single lessee accounting model raising from significant lease arrangements. Also, it introduces a "right to use" model to recognize the asset reflecting and lease liability reflecting to make the lease payments. Both the liability and asset will be accepted at the commencement of the lease.
How does the asset and liability model work for lessees?
Initially, the lease liability was calculated at the present lease payments and was discounted at lesser charges. The "right to use" asset value was calculated as:
Before the commencement date, the lease payments.
The initial measurement of the lease liability.
The incarnation of direct cost.
Estimating cost dismantling.
Has the "Lease" definition changed?
Yes, According to IFRS 16, lease conveys right to control the identified asset. An entity must be assessed for the lease throughout the period.
Has anything changed for lessors?
IFRS 16 is carrying the requirements of lesser accounting of IAS 17. That's why the lessor divided into its leases as the finance and operating leases. But, these two are different from one other.
Are there any changes in disclosure requirements for lessees?
There are significant changes occurred in financial performance, financial position, and cash flows.
How the IFRS 16 impacts financial statements of Lesse?
The vital effect of IFRS 16 is to increase the lease liabilities and lease assets which are recognized on balance sheets. Also, it leads to some significant changes in some financial metrics like debt covenants and gearing covenants. It also impacts on the profit & loss reports. The lease accounting doesn't change in excluding tax implications, because the economics doesn't change much. Under IAS 17, many entities are associated with cash outflows, which means the IFRS 16 results in a reduction of cash outflows.
How does IFRS 16 apply retrospectively?
IFRS 16 applies retrospectively to all the leases such as time-consuming and challenging leases. That's why IFRS 16 allows an entity to "grandfather" for its previous assessments. It doesn't mean to stay on the off-balance sheet.
For the lessees, are there any transition reliefs?
Lessees have two kinds of approaches: one is a modified retrospective approach, and the other is a full retrospective application approach. If the modified approach came to existence, then the lessee doesn't restate the comparative amount. That's why the cumulative effect applies to the equity at the initial application date, which is referred to as the annual reporting period.
Will FRS 102 become the updated version of IFRS 16?
In the process of harmonizing FRS with IFRS, the FRS will not incorporate the IFRS principles into FRS 102 at this point of time. There is a need for more analysis and evidence-gathering for the FRS 102 to update.
How does ICAEW help the companies to make the transition to IFRS 16?
The faculty of financial reporting produce the resources through the changes to the members. IFRS 16 fact sheet provides practical tips. Additional guidance will be provided at icaew.com to review further information.
And it doesn't stop here. If you want to learn more about IFRS 16, then start your IFRS certification training from Simandhar.
Let's move into IFRS course details:
About IFRS Online Training:
If you are looking for the best IFRS Training in Hyderabad, you are in the right place. Simandhar Education is here to help you. IFRS certification is becoming a benchmark in the accounting world.
Becker Professional Education is well-known for its world-class teaching. Simandhar is an authorized training partner to Becker.
And the best part?
We provide live IFRS Online Training along with the IFRS course materials and video lectures. 24/7 support from the trainer throughout the training period. Also, provide offline apart from the Becker product in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Delhi, Gurgaon, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, and so on.
We have a good reputation from the students who took IFRS coaching from Simandhar earlier. After completion of IFRS training in Simandhar, one can easily place in the leading MNC companies with an excellent package.
You're probably wondering.
Simandhar with Becker training ensures quality education for the students in cracking the IFRS exam.
About Simandhar Education:
Simandhar is the official partner of Becker and AICPA - Largest Training provider for US CPA Online Training, US CMA, EA and IFRS Online Training in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Gurgaon, Kerala, Cochin (Kochi), Trivandrum, Kottayam, Kozhikode, Malappuram, Chennai, and Mumbai. Contact us@ 919390785925.
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Ocean Offshore Marine India This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment.
#BOSIET course is a minimum requirement to work offshore. The course consists of four modules; Safety Induction, Helicopter Safety and Escape (HUET), Sea Survival and First Aid, Fire Fighting and Self Rescue. The BOSIET is required for cold water areas and includes additional training in the use of survival suits and emergency breathing systems during the #HUET module.
Introduction1. 1 #Basic Safety Induction, #Helicopter Safety and Escape (HUET), #Sea Survival and First Aid, #Fire Fighting and Self Rescue. #Emergency Breathing System (EBS) , In-water Procedures
Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipments. We are the best institute to offer the #offshore courses in India. We offer all types of courses related to the offshore Industry.
Courses 1. OIM (Offshore Installation Manager) 2. BS (Barge Supervisor / Barge Master) 3. BCO (Ballast Control Operator / MOU Stability) 4. MS (Maintenance Supervisor / Chief Mechanic) 5. OPITO IMIST (International Minimum Industrial Safety Training) 6. Crane Operator Course - Level 1, 2 & 3 7. HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer) 8. HDA ( Helideck Assistant) 9. BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training) 10 . PSCRB ( Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boats ) 11. HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training) & Helicopter under water escape & sea survival training 12. H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety Course) 13. FRC / FRB (Fast Rescue Craft / Boat ) 14. HFF (Helicopter Fire Fighting) 15 HDFF ( Helideck Fire Fighting )
Basic Offshore Course Roustabout Course Enclose Space Entry Helicopter under water escape & sea survival training Container Familiarization Safe Working Practice Marpol Environmental Compliance Training Environmental Safety Training Basic safety Training Roustabout Course Anchor Handling Accident Investigation Safe Lifting and Hoisting Fast Rescue Boats / Craft Crane Operator Rigging and Slinging Designated Person Ashore (DPA)
D.G. Shipping and I.M.O. Approved STCW 95 /STCW 2010 : Courses Elementary First Aid (EFA) Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention (FPFF) Augmentation Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention (AUG FPFF) Medical First Aid (MFA) Oil Tanker Familiarization (OTF) Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (PSSR) Personal Survival Techniques (PST) Refresher Course for FPFF (STCW' 2010) Refresher Course for PST (STCW' 2010) Security Training for Seafarers with designated security duties
AVAILABLE COURSES Nautical courses Basic Offshore Courses Writtens and Orals Preparatory Classes Engineer Courses Engine Room Resource Management Catering courses Rating Courses Passenger Ship Training Technical Maritime Training TANKER COURSE MARITIME ENGLISH (APPROVED TEST CENTER FOR MARLINS UK) AUDITOR TRAINING COURSES RECOGNIZE BY PANAMA,HONDURAS, BELIZE COURSES RECOGNIZE BY LIBERIA
And Ship Manning, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Training, Marine Training, CDC ( Palau Panama Liberian Honduras Indian ) & COC Assistance I Remain At Your Service For Further Assistance.
Contact for the offshore course booking of #BOSIET, #HUET #FOET, H2S #HLO #FRC #PSCRB, HFF, #HDFF #STCW 2010 Etc. #Now In India. Email- [email protected] [email protected] Mob-8750141747 Hirma Detergent Powder And Cake
Mobile number: 8750141747
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Frc frb hlo Fast Rescue Craft Boat course Mumbai
#UP_Police_Leak#UPP_Paper_reexam#पुलिस_भर्ती#UPP_Paper_Leak#UP_Police_Reexam OffshoreWind #MARINE#MARITIMEContact for the offshore course booking of, #BOSIET,#HUET, #FOET,#H2S, #HLO, #FRC now in India .
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Fast Rescue Craft / Boat course mumbai
Ocean Offshore Marine India Purpose Fast Rescue Craft / Boat course is designed as per IMO guidelines. It is to train personnel to operate FRC/FRB, which is mandatory for deployment in offshore field as per IOGP and on RO-RO passenger vessels as per IMO.
Rig Contingency Plans will describe the actions, relevant for the type of vessel and equipment used, to take in the event of a calamity on board a vessel. One of the topics covered is the emergency procedure/ plan of rescue and treatment of casualties, including the use of FRB s.
The emergency procedure will describe initial actions to take by the Master, FRB coxswain and crew before, during and after launching a FRB. Another topic will be the rescue, treatment of and transfer to safety of casualties after recovery. Crew needs to be trained accordingly and the procedure/plan will be revised when there are changes in legislation or best practices.
Target Audience Fast Rescue Craft Marine crew working in offshore fields and those taking up jobs on RO-RO passenger ferry.
This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment. Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipments. We are the best institute to offer the #offshore courses in India. We offer all types of courses related to the offshore Industry. Contact for the offshore course booking of #BOSIET, #HUET #FOET, H2S #HLO #FRC #PSCRB, HFF, #HDFF #STCW 2010 Etc. #Now In India. Email- [email protected] [email protected] Mob-8750141747
#huet course in delhi#bosiet courses  in delhi#h2s courses  in delhi#btm course  in delhi #brm course  in delhi #BAHAMAS CDC IN DELHI
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Fast Rescue Craft / Boat course mumbai
Ocean Offshore Marine India Purpose Fast Rescue Craft / Boat course is designed as per IMO guidelines. It is to train personnel to operate FRC/FRB, which is mandatory for deployment in offshore field as per IOGP and on RO-RO passenger vessels as per IMO.
Rig Contingency Plans will describe the actions, relevant for the type of vessel and equipment used, to take in the event of a calamity on board a vessel. One of the topics covered is the emergency procedure/ plan of rescue and treatment of casualties, including the use of FRB s.
The emergency procedure will describe initial actions to take by the Master, FRB coxswain and crew before, during and after launching a FRB. Another topic will be the rescue, treatment of and transfer to safety of casualties after recovery. Crew needs to be trained accordingly and the procedure/plan will be revised when there are changes in legislation or best practices.
Target Audience Fast Rescue Craft Marine crew working in offshore fields and those taking up jobs on RO-RO passenger ferry.
This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment. Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipments. We are the best institute to offer the #offshore courses in India. We offer all types of courses related to the offshore Industry. Contact for the offshore course booking of #BOSIET, #HUET #FOET, H2S #HLO #FRC #PSCRB, HFF, #HDFF #STCW 2010 Etc. #Now In India. Email- [email protected] [email protected] Mob-8750141747
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Basic safety Training Roustabout Course Anchor Handling Mumbai
Ocean Offshore Marine India This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment. #BOSIET course is a minimum requirement to work offshore. The course consists of four modules; Safety Induction, Helicopter Safety and Escape (HUET), Sea Survival and First Aid, Fire Fighting and Self Rescue. The BOSIET is required for cold water areas and includes additional training in the use of survival suits and emergency breathing systems during the #HUET module. Introduction1. 1 #Basic Safety Induction, #Helicopter Safety and Escape (HUET), #Sea Survival and First Aid, #Fire Fighting and Self Rescue. #Emergency Breathing System (EBS) , In-water Procedures Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipments. We are the best institute to offer the #offshore courses in India. We offer all types of courses related to the offshore Industry.
Courses 1. OIM (Offshore Installation Manager) 2. BS (Barge Supervisor / Barge Master) 3. BCO (Ballast Control Operator / MOU Stability) 4. MS (Maintenance Supervisor / Chief Mechanic) 5. OPITO IMIST (International Minimum Industrial Safety Training) 6. Crane Operator Course - Level 1, 2 & 3 7. HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer) 8. HDA ( Helideck Assistant) 9. BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training) 10 . PSCRB ( Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boats ) 11. HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training) & Helicopter under water escape & sea survival training 12. H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety Course) 13. FRC / FRB (Fast Rescue Craft / Boat ) 14. HFF (Helicopter Fire Fighting) 15 HDFF ( Helideck Fire Fighting )
Basic Offshore Course Roustabout Course Enclose Space Entry Helicopter under water escape & sea survival training Container Familiarization Safe Working Practice Marpol Environmental Compliance Training Environmental Safety Training Basic safety Training Roustabout Course Anchor Handling Accident Investigation Safe Lifting and Hoisting Fast Rescue Boats / Craft Crane Operator Rigging and Slinging Designated Person Ashore (DPA)
D.G. Shipping and I.M.O. Approved STCW 95 /STCW 2010 : Courses Elementary First Aid (EFA) Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention (FPFF) Augmentation Fire Fighting and Fire Prevention (AUG FPFF) Medical First Aid (MFA) Oil Tanker Familiarization (OTF) Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (PSSR) Personal Survival Techniques (PST) Refresher Course for FPFF (STCW' 2010) Refresher Course for PST (STCW' 2010) Security Training for Seafarers with designated security duties
AVAILABLE COURSES Nautical courses Basic Offshore Courses Writtens and Orals Preparatory Classes Engineer Courses Engine Room Resource Management Catering courses Rating Courses Passenger Ship Training Technical Maritime Training TANKER COURSE MARITIME ENGLISH (APPROVED TEST CENTER FOR MARLINS UK) AUDITOR TRAINING COURSES RECOGNIZE BY PANAMA,HONDURAS, BELIZE COURSES RECOGNIZE BY LIBERIA
And Ship Manning, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Training, Marine Training, CDC ( Palau Panama Liberian Honduras Indian ) & COC Assistance I Remain At Your Service For Further Assistance. Contact for the offshore course booking of #BOSIET, #HUET #FOET, H2S #HLO #FRC #PSCRB, HFF, #HDFF #STCW 2010 Etc. #Now In India. Email- [email protected] [email protected] Mob-8750141747
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Fast Rescue Craft / Boat course MUMBAI DELHI
Ocean Offshore Marine India Purpose Fast Rescue Craft / Boat course
FRC / FRB (Fast Rescue Craft / Boat ) Course
Ocean Offshore Marine India Purpose Fast Rescue Craft / Boat course is designed as per IMO guidelines. It is to train personnel to operate FRC/FRB, which is mandatory for deployment in offshore field as per IOGP and on RO-RO passenger vessels as per IMO.
Rig Contingency Plans will describe the actions, relevant for the type of vessel and equipment used, to take in the event of a calamity on board a vessel. One of the topics covered is the emergency procedure/ plan of rescue and treatment of casualties, including the use of FRB s.
The emergency procedure will describe initial actions to take by the Master, FRB coxswain and crew before, during and after launching a FRB. Another topic will be the rescue, treatment of and transfer to safety of casualties after recovery. Crew needs to be trained accordingly and the procedure/plan will be revised when there are changes in legislation or best practices.
Target Audience Fast Rescue Craft Marine crew working in offshore fields and those taking up jobs on RO-RO passenger ferry.
This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment. Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipments. We are the best institute to offer the #offshore courses in India. We offer all types of courses related to the offshore Industry. Contact for the offshore course booking of #BOSIET, #HUET #FOET, H2S #HLO #FRC #PSCRB, HFF, #HDFF #STCW 2010 Etc. #Now In India. Email- [email protected] [email protected] Mob-8750141747
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Fast Rescue Craft / Boat course mumbai
Fast Rescue Craft / Boat course is designed as per IMO guidelines. It is to train personnel to operate FRC/FRB, which is mandatory for deployment in offshore field as per IOGP and on RO-RO passenger vessels as per IMO.
Rig Contingency Plans will describe the actions, relevant for the type of vessel and equipment used, to take in the event of a calamity on board a vessel. One of the topics covered is the emergency procedure/ plan of rescue and treatment of casualties, including the use of FRB’s.
The emergency procedure will describe initial actions to take by the Master, FRB coxswain and crew before, during and after launching a FRB. Another topic will be the rescue, treatment of and transfer to safety of casualties after recovery. Crew needs to be trained accordingly and the procedure/plan will be revised when there are changes in legislation or best practices.
Target Audience Fast Rescue Craft
Marine crew working in offshore fields and those taking up jobs on RO-RO passenger ferry.
Contact for the offshore course booking of, BOSIET,HUET, FOET,H2S, HLO, FRC now in India . Email- [email protected] [email protected]
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Helicopter Underwater Escape Training HUET MUMBAI
This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment.
The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978 sets minimum qualification standards for masters, officers and watch personnel on sea going merchant ships and large yachts( PST,FPFF,EFA,PSSR)
#Helicopter Underwater Escape Training in most other countries, (often abbreviated HUET, pronounced hue-wet, hue-way or you-way) is training provided to helicopter flight crews, offshore oil and gas industry staff law enforcement personnel, and military.
Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipment's. We are the best institute to offer the offshore courses in Delhi. We offer all types of courses related to offshore Industry. 
Courses1. OIM (Offshore Installation Manager)                          
2. BS(Barge Supervisor / Barge Master)                                              
3. BCO (Ballast Control Operator / MOU Stability) 
4. MS ( Maintenance Supervisor / Chief Mechanic) 
5. OPIT OIMIST (International Minimum Industrial Safety Training) 
6. #Crane Operator Course - Level 1, 2 & 3 
7. #HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer) 
8.# HDA ( Helideck Assistant) 
9. #BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training) 
10. #HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training) 
11. #H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety Course) 
12. #FRC #FRB (Fast Rescue Boat / Craft) 
And Ship Manning, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Training, Marine Training, CDC& COC Assistance
Contact for the offshore course booking of #BOSIET,#HUET FOET#,H2S #HLO #FRC now in India. Email- [email protected]  [email protected]
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#BOSIET,#HUET FOET#,H2S #HLO #FRC now in India
#BOSIET,#HUET FOET#,H2S #HLO #FRC now in India
This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment.
The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978 sets minimum qualification standards for masters, officers and watch personnel on sea going merchant ships and large yachts( PST,FPFF,EFA,PSSR)
#Helicopter Underwater Escape Training in most other countries, (often abbreviated HUET, pronounced hue-wet, hue-way or you-way) is training provided to helicopter flight crews, offshore oil and gas industry staff law enforcement personnel, and military.
Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipment's. We are the best institute to offer the offshore courses in Delhi. We offer all types of courses related to offshore Industry.
Courses1. OIM (Offshore Installation Manager)
2. BS(Barge Supervisor / Barge Master)
3. BCO (Ballast Control Operator / MOU Stability)
4. MS ( Maintenance Supervisor / Chief Mechanic)
5. OPIT OIMIST (International Minimum Industrial Safety Training)
6. #Crane Operator Course - Level 1, 2 & 3
7. #HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer)
8.# HDA ( Helideck Assistant)
9. #BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training)
10. #HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training)
11. #H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety Course)
12. #FRC #FRB (Fast Rescue Boat / Craft)
And Ship Manning, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Training, Marine Training, CDC& COC Assistance
Contact for the offshore course booking of #BOSIET,#HUET FOET#,H2S #HLO #FRC now in India. Email- [email protected] [email protected]
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Helideck Fire Fighting (HDFF) Course Delhi And Mumbai
Helideck Fire Fighting (HDFF) Course
Helideck Incident (HDFF) course develops competence of skills in and knowledge of; aircraft construction and hazards, helideck emergency procedures, correct use of incident response equipment, firefighting strategies and tactics and safety and/or successful recovery of an individual and others affected by the incident response, and afford priority in the actions taken.
Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipments. We are the best institute to offer the offshore courses in Delhi. We offer all types of courses related to the offshore Industry. 
Courses 1. OIM (Offshore Installation Manager)                           
2. BS (Barge Supervisor / Barge Master)                                               
3. BCO (Ballast Control Operator / MOU Stability) 
4. MS (Maintenance Supervisor / Chief Mechanic) 
5. OPIT OIMIST (International Minimum Industrial Safety Training) 
6. Crane Operator Course - Level 1, 2 & 3 
7. HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer) 
8. HDA (Helideck Assistant) 
9. BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training) 
10. HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training) 
11. H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety Course) 
12. FRC (Fast Rescue Craft) 
And Ship Manning, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Training, Marine Training, CDC & COC Assistance Ocean offshore marine India 08750141747
Contact for the offshore course booking of BOSIET,HUET FOET,H2S HLO FRC now in Delhi. Email- [email protected]  [email protected] Mob-8750141747
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BOSIET , HUET , H2S , FRC FRB HLO PSCRB Offshore Marine Training Delhi and Mumbai
Ocean Offshore Marine India
BOSIET course is a minimum requirement to work offshore. The course consists of four modules; Safety Induction, Helicopter Safety and Escape (HUET), Sea Survival and First Aid, Fire Fighting and Self Rescue. The BOSIET is required for cold water areas and includes additional training in the use of survival suits and emergency breathing systems during the HUET module.
This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment.
Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipments. We are the best institute to offer the offshore courses in India. We offer all types of courses related to the offshore Industry.
Courses 1. OIM (Offshore Installation Manager)
2. BS (Barge Supervisor / Barge Master)
3. BCO (Ballast Control Operator / MOU Stability)
4. MS (Maintenance Supervisor / Chief Mechanic)
5. OPITO IMIST (International Minimum Industrial Safety Training)
6. Crane Operator Course - Level 1, 2 & 3
7. HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer)
8. HDA ( Helideck Assistant)
9. BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training)
10 . PSCRB ( Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boats )
11. HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training) &
Helicopter under water escape & sea survival training  
12. H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety Course)
13. FRC / FRB (Fast Rescue Craft / Boat)
14. HFF (Helicopter Fire Fighting)
15 HDFF ( Helideck Fire Fighting )
And Ship Manning, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Training, Marine Training, CDC & COC Assistance
Contact for the offshore course booking of BOSIET, HUET FOET, H2S HLO FRC PSCRB, HFF, HDFF STCW 2010 Etc. Now In India. Email- [email protected] [email protected] Mob-8750141747
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HUET ,BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training) Mumbai
Ocean Offshore Marine India
BOSIET course is a minimum requirement to work offshore. The course consists of four modules; Safety Induction, Helicopter Safety and Escape (HUET), Sea Survival and First Aid, Fire Fighting and Self Rescue. The BOSIET is required for cold water areas and includes additional training in the use of survival suits and emergency breathing systems during the HUET module.
This course is essential for personnel who are new to the offshore oil and gas industry that require this safety and emergency response training and assessment to work in an offshore cold or warm water environment.
Ocean Offshore Marine India uses the latest equipments. We are the best institute to offer the offshore courses in India. We offer all types of courses related to the offshore Industry.
Courses 1. OIM (Offshore Installation Manager)
2. BS (Barge Supervisor / Barge Master)
3. BCO (Ballast Control Operator / MOU Stability)
4. MS (Maintenance Supervisor / Chief Mechanic)
5. OPITO IMIST (International Minimum Industrial Safety Training)
6. Crane Operator Course - Level 1, 2 & 3
7. HLO (Helicopter Landing Officer)
8. HDA ( Helideck Assistant)
9. BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training)
10 . PSCRB ( Proficiency in Survival Craft & Rescue Boats )
11. HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training) &
Helicopter under water escape & sea survival training  
12. H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide Gas Safety Course)
13. FRC / FRB (Fast Rescue Craft / Boat)
14. HFF (Helicopter Fire Fighting)
15 HDFF ( Helideck Fire Fighting )
And Ship Manning, Offshore Recruitment, Offshore Training, Marine Training, CDC & COC Assistance
Contact for the offshore course booking of BOSIET, HUET FOET, H2S HLO FRC PSCRB, HFF, HDFF STCW 2010 Etc. Now In India. Email- [email protected] [email protected] Mob-8750141747
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