wavexrider · 8 years
Thomas adjusted the watch on his wrist, making sure it was facing the correct way so if he needed to contact the control center, he could. This was the very first time he was going undercover as a teacher to be a bodyguard for Brady, the son of the President of the United States. 
Brady insisted on taking public college courses, which Thomas personally commended, however the Secret Service wasn’t going to let the boy run about without any protection so a select few got to be the lucky ones who were stationed around the campus to keep an eye on the young man. Thomas didn’t think anyone would harm the president’s son, but no one was going to take that chance in case there was that one person who slipped through their fingers. 
Thankfully, Thomas was well educated in history since it was one of his favourite subjects and it made him a perfect candidate for an undercover agent posed as a teacher. Everything is in order... he thought to himself as he organized his desk, waiting for the first class of the day. Students began to file in hesitantly for they made sure it was the right classroom and in the middle of a small group was Brady. Thomas straightened up and adjusted his blazer. The last few students trickled in and he began his lesson, dark eyes always finding their way to the president’s son, Brady. 
The hour ended fairly quickly and once the bell rang, no one wasted their time on leaving. “Uh-- Brady? Do you mind staying back for a second?” 
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assassinsandco · 8 years
@frcmeden replied to your post: Guesss who has toothache and wants to die lol its...
got any whiskey? it knocked mine out for a while.
sadly I don’t D: Then again there’s five other students in this house one of them must have something...
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allmyeverymuse · 8 years
frcmeden replied to your post: frcmeden replied to your post: ...
lmao it is. and we’ll see–watch it happen. talks to lady up. takes the lady home.
Heck yeah! Piper gets very little penis play. So she’s down :P
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closed to || frcmeden
continued from here
“You’re silly,” she laughed as Hope finished, watching the little girl curiously. “Every sun needs some flowers, right? Can I see one of the markers?” Quinn questioned, holding out her hand to the little girl. “So, are you giving me tattoos, Hope? Or am I your paper now?”
Hope giggled, a huge grin spreading from ear to ear. She nodded quickly, "fwowers are so pwetty!" she beamed. Hope handed her a red marker, "wed." she said, telling Quinn the colour, she felt proud to know what colour it was. The question Quinn asked, earned a loud giggle from Hope, she nodded, "paper." she giggled again. "I gots no paper." she 'explained'.
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icantwalk · 8 years
frcmeden replied to your post: Truth. Alexei, what are your intentions with...
alexei: kills a man. respects a woman. something tells me lesya literally beat that into him at one point…
And that’s a man Aubree can put up with a man like that ten times over.
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reapermet · 4 years
I deleted tellertold and frcmeden 4 years ago. I somehow, some way, still have the psd for the background for the first and holy fuck I can work with this. Everything I owe is pretty much going to be in a queue and out over the next 24. I’m going to channel my inner Sagittarius and constantly change shit. If you want me, morningstar#3058
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allmyeverymuse · 8 years
frcmeden replied to your post: A good, down-home Southern man who likes dirt...
I think he’s already met her! <3 haha
Is it Paul? Because, I’m just sayin’. He could till her fields any time her wanted to. ;)
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@frcmeden sent purple for a silly starter (toddler!hope)
Hope walked towards her small table, balancing herself by holding onto the edge, the tiny two year old really wanted to colour. But since there was no paper, she was left to her own imagination. Grabbing a few markers in her small hands, she waddled towards her babysitter, Quinn. A mischievous little smirk forming on her pint sized face. She opened the bright pink marker and doodled on her leg, “pwetty!” She gasped, pointing at the pink sun she had just drawn.
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frcmeden replied to your post “crutchiee: sirlightbulb: finding out the heights of your internet...”
You're pocket sized omg
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gxnnabelegends · 8 years
Kristin Bauer van Straten
send me a FC and i’ll make up a character on the spot.
Regina Volcov.
Bloody thirsty, Regina makes Nikolai looks like a puppy. She does not take no for an answer and will do whatever it takes to get what she wants. An individualist, not a team player.
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lovesaidno-archive · 8 years
@frcmeden replied to your post “how come you dont have any real ships? like serious ones? at all?”
if you ship with me you won't hear the end of the ship...
Yea I’m the same way but like I said. people get bored of me =p
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icantwalk · 8 years
frcmeden replied to your photo
digging a hole for bree’s creep tbh
lol. I hope he gets to use it.
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Needing A Friend (Karina and Quinn)
Picking up her cell phone, she scrolled down till she found Quinn’s number and hit call. Walking around her apartment as she waited for her friend to pick up the phone. She was hoping Quinn would like to grab lunch or something, the need to get out of the house was killing her.
“Hello,” she said as her friend answered.
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@frcmeden Bell had been sitting in the little garden near their apartment, not looking around nor worrying if someone might be watching her. She was hidden behind some shrubs as she wound her fingers making the rocks and dirt lift from the ground and dance around like it was reacting to music. She smiled as she made it lift higher and swirl around controlled by her fingertips. It was a small outlet for her unique powers, powers that she kept hidden from the world. It was only when she heard a twig break behind her that she realised that she was not alone and her hands clasped together quickly with the earth she was controlling fell back to the ground. She knew she had been caught but by who? Turning to see Phoenix standing behind her was some what of relief for the tiny brunette but still she worried about his reaction. "Hey....."
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gallagherhqs · 4 years
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