hopeandlimerence · 6 years
“Lucas,” Ann sighed, pouring a glass of wine. “I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but I promise, you can trust me.” She wasn’t exactly the most trustworthy when it came to her romantic relationships, but when it came to friends, she was intensely loyal and always looked out for them. Most of her friends were people she had remained friends with for years, because she was not only a fun friend to be with, but a ride-or-die friend, who always had someone’s back. And she could tell something was bothering her new friend. 
She handed Lucas the glass of wine, while taking a drink of her own. “So come on, what’s going on? Talk to me.”
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asphxltwings · 6 years
Tatsuya knew he put himself in a pickle. He knew that. But right now he gives little to not shit on the fact that he’s currently in jail for holding a gun that was loaded.
He’s been bugging the police for giving back his gun to him. He’s not sure if he’s attached to the gun or if it’s the alcohol still in his system that’s making him think that he’s very attached to the gun. Another reason for being in here? Being drunk as fuck.
“Give me back my gun~ Pleeaaasseee.” He held out the please while slurring the whole sentence.  He huffed a bit and gave up, he’s noticing that they aren’t giving him any kind of attention.
“When do I leave?” He yelled. Really wanting to know if they got into contact with somebody or not. He really wants to leave. And find a way to get his gun back. He really likes that gun. He’s starting to get bored with waiting for any kind of attention.
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hclyxghcst-archived · 6 years
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/// @freaksxofxnature 🖤💕✨🖤💕 wow...
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innxcentfaces · 6 years
  HAPPY MUNDAY and happy labour day to my fellow...
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@freaksxofxnature​ | closed starter with nellis
                      The man couldn’t help but sigh as he knocked on the door to his neighboring apartment. Nellis’s roommate had convinced him to be the one to greet the new neighbor and apologize ahead of time for the loud music and disruptive activity due to their parties. 
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                           Nellis was quite fond of partying and he often attended college blow outs or hosted his own. It had been the reason his previous neighbor had moved out, one too many loud nights and reckless activity around the complex. The building was a small residential area, only a few apartments spanning two floors, Nellis and his roommate being on the second.
          His fist met the hard wood repeatedly in a quick motion. Now to wait for a response.
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yumenikai · 7 years
License to Wed
It's not every day someone is allowed to cheat death and still be able to talk about it. Then again the people Klysm Hale associated himself with were rarely ever the kind of people to live by the rule book. After all, he himself was no one to be talking considering the type of being he was. Alas, it /was/ his job to judge and maintain order. 
"So, let me get this straight doll face -- you took me outta bed, you made me get dressed in an outfit you picked and you bring me here?" Blue hues stared in disbelief at the Italian beauty before him, "No mames..." He cursed, the Spanish words showing the extent of his annoyance, "You could have at least given me a good morning kiss before dragging me here." 
Honey hues stared hard at the other male in the car as he geared the black Bugatti into park, "What? You thought we were going on a date?" He arched a brow, unclicking his seatbelt and stepping out of the car. 
"I wouldn't be opposed to the idea of having you to myself for an entire day. But mainly, I thought we were going to be going everywhere /but/ Satan's cabin in the woods!" The Frenchman continued to complain, exiting the car with a resigned sigh. 
"We're here on a job, not a picnic. Besides, Uncle Lucy has a very lovely cabin. This is a shed compared to that." The Italian mused, looking at the ornate estate with what could be considered disdain. 
"Of course you'd know what Dad's cabin looks like..." The male smirked, "You're one of his favorites after all." The raven-haired male teased, biting his lip as he arched a brow and grabbed the other male by the waist, eyes going completely pitch black, "When do I get to have a ride?" He asked, receiving a punch to the stomach that nearly knocked the wind out of him in reply. 
It was rare that Lucifer Angels intruded on mortal lives. Then again it was even rarer for immortals to become a real concern to heaven and hell. However, both Natanaele Santino and Mihiel Reims had come to realize the Hale family and their affiliates were rarely the common folks. 
With a single knock on the door, Natanaele let himself inside, waiting for the reaction he knew he would receive from a particular Englishman -- "What are you doing here?" And there it was. The all too mightier-than-thou tone that was inexplicably tied to every Hale that had ever lived. 
"Well, we were just in the neighborhood and decided to make a visit. After all, it's not every day we get a /new/ addition to our little community." Mihiel grinned, as he closed the door behind him. "Let alone one that can come back from the dead." 
"I'm sure you know what we're talking about Hale. What Salem did broke many rules, even taking into consideration his abilities. And as the single balance between dark and light we're here to--" 
"Get out." The words were cold and clearly a warning to the Lucifer Angels to back off. Natanaele found it rather endearing to think Klysm Hale would go down fighting for his lover so valiantly. Because of course the Hale's had brains, brawns and, in Klysm's case, the closest thing to immortality a mortal could be granted. However, they weren't fully immortal. No one truly was. Some just had more resilience than others, which was a pain, but not impossible to defeat. "Is that any way to talk to a friend?" Mihiel feigned a hurt look, as he shifted his weight on his feet and stuffed his hands in the pockets of his suit. 
"We're actually here to help." Natanaele continued where he'd been cut off. "We're also here to keep you in check. But mainly, we're just here to fix the problem your boy toy caused." Kohl-lined eyes stared down icy blue hues. "I already told my doll face I'd help with whatever crazy plan he had in mind, so if he doesn't budge, I can't either." The half-demon and angel hybrid informed, feeling left out of the mini-showdown going on. 
"So where's Salem?" Natanaele questioned, eyes going from fierce to curious all to easily. "From what I heard, there's a wedding to plan!" Klysm had always hated how Natanaele knew everything about his life before he himself knew it. He hated that the Lucifer Angel, in many ways, had the upper hand in most situations. "Come now, don't be shy!" Natanaele called out as Klysm held back an annoyed scowl and instead glared at the male's before him, jaw set tight.
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“We need to get to Berlin. Come follow me.” Phase one of this will start now.
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savagecuhnt · 7 years
d i s t a n c e || Salem & Rosalyn
 There was a chill in the air, an annoying breeze that gingerly smacked the tender flesh of the witch’s pale cheeks as she stood silently across the street of her ‘husband’s home. Their home. Once upon a time, When things were fresh and simple. “s a l e m.” she breathed his name into the wind with a cloud of smoke that plumed on her exhale. With an irritated sigh, she launched her still lit cigarette to the ground and began to cross the street, her combat boots crunching against loose gravel with every step she took until she reached that familiar front porch. 
 Moments had passed before she gained the courage to tap her inked knuckles to the door. They had gone so long without speaking a word to one another, that there was now an uneasy tension between them. It was unhealthy, that was certain, but their entire relationship was unhealthy. They were sinister, merciless monsters. Selfish in both their own ways, and with that selfishness caused strain, and with strain came this distasteful separation between husband and wife. “Salem-” she cleared her throat as she knocked again, “It’s uh-...it’s Rose.”
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lilacxrosesx · 6 years
m/f 12 (you can decide based on what the gif is ;D)
She wasn’t sure how she managed to sway it– god knows Elijah liked to be in control, or atleast tease her into thinking she had some form of it herself before he took it right back. It was something she adored about him, but in this instance she was determined to have her way with him, like it or not. Wrists tied expertly to the top of the bed, matching black lace set clinging to her curves as she slipped over his frame, straddling his lap on the bed before leaning over a fraction, liking the position he was in. “Aww, baby. I am gunna have fun with you..” 
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sweetxkitty-rps · 6 years
💤 reverse
-assuming Lucas to Marcos-
Marcos had been enjoying the movie they had put in. It was getting a little late, so he wasn’t incredibly surprised when the younger man leaned up against him. He smiled a little to himself, looking down at Lucas. He saw that he was still watching the movie, so Marcos adjusted a little so that Lucas could be a little bit more comfortable. He moved his hand to rub over the other’s arm, turning his head to kiss the top of Lucas’s. He turned his attention back to the movie, and when it was done, he reached for the remote and moved as little as possible while doing it. He could feel warmth in his chest as he looked back at Lucas and saw that the younger man had actually fallen asleep.
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asphxltwings · 6 years
guys meet remi
love them
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hclyxghcst-archived · 6 years
There’s not a doubt in Uriel’s mind that Elijah doesn’t want him to be there almost as much as he doesn’t want to be there, but he knocks anyway because fuck it, they both need to graduate. He’s got grades to make up for from all that time he lost in the hospital, and he’ll take any extra credit he can get. 
He’s let in by a housekeeper who almost doesn’t believe him until he literally shows her his school ID and books. He isn’t mad, he gets it - he’s been slowly covering himself in more and more tattoos and piercings since he was twelve years old, and his sad, sleepless eyes make no secret of the nights he spends driving in circles and studying in diners till they kick him out. He allows himself to be led to their pristine front room and sits down on the couch to wait, fearing in the back of his mind that he’ll make it dirty just by sitting on it. He knows he doesn’t belong here - he’s got baggies of coke in his backpack next to his copy of Hamlet, and hadn’t even tried to cover up the smell of weed that no doubt clings to him before coming inside. He just wants this afternoon to be over as quickly as possible - wants away from the beauty, the wealth, the wholeness. It’s too alien.
He hears the door open then, looks away as he uncomfortably picks at a loose thread on his brother’s leather jacket - the only thing they let him keep. 
“Hey,” he says, barely meeting Elijah’s eyes, “They uh - someone let me in and told me to wait.”
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innxcentfaces · 6 years
Elijah and Charlie for the ship meme!
Send me a Ship and I’ll Break Them DOWN
How did they they meet?
Elijah came home from a party with her brothers and they all did drugs together while Charlie served them drinks and food and did her best to stay out of their way. 
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Charlie. Elijah was usually to high to really even notice her, and she crushed on him from afar. 
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Not sure if they really have any, maybe Elijah’s lawyer because she’s making sure he cleans himself up before the trail?
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
Elijah kissed Charlie the night she bailed him out from jail and swore to stick by his side despite withdrawal and the accusations toward him. 
Who confessed their feelings first?
Charlie did. She confessed that she’d had a crush on him for a long time.
What was their first official date?
Charlie probably made him a nice dinner and lit a bunch of candles in whatever place they’re staying at that time. She’d want something private and quiet and relaxed, knowing Elijah wouldn’t be in the best shape for dinner and a movie. 
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
They probably wouldn’t mind, though it would take Charlie some adjusting, but for now they prefer to keep to themselves until everything is sorted out. Both with drugs and the legal case. 
What do they do in their down time?
Cuddle and watch old movies together while Charlie constantly tries to feed him whatever goodies she’s made that day. 
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Both are orphans so there is no meeting of the parents. 
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
Probably Elijah being a little shit because of the withdrawals. Probably telling her to leave him alone and let him do what he wants, and her refusing to. They’d get past it once Elijah realizes she’s just trying to do best by him. 
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Elijah, because Charlie can’t tell with people are interested in her, and is totally oblivious to flirting, while Elijah would see it clearly. 
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
Ice cream, because it’s Charlie’s favourite and she always gets in a silly mood when they go and get it. 
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
Both, but more Charlie than Elijah. She prefers to lay together hugging close and just breathing each other in. 
Are they hand holders?
Yes, but mostly because Charlie likes to hold onto his hand whenever she can, just to be connected to him. 
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
Probably until after Elijah gets sober. Charlie wouldn’t want to feel like she’s taking advantage of his vulnerability, and Elijah would probably want to make it special for her. 
Who tops?
Elijah, though Charlie wouldn’t be against having her turn too. 
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
Charlie. She’s experienced in these activities and enjoys them. Elijah likes to watch her go while she’s in her element. 
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Charlie. She’s spent years fighting to keep a tiny apartment clean behind several brothers, and thus the practice of tidiness is well ingrained in her. 
Who proposes?
Elijah. He know’s Charlie is traditional, so he’d ask her, knowing she’d never even think to ask him. 
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
Together, mostly because Charlie doesn’t have many friends of her own. 
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
I’m almost entirely sure that they elope and get married alone. just the two of them. at City Hall. 
Big Ceremony or Small?
See previous answer
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
Elijah probably takes her on a trip to somewhere warm and relaxed and beautiful. 
Do they have children? How many?
I could see them ending up with two children. One boy and one girl. 
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dirtyflcwers · 6 years
@freaksxofxnature liked for somehing gay!
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                kendra sips from her mug as she hears the front door opening. she won't even look up from her phone as she speaks, '  paula said she saw you and lauren and talking, again..  '  she takes another sip, '  is the bitch trying to come onto you again or what? just tell me if i have to kick her ass, cause i'll happily do it. '
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comented · 6 years
@freaksxofxnature *insert i know this & i love you pic from parks and rec*
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fightersxlovers · 7 years
"I miss Finland," Lilia sighed.
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