#freaky deaky ahh number
heartsfortwotpot · 5 months
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who invited this guy???
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daryls-dixon-antoni · 5 years
Chapter 33.) Service
"Mom, Hope's crying. I think she's hungry."
"Okay," I respond, softly.
"Mom, she needs you, I need you."
I look over at my son, ready to snap at him, when I hear Rick's voice call, "Anne, he's here, we need you."
My feet move before my brain processes why. I follow Rick to the gate seeing Negan talking with Spencer in front of Eugene and Rosita.
"I know I had to make a pretty strong first impression," I hear Negan say to Spencer as we get there. "Well, hello, there." He greets Rick once he see's him.
Rick doesn't respond and Negan glares, "Do not make me have to ask."
"You said a week," Rick says, opening the gate. "You're early."
Negan grins, "I missed you."
I see the dead approaching from behind Negan and hope he bites him.
Negan grins even wider and says, "Oh, Rick, come on out here." He starts backing up towards the dead. "Watch this. Calling it!"
He hits the dead with his bat and when I blink an image of Glenn's headless body, and Abraham's crushed in skull swims behind my eyelids. "Ha ha ha! Easy peasy lemon squeezy! All right, everybody. Let's get started." When I look to see the men he brought my heart drops seeing Daryl, beaten up and in loose fitting sweat clothes with a spray painted A on them. My head starts swimming, especially when I look towards the movement out of the corner of my eye to notice Mason carrying Hope towards us.
Towards Negan.
"Big day. Hey, Rick, you see that, what I just did? That is some service! I mean, we almost get turned away at the gate. 'Who is that guy, anyway?' Do I get mad? Do I throw a fit? Do I bash some ginger's dome in? Nope. I just take care of one of these dead pricks that could've killed one of y'all. Service." He walks forward and thrusts his bat into Rick's hand as he walks by saying, "Hold this."
"Hot diggity dog! This place is magnificent! An embarrassment of riches, as they say. Yes, sir, I do believe you are gonna have plenty to offer up." As Negan's chuckling, I'm stood next to Rick, with Mason behind me and Hope in my arms.
Rick walks towards Daryl saying, "Daryl, hey-"
Negan steps forward and sternly cuts him off, "No. Nope. He's the help."
I step forward timidly, "Can I at least introduce him to his daughter?" I can hear my blood flowing through my ears as I ask. Hoping beyond hope that he wouldn't hurt a newborn. I mostly said it to let Daryl know the baby is okay. That she made it.
"No. You don't look at him, you don't talk to him, and I don't make you chop anything off of him. Same goes for everyone," he practically sings as he aproaches Rosita, “Right?”
He then approaches Rick again and says, "A lot of suspense there. I don't think she even knew how much. All right, let's get this show on the road. See what kind of goodies you got in the cupboard."
"We put aside half the supplies," Rick says.
"No, Rick. No. You don't decide what we take. I do." He turns to his people, "Arat."
A woman with blond hair that hasn't been died in ages yells, "You heard the man. Move out!" His people start walking forward and Negan turns back to Rick.
"They're just gonna search the houses a bit, keep the process movin'." He sighs, "All right. You gonna show me around or not?" When Rick doesn't respond he says, "Well?"
Rick starts moving, and I hand Hope to Mason and whisper, "Try to stay as far away from anyone that isn't ours, keep her safe."
He nods quickly before asking, "Does Daryl count as the people I have to avoid?"
I nod, "For now, yes. Now go."
I quickly follow behind Rick and Negan, knowing that was Rick's request earlier.
As we walk we see some men carrying an arm chair out of one of the homes as Negan says, cheerily, "You see this? This is the kind of thing that just tickles my balls. A little cooperation and everything is pleasant as punch. You see, we really are reasonable people once you get to know us. Honest." He opens a cooler and grabs a can of something, opens it, drinks it then crushes it. "Ohh, Man. Damn, I love this place!"
A man calls his name and approaches with Deanna's camera. "Somethin' you might wanna see."
"Well, well, well." Negan cheers, "What do we have here? I got my fingers crossed for a little freaky-deaky."
He starts playing Rick's tape from the interviews with Deanna. The ones from when we first arrived here, "know me. I've killed people. I don't even know how many by now."
"Jee-hee-sus!" Negan says, looking at the camera.
"But I know why they're all dead." Rick’s voice continues.
"Is that you, Rick, underneath all that man-bush?"
The tape keeps playing, "They're dead so my family, all those people out there, can be alive."
"Shee-ot. I would not have messed with that guy." He clicks the camera and starts recording, "But that's not you anymore is it?" He turns the camera to himself, "Nope." He turns the camera off. "I really gotta shave this shit.” He says, about his facial hair. “Whatever happened to that sick girl? That seemed like a hell of a stressful night for her. The way she was carrying on; she was married to number two, right?" He continues, "Careful. Careful how you're lookin' at me, Rick. Widows, especially ones that look like that," he breathes out and I start shaking slightly. "They are special. I love 'em. Right after their husbands go, they are just... empty inside. But usually not for long." He chuckles, "Ahh. Where is she? I would love to see her."
"Do you care to pay your respects?" I turn to see Father Gabriel has approached us.
"Ho-ly crap! You are creepy as shit, sneaking up on me, wearin' that collar with that freaky-ass smile."
"My apologies. I'm Father Gabriel."
Negan pauses, looking taken aback, "She didn't make it?" None of us respond, not giving him the satisfaction.
We end up in the cemetary and I have to try my hardest not to let Daryl know that Maggie's fine.
"Damn tragedy. That's what this is." Negan breathes deeply. "Well, this must really suck for you guys. Number one? That was on me. No choice there. Lessons had to be learned. But number two? That didn't need to happen. Daryl, there, he forced my hand." I bite my lip so I don't correct him. Don't get anyone killed. "Probably put her right on her back, huh? Damn. I was gonna ask her to come back with me. Oh, I know what you're thinkin'. How could I have a shot, guy that just bashed her husband's head in?" He chuckles, "You'd be surprised. Boy, people, they-" he's cut off by the distant sound of a gunshot. Negan starts walking away and as we get to the house where the sound came from, I see it's ours.
Once we make it in the room we hear one of Negan's men say, "Kid what do you think happens next?"
"You die," Carl responds, aiming a gun at the man.
"Carl. Carl, put it down." Rick begs.
"No. He's taking all of our medicine. They said only half our stuff."
Negan chuckles, "Of course. Oh-ho. Really, kid?"
Carl turns to Negan, "And you should go. Before you find out how dangerous we all are."
"Well, pardon me, young man.
Excuse the shit out of my goddamn french, but did you just threaten me? Look, I get threatening Davey here, but I can't have it. Not him, not me."
"Carl, just put it down." Rick begs, again.
"Don't be rude, Rick. We are having a conversation here. Now, boy, where were we? Oh, yeah. Your giant, man-sized balls. No threatening us. Listen, I like you, so I don't want to go hard proving a point here. You don't want that. I said half your shit, and half is what I say it is. I'm serious. Do you want me to prove how serious? Again?"
"Carl, Hunny. Put the gun down." I whisper, gently.
Carl turns back to me briefly, before sighing and giving Rick the gun.
Negan takes it from Rick, "You know, Rick. This whole thing reminds me that you have a lot of guns. There's all the guns you took from my outpost when you wasted all my people with a shit-ton of your own guns. And I'm bettin' there's even more. Which adds up to an absolute ass-load of guns, and as this little emotional outburst just made crystal clear; I can't allow that. They're all mine now. So tell me, Rick. Where are my guns?"
We get to the armory, and Olivia stays calm, "I... figured you were coming.”
"Show him where the guns are, Olivia." Rick says.
"The armory's inside," she turns around and makes her way to the door leading into the actual armory.
"You run the show in here?" Negan asks.
She stops, turns half around, "I-I just keep track of it all, the rations, the guns."
"Good. Smart. Don't let me stop you. Take her out, boys. Show 'em the goods." She leads his men in and I go to follow but hesitate when I hear Negan say, "Wait, wait, wait. While they're at it, I just want to point out to you that I'm not taking a scrap of your food. Slim pickin's in here." I turn around. “And I can't be the only one to notice that you got a fat lady in charge of keeping track of rations, can I? Either way, you starve to death; I don't get shit. So, for now; you get to keep all the food. How 'bout that?"
"What do you want me to say?" Rick asks, hoarsely.
"I don't know, Rick. How about a thank you. You think that might be in order? Or is that too much to ask?!"
When Rick doesn't say anything I speak up, "It's hard ... for him, y'know... he was close to Glenn... even closer to D" I take a deep breath, "Daryl. You can understand?"
Negan laughs, "Ohh. I know we started off on the wrong foot, but what can I say?" He turns to look Rick in the eye, "You forced my hand, Rick. But it's like I've been tryin' to tell you; I'm a very reasonable man as long as you cooperate. So let me ask you a question, Rick. Are you cooperating?"
"What's it look like?" Rick asks.
"Oh-ho-ho. I know what it looks like. But what I really want to know is if we're gonna find all the guns back there or if maybe; you got a few just waitin' for their moment? Just like my Lucille."
"They're all in there, to the best of my knowledge."
"Mm. I am countin' on that, Rick." Negan brushes past me and into the Armory and Rick and I exchange looks.
"I had it handled," Rick whispers, angrily.
"No, you didn't. So I helped, that's why I'm here, right? I'm your temporary replacement for Daryl, right? Because you don't have it handled."
He gives me an almost shocked expression for my sharp tone. Yet, somehow I can’t find it in myself to care. He’s letting this man run our lives after he murdered our own, man napped Daryl, and now he just gets to walk around our home talking in his annoying ass sing-songy voice and lean around exaggeratedly without a care in the world.
"You know what today is, Rick? Today is a banner day. Yes, it is. I think this little arrangement we have is gonna work out just fine." I keep my breath held as Daryl comes out of the armory, helping Negan's men load up his vehicles.
"Hold up." I freeze completely, worried my glance in Daryl's direction was going to get him killed. Instead, Negan takes a grun from Daryl's pile and says, "Let's see if you've been taking care of my guns." He cocks the gun, aims it at Daryl and I feel the tears coming to my eyes as I watch as if in slow motion Daryl just continue working, as if he didn't have a gun on him.
When he shoots, he hits a window and not Daryl and I let out a choked breath.
"Feels good. Sounds good! Oh, I do believe Lucille's gettin' a little jealous. Well, ho-ly smokes!" He takes the rocket launcher that one of his men just retrieved. "Look at this! It was you guys that took out Little Timmy and the Dick Brigade? Wow, Rick. Gettin' in your last licks. Ooh, man, I'm gonna have some fun with this."
"Please, I-I don't know for-" when I look over to Olivia's distressed voice, I see the woman Negan had addressed earlier dragging Olivia up the stairs to the outside.
Negan looks at his woman and chastizes, "Arat, we don't do that unless they do somethin' to deserve it."
"Yeah, we went through the inventory. Guns in the armory, guns they had around the walls, they're short." She pulls Olivia's notebook out from underneeth her arm and hands it to Negan, "Glock 9 and a .22 Bobcat."
Negan turns to Olivia, "Is that true?" Olivia nods and Rick speaks up.
"We had some people leave town. Those guns probably went with them."
"So Olivia sucks at her job. Is that what you're sayin'?"
"No. No, I'm not sayin' that."
"There should be a full accounting here, right? Top to bottom. Am I right?"
"No," Olivia responds, surprising me. "I mean, yes. The inventory is correct."
"Good," Negan says, then steps closer to Olivia, "But not so good, too. You see, what's in here," he holds up her notebook, "isn't in there. You're two handguns short. Do you know where they are?"
"No... I..." she trails off.
Negan sighs, turning back to Rick, "That's disappointing, Rick. I thought that we had an understanding. But this, well, this shows that someone's not on board, and I can't have that." He gets even closer to Olivia and says, "I don't enjoy killing women. Men; I can waste them all the live long. But at the end of the day, Olivia, my dear, this was your responsibility."
"Look," Rick interrupts, "we can work this out."
"Oh, yes, we can. And I'm going to; right now." Olivia whimpers, "This was your job, and you screwed up. Keeping track of guns? That shit is life and death."
We are in the church with the town of Alexandria. Rick's at the front speaking, "I thought about hiding some of the guns. I did it before. I figured I could bury some out there," he points outside of the church. "Maybe we don't touch them for years."
"Years?" Tobin asks.
"Yeah. That's right. But what if the Saviors find those guns? What if we run into them when we have those guns on us? One of us dies. Maybe more than that. Maybe a lot more. Doesn't matter how many bullets we have. It isn't enough. They win. It's that black-and-white. Hiding a couple of guns isn't the answer, not anymore. We don't have to like it, but we need to give them over. A Glock 9 and a .22. That's what they're looking for. Who has it? Someone knows where they are or they know who does. If we don't find them, they're gonna kill Olivia. They'll do it."
One of the townspeople stands up and asks, "Why do they care? Two guns aren't a threat to them. But those guns could help protect us from whatever else is out there."
"Do you have 'em?" Rick asks.
"Wish I did," the man responds, sitting back down.
"Most of you weren't there. You didn't have to watch."
I stand up, "They killed Abraham to get a point across. They killed Glenn because Daryl stood up to them. They bashed Glenn's head in. To the point he didn't even have one.”
Rick puts a hand up, "That's enough Anne." When I sit back down next to Mason, Rick continues, "Listen, you can look away now; when someone else dies. Or you can help solve this. We give them what they want, and we live in peace."
Eric stands up, "Say we find the guns. How are we gonna get out of this, Rick?"
"There is no way out of this," Rick responds. "Let me put this to all of you as clearly as I can. I'm not in charge anymore. Negan is. Now, who has the guns?"
It's silent for a long time before Eugene speaks up, "Not everyone's here."
I'm in Spencer’s house with Rick, he's looking everywhere for the guns while I watch.
Gabriel comes in and says, "Nothing. Still. I just, I feel like I know this is going to work out."
"How?" Rick asks, still searching.
"We'll find the guns. We'll get through today. Then we'll find a way to go forward, how to beat this."
"There is no beating this."
"Yes, there is, somehow. I have faith in us. I have faith in you. Things change. You're my friend. It wasn't always that way. Where's Michonne? Could she possibly have-"
"She doesn't have anything they're lookin' for." Rick states, standing up. "What you did with the graves, it was quick thinkin'. Thank you."
"It was nice digging a grave I knew would stay empty." Gabe says as Aaron comes in.
"No luck?" Aaron asks.
"Nope," I respond.
"We searched the house, Rosita's. There's nothing. So what do we do now?"
"If they were anywhere, they'd be here." Rick says. "Spencer's done this kind of thing before. We keep looking. Maybe today works out."
"I'll check the garage," Aaron says, walking away.
"I'll look in Deanna's office again." Gabe agrees.
"I guess I'm rechecking upstairs." I say, heading up the stairs.
Once Rick found the guns, we head outside to see one of Negan's men pesturing Enid.
"Balloons? You going to a party, little girl?"
"Can I keep them, please?" Enid asks, "It's just... Let me keep them."
"Say please again, little girl."
"Yeah," he puts a finger on her cheek and I have to look away as I hear him say, "One more time."
"Please," Enid responds, sharply.
"Be careful, little girl."
"They'll be gone soon," Rick whispers, and when I turn I see the judgement in Carl's eyes.
"Come on, Rick. Let's go give the guns to Negan." I say.
He nods and we approach Negan who says, "What you got for me, Rick?" Rick hands him the guns. "Well, would you look at that? They were here after all. Funny how a little 'Holy shit! Somebody's gonna die!' lights a fire under everybody's ass!"
Olivia starts crying, so instinctively I walk over and put an arm comfortably around her as Negan continues.
"So, tell me, Rick. Which one of your fine folks almost cost Olivia the rest of her days?"
"It doesn't matter anymore," Rick says.
"No, it matters. See, you need to get everybody on board. Everybody. Or we just go right back to square one."
They finally start leaving, and there is nothing I want more than to get to walk over to Daryl and hug him, have him pull me in and tell me everything is going to be okay.
"Hell of a place you got here, Rick." Negan says.
"Give me a second," I hear Rick ask.
"No," is Negan's response. I have yet to take my eyes off of Daryl.
"Please, can you just... give me a second?"
Negan starts humming and when Rick comes back, Michonne is with him, a dead deer around her shoulders.
"Look at this!" Negan cheers.
"I thought she was scavenging." Rick says, "She was hunting." I watch in horror as Rick gives Negan a rifle, "This one never came inside. We kept it near the line."
"Look at this. This is something to build a relationship on. Good for you, Rick. This is readin' the room and gettin' the message. I've said it before, I'm gonna say it again. You, sir are special."
"Now that you know we can follow your rules..."
"Yes?" Negan asks, almost singing.
"I'd like to ask you if Daryl can stay." I look gratefully at Rick.
"Not happenin'."
"Please, he has a newborn."
"You know what? I don't know. Maybe Daryl can plead his case. Maybe Daryl can sway me." Daryl keeps his eyes down. "Daryl?" When Daryl still keeps his eyes on the ground I step forward.
"Daryl, come on!" I beg.
Negan chuckles, "Well, you tried. Now what you got to do is get over that tall wall of yours and try harder out there. Earn for me. Because we're coming back soon, and when we do, you better have something interesting for us. Or Lucille... she's gonna have her way. I want you to hear that again. If you don't have something interesting for us. Somebody's gonna die. And no more magic guns. Arat, grab that deer. It's getting late. Let's go home." Michonne throws the deer down.
"Man, I love a gal that buys me dinner and doesn't expect me to put out." I hear Negan chuckle.
We watch Spencer bring Dwight Daryl's bike.
"I'll take that," Dwight says. "Rosita! Got a little thank-you. That's all you're getting back. Took all your guns, most of your beds. I hope you find a place to lay your pretty little head." He gets on Daryl's bike and says, "Did you find anything else out there?"
"Just your dead friends," Rosita shoots back, and walks away.
Dwight revs up Daryl's bike and for a moment I'm brought back to the memory of me riding with Daryl to lead the dead away from Alexandria. How it felt to be so close to his body as we helped our community.
I watch in disgust as he rides over to Daryl and says, "You can have it back. Just say the word." When Daryl doesn't respond, Dwight rides off.
"So, nobody died." Negan says to Rick. "And you know what I think? I think you and I, we've refined our understanding. Let me ask you something, Rick. Do you want me to go?"
"I think that'd be good." Rick says.
"Then just say those two magical words."
"Thank you," Rick says.
Negan laughs, "Don't be ridiculous. Thank you."
As another of the dead makes his way towards our community, Negan says, "Another one. You need our help. Davey, hand me that candlestick over there." The man called Davey hands it over. "You know what I think, Rick? I think we're both gonna come out of this winners. Watch my form!" He cleans out the walker in one swing.
"Ahh. Yep," he turns back to us. "Win-win." He drops the candlestick. "You should clean that up for me for next time. Let's move out!" His men start moving. "Oh, wait." Negan chuckles, turning back around, "How careless of me. You didn't think I was gonna leave Lucille, did ya? I mean, after what she did, why would you want 'er?" He takes the bat back, "Thank you for being so accommodating, friend." I watch as Negan whispers something in Rick's ear.
Then they leave, vehicle after vehicle, the last one taking Daryl away with it.
I stare as Rick closes the gates behind them, and then he approaches Spencer, "Spencer. We took the guns you had in your house. The Saviors wanted ours, all of them. There were two missing from the inventory. They were gonna kill Olivia." Spencer doesn't respond so Rick says his name.
"You went into my house?" Spencer asks.
"They were gonna kill Olivia. Look, I'm not faulting you for having the guns. I did it myself. But the food and liquor?" Rick sighs, "That's 'cause you're small, Spencer. You're weak. You got lucky with the walls. You got lucky with us." Rick starts walking away.
"We should've made a deal with them when we could've." Spencer shouts after Rick. "Oh, yeah, we're so lucky. You've led us all to the Promised Land! Isn't that right, Rick?! Here we are! I guess Glenn and Abraham were lucky, too?"
Rick stops, doesn't turn around and threatens, "You say anything like that again to me, I'll break your jaw, knock your teeth out. You understand? Say yes."
"Yes." Spencer starts walking back.
I follow after Rick to go back to my room.
There's no bed in there anymore, but they left the playpen for Hope.
When Mason walks in holding her, he sits on the floor next to me, "You know why I wanted you to name her Hope?"
I nod, "Because we need hope?"
He shakes his head, "Because you need a reminder to have hope. Ever since this started, when we lost Tonia; you started going on runs alone. When the prison fell and we were reunited, you wouldn't even let me out of this house. You are always so scared of the next bad thing, Mom. Well, this is the worst bad thing that's happened and you don't have any hope. But Hope and I need you to have hope. We need you to be here, to keep us safe."
I nod, "Okay."
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writingkeepsmewhole · 7 years
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This is the fifth part to A Touch. Reader goes back to Alexandria with Negan and if faced with a choice that could change everything. 
Reader X Negan
Warnings: Language I think that’s it?
Let me know if you want to be tagged in this or any of my other fics :D
@dead-head-joker @cryinersaved
Looking at them a place I called home made my heart clinch. Glancing over at Negan he grinned at me grabbed Lucille and climbed out of the truck. I don't know if it was guilt from what I have done or fear of their reaction to me for what happened last night but I was frozen in my seat.
I watched Negan walk over to the gate and knocking on it with Lucille.
"Little pig little pig. Let. Me. In." He says his voice light and playful as he leaned backwards.
When the gate opened to show Spencer I felt a wave of anger hit me. I hated cowards and that's all Spencer would be.
"What did you do to Y/N?" Rick's voice filled my ears pulling me back to reality.
"Oh you think I would forget to bring the greatest part of our fucking arrangement?" Negan asked turning toward the truck. Sauntering up to the truck he opened the door next to me and held his hand out to me.
"Come on angel. Time for the main event." He says smirking at me.
As if on autopilot I took his hand and slid out of the truck. It wasn't until my feet hit the blacktop did I realize this wasn't a dream.
I really was back home but it feels different, more empty. Colder.
"You said you wouldn't hurt her!" Rick said loudly taking a step out of the gates.
"Whoa! Hold up a goddamn minute. You must think I'm some sorry piece of shit to do this to not only a woman but a fucking grougus one as Y/N." Negan says looking at Rick as if he just slapped him.
"Angel why don't you explain to Ricky boy what happened." He says softly rubbing my un bruised cheek.
"It was prick named Nick." I say earning a surprised look from Rick but I could understand why. I was never one for using dirty language much, so to just say something like that clearly shocked him.
"Got a month on her huh? Don't that just make you rock hard to hear her talk like that?" Negan says grinning making his dimples dig into his cheeks. It only earning a glare from Rick.
"See there is that look I was telling you about." Negan says pointing at Rick with Lucille.
I could see it on his face in his body language he had no problem thinking about hurting Rick.
Before I could say anything the sounds of groaning filled our ears.
Turning towards the sound I saw one lone walker stumbling towards us. It's arms reaching out ready for as soon as it could get close enough to dig it's fingers into our skin.
It only being a yard from us I took a step back having no way to defend myself.
"Relax darlin' I got this." Negan says taking the short step to smack Lucille into the side of the walker's head.
I close my eyes and jump when blood splashes across my face and chest.
"Easy peasy lemon squeezy." Negan says grinning then doing a little bow.
Rolling my eyes I grab my shirt and lift it up to wipe my cheek off.
"Now I need a shower." I mumble to myself looking down at my stained clothes.
“You see that Rick that’s what I call some service. I mean we almost get turned away at the Gate Who is that guy anyway?” He asks glancing at me.
“That’s Spencer.” I say earning all eyes on me.
“Oh was I not meant to answer?” I ask earning a chuckle from Negan him taking the one long stride to stand in front of me.
“You answer whatever the fuck you want angel.” He says smirking down at me.
Looking up at his eyes I could see the heat in them. The same look he gave me before he kissed me. I feel my stomach flip at the idea. I force myself to take a step back as soon as the thought of kissing him pops into my head.
“Well let's get this show on the road.” Negan says turning towards everyone.
I follow him into Alexandria but stop as soon as I’m past the gates.
I was greeted by familiar faces. I felt my heart clenched when I found myself looking for Glenn and Abraham.
"Hot diggity dog! Look at this place!" Negan says loudly making roll my eyes.
"Daryl." Rick says making me turn around to see him taking a step closer to him.
"No. You don't get to talk to him. He is just here to let you know that I'm a man of my word." Negan says stepping between Rick and Daryl.
I could see it on Daryl he was almost broken. Something I never thought I'd see.
Not wanting to see the look in his eyes I walk down the street. I didn't get far before Negan's booming voice filled my ears. Him calling my name.
"Now where do you think your going?" He asked cocking his head to the side a grin on his face.
Glancing at Rick right behind him I was surprised to see him holding Lucille.
Judging by the tight grip on the wood. I could tell he wanted to use it.
Meet his eyes I tried to get him not to do it.
"What are you looking​ at?" Negan asked turning to see Rick.
"Ahh yes. It's Rick. Did you tell him about us?" He asks grinning at me.
"What is he talking about?" Rick asks yesterday conversation with Daryl coming back to him.
I knew Negan would make it worse but before I could say anything one of Negans me ran up to us holding a video camera.
"What's this?" Negan asked looking at me then Rick.
"I'm gonna be honest I'm hoping for a little freaky deaky." Negan says crossing his fingers and grinning.
Pressing play as soon as I heard Rick's voice I knew what it was.
It was the tapes that was recorded before we were able to live here.
I remembered mine.
"What did you do before?" Deanna asked looking at me like a school counselor.
"I volunteered at a hospital. The rest of the time I worked at a restaurant." I say picking at my finger nails.
"What made you want to volunteer?"
"I did it as extra credit for school. I had a bad habit of following orders. Once I got there I realized how much bad happens in the world. I just wanted to make it a little easier."
"How do you see the world now?"
"Better." I say honestly. I wasn't surprised when she tried to hide the shock on her face.
"Why do you think it's better?"
"It's simple. There are only us and them. No one thinking they're better than others. No racist views or men better than women. It's only the living and the dead. We all matter."
"Do you think you could fit in here?"
"I could try."
"Would you want to live here?"
"Honestly I think we have been out there too long. The world changes you. Makes you feel weak or power both are dangerous things."
"Which do you feel?"
"I'm thinking I could pick up that paper weight and bash your head in. But I know you're not a threat to me so I won't. But the thought is there. It's been there the moment I walked into this room. So if you are looking for anything to help you decide to let me stay that's your answer." I say looking up at her threw the hair in my face.
Nodding she crosses her arms around herself a tail tell sign that she is uncomfortable with me.
"A few more questions." She says softly.
Running my fingers threw my hair I nod as a response.
"How do you feel about the rest of the group?"
"Some I would die for. Others I respect. There are one or two I would probably beat the crap out of. But I judge people by there actions."
"What have they done?"
"I don't like cowards. Die for what you say you believe in. Don't hop the fence and play the field. Pick a side and fight for it."
"Do you think Rick's a good person?" She asks surprising for singling him out.
"Before the end yes I think he would have been a good person. Now he is strong he does what will keep his group alive. Even if he is the one that is in danger."
"So you trust him?"
"Thank you Y/N. I thinks that's all I need to know." She says smile and standing up.
"You are free to go." She says motioning towards the door.
I was pulled from my thoughts by Negan laughing. "Rick, is that you under all that man bush?" Negan asked looking at the screen to Rick. I gotta be honest I would have not messed with that guy!" He says grinning. "Well then look at you now." He says recording Rick then grinning into the camera. "Alright then down to business. Where's the rest of the group? How's number two's girl doing? She was looking like shit last time I saw her." He says earning a glare from both me and Rick. "Would you like to pay your respects?" Asks a voice behind us making me jump. Turning around I see Gabriel standing there smiling. "Holy crap!" Negan says loudly. "You are creepy as shit. Walking up on people wearing that collar and that freaky ass smile." Negan says waving his hand towards him. Even though I was mad I couldn't stop the want to laugh at what he said and how he said it. I hid it by turning my back to everyone. Covering my mouth I started down the road towards my house. Slipping away before I started to laugh.  I didn't get very far before a whistle filled my ears.
Turning around I met Negan's eyes. Them daring me to keep walking. Lifting his hand he pointed to the space in front of him.
Sighing I walked back to him and Rick.
"Yes your highness?" I ask crossing my arms.
"Tell me exactly where do you think you are going?" He asks leaning down making our noses almost touch.
"If you must know I was going to take a shower. Get into some less bloody clothes."
"I don't think so. You're my insurance for dear Rick here to know I keep my word.” He says making his breath fan across my face.
Sighing I nod earning a cocky grin in return. Glancing at Gabriel he waves his hand us four heading to our small but growing graveyard.
“That is a damn shame.” Negan says looking down at the grave that was Maggie’s.
I couldn’t help my heart tightening and the burning behind my eyes. Maggie was one of my best friends and now she was gone.
“I was gonna ask her to come back with me.” Negan says making me look up at him in shock.
Him clearly not seeing or caring since he continues to talk.
“Oh, I know what you're thinkin'. How could I have a shot, guy that just bashed her husband's head in?” He says chuckling.
“But you would be surprised. After something like that happens there all empty inside. But not  for long if you know what I mean.” He says laughing again making my stomach turn.
Not caring what he would say or do anymore I quickly walk away from the three men.
Once in front of my house I slow down walking up the porch steps. Seeing that the door is still intact I take that as a sigh none of Negan’s men has made it here yet.
Opening the door I was right. The place look exactly how I left it. Hard to believe I was gone for a little over a week.
Closing the door behind me I close my eyes letting myself breathe.
“I’m home.” I say softly to myself ignoring the hot tear running down my cheek.
Pushing myself off the door I walk up stairs going into the master bedroom. On the way to the bathroom I let my hand run over the books I had slowly collected since I've been here.
“Damn you have a lot of books.” Says a deep voice making me jump.
Turning around I was greeted by Negan standing in the doorway. Him looking a bit odd I quickly realized it was because he didn't have Lucille placed on his shoulder.
"Don't tell me you are one of those people trying to hold onto the world before." He says stepping into my room and looking around.
"No I just like to read. Something that I haven't done since before I met you." I say not trying to hide the fact I was mad at him.
If he caught the tone of my voice he didn't respond.
"Well Angel you know there is a few books around back home. If you don't like them I can always get one of the boys to go find you some more."
"Why would you do that?" I snap at him earning myself his gaze. Him lifting an eyebrow daring me to say something else.
"Is there a fucking problem darlin'?" He asks taking the three long strides to stand toe to toe with me.
"What gave you that idea?" I ask glaring at him.
I gasps when he reaches up and grabs my neck tilting my head making me look into his face.
"Now I don't know what the Goddamn problem is but I do not enjoy talking to some pouty brat. So tell me what the fuck is wrong with you." He says his voice sending chills through my body.
"You're worse than I ever thought you were." I say surprised when I earned a crooked smile back.
"Wanna give me a little more detail than that darlin'?" He asks losing his grip on my throat and moving to lean on my dresser.
"What you said about Maggie."
"Number two's wife?"
"No not number two's wife." I say my voice rising.
"His name was Glenn and his wife Maggie was one of my best friends. She was pregnant and an amazing woman who loved him."
"Wait don't tell me your are jealous about me wanting to make her a wife. Angel you know I offered you the same thing."
"Are you serious?" I ask feeling completely shocked.
"I'm not jealous about you wanting to make her a wife. I'm mad that you were upset because you couldn't make her one. You killed her husband and probably her from the stress of losing him. I knew that you were messed up in the head but I didn't think you were that bad." I say not caring what he did to me at this point. I wasn't going to duck my head and tip toe around him like everyone else.
"Well hell Angel." He says surprising me by him sounding sorry.
"If I knew she meant that much to you I wouldn't have been so upfront about wanting to screw her." He says running his hand down his face.
"Are you apologizing to me?" I ask taking a step closer to him.
"Do I look like a man who fucking apologies? Take it or leave it sweetheart that's as good as your gonna get." He says glancing at me.
"No more jokes about Maggie?"
"No promises." He says smirking at me.
Rolling my eyes I realize our moment is over whatever weird moment it was I found myself wishing it was longer.
“I’m taking a shower.” I say grabbing some clothes from my dresser and quickly disappearing into the bathroom.
After a much needed shower I get out only for a knock to follow as soon as I cut the water off.
“Negan I’ll be out in a minute.”
“Not me Angel. Our ol’ pal Rick wants to talk to you.” Negan’s rough voice fills my ears as I finish getting dressed.
Opening the door I’m greeted by Rick’s tired blue eyes.
“What’s up?” I ask looking at him then at Negan still leaning on my dresser only this time he is holding a one of my books.
Lucile still in Rick’s hand.
“Rick wants to talk to you in private you got five minutes.” Negan says looking up to meet my eyes.
“Umm okay. Welcome to my bathroom.” I say moving out of the way Rick stepping into it and closing the door.
“What’s this all-.”
“Did he hurt you?” Rick asks quickly interrupting me.
“Did he hurt you? Don’t lie to me.”
“No Rick. He didn’t. He is an asshole but he hasn’t laid a hand on me.” I say honestly.
“Good. he seems to let you close to him.”
“Yeah I guess.”
“I need you to take him out.”
“Excuse me?” I ask him shocking me making my heart pick up.
“Take him out. Here.” He says handing me a small pocket knife.
“I’m gonna leave as soon as I get out of here I want you to get close to him and stab him in the neck. I’ll handle the rest.”
“Rick I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I say my heart racing at the idea failing or maybe at the thought of Negan dying which was stupid.
“It’s gonna be okay-.”
“Alright that’s enough you two.” Negan’s booming voice calls threw the door.
“I’m trusting you.” Rick says opening the door and quickly leaving both the bathroom and my room.
Putting the knife in my back pocket I walk out of the bathroom drying my hair with my towel.
“So what did he have to say?” Negan asks pushing himself off my dresser and towards me.
“You know, asked me if you were the one that beat the crap out of me.” I say moving to stand in front of him looking up.
“What did you tell him?”
“The truth. That your an ass but you don’t hurt women.” I say throwing the towel on my bed.
“Anything else?”
I quickly go over how this is gonna end it only a bad ending if I go with Rick’s plan.
“Yeah but you have to let me finish talking first.”
“That fucking bad huh?” He say cracking a smile.
“Just promise me.”
“Scouts honor.” He says placing his hand on his heart earning a smile and me shaking my head.
Pulling the knife from my pocket I hold it out for him to see. I watch as his face drops as soon as he sees it.
“Remember you promised.” I say pointing at him.
“Damn that fucking promise.” He says crossing his arms.
“Now I know you know what this means. Now I’m only telling you this so it don’t come back to bite me in the ass.” I say only half telling the truth.
“I didn’t show this to you to make you kill one of my people. I want to keep them safe so if you will please keep this between us.”
“Rick threatens my life and you want me to stay fucking quite?”
“He didn’t threaten you. I did. I could have kept it hidden walked up to you and stabbed you. But I didn’t. I told you. Even though it’s fucked up I want to build some kind of trust between me and you because I know that both my life and my people depend on it. So I’m asking you nicely to please forget about your pride and not bring this up. Let Rick think I betrayed him. I would rather him be mad at me then him trying to bash your head in with Lucille.” I say surprised when his pissed look changes into a smirk.
“You care about me that fucking much?” He asks smirking.
“Oh shut up.” I say rolling my eyes moving back into the bathroom to get my shoes. The knife thrown on the bed forgotten.
“You really think you could've just came out here and take me out?”
“Maybe not kill you but I could have at least hurt you.” I say sitting on the bed to put my shoes on.
“Now who is the cocky one.” He says crossing his arms.
“Oh we both know who the bigger cocky one is here.” I say reaching behind me to grab the knife.
“I just find it hard for you to take me out. Maybe in my sleep if you're lucky.”
“Is that so? You do realize I slept with you last night.” I say standing up our chest almost touching.
“I would have to be fucking asleep darling for you to get the upperhand.”
“Well I think I could handle myself.” I say looking up at him our noses almost touching
“Oh really?”
Nodding I quickly lift my hand up to stab the folded knife into his neck. I’m taken off guard when he grabs my wrist and quickly pushing me back pinning me to the bed. His body holding me down.
“You were fucking saying?” He asks prying my hand open with ease since I didn’t fight at all.
Taking the knife from me him throwing it across the room to skitter across the floor.
“Is that meant to impress me?” I ask lifting my eyebrow.
“Well did it?”
“No. I’ll let you in on a little secret.” I say lifting myself so my mouth is right at ear level.
Instead of saying anything I just lick his face and push him off me to stand up.
“Come on we should go.”
“Oh no you fucking don’t we still need to talk.” He says standing up and spinning me to face him.
“The little toy of yours.” He says looking at the knife on the floor
“I thought we did.”
“No you fucking did. It’s my turn. I’ll forget about the little assassination plan of your friend Rick’s if you make it up to me.”
“How do I do that?”
“Have fucking dinner with me and stay in my room tonight.” He says taking me by surprise.
I mean it was no secret he had dinner in his room with his wives and most likely they slept together after but they never stayed in his room for the night.
I think we both knew I was the first person to do that and that’s only because of what happened.
“Don’t answer now. Keep me on my goddamn toes.” He says smirking and turning to leave. Leaving me in a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts.
Following behind him I’m not surprised when Rick looks at me shocked and betrayed.
“What’s with the look Rick. You look like you seen a fucking ghost.” He says patting him on the back and walking out my front door.
“What happened?” Rick asks.
“It was not the right moment.” I say quickly leaving my home to see Negan whispering something to one of his men who nods and walks into my house.
“What’s that about?” I ask without thinking.
“You didn’t think you would get out of this did you?”
“No.” I say like it was obvious because it was.
“Well good because-.” Negan was cut off by a gunshot his expressing quickly changing to a very dark look. Something I only saw once and that was when he found me and Nick.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 6 Part 7
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