#fred crowe
filmjunky-99 · 4 months
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t h u n d e r h e a r t, 1992 🎬 dir. michael apted
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rainintheevening · 4 months
Susan Anna Pevensie
No one else could have picked out the tremor in those graceful loops of ink, but she did. He did.
His hand, as he took the pen, was warm, and she caught his whisper as he bent down: "See there, you are an artist. What do I keep telling you?"
She smiled, just a little.
He signed and dated, and she leaned into his hip, grateful, throat aching as she wrapped her fingers tighter around the bouquet in her lap. Five white lilies, and two red roses, and forget-me-nots all around.
They would drive out to the cemetery afterward. Fred had been the one to suggest it, to let her know it was alright, even natural, to remember the dead on a day celebrating new life.
She looked up, sat straighter as he laid down the pen and made room for the witnesses to step in.
Fredrick Maxmillian Pilkington
She let herself smile at the dreadful, smudged left-handed signature. "No, that's what tells me you're the artist, dear."
"I suppose I'll have to choose which name to put on the paintings," he said thoughtfully. "Ah, Pilkington for the bad ones, Pevensie for the good ones, I suppose."
And when her eyes filled up with tears, she felt his arm around her shoulders, and his kiss in her hair, and she closed her eyes, thinking I don't deserve him. I don't deserve him at all. How did he ever come to choose me?
She was so uncertain about things, so careful and guarded and prickly. She had very nearly driven him away twice. But he had come back, he had stayed in her life, and now he was choosing to be in it for the rest of it.
As long as we both shall live.
Susan closed her eyes as their lips found each other, let the tears spill down her cheeks.
I don't think I deserve it, she was saying in her heart. But I choose you back. I choose you too.
The tears didn't show in the pictures, only her standing there in Mother's old wedding dress, clutching her flowers, and Fred in his old uniform, arms around her waist, resting his chin on her head.
Susan, from the Hebrew Shoshana/Shoshan, meaning lotus flower or lily, also suggestive of purity and beauty. The name of Dr. Susan Crocker, a pioneering physician. The name of Susan B. Anthony an American suffragist. The name of Susan Hiscock, MBE, who crewed with her husband aboard their sailing ship.
A name, before it's explosion of popularity c. 1930, characterized by several poets, societal reformers, physicians, journalists, and freethinkers.
It was his suggestion, taking her name on the end of his.
"Look, I've got five older brothers, Lord knows there's enough Pilkingtons in the world. We aren't rich, we aren't titled, honestly, I'm not sure my parents would even notice if I went and became a Communist. They won't mind. I'd be honoured to carry on the Pevensie name, and no mistake."
Susan had thought of her father, how she'd brushed him off, ignored his advice, called him old and 'stuck in tradition'. She hadn't said anything mean when she'd left for America, but she certainly hadn't said anything kind or particularly loving.
She'd come back after the accident, come back to England with one suitcase and a hatbox, and never even considered leaving again.
How could she leave when all that had really mattered was here? Here but gone. All gone to ghosts, holes in the fabric of her reality, in the space of an empty armchair, a silent kitchen, rumpled sheets on a bed, unfinished letters, overdue library books.
Fred had been the first real, solid thing in her life After.
And she couldn't help thinking how her father would like him. All this time, and she still cared what he thought, wished he could have been there to walk her down a church aisle– She tried not to think too hard about that.
"Fredrick Maxmillian Pilkington Pevensie. That's as posh a name as my mother could possibly wish for." Fred had taken her hand, let his grin fade down to a soft smile. "But only if it's alright with you, love."
To her knowledge, Peter had been quite comfortable as a bachelor, but Ed had been close to engaged (she'd found the ring in his sock drawer); they would both have been wonderful fathers, both would have liked Fred.
She'd wiped her cheeks. "Sorry, I keep thinking I'll stop crying one of these days."
"Doesn't have to be today," he'd said, passing over a hanky.
"I think they'd be honoured," she said at last. "To have it be you. My family name—it's something I share with them, and... I'd be happy to keep it."
"Then keep it you shall."
Anna, Latin form of the Hebrew Hannah, meaning favoured one or one shown grace. The name of a prophetess and attendant at the dedication of Jesus who is called Christ in Jerusalem.
"And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spake of him to all that looked for redemption in Jerusalem."
An elderly widow, a faithful worshiper of God in His temple, great in fasting and prayer, one of the first evangelists.
The taxi pulled away from the cemetery as the sun set into a bank of rising cloud, and Susan knew that rain was on its way.
But the rain was just as important to the spring as the sunshine, she thought, and shuffled over on the seat to curl into Fred's side.
He patted her knee, left his hand there, warm and heavy. Real. Solid. For all his dreaming artist eyes, Fred was solid, certain, strong enough to hold her on the difficult days, of which there were always more than she wanted.
The ring on her finger was its own kind of heavy, permanent, binding, and she needed that, needed a promise, needed something to quash the fears that choked her in the night.
They took a taxi home on their wedding night, home to the house she'd sworn she couldn't stay in, found she couldn't sell, and so compromised by working two jobs, and hardly ever being there.
Home to the old house she'd grown up in, rebuilt from the bombings, adapted and weathered and haunted by the empty places of people gone.
It had gotten better since Fred. She'd changed things, deliberately, a curtain here and a painting there, opened up the crates and jumbled everybody's books together on the shelves.
As they climbed the steps, she saw the lamp glowed in the front window, with another light shining back in the kitchen, and smiled, thanking Coraline in her heart. Her friend would no doubt be ducking out the back door that very moment, scampering across the back garden, and shimmying through the hedge, as if she were a girl of sixteen, and not a woman of thirty. There would be something warm in the oven, and the kettle waiting on the stove, and two places laid.
"Well, Mrs. Pevensie." Fred put his hand on the doorknob, drew her close against his side. "Shall we?"
Shall we go in? Shall we go into the home that is everything that came before, but is ours now too to make new? Shall we start something? Shall we continue? Shall we come home together?
She stood on her toes, and kissed him with a tremoring smile. "Yes, Mr. Pevensie. With pleasure."
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ruins-and-rewritez · 6 months
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i was also thinking of doing a like flufftober/halloweeny of like weekly or maybe even bi-daily fics and a 12 days of christmas but idk who to write for and like prompts so if anyone has any ideas PLEASE SEND ME THEMMMM
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gordon-freeman-phd · 26 days
honestly, how do any (or all!!!) of your OCs feel about Gordon? You have a lot of interesting, multifaceted takes on how Gordon is perceived in the HL2 world, and I’d love to hear how your peeps fit into that
wishing for all is like a monkeys paw on your part, cuz i have quite a few, god speed with reading all this o7 ill be going in order as they appear on my master post of ocs, ill pu tthis under a read more since its soooooooo long
Brock Fuentes: previously knew of Gordon before the rescas, got piss scared of him during the res cas when he refused to help gordon open some doors becuz he was to scared to leave his hidey hole so gordon man handled him and slapped him around a bit. so by the time of half life2, hes had people around him who believed in the messianic nature of gordon which is quite the departure from his memory of both the up-tight asocial man he heard about and the violent forceful deranged man he met. if he were to see gordon acting much the same now or hear about people having that pure image they had be shattered hed feel a bit vindicated
Richard Montague: He roomed with gordon before the rescas and thought he was a pleasant roomate if not somewhat intimidating due to his serious and minimal socialization, but by the time the rescas happened, they were amicable sorta friends. At most during the rescas he might have heard that gordon was killing swathes of soliders which would be terrifying knowing how much he was struggling to survive in comparison. BY half life 2, gordon is mostly a memory and he had been mostly innundated from resistance culture, having spent most of his time working for the combine using his background in biology to help with xen infestations, so he heard more propoganda against gordon freeman if anything. he doesnt really believe it but it sticks around mentally and mixes with his knowledge of fondness for gordon. eventually when he teams up with the resistance after fleeing the city, he hears more about gordon from their point of view occasionally, which sits better with him, but ultimately, what the perspective of gordon is doesnt matter much to him since hes more focussed on not dying. then when gordon comes back and people start talking about how he acts its concerning and sounds unreal so he doesnt really believe its actually gordon unless he sees him for himself since it sounds so unlike the man he knew.
Jill Pobst: she sadly doesnt make it out of the rescas, but she knew gordon during it, at that point he was still mostly mentally present, and was still learning the curve of combat so she helped him out before her death. he was just a lab coat who was less of a coward than most and didnt talk much
Isiah Poole: he worked at black mesa before the rescas, his sector of work was far removed from sector C, but he wouldve heard of gordon thru the newspaper. post rescas, gordon wouldnt have likely come up where isiah is existing in anyway that would have a permanant impact on his psyche
Knipex: as a borrower in black mesa, they arent super clued in to the personnel and any drama that arent posing a direct threat to the colony and post since theyre with isiah most of the time, they also arent going to hear much about gordon post rescas
Timmy Ridgewell: grew up under the combine so for most of his life, he wouldve heard only the propoganda about gordon and the resistance in general but as he gets older hell start running into the resistance and slowly hearing more about gordon as a messianic figure, but he is rather ressiitant to the concept since it just doesnt make sense, so hes more of a distant saint figure than some greater power who can actually help anyone, and hes almost sore about gordon coming back in hl2 and being real, but also disappointing his friends by being less than stellar personality wise
Bagels: Behind the guise of just a cat, Bagels is actually a controller, and harbors a great deal of resentment towards gordon for destroying everything the nihilanth had built to escape the oppression of the combine, and is smug over everything gordon did failed to protect his people in the long run, but still is willing to work alongside the resistance so that the combine is toppled, the enemy of my enemy is my friend and all
Angus and Ed: also only knew minimal second hand knowledge of gordon through the newspapers, and have been living in xen since the rescas (and one of them is just dead) so their knowledge of gordon never updates with time
Galvanizer: just a lil rollermine, isnt sapient, nor has audio receptors and never meets gordon to form an "opinion" of him
Fred Otten: didnt read the newspaper or socialize much with people who wouldve known gordon while he worked at black mesa so he didnt know gordon really existed, and post rescas, he is willing to whore himself out for the combine for a variety of reasons, so even if he doubts one man could do anything that big, hes willing to accept the propoganda idly however and when gordon does return hes very motivated to kill him for the reward and any rewards unofficially that he can et his hands on even if he is terrified of what gordon is capable of based on the years of propoganda hes internalized
Robert Briggs: he knew gordon through Richie, met him a couple times, he thinks hes somewhat rude sometimes but ultimately kinda harmless and nice in his own way. he doesnt survive the rescas so his opinions of gordon never changes
V-8751: during the rescas it knew that gordon exitisted and that he was a high priority target, but never ran into gordon and was isolated from people who would know of gordon for most of its life post rescas even during hl2 before it made friends with cicada who both has their own experiences with gordon and access to the rest of the knowledge and opinions of the rest of the vorts thrut he vortessence, so learning about what happened to the nihilanth whats happened to him the variety fo opinions about gordon, kinda confuses it and its just a lot fo conflicting information so since he isnt important to the life its living, V-8751 so it sorta lets all that information settle without much concern, at best is glad he killed the nihilanth, and regards the way fletcher treats him as kinda strange
Fletcher Lamb: spent time in a variety of places before leaving the purview of the combine, so heard a variety of rumors about gordon before he left the sphere of influence that gordon has reputationaly, so she holds him in regard as a sort of icon but only loosely treats him religiously, she treats his name the way that people treat a piece of candy that supposedly keeps a computer system running, it comes up when things get rough and is kept quietly in place to be effective but isnt a main focus of his life until something goes wrong
Cicada: was nearly killed by Gordon and had many friends killed by him as well so is rightfully afraid of and dislikes gordon, even if they knows in teh past present and future that gordon frees them, but because of thier hyper connection to the vortessence, much of their personal opions are muted and mixed with the wider consensus on gordon (and most things) in a way that can be confusing and more uncertain than most vorts are perceived as
Felix Kessler and Alexis: prior to hl2 as metrocops, they both didnt really care about gordon as a figure in propoganda since he wasnt anything that could further thier careers since eh wasnt real, at best Alexis was annoying enough about his job to learn as much as he could about gordon to better identify what he thought could be secret organizational code talk which did result in innocent people getting killed or punished, during hl2, they are both very annoyed that they werent put on the case to kill gordon, and felix in particular is vying to be deployed near gordons predicted path since of the two hes the less despised of the pair
Antoine-Valery Veilloux: travels around a lot so has seen a lot of different interpretations of gordon and has even met people who knew him, so he doesnt really buy into him as a god or saint like figure, but knows he did a lot of the things people claim he did, just not as bombastic, thinks he was a bad ass guy but uses his name as a expletive for fun (ie, freeman damnit, oh for freemans sake)
Damned Crows: didnt pay much attention to anything the human residents of white forest say outside something they find funny, but once gordon is on his way to white forest, they pick up on his arrival and mostly watches since things seem tense. from a distance they can tell that gordon is respected by most if not all the humans of white forest but also they think hes kinda scary and theyd rather not tangle with him
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trendfilmsetter · 1 month
First look at KRAVEN THE HUNTER directed by J. C. Chandor
Starring Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ariana DeBose, Fred Hechinger, Alessandro Nivola, Christopher Abbott, and Russell Crowe.
Synopsis: Kraven 's complex relationship with his ruthless father, Nikolai Kravinoff, starts him down a path of vengeance with brutal consequences, motivating him to become not only the greatest hunter in the world, but also one of its most feared.
Releasing in theaters December 13th
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demifiendrsa · 1 month
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Kraven the Hunter is the visceral, action-packed origin story of how and why one of Marvel's most iconic villains came to be. Aaron Taylor-Johnson plays Kraven, a man whose complex relationship with his ruthless father, Nikolai Kravinoff (Russell Crowe), starts him down a path of vengeance with brutal consequences, motivating him to become not only the greatest hunter in the world, but also one of its most feared.
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caramelteaa · 4 months
First meeting
A short one shot frubbo fic set in the owl house/the crow house au
Word count: 721
The usage of portal is highly restricted. Witches and demons don't tend to care about the human realm. And that's okay!
WA02 don't mind studying alone.
WA02 has never seen the human realm before.
Well, none of his colleagues either.
Considering the portal usage is prohibited, and no one but Mr. [Redacted] has the right to use a portal (maybe his boss has accompanied him before?).
But that's okay. They have access to the Federation's library for study purposes, with their rank and all. In the back rows where the shelf's are gathering dust, there's a couple of books and documents either written by past researchers, or materials from the actual human realm, they call it Earth.
So what if he has read all of them dozens of times? It's fascinating how different the human realm seems to be from Quesadilla Island and the entirety of Boiling Isles! Even if the soil seems to be roughly the same, apparently the sky is an array of blue hues, the foliage are green like emeralds instead of red like blood, and the rain isn't boiling nor does the sea cook you alive!
If there ever comes a chance, They would love to see it with their own eyes. A realm that seems more peaceful, painted in cooler tones and flora they can only dream of. But until then, his break is over, duty awaits. WA02 checks out his books at the front desk and puts on their mask, and starts their daily patrol.
Now, running into someone you know might not always be pleasant, but being run INTO by someone you don't know is PAINFUL. WA02 sits up trying their hardest to remain their composure, would be easier said than done with them covered in dirt and surrounded with scrolls that's not his. They soon find the culprit, currently face deep in......THEIR BOOKS! They snatched back his (borrowed, mind you) belongings, and are face to face with the most brilliant mix of blue, green, and brown.
They start to walk away with their books now safe and sound in his bag. Too bad this stanger seems to not catch on the fact they are working because the boy with a mop of brown hair who almost ran over them is now bombarding them with questions like "How much do you know about the human realm?" and " Why do you have books that's not listed anywhere?" and "Why are you wearing a creepy mask with no face?"
The sudden stop caused the brunette to bump into them(again) and shut him up for a brief moment. WA02 turns around, looking at the boy with pretty eyes expectantly.
"...What? Oh." The brunette said, seems to finally catch on to their outfit.
"You're a guard from the Federation's Coven."
"Is that why you have those books and scrolls?"
"That's not a no, bossman."
"......" WA02 turns back around.
"WAIT WAIT WAIT! Do you like the human realm? Not that you have ever been here since no one can, but do you though? I love it since they seems to have amazing technology and and the-"
They sighed, rather loudly for them.
"What can I do to make you leave me to my work?"
"Can I borrow your books?" He wastes no time, huh.
"Can I steal your books?"
"Can I read them under your supervision?"
"......Fine." WA02 really doesn't want to wrangle some guy who just announced wanting to steal his borrowed books.
"REALLY?" The brunette said, with sparks in his eyes.
"I'm busy for the rest of the weekdays so it has to be Sunday night, past 6 pm."
"IT'S A DEAL! We'll meet back here, and if you don't show up I'll track you down."
The brunette yelled as he ran back to the papers that he never picked up ever since he ran into him and brought both of them to the ground, waving goodbye.
Their name is NOT Freddy. Fred might be an okay name, not that they need a one.
That night, WA02 returns to their room, exhausted as usual, planting their face into his crisp bed sheets. They think back on the encounter they had with the boy who asks too many questions, with curious glints in his pretty eyes.
WA02 falls asleep dreaming of earthly delights.
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rolloroberson · 4 months
Shake ‘Em On Down - The Black Crowes
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knomelooking · 6 months
Is there a cross over of six of crows with big hero six. Like obviously the number adds up but let’s be so fr the crows would be great for the roles.
Hiro- kaz
Baymax- wylan
Honey lemon- inej
Gogo- Nina
Wasabi- Mathias
Fred- Jesper
You may make better choices but these are based on my knowledge of the big hero six lore and my slowly developing understanding of the crows.
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ghost-hotel · 6 months
you should draw freaky durst and see what he'll do in The Crow, that's just a food for thought
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fred durst in the crow (1994)
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brokehorrorfan · 7 months
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The Crow: Salvation has been released on Blu-ray via Scream Factory. Limited to 1,620, the 2000 third installment in The Crow franchise is available for $29.98 exclusively from Shout Factory.
Bharat Nalluri (Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day) directs from a script by Chip Johannessen (Dexter, Homeland), based on the comic book character created by James O'Barr. Kirsten Dunst, Eric Mabius, Jodi Lyn O'Keefe, William Atherton, and Fred Ward star.
The Crow: Salvation is presented in high definition with DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 Surround and 2.0 Stereo sound. Special features are listed below.
Special features:
Audio commentary by director Bharat Nalluri, actor Eric Mabius, producer Jeff Most, composer Marco Beltrami, and production designer Maia Javan
Behind the Scenes featurette
Behind the Makeup featurette
Production Design featurette
Who's That Bird? featurette
Image gallery
Wrongly executed for the murder of his girlfriend, Alex Corvis (Eric Mabius) returns from the dead and sets out to find the real killer. Aided by his girlfriend's sister (Kirsten Dunst) — and under the guidance of the mysterious crow — he unmasks a tangled web of corruption and deceit in his quest for retribution and redemption.
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geekcavepodcast · 1 month
Kraven the Hunter Trailer
Sergei Kravinoff has a complex relationship with his ruthless father, a relationship that starts Sergei on a path of vengeance which will lead him to become a brutal and feared hunter.
Sony Pictures' Kraven the Hunter stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson (Kraven the Hunter / Sergei Kravinoff), Ariana DeBose (Calypso), Fred Hechinger (Dmitri Smerdyakov / Chameleon), Alessandro Nivola (Aleksei Sytsevich / The Rhino), Christopher Abbott (The Foreigner), and Russell Crowe (Nikolai Kravinoff). J.C. Chandor directs from a screenplay by Art Marcum & Matt Holloway and Richard Wenk.
Kraven the Hunter hits theaters in December 2024. The film is rated R.
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nerdie-faerie · 5 months
You've heard of crazy cat lady, now get ready for crazy bird baby
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bluelaidlyworm · 1 year
Fred and George Weasley befriend Jesper Fahey and Wylan Van Eck.
The chaos....
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the-slutty-fairy · 1 year
I'm back! ( I got fucking kidnapped so I took a break from everything ) I'm sorry for the lack of fic recs,, but yous best believe there's gonna be a fuck tonne coming your way >:)
Ps he wasn't even fit what a bloody waste ugh (I am severely traumatized)
Ok bye love yous!!
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