noctovania · 11 months
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I've had Frederich since 2015 and tbh I missed drawing him and I felt like I needed to change some stuff on his design
so I did lmao
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Disculpa en Turín. - 23,5 x 24,5 cm acrílico sobre madera entelada. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #acrylic #paint #nietzsche #frederich #frederichnietzsche #caballo #pintura #pintorchileno #pinturachilena #draw #dibujo #wip #art #muscle #anatomy #horse #turin #draw #grisalla #filosofia #animal #cabezadecaballo (en Turin,ITALIA) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-vXrFue0Y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mrs-falcon · 2 years
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"A perfect match" Raven has been always sneaky and curious kid, which led her into irreversible problem a year after she was found by Vincent. A mystery revolving around his family's and his father's murder wasn't just a coincidence, as well as Frederich's sudden rise in all of his successes... Real monster cannot be seen that easily, as long as you don't have the right pieces of the puzzle. After the fact Raven has found, nothing and no-one was safe anymore... Artwork & characters © MrsFalcon (FalconFeatherTheCat) (me)
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rainbowxocs · 1 year
Are you gonna try to kill every vampire in New Orleans
Again. Vampires are incredibly fast.
I’m not planning on anything, I’m just enjoying my peace and quiet.
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"Let's continue advancing along the victorious path of socialism"
Monumental poster depicting Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and Vladimir Lenin during the anniversary of the revolution in Cuba, January 1979.
Via Socialism Pictures
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daily-dose-of-danno · 3 months
Some red-eyed Danno mayhaps? Be it Dan, Freakshow, or Amorpho.
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Season 1, Episode 20 - Control Freaks
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Season 3, Episode 5 - Forever Phantom
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laytontreasures · 1 year
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Just discovered a poll for a Lego Molentary Express set.
If it was real, I would buy it in a heartbeat!!
If you have time, click the link to support the project.
Currently there are 237 supporters.
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voided-peach · 1 year
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Circus Gothica early days.
Frederich Isak Showenhower, aka Freakshow, finally has all that he wanted, well almost everything. Some things come at a cost. His depression, grieving, and guilt is what will drive him to madness as he travels across the EU and soon America under the guise of a circus 🎪
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satoshy12 · 9 months
Freakshow and the Clowns
Frederich Isak Showenhower was kind of very happy, as he learned that he somehow was able to control the Joker and Harley Quinn with his staff.
It was just an instinct to use his staff as the Joker attacked him in Gotham.
Who would have thought it worked, and even better, he got two new clowns from it for his show.
And he can see people loving the idea of his 2 new Clowns.
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bad-as-me · 2 months
i dont know if its trust issues or contrarian impulse or what, but theres something about the direct inverse relationship fromsoft fans get with how much a character is explicitly described as morally complicated and how much the fandom refuses to go with them on that.
oh so the whole game's journey follows Tenebris the Forsaken's painful escape from the cycle of revenge and how trauma is a violent struggle both with the self and the system that holds you down? nah that one is TOO nice and TOO messy they've GOT to be evil folks
meanwhile, we completely fall over ourselves explaining that actually Frederich the Flesh Eater is an innocent victim who Surely had his reasons for all his flesh eating
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matchamabs · 11 months
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Punchtober - Day 21: Family
i wanted 2 do way more for this but :( alas. anyway. it only makes sense for soda to have the tiniest wife imaginable + kaiser and his idiot brother
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Disculpa en Turín. - 23,5 x 24,5 cm acrílico sobre madera entelada. - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - #acrylic #paint #nietzsche #frederich #frederichnietzsche #caballo #pintura #pintorchileno #pinturachilena #draw #dibujo #wip #art #muscle #anatomy #horse #turin #draw #grisalla #filosofia #animal #cabezadecaballo (en Turin,ITALIA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpiFg7cuIeN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mrs-falcon · 1 year
Cold months [SotRW]
[WARNING: Following story contains slight mention of self-harm and cursing]
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          The months pasted. The winter still lasted and a new year came. The weather outside changed but the building didn't. Raven felt like she'd spent here with her savior a whole century. Everything was so same - the cold building which was always dark, the cold walls, the cold feelings. It was just a month ago since Raven went out skating with her friend - Ruth.
                   *         *         *          *          *           *          *
         Raven still remembers  the day when Ruth came to pick Raven up. The outside was so white. So white Raven was almost blinded by the brightness. Snow! The she-cat squeaked like a little kid. She liked snow. Her and her siblings used to play in snow almost all the time. "..." Before we split up... Vincent appeared at the door.
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         "Vincent, look!" Raven pointed at the window which showed falling snowflakes. Vincent lightly smiled over Raven's excitement.
         "You're lucky," he breathed along with smoke from his cigarette. "It never snows in here." Raven widened her eyes in shock.
         "But in our country always snows!" Raven protested. She couldn't imagine the winter without snow.
         "It depends where you live," Vincent said calmly. You could tell by his eyes he remembers something.
         "For example when I used to live in Russia, it was always cold and cruel winter." Raven turned to face him. "I've heard there were dunes of snow!" the she-cat squeaked and spread her arms to show a height of snow she imagined. Vincent laughed mutedly. "You sure love snow," he giggled once again and took another breath of smoke. Raven twitched her ear.
         "It's really nice outside, isn't it?" Raven asked and laughed falsely. Vincent exchanged his amused face with suspicion in his eyes. "Raven?" The she-cat didn't meet the wolf's gaze.
         "Ruth asked me... if we could go outside," she said finally, still not meeting Vincent's gaze.
         "And when did you wanted to tell me?" he asked coldly, disappointed.
         "Well..." Raven was really nervous. She didn't want to bother her savior with everything. On the other side, she understood Vincent tried to protect her from strangers and the danger which could come any time.
         "Will you at least tell me when you're going?"
         Vincent was so shocked he started to choke. Now Raven felt like a storm is coming.
         "You're such an irresponsible kid!" the wolf started shouting in anger. "I told you many times you have to ask me! You can't trust anyone in this goddamn city!" Raven felt really guilty she didn't tell Vincent earlier.
         "But... It's Ruth. You've seen them and I've already been with them once-"
         "You know nothing about them!" the wolf shouted and bristled his fur.
         "And you knew nothing about me when you found me..." Raven whispered and started to shiver. Vincent's anger exchanged sympathy. He sighed.
         "I'm sorry," the wolf apologized. Maybe I shouldn't be that strict, the wolf thought regretfully. On the other side he couldn't forget his time on streets and his experience with strangers. With those monsters and perverts.
         "It's okay," Raven reacted, not meeting the wolf's gaze. "I understand you..." she said and looked out of the window, watching the snow fall. There was a long silence. It's not easy to tell apart what is safe and what is not. Sometimes people overreact and the others don't like to listen. Raven never liked listening to what might happen. However, Vincent was always trying his best to protect his adopted child.
         "But I can't let you go out just like that," the wolf finally spoke.
         "I'd be fine," Raven tried to reassure him.
         "No, you won't..." Raven bowed her head in shyness and expected another lesson about being careful. "... unless you have some proper winter jacket." The wolf smiled at the end.
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         Vincent opened one of the oldest closets that were here for so many decades. "If I remember correctly," the gray wolf started searching in the great closet, "there should be the one my father used to wear back then..." Raven was really surprised Vincent allowed her to go out at the end.
         "There it is," he took out an old dark jacket with some wool. It's bigger than me, Raven thought and looked closely at the winter jacket.
         "It's bit older," Vincent dust off the old jacket. It wasn't just bit older, it was already rotting. A huge amount of dust made Raven sneeze.
         "Bless you."
         "Thanks!" Raven wiped the nose and shaked her fur to shake off the fallen dust. "For the jacket, of course."
         "It's not that much worn so don't damage it," he pointed out to her and handed her the huge jacket.
         A dull sound drew their attention. Then the sound repeated. Someone's knocking at the door, thought the wolf and walked down the hall to the entrance. Vincent opened the massive iron door and saw in front of himself an orange fur.
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         "Oh, hello, sir!" the fox greeted him. "I am-"
         "Ruth," the wolf interrupted them with cold untrusting voice. Ruth became really nervous in Vincent's presence. Out of blue, Raven popped out of the door. "Ruth!" the she-cat squeaked happily. "I'll be back in any second!" Then the cat disappeared in the building. Vincent kept his suspicious look at the fox who seemed to be very uncomfortable.
         "It's... really lotsa snow, huh?" Ruth tried to smile at the wolf, but Vincent didn't change his face. "Raven said she likes skating, so it's perfect time-"
         "I can smell you." Ruth was really confused by the wolf's reminder.
         "I remember your smell and will track you any time," the wolf warned the orange fox. Ruth was silent for a while. "I'll remember that..."
         Finally, Raven jumped out of the door and took Ruth by their hand.
         "I'm ready! Bye, Vincent!"
         "Be back in two hours," the wolf said with folded arms. He watched the two teenagers disappearing in distance. Then he finally hid back in the building.
         Ruth took Raven out of the city by car where a giant lake was lying ahead. Its frozen surface reflected the brightness of the surrouned snow. Raven was so amazed by its magnificence.
         "Ya can't wait, am I right?" Ruth rose one of their eyebrows and looked at their friend. Raven didn't answear, only energeticly nodded. Ruth parked at the lake's bank, then took out the ice-skates. "You can borrow these," said Ruth and handed the pair to Raven who was really excited.
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         "Have you ever skated before?" Ruth asked.
         "Well... sort of." Raven actually never skated before. As a kid she had a terrible fear of water, especially rivers, and never wanted to experience drowning under the ice. Raven used to have really wild imagination but now she didn't need to worry. The two teenagers stepped onto the icy surface. While Ruth ellegantely slid on the lake, Raven was chaoticaly jumping from foot to foot and wildly swinging her arms to be well balanced.
         "You amateur!" Ruth laughed really loud and came to hold Raven's hands, helping her a bit.
         "I really wanted to say I love your outfit!" Raven screamed in surprise. She couldn't help herself - Ruth's greyish coat with yellow-striped scarf were so fitting on them.
         "Thanks, I know," Ruth played sassy and pointed their nose high. "Just kiddin'!" Ruth laughed and nudged into Raven a bit. "My mom always wants me to wear quality clothes."
         "Yea, my parents wanted after me to always wear best clothes, too," Raven said sadly. Ruth measured her with a look.
         "Well... if this is best, your dad has really weird taste..." Raven was confused a bit but then she understood.
         "Oh, no. Vincent isn't my dad." But he acts like one, she thought to herself. This time it was Ruth who was confused.
         "My real parents don't live anymore... It's complicated." Thanks to Raven's ability to fake expressions, Ruth wasn't able to say if it was a lie or truth.
         "I'm... really sorry to hear that," Ruth stopped and held Raven tighter. "It must have been difficult for you." Raven stared at the frozen surface. It was... But not for them. Raven could feel the tears fill her eyes. Ruth noticed.
         "If... you have a hard time, you can live with us," Ruth tried to talk to her with soothing voice. Raven was confused by Ruth's offer. She stepped back.
         "No, it's fine..." Ruth narrowed their eyes. "Are you sure?" Raven knew where was Ruth going with this question.
         "Yes, I am," she reassured her friend. "Vincent tries his best." Raven smiled at Ruth and began to skate again, hoping they'll spend the rest of their time together better than talking about their problems and past.
                             *          *          *          *          *          *          *
         That all felt so long ago. Ruth was Raven's only friend, but she couldn't annoy them all the time, especially when it's time for huge exams. Beside that, Raven was incredibly lonely. Vincent always came late and was so exhausted Raven didn't want to annoy him anymore.
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She got nothing to do here, in this cold metal labyrinth. It all felt empty. So empty... Just like that time when her parents cut all of her way to communicate, to play outside. Just because I didn't fit anywhere, the she-cat thought sorrowfully. This endless emptiness reflected her memories. Her so cold memories on her family. Especially on that day. The day when her sister Sparrow left her on markets. That day, when Raven ran into the hotel and found out she wasn't assighned there anymore. That day when she paid taxi with her last money to get to the airport on time. That one rainy day... The day when Raven watched her plane fly off and disappear it in the gray sky. She was left alone... in disbelieve. How could she? My kind sister... All throughout Raven's life she's been only loosing. When she appeared on streets, her love for family vanished and her faith in gods vanished as well. She wasn't ready to die. Not yet... And then after the great pain he appeared. Raven's family may left her but her gods... Her gods were still guiding her. She was grateful for them and for the savior the gods have sent her.
         No matter what thought was running through Raven's mind, it always led her back to her beloved savior. She was always so happy only to see him, even though they didn't talk much. Compared to Raven's parents, Vincent did care about her. He was behaving like a parent. But the loneliness here...
         Vincent came back late like the other days and was, as well, exhausted by his terrible work. The wolf didn't even find something to eat for himself and headed right to his bed. To his surprise, Raven crossed his way.
         "What is it now..." his voice was so low, so exhausted.
         "I know..." Raven started with her usual innocent voice, "... this isn't the right time to talk-"
         "That isn't," the wolf interrupted her and yawned.
         "We don't even talk anymore that much..." Raven glanced on the floor, trying to look hurt. "And I was thinking... if you could..." Raven met Vincent's eyes, "... if you could once take me with you..?" Vincent widened his eyes in surprise.
         "To work?"
         "Yes," Raven nodded and alerted her ear, waiting for the answear. It will be probably no and another lesson why is that so.
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         "You better prepare yourself, then," the wolf sighed, looking a little bit worried. Raven was confused and excited at the same time.
         "Wait, really?" she couldn't believe her ears.
         "Go to sleep. Now. There's lots of work to do," the wolf reassured the she-cat, who dashed into her room. The gray wolf was blankly staring in the direction where Raven disappeared. Then he turned and hit his head in anger. What did I just say?! Vincent started to pull out his hair. Take that kid into the metal cemetery? Really? You're a genius, Vincent! How brilliant! The wolf, put under the pressure, punched a wall. His breathing was heavy and furious. Don't let her... he started to think to himself. Don't let her get away from you, Vincent. The wolf straightened up and calmed his breathing. Pray to God Frederich won't notice her...
I had this chapter written in my notebook for a couple of years... jeez and I found time to rewrite it just now... during my college exams :') Fun fact - in the part where Vincent takes out the old jacket, I was inspired by an old russian fairytale “Jack Frost (Morozko)”, I found that scene always hilarious :D (links below will lead you to DA): Previous (until now written) chapters (chronologically): - First talk - She's not only missing - Rozaline, are you back? - Meseka is real just like your nightmares (prequel/situated in the middle of the story) - Park meeting - How can you handle this? - And the sky was full of stars First chapter: - Unexpected savior
Drawings, characters, story & "Shadows of the Real World" universe © MrsFalcon (FalconFeatherTheCat) (me)
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rainbowxocs · 1 year
What evil shit are you gonna do, Frederich? Are you gonna try to murder every vampire in the world or smth
Well that sounds great. But they’re very fast- it would be impossible to kill all of them.
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jamiethebeeart · 7 months
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Did I kind of lose over seeing @sykloni 's lineart for Lydia and Freakshow? Maybe a little, but loved the chance to color it for @green-with-envy-phandom-event
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tryymr · 2 years
Ah, yes
these two
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