#freed friend
stars-obsession-pit · 2 months
Suddenly half-human
Danny was a full ghost hanging out in a random spot in the Zone when suddenly a rift in space tore open on top of him.
His very essence shifted as strange energies poured into him from a previously-unfathomable direction.
No longer pure ectoplasm. Something new, something living in a deeply foreign way.
A force suddenly pulled him to collide with cold, solid ground.
He felt different.
His whole body felt weighed down as if encased in thick rubber, preventing him from shapeshifting or even just floating up. Something thudded to life inside his chest, pumping a new fluid throughout his insides.
As he continued to lay there in shock, his chest began to burn.
Instincts he didn’t fully understood kicked in and his mouth flung open, gasping for breath. The burning subsided as his chest continued to heave.
What the hell? Since when did he need to breathe?
He heard three young, panicked voices from across the room. He flopped his head in their direction and took in their appearances semi-deliriously, still trying to pull his thoughts back together.
They were humans. Living, breathing humans. A tall redheaded girl, a boy in a beanie and glasses, and a girl in what he believed was referred to as “goth” clothes.
Wait… was he human now?
Awkwardly clambering to his feet, leaning against the wall of the strange tunnel for balance, he tried to give them a grin. It probably came out a bit more unhinged than he intended.
“So, uh, any idea what just happened?”
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valtsv · 11 months
i keep thinking about digital ghosts. or maybe digital hauntings would be a better term. the final messages shared between you and someone you no longer speak to, for whatever reason. a webpage, or blog post, or inactive profile on a social media forum that you still return to sometimes, no longer even hoping for something to have changed, just to remember, like returning to a grave year after year. video and audio recordings of people who've left your life that you play back over and over until the tape wears out. in the realm of the more fantastical, maybe a hologram that bears their likeness but only a pale, shallow imitation of their complexity, their personality, or an AI or other imperfect replica built on a lifetime of data collected from them that only reinforces their absence but is all you have left to remember (or replace until you forget the difference) them by. all these records that they existed that will inevitably only last as long as the technology that supports them takes to become obsolete, or the data corrupts and begins to break down, or the archives storing it are no longer hosted anywhere. you haven't cheated death, or the grief that comes with losing someone. you've just prolonged it.
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obiiow · 6 months
I know the whole thing with eren growing his hair out was because he just didn’t care anymore but I like to think it’s because his mom always told him his ears turn red when he lies and he was about to spend the rest of his life lying to everyone he loved 🥹
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wormdevourer · 3 months
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me fr
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apollos-olives · 9 months
"go to palestine and see how they treat you" okay. i did. they treated me like normal. i'm palestinian and queer and they treated me just fine. but you know where i was treated like shit for being queer??? the u.s. of fucking a.
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edgelessvoid · 18 days
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But it's not the same, is it?
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yugiohz · 3 months
deku saves bakugo because even a 14yo dickhead deserves to get saved, deku reaches out to aoyama because even a 15yo traitor deserves to get help, deku saves a drug lord/child abuser & deku fights against his mentors' decision to kill a domestic terrorist because deku's character progresses and realizes that a real hero saves everyone (though horikoshi could've handled that point better), which is subjective and no one has to agree with that message, but that doesn't negate the fact that horikoshi set up a paradigm of deku saving and saving and saving because everyone deserves to be saved, so no i don't think it would have been too much or too corny for the hereos to actually follow through and save the main antagonists (that turned out to be victims)
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dragzo · 8 months
oh Red Son no-
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superbonusround · 1 month
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nuttersincorporated · 9 months
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No Strings Attached
As midnight struck, Mickey felt his strings snap and he immediately crumpled to the ground. He tried to get up but only made it as far as his knees before he collapsed again.
Lying on his back, staring up at the stary night sky above, Mickey became aware of a strange whimpering sound. It took him a few moments to realise he was the one making those noises. Tears rolled down his cheeks.
He distantly wondered if he could lie there forever; just stay there until the ground claimed his bones. It seemed so much easier than the alternative. He was so, so tired.
“Mickey!” the voice sounded far away but he recognised it instantly. “Mickey!”
No, he wouldn’t give up. He couldn’t. He wasn’t the only one who’d had his strings cut.
Angry with himself, Mickey scrubbed the tears away. Then he balled his hands into fists and with a great effort of will, pushed himself into a sitting position.
“Mickey, where are you?”
“Min…” he started to answer but that was all he managed before he started coughing. He tried to stop but it only seemed to get worse.
She must have heard him because he could hear her running towards him. A moment later and she was there, flower in her hair and worry on her face.
“Oh Mickey!” She dropped to her knees beside him and threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. He continued to cough and she rubbed circles on his back until, at last, his body relaxed and he could breathe properly.
“It’s okay,” she reassured him, still holding him. “It’s going to be okay.”
Mickey hugged her back. He realised he was crying again and made an effort to stop. He opened his mouth and tried to speak for the second time. This time he managed it.
“Minnie.” Mickey stopped. He didn’t recognise his own voice. It was horse from all the coughing but it was more than that.
His eyes widened is shock as realised it was the first word he’d ever spoken. Oh, words had come out of his mouth before but he’d never been the one making the decision to say them.
“Minnie,” he said again. “We’re free.”
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rhapsoddity · 5 months
Random late night head empty thoughts! So in this doodle’s notes you mention how Spectrum added common-use triggers to keep Jim under, and I doubt Spectrum would let Jimmy know what those triggers are (broken brain probably wouldn’t even let him remember anyway, let’s be honest) and now I’m imagining a situation where Jim does fully escape, and then for weeks or even months of his life there are moments where someone says or does something and he just, slips down. And it seems like no matter how hard he tries to move on he keeps finding something else that was put in his head to keep him a doll.
The more triggers he discovers the deeper he drops as well, the harder it is to pull him back. Jim's friends even involve the heroes to help, seeing if Hotguy's vex control can challenge Spectrum's influence, but the detail Spectrums gone into installing triggers into Jimmy's mind? Hotguy can only disconnect a few of the weakest triggers while giving himself a killer headache.
At this point Sheriff is 100% retired. If Jim can't live his day to day life without finding random triggers, then it's not safe so go protecting the city. He misses the thrill, but he doesn't want to endanger ppl by getting triggered into a trance at a vital moment
Tbh he's constantly babysat by at least one person, cus the last time they left him in occupied he'd collapsed into a trance after reading smth on his phone while in the bathroom and bashed his head going limp
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time-wondroustime · 5 months
one thing I haven't seen anyone say about watcher yet, but has really disappointed me, is that only three months ago they mentioned in the truth about filming ghost files video that they had to let go of 5 (if I'm remembering the number properly) employees. and when I watched that video I was disappointed that hey hadn't planned the business properly to avoid things like that, but they are primarily creatives, so I figured there would be some business mistakes made along the way. but then hearing they just hired the 2 worth it guys and are reviving an expensive show... I feel like they could've prevented the lay offs better
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captainuranium543 · 16 days
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Bro wants to be Mira SO bad
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pinnithin · 1 year
enver gortash fascinates me from the perspective of his relationship with the dark urge because like, as far as i know his alliance with them is one of the very few he didn’t actively despise. the guy was sold into slavery by his own parents (who tried to justify it by saying their child was a hateful monster and anyone would have done the same) and spent his formative years employed by a devil who gets off on gratuitous levels of suffering and manipulation. and then once he's escaped that and built himself up so he can never be used and enslaved again he meets this bhaalspawn who also had to adapt and survive a violent and manipulative environment for years by becoming the monsters who raised them.
gortash sees how the dark urge has risen to command armies and slaughter hundreds in the same way he outfoxed raphael and ruthlessly controls the people in his employ, and after earning and owning his reputation as a tyrant heres another person who might actually have like, a shared lived experience. not exactly a friend, because people like them can't afford to have friends, but someone who at least understands. and he willingly works with them on this plan to enslave the sword coast and agrees to share power with them.
and then orin lobotomizes them, puts a tadpole in their head, and leaves them for dead at moonrise.
like, can you imagine. youre working with the first person you see eye to eye with and prooooobably arent plotting to actively sabotage (or, at least would hesitate to do so) and the rug just gets yanked out from under them by their own sister, and now you're stuck with her because the plan still has to move along. and as the days go by a group of adventurers start to screw up your plot right when baldur's gate is within your grasp, and you learn that among them is your old almost-friend who you actually liked and respected - and they have no memory of you whatsoever. oh, and on top of that they're rolling with people you've actively fucked over and want to kick your ass.
did it hurt for him to learn this? did he ever think about how things could have been different? did he think, you were supposed to be my ally, my friend, someone who actually understands that becoming a monster is the only way to keep yourself safe and in control. we were going to rule together. and now you're ride or die with this squad of people you've only known for a few weeks at best, and you want me dead. you don't even remember me. you don't even remember yourself.
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 6 months
Me: Why do i love making myself sad by thinking about the clones and order 66 and the jedi so much?
Also me: Captain America: The Winter Soldier is my favourite movie of all time.
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zofi-persson-quotes · 4 months
RYGB are using an Ouija board
Red: Tell us… Is there a spirit in this house?
Vic in their Ghost form, through the board: YES.
Green: Great! Rent is due on the first of the month.
Blue: Oh, and movie night is on Friday if you want to hang out.
Vic, confused: WAIT, WHAT—
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