#fresh mangoes
online-delivery-12 · 6 months
How to Store Mangoes the Right Way
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Summer is back, and it brings back everyone’s favourite fruit the king of fruits, Mangoes. Mangoes are the sweet juicy candy-like fruits of nature, but keeping Mango fresh, so that you can use them for a long time can be a little tricky. 
Fear not we got you covered with some tips and tricks that will help you savour the taste of mangoes.
Whether eaten fresh or made into smoothies mangoes just bring sunshine to our plate in summer. 
But how long do you think it will last?
Let’s learn how to increase the shelf life of this wonderful tropical fruit Mango.
How long does Mango last:-
Fridge- 5 days  after ripe 
Room Temp- 2-3 days after ripe
Freezer - 6 months
Picking The Right Mango
There are some points to keep in mind when you buy mangoes. You need to make sure that your mangoes are semi-ripe and have a sweet smell near the stem.
Some mangoes have brown squishy spots and they are too soft but these mangoes are rotten or soon will be rotten so we need to avoid picking those.
Keep The Moist
After picking the mangoes it is important to keep them moisturised as mango loses moisture easily.
Before storing them you need to wash them properly. Use a big container filled with water and keep the mangoes in it for a longer period of time.
After some time wipe them with a paper towel which will absorb extra moisture and store them in airy bags
Storing it on the countertop
If your mangoes are semi-ripe and you want to them after it’s ripe because it tastes better.
You need to keep the mango at room temperature at your table or countertop but make sure it is away from sunlight. 
Storing a room temperature helps the mango to ripe and get sweeter in taste. 
Keep those mangoes in check so that you get to know whether they are not over-ripe.
Storing it in the Fridge
Want to keep eating mangoes for a longer time and increase their shelf life keeping them in the fridge is your solution.
Keeping them in the fridge slows down the mango’s ripening process. That means this process keeps mangoes fresh for a longer time.
And if your mangoes aren’t ripe keep them out for some time and then chill it.
Keep them in Freezer
Do you want to eat mangoes all year long even after the summer year ends?
Storing in the freezer can increase the shelf life of mangoes up to 6 months by doing a few steps-
Cut the mangoes into cubes 
Place it on butter paper and freeze dose cube for more than 2 hours
After freezing keep them in air-tight bags
Keep and freezer and use it whenever you like.
Frozen mangoes can be used to make smoothies and shakes.
Storing Cut leftover Mango- 
A full stomach and you can’t figure out would to with the leftover mangoes but mangoes are cut, Don’t worry I have got the solution.
Just put the cut mangoes in an airtight container and put a few drops of lemon in it and put it in the fridge.
Use them within 1-2 days for good flavour.
Stay away from spoiler
Keep mangoes away from fruits like bananas and apples because they produce gas when they ripen.
Mango is really sensitive to that gas and can get spoiled easily so keep it away.
Storing mangoes is not that tough it is just a simple few steps that can help us store our mangoes the right way so that they are always fresh and ready to eat.
Just follow the guide to retain the refreshing taste of mango from picking out the right mangoes to storing them in different ways at normal temperatures to freezing or blending in smoothies we have got it all covered.
So Next time you crave your favourite fruit you will know exactly how to store it like a pro. Snacking them or including them in your recipes these storage tips will help you make the most of it. With a little care, you can enjoy it all summer around. Go ahead and Stock Up On mangoes
Want the best of the mangoes sweet and semi-ripe and different types of mangoes like Alphonso, Pairi and Safeda all on one platform? VegEase got you covered not only this but it has a huge variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. They offer amazing quality of fruits and vegetables at affordable prices with amazing deals and preferred time slots for your delivery. If you have a busy schedule and can’t make time to visit local markets VegEase is the right platform for you. They provide fresh fruits and vegetables at your doorsteps in just one click away. 
Experience it Yourself!
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rdmilk · 1 year
UHT Mango Milk: A Delicious and Nutritious Drink
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UHT mango milk is a nutritious, safe, and easy-to-consume drink made from fresh mangoes and milk heated to kill harmful microorganisms, suitable for all ages.
RD mango milk is a well-known brand of UHT mango milk noted for its great quality and pleasant flavor. It's produced with fresh mangoes and milk from local farms and is UHT-processed for safety and freshness. RD mango milk is high in calcium, vitamin D, and protein while being low in fat.
UHT mango milk is a flexible beverage that may be enjoyed in a variety of ways. It can be consumed on its own, mixed into smoothies or cereal, or used in baking. UHT mango milk is also a delicious way to add a tropical flair to your favorite drinks and recipes.
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theereina · 1 year
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pokeberry5 · 1 year
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~ summertime, and the living is easy ~
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karmesean · 1 year
So when does mango adopt cho and sec in your au? This man is just gonna be collecting children lol. I love your au sm <3
ty violet!!! <3 and heheh um
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i mean. he would sure love to adopt them asap.
next runaway au post
previous runaway au post
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adhventures · 2 years
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hyunpic · 5 days
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Part 2! (^o^)
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mangosrar · 11 months
Tough guy Jasper.
pt2 of middle game!!
chris sturniolo x fem reader.
pt1 “middle game”
warnings: alottttt of angst, fighting, chris being a hero 🫶
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"Hey nick whats up?". It was currently around 6.30pm on a friday night and Rue was getting ready for a party. Some influencer had invited her, Nick, Matt and Chris and each of them a plus one. Nick and Matt had decided against bringing anyone but, obviously Chris was bringing his girlfriend, Sophie, and Rue was bringing Jasper, her boyfriend of 4 months. How fun.
"I was just wondering if you needed Matt to pick you up later?" His voice rang through the speaker.
"Uh no its good Jaspers gonna drive us there" The girl internally screamed at the thought of Chris and Jasper being within a mile radious of eachother. Truth was, after Rue and Chris had confessed to being in love with eachother, they fooled around for a while before Chris miraculously decided he wasnt ready for a relationship. So naturally Rue did what she saw best fit: to get over one man, get under another, however the irony was, she was still getting under the guy she was trying to get over. Both of them were just as bad as eachother, proven so, when Chris had found out that his beloved Rue had moved on, obviously he had to do the same.
"Oh okay cool. I cant wait to see you, we havent seen you in like 2 weeks bro" Rue couldn’t help but scrunch her face up at the word. We. She wished she could be honest with her best friend but how was she supposed to say 'Nick youre so silly, its just you and matt i havent seen, i was actually getting my bones jumped by your brother last night behind my boyfriends back but snuck out this morning before anyone was up. See you at the party!!!'. She was doomed.
"Me too Nick, ive missed you so much" She wrapped up the conversation and carried on getting ready, but she couldn’t shake the overarching feeling of guilt. She was lying to everyone she loved. Well all but one.
7.30 pm rolled around fast and before she knew it she was waiting for Jasper to pull up. She felt and looked great. Clad in a skin tight dress that stopped just below her knees, white heels, and a perfect amount of clevage on show. Jasper will love this, but Chris would love it more. And just like he infiltrated her thoughts, he infiltrated her attention. Her phone chimed and she raced to check it.
Chris: Tough guy Jaspers coming huh?
Rue: Yes. Sophie?
Chris: Na something came up shes not coming. But you will be 🙃
Rue: Talkin about you "making me come" and your girlfriends name in the same sentence? player
Chris: You know it sweetheart. See you soon.
The party was heaving by the time they arrived. The smell of alcohol and weed heavy in the air. Nick had quickly found Rue and Jasper, Matt in tow, but Chris was nowhere to be seen.
"Wheres Chris?" She couldnt help but ask, curiosity killed the cat.
"Hes outside on the phone to Sophie, he'll be over in a sec" Matt replied shooting her a tight lipped smile. Rue was never really that close to Matt, sure they were freinds but not like how she was with Chris or Nick.
"Speak of the devil and he shall apear" Jasper muttered but it fell on deaf ears, hed said it quiet enough for only her to hear. Jasper was never really fond of Chris. Or anyone who came near his girlfriend really. He always said Chris was 'too friendly' or 'too handsy'. You dont know the half of it.
"Rue, long time no see" Chris pulled rue in for a hug. His hands rested just above her ass and he seperated himself from the girl with a toothy grin, she threw him a warning look saying 'carefull', he just moved his eyes to the left of her and let them land on Jasper.
"What up bro" Chris held his hand out for Jasper to take and he ignored him completely. Not even sparing him a glance.
"Jas dont be rude" She looked over to Jasper with wide eyes and furrowed eyebrows, after realising she had been staring at Chris this entire time. Jasper just scoffed and continued looking everywhere but Rue or her friends. Rue wanted the floor to open and swallow her up right there and then. Chris just raised his eyebrows and scoffed with a surprised smile turning to look at the poor girl. The look on his face told her everything his mouth didnt. Tough guy Jasper. Huh.
"Im gonna go get a drink ill be back in a sec" She didnt even wanna think about how awkward it would be after she walked away. Making a bee line for the kitchen island that was full of different drinks, she picked up the vodka, popped the lid off the bottle and started chugging. Ew.
The party was now well and truly under way and Rue was definitely feeling the effects of the alcohol. Chris had been watching her all night, he was like a hunter watching its prey, ready to pounce any second. He had been watching Jasper put his hands all over Rue where his should be. He hated it. It was like torture. He just wanted to go over there and beat Jasper to a bloody pulp, but somehow he couldnt help but be angry at her. He couldnt understand why she was letting Jasper touch her like that when she knew Chris was watching.
There were drunk or high bodies dancing all over eachother, including Rue and Jasper. He was far too drunk for his girlfriends liking but she didnt care. Her back was flush to his chest and she was dancing on him like it was nobodys business. except Chris'. He was like a hawk. He sat across from where they were dancing, scowl on his face, smoking a blunt, man spreading in all his glory for her too see, and god did he look sexy. If it wasnt for the man behind her whispering how horny he was in her ear, she would have walked Chris out of that party and fucked him in the car. For a moment she considered it, but Jasper had other ideas.
He grabbed her arm and before she knew it they were in the hallway about to be lead up the stairs. The same stairs she had just been up with Chris about an hour ago. His face between her legs in some random bathroom, her hand slapped over her mouth.
"You like this dont you mh? Coming on my face while you’re boyfriend waits for you down stairs?" He tutted at her.
"I hope you dont kiss your girlfreind with that mouth" She breathed out in a strangled whine, as Chris dived back in, devouring her like a starved man. He didn’t even bother to respond, he just looked up at her and smirked.
Focus Rue.
She pulled back slightly stopping her boyfreind in his tracks.
"What are you doing?" Her voice slightly raised so he would hear you over the music. Jasper came closer to her grabbing her ass, moving his face down to her ear, planting kisses there.
"Come on baby i need you right now" He continued running his hands all over, despite rue trying to push him off.
"I dont want to Jasper. lets just wait until we get home" He was a man who could not be moved. He continued pulling her towards the stairs but she was having none of it.
"Jas come on" Rue struggled in his grip. He ignored her protests and carried on pulling her arm. His grip was unwavering and she was sure there would be bruises in the morning. Rue wasn’t weak by any means, but Jasper was much stronger than she was.
"Jasper stop it, youre hurting me" She was now panicked and stone cold sober, distress evident in her shaky voice, and desperately pulling against him but he was not letting up. He carried on pulling her through the hall way towards the stairs in a death grip.
She was helpless, the only thing running through her mind was how Chris would never do this. Chris. Chris. Chris.
Before she could even protest Chris had lached his hands onto Jaspers shirt, roughly pulling him back, away from Rue. Jasper came stumbling back and it was like everything was suddenly going in slowmotion. The look on Chris' face spoke volumes, 'i’m going to tell him'. She kept her eyes on his, wordlessly begging not to say anything. But before she could even get a word in, Chris opened his mouth.
"She asked you to stop tough guy" His chest was heaving and he looked like he was about to rip Jaspers throat out. He protectively stood infront of the girl, putting a barrier between Rue and her boyfriend. People were now crowding around the two boys after hearing the commotion, waiting in anticipation.
"Chris please" She silently begged for him not to. He knew what she was asking but he didnt care.
"If i wanna fuck my girlfriend i will, you dont need to be so pissed just because she wont let you fuck her Chris" Jaspers words were slurred and he could barely stand straight. Chris had a shit eating grin on his face and Rue knew it was coming before it even happened, clasping her hands together, praying for some sort of relief from a god she had no right to beg for. Not with how far she had come.
"Oh but she does" Before Rue or Jasper could even get a word in Chris sent a searing punch straight at him, his fist connecting with Jaspers jaw, sending him flying onto his back, and in no time Chris was on top of him sending hit after hit.
Rue was yelling at Chris to stop, but he couldn't even hear her. He was like a man posessed, Relentless with his hits. Matt and Nick appeared from the living room after hearing all the comotion, but all they could see was her face. The look of pure horror so evident, they knew it was Chris and Jasper. Matt made his way through the crowd and pulled Chris off of Jasper. His nuckles were bloody and he stood there panting, looking down at his bloody handywork lying on the floor. Jasper was bleeding from everywhere. Rue stood speechless, her wide eyes jumping between the two boys, waiting for Chris to say or do anthing. At this point the tears were full force running down her face. Chris turned to her and his face softened at the sight of her weeping, it was like something had changed in his eyes but she couldnt figure out what.
"Rue..." It was like he was the only person in the room. How could he do this? How could he embaress her like this? His hand reached out to touch her arm but she pulled away from him and pushed past him, making sure to shove his shoulder with her own on the way out the front door.
"Victoria!" She heard someone yell after her and she was sure it was Matt, but she was too focused on getting as far away from Chris as she could.
She was so angry she felt sick. Chris had no right to do that. He had no right to interfere with her relationship like that. She wanted to wring his neck. She wanted to tell the whole world just how terrible he was, like he had just done to her.
What he didn’t understand was that she had the information to ruin his relationship and possibly his life. He embarrassed her and carved his name into her back, and she had a golden opportunity to destroy everything on a nuclear scale. Why wouldn’t she use it? The truth was she knew there were two ways to end a war. Going nuclear or just simply walking away. She wouldn’t gain anything by shooting him down or drawing a knife straight through the heart of his ego. It didn’t make her life any better. And this hit for hit thing they've had going on these past few months, was lasting a little too long for Rues liking.
nothing better than seeing a man w bloody knuckles 😛😛😛😛😛😛
@christinarowie332 @sturniolostvrs @kitaysworld @urmyslxt @biimpanicking @soursturniolo @sturnphilia @cupidtoast @lividnity @sukiwaterhousestan @freshlovehacker @deatthmatch @fandomhopped
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crabsnpersimmons · 6 months
Crab crab, here I am to say again how adorable and pretty your art is at the point I want to BITE IT
[and keep your Chibis safe because I want to bite them so much /affectionate]
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awwww thank you, Niko!!
yknow what, i kinda get it. the chibis give off a "fruit candy made with real fruit" kind of vibe to me haha
and don't worry, they have their caretaker Y/N* watching over them:
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Y/N: please don't bite the kids.
Sun and Moon signs: (your dentist will be disappointed.)
Y/N: i mean yeah?? but also?? don't bite kids?? period??
*Y/N is an ex-Fazbear technician! they built Sun and Moon's chibi bodies to fulfill a promise to an old friend
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mangosaurus · 3 months
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fitveganlifts · 2 months
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3lbs of summer fruit 😋
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theereina · 1 year
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dewyrka · 1 year
ֺ ◌ . ֺ 𔓕 🥭 ◌˚₊‧꒰ა ‧⿻
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° ┄ until i fall asleep in the sun ୨୧ . .
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@w-eons ㅤ♡. ᭡ . ⠁
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autumnhobbit · 2 months
decided to test out some ideas for the recipe im basically making up for the state fair. cooked mango in various combinations; butter w brown sugar, butter w homemade bourbon caramel, coconut oil with honey, and coconut oil with molasses. All of the options were sprinkled with chili powder and cayenne. Taste tested all the results and decided….I don’t want to do any of that lol.
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buffetlicious · 9 months
Sis purchased this 15cm Mango Lychee Cake (S$29.90) from Emicakes during their online flash sale. The confection spotted a pale yellow cream coat with pastel pink frosting and simple white chocolate decorations. Cutting out a slice, there are three layers of chiffon cake sandwiching two layers of mango mousse with lychee chunks, albeit the canned stuff. On the first bite, you get the perfumed taste of canned fruit; guess they made full use of the lychee syrup too. :D Then came the texture of the fruit and the sweetness which is a little cloying for me as there are no acidity to balance it out. Overall, was a decent treat but not something I would buy again.
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