#frick now i've plotted out the whole thing and there's no easy way to copy it all into a notepad
laserbread · 1 year
The 4am urge to write a story about IDW Soundwave falling for a multi level marketing scam
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bbnibini · 4 years
Tldr; I reflect upon the alleged plagiarism incident of last year after finding out one of my close friends also experienced the same, if not worse. I tried to keep true of my own words before and focused on the positive things and left the negative things (of the whole ordeal) behind. This is my attempt to do that (after also), realising PSISLY is almost over after Barbs' route will be out.
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To new readers of H2/PSISLY, the story gets very confusing sometimes because of all the references (I placed a lot...so much to the point where even if I wrote it down in my notes, I sometimes get confused myself lol. References that probably won't make any sense until I finish H5 lol;;), but hopefully with rereading some parts (especially involving a certain someone), they would be appreciated. I had some beta friends comment about how some of the references are easy to miss so upon editing, and made them more obvious. Hopefully, it had reflected on the revisions!
Okay, with that segue out of the way, I have some announcements I want to make (loooong overdue announcements).
There's a bit of an update regarding the alleged idea thief I had an encounter with last year. This is not an intent to bring up the issue again, but to share what I have learned from this experience.
Short explanation= The alleged person had deactivated their tumblr account now, which contained their Mammon x Reader series where they copied scenes and paraphrased lines from PSISLY. I wanted to express my thoughts about the aftermath of the aftermath.
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In lieu of what occured, I attempted to report their Mammon x Reader series to tumblr's DMCA, but because of privacy concerns due to PSISLY being in another platform around that time (AO3), I found out that my real name and other personal information will be exposed to that person if I moved forward with my report. In the end, I decided to do the second best thing and crosspost my works here instead. I had a choice to report their works after crossposting(which I had considered) but due to my busy work schedule, I didn't have time for anything else. Frankly, I was just super drained at the time and wanted things to end so I can focus on other things, so I set it aside plenty of times until I've reached the point where I find out their tumblr account had already been deleted (possibly of their own free will).
I still stand by my stance of honouring that person's privacy despite all of the things that happened between us. I loathed the implicated actions and not the individual. I was disgusted by the thought of how, if proven true, they took a lot of credit from my ideas through their fics, and possibly exploited the fact that my works are inaccessible to many due to my series' gimmicks, but does that make them any less of a person? No. Up until now, I still don't know what actually happened and will probably not know anymore. What I do know is that we're human and we are prone to make mistakes. I understand their behaviour towards me isn't correlative of their whole identity, but I still ultimately decided that any further interactions between us would only make the situation worse so I cut ties with them.
Still, I'm thankful that their alleged works are now removed from this website. To that person, thank you. If you were the one who deleted your work(s) with your own initiative, thank you. It had been long overdue, but I am grateful that you have finally acknowledged my discomforts and decided to see things in my perspective. I also want to thank you for making me realise that despite my crippling low self-esteem, I am a writer. I meant it when I said that I am rooting for your own writing endeavours. I just wished things didn't have to end this way.
And to other writers and content creators out there, if you ever find yourself (I wish you wouldn't) in a similar situation, please know that you are the best judge of your own works. If you suspect your works are already being compromised, please confront the other person as an individual---do not dehumanise them into a singular trait due to your own bad experiences. Seek to understand. Talk to them privately and try to settle the issue between yourselves.
Why have I brought this up again? Because I randomly thought of them today and thought "I wonder how they're doing", and saw their account is already gone (as what I have stated earlier). Even if we parted in not very friendly terms, I still genuinely wish they would do better for themselves, and possibly learn something from what happened like I did.
Second other reason is because I have recently learned that my good friend @lexsssu had been allegedly plagiarised for the third time and saw how the incident had taken a toll on her drive to write. Despite how sad and discouraged she had become after her own experience(stagnating her writing progress for a long time), she is now seeking to heal and continue her passions---I wish to learn from her example.
I believe if you truly love something, you would continue to love doing it despite the hardships it will entail. I realise I'm rambling and I'm probably not making any sense right now(I had an all nighter fricking around in the wonderland portion of the Windblume event in Genshin Asia with a friend soz), but I hope if you did manage to get this far, I wish you learned something from my own experiences and ramblings.
PSISLY is still going strong and will soon reach its conclusion (spoiler: Barbs' route is actually the last part I have to outline since the remaining ones were mostly written last year) . I'm not the best, nor the easiest writer to follow (in terms of plot coherence ha ha ;;), but I am still a writer. And I enjoy writing and will continue to do so.
Have a blessed day, everyone! Wish me luck on the outline! 👋
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