#friendo jas
A little challenge: Pick out your favorite sentence that you've written recently. One sentence. No context. Tag some friends.
sooo I was tagged byyy the most loveliest @visceravalentines, @brandnewhuman, @devil-doll13, and @bluecoolr, thanks besties ily <3
And since I got tagged several times, I'll use that as an excuse to throw sentences from several wips at you >:D
“Do not call the police, I will take care of it.” 
He saw the darkness wherever he looked, the corruption seeping from every nook and cranny, staining everyone and everything.
My head snapped up upon hearing this and understanding what he was insinuating, gaze searching his, only to feel like I had been stabbed right into the chest when met with nothing but coldness.
Then, towards the end of your last lecture, the rumours started.
No matter how idyllic a place looked on the surface, corruption spread its tendrils everywhere, slipping through the smallest cracks in people’s faith and seeping into their hearts.
optional no pressure tag: @ace-of-hearts-and-spades @myers-meadow @immortal-velociraptor @probably-a-plant-thing @solmints-messyocdiary
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oppaihun · 8 months
More ghouls and coffee thoughts:
Secondo has taught the ghouls that if you add a bit of salt, it can take the bitterness from the brew. However, it has to be used very very sparingly and if you truly want a less bitter brew you can try different roast types or brew methods.
So color Dewdrop suprised as he watches Ifrit dump a terrifying amount of salt into the sweetest, most clean light roast he's ever had. He confronts Ifrit because in his eyes, he just ruined a perfectly good cup of coffee. Especially as he watches Ifrit grimace at the taste. Ifrit, taking Dew's gobsmacked attitude in stride, explains he's just trying to up his salt intake because he's not feeling the greatest that morning. That's how Dewdrop learns Ifrit has POTS, so Dew takes to keeping salt packets in his pockets in case he needs emergency salt.
Additional Zephrit headcanon: Zephyr has a little saddle bag on his wheelchair, where he keeps things like salt packets and Liquid IV for Ifrit in case he needs them. It comes in handy because Ifrit commonly forgets to take care of himself because he's more committed to caring for Zeph and ignoring his own symptoms in the process. So it's very normal to see the fire ghoul sat down in the strangest places with his head tucked between his knees, just waiting the pre-syncope episode out.
- @the-moon-in-the-gutter
STOOOOP I LOVE THEM (kissing ur brain Jas)
Zephyr probably know all the tricks and has also probably had Ifrit in his lap at times bcs there was no chair available and the episode came on fairly fast.
Dewdrop, a new summons at the time, probably lost it and got over excited asking does he need to go get Omega? Do we need to go to an infirmary? I’ll haul you on my back I swear you won’t hurt me. Meanwhile Ifrit would love answer him if he could hear the words over the tinnitus’ sharp EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE in his ears
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ask-shane · 5 months
hi friendo howve you been??? and chag sameach and happy passover if you celebrate!!! yesterday we had a seder and my dad made lots of tasty food and tonight were going to my grandmas for a seder which is gonna be AWESOME bc my grandma is AWESOME!!! :3
also sidenote i like giving affection headbutts may i headbutt you???
sounds like an awesome situation all around. you can headbutt me if you want, but do it gently. it reminds me of marnie’s goats…
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i’ve been fine myself. i took today off of work to watch jas’ school talent show. she had a little dance routine prepared.
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i couldn’t stop smiling the whole time.
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neue-freunde-finden · 10 months
Ja hallöchen! Ich bin 26 und männlich
Und suche auf diesem wege friendos, da ich mich momentan lonely fühle und bisl Ablenkung gebrauchen kann :) ob du männlich, weiblich , divers oder sogar ein einhorn bist spielt überhaupt keine rolle ^^ Hauptsache der vibe passt!
Ich bin großer fan von horrorgames (ich liebe silent hill) und gaming allgemein ^^
Meine Freizeit verbring ich entweder am pc oder lieg im bett und kraul meine 2 katzen :D
Achja insomnia undso.. ich bin sehr nachtaktiv also wenn du dir die nacht um die Ohren schlagen willst.. ich bin so gut wie immer wach! C:
Wenn du Interesse an einer Freundschaft haben solltest.. text me :x
Viel Erfolg!
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shanti-ashant-hai · 1 year
First impression: omg she's so cool and funny and she likes all the shows I like I wanna talk to her but HOW
Current opinion: friendo. person I will call if I want to commit a crime. receiver of all Donna Noble posts. I want to be friends with her irl.
Also I just realised the line was "ja simran ja" and not just "ja simran" so pretend the NTA ask was "ja shanti ja"
Ok bye ily
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hugispuso-archive · 2 years
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omg it's the pink princess gf with her dark rockstar bf. 😳🙈 art trade with @haileyiscooldnfjdhd !! ♡
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*emoji* and any of your two characters! I love them all!! (*I put "emoji because it won't show on my phone 😅)
Hmmm, how about Annika and Jasmine (daughter-mother relationship)?
Annika is in love with her parents and their relationship. She sees the two of them as the ultimate show of true and uncorrupted love. She looks up to her parents so much and adores them more than anything. <3
So yeah, they have a cute dynamic. I enjoy writing the two of them together. Honestly don't do it enough. Writing about mothers and daughters is a little painful for me, so I don't typical focus much on those relationships, but I do love them.
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leelysian · 3 years
hello my lovely friend <3
how have you been ? we haven't talked in ages and ig i just wanted to check up on you and make sure that you're doing well 🥺
Hello bubs.
I'm doing pretty meh. Assignments and unwatched lectures are piling up on me and I'm drowning lmao.
Had to finish a design project for one of my courses that I had 3 weeks to do but finished in 4 days with no sleep because I had no designs to work with. But still I have way too many deadlines and tests coming up. 😭
What about you, how are you doing? I miss you too. 🥺💖
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lillovingsoul · 5 years
*mega hugs and love*
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did some more Gallifreyan today
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always feel free to ask me to do your name or urls or something y'all ❤️
@devil-doll13 @house-of-slayterr
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jasoldblog-2-blog · 7 years
"Oh, sorry!" - Delano bumped unintentionally against the stranger, apologizing immediately for his lack of attention AND coordination. - "A-are you alright? I-I didn't mean to harm you... Geez, I was completely out of this world..." // hey there! nice to meetcha~
    It wasn’t very often that Jasmine even had the courage to go out and about in more busy parts of the town, but today seemed to be one of the better days. She even managed to mostly hide any worry when she headed to the library or the little game resale shop not far from where she lived, though she’d be a lot happier at home. At least they had what she was looking for - a game she played as a kid - but she was so engrossed with checking everything and just being happy with having it again that she wasn’t paying attention.
    She ran into someone, the impact making her drop the books as well as the currently open case. Just how fast had she been walking for that to happen-?
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    "Er- N-No no! It was my fault, I should have been paying attention-” she answers, gathering up the game case’s contents and the books scattered about. “I-I’m sorry...”
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oppaihun · 8 months
More on the topic of Dew and coffee, one of my headcanons is that the first thing the ghouls could get him to eat or drink that was made by them was coffee. The poor ghoul spent weeks scavenging because he was so uncertain about the others. But one morning he's in the kitchen, watching Zephyr make a pot of coffee (according to Ifrit he makes the best coffee). The smell is just so enticing and he sees how Ifrit prepares his cup to his likings, a dash of half and half with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top. Ifrit notices, offering the lingering water ghoul the second sip, having taken the first to show it wasn't tainted. Then boom. Dew becomes obsessed with it, so they have to find a way to get him to stop drinking only coffee. Which probably never works, considering he gains a new love for it from Secondo who teaches him more traditional brewing methods.
- @the-moon-in-the-gutter
But I can also seeing that being the way Dew tries anything at first is with the “poison test.” Just so flighty at first. But if he’s drinking nothing but coffee poor lol dude is so wired until his body gets used to it
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herzlak · 2 years
Tatort Mainz — In seinen Augen
Der letzte Tatort vor der Sommerpause Freunde, wie traurig ist das? :(
omg sie ist main character, ein material gurrrl
eww zwei Wochen später erst gefunden?
Achso hm... nie kriegen wir verrottete Leichen
Jetzt muss es schnell gehen! :0
Imagine du kannst nicht mal gradeaus laufen hahah
Und dann wieder aufstehen hahahahah
Och mit dem Bart sieht er jetzt gar nicht mehr aus wie Kinsky auf Wish bestellt
Warum ist der Tatort schon wieder so aggressiv?
Rascher auch nur so ein confused boyo
Ich dachte getroffene Hunde jaulen..?
Er muss erstmal aufs Klo. Priorities.
Sind die jetzt zusammen aufs Klo? Okay lol
Rascher my sassy legend
Hab grad versehentlich sexy getippt, weil ich an Rick Okon gedacht hab rip
Ich wollt grad sagen, lasst Berlinger das Fahrrad reparieren UND SIE HABEN ES GETAN OMG DANKE
Girly hast du einen Crush auf Berlinger?
"Ich hatte noch irgendwo 'nen Schokoriegel VERDAMMT :(" BRO YOU'RE SO RELATABLE
"Schmerzen?" - "Und Hunger :(" JA ICH AUCH
WEHE wir kriegen keine Szene wo rascher pizza snackt
Ich glaub Rascher ist mein soulmate, ein kleines bisschen sassy und always hungry
Außerdem kann er keine Fahrräder reparieren
Ich hab doch schon genug blorbos collected, sag mal...
Gleich schmeißt er die Schachtel vom Tisch
Rascher my poor little suffering thing
"Nenn mich Bibi"........ HALLIHALLO MEINE LIEBEN
Sie hat sich von ihrem Julian getrennt
WEHE der Hund stirbt
Die sieht aus wie Umbridge in blond so, sorry
Ich will Jan und Rosa beim Pizza snacken sehen bitte @ Tatort Dortmund
Ach fuuuuuuck der Hund war ja am Anfang schon tot
Mhm Gefängnis, weil er safe der Tinder Schwindler war
Was is DES denn?
Gott geht mir weg mit eurer weird romantic triangle
Ja um Gottes fucking Willen
Der Vorleser vibes, bin noch immer verstört davon
Ja Rascher darling lass dich krank schreiben, chill ein bisschen, gönn dir Pizza und Schokoriegel
Im Interesse der Verstorbenen DIE IST SCHON TOT, WAS JUCKTS DIE?
Jetzt weiß ich an wen Berlinger mich erinnert... Inka von Bauer sucht Frau
Wehe Jan gibt Mia irgendwann weg, damit er seinen Beruf machen kann
Can someone do a fanart of Rascher and a Halsbandsittich?
Aber cool auch, dass sie das mit den Sittichen eingebaut haben :)
Sie teilen sich das <3
Ne ich shippe die nicht, aber die Freundschaft ist echt nice, die mag ich
Und dass Rascher dauernd am snacken ist, das lieb ich
Ach junge...
Bro es gibt nur zwei die ich gern bei sowas sehen würde, aber dann bitte 100x softer und nicht so was
Ich will nicht kink shamen
Na ihr wisst schon...
Rascher sipping things the entire episode lol
Er sippt schon wieder!
Ja lol ey des is mal ein Plottwist
Wo läuft der bre jetzt hin?
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genderqueersboy · 7 years
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Me: has already posted like three posts about loving Joey tonight Also me: I NEED TO POST ANOTHER
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electricea-a · 4 years
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people I’d like to get to know better.
one   /   (  alias / name  ) : I go by Jassi, but I’m also okay with Jas or Jazz.
two   /   (  birthday  ) : November 22nd, 1994.
three   /   (  zodiac sign  ) :  Not really sure, my birthday is awkward in the sense that it falls between Scorpio and Sagittarius.  I know that my Chinese Zodiac is the Dog, if that means anything?
four   /   (  height  ) :  Pretty sure I’m about 5′0.
five   /   (  hobbies  ) : Building models, gaming, writing.
six   /   (  favourite colour  ) :  Light blue.
seven   /   (  favourite books  ) : I like a lot of manga like Cardcaptor Sakura, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Death Note and One Piece - there’s a lot more I haven’t listed but that would probably turn this little portion into a full on essay lol.  I also really like the Bone graphic novels by Jeff Smith.
eight   /   (  last song listened to  ) : Shuffle, the second OP from the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime.  Pretty jamming opening.
nine   /   (  last film or show watched  ) : Riverdale, and right now I’m watching Open House because my trash ass can’t resist trash horror movies lol.
ten   /   (  inspiration for muse  ) :  I guess what inspires my muse is that he’s just so - fun to write? He doesn’t take things too seriously, he’s not super intellectual, and he’s not a deep thinker.  It’s kind of fun playing a simple muse.
eleven   /   (  story behind url  ) :  I believe an Ann mun suggested it! Sadly, I don’t believe they’re on Tumblr any longer.
Tagged by: @panickypeachboy​ (Thanks, friendo!)
Tagging: Anyone and everyone!
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ask-arthur-morgan · 4 years
Hey, it’s Jas, aka Janie. Please take care of yourself during such a trying time. I’m rooting for ya!
Thank you so much!! I’m feeling better now but I’m definitely still upset... but thanks for the kind words friendo!
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