crohnicallyfab · 3 years
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I am once again popping by to say hello. 👋🏻 I used to post so much more frequently on here but after my life pretty much was falling apart when COVID started in early 2020, I felt like I couldn’t share things on here. • I have always been all about promoting that having Crohn’s doesn’t define me and showing people you can accomplish SO much despite your chronic illness, so when I was laid off due to COVID and had to make some major life decisions and changes for my family I just felt like such a failure and didn’t want people seeing the struggle. • But after going through so many ups and downs since early 2020, and continuing to experience them, I’ve realized that it’s important to be real. So much social media is just a person’s “highlight reel” and we never see what goes on behind the scenes or the struggles they are facing. As much as I claim I’m an open book, I’ve realized I’m an open book when it comes to my health, but pretty closed when it deals with my career, family, and aspirations. Which is totally fine. But I think it’s important to reiterate to stop comparing yourself to people on social media. You are only seeing small pieces of their life. I’d compare it to seeing one page from each chapter of a 1000 page book and the book is a person’s life. . . . . . #crohns #crohnie #crohnsdisease #crohnsandcolitis #colitis #ulcerativecolitis #crohnswarrior #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #ibd #ibdwarrior #ibdsuperheroes #friendswithcrohns #spoonie #chronicillnesswarrior #ibdawareness #invisibleillness #crohnsawareness #invisibleillnessawareness #invisibleillnesswarrior https://www.instagram.com/p/CUz4N2QgJyD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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queenbeeofibd · 5 years
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Repost from @crohnicallyfabulous: Its liquid gold day! 💉 • Not really sure if this is working... it obviously wasn’t working on its own because from surgery... to being in remission... to falling out of remission, it was less than a year. Only 9ish months of “remission” is all I saw after surgery. • Added Imuran back into the mix about 4 months ago and actually feel worse off than I was so I’m really not sure what’s happening... because it seemed to work before... • I finally have another appointment on Monday at the GI office to discuss what the next steps are. Crossing my fingers we can come up with a solid plan cause I got things to do and I will NOT let my health get in the way. Gotta stay on top of it! 💪🏻 • . #crohns #crohnslife #crohnsfighter #crohnsdisease #crohnswarrior #crohnsawareness #crohnsandcolitis #colitis #ulcerativecolitis #ibd #ibdwarrior #ibdawareness #stelara #injectionday #liquidgold #janssen #chronicillness #chronicillnesswarrior #invisibleillness #ibdsuperheroes #friendswithcrohns #spoonie — view on Instagram https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/362d58d38fab37bd970fb30407fb77e2/5DCAB1A4/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/s640x640/62011486_122538419009472_5327885202757044984_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent.cdninstagram.com
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crohnicallyfab · 3 years
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Fun Friday meme for you! 😂😂 • • I know I’ve been super inconsistent with Instagram and updating everyone that for so long has followed me and my IBD journey. So I do apologize for that! • • But my journey is ALL over the place, so inconsistency is really just on point with my life right now. 😂 • • My fistula surgery in June went well. The surgeon was able to go straight to a fistulotomy instead of placing a seton drain. And now that it’s pretty much healed, it means, I’m cleared to do just about everything! 🙌🏻 • • I have an appointment with my PCP soon to decide if I need neurology for my migraines. They’ve been getting more intense over the last year with auras and nausea lasting way longer than before. So, let’s just add that to the list of things I have to disclose to doctors! 😝 • • I really hope everyone is having a good summer and you are doing fun things! ❤️ . . . . . #crohns #crohnie #crohnsdisease #crohnsandcolitis #colitis #ulcerativecolitis #crohnswarrior #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #ibd #ibdwarrior #ibdsuperheroes #friendswithcrohns #spoonie #chronicillnesswarrior #ibdawareness #invisibleillness #crohnsawareness #invisibleillnessawareness #invisibleillnesswarrior https://www.instagram.com/p/CRq9DD-s8i0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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crohnicallyfab · 4 years
“It’s ok to put you first.” • • This is still something I struggle with. As an always busy individual and a mom who rarely takes time for herself, I have a hard time taking a break. But after consecutive weekends of doing things even when I was in pain and smiling through it, I had a weekend of relaxing and recharging. I still did a few things, but I wasn’t always “on the go” which is my weekend “normal.” • • How do you know when you need to slow down? . . . . . . #crohns #crohnie #crohnsdisease #crohnsandcolitis #colitis #ulcerativecolitis #crohnswarrior #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #ibd #ibdwarrior #ibdsuperheroes #friendswithcrohns #spoonie #chronicillnesswarrior #ibdawareness #invisibleillness #crohnsawareness #invisibleillnessawareness #invisibleillnesswarrior https://www.instagram.com/p/CGAc930DCPq/?igshid=jziq1t7k4kxu
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crohnicallyfab · 4 years
Well... I never ever thought I’d record me singing something... but when it’s for a cause I’m passionate about I just had to. 💜 • • This is my entry for @crohns_colitis_fdn_westernpawv IBD’s Got Talent competition! To advance to the finale, I need to raise the most $$ in the next 24 hours! 😬 • • And right now through May 15th, all donations will be matched up to $1 million!! 🙌🏻 Every dollar counts! 💜 • • My daughter Jude also said if I make it to the finale she will record a video with me! 🥰 • • The link to donate is in my bio! 💜 . . . . . . #crohns #crohnie #crohnsdisease #crohnswarrior #crohnsawareness #crohnsandcolitis #colitis #ulcerativecolitis #ibd #ibdawareness #ibdwarrior #ibdsuperheroes #friendswithcrohns #spoonie #invisibleillness #invisibleillnessawareness #chronicillness #chronicillnesswarrior #autoimmunedisease https://www.instagram.com/p/CAImnBwDFkf/?igshid=12vlnj0qrq6r9
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crohnicallyfab · 4 years
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Oh hi there.🙋🏻‍♀️ It’s been awhile! • • I took another impromptu social media break. And probably will continue to off and on. To be honest, I’m just so much less stressed when I stay away from more social media.🤷🏻‍♀️ • • Life update: I believe in a previous post I talked about how I’ve lost nearly 30 lbs. and was having issues eating... but after upper and lower scopes and a ton of blood work, there isn’t really an answer as to why. After a pelvic MRI, it’s finally been confirmed I have an active fistula. Same tract as my previous one in 2015-2016 and I am seeing a colorectal surgeon next week to discuss options. 💩 • • I’ve been able to eat a bit better and more the last few weeks and while I’m not totally convinced my Crohn’s is good, I’ve decided I’m just going to live like it is and if I run into more problems or symptoms than I’ll ask for a pill cam to look at the remaining parts of my intestines.👍🏼 • • Hope everyone has been doing well! I’ll attempt to get back to posting more regularly but no promises! Oh, and I’m fully vaccinated! 🙌🏻☺️ . . . . . . . #crohns #crohnie #crohnsdisease #crohnsandcolitis #colitis #ulcerativecolitis #crohnswarrior #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #ibd #ibdwarrior #ibdsuperheroes #friendswithcrohns #spoonie #chronicillnesswarrior #ibdawareness #invisibleillness #crohnsawareness #invisibleillnessawareness #invisibleillnesswarrior https://www.instagram.com/p/CM0xYPWDPvf/?igshid=1j15s3afym88n
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crohnicallyfab · 4 years
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“I am constantly torn between ‘I can’t let this illness ruin my life’ and ‘I have to listen to my body and rest.’” 💜 • • I’ve been dealing with health issues for the last 9 years, diagnosed with Crohn’s disease for the last 8. I have some really good days and some really bad days. Lately I haven’t been feeling well and it takes a lot of convincing myself to take a break and slow down. But I know it’s the right thing to do so I don’t wind up worse. • • I hope you listen to your body when it’s time to rest as well.💜 . . . . . . #crohns #crohnie #crohnsdisease #crohnsandcolitis #colitis #ulcerativecolitis #crohnswarrior #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #ibd #ibdwarrior #ibdsuperheroes #friendswithcrohns #spoonie #chronicillnesswarrior #ibdawareness #invisibleillness #crohnsawareness #invisibleillnessawareness #invisibleillnesswarrior https://www.instagram.com/p/CKg8qMkDYzK/?igshid=fn0b9passzzj
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crohnicallyfab · 4 years
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One of my favorite things about making cakes is getting to be part of people’s memories! ❤️ Especially when those people happen to be your best friend’s family! 😝 and your other best friend is the photographer! • • I LOVE smash cakes. I think it’s so cute watching a kid either absolutely love getting messy and eating their cake or those that are mad when their hands get dirty and freak out. Both are priceless.😂 My daughter was the picky picky princess who didn’t want her hands dirty on her first birthday. My best friend’s son? Total opposite! 🤣 • • If you got to have a smash cake on your next birthday what flavor would you pick? ☺️ . 📸 @elizabethcomptonphoto . . . . #crohns #crohnie #crohnsdisease #crohnsandcolitis #colitis #ulcerativecolitis #crohnswarrior #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #ibd #ibdwarrior #ibdsuperheroes #friendswithcrohns #spoonie #chronicillnesswarrior #ibdawareness #invisibleillness #crohnsawareness #invisibleillnessawareness #invisibleillnesswarrior https://www.instagram.com/p/CKPbs4qjlXR/?igshid=yfjpaunq68aw
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crohnicallyfab · 4 years
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Tonight during our IBD Support Group run by @ibd_ittakesguts a topic came up that I hadn’t ever really given much thought to. But after hearing multiple stories it got my wheels turning. • • Women get dismissed more or not taken as seriously by doctors. • • Even after support group, I was still making up excuses for why this is but just googling the words “women dismissed by doctors” OH MY GOSH. Articles upon articles and even some research and studies. 🤯 • • It’s happened to me MANY times. Heck, the first time I went to the ER for unbearable stomach pain (pre-Crohn’s diagnosis but definitely Crohn’s) I was sent home with antibiotics and told I had a “slight UTI.” • • Another ER trip after the nurses were trying to get me some sort of pain relief, the doctor came in and asked me if I was on my period and if I “was sure it wasn’t just cramps.” Then I got interrogated on what my stress levels are and how anxiety and stress can cause stomach issues. (This was even AFTER being diagnosed with Crohn’s.) • • I always thought these were just one offs and I was just sort of unlucky... but after listening to women in our support group and reading some articles... I’m just mind blown. • • So now I gotta know, have you experienced a time when a doctor wasn’t taking you or your pain seriously as a woman or blaming your mental health or your period? 🙃 . . . . . . #crohns #crohnie #crohnsdisease #crohnsandcolitis #colitis #ulcerativecolitis #crohnswarrior #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #ibd #ibdwarrior #ibdsuperheroes #friendswithcrohns #spoonie #chronicillnesswarrior #ibdawareness #invisibleillness #crohnsawareness #invisibleillnessawareness #invisibleillnesswarrior #genderbias https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ-GERujlW2/?igshid=16sf7gw781too
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crohnicallyfab · 4 years
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I know I’m late to the game in posting about 2020, but taking social media breaks does wonderful things for my mind. • • First off Happy New Year! 2020 was a 💩💩 show if I’m being honest. Here’s a quick review of my year: January/February - Crohns flare with severe joint pain, went on the devils tictaks. March/April - world shut down and I was laid off from the company I worked at nearly 4 years. May/June - due to loss of work, we moved in with my in laws across the state and literally the weekend after we moved I was called back to work. July/August - my hubby and I found a new local jobs September/October - inflammatory markers super high + severe joint pain led to a rheumatologist Appt & was I diagnosed with IBD related inflammatory arthritis. Went back on a short course of steroids. November/December - I had to go off of Imuran due to my metabolites being completely out of whack & now with Crohns symptoms returning I’m waiting on upper & lower scopes to see what’s happening in there. Yes yes I know most of this isn’t positive so here’s the good things that happened: We got to go on 2 small family vacations, one camping, and one camping at the beach! I got to spend the most amount of time ever with my amazing daughter and we are closer than ever! Raised over $1000 for the Crohns & Colitis Foundation! I’m sure there’s a ton of other positive things that I’m forgetting but that’s my brain for ya! . . . . . . #crohns #crohnie #crohnsdisease #crohnsandcolitis #colitis #ulcerativecolitis #crohnswarrior #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #ibd #ibdwarrior #ibdsuperheroes #friendswithcrohns #spoonie #chronicillnesswarrior #ibdawareness #invisibleillness #crohnsawareness #invisibleillnessawareness #invisibleillnesswarrior https://www.instagram.com/p/CJqr4JLD_NL/?igshid=1knla3xmfsb22
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crohnicallyfab · 4 years
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I’m late to the game in posting a Christmas jammies pic, but very blessed for my little family and staying away from social media for a little while to enjoy our time together. ❤️ • • Our Christmas Eve bag tradition has always been one of my favorites. We get a bag filled with new pajamas, candy and a new movie to watch.🥰 I always get Tom the most obnoxious pajamas I can find for him since you know... I’m the one who buys them and he goes along with it! 😂 • • Yes, my pajama pants have poop emojis and candy canes.😝 Five Below for the win! 💩💩 And my shirt reads “I just want to watch Christmas movies and bake things.” 🙃 Basically a shirt made just for me!😜 • • I’m probably going to continue taking some more time away from social media because to be honest, not seeing/reading all the negative all the time is really good for my mental health and I fall asleep faster and sleep better! 🤷🏻‍♀️ . . . . . #crohns #crohnie #crohnsdisease #crohnsandcolitis #colitis #ulcerativecolitis #crohnswarrior #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #ibd #ibdwarrior #ibdsuperheroes #friendswithcrohns #spoonie #chronicillnesswarrior #ibdawareness #invisibleillness #crohnsawareness #invisibleillnessawareness #invisibleillnesswarrior https://www.instagram.com/p/CJZsyQXjdQ7/?igshid=15x1rx4p9upjl
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crohnicallyfab · 4 years
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The little things, the little moments, they aren’t little after all. • • As most of you know, I find so much joy in baking. So when I was packing up cookie kits tonight, I realized how much I loved the sprinkles I chose for these kits. Something so little put me in a good mood, even though my feet hurt from working in the kitchen all night. • • So when I asked Jude to put her hands out and I placed some of the sprinkles in them, she goes “awe mommy, it’s a heart!” 😍 It was perfect. Little sprinkles, little hands, little heart and so much love and joy. • • So as odd as it might be that I’m excited over sprinkles, it reminded me that it’s the little things in life that add up to the big stuff.❤️ . . . . . #crohns #crohnie #crohnsdisease #crohnsandcolitis #colitis #ulcerativecolitis #crohnswarrior #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #ibd #ibdwarrior #ibdsuperheroes #friendswithcrohns #spoonie #chronicillnesswarrior #ibdawareness #invisibleillness #crohnsawareness #invisibleillnessawareness #invisibleillnesswarrior https://www.instagram.com/p/CIrxa-OD_yN/?igshid=1wdf0eingbutu
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crohnicallyfab · 4 years
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This year has been so different and difficult but I also feel so blessed in so many ways. As a mom, I’ve gotten to spend so much more time with my daughter this year and our bond is stronger than ever before. We’ve explored new hobbies together, we’ve laughed until our stomachs hurt multiple times, and we’ve learned the benefits of slowing down and not always being on the go. • • So when we heard there were carriage rides downtown, we bundled up and knew we needed a little bit of that magic. With a carriage all to ourselves (besides the driver) it was like our own little slice of Christmas spirit. • • 🎶 Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? 🎵 . . . . . . #crohns #crohnie #crohnsdisease #crohnsandcolitis #colitis #ulcerativecolitis #crohnswarrior #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #ibd #ibdwarrior #ibdsuperheroes #friendswithcrohns #spoonie #chronicillnesswarrior #ibdawareness #invisibleillness #crohnsawareness #invisibleillnessawareness #invisibleillnesswarrior https://www.instagram.com/p/CIkAB5vjo5h/?igshid=g4gof9kf9j1v
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crohnicallyfab · 4 years
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“It’s okay to show your vulnerability. There’s power in that.” • • In wrapping up Crohns & Colitis Awareness Week, I have to say thank you to every single person who was brave enough to share their stories and experiences throughout this week.💜 • • I know talking about bathroom trips, pain, weight fluctuation, medications, mental health, etc. is not always easy. It took me years to get to where I am in being comfortable to share parts of my journey with people and the internet dot com. • • But don’t stop now! We need people raising awareness for IBD every single day of the year. We need people’s eyes and ears focusing on the struggles and experiences we go through to advocate for changes that can help us, to fundraise for research for cures and medications to help us, and to help newly diagnosed patients get information they need and connect them to this amazing community of IBD warriors. . . . . . #crohns #crohnie #crohnsdisease #crohnsandcolitis #colitis #ulcerativecolitis #crohnswarrior #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #ibd #ibdwarrior #ibdsuperheroes #friendswithcrohns #spoonie #chronicillnesswarrior #ibdawareness #invisibleillness #crohnsawareness #invisibleillnessawareness #invisibleillnesswarrior #ccawarenessweek #ccawarenessweek2020 #ibdawarenessweek #ibdawarenessweek2020 #ibdvisible https://www.instagram.com/p/CIhdJQZjXYK/?igshid=1vkxcbd8owkvj
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crohnicallyfab · 4 years
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CROHNS & COLITIS AWARENESS WEEK 💜 • • Today’s topic: Advocacy • • I never knew the power of sharing my experience until I did it. I was never really ok or comfortable with living with Crohns until I finally started talking about it. I realized that in sharing my story I was able to connect with others who have been through or are going through similar things. And it’s been life changing. • • Now, I’ll talk about my experiences any time. I’m so passionate about raising awareness for IBD because of how so many people across our world are living with it, just like me. • • I fundraise because I believe there is a cure for IBD out there and we need to find it. I share my experiences to show people they are not alone. I volunteer to build our community, to fight for better treatments, but to make a change, and to show others they can still have a full and happy life while living with IBD. ❤️ . . . . . . . #crohns #crohnie #crohnsdisease #crohnsandcolitis #colitis #ulcerativecolitis #crohnswarrior #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #ibd #ibdwarrior #ibdsuperheroes #friendswithcrohns #spoonie #chronicillnesswarrior #ibdawareness #invisibleillness #crohnsawareness #invisibleillnessawareness #invisibleillnesswarrior #ccawarenessweek #ibdawarenessweek #ibdawarenessweek2020 #ccawarenessweek2020 #ibdvisible https://www.instagram.com/p/CIcQLnBj--Q/?igshid=1iwyqfk9u0ggg
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crohnicallyfab · 4 years
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CROHNS AND COLITIS AWARENESS WEEK 💜 • • Today’s topic: Stress 😣 • • As if being diagnosed with something with no cure isn’t stressful enough, it doesn’t stop there. There are so many situations around my Crohns that cause me unnecessary stress. • • I know I’ve shared my step therapy story multiple times, but costs and insurance is probably some of my biggest stresses when it comes to IBD. I’m always worrying what things are going to cost even with insurance. The medication I take costs anywhere from $20-26k per injection... yes THOUSAND. And without copay assistance for the injections, there’s zero way I could ever afford it. We pay almost $1000 in insurance premiums each month and still have a $5,000 deductible. So about 40% of my pay goes to insurance and then we still have to pay the deductible. It’s exhausting. But it’s what we do to keep me living with a decent quality of life. • • Then there’s the stress that comes with never knowing when my Crohns is going to decide to flare. I’ve never been in remission for more than a year since I was pregnant with my daughter. (I’m getting close currently so hoping not to jinx it...) 🤞🏻 • • And the worst part is that stress is my biggest Crohns trigger... so that doesn’t help either. 🙃 • • How do you deal with the stress your chronic illness causes you? . . . . . #crohns #crohnie #crohnsdisease #crohnsandcolitis #colitis #ulcerativecolitis #crohnswarrior #autoimmunedisease #chronicillness #ibd #ibdwarrior #ibdsuperheroes #friendswithcrohns #spoonie #chronicillnesswarrior #ibdawareness #invisibleillness #crohnsawareness #invisibleillnessawareness #invisibleillnesswarrior #ccawarenessweek #ibdawarenessweek #ibdvisible #ibdawarenessweek2020 #ccawarenessweek2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CIZtNrjjKXk/?igshid=14p3ul69vhokv
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