#from there they talk about romani archaman and solomon... maybe bond over talking about him... then kscope tells gudako that romani in anot
mako-neexu · 2 years
The mushroom dropped information about Zelretch being canonically a student of Solomon...
i want to write Zelretch and Gudako interaction right now so they could talk about the dear doctor and greatest mentor... aka an extremely important person who changed their lives
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magicjesuscup · 5 years
FGO Fic 1
Summary: I didn’t like the way the first part of Fate/Grand Order ended, so I fixed it.
Pairing: female master x Romani Archaman
Warnings: Spoilers for Solomon, mention of death, depiction of depression and grief
Notes: The only reason I say female master is because of some pronouns; if you can ignore those you can read it as a male master. This is SFW. I also wanted to throw Hans in this because it looks like he’ll be the first servant I get to bond 10.
Please don’t repost, but feel free to reblog with comments; it’s a lot easier to see feedback when it’s not in the tags. Replying and/or likes are also valid. :)
I was lying on my bed and staring up at the ceiling when I heard the door open. There were quite a few servants who never knocked, so I wasn’t sure who it was until he spoke.
A deep voice that couldn’t have belonged to anyone but Hans Christian Andersen inquired, “Why aren’t you at the party?”
As I considered his question, I rolled Roman’s gold ring between my thumb and pointer finger. It was a little cold since I was wearing it on a chain around my neck. It was strange to me that after Roman returned his rings to god, god took Roman rather than the rings. That was backwards, wasn’t it? It did give me something to remember him by, but I would have preferred to have taken Roman back with me.“I don’t feel like celebrating.”
“Saving humanity is an accomplishment. When I finish a manuscript, I do a victory lap around Chaldea completely naked; you could stand to gloat at least a little.”
That was probably intended to make me laugh. Normally, it would’ve worked to some degree, but today, it failed to make me crack a smile. “I didn’t defeat Goetia. Roman did.” I closed my fist around the doctor’s ring and brought my hand down to my chest.
Hans sighed. Time for a different approach. “I need help finishing it.”
“Finishing what?” My voice was flat and empty.
I saw him cross his arms over his chest in the corner of my eye. “Your story. I told you I was going to write it, remember?”
“Aren’t gruesome tragedies more Shakespeare’s genre?”
“I wrote it for children, so I took a few creative liberties with it.”
It was my turn to sigh. However, I knew there was no way to talk my way out of it. I pushed myself into a sitting position and moved my legs over the side of the bed. “Alright. Let me take a look.”
Hans puffed his chest out, probably proud that he was the only person in Chaldea to succeed in getting me out of bed. “It’s in the other room.” He was already headed for the door.
I sighed again and dragged myself to my feet. I hadn’t eaten much in the past few days, but my body felt heavier than ever. My feet dragged across the floor as I followed the tiny man. At first glance, the hallway seemed deserted. I was a little relieved everyone was busy with the party; I wasn’t really in the mood to talk to anyone. All I wanted was to give Hans some feedback or suggestions to end the interaction as soon as possible and return to my bed. Maybe I’d switch things up and try laying in the fetal position for a while. On my way to where Hans was leading me, I felt the presence of some servants I had bonded strongly with lingering in the hallway just outside my bedroom. Knowing I didn’t want company, they must’ve taken spirit form so they could stay close. I was sure they wanted to make me feel better. However, I was also certain they either didn’t know how or already knew there was nothing they could do. My heart felt like it was being pinched. I tried to ignore it as I finally turned into the room where Hans left the book. I stopped in the doorway. What the hell was this? All seven grails I had acquired in each singularity I corrected was placed in a large circle in the middle of the room. At the center of the circle was a book. Well, the book wasn’t in the exact center; it was closer to the grails from America, Camelot, and Babylonia. “How bored were you?”
His response was a small grunt to let me know he had heard me. After a few seconds of silence, it was apparent he didn’t intend to give me an explanation for this strange set up.
I walked into the grail circle, sat with my legs crossed, and pulled the book into my lap. It was red with a gold spine and boarder. The book also had a blue gem on the lock. However, the thing that stood out about it most was its weight. “How long is this?” I asked, dismayed.
Hans rolled his eyes. “Just skip to page 5,062. You’ll need to read the last page or so, so you can help me with the rest.”
As I flipped through the pages, I noticed some illustrations of servants who had helped me throughout the singularities. That would’ve been another thing that would normally have made me smile. Today, though, I felt no comfort. When I finally found the page I was looking for, I began to read.
’It was Ritsuka’s-’
I took my eyes off the book and turned my attention to Hans. “Who’s Ritsuka?”
“You. The name change was one of my creative liberties.” He considered me carefully. “Does it bother you?” It looked as though he was thinking about changing it right then and there.
“No, it’s fine.” My voice was still devoid of emotion, but not because I was secretly disappointed. I was just tired. I had been tired for days. I returned to reading.
‘It was Ritsuka’s indomitable spirit that saw her through saving humanity, and it was this same spirit of hers that called her to move forward. She was no fool. She knew well what was possible and what was not. Solomon, and Romani Archaman by extension, had been permanently removed from history. However, he continued to exist through her.
The sound of metal hitting tile rang through the room as Ritsuka placed each of Solomon’s grails around her in a circle. If the greater grail was capable of reincarnating a heroic spirit, then surly seven grails would be enough to create a human vessel resembling Romani to house her memories of him. He had been dead for days, but she had a year’s worth of memories. She could still picture him clearly. She remembered the sound of his voice, his enthusiasm for his favorite internet idol, the brilliance he displayed while analyzing situations and enemies to keep her safe, the way he frequently pulled all-nighters completely dedicated to seeing her though the grand order, the way he smiled when she finally returned, the way he held her in his arms when they finally found a moment alone, and too many mannerisms and quirks to list in writing.
With her task complete, she stood among the grails holding Solomo’s ring. Normally, the sacrifice of six to seven servants was required in order to trigger its wish granting mechanism. Despite having enough willing servants, she decided to use the ring as a catalyst instead. Surely a ring from god would be sufficient. She dropped it into the nearest grail.’
The text stopped there. I looked up at Hans. My heart was pounding for what felt like the first time in centuries. “Will that really work?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. Like I said, the story isn’t finished. What will you do? What happens next?” Hans walked to me, took the book, and returned to where he was standing outside the circle. When he looked at me again, there was an intense curiosity in his eyes. “Show me how this story ends.”
I moved my hands to my necklace and unclasped it. Holding the gold ring, I slid the chain way from it. I pushed the chain into my pocket with my left hand as I dropped the ring into the grail I obtained from Babylonia with my right hand. Having spent so much time in the age of gods, I figured it would be the most likely to react. And react it did. After mere seconds, it began spewing black smoke. The grail from the Camelot singularity began doing the same, only its smoke was red. This continued for each grail until the grail from Orleans released its green smoke.
I could hear my heart pounding in my ears as the smoke began to mix and form a column on the other side of the circle. Some patches of the smoke flashed a lighter color as if lightning was running through it. It ended suddenly when all of the smoke turned into a white fog. When the mist cleared, a man resembling Romani stood looking at the palms of his hands. I watched, paralyzed where I sat, as he turned his hands over and proceeded to press them to his chest as if he couldn’t believe he was physically there.
I got to my feet. “Roman?” It was hard to breathe. Swallowing hard, I forced myself to ask, “Are you really there?”
Roman’s green eyes turned to me. He looked down at himself briefly as if he was checking before he answered, “I think so.”
My legs were trembling as I walked over to him. I cupped his face in my hands. His cheeks were soft and warm. My vision blurred as tears began to gather.
Roman bent over a bit so he could rest his forehead against mine. His voice was low and calm, and I could hear his smile in his tone. “Thank you for surviving and coming back.”
I pulled him into a hug and proceeded to ugly cry into his shoulder. The odds of me forming a sentence right then and there were exactly zero, but at least I felt like I could breathe again.
Romani held me tightly until I calmed down. When my gross sobs had reduced to mere sniffles, he gently pulled himself away so he could see my red eyes and tear streaked face. He looked at me with affection and concern. “Do you want to lay down for a while? You look like you could use some rest.”
I felt a little light headed; my scant diet from the past few days had finally caught up to me. I shook my head and opened my mouth to answer, but my stomach responded for me with a bear-like growl.
He laughed. It was the best sound in the world. “Well, the party’s still going on; they probably still have some food left. Why don’t we go down there and see?” His gloves became damp as he dried my tears.
I closed my eyes and nodded. I felt his lips brush against the bridge of my nose. The door suddenly creaked opened. My eyes snapped open and both Romani and I whipped our heads towards the source of the sound. We saw Hans’s silhouette in the doorway. His back was to us. I was grateful for that because he was completely naked. He proceeded to throw his hands in the air and bolt down the hallway.
“Or,” Romani suggested after a moment of wide-eyed, stunned silence, “we can wait here until the hall clears.”
After hearing the shocked screech of an unsuspecting servant not too far away I agreed, “Waiting sounds good.” I looked back to Romani. My heart felt warm and I felt like I had more than enough energy to brave the seven singularities and face Goetia all over again.
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demialwrites · 5 years
Just Two Kids
Note: I really wanted more of Solomon/Dr. Roman, so here is something based on him not being erased from the Throne of Heroes and subsequently being summoned a servant. Also, I made up the idea that bonding to your Servant could be done by having sex with them.
Solomon tapped his black-painted fingernails on your bedroom furniture as he waited. Tap, tap, tap across your wooden desk. He wondered what you did here every day. Tap, tap, tap across a shelf on your tall bookcase. He wanted to crack open a book and read it. His steps led him to the closed doors of your closet and he stopped there. Looking at your clothes was too intimate and you might not appreciate that. Because he was a guest here. A guest here in this decade, actually. And you did not invite him, which made him wonder if he would be dismissed at any time. No, your parents had summoned him as a Caster servant for you. Solomon sighed and sat on your bed, before arranging his red, black, and white robes under his butt to avoid wrinkles. Maybe you would let him wear something more modern if you let him stay. Your voice rang distantly through the house as you argued with your parents. "Where are they?!" you suddenly screamed. That was anxiety-inducing. He lifted a hand to scratch the back of his neck beneath his long, white hair. Bringing his hand down, his hair got tangled between his fingers. He pulled them out, itching to put all of it up in a ponytail. Or a bigger braid or something. You threw open the door then slammed it shut behind you, angrily sighing. "Master!" he greeted you, standing up. You walked past his innocent smile and began to pace at the foot of the bed. "T-they hid my suppressants!" you exclaimed, throwing your hands up in the air. "Ugh." He frowned, confused. "What do you mean? Also, maybe you should sit...?" He gestured to the bed. "I guess," you replied, sitting. Solomon sat next to you. He nervously turned one of his ten gold rings around over and over. "So I'm an omega," you blurted, apparently needing to get the situation off your chest. Your servant seemed nice enough to talk. "And my parents hid my suppressants. Because...they want me to have sex with you." He began to sweat. "What?" "Well...they said it would bond us since I wasn't raised as a mage because of the omega thing and..." You continued to ramble as his ring picked up speed around his finger. The sweat didn't stop coming. You explained that your parents were terrified that another mage/Servant team would track you down and kill you without protection. Which was a solid concern, he agreed inwardly. And your parents were banking on Solomon being an alpha, as most Servants were. You stood up near the end of your spiel. "You must have had sex right? As king? I heard you had a big harem. Just do it. Let's get this over with!" "Ummm..." The man Solomon was when was first alive seemed like a lifetime ago since he worked for Chaldea. Which it was. It was even weird being called Solomon, not Dr. Romani Archaman. "Ummm," he repeated, inwardly sifting through his knowledge for another way to bond Master to Servant. He visibly deflated when he found nothing and you appeared to panic. "B-but we can't do that yet! You're not even in heat!" he hurried to add. "I will be," you said in a decisive tone. Solomon suddenly stood. "Can't you take refuge with the church? Wouldn't you be safe there?" "No, my parents say they don't trust them. They're convinced I'm as good as dead if I leave this house without you." "I see," he replied, sitting back down. A thought popped into his head then; that he wished he'd never been born an alpha. Then maybe he wouldn't have had to be king against his wishes and...that's when he usually dismissed that thought. He never would have worked at Chaldea and met everyone. That time was something he would never give up. "Okay," you said, "but you can do this right? And be gentle...?" You looked like you were drowning and hoping he would throw you a lifesaver with what he said next. "Yes!" he blurted. He patted the bed. "Sit, please. Try to calm down." You did. He made an attempt to talk you through it but there wasn't much to say. Things were decided for the both of you. You didn't truly feel your heat coming on until Solomon started glancing down towards your pelvis area. He nibbled his bottom lip, smelling it on you. "It's time," you stated. "You make it sound like you're about to give birth," he tried to laugh. Your eyes flew wide. He rapidly waved his hands in front of him. "No, no! Servants are sterile!" "Oh. Good." He would not be getting you pregnant. "Not ready to have kids yet, then...?" "Umm, no?" Lust was taking over his mind, along with the intense desire to put pups in your belly. Even though he wasn't technically able to. His judgement momentarily clouded, he reached for you with two open hands. Come sit on my lap, was what he wanted to say but he lost confidence at the last second. Scratching the back of his neck and sweating some more. "...Solomon?" The layers of his clothing were weighing down his erection. His head pounded in time with his cock. He forgot his nervousness, fisted his hand in your shirt, and pulled you in for a kiss. "I want to...my knot...you," he breathed when you broke for air. "Yes. Please." You chased his lips for more and grabbed at his sleeves, looking for guidance. Solomon chose to guide you back onto the bed instead of having you on his lap. "Leave this to me, okay?" he said, kissing your forehead. He gathered his hair in one hand and threw it back over his shoulder. "I want you, Solomon," you said, tugging on his clothing. "That's the heat talking," he joked, "but that's okay." He gently pried your fingers off his clothes to undo the front of them and let them slide down to pool at his knees. Though practiced at taking that outfit off, it still took too long for his throbbing cock. He could smell your slick soaking through your panties and nibbled his lip again just imagining what your pussy looked like. He left his gold jewellery and tattoos adorning his pale brown body. Your heat must have loosened your tongue because you purred, "Beautiful," eyes roaming all over him. He blushed. They stopped at his dark brown cock, standing up from a puff of white hair. You reached for it immediately. "Not yet," he said apologetically, taking your hand away. You whined and he shook his head with a smile. You were pouting and cute. He could have kissed that cute face but you looked like you were about to turn the tables on him for slowing down. "Your clothes, first," he said, pulling on your bottoms. He helped you take off your clothes, to which you said, "Thanks," awkwardly. Solomon's pale gold eyes were wide at how wet you really were when he pulled your panties from your pussy. His lips parted, tongue poking out. He could have started drooling. "Solomon?" you begged, hot with embarrassment and also because of your heat. "Right, right!" There was your leaking slit, empty and aching. Keeping one hand on your thigh, he pushed a finger inside you. More whining, as you bucked against the finger. Only getting a taste and needing more. The ring rubbed your entrance in just the right way and your mouth relaxed open with a moan. That face had him kissing you, hard. You broke the kiss just to demand, "More." He gladly gave you another finger. And a third slipped in easily. You were already so open to him. His cock throbbed hard in response so he pulled his fingers free to crowd you into lying back. He covered your body with his, lining up his cock, and slipping it inside you, his knees edging your thighs open. Solomon groaned loudly at finally being sheathed inside. "Fuck, Solomon," you gasped, one big step closer to getting the knot you craved. "Feels good?" he asked, his eyes searching your face. "Yeah." "Please let me know if it hurts. I'll stop." Solomon's hair fell around you in curly locks, framing his concerned expression. "I trust you." He locked lips with you after hearing that and began rocking his hips against yours. You puffed into his mouth but he refused to stop kissing you, demanding entrance. He sped up, causing you to moan so he finally left your mouth to keep his forehead pressed to yours. You both closed your eyes and lost yourselves in the act. You opened your eyes when you heard his soft moans. Then he groaned, lips stretching wide in an O-shape. His hips stopped. You frowned in concern. "Um?" Solomon explained with an embarrassed smile that his knot had already expanded. To which you tested in response, wiggling your hips back and forth. Your walls tugged on his knot, causing him to hiss in pain. His seed dribbled from around his length and tickled its way towards the bed. He thought he saw disappointment in your face so he distracted you by having you rub your clit. You weren't disappointed at all. His knot rubbed pleasurably inside whenever one of you moved. He had been a gentleman the whole way, keeping your comfort in mind. You didn't expect your orgasm to hit as hard as it did, with Solomon crying out in pain as your walls clenched around his spent cock. "Solomon?!" you asked in panic. "It hurts. B-but that's okay!" he was quick to add. There was some pleasure with the pain but that was an extra detail he felt best left out. Most alphas can go multiple rounds but now was not the time. Pregnancy had never been the goal. He held your hips, keeping where you were joined still, as he lay next to you on the bed. To let you both rest. He sighed. The silence left space for your mind to wonder, What now? Maybe that could be decided later. With a yawn, you closed your eyes to relax with the pleasant drowsiness. Your Servant was silent or so you thought. Did you enjoy yourself? You were startled, hearing Solomon's voice but dreamily and not through your ears. We are bonded now. I can speak to you in secret. Telepathically. You opened your eyes to find him smiling, pleased with himself. It was cute. He brushed all his curls back from his face and snuggled closer into the pillow. Still smiling at you. He reached over and stroked your cheek with the back of his hand. Your Servant couldn't believe he got a Master as lovely as you. He was foolishly falling for you and you weren't far behind.
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