#ft a tiny bit of eugene
barblaz-arts · 2 years
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Since they turned Fester's lightbulb gag into actual electric powers in the show, what if we take Pugsley's love for bombs and have him be pyrokinetic?
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feeling--pink · 2 years
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Hello and welcome to a new thing I’m doing where I assign a bunch of characters I like a sticky note color then draw them in an attempt to get myself to draw daily!! Week 1 was Drawtectives themed and hey it’s working so far!! :D
Anyways ‘cause I like to talk about my thought process I’m going to do that under the cut so I’m not taking up too much space on your dash!
1. Rosé
I’ve had a pretty bad creative block recently so getting myself to draw hasn’t been the easiest, so for the start of this week I wanted to start simple!! Rosé’s a character I adore and I draw her a LOT so if anyone was going to help me break through this block it would be her! So nothing too interesting here, just a simple pose and a character I love!! I did learn that sticky notes aren’t the most durable under water colors though so when I started lining too early it messed up the texture a bit as you can see!
2. Jancy
Again nothing too hard here!!! Found a nice pose reference online and tried my best to imitate it, also ft. Joe Beans because I LOVE truebeans but knew I wouldn’t get to draw Joe this week so I wanted to do a little thing!!
Again nothing too hard here!!! Found a nice pose reference online and tried my best to imitate it, also ft. Joe Beans because I LOVE truebeans but knew I wouldn’t get to draw Joe this week so I wanted to do a little thing!!
3. Felix
Goodness I ADORE everything about Felix!! I had a reference image in mind for this but unfortunately it wasn’t working so I just did a thumbs up pose cause it was getting late (it was late for ALL of these lol)
4. Ogalvy
Ogalvy. Need I say more?
Nah I just love this kid and it was another rushed one but I think I did it in like 30 minutes which is pretty cool if I do say so myself!!
5. York
Okay I’ve been wanting to use these reference pictures for AGES:
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Figured now was a good a time as any!! Plus I got to use GLITTER GLUE so I’d say it was great!!
6. Grendan
So my Saturday was SUPER BUSY or at least I made it that way cause I decided to finally work on a sewing project for my brother I’d been putting off for 4 months and I was seeing a show later that day so I did this in like 10 minutes and posted right at 11:59 to keep my streak! Sad I didn’t get to finish them but I want to be more comfortable posting my not completely finished works so it’s a step in that direction!
7. Eugene
I just love him, wanted to do a tiny bit of rim lighting with my white pen and break out the glitter glue again, that’s it!
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ladyfawkes · 3 years
A Murder of Snows by LadyFawkes Chapter 2/5 - The Toboggan Incident Current word count: 4278 Story Summary:
Cassandra teases Eugene one too many times about his dislike for snow. Rapunzel’s since been made aware of what the main reason is but she doesn’t know many others that Eugene has yet to divulge. He gives at least 5 examples that include reasons for him to loathe these tiny ice crystals. Each story is successively worse than the previous one.
Chapter Two: The Toboggan Incident
One winter some time after Eugene and his friend Arnie had left the orphanage, the pair were trudging along on a comparably nice-ish day. It had snowed an awful lot the prior weekend, but that day, the sun was shining bright. The air wasn’t frigid and as such, Arnie and Eugene each got a bit stir crazy inside their little warm cave setup in the mountainside. Arnie and Eugene were originally going to head into town when they caught sight of a small child struggling with a toboggan. The little girl had been on the mountain a few times over the past several weeks, ever since she’d received the shiny new toboggan at Christmas.
Eugene and Arnie had originally watched and envied the child because of her family and warm home. But they also knew the other local children made fun of her too. This little girl actually walked with a pronounced limp and all of the others refused to play with her based on that one thing alone. Even her elder brother who was supposed to be watching over her, making sure she wouldn’t fall over or injure herself, would often go off with friends his age rather than minding his younger sister. He typically abandoned her to play alone.
And though he couldn’t explain why, Eugene felt….an obligation to watch over this little brunette whenever her brother would ditch her, so she wouldn’t be left alone on the mountain. Arnie wasn’t so sure….at times young Arnie and Eugene marveled at the cruelty of children, no matter their living circumstances.
After about the third time the girl’s brother ditched her, she had spotted Eugene and Arnie in the trees, watching her. The boys fully expected her to yell at them, to chase them off. Even though they wouldn’t dream of bothering her, she hadn’t known that.
“Hulloooo!!” the girl raised a mittened hand, waving grandly as she could with her feet nearly stuck tight in the fresh powder. “I’m Chelsea! What are your names?” Eugene and Arnie momentarily stared at each other in shock. Townie children were typically encouraged by their parents and others to ignore “street urchins” like Arnie and Eugene. It was a minor miracle that this girl was speaking with them so freely.
“Uh, I’m….Flynn?” said Eugene, giving an alias just in case. “And I’m Lance!” replied Arnie, waving his own arm. The pair continued to watch Chelsea for a few more moments.
“Hey, erm, are you stuck in the snow? Did you need some help climbing out?” asked Eugene as he slowly made his way down the slope. The snow slid easily and sections of it would cascade like shiny bits of frozen sand with each step he took. Chelsea held up her arms and looked down at her lower body, now hip-deep in the white powder.
The girl held up her arms and looked down helplessly at her trapped lower body and shrugged in consternation at her predicament. “Yes, please!!”
“C’mere and hold onto the toboggan, Lance,” said Eugene. At that, Arnie made his way down the mountain in Eugene’s trail. Then Arnie stood off to one side and steadied the sled as Eugene instructed Chelsea to grab the line attached to the toboggan and hold tight so it could help tow her out. Then Eugene reached down in the white powder and unstuck one of Chelsea’s feet and then the other, until the little girl was very sloooowly sliding downhill again, this time on her belly and elbows against the toboggan, with her freshly unstuck feet flailing happily behind her as she laughed.
Arnie and Eugene met the girl at the bottom of the slope and Chelsea stood up to her full still-tiny height and unhesitatingly threw her arms around Eugene.
“Oh, thank you, Lance and Flynn!” she said, her voice wavering. “My big brother Joshua is supposed to be minding me buuuuut he would rather be with his own older friends,” sniffled Chelsea. “I guess I can’t blame him. I am an annoying little tagalong. Mum is busy inside with the babies.” Eugene’s face bunched up in a scowl.
“If you were my little sister, I’d never leave you out here alone,” he vowed. “Yeah,” agreed Arnie, “we know too well what dangers can lay in wait up here on the mountain.”
Unhesitatingly, Chelsea brightened up and invited them to stay and play with her that day, working out a way to exchange towing and other similar services for downhill rides on her new toboggan. After an awkward pause, she could tell they were about to turn her down…..when she instead asked them to wait. She limped across the base of the mountain and into a warm-looking cottage a few hundred yards away.
After a few minutes, a plump sweet-looking woman followed Chelsea out the back door. “Mama, this is Flynn and Lance,” she began, “and they helped me out of the snow after Joshua left me alone. I’m sure I would’ve frozen to death!” she held a hand to her forehead dramatically.
Chelsea’s mother took one look at the boys in their worn-out coats, gloves with holes in the fingers, and ground down shoes. They had much more snow caked on all over in places where there shouldn’t be any….yet they hadn’t the proper gear to keep out the snow. The pair felt a bit embarrassed by her scrutiny.
“Thank you for helping Chelsea,” the girl’s mother said seriously. “Any particular reason why you stopped for her?” she quizzed.
Eugene looked at her in confusion. “We were on the mountain. Saw that she was stuck and clearly needed help. We asked, Chelsea said yes, and so we helped her,” he shrugged and said simply.
“So no thought of reward?” asked Chelsea’s mother.
“‘Reward’, ma’am?” Eugene echoed. “We’re only here at Chelsea’s request.” And the little girl nodded rapidly in confirmation.
“I see,” the woman replied, her countenance suddenly brightening considerably. “I’m Mrs. Thurgood. Do you boys know how to start a fire?”
“Uhh….y-yes? Ma’am?” said Eugene, wondering if this was a trick question.
“Then would you do us the very great honor of starting a fire in the outside stove?” She pointed behind and to their right toward a stand-alone brick hearth with a chimney a ways out from the home. “Everything you need -- flint, kindling -- is out there in that wood chest.” Arnie and Eugene proceeded to get a nice roaring fire started and were thawing out when Chelsea came back out of the cottage and said, “I knew she would like you!” Eugene and Arnie were accustomed to being hated and ran off upon first meeting much of the time.
Mrs. Thurgood returned outside, this time with a rather large bundle of winter clothing. “So long as you boys agree to mindin’ my Chelsea today, she says you may share her toboggan and I’ll let you keep this winter gear. Some of the gloves and mittens are missing their mates but if you both can find any items that fit you, you’re welcome to them. Mittens, gloves, mufflers, coats, and boots!”
Eugene and Arnie stared at one another in shock. “Ma’am, we didn’t do this for any reward.”
“Aye, Flynn, is it?” Eugene nodded. “You didn’t seek any reward so that’s why you’re getting one. Besides, these are castoffs, anyway; thus you’re helping me doubly -- this time by decluttering my home.” And the auburn-haired woman winked at them.
The two boys gaped at one another in awe after Mrs. Thurgood turned around to head back inside and Eugene dove for the pile of winter goods. Eugene and Arnie each found a handsome coat and hat. Although most children complained about wearing mufflers, these boys already appreciated just how warm they could be when properly worn.
Turns out that Mrs. Thurgood’s husband was a commissioned officer away at war. Joshua, a teen, could not be disciplined very well without his father around, especially when Mrs. Thurgood had to mind three other children under five years old. She paid the boys in meals and other perks for minding Chelsea and performing simple odd jobs outside while Mr. Thurgood was away. Mrs. Thurgood was such a kind gem, so unlike the other townie women. He and Arnie agreed they would never steal anything from Mrs. Thurgood.
A few weeks after Arnie and Eugene first rescued Chelsea, when the elder boy Joshua had time to stew over the fact that a couple of orphan children were effectively taking his place at home, thereby making him look bad and getting rewarded for it…..
On this clear day, after the weekend of blizzards, Chelsea wasn’t able to go outside with them. But Mrs. Thurgood was just fine with them borrowing and taking turns with the girl’s toboggan for the day, provided they returned it when they were finished. As such, that meant the boys were traipsing further up the mountain that day for longer sled runs. About an hour into their sledding, Eugene and Arnie had set up for another ride down the hill when they heard a whole bunch of shouting above them on the mountain.
Then they heard what seemed like a slipping-whoosh noise, followed by a deep rumbling.
“It sounds like thunder,” Arnie said, while the boys looked up into a crisp blue sky. Not a storm cloud -- nor any cloud, really -- in sight.
Then they heard some super-loud snapping and cracking sounds as the rumbling grew even louder. Finally, they looked upwards of themselves on the slope and they figured out what it was. A thick 10-ft rolling wall of snow came barreling down the mountain and swept away everything in its path. At the last second, in desperation, they turned the toboggan to face up-slope, and turned it upside down while attempting to shield themselves with it against the coming onslaught.
Poor Eugene and Arnie didn’t stand a chance. ~~~~~~~~~~~~((0))~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Wait, what?” Cassandra blinked in confusion. “How ever did you and Lance escape the avalanche??”
Again, Eugene nursed his hot cocoa, sipping strategically. “We didn’t,” he answered meaningfully, shrugging off her prying. [Slurrrrp.]
Cass glanced over at Rapunzel; the curly-haired woman threw her hands in the air in exasperation. Rapunzel, who knew that all she had to do was find the correct question, instead asked Eugene, “What happened post-avalanche? Certainly someone dug you out -- you’re sitting here with us now, after all,” the princess reasoned.
“That part I really couldn’t tell you,” Eugene replied. He kissed the back of Rapunzel’s hand. “But let’s see…..I remember cowering under the sled with Lance….and the horrendous thundering noise, the trees snapping like giant matchsticks, being engulfed and tumbling ass-over-teacups in a giant wave of snow.” He wasn’t expecting it, but a chill passed through Eugene as he shuddered at the memory. Briefly, he fell into reverie.
Cassandra wordlessly stood up to take Eugene’s empty mug from him, and surprised everyone by returning it to him with a refill. “Thanks,” he said quietly.
He accepted it from Cassandra gratefully, took a sip….and it helped Eugene far more than he thought it would. “The next thing I knew,” he continued his story, “I woke up in a warm bed with Mrs. Thurgood hovering over me. My left forearm was broken and splinted and I’d been knocked out and unconscious for the previous three days, apparently. The theory was that the toboggan probably smacked me on the arm and maybe side of the head during our tumble. I had a humdinger of a laceration in my scalp that required 20 stitches. Lance’s foot had caught a tree trunk on the way down the mountain and he got laid up too.”
“Whoa,” Rapunzel whispered. “So….do you…..do you have any idea what caused that avalanche?” she inquired timorously.
At that, Eugene’s expression darkened immediately from slightly sullen to downright pissed off. “Oh, we know exactly who caused it and why they did it,” he growled.
Cassandra was still in her rather relentless “poke the bear” mode of curiosity and thus kept egging him on. Though she wasn’t that great with emotions, instinct told her that she was doing the right thing by carefully encouraging Eugene to spill the tea with Rapunzel’s assurances.
“Do tell,” Cass spoke up, “is it anyone I know personally who caused it? If so, whose ass do I need to kick next week when we’re back in Corona?” She punched a fist into her palm.
Eugene’s eyebrows shot up in genuine surprise.
“What?” Cass asked after an awkward pause. “Nobody can mess with you but me,” she simply shrugged, cocking a hip and folding her arms in defiance.
Eugene’s eyes darted downward and he unsuccessfully smothered a grin with a hand that flew up to cover his mouth. He wasn’t accustomed to anyone being actively protective of him except for Rapunzel. Especially not over something that happened to him around 15 years ago…
He sighed, this time without rancor. “Remember Chelsea’s elder brother, Joshua?” Eugene asked as both women nodded. “Turns out he and a few of his best buddies were out to teach Lance and I a lesson for ‘messing with his family’, i.e. actually being responsible, minding Chelsea, and doing odd jobs for Mrs. Thurgood. So ol’ Joshie and his buddies decided that since we’d be flying solo without Chelsea that day, it’d be the perfect opportunity to bury their competition. Literally.”
Rapunzel and Cassandra gaped openly at him, this latest news was what they considered most shocking of all.
“.....what?” Eugene asked quietly, suddenly finding himself massively self-conscious due to their scrutiny. “As a kid on the streets, you get used to unmitigated hate from practically everyone,” he half-shrugged. Cass looked Eugene hard in the eye. On the flip side, Rapunzel’s eyes looked shiny with tears. She beckoned her beloved to switch from his place on the poufy chair and snuggle with her on the poufy loveseat instead.
Otherwise Eugene had just emigrated from the No. 1 Spot to the No. 2 Spot in the place. He was still good…..really, really good, especially with Rapunzel slipping her arm behind his back, somewhere between his shirt and his doublet. Then she leaned right in against him and with both her arms snaked around his waist, Rapunzel smooshed up against him that much closer by hooking her thumbs through the opposite sides of Eugene’s belt loop. Typically, that would be a nookie signal from her...but at this time….as she took turns stroking his arm and hooking her thumb through his belt loop….he could sense that she felt bad for him.
Eugene glanced up again at Cassandra, who by now had raised her booted foot upon an ottoman and was sipping her own hot cocoa, studying him with renewed scrutiny.
And although Eugene usually liked a lot of attention, his goal was to be admired through said attention -- not pitied. If there was even a hint of pity, it made him squirm. His hands subconsciously balled into fists. Rapunzel’s head lifted off his chest and she said, “Your heart sped up. What is it?”
Eugene clamped his jaw tight shut for a few seconds before blurting, “Okay, see this? The way you two are looking at me, right now….” The two girls tried to share a glance without his noticing.
“What way?” asked Rapunzel innocently. “What look?” demanded Cass simultaneously with forced nonchalance.
Eugene groaned and his face fell into his hands. Out of the blue, Cassandra asked, “When was the last time you talked about your past this way?”
“Lessee,” Eugene took his head out of his hands using a finger to tap his lip and pretended to consider. “Uhm, approximately never,” he answered forcefully, his arms folding stoutly in front of himself, as if he were directly challenging her .
“Easy, whoa, Fitzcowboy,” said Cassandra as she cautiously held out her hands in front of herself. “I’m not trying to provoke you. It was an honest question.”
“No wonder this is so hard for you,” Rapunzel said, “if you’ve never told anyone about this stuff before.” She kissed his upper arm and nuzzled into it.
“I...guess I never thought about it before,” Eugene replied softly, his face dropping into his hands. “I just don’t want anybody to pity me. I can’t stand pity.” Cassandra and Rapunzel exchanged a look of incredulity. Cass urged Rapunzel to keep Eugene talking.
Rapunzel reached up and touched Eugene’s cheek. “Is that why you stopped mentioning most of your past? It was after Cass first started mocking you, wasn't it?” Eugene pressed his lips together and stayed silent while further burying his face in his hands; Cassandra swallowed hard, visibly sank ,and looked sideways toward the floor under Rapunzel’s careful gaze.
“I…..I suppose I might have misjudged you, as a person….” glancing back at Rapunzel out of the corner of her eye, the blonde woman egged her on. Cass clenched her jaw and mumbled, “....even more harshly than I originally thought.”
A very stunned Eugene slowly came out from behind his hands to stare at Cassandra. She was studiously trying (and failing) to ignore his own gaze. Again, Rapunzel urged Cass to just….spill the tea already.
“The past few weeks, Fitzherbert, you’ve made it increasingly difficult for me to find reasons to despise you. First, you haul off in the middle of a cursed blizzard to rescue the King and Queen. Second, even though you and the other guys were waiting for Rapunzel’s blessing to go, something tells me that you would’ve found a way to leave anyway, had she refused you. Third….just these past two stories of yours alone let me know you’ve got every reason to loathe snow; yet just weeks ago, you hauled off in a blizzard, were hit by an avalanche, and fell off a mountain, all in one trip. And yet fourth -- here you are with us in the mountains during winter.” Finally, Cassandra paused and said, “I don’t know that I could personally keep subjecting myself to what amounts to my own worst fear at such a level.”
For a few seconds, Eugene studied the dark-haired young woman. The past several minutes, she’d spoken more kindly to him than she had during the prior several months since they’d met combined. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of it all. Good thing Rapunzel knew.
“Would you two just call a truce, already??” Rapunzel demanded impatiently, causing both Eugene and Cassandra to grin warmly, and glance away from each other self-consciously in spite of themselves.
“How can we possibly say no to that?” Eugene shrugged. “Search me,” Cass replied, as she walked across the room. She and Eugene shared the secret truce handshake that Rapunzel had taught them at the beginning of their friendship.
“I suppose that means it’s time for story No. 3,” continued Eugene. “This time, we’re back at the orphanage….”
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scullysexual · 4 years
Charlee’s Solo X-Files Rewatch: 01x03: Tooms
Yeah there’s no board this week because I forgot to make one and I’m almost on my period and can’t move. 
😊 = Yes.
😞  = No.
😡 = It happens/it appears and I’m not happy about it.
❌ = It doesn’t appears/happens and I can’t be sad about it. 
Case: Mulder and Scully investigate a series of killings were a one hundred year old man (or koala) can fit through impossibly small spaces.
Monster: Eugene Victor Tooms.
Favourite Quote: Is there any way I can get it off my fingers quickly without betraying my cool exterior?
Would I recommend It: Yes! It’s great. If you wanted people to get on board with the MoW episodes this was a great way to go.
My Initial Thoughts: I don’t find this episode as creepy as other people do.
State: Maryland.
Special Minor Character of the Episode: Tom Colton.
Special Prop of the Episode: The Microfiche Projector.
Mulder’s Theory: A 100 year old serial killer is going around and overpowering 6 ft something men.
Scully’s Scientific Explanation: Genetic mutation.
Inappropriate Mulder Humour: That entire Reticulan speech.
Inappropriate 90’s Terminology:  😞
Scully’s Favourite Sentence(s): Are you suggesting I go before the Violent Crimes Unit…
Scully Doesn’t Suffer:  😡 (she gets attacked by Tooms
Mulder Drives: 😊
Scully Drives: 😊 (well, she’s sitting in a car that she must have driven over to the crime scene)
Brief Case Appearance:  😞
Sharing Glasses:  😞
Scully Says OMG:  😞
Scully Autopsy:  😞
Scully Smiles:  😞
Scully Writes a Report: 😊
Scully Ditch:  ❌
Scully Pyjamas:  😞
Scully Wears A Skirt:  😞
Stupid Tiny Gun Watch:  😡
Mulder’s Hand on Scully’s Back:  😞
Mulder and Scully Talk On The Phone:  😞
Scully Costume Change: 8.
 Below the cut are my thoughts throughout the episode. You don’t have to read them if you don’t want to. 
Awkward soft porn music…
Plot twist, it’s Pennywise in the drain.
So why didn’t the dude go grey when Tooms sees him? Were his Tooms eyes not working here?
Question: How is Tooms unscrewing the screw that should be screwed into a wall?
Tooms be strong. That door busted.
Oh look it’s this dick! Remember when Scully had friends then she met Mulder and he was her only friend.
She seems so far away from him. Good, stay away from him, Scully!
That’s a lie. He’s lying.
Yes let’s look at these possibly gruesome pictures while eating lunch. Great idea.
“Mrs Spooky…” that’s kinda cute.
You’re making everyone uncomfortable now, Mulder.
This scene is so stupid. Tom’s confused, Scully wants to die, and Mulder’s having the time of his life.
Omg Mulder is wearing gloves.
It could be a koala. Koala’s have ten inch fingerprints.
I love her outfit here.
She’s wearing the shirt from Ice.
So why is Scully doing the profiling? She’s a mEDiCaL dOcToR, not a profiler.
“Working in an area that’s a bit more down to earth” cue laughing. That’s not funny. That’s a shit joke. Don’t laugh at Scully, she’ll whoop yo ass.
Red pants, really?
Mulder got grandpa clothes on.
Remember when they requested backup?
What the fuck is that STANCE??? Someone give these two a LESSON please.
“She’s not in the car!” What?
Mulder shook that Sculls is right. Get used to it.
I don’t like this hairstyle Scully’s got going on…soz.
The worried look Scully gives Mulder.
Tooms has such a baby face.
Again, why is she profiling? That’s not her job!!!
This dude is worse than Tom, fuck me.
Do not shout at that woman you utter asshole.
She needs to fix that collar, it’s annoying me.
She doesn’t need you protecting her!!!! Piss. Off.
Hey, touch the necklace once and it works, don’t touch it twice.
Scully likes Mulder more than those other twats and I don’t blame her.
They sit any closer they be sitting on each other…not that I’m complaining.
But it could be a koala.
This is a nice house.
I would have been cooler had we not seen Tooms in the beginning. It makes sense to see him now though.
That’s a real dude going down that chimney. Also the bones popping…ew.
This dude looks like the other dude.
Can we maybe stop with the touching props that have relevance later please. Let me use my EYES.
Considering they had a load of beef with the director, that shot of Tooms coming out of the shadows was a really good shot.
And awkward slow-mo bit. Honestly, it’s so weird.
Scully doesn’t like you anymore, go away.
Or it could be a koala.
This thing is disgusting get it out of my face.
Ant-eye is such a foreign pronunciation to me. It always throws me off whenever I hear it.
A mood.
“Never was born.” I think you got your words mixed up.
“I’ve been waiting 75 years for you.” *cut to Scully*. I don’t think that shot was intended to be funny but it is and I laugh every time.
What is a Sheriff?
Mulder sitting on a poof.
I don’t know if that Tooms is doing is on par with the Holocaust like.
He got some livers finding in his boxes.
Omg he actually does I fucking forgot omg.
And he looks the exact same…shocker.
Pierre Paris…can you get anymore French than that?
Credit scene!
That’s a tiny ass room. My studio is bigger than that shit.
When she tucks the gun into her pants. Omg I am gay.
It’s adorable that Scully fits and Mulder is technically crouching.
Does he learn from touching bile? No he does not. At least he didn’t eat it.
Remember Scully’s necklace? No? Well it’s a good job Mulder touched it before. Now you remember.
“You got it…Spooky.” *cue laughter.* Honestly these jokes aren’t funny. Come up with funnier jokes if you’re going to laugh.
Do not come barging into a room that Scully is occupying and start shouting at her!!!
You just got told, Dickface!
I’d make a comment about Mulder talking to himself but I do that to so…
That’s an ugly ass phone. I don’t like it.
Is this the first time we see Scully’s apartment?
Also why does Tooms beeline for Scully anyway?
That’s unfortunate.
Why hasn’t she taken off her shoes yet?
Good job that person came out of that door at that moment otherwise he’d be stuck outside.
I really like how they work together to cuff him
Question: why doesn’t he just make his arm skinny and slip out of the handcuffs? I don’t think he knows he’ll get shot at the moment he goes for Scully again.
Tooms be the weird kid at the back of the class who be sniffing glue.
She touched him.
Final Thoughts: Tooms is creepy but I don’t find the episode creepy. That final shot with the music. I’m so glad Tom Colton never came back- or those other dudes- because they are all just assholes and I don’t like them. I like Squeeze, it can definitely hold my interest for 45 minutes.
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Shorter urn planters are a tiny bit a lot more popular. The stem to the urn is way shorter. You can purchase two of the same urn planters and put them at The underside from the stairs bringing about your front door. This can be a pleasant touch for people approaching your home. You could possibly even set them Firstly of the pathway on the front stairs so that they don't just welcome visitors but are seen to those who wander by your home.
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⮞ ft: eugene nguyen and miles edgeworth ⮞ words: 696 ⮞ tropes: android au, light angst ⮞ note: eugene belongs to @transike​​ ❤️ happy birthday!
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Eugene purses their lips in concentration as they make the finishing touches on the android lying on their workbench. It was filled with clutter all around in an attempt to save the android’s “life” and it seems like their hard work paid off due to his insides functioning properly. All they need is for him to wake up and he will be on his way back to his owner.
The owner of the android was Phoenix Wright, a regular at their repair shop. He was a human who was incapable of doing household chores due to a disability, so he adopted — Phoenix did not feel comfortable saying he bought — the android. So he named the bot Miles as if he were a human — like Eugene.
Phoenix thought of Miles as his own companion, not a piece of scrap that is meant to only say “yes” in a monotonous voice and act like there is nothing special to it.
In all of Eugene’s twelve years of being a mechanic, they had never seen such care towards an android. Hearing Phoenix’s story had opened up their mind towards androids more as well as humans who have good ethics towards them.
With Miles lying in front of them, they thought of him as a friend to talk to rather blatantly give out commands and show no empathy.
Eugene had his arm in their grasp as they felt Miles’ imitation skin, feeling his warmth. Their brows furrow due to examining his facial features, which then was engraved in their mind.
Eugene’s free hand runs their fingers over his dark gray hair which was surprisingly soft to the touch. His cheeks were dotted with hard-to-see freckles, which they admire the most. Eugene had thought that whoever made Miles had put time and effort into his model because they had never seen one of his kind look so effortlessly… stunning.
From afar, no one can tell that he’s not one of them.
Who knew an android could look so real? It can speak, act, and move like a human. So surreal how far technology has come.
Now, Eugene could gawk at Miles’ features all day but they had work to complete after fixing him up. They shook their head, gently setting his arm down and turned around to face the wall. They took a couple of steps forward, taking a deep breath and exhaling completely through their lips.
The wall clock not too far from where they were standing read 3:15 p.m., signaling that they should take a break. A thought crosses their mind about said android, but quickly brushed it aside for now.
Eugene amply makes their way through the door frame and when they make a couple of inches into the hall, they hear a soft clutter. Shivers ran down their spine as they turned their body slowly.
Eugene watches as Miles sits upright, eyeing the objects that accompany him and storing it in his database.
They sigh with a tiny smile on their face, approaching the table once more. Their arms were crossed over their chest while Miles does a face scan on them.
“Eugene, it is a pleasure to see you again.” Miles’ lips form into a tiny smirk. “Thank you for fixing me. I highly appreciate it.” His arms were situated on his lap and feet still while hanging off the edge of the bench.
Eugene murmurs a soft you’re welcome.
They cough a bit, ignoring the flutter that had resonated within their chest. Their mind swirls with the compliment and wondered what was wrong with them. Eugene moves their gaze to the side, anywhere but Miles’ still figure. They move their lips into a straight line, slowly getting lost in thought.
God, were they really…
“It is always a pleasure… Miles.” Eugene chuckles to themselves, giving him a gentle grin. “I am glad to see you up and running again. Phoenix will be so eager to see you again.” They reach forward to rest a hand on his shoulder.
His face then distorts into an unreadable expression. Eugene’s brows furrow, wondering why the android would react this way.
“Mr. Wright has gone missing.”
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