#ft. racism
chocobox · 1 year
not over seeing someone call iggy an "ugly red flag nickname that only people fetishizing colonization use" baby you know that's like . just what japanese fans call him right. like to this day
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sapphic-luthor · 2 months
i forgot what happened in s1 what was astra right about
believing it was necessary to take radical / illegal action to stop the planet from being destroyed (which she was imprisoned for and then the planet was destroyed), but then after her death non morphed her whole plan into “kill everyone everywhere” which obviously was Not Good lmao
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I have mistakenly scrolled through the fob tag (usually I am not this disappointed tbh) and I must be missing half the conversation because there are so many posts defending the tswift collab but like... without knowing what potential problems people actually have about it
"the fob fanbase is scared of the tswift fanbase" what "they've been friends for years" who is saying this stuff
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[The Daily Don]
What else to call a backwards confederacy designed to uphold white supremacy and the influence of small men?
* * * *
The social consequences of the Opus Dei court's rulings on admissions are devastating for America, accelerating the process of exclusion of minorities. A way must be found to overturn this decision or to circumvent it.
FT: Since the early 1960s, US institutions have sought to counter the lasting legacy of racial prejudice with “affirmative action” programmes to promote diversity in education and the workplace. That job is far from done. But the US Supreme Court has thrown a spanner in the works. Its ruling last week declared that admissions programmes at Harvard and the University of North Carolina that aid under-represented minorities violate the constitution’s guarantee of equal protection. “College admissions are zero-sum. A benefit provided to some applicants but not to others necessarily advantages the former group at the expense of the latter,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote.
The ruling is the latest assault on long-held liberal precedents by the six conservative justices who have also kneecapped federal environmental regulators and tossed out constitutional protections for abortion. Affirmative action is, though, not only a progressive cause: research demonstrates that diverse teams make better decisions that lead to better outcomes. Large employers underscored the economic benefits in a brief to the Supreme Court that unsuccessfully sought to defend the current system.
Universities and employers should not let this ruling end efforts to build inclusive environments and create greater equality of opportunity. History suggests that this will not be easy. Nine states have already banned affirmative action, and minority enrolment at their flagship universities has either fallen sharply or failed to keep up with demographic changes that were already bringing in more non-white applicants. If America’s top universities are to be the engines of progress and social mobility that the country needs, their admissions criteria also need to be redesigned. A shocking number of top US schools already admit more students from the top 1 per cent financially than the bottom 60 per cent.
Universities will have to step up their efforts to recruit from non-traditional backgrounds, and provide them with the funding and support they need to succeed. Increased financial aid and programmes aimed at helping first-generation college students navigate university life are a must.
Now that race cannot provide a generic boost, other factors, such as low income, overcoming adversity and succeeding despite a poor performing school, should gain more weight. Dropping the preferences for the children of alumni and donors would also make room for candidates from a wider range of backgrounds. Universities must also make full use of an exception Chief Justice John Roberts made in the Harvard decision. He wrote “nothing prohibits universities from considering an applicant’s discussion of how race affected the applicant’s life.” That should allow some leeway in a case-by-case basis.
Companies are not directly affected by this decision but will have to spread the recruitment net wider if top universities become less diverse. They also need to think hard about how to structure internal programmes that seek to give diverse candidates an extra boost. Reverse discrimination claims, which had fallen sharply from 2011 to 2021, are now on the rise again. Mentoring and leadership programmes aimed at specific races are especially vulnerable to challenge. But choices based on individual characteristics and needs — rather than tick boxes — ought to survive scrutiny. Liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor warned the ruling “will entrench racial segregation . . . because racial inequality will persist so long as it is ignored”. US educators and businesses have to make sure that does not happen.
[Financial Times]
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harvey-guillen · 1 year
my swiftie following taste is immaculate, no one on my list is defending recent godawful feminist-brand-negating decisions that send a clear message to poc fans in particular that abusive racial p*rn is ok as long as you laugh about it and didn’t know you were being recorded
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neon-danger · 2 years
And just so you know we live for porny chapters 🥰 you write them so well
This is all well and good but writing the same thing over and over is how gifted kids get burnout
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genderqueer-karma · 2 years
saw someone on tw*tter call mana-sama an "adorable lil guy" .
my brother in arms that is a 50+ year old average height man. where on god's green earth is it that that statement makes sense and is okay to say
EDIT: they also called him "smol" .
i swear they need to invent a slur for terminally online individuals like that person fr (/hj)
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crownconstellation · 1 year
im not going to add this to someone else’s post but in relation to prev rb, in this essay i will explain how im like 90% sure rune factory 3 was based off of fire emblem’s tellius duology—
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wraithdance · 1 month
Hall of Shame
& Helpful Links for Writing Diverse Fiction in Fandom
Because in a perfect world we wouldn’t need to keep having the same conversations about racism and inclusion in Fandoms.
The Why
On Anti Black Racism: Link 1 ; Link 2 Racism & Mistreatment in Fandom Spaces: Link 1 ; Link 2 ; Link 3 ; Link 4 Playing Dumb about non descriptive Readers: Link 1 ; Link 2 ; Link 3 ; Link 4 Because your PoC mutuals & followers asked for it: Link 1 ; Link 2 ; Link 3 The Gaz Erasure Debacle: Link 1 ; Link 2
How to Be Inclusive
Tips on inclusivity in Reader inserts:
Inclusive Writing & Recs List PDF's of Native American Stories & Topics Writing Poc Characters (the not cringe way): When writing about sex ft a Latinx person; Race vs. Ethnicity: Latinx is not a Race ; “When I walk into a church, I only see paintings of white angels. Why?” -Eartha Kitt | On inclusion in moodboards
B-But I’m An Ally! Unpacking Your Allyship
Ally Fatigue is NOT Real Please Get a Grip! On Oppression & White Responsibility
On tokenizing and writing intent
A helpful meme on playing Devils advocate:
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norts-trolls · 2 months
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You voted you got it!!! These are my Desert Gatcha Adopts Just. For. You!!!
Rolling is easy peasy like rolling slots!! All you need to do is DM me that you want to roll/autobuy and once I receive payment the RNG will decide which of these sweets you get to take home!!!
1 roll= 15 USD
Reroll= 5 USD
Don't want to gamble? Then you can
1/16 open!! As always payment is through Paypal and my rules are below!!
Desert list!
Blue raspberry Jollyrancher
Matcha Crepe Cake
Raspberry Sorbet
Green Apple Jolly rancher
Cherry Tart
Strawberry Tart
Whipped Cream
Banana Split
Snowball cake
Ube roll
Peach rings
Creme Brulee
Black Licorice
You must Credit me for the design
You may NOT edit my original work in any form or way.
You may change the design and species after you've bought the design, but must keep the design recognizable and Still leave me credit.
Gender and bloodcolor is ultimately up to the buyer.
You may not repost the original artwork to deviantart, instagram, or other social media/portfolio sites.
You can however store it in your deviantart sta.sh, post it to tumblr profiles, or upload it to websites like toyhou.se with proper credit. (Lil-Nort)
You may NOT resell, gifting is fine. Do inform me of who it has been gifted to so I may keep track for my ownership chart.
I can hold for 3 days max
Any future commissions of adopts brought from me will have discount.
DO NOT USE THE ADOPTS FOR GROSS STUFF ( hate messages, racism, N/FTS etc etc use common sense)
ADOPTS WILL NOT BE USED FOR COMMERCIAL USE. (you can however buy commercial use license)
Message me the word GAMBLING so I know you read the rules!
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we really thought this episode was gonna be a funny goofy monster episode but ended up with diet "i have no mouth and i must scream" ft. racism dooming the elites to death
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cybernatedbeholder · 3 months
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I take payment only through Ko-Fi
I wanted to make a more detailed but more expensive adoptable set, so here they are!
Bronze Skull -> 60$ SOLD
Purple Jester -> 80$ OPEN
Cerulean Hound -> 70$ ON HOLD
Gold Test Dummy -> 60$ SOLD
Adoptables rules below:
You must Credit me for the design
You may NOT edit my original work in any form or way.
You may change the design and species after you've bought the design, but must keep the design recognizable and Still leave me credit.
Gender and bloodcolor is ultimately up to the buyer.
You may not repost the original artwork to deviantart, instagram, or other social media/portfolio sites.
You can however store it in your deviantart sta.sh, post it to tumblr profiles, or upload it to websites like toyhou.se with proper credit. (Xonn)
You may NOT resell, gifting is fine. Do inform me of who it has been gifted to so I may keep track for my ownership chart.
I can hold for 3 days max
Any future commissions of adopts brought from me will have discount.
DO NOT USE THE ADOPTS FOR GROSS STUFF ( hate messages, racism, N/FTS etc etc use common sense)
ADOPTS WILL NOT BE USED FOR COMMERCIAL USE. (you can however buy commercial use license)
Message me the words 'Masks Off' so I know you read the rules!
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here2bbtstrash · 11 months
as promised, here it is: The Big Life Update Post (aka m where the hell have u been and what the hell is going on with this blog)
TLDR: went thru it, came out better for it, i love y'all. and we're getting back into this writing thing as i have the time and capacity 🥳
2023 has been a bit of a whirlwind, to put it very mildly. while the first three months started off relatively smoothly, my saturn return began in the middle of march. only a few short weeks after that... well, i'd basically say everything went off the fucking rails.
content warning: drama talk incoming ft. extremely brief mentions of racism and racist hate mail (no specific details shared).
i haven't spoken on this yet since everything happened, and i want to be explicitly clear that i won't be speaking on it further after this post. but i just want you to understand where i've been at since april.
i will own it entirely and say: i fucked up. i put content in a story that i shouldn't have, that i had no business speaking on, and i think people were well within their right to call me out on it, one hundred percent. however, after i went offline at the end of april, my friends ended up learning that the person who initially stirred up all of the "tea", and submitted the first several anonymous posts about me to a hate blog, was actually someone i knew well and considered a friend.
this was someone whose stories i gladly beta'd, someone i consoled through multiple hard moments in their life, someone i actually even met in person. yep. this was also someone who had read the chapter of my story that featured the problematic content when it was released, and proceeded to send me paragraphs upon paragraphs of how much they enjoyed it, and the story as a whole. this is not to say that people can't change their minds on content after sitting with it, not at all. but to think that i had been through so much with this person, done so much to be there for them, and that they never once gave me any reason to think we were anything other than close friends. yet ultimately, they didn't feel they could come directly to me... or find quite literally any other way of dealing with the issue?
instead, they chose to send multiple messages about me to a hate blog, as well as hateful anons to several of my friends, thinking that we wouldn't know it was them (we did). not only that, but their actions encouraged an actual torrent of racist hate mail to be sent to all of my non-white friends who publicly chose to support me. ultimately, they ended up admitting all of this, and still, they never once apologized or showed even a single iota of remorsefulness or responsibility for the onslaught of vitriol they incited. (even though, you know, this whole thing was supposedly about how racism is bad.)
and this user is still on the platform, operating under a new blog name and pseudonym. so. that's fun. 💀
i don't say this to beat a dead horse, or to drum up sympathy, because i promise i don't want it. it's been long enough, i understand the mistakes i made, and i've done my part to take accountability for my actions. but i needed to start this post here to have you all understand where i was at the end of april - just in time for yoongi's tour 🤪 - in many ways, i felt like i had no friends, at least none that i could really trust. i felt unsure who might have been acting one way to my face, perhaps even praising me, but talking different about me behind my back. and it was beyond fucking nervewracking to think that i would be meeting so many friends IRL for the first time, quite literally days after what essentially felt like a public execution.
i wasn't doing well, to say the least.
and then... the funniest thing happened.
y'all showed the fuck up for me. in droves. in a way that i have quite literally never experienced in my lifetime and doubt i ever will again. even recounting it now is lowkey giving me chills. i received, literally, yes i counted, hundreds of DMs from the most incredibly kind people- on tumblr, on twitter, on discord, in AO3 comments. the vast majority of you wrote paragraphs: about what my stories have meant to you, about how you found my blog to be a safe space in the noise of the world, about how much you'd enjoyed our time together here. so many of you said something along the lines of "even if you never come back here again, please keep writing". honestly, for like a week straight all i could do was read my DMs and cry and cry and cry.
i didn't receive a single hateful DM. not one.
as if that alone isn't more blessings than i deserve in an entire lifetime, i also, you know. saw five shows of agust d on tour. (my credit card is still recovering.) spent two of the best nights of my life in pit getting a water bottle baptism and screaming myself hoarse. and met dozens of incredible moots, who held me when i cried, scream-laughed with me, and of course, drank plenty of booze with me.
at a time where i wondered to myself if i even had a single true friend in this fandom (or, like, in the world), you all showed me that i had so much more. that we had so much more-- we had a community. and i believe we still do. and i am more than ready to block out all the shit that doesn't matter and get back to having some fun around here.
in short: thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you. if you sent me a sweet word, i promise you, i read it (and probably cried lmao). i wouldn't be doing any of this without you. i will never ever deserve all the love that you have shown me. but for as long as you'll have me, i'd love to have a fun stupid horny time in this little corner of the internet. as a part of our community. what a fucking gift it is. 🫶
phew. okay, so- that was april and may. it's november. what the fuck happened?
i knew i wanted to properly take time to get my head on straight before i found my way back to writing. what i wasn't expecting was to 1. fall in love, 2. get a new job, and 3. move myself and my cat approximately 800 miles across the country... but yeah, since the end of may, those 3 things are exactly what i've been doing!
i won't talk too much about my partner here, because our relationship is important enough to me that i want to keep it largely private, but my god. he is the most incredible human. i can't tell you how much of what i wrote out as silly little daydreams in my fanfiction has somehow manifested itself into this very real human being (like, it's kinda crazy lmao 🙈). i'm grateful for him every single day. and what makes it even more special is that we met for the first time in person while i was traveling for yoongi's tour - yep! he saw me going through so much upheaval, and fell for me all the same. just another thing i will never fully believe i deserve. but goddamn do i feel luckyyyyy 🥰
and in addition to my amazing partner (and in part because of him but honestly i had plans to move before i had even met this man it just happened to work out okay 🙄) i have also finally managed to do what i've been planning for the last year and a half, which is move my ass out of the southern suburbs where i'd been for nearly a decade, and to a ✨walkable city that actually has public transit✨ - what a fucking dream. i may have only been here 8 days, and i may not have much more to my name than my cat, my TV, and my mattress, but i swear to god, i've never been this happy in my entire life.
so yeah. exhale. like i said, it's been quite the year.
now i do want to end this with a small caveat, which is to say, i can't make a promise as to how much i can *be* here (particularly not compared to how terminally online i used to be lmao). i spent a lot of time online because i was unhappy and feeling very stuck with where i was in life, and i needed escapism, bad. now, i've finally gotten to a place where i'm excited to go out of my house and do things, but i still want to make intentional time for tumblr as a form of connection and community, and writing as a form of creative expression. these things are really important to me!!! i just ask that you give me some grace if i'm a little slow on the uptake. i promise i'm still here 🥰
and writing is gonna happen!!! i can't say much more than that, because tbh i haven't so much as opened a google doc since april, but i've been itching to get back to it. maybe.... we might start off....... with some........... drabble requests??? 👀 we'll see we'll see we'll see hehe.
in any case, i think that's more than enough for now 🤪 oh how i've missed babbling to you all, the gay people in my phone. i hope you're well, and if ya feel so inclined, i'd love it if you'd send me a comment or a DM on what you've been up to in the many months it's been since we've spoke! what's new in your life? what are we manifesting??
talk so so soon, eeeeee~ i'm so happy to be back~ love you babes!!! 🤍
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zenny-zenzen · 7 months
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☮️💎Cherusa Boopuda💎☮️
Age: 16 (1999, DIU), 18 (2001, GW), 28 (2011, SO)
Gender: Cisgender Female
Birthday: May 5th, 1983
Height: 5 ft 1 inch (155 cm)
Weight: 47 kg (104 lbs)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: 1st year student (1999), 3rd year student (2001), Psychologist affiliated with the SPW foundation (2011)
Birthplace: Yaoundé (Cameroon, West Africa)
Nationality: Cameroonian
Citizenship: Japanese
Hello guys! I know you have already seen her reference sheet but this one is a pretty important post for me as I thought it was about time I dropped some info about her! This is going to be long! So if you are interested you can scroll aaaall the way down!
Here is a bit of "history" of myself, I've been working on Cherusa since 2022 (so I was around 14!) on Instagram and have had a massive improvement despite some big hate around that year that I've received by VERY suspicious people which attacks smelled like racism big time, but those only made me stronger and here I am! The reason I am so prepared is because I already have a fanbase and overall content, but I thought that posting on Tumblr would revive a spark of in me during a bit of a difficult time and it did‼️ the kindness I've received is greatly appreciated!💖
But let's get started! First, I'll introduce you to her personality and backstory! All of the screens are from my toyhouse, I've made it look exactly like an official Wiki page of a DIU/JJBA canon character ‼️💗
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Now let's get to her stand: Let's Groove
(yep! It's a reference to Earth Wind & Fire! I thought it would have been so cute to have a more obvious and prominent one next to Mikitaka👁️)
The image is Stand's "eyecatch" I've done completely from scratch! second image is a sketch in my artstyle! (You will definitely see more of it!) so that you get an idea of how the rest of the Stand's body looks like! It's kind of Mecha like on the ""shoes"""👁️
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But hey! This isn't the end, unfortunately Tumblr has a limit of 10 images and I stillhave to introduce you to a lot more so make sure to refresh the page to see the next post containing more information😭 (such as character dynamics, trivia and other fun stuff!)
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andersonfilms · 10 months
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kiss all the pretty girls !
#FREEPALESTINE. hi honey! you can call me ray. (she/they, twenties) click to help palestine!
this blog writes for: abby anderson, ellie williams, vi (arcane). please be mindful that i post and interact with nsfw content reguarly, minors dni.
divider creds — @cafekitsune
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before engaging with me !!! part II (don’t agree? get the fuck away from me)
˗ˏˋ masterlist | fic recs ˎˊ˗ requests & thirsts: open!
currently working on:
bodyguard!abby x famous musician!reader farmhand!abby x reader your lips, my lips (series) ft. rocker!reader x shy!abby. always an angel ft. duchess!abby anderson x princess!reader.
recently posted:
whats hers is mine - nsfw themes. crave - nsfw themes. we could go there - angst/fluff. lifeguard!abby - nsfw themes.
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all characters written for are 18+ unless otherwise stated (includes canon, o/c's, and reader inserts). this blog has a zero tolerance policy and is a safe space - take your zionism, homophobia, racism, underage shipping, hate crime, slander, and bullying elsewhere.
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thecreaturecodex · 7 months
Seething Spirit
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Image © Paizo Publishing
[Thank you, Paizo, for introducing more types of incorporeal undead in PF2e. The fact that, by default, the seething spirit speaks Dwarven and Giant (well, Jotunn in PF2e) has some interesting world building implications.]
Seething Spirit CR 11 CE Undead (incorporeal) This reddish spectral figure is humanoid, its outline wavering as if seen through a shimmer of heat. Its eyes are furious, and its features contorted into a hateful grimace.
A seething spirit is an undead creature of pure anger. The souls that create seething spirits died in a state of extreme wrath, and the seething spirit carries that sentiment into the world. Seething spirits are particularly motivated by the specific target of anger—romantic resentment, a persecution complex, racism and straight-up spite are all common factors that might empower a seething spirit. Seething spirits remember little of their lives except their rage, and cannot be put to rest by resolving any unfulfilled business or the like. Seething spirits seek out people with similar resentments and possess them, turning them into a vessel to channel that anger into violence.
A seething spirit cannot willingly leave a possessed target, and so steers its host’s life into its campaign of hatred. They are excellent liars and capable of strategy, but often short-sighted and impatient around their focus of anger. Their ultimate goals are always violent ones, and if they can incite others into destructive mobs, all the better. A creature possessed by a seething spirit radiates rage as an almost palpable aura, and even their punches and kicks strike with the force of a greataxe. Appropriately enough for a being of extreme emotions, they are nearly powerless in the face of a calm emotions spell, which ejects them from their possessed hosts or tears away at their spiritual forms.
Seething Spirit                     CR 11 XP 12,800 CE Medium undead (incorporeal) Init +10; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +13, taste anger Aura raging (20 ft., Will DC 23)
Defense AC 24, touch 24, flat-footed 17 (+6 Dex, +1 dodge, +7 deflection) hp 138 (12d8+84) Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +8 Immune incorporeal traits, undead traits; Weakness vulnerable to calm emotions
Offense Speed fly 40 ft. (perfect) Melee 2 incorporeal claws +16 (1d12+7) Special Attacks furious possession Spell-like Abilities CL 12th, concentration +19 (+23 casting defensively) Constant—tongues At will—detect thoughts (DC 19), invisibility (self only), ventriloquism (DC 18) 3/day—paranoia (DC 19), suggestion (DC 20) 1/day—remove fear, song of discord (DC 23)
Statistics Str -, Dex 23, Con -, Int 14, Wis6, Cha 25 Base Atk +9; CMB -; CMD 33 Feats Combat Casting,Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (incorporeal claw) Skills Acrobatics +18, Bluff +19, Fly +29, Intimidate +22, Perception +13, Stealth +21 Languages Common, Dwarven, Giant, tongues
Ecology Environment any Organization solitary Treasure none
Special Abilities Furious Possession (Su) As a standard action, a seething spirit can attempt to possess an adjacent corporeal creature. This functions as a greater possession spell (DC 23), except that the possessed creature gains temporary hit points equal to the seething spirit’s HD, and whenever it deals damage with a melee weapon, natural weapon or unarmed strike, may choose to use the seething spirit’s incorporeal claw damage instead. A seething spirit cannot end its possession voluntarily. A creature that succeeds its saving throw cannot be possessed by that seething spirit for the next 24 hours. Temporary hit points granted by this ability refresh every 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma based. Incorporeal Claw (Ex) A seething spirit’s incorporeal touch attack deals slashing and piercing damage, and the damage is modified by the seething spirit’s Charisma bonus. Raging Aura (Su) When it is possessing a creature, the seething spirit radiates rage in a 20 foot aura. All creatures in the area must succeed a DC 23 Will save or suffer the negative effects of a barbarian rage, suffering a -2 penalty to Armor Class and being unable to use any any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration. A creature so affected gains a +2 morale bonus to all damage rolls against the seething spirit’s enemies. This lasts as long as the creature remains in the aura and for 1d4+1 rounds thereafter. A creature that succeeds its save is immune to the raging aura of that seething spirit for the next 24 hours. A creature that fails its save automatically fails its save against the raging aura of that seething spirit for the next 24 hours. This is a mind-influencing emotion effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Taste Anger (Ex) A seething spirit can sense the presence of anger and hatred within 1 mile, and detect angry and hateful creatures within 30 feet as if it had blindsense. Vulnerable to Calm Emotions (Ex) A seething spirit cannot possess a creature under the effects of calm emotions, and if a creature it is possessing fails its saving throw against calm emotions, the seething spirit is ejected from its host. If a seething spirit outside of a host is targeted by calm emotions, it takes 10 points of damage per caster level (Will save for half damage).
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