lmiranal · 2 years
×]Анимализатор — моё второе имя.
×]Поскольку я привыкла превращать человекоподобных существ и самих людей в животных, ибо мне было слишком тяжело их рисовать, когда я была младше, это был лишь вопрос времени, когда я сотворила бы то же с моими персами по КрД. Так что теперь у меня есть звериная ау для них, разве не здорово?) Давайте начнём с этих двоих: Сакуры и Тсуки
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×]Теперь мой бесёнок – буквально маленькая свинка, а её 'друг' – мелкая ласка. Милые, не так ли? Что ж, были милыми, пока Тсуки не обратилась в большого страшного кабанчика
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×]И поскольку персонажи сменили свои обличия, история тоже изменилась, и их первая встреча выглядела… Немного противоположно тому, какой она скорее всего была изначально (к слову, вдохновение для этого 'комикса' я вычерпала из композиции Deadwood от Really Slow Motion)
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×]Теперь перейдём к другим персонажам. Это тот, кто действительно выделяется на фоне остальных своей… Интересной историей и списком способностей
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×]Шигеро Камадо, или Мурасакибара, персонаж ещё одного моего друга. Его мать была демоном, отец – человеком, так что становится очевидным, что он гибрид. Который не горит на солнце. И к тому же является истребителем. Круто, да? Думаю, этого было достаточно, давайте просто пойдём дальше–
×]Ещё один перс того же человека, но уже более приземлённый. Возможно потому, что был создан в игре, но кто знает– В любом случае, это Юта, белый лохтан (и да, я знаю, что он похож на Санеми)
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×]Я… На самом деле не так уж много знаю о нём или о тех, кого представлю далее, разве что их имена. Ну а эта прекрасная птичка – трёхцветная цапля под именем… Фуцис?.. Я не уверена, что помню правильно, но звучало как-то вроде этого. Довольно хорошенькое имя, как по мне ^v^ Это перс человека, которого я не знаю лично, но он друг Юты, так что… Да, почему бы не нарисовать и его тоже?)
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×]Экий прекрасный засранец, хехе. Ииии следующий перс тоже принадлежит ему, только на сей раз я не знаю даже его имени, но его внутриигровая моделька была похожа на чёртов колючий ком волос, вы правда думаете, что я так просто оставлю это? Нет, поэтому теперь у нас есть эта ехидна:
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×]Иии в завершение вот ещё один небольшой 'комикс' с объяснением, откуда последние трое вообще взялись. Эти двое решили устроить дуэль, и Юта предложил мне пойти посмотреть. Конечно я согласилась, это звучало весело, даже если всё проходило в каком-то из режимов роблокса. Выглядело довольно клёво, на самом-то деле. И после дуэли произошла данная забавная ситуация:
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(ALT используется для перевода)
×]Ну, забавная для него, поскольку у меня, и тем более моего персонажа, были все причины беспокоиться, ибо в итоге мне всё-таки разок прилетело. Было больно. ;w;
×]Кхм, тем не менее, это было всё. На сей раз. Увидимся когда-нибудь!
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spaciebabie · 1 year
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Dragging you home after our night out and fucking railing into you because you looked at that guy for more than 3 seconds, and I have to remind you that you belong to me🔪🌹
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ranskeysrdm24 · 7 months
wallmark doodles because i have a problem
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Also for a moment i had a mark headcanon that he used to have legs but then had a serious injury causing him to use a stand
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But then i remembered all the other mannequins
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they-them-van · 1 year
More yj memes for your enjoyment
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vampyr3wife · 5 months
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Submitted Prompts #78
Jason’s spying on some gang activity when one-or-two of the goons drags in some kids that were apparently also spying on them. Jason busts in to save the day, one of the kids gets shot as they’re fleeing. Jason grabs one particular goon, who he knows isn’t normally such an asshole, and asks what’s gotten into them.
The kid from earlier but with white hair flies in like “I’ll tell ya what’s gotten into ‘em;” and pulls another guy out of the goon “A ghost!”
The ghost goon makes some comment about the kid being back for revenge already. Jason realizes the kid died from his wound, feels like a failure, and punches the ghost goon in the face about it.
“OW! You punched me?!”
“I punched you?”
“You punched them?”
“Since when can I punch ghosts?!”
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pimpong · 2 months
"Gotta set up a cave around here somewhere"
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LOVE WINS!!! the capitalist vampire twink from your r18 game is trans and has absolute insane strap energy! ❤️
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braveclementine · 3 months
Chapter 24
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Warnings: slight angst
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
You woke up late in the afternoon, sometime around ten-forty. Your entire body felt sore, especially your lower area and your breasts. Your throat felt like an entire dessert had decided to make a home in there. You could also feel the throbbing spots where the few people had decided to leave their mark.
"Hey doll." Bucky's voice was soft and you turned your head to see him laying on top of Stevie. "You're the second one up."
"Wh-o was first?" You croaked out, making him grin and roll off the bed to go and grab you another glass of water. You'd probably drunk more water in one night than you had in the past week.
"Me." Bucky said, rolling his eyes and smirking.
You smiled a little.
"Did the scroll come?"
"Oh yeah, it's over there." Bucky waved a nonchalant hand at the piece of paper tied with red string on the table in the room. "I figured we could wait until everyone was up before we untied it."
"Sounds good." You mumbled. "Can you help me out of bed?"
"Yeah, you definitely need a bath." Bucky admitted, reaching over, grabbing you under the arms, and lifting you out of the nest between Loki and Clint. Thor had an arm thrown over Loki's shoulder while Fury was uncharacteristically snuggled up against Clint, which was hilarious.
"Don't worry." Bucky whispered in your ear, "I already took pictures."
You giggled quietly as he climbed off the bed, setting you on your feet, "Do you think you can walk?"
You did your best while Bucky helped you. You felt like one of those babies, learning how to walk by holding their parents hands. But at least you were somewhat walking.
Bucky had apparently already run you a bath, helping you up and into the tub before he went to grab a washcloth and soap. he got in, in front of you, using the washcloth to clean up the mess that wasn't cleaned up last night as part of the complete bonding.
You winced a little every time you accidentally brushed against your clit. You knew he was trying very hard not to, but sometimes it was inevitable. He apologized softly each time.
"Oh good." Steve's tired voice came from the bathroom door, just as Bucky finished up, moving to sit behind you. "I was hoping you were taking care of her."
You nodded, feeling a little sleepy still.
"Is anyone else up?" Bucky asked.
"Fury, T'Challa, Stephen, Tony, and Loki." Steve said. "They're downstairs already, though they left the scroll up here. I figured you two will be the last downstairs, unless Clint sleeps in. So you guys should grab it on your way down."
"Oh, I was going to cook breakfast." You mumbled.
"Don't worry, I'm sure Loki's got it covered." Steve said. "you're resting today."
Bucky chuckled behind you.
Steve left so that the two of you could finish up. Bucky washed your hair and your body while you just relaxed, floating on the water. Honestly, you couldn't really remember a time in your life that you had ever been taken care of like this.
Maybe it was just the soulmate bond. But if that's what it was, then you weren't going to complain. You had so much love in your heart for all of these wonderful men that you had been fortunate enough to have come into your life.
Once Bucky was done rinsing your hair out, you shifted around so that you could face him, "Can I wash your hair now?"
Bucky grinned. "Sure thing doll."
He turned around in the bathroom so that you could get the shampoo, lathering it in your hands so that you could wash his hair. You absolutely loved the feeling of his long locks between your fingers.
He sighed in content as he felt your fingers scratching the top of his head gently. There was something different between you and his boys. Something different between your womanly touch and theirs. Maybe from now on he'd have you wash his hair. It felt absolutely wonderful.
Once you rinsed his hair out, you kissed him on the cheek. He drained the bathroom before the two of you got out of the bathtub.
Though you were sore, you were able to walk for the most part. Bucky tossed you a lilac coloured dress, "Figure this will be more comfortable than tryin' to wear pants today." He said with a grin.
You tucked your lips together to hide the smile that was breaking out on your face. "Thanks Buck."
He himself pulled on a simple red T-shirt and black jean shorts. He pulled his hair back into a man bun, a serious look of concentration on his face, a rubber band tucked between his lips before he pulled it back.
You looked away quickly as he turned to look back at you, slipping on the lilac dress, brushing our your hair real quick, then tying it back in a messy bun. You walked over to the bathroom, putting on some concealer under the eyes, a little eyeshadow, and some lipstick.
Bucky grabbed the scroll, carrying you down the stairs so you didn't have to, before the two of you walked into the kitchen where basically everyone was waiting, food just being put out on plates.
You sat down, wincing only slightly, between Rhodey and Sam.
"You guys haven't looked at the scroll yet?" Clint sounded surprised.
"I don't know," Buck said awkwardly, "Though we could all just see it at the same time."
"After breakfast." Fury demanded, sipping his coffee.
The scroll seemed to grow larger and larger as breakfast continued. Finally, Loki cleared the table with a simple wave of his hand and Steve handed the scroll to you.
You hesitated for a second and then undid the twine, letting the golden orbs flow out of the paper and into your bodies. The paper disintegrated, the red ribbon twisting in the air to become a butterfly, before it multiplied into twelve butterflies, fluttering to settle on your wrist, molding in, until there was a tiny butterfly on each line.
"What's the butterfly for?" T'Challa asked.
"Oh," Stephen said, looking up, "Each soulmate bond is different. If one of you were to die, the butterfly would turn a different colour. Some soulmate bonds simply have lines going through them and other different things." He showed T'Challa how he and Tony already had a small ying-yang symbol on their lines.
Meanwhile, you were hearing/seeing all of the traits that had been passed on to you from the others. It was like you were reading the scroll in your mind.
Bucky- Vivid dreaming Clint- Archery Fury- Immortality Loki- Ability to create objects from your mind Rhodey- Sensibility Sam- Enhanced sarcasm Stephen- Photographic memory Steve- Artistic ability T'Challa- Flexibility Thor- Super strength Tony- Mechanical knowledge
"What'd you get Y/N?" Rhodey asked.
You rattled off the traits you had acquired from everyone except Fury, wondering how everyone would react to know that you were immortal. Was it just you and Fury? You thought about Loki and Thor. They would live for a long time, but they had already said an average lifespan for them was 5,000 years. That wasn't forever.
Of course, considering the line of work that they were all in, none of you would probably make it to 5,000 years anyways.
Bucky looked a little put off that you had gotten 'vivid dreaming' from him. Actually, it made perfect sense as you usually didn't dream and if you did, you didn't remember them. But you also knew that he was worried because none of his dreams were very good. In fact, 99 times out of 100, they were nightmares.
"What about me?" Fury asked with a raised eyebrow.
You shifted in your seat a little and muttered, "Um, immortality."
Fury nodded, "Yes, that's what Maria and Coulson got from me as well." He looked at you, "Are you upset with being immortal?"
"Well. . ." Your eyes shifted around he understood immediately, "The others have it as well."
"They do?!" You exclaimed, looking at them, waiting for someone to say 'April fools'.
Fury nodded. "Yes, you don't have to worry about that. I mean, it doesn't make us completely immortal. We can still die, but we won't age."
You nodded. It made sense.
[You can either make a list of what you gave each person or you can say each person got the same trait from you. Either way, your traits to them probably won't matter in the story]
"You got a lot of physical traits." Sam noted.
"And your sarcasm." You answered.
Sam just winked at you.
Breakfast seemed to settle easier with everyone after knowing the traits. Except for Bucky. He still seemed rather put off, not joining in when the others wanted to go down to the beach in front of the villa. He slipped upstairs.
No one else seemed to notice as they all started to head outside wearing swim trunks and open flannel shirts, sunglasses, and flipflops.
You frowned a little as you fixed the sleeves of your one piece bathing suit.
"Something wrong cookie?" Steve asked, wrapping his arm around you, kissing the top of your head.
"Bucky." You murmured.
Steve sighed, "He's worried you're going to get nightmares now. And he'll blame himself. You're just going to have to give him some time, alright?"
You just nodded. "Should I go talk to him? I don't want to leave him upstairs by himself and then he thinks no one cares about him. Because I do Steve, I love him. I love all of you. I don't want him to think I don't."
"Let me go talk to him. You go on outside and get some sun. You deserve a bit of a relaxing vacation. We leave in two days, remember?" Steve said quietly, kissing you again before heading up the stairs.
You headed out the door, hoping that Bucky would be alright.
*Steve POV*
Steve walked up to one of the other bedrooms where the door was closed. He knocked and then opened it up. He looked at Bucky who was doing pushups on just his flesh hand in the middle of the floor. He didn't look up at Steve moved across the room to sit on the bed.
"She's worried about you." Steve said quietly.
"Yep. Heard the conversation downstairs." Bucky spat out.
Steve sighed, "It's just vivid dreaming Buck. It doesn't mean she's going to get nightmares."
"Right." Bucky said, pushing back so that he was sitting on his knees. "Totally not going to get nightmares, especially not after the crap week of watching her dad get shot, almost being attacked by sharks, and also almost being blown up. Yeah, she's definitely not going to get any nightmares."
"Buck, she probably would have nightmares about those anywa-"
"BUT NOW THEY'RE GOING TO BE IN MORE DETAIL!" Bucky spat at him. "Don't you understand that? Sure, everyone has a nightmare. But they wake up and they can't remember it! I remember all of my nightmares in great detail Steve! And now she is too."
Bucky scoffed, getting to his feet, looking very close to punching a wall in. "Naturally the one bad trait she had to get just had to come from me! She even got something cool from Loki! But not me! No I had to give her something she's going to resent for the rest of her life!"
"Buck." Steve said sternly and Bucky quieted down. "You're overthinking it. Your dreams aren't going to transfer over to her. I think that's what you really think will happen. She isn't going to see you as a monster. You know she won't. So stop bitching around up here, get your ass down there, and be with her. Or so help me I will punish you and you won't be able to walk for three days."
Bucky blushed a little, a small chuckle coming out of his mouth. "Well damn."
Steve laughed too, coming over to clap him on the shoulder before kissing him passionately on the lips. "Now come on. Sammy's down there too."
Bucky nodded, tossing his shirt off and pulling on a pair of black swim trunks, pulling his hair back into the man bun that he had let out after breakfast, and went down the stairs, Steve following closely behind him.
Steve watched as Y/N's eyes lit up upon seeing him and Buck. She ran over, jumping as Bucky opened his arms. Steve smiled as she hugged him tightly, kissing his cheek, fingers pulling at his hair gently as she laughed at something he said.
Then Bucky held her to him, running towards the ocean. Steve laughed as Y/N squealed, shouting Bucky's name before he threw both of them into the ocean. Y/N giggled as she came up out of the water, trying to get back to shore. Bucky was smiling too and Steve was glad to see the crinkles at his eyes, the dimples in his cheeks.
Steve had felt terrible when Bucky had gone over the railing. But he had always though that maybe Bucky was alive. They hadn't bonded before they'd both gone into ice, but when Bucky was gone, the bond had turned into an icy grey colour. He'd assumed that it meant Bucky was dead. But it had just meant that Bucky was frozen.
Steve shook his head. There was no use in dwelling in the past. He was just glad that he had everyone that he needed in his life now.
Gosh, he was so glad that Bucky and Sam had stopped him from going back for Peggy.
"Steve, c'mon!" Sam shouted as he picked Y/N up in his arms, holding her above the waves.
Steve grinned, sprinting down the beach to join them in the waves.
Their life was almost complete, all he wanted now was some kids and his family- their family- would be complete.
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Thinking about hunting you down and claiming you in the most primal and territorial way 🌹🔪
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tkfluff-fanatic · 6 months
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jonahmagnus · 1 month
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vampyr3wife · 3 months
I can’t resist . I need a fucking coffee
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unmellowyellowfellow · 10 months
that's it.
im gonna do it
im rewriting it all.
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nemo-is-real · 1 year
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hey! i love this man! and the one in the hat too i guess :/
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