#fuck Eric adams
scopophilic1997 · 7 months
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_891 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
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skorgu · 1 day
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Damn, Desus never misses
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ohello0 · 7 months
Went downtown these past two days and something that really upset me about the subway announcements is that sometimes they’ll announce that there’s officers on the platform. Which the bad thing is the increased police presence sure but there’s one announcement that goes “there’s 150 accessible stations…” and basically telling ppl to plan accordingly then you get to certain stops and then they let you know the elevator is fucking broken or you exit the train and the escalator isn’t running.
There’s cops at every other fucking stop but not all of the stations are accessible or have functional accessibility accommodations???
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falsewings · 1 day
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When I say I made this as soon as I found out via Twitter
Sorry for the paywalled source:
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cravinganescape · 2 years
If you were looking for a sign to become a vigilante welder whose sole mission is to remove all bench rails in NYC, this is it 🙏🏽✨🔥
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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#EricAdams and #KathyHochul aren’t changing tunes cuz THEY saw a video of a young black homeless man being held in a chokehold for 15 mins and dying…nope!!Their changing tunes cuz WE saw a video of a young black homeless being held in a chokehold for 15 mins and dying!!
There was people who warned ny voters during the mayoral and governor elections not to vote for these two candidates
The idea that you protect people by excusing killing the mentally ill and homeless is an argument for fascism and eugenics. You protect people with housing, healthcare, compassion. The bloodlust of conservatives is the real sign of what they want, not their empty words.
When i say conservatives I'm including people like Eric Adams and Kathy Hochul. This country is so far right that some Democrats would would rather defend this killing than house and care for people. And they are also the problem
I recall seventeen months ago, I was ridiculed for not being in “full support” of everyone’s favorite candidate running for a particular position. Or, sympathizing with a bigot-lite from Long Island. And seventeen months later… I was right about both of them.
As of this week reading that they’re a bunch of inhumane dinos (democrats in name only) they’re all like “I told you so “
I know cause I’m one of them
FQ Eric Adams and Kathy Hochul a nigpine and a hew! I’ll be feeling like this again after they get voted out of office mark my words
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transhawks · 2 years
My jokes about psychiatric hospitals and 5150s aside, fuck Eric Adams for reinstating involuntary hospitalization of mentally ill people as a way to deal with our housing crisis.
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Members of a private WhatsApp group, including billionaires like the CEO of Dell and the former CEO of Starbucks, allegedly used the chat to discuss ways to pressure New York City Mayor Eric Adams to use police to crack down on Gaza solidarity protests at the city’s universities, according to The Washington Post. AJ+ has not seen the chat messages referenced in The Washington Post’s report directly. ⁣
NYPD officers raided encampments at schools like Columbia University and the City College of New York, arresting close to 200 protesters in just one day. The police raid at Columbia in late April was the first on-campus mass arrest in 50 years, with police using riot gear and military-grade weapons against mostly peaceful protesters. ⁣
While Gaza solidarity encampments have been frequently targeted with violence by police and pro-Israel agitators – and over 2,200 people have been arrested – a study found that out of over 550 Gaza protests at U.S. universities, 97% have been peaceful. ⁣
Senior Producers: Kareem Yasin, Ben Angeloni⁣
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Ahh someone the building over passed out on the street probably an overdose :(
There are a lot of people without housing+in active addiction on my block (border of bedstuy & brownsville) & it’s stressful because the city is doing fuck all to deal with it/Eric Adams policies have definitely made the situation worse.
Case in point-Adams+the police union agreeing to raise cops starting salaries 47k to 52k but slashing funding for the Dept of homeless services
I haven’t had capacity but I really hope to start some kind of consistent mutual aid efforts or connect with ones already functioning, basics like narcan/food/hygiene product distro but also building relationships with people & hearing what’s really up with them.
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ohello0 · 1 day
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thundergrace · 11 days
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How embarrassing. Let's see what Eric Adams has to say about it. Surely, he'll be forthcoming and hold these cops accountable. I bet he won't even be CN'd. Come on, Eric, come on, you piece of shit, you got this
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dnickels · 7 months
Just imagine getting ready for a day of paperwork and networking with all the glittering stars of Paris Officialdom when you receive a communique from your most no-nonsense shoeleather lieutenant out in the field that the mayor (completely respectable, thoroughly bourgeois, beloved by all) is wanted fugitive DB Cooper and he wants a SWAT team in a bearcat to come take his ass to jail RIGHT NOW.
It's already pretty weird. Then you look over to the other email you've received this morning telling you that they've got Mr. Cooper cooling his heels in the county lockup at this very moment. What would you even do.
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i genuinely loved the ratfish pt. 1 and 2 but i really wish that the ratfish was, like, emily or murph
i think it being a member of the college humor cast who has never been on dropout outside of d20 would have been fantastic because no one would ever guess them but they'd click into the humor/dynamics of the cast a lot better
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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Listen 🎶 Fuck the mayor 🎶 is a BOP! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🙌🏾
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