#fuck Julia Serano and her shitty racist bigoted book
rjalker · 1 year
"theyfab is just used to criticize the transmisogyny of AFAB nonbinary people!"
you aren't even exclusively using it for nonbinary people who use they/them pronouns though, not that that would make it any less inherently exorsexist and transmisic. You people will literally call a trans man or any nonbinary person, even ones who don't use they/them, a fucking theyfab.
You do not get to invent/steal brand new fucking slurs and then get mad when people call you out for calling trans people slurs.
If you have to invent slurs to call people "to criticize transmisogyny" you're not criticizing transmisogyny, you're just looking for a good excuse to be a bigot. If you can't criticize bigotry without literally calling people slurs, you have no fucking business criticizing bigotry. Because you don't even fucking know how to do it.
Especially if you think trans men, transmasculine people, and nonbinary people talking about the specific forms of oppression we face (Transandromisia, exorsexism, mispergeny, ect), is fucking transmisogyny all on its own because you can't fucking stand admitting that other trans people are also oppressed in ways you aren't.
Just because Julia Serano, a racist fucking transmedicalist, wrote a shitty book in 2007 lying about trans men, nonbinary people, and other culture's genders so she could declare that trans women were always the most oppressed in every situation no matter what, doesn't mean the rest of you get to keep doing it.
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rjalker · 2 years
Anyways unless you're gonna tell transfems they're not allowed to use the word transmisogyny because the person who created it is exorsexist, homophobic, and transandrophobic, then no, you have literally ZERO right to tell transmascs they can't use the word transandrophobia because the person who created it is transmisogynistic.
Either the rules apply to everyone, or they don't apply at all. You can't have it both ways.
Especially when I have literally never seen a single fucking person talk about or even acknowledge how exorsexist, homophobic, and transandrophobic Julia Serano is until after I had to find out the hard way by reading it in one of her two fucking books that I spent $40 fucking dollars buying online when I could have spent that money on food. Literally not a single fucking peep about her fucking bigotry until after I had to find out the hard way. And even once I started looking, you know what I found? One single other solitary fucking person..
And everyone else is just dead fucking silent, because apparently transphobia and homophobia is okay as long as it's a trans woman perpetuating it!
Either you think words should be dropped like a fucking hot potato if the person who coined them is a bigot, or you don't. But you have to fucking pick one. You can't fucking have it both ways. It's no more fucking okay for a trans woman to be a transphobe than it is for a trans man to be a transphobe. They're both shitty fucking people, but if you decide that only one of them actually counts as being shitty, guess what? You're a fucking bigot!
Julia Serano's literal entire foundation for her argument that trans women are more oppressed than any other trans people is literally founded on her fucking lying about trans men and nonbinary people. It's literally fucking founded on her being racist and exorsexist and assigning trans men Schrödinger's fucking Privilege to whatever suits her current argument.
I do not expect transfem people to drop the word transmisogyny. They deserve a word to talk about the specific intersection of transphobia and misogyny that they face as transfem people.
But I do fucking expect everyone to shut the absolute fuck up about how transmasc people can't use the word transandrophobia or any other variation to talk about the specific intersection of transphobia and misogyny they face.
If you agree that transfem people deserve to have the word transmisogyny to talk about their personal experiences with oppression, and you agree that nonbinary people deserve to have the word exorsexism to talk about their personal experiences with oppression, then you must also fucking agree that transmasc people deserve to have the word transandrophobia to discuss their personal experiences with oppression.
If you think anyone who uses the word transandrophobia is automatically a bad person because the person who coined it is a bad person, but have no problem with people using the word transmisogyny despite the person who created it also being a bad person, you are literally upholding double standards and being a massive fucking bigot.
You are literally just admitting that you think trans men and nonbinary people being oppressed isn't a big deal or something worth getting upset about.
Either apply the rule equally, to everyone, or stop pretending like you actually care about trans people's oppression.
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