#fuck glenn youngkin
spec-squared · 4 months
Okay so I don't normally post about this kinda stuff, but this is important and I need to talk about it.
"Currently, the kids of veterans who are more than 90% permanently disabled can have their tuition waived for up to eight semesters at a public college or university in Virginia."
The program explained above is called the Virginia Military Survivors Dependents Education Program (VMSDEP). I was a recipient up until just a couple weeks ago, because I finished up my eighth semester of college and will be graduating soon.
Republican Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin just gutted funding for this program. Now there are going to be thousands of children and young adults who will either lose access to higher education entirely, or they will be forced to go into tens of thousands of dollars of debt to pursue it.
Now, I had a very long-winded paragraph typed out, giving you my sob story about how my father died due to military service-related injuries and that my Ma had to jump through hoops with the USDVA for a year so that I would be granted eligibility. It was meticulously worded so that you, the reader, would sympathize with me and understand why this program is so important to me and many other Virginians like me. Unfortunately, I'm on mobile and accidentally swiped my thumb the wrong way, causing the whole thing to be deleted, and I am too emotionally exhausted to write all that out again.
TL;DR - this is EXTREMELY bad for a LOT of people, and if you live in Virginia, I am BEGGING you to contact our local representatives and tell them that they need to reinstate funding for VMSDEP, and PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, VOTE BLUE.
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testure-1988 · 2 years
Really wonderful to see high schoolers from Virginia fighting back against the state’s draconian anti-trans ruling
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sweetasteriaa · 2 years
Fuck you Glenn Youngkin! Great news for VA women!
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Please, for the love of fuck, stop using apps to track your menstrual cycles!!!!!!!!!! This shit can and will be used against you!
@hater-of-terfs please help make more people aware of this.
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meret118 · 1 year
Early voting opened in Virginia on Friday for all 140 state House and Senate seats. Although Democrats typically hold an edge in early voting, Republicans in the state — spearheaded by Gov. Glenn Youngkin — have pushed hard this year to get their voters to turn out ahead of the Nov. 7 election.
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dhaaruni · 5 months
See, that's where we disagree. I think the idea of the Romney-Democrat voter is a stone cold lie; some R voters may virtue signal about abandoning Trump, but is it really believable they actually did it? Trump got more popular votes than Romney ever did.
Romney-Democrats didn’t generally vote for Trump! They’re like, wealthy college-educated types who think Trump is crass and either blanked 2016 or voted for Hillary (and then Biden). These are like, NoVa Biden-Youngkin voters, you know? They may vote Republican downballot but generally they’re not anti-choice or anti-LGBT on a legislative level, they’re just rich and judgmental lol. Basically, these are the people who think Mitt Romney’s 47% comment and Hillary Clinton’s deplorables comment are both correct lmao.
A lot of people in Arizona in particular are also McCain republicans who ended up voting for Biden in 2020 because Cindy McCain endorsed him and ended up voting for Mark Kelly and Katie Hobbs not least since Kari Lake said that McCain Republicans should fuck off. John McCain’s sons are out there doing fundraisers for AZ Dems like these people aren’t Trumpists at all.
My point is that it remains to be seen what all these people do if and when the Republican Party becomes the party of Glenn Youngkin and Brian Kemp like will ancestral Republicans stay loyal Democrats or will they revert to the GOP?
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yeahiwasintheshit · 1 year
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The fact that glenn close is below glenn beck and glenn youngkin is a fucking travesty! Everyone needs to google glenn and click on her name to raise right now!!!
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asexual-bard · 1 year
I wish I was surprised that Virginia's wannabe Desantis is signing dangerous transphobic laws that put children at risk. I am so fucking tired I don't even know what to say anymore. I feel like I should have some big speech right now but I just don't. This personally affects some of my closest friends and I am truly disgusted by this utter lack of empathy from someone who is supposed to represent ALL Virginians.
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glenn youngkin is so fucking stupid i hope someone shoots him in the head
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ramrodd · 7 months
Trump set to take down his own party’s speaker
Trump has definitely rxposed the rot at the heart of the Conservative wing of the GOP.
Speaking as an Eisenhower Republian, I've been dealing with assholes lJanuary 6 assholes since I got back from Vietnam in 1971. White male pro-war corporate careerist draft dodgers. Tuberville's Storm Troopers. A driving factor in the suicide rate combat veterans  returning  to the civilianI als community,  I also had to deal with liberal anti0war draft dodgers, but they were culturally more fun and a whole lot less destructive At that time, everybody inside the beltway was like Pete Buttigieg in regards to Affirmative Action except the Plumbers, like Paty Buchanan and Elon Busk.
I mean, they are everywhere. David Rubenstin and Glenn Youngkin, two venture ca capital carpet baggers in tow to steal whatever they can from the DC tax payers whenever the Conservatives have control of the federal government at the budget. The   Sports Authority deal is good for virginia only if the investors trying to steal the Caps and Wizards put up the first %1 billion for infrastructues plus whatever the cost of the frranchise from Ted Leonis, who was a player in the AOL-TimeWarner jug fuck on the AOL side. I tried to warn Kimsey that was going to happen but this was the way they did things with a Harvard MBA and that was good enough for him.
Vietnam came down to a contest between Marxism and the Harvard Business model and Marxism won,
Jhere's the thing: we were a cunt hair away from making the paradigm shfit  from the Starship Capitalism of 1001: A Space Odysssey on January 19, 1981, If Carter had been re=elected, replace the Pan Am logo on the Lunar Shuttled to the permanent United Nations lunar colony , with Spacex and that is where we wouldd have been if Carter had been relected.
The Movement Conservatives that originated with William F. Buckley and Barry Goldwater have  been engaged in an insurgency conceived to result in the hostile takeover of America by people like David Rubenstein and Glenn Youngkin and Elon Musk. Atlas Shrugged is all about the hostile take over of America by John Galt, babusinesssed on Ayn Rand's experience with the Russian Revolution that crated the Bolsheviks, The Conservative movement has always been based  on the Trotsky insurgency process we were dealing with in Vietnam before 1962. Tright now, the single greatest economic distortion driving inflation at the retail level is the  bloated executive compensation based on the McKinsey Model. That's  a big reason behind the anti-BEI faction of the Elon Musk . business model defended by the Studio executives in the SAG strike.
The future has always been Fran Drescher's Quality Assurance business model, going back to the Declaration of Independence. The necessity of  BEI is measured directly by the opposition to BEI, The Bill Ackman anti-BEI campaign is based on what he describes as "Merit" which is Conservative disinformation for soft-porn Apartheid. Newt Gingrich's GOPC politics of personal destruction,
Let me put this another wayL the :reality game show: Survivor is based on the anti=BEI corporate culture  of Management by Confusion. Think of all the team building Fortune 500 employees have gone through since W. Edwards Deming came back from Japan with Quality Assurance protocols for Starship Capitalism. What anti[BEI CEO's saw was an opportunity  to lot the payrolls with layoffs thanks to increased worker efficacy, Quality Assurance seeme to justify the McKinsey model for excessive executive compensation., the Jack Welch CIO Master Looter. Virtually all the bullshit going on in commercial aviation is a consequence of PATCO and McKinsey. Any CEO being compensated at more than 60 - 80 times the floor wage is what Arn Rand calls a "Looter" in Atlas Shrugged. She just didn't understand that it applied mostly to her heros, the captains of industry. The Elon Musks of the world. .
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pottersangel99 · 8 months
FUCK Glenn Youngkin. You are a fucking disgrace to Virginia.
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kleosvarietyblog · 1 year
y'know when i first realized that i was trans, it seemed like the world was getting more accepting of it. like things were gonna get better. like i had a chance of being happy in life. not so much anymore. i fucking hate this world, myself, and especially glenn youngkin. i hope he fucking dies.
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alphaman99 · 2 years
Christopher Buckley
Speaking of people who are too smart by half, that Ted Cruz really has not done himself any favors over the past few years... It would behoove Governor Ron to not be too cute by half. The guy is about to be re-elected by about 15 points... How dumb do you have to be to fuck things up with Trump for no reason?
Contrast if you will with Glenn Youngkin who bent the knee, accepted Trump's endorsement, and went on with his business. He didn't start a skirmish. The GOPe political consultants and team that DeSantis switched over to are fucking criminally stupid.
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Virginia Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot by not following North Carolina's example and using the next two months to strip the governor of all power. You know some of them are suggesting it, but the party leaders are refusing to commit because they're afraid it'll be overturned and make them look bad, but Republicans never live in fear like that. They do everything in their power to limit the ability of the Democrats to accomplish anything, and nothing ever happens to them for it. Why are Democrats so useless that they can't take advantage of the same legal loopholes to kneecap their own enemies?
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cantdewwrite · 3 years
Click me.
Wanna fuck up Virginia’s CRT tip line? Please go to the above website and send an email. Refresh and send another. They’re fun.
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