#fuck stephenine meyer
Now i have alot of issues with incannon imprinting [because Smeyer wont stop pushing her racist agenda] but it'd be interesting to delve into a "protector" relationship in the sense of two consensual adults as best friends that share the imprint bond. Especially since alot of the pack are underage!
Smeyer has a habit of oversexulaising the pack- ie jacobs description in the books- she also has a habit of vilifying the native characters- Sam hurting Emily and Jacob/ Quill imprinting. It would be a dream to read a fixitfic about imprinting as something sweet, unharmful and layered. SMeyer sets it up in an interesting way its a shame she threw away the concept.
Seth x best friend imprint fic! or leah x female best friend imprint!
Love isn't inherently sexual and if Smeyers mormon ass wasn't so sexually repressed she would know that and we wouldve gotten some good ass story lines instead of violence, inappropriate age gaps and odd sexualisation.
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Leah Clearwater deserves love
I started writing another Embry Call x reader but it morphed into a Leah Clearwater x platonic reader with Embry x reader on the side.
I want Leah as angry. I want her with a best friend who supports her completely because S.Meyer treated her like shit. I know so many of us love Leah. She deserves love so much.
Leah deserves a best friend who loves her unconditionally because nothing is stronger than a friendship. Also they will not be passive!! I hate the depiction of heartbreak as passive! There will be cliff diving! There will be female rage, not pretty crying, Leah needs unadulterated rage at Sam, at Emily, at everyone! because fuck smeyer. Women can be angry. Women do not have to be passive.
so yeah expect that soon <3
expect more anger in chapters to come. love you all x
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