#fuck y'all who gets to experience healthy good shit bc i never do im so sick of everyone nd everything
bunnihearted · 8 months
i hate positivity posts bc they just make me angry and bitter that so many other ppl get to have nice experiences but i dont
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choisgirls · 8 years
hi could you do an hc with the rfa and saeran and v where mc doesn't want to give birth, like maybe adopt kids but not actually give birth just bc birthing is painful and it's like a really big issue with her bc it's not really normal to think???
A/N: ????? Sweethearthow is that not normal to think? I think it’s pretty normal like holy shit achild is gonna come ouT OF ME THATS GONNA FUCKING HURT not to mention i know afew friends who would rather adopt because they want to help out a child who needsit or they just want to avoid what pregnancy does to their body. So!!! I hopeyou dont actually think that it’s weird to prefer adoption because you can dowhATEVER YOU WANT and whoever judges you can just hush, just know i wont judgeyou
           -He was a little bummed when youtold him you didn’t want to have a child the traditional way
           -He wanted to see what the babywould look like with both of your qualities!!!
           -Understands that birthing hurts buthe didn’t have a real good clue on just how much
           -You showed him a video, though
           - meaning he screamed and watchedthrough his fingers
           -hoW DO WOMEN GO THROUGH THAT,MC?????
           -Afterwards, you sat him down andexplained that, yes, you’d like to have a child but you’re afraid of the painand don’t want to go through it. He could tell that you were nervous about it,but jumped out of his seat immediately
           -“MC I don’t blame you!!! Oh mygod did you sEE THE VIDEO? I DON’T WANT TO WATCH YOU GO THROUGH THAT I’D FEELSO BAD”
           -He’ll spend days comforting you,telling you that he doesn’t want to see you in that much pain, and that it’sokay that you don’t want to have a child like that
           -He’s just as happy adopting achild! Helping a child would make him so happy, he’s completely okay with thisdecision, MC. He feels like he can actually help and do some good in the worldwith adoption!
           -? You don’t want to give birth?
           -Fine, okay
           -Just being with you is enough! Ofcourse he’d love to have a child with you too, but just having you in generalmakes him the happiest he’s ever been
           -Y'all can just get a dog instead!
           - no zen that’s not it but isthat offer gonna stay on the table????
           -Why do you feel bad about notwanting to give birth? He doesn’t get it
           -It’s your body, it’s your decision.You do what you want with it, he respects that. As long as it’s not somethingharmful or life threatening he says go for it MC
           -You expected him to be over the topand over dramatic about it but he was actually really cool about it? Reallykind monotone as well. wHaT tHe FuCk ZeN. But it really eased your anxiety oftelling him which was great because wow how did you even get the words out
           -You talk to him about possiblyadopting a child instead, and he thinks that’s great
           -He’s pretty successful now, so he’dlove to give a child a second chance at life! zen i appreciate yourenthusiasm but we cant adopt like 74 kids at once
           -(Imassuming this one is JaeheexFemale!MC ssoo)    
           -Also part of the “your bodyyou do what you want with it” squad
           -The two of you actually sat downand talked about the possibilities surrounding children
           -She couldn’t hold the baby oranything because her stress levels wouldn’t be healthy, so you’d be the one tocarry
           -But when you hesitated, she threwthe whole thing out of the window and suggested adoption
           -The two of you were perfectly okaywith adoption! Neither of you would have to go through any shots, birthing,anything of the sort
           -Not to mention she’s over the moonabout getting to give a kid parents since she knows what its like withoutthem riP I MADE MYSELF SAD
           -She did have to ask about why youhesitated. She just wanted to be sure that it wasn’t a hesitation over kids ingeneral
           -You seemed ashamed when youexplained to her that you didn’t want to experience the pain of child birth. Itwas something you thought about for a long time and you just didn’t think thatyou could bare it
           -You were so. relieved. when shetold you she understood. Not only did the stress stop her, but she shyly toldyou that she was also afraid of the pain that came with it. The both of youwere able to laugh off the anxiety now that you two were on the same page, andall was well!
           -What do you mean you don’t want togive birth?
           -How are we supposed to have achild, MC?
           -He’s a little upset at first. Hewanted to create this beautiful, human being with a mixture of the two of youin them. Why didn’t you want to do that with him? Was it him? Something youdidn’t want to pass along to a child?
           -He took to the silent treatmentuntil he overheard you on the phone with someone. You were crying and quietlytalking to the person on the other line
           -HIS HEART BROKE when he heard thatyou were just afraid of the pain, that you didn’t want to experience thatlevel. You knew your pain tolerance couldn’t hold it and you didn’t wantsomething to go wrong because you couldn’t handle it
           - immediately felt like thebiggest dick in the world like jesus christ jumin why didnt you just ASK mc whythey didn’t wanna give birth instead of just assuming
           -Wants to clear the air as soon aspossible, so he walks out and hangs up your phone
           - what the fuck jumin i wastaLKING
           -He grabs your hand and explainsthat he heard what you said on the phone, and he wants you to know that heunderstands now. Apologizes for just assuming there was some shallow reason fornot wanting to have a child the traditional way- he knows you’d never be soshallow but his judgment was clouded and he’s thoroughly sorry MC plEASEFORGIVE HIM
           -After hours of explanations,apologies, and comforting, he agrees that adoption isn’t such a bad idea,they’d still be his children- just not by blood. He wouldn’t treat them anydifferent
           -He’s so excited to start a familywith you!
           -Which…made…. telling him aboutnot wanting to give birth way harder for you
           -But you knew you had to do it! Youcouldn’t just close your eyes and pretend it would go away
           -So you sat him down and just flatout told him.
           -You rambled for a while afterwardsthough, since you were nervous, and felt terrible about it
           -You felt as though you weredepriving him of something because you were selfish and didn’t want to gothrough the pain? How was he going to forgive you for this?
           -But he shut you up with a kiss,which confused you to all hell
           -Of course he’d love to have a babythe traditional way with you! But if you didn’t want to go through with it, it’sokay
           -Not to mention, he doesn’t want toput you through ANY pain or ANYTHING that you aren’t okay with, he refuses todo it
           -HE’S ACTUALLY SO HAPPY HE CRIESWHEN YOU SUGGEST ADOPTION! He wants to make a kids life brighter! He doesn’twant anyone to go through what him and his brother went through, so if he canhelp a child out he is thERE FOR THAT MC LETS GO RIGHT NOW we cant go rightnow it takes a while
           -He’s all about helping people
           -He’s mister sensitive, all the painin the world hurts him physically pls protect him
           -The one to bring up adoption wasactually him
           -He wants to help children who don’thave it all
           -He stuttered to clarify he wouldn’tmind kids of his own if you were okay with it, but he really wanted to lookinto adoption
           -So when you nervously explained tohim that you weren’t into the whole birthing-pain thing, he was a-okay with itall
           -Never wants the people he loves toendure any kind of pain so if you say you don’t wanna go through that pain thenhis MC will!! Not!! go!!! through!!! The pain!!!
           -Just really hoped you were okaywith brightening up a kids life by giving them a home
           -And??? Of course you are??? Shitlet’s get 7 kids Jihyun we can do it “MC no we can’t, not all at once butthat’s very beautiful of you to offer”
           -He’s missing out on takingbeautiful maternity photos of you, but he knows that pictures of your newlyfounded family will be just as amazing!
           -He’s afraid to have kids in thefirst place
           -Like, babies are small and fragileand he doesn’t want to hurt them
           -He doesn’t want to give them aterrible life because of his anger problems
           -He’s working on them of course!!!But… he’s just afraid of passing on some genes to his kids that could messthem up and he just isn’t happy about it
           -You told him that he doesn’t haveto worry, because you were afraid to have children as well
           -The pain that came with child-birthwas something you didn’t want to endure- that you couldn’t endure
           -IMMEDIATELY TELLS YOU THAT IT’SOKAY! He’s gone through a lot of pain and 500% does not want the love of hislife to go through pain as well (especially not pain that would be caused byhim)
           -After a very long time of talkingand speculating, he thinks that having a family would be nice. He has you andhe’d like to have another edition
           -Adoption is great for him! LikeSaeyoung, if he gets a chance to help a kid, give them a better life than hehad growing up, he’s going to do it. He doesn’t want any kid to go through whathim and his brother did, he’d actually cry if he thought about it too long
           - he’s keeping saeyoung at least20 feet away from his kid when the two of you first bring them home because nosaeyoung dont touch them you’ll infect them with cooties or something
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