#fuck you andrew kreisberg
coldflasher · 2 months
Salty ask list, 9 & 16? 👀
9. Most disliked character(s)?
Dion. Fucking Dion. I hate that bastard SO MUCH. I hate the entire forces plotline and basically all of season 7 but there is something about Dion in particular that I just LOATHE. Tbf when he was first introduced in his first ep I was okay with him but the more they leaned into the all-powerful force god side of things, the more my hatred grew... if Dion has no haters, I am dead
I also HATE that snide reporter (Taylor?) who works for Iris. The ep where she tries to sacrifice that one woman to those terrorists to save her own neck and outs Allegra as a metahuman and then by the end of the ep we're supposed to be cool with her? NO. I HATE HER.
Then there's Nash wells. My least favourite Wells. I hated him sliiightly less on my last rewatch but he's still the worst Wells. He literally led to the destruction of the multiverse because of his own stupidity. Like whyyyy did we keep getting lumped with all these increasingly irritating Wells doppelgangers when we could have just had Harry. And then Harry AND HIS WHOLE UNIVERSE gets erased BECAUSE OF NASH. I HATE THAT MAN.
And you know who else I... not hate, but find highly annoying? Khione. I actually think she could have been interesting if she had been a fusion of Caitlin and Frost and we actually got to see a version of the character that had grown and embraced both sides of herself instead of having these fractured identity states, but instead they just erased them both and gave us the most boring, insipid, flavorless replacement. Khione is such a Mary Sue. She's sooo perfect and kind and powerful with her magic nature powers!! Don't you love her? NO. NO I DON'T. We had 8 seasons of Caitlin and 7 of Frost (in some form) and I found it cheap and disrespectful of both their characters to kill them both off at the last minute and replace them with some wishy-washy hippy version with no personality and expect me to care about her (bear in mind that i haven't seen the end yet and i believe there is a bit more to the storyline that i havent got to see yet but either way i find her so annoying)
I feel in the early seasons there are no characters I actually hate because most if not all of them either had redeeming features or were compelling to watch but the later seasons were rife with insufferable characters who we're meant to like but just absolutely boiled my piss. like of these, only taylor was meant to be a villain and even then she gets a "redemption arc" of sorts but it wasn't enough for me. i wasn't buying it. taylor they could never make me like you
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
I mean the obvious answer is stop Len leaving, or at least bring him back, but barring that I would make Andrew Kreisberg not be a piece of shit so that we could have stuck with his original vision for the show and had it be good forever. Like. They were setting up some seriously good and interesting shit and there were so many cool plot threads and he seemed to have planned so many things years in advance but sadly he's a diabolical person. the industry is well rid of him for that reason but if I could wave a wand and make him be a good and normal person then I would do that. why are good showrunners so often terrible people >:(
barring that... i'd redo crisis entirely. i think they totally bottled that storyline. having it tied up with oliver was a HUGE mistake, they'd been building up to crisis and barry's disappearance since day 1 of the show and the way it went down was such an unbelievable disappointment and a disservice to the show as a whole imo.
also, i love them but i would seriously cut down bart and nora's role in the show, because it made the dynamics weird and aged westallen way before their time. just give them a spinoff or something. and i would get rid of any and all plotlines related to the forces but that goes without saying
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ninjagoat · 1 year
I'm mad about the touching, I'm mad about the NY State justice system, I'm STILL mad about the ten million dollars that they paid him and no one can say why, I am mad about the 19 people and all the ones that came forward after, but I'm especially mad, I think, about Radio 4 letting him try a damn drama series.
Seriously, the fuck are you doing, beeb?
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jennyboom21 · 1 year
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“In the fall of 2017, I was working on a story for Variety about a prominent writer-producer named Andrew Kreisberg, whom 19 of my sources alleged had been verbally and physically inappropriate in the workplace.
A writer at another industry trade, Deadline, had gotten onto the story as well and also reported on alleged unprofessional and harassing behavior. Before either of us published our pieces—make of the timing what you will—Warner Bros. informed both publications that they had suspended Kreisberg and launched an HR investigation into allegations of misconduct against him stemming from his tenure as an executive producer of Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, and other DC superhero TV dramas, which aired mostly on the CW.
For the record, Kreisberg has always vehemently denied any inappropriate behavior.
Warner Bros. fired Kreisberg on November 29, 2017. Some time later, the studio paid him nearly $10 million. When that came to light in 2020, the studio declined to comment on what that money was for. (Warners Bros. declined to comment for this story as well.) One of Kreisberg’s former colleagues told me at the time that the payout “just reinforces the fact that those at the top of the food chain are protected, while the people who are most vulnerable have no options and have to take it on the chin.”
Vanity Fair has now learned that in March of this year, Kreisberg was arrested and charged with forcible touching, following an alleged incident at a bar mitzvah in Westchester County, New York.
The bar mitzvah in question took place in Pleasantville, New York in May 2022.
According to documents from New York state’s judicial and criminal justice systems, a woman made a statement to police, saying that she had been eating and enjoying the party while standing at a high-top table “facing the dance floor.” She knew Kreisberg, she said, because she was friends with his wife. She continued: “Andrew Kreisberg… approached me at the table. While we are standing at the table, Andrew gets behind me and starts putting his hands all over my arms and back. He then slid his hands around my waist, grabbed my waist firmly, and thrust his fully erect penis into my buttocks twice. It all happened so fast that I wasn’t sure what exactly was going on until I felt Andrew shove his fully erect penis into my buttocks. When I realized what was going on, I screamed, ‘What the fuck are you doing? Get the fuck away from me.’ Then I went to the bathroom.”
Another individual at the party—who told police she learned about the alleged incident from the woman the following day—said in a supporting statement that the woman was “crying” and an “emotional wreck”: “I’ve known [name redacted] my whole life and I could tell she was struggling with what she was” describing.
The accuser herself stated to the police that she came forward because Kreisberg “needs to have someone stand up for themselves against him.”
Kreisberg was charged with misdemeanor forcible touching. According to the New York penal code, “a person is guilty of forcible touching when such person intentionally, and for no legitimate purpose, forcibly touches the sexual or other intimate parts of another person for the purpose of degrading or abusing such a person; or for the purpose of gratifying the actor’s sexual desire.”
In response to questions from Vanity Fair, Kreisberg’s legal team sent a statement emphatically maintaining that Kreisberg is innocent.
According to police documents, this past February, before he was charged, one of his lawyers told a Pleasantville detective that “there is evidence that proves that [name redacted] is making up this story and in fact it never happened at all.” Around that time, the detective’s notes reflect that he had received “numerous” emails from members of Kreisberg’s legal team containing photos, texts, and videos, including material showing the woman “having a good time on the dance floor after the incident.” On March 9, according to the police file, the detective informed Kreisberg’s attorney Stacey Richman that the material “did not indicate that Kreisberg was innocent and that [name redacted] had made up the whole encounter.”
Kreisberg voluntarily surrendered to the police on March 23. He posted bond and was arraigned that day, then released about two hours after turning himself in.
In the statement to Vanity Fair, the full text of which can be found at the end of this story, his lawyer Stacey Richman writes, “Mr. Kreisberg remains a very talented creative person. He is misunderstood for being a neurodivergent individual who is socially awkward. Your article will be another event of the ableist bullying of people who are neurodivergent as they are misperceived.”
At a court appearance on August 8, a judge in Pleasantville Village Court granted an Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal. Assuming that Kreisberg continues to comply with conditions set by the court—which include the psychiatric therapy that Richman told the judge is “nothing in particular to this matter” because it is “something prior he was already doing”—the charge will be dismissed and the record sealed in February. The case remains open, and the DA’s office told me that if complications arise before then “the case will be reevaluated.”
According to a transcript of the August 8 hearing, which Kreisberg was present for, Richman said her client would abide by the order of protection granted against him in the case.
“Honestly, hearing about this arrest is horrifying,” one of Kreisberg’s former Warner Bros. colleagues tells me. Other former colleagues say they are “shaken” and “alarmed.”
Back in 2017, during its investigation into Kreisberg’s allegedly damaging workplace behavior, Deadline described him as “one of the top lieutenants of Greg Berlanti, the boss of CW’s DC universe.” The day Kreisberg was fired, Berlanti and Sarah Schechter of Berlanti Productions issued a statement that closely echoed the one Warner Bros. released. It read, in part: “We agree with the studio’s decision. Nothing is more important to us than the safety and well-being of all our colleagues—coworkers, crew and staff alike.”
Regardless, Kreisberg continued to work in entertainment: In 2021, BBC Radio 4 aired a pilot he wrote, produced, and codirected called Saucer. It centered on characters trapped in a spacecraft, who were “highly hedonistic” and “shagging 24/8,” according to a story on the program. Kreisberg and Katie Cassidy, the latter of whom appeared on a number of Arrow-verse shows, were among those in the voice cast. The BBC later said it would not be pursuing a series.
A few years ago, Kreisberg moved from Los Angeles to Westchester County in New York. On a document from the Pleasantville case file, Kreisberg states that he lives in Connecticut, lists his job as “producer,” and checks the “yes” box when asked if he is employed, though a place of employment is not indicated. In the full statement below, the former writer-producer’s lawyer maintains that the reporting on his conduct at Warner Bros. was false and incorrect. She also says that Kreisberg is in therapy for PTSD, which was “caused by your original article in 2017.”
According to the DA’s office, Kreisberg’s case comes before Pleasantville Village Court again in February. Kreisberg does not have to appear in court at that time.
The full text from Kreisberg’s lawyer follows.
Dear Ms. Ryan:
In answer to your questions above, please note that Mr. Kreisberg was arrested based upon a citizen’s claim/arrest. The Office of the District Attorney had no part in the charging or arrest procedure. Upon evaluation of the allegation, interviews with the complainant, and evidence (video and text), which belied the allegation, the prosecution determined the matter should be dismissed.
In essence, this alleged instance of dancing at a bar mitzvah was not deemed to be criminal.
Please note this was not some random citizen but one of a set of women who had grown up with Mrs. Kreisberg and were disparaging of her husband because they did not understand his neurodivergency. This is classic ableist bullying, sadly by adults.
Per New York State Law, "The granting of an adjournment in contemplation of dismissal shall not be deemed to be a conviction or an admission of guilt. No person shall suffer any disability or forfeiture as a result of such an order. Upon the dismissal of the accusatory instrument pursuant to this section, the arrest and prosecution shall be deemed a nullity and the defendant shall be restored, in contemplation of law, to the status he occupied before his arrest and prosecution." See, New York Criminal Procedure Law Section 170.55(8).
The District Attorney's Office carefully reviewed this matter and Mr. Kreisberg’s history. It would seem part of the inspiration for the false allegation was your article of 2017 which was referenced in the review of this matter. It too was not seen as elevating of any concern as to Mr. Kreisberg.
Mr. Kreisberg remains a very talented creative person. He is misunderstood for being a neurodivergent individual who is socially awkward. Your article will be another event of the ableist bullying of people who are neurodivergent as they are misperceived. Mr. Kreisberg is devoted to his family, who are in turn supportive of him.
The District Attorney's Office does not take any allegation lightly, and they deeply investigated any allegation in this corridor. This matter will be dismissed and sealed in accord with proper procedure because it is the correct result.
Mr. Kreisberg has no probation; he is not required to report to any authority. The requirements for dismissal are to continue to have no contact with the purported accuser (note that we too requested on a number of occasions on the record that the purported accuser be directed to refrain from contacting the Kreisberg family directly or indirectly), that Mr. Kreisberg continue with his own pre-existing therapy for PTSD (caused by your original article in 2017), and that Mr. Kreisberg continue to lead a law abiding life. There is no component of any rehabilitative requirement as none was necessary.
As for your question- “What response, if any, did Mr. Kreisberg give to the court regarding this charge?” Mr. Kreisberg’s response was: “Not guilty.”
Mr. Kreisberg is, was, and will remain an innocent man. That outcome was approved by the proper investigating body and approved by the Court.
Most respectfully,
Stacey Richman”
This story has been updated.
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astral-apiary · 6 years
hey Andrew Kreisberg you dumb bitch
you gon’ make supercorp real or what cause I ain’t watching anymore but it still looks fucking gay as shit
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elliesgaymachete · 7 years
Kreisberg, floriana didn't decide to move on you gave her minimal screentime then DEMOTED her because you didn't know what to do with her so don't try to take the blame off yourself this is your fault
Let's put Ali Adler back in charge of this show cause apparently she's the only one I can trust
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ah-maa-zing · 7 years
This message is for the TV assistant who has been sending you asks the past couple days.
I am an aspiring TV writer moving to Los Angeles next summer. Finding out how deep sexual harassment goes, that it’s happening behind shows I love to people I love has been both disheartening and enlightening.
I don’t know how you do it. If I’m having such a strong reaction and I’m only on the periphery, I can’t imagine what it’s like for you. 
I have a question: is it worth it?
I have my happy imaginings of what a writer’s room must be like. In my head it’s a positive place, a progressive place. Everyone knows what feminism is and what it isn’t. Everyone is a feminist. Though a tragic minority, the women in the room feel safe enough to become vulnerable, to open up, to reach the depths of themselves in the name of creativity, to build something beautiful and wonderful beyond themselves.
This whole thing has felt like a reality check. I’m going into this knowing it will be hard. I know I’ll be an assistant for years before becoming a staff writer. I know I may have to go back to living on ramen, just like I did in college. I know it will be long hours. I know it will be taxing on my mental health–as someone who does have mental illness, this will be especially hard.
The thing is, I don’t know what else I’d do if I didn’t have this dream of writing. That’s not true; I could go back to academia (where I’m from), give up on the dream, and forever wonder if I could have made it if I tried. I’d go back to analyzing television instead of hoping to make it myself. However, that life is sad to me. It’s pedestrian. It’s… ordinary.
I don’t know if I’m as strong as you. I don’t know if I could work under those conditions. I don’t know how I would come out on the other side of this.
I just want you to know I think you’re extraordinary. I want you to know that I admire you, that I hope to be like you, and not just because you’re on the path to my dream job. I don’t know exactly what happened. However, your posts make it clear this is much bigger than myself. That this is beyond “what did they do to my favorite characters.” That this is the work environment I’m willingly walking into.
That these are real people experiencing things that I can expect to experience myself.
To you, and your sisters, I say thank you for bringing everything home to me. I wish you the best, and that you come out of this whole thing on the other side, stronger for having survived it.
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habibialkaysani · 7 years
okay but my FUCKING KINGDOM for the day when iris and caitlin talk about something other than a man I mean ffs
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coldflashwave-baby · 3 years
Karadox Frustration breakdown:
The idea of Kara and Brainy as a potential relationship was brought up in the press release when Jesse was cast as Brainy, and people talked about it in that lead-up to his debut like it was an obvious thing that would happen (and talked about it again when he was made a series regular before the season 3 finale)
There seems to be the idea that the ship couldn’t be done because it was part of Andrew Kreisberg’s plan, and they had to throw that out when he was fired. And of course nobody wants Kreisberg back, but it still hurts that they seemingly couldn’t even consider doing such an established ship because of the actions of one person.
There was also a statement made in an interview around the end of season 3 from one of the showrunners, saying something about how they made an homage to Kara and Brainy being together/working together in Brainy’s first episode, and the tone of that part of the article made it feel to some like their work was done and they didn’t need to do anything else/portray them in an actual relationship, when of course that was something people did still want.
Bringing in Nia, an original character, to be Brainy’s love interest instead of Kara- which made it seem, again to some people, as though she were only there to keep Kara and Brainy apart. Combined with the lack of one-on-one scenes between Kara and Brainy, and the lack of a real character arc for him in season 4 (at least one that felt separate from his and Nia’s story) as well as the idea that Kara didn’t need a love interest in season 4 and thus her and Brainy’s comic canon relationship wasn’t important enough to even be set up and done as a slow-burn, which probably would have been more impactful.
Having Nia’s character arc, especially in season 5, revolve around Brainy, and not having much of a storyline besides her being Brainy’s love interest (especially since her conflict with her sister has not been dealt with since the episode she was in, and the story with her mastering her powers could have been more drawn-out and emphasizing using her dream powers in more creative ways instead of relying on the dream energy blasts. She could also have more of a storyline as a reporter) and as well in season 4, while she did have more of a story by herself, it would have worked out better if she was more established as a character along with Brainy before either of them entered any kind of relationship.
Having Nia and Brainy’s relationship not be well-written/well-handled in season 4B and 5A- specifically having her kiss him without his consent, undermine his intelligence (calling him dumb to his face, which hurts even more since Brainy is autistic coded), imply that he needs to change himself so she can like him more, and him outright saying “causality be damned”, basically “fuck the timeline”, before telling her he loves her (in contrast to how he was portrayed in season 3 being careful to only change the timeline in specific ways and not potentially erasing/significantly altering the life of one of his best friends in the Legion) in addition to him being written as a less serious character who doesn’t show how intelligent he is very often and acting like he never showed emotions before he fell in love with her even though he clearly was emotional in season 3 and spoke about having other relationships.
Having the actors acknowledge the problems with the relationship, but either trying to fix them in a way that feels disingenuous in the show (see: Nia and Brainy’s last conversation in the season 5 premiere, followed by her not setting clear boundaries or them communicating together in the first few episodes of that season) or not acknowledging them (like Nia talking with M’gann in 5x19, telling her that she and Brainy were partners, and it was more than just a relationship, even though we didn’t see that much of them in a relationship and we didn’t see them often acting like partners)
Bringing in another original character, William Dey (setting aside headcanons about who his character might secretly be) to be Kara’s love interest in season 5, and having him described early on as “a mathematician when it comes to his work as a journalist, where Kara puts her heart and soul into it” and as a foil for Kara, when Brainy could have easily been her foil and of course was presented as a logical mathematician kind of character, making William redundant and unnecessary.
Having Staz Nair cast as William, who (while half-Indian like Jesse Rath) is taller and looks more traditionally masculine, falling in line with the CW’s standards for a romantic lead, and while Brainy does have a romantic interest in the show, she’s not the lead character, and Jesse in this role isn’t dressed properly sometimes (see: the unflattering DEO sweatpants, the yellow jacket Brainy’s worn multiple times, that bright green dress shirt, in addition to his bad makeup and wig until 5x10) as well as the fact that Brainy’s own attractiveness isn’t acknowledged by his love interest.
Some parts of the fandom repeatedly ignoring the possibility that Kara and Brainy could get together, because Brainy was with Nia, even though Brainy and Kara do have significant scenes in the show that could foreshadow/lead up to a good relationship, and to an extent ignoring the issues that Brainy and Nia’s relationship does have and the possibility that they could break up/not stay together long-term, because they want Kara to be with someone else, or think any pairing involving Brainy (especially Karadox) that doesn’t involve Nia is transphobic. (as well as dismissing Kara and Brainy’s relationship because it’s straight and/or old/from the comics, characterizing Brainy as less intelligent because of how he’s portrayed in his relationship with Nia especially in 4B and 5A, calling him Kara and/or Lena’s child/Kara and Alex’s little brother, generally treating him as more childlike than he is, etc.)
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korra-the-red-lion · 4 years
So I wrote a post the other day about how annoyed I was at Black Lightning’s cancellation. So, some random guy on the internet tried to mansplain to me as to why I needed to get over it because the CW’s treatment isn’t as bad as I think it is. Thank you to @legends-of-shield for replying to that guy, I’ve since blocked him. And thank you to @i-prefer-the-fictional-world and @badwolf-timeandspace for adding excellent additions in response to him.
Now, I just wanted to highlight in this post some problems regarding the women, PoC, and Queer people who work for the CW. Anyone who sees this, please feel free to add on because I’m only going to talk about things I’m aware of, and don’t want to spread any misinformation.
First off, Candice Patton has been treated like SHIT by the CW for years. She has been attacked by ‘fans’ of the Flash because she plays a Black Iris West. She’s endured racist attacks, sexist attacks, and hateful remarks during her time there. Only when push came to shove to Grant Gustin finally say that he supported Candice. Iris had zero agency in a storyline that was about her death. She had no storylines outside of Barry since mid-way season 2, I believe. Then, when she seems to be getting a really awesome storyline in season 6, they throw her into the Mirrorverse where she basically stands around and talks to Eve. Iris gets sidelined way too often for someone who is the second protagonist of the Flash. Like for fuck’s sake, Arrow let their female characters do more. 
Danielle had to basically put her foot down when the producers and writers wanted her to have yet ANOTHER love interest in season 4. She was tired of Caitlin’s storylines being her falling in love with someone who either leaves or betrays them. They were going to pair her up with Ralph. Imagine being considered one of OG trio who are supposedly the smartest people in Central City yet your storylines are you falling in love...again and again.
Kara Danvers has lost agency in her own story multiple times. As a Supergirl fan, it is really hard to constantly watch her shoved to the side in favour of what? Mon-El’s character development? Winn coming back for a pointless two-parter? Then there is the lack of proper screen time for Nia Nal, and Alex in recent seasons. Alex’s adoption storyline who? Nia having ONE episode in all of season 5 in favour of Lex and William? The reason why Dansen isn’t as popular as it should be isn’t from lack of trying, it’s from the fact that time that could have been spent on them was spent of Willy and his backstory episode, or Lex and Lillian having evil conversations about how evil they are. (No hate on Jon, because he is amazing, but too much focus was on Lex). Oh, maybe Kelly should also be allowed to have a storyline, or is that too much to ask? 
China Anne McClain released a video yesterday, and it turns out that the CW DIDN’T BOTHER TO EVEN TELL THEM BLACK LIGHTNING WAS DONE AFTER THIS SEASON. They literally figured out the news the same time we did. That is awful.
Vanessa Morgan told the world that she was being paid less than all her white co-stars. Toni hasn’t had a legitimate storyline since season 2. I swear to God that her only lines in season 5 were “hey babe” “babe” and “Cheryl.�� She went from badass Serpent Queen to Girlfriend of Cheryl. How disappointing.
Oh, and what about Cheryl? Her role was radically reduced the last couple of seasons as well. For what reason? Not super clear.
Then poor Veronica has her weird daddy fetish storyline that has legit been going on since season 2. PLEASE GIVE CAMILLA SOMETHING TO WORK WITH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.
Now, what happened to Green Arrow and the Canaries? The show has been stuck in limbo hell for 10 months now. This is really disappointing when you know that there were a lot of people, even people who maybe didn’t like Dinah, Laurel 2, or Mia, were excited to see it happen. Instead, you slap us in the face with Superman & Lois. THEN IT TURNS OUT THAT S&L HAS HAD A LOT OF SHIT GOING ON BEHIND THE SCENES BEFORE IT EVEN HAS AIRED UGH.
Firing a black, female writer because they dared to make a point of picking out the very large flaws in your show? Sounds about right. Quietly letting Andrew Kreisberg even though multiple women complained about him being a sexual predator? Hmm super not okay. The only reason why they made a statement about Hartley Sawyer was because so many people complained. And let’s not forget the countless times they have allowed toxic people in the fandoms to get away with this kind of bullshit behaviour. 
I’m going to stop here for now. These are just a few examples of how the female, PoC, and Queer people have been treated on and off screen. Like I said above, please add on if you know anything. I’m tired of being told to shut up and be happy with what we’ve got, because what we’ve gotten so far is scraps. Thanks if you read this far.
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melissaloveskatie · 3 years
This is important so if you care about this show regardless of who you ship, THIS CAN’T BE SUPERGIRL’S LEGACY.
Make sure you tell the show runners this is nuts. We SIMPLY CANNOT HAVE a constant reminder of a sex predator front and center , leading the fight in the final battle.
The fuck is wrong with this people ? 🤦🏻‍♀️
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incarnateirony · 4 years
You get that Nadria’s issue is with WB right? Todd Helbing is employed by WB, not CW. The writers’ room is at WB, not CW. WB let Andrew Kreisberg be inappropriate towards women and didn’t fire him until a media story came out and they had to cover their ass (and he's not the only one who has done this at WB). This isn’t about notes from a network, it’s a culture problem with the STUDIO. The same studio that hires and pays all these people. The network doesn’t do that.
That's super weird! Because she explicitly mentioned the CW more than once!
But who is brave nonnie but someone to speak over a woman of color about her experiences to try to talk down about a campaign they STILL don't understand is INTENTIONALLY holding both WB AND CBS ACCOUNTABLE THROUGH THEIR OTHERWISE UNACCOUNTABLE LLC THAT IS USED TO SHIELD THEM BOTH FROM RESPONSE TO THEIR UNETHICAL BUSINESS PRACTICES.
Will you dipshits stop trying to explain to me what's going on? You're always way the fuck behind and so damn smug about it.
I am going to use. Very tiny words for you. To understand.
Less than 400 people actually work at CW. Frankly it counts as a small business but makes mega millions. It is a shell, a husk, a delivery vehicle without stocks at stake for its parent companies to deliver content in. We can not impact CBS or WB at scale right now. We can affect CW at scale. If their ad space devalues compared to their expenses that travels up to their parent companies who have to make choices in network maintenance and if they want to maintain CW as a vehicle need to change their content and ethical handling otherwise it stops being worth the cost. Comprende?
It's nice to see my own personal antis getting pressed enough to send these. I take it the multifandom success of the last campaign really pressed you.
Anyway this is everyone else's reminder to schedule at least 5 #istandwithnadria tweets mar 2 2021 7pm est and extras every 15 minutes if you want via hootsuite or tweetdeck
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criston-cole · 5 years
occidentaltourist replied to your post “do you know what the "that's his fault" comment on the boob post is...”
She was referring to Andrew Kreisberg, who was standing out of frame.
ugh that’s gross fuck him
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ninjagoat · 7 years
Notes on Supergirl 3x05
I knew I was going to be disappointed with this episode. I was comfortable with being disappointed with this episode. I tossed out a 3600 fic in two days safe in the knowledge I would be disappointed with this episode.
I didn't know it would actively piss me off.
Anyways, onto the notes:
Fuck you, Andrew Kreisberg.
Do...do we actually need this bus scene? What is it actually for?
Incidentally, @supergirlstats tells me the bus driver has more screentime than Winn. Shit.
Also, how did Alex catch up anyway?
Okay, is Lena learning at Catco, or running Catco? Did they do the thing where they cut the explanatory scene from the previous episode for time, and then not replace it?
Fuck you, Andrew Kreisberg.
James does, at least, have a point about journalistic integrity here; and the news/commerce struggle could be interesting.
Okay, coming in to the Sanvers argument several days in is a nice touch.
This is the longest pointless Evil Speech Of Evil ever.
I've written two posts about how Kara's friendship with Lena could come into conflict with her journalistic integrity, and this has been resolved by dumping her journalistic integrity entirely.
Fuck you, Andrew Kreisberg.
That's an important point from last year just swept away, James.
How do you step down from a company that you own, but don't have an official position in, or does she run it?
And, of course, she instantly picks the most ethical flawless position on how the story should be reported, rendering the forty or so options I thought up irrelevant.
Followed by a short speech explaining why it's okay that she's going to be drowning in self-pity and wine later.
Fuck you, Andrew Kreisberg
I see Catco security is as great as ever.
The entire tone of this is how unfair all this is on Lena. Except, you know, she may have poisoned some kids. There should probably be some consequences.
Here's the thing: the press conference could actually be a good scene. It's big, it's performative, it is entirely a speech about how this affects her; which would be great choices, if I didn't think the show was taking it completely seriously.
And that's why you have body armour, James
Fuck you, Andrew Kreisberg; you mediocre, gammon-faced sex pest.
Why are we still doing this? Why do these stories all start with Kara being right, and then the rest of it being us learning exactly how she is right?
Jeremy Jordan doing his best without dialogue in an episode in which he has, quite literally, been side-lined.
We're acknowledging Winn helped build the device, but not in any way examining how he feels about that, or how his response contrasts or conflicts with Lena's. That's just shit writing.
If anyone new to this show thinks Winn is a sociopath, I won't blame them at all.
Fuck you, Andrew Kreisberg.
Now Lena's in the depression phase of Realising You Fucked Up.
Ms. McGrath really is giving her all in this, despite how woefully dull these story choices are.
These break-up scenes, on the other hand, are delightfully offbeat. They belong on a much better show.
Here it is: a world-class problem-solver is getting drunk and feeling sorry for herself instead of channelling her incredible intellect and infinite resources into solving the actual problems related to a thing she actually did, and no one will give her a kick up the arse.
"My whole life I was a pariah, first because I was rich..." This is class-A Ivanka Trump bullshit, right here, but again, the show - and Kara - won't call her out.
I have literally dashed out better versions of this story than this.
Fuck you, Andrew Kreisberg.
So you don't even Winn for hacking anymore, Kara?
Ms. Leigh is great doing this why-i-want-kids speech.
Your friend at the FBI has a name, Kara. You used to enjoy his company.
Winn's upset he may have poisoned some kids, but he's showing up and doing the work, without whining about how it affects him. That's how you ally.
And his speech is great, but perhaps inappropriate.
And his relief that it wasn't the lead bomb.
Why wasn't Winn a bigger part of this episode, you fuckers?
You know, Ali Adler was EP for three seasons of the greatest love story ever told, and we were lucky to have her.
Who is random Asian agent? Why isn't Winn doing this dialogue? Why is he even in this scene? How long did this episode over-run?
At some point, we need to talk about how Lena went from being a well-intentioned but morally-flexible woman with her own agenda that didn't strictly speaking need Supergirl, but finds her useful; to a morally flawless Sad Puppy in constant need of rescue.
But we won't, because the fandom loves this development, and has wanked themselves half to death over it.
And now the kick up the arse. But to believe in herself. Not to make her get over herself.
Morgan Edge needs better lighting solutions.
If this is suggesting Kara might kill for Lena... FFS
Ms. McGrath more relaxed in this scene with James than I've ever seen her. This is good.
Is being eager to see how Jimmy screws up a good thing this time classed as shipping it?
Still gonna miss Maggie. And that last line! How did no-one GIF that?
'Sister.' I hate this episode, writers, but that had to feel good.
Two sisters! One of whom is betraying her trust right now, one of whom will in the near future. What could go wrong?
Alien Bar is now Hipster Bar. The Alien Bar is now a victim of gentrification.
Nice bit of Reign business at the end there.
Episodes since Winn and Lyra: 9. Tamzin Merchant has been talking about her time on Supergirl in the past tense for a while now, so I expect this number to keep going up.
Episodes since Winn and Lena: 5. I would guess this will stop at the Christmas party in 3x09, but who knows if he'll even be invited.
It was CHUCK, by the way.
Fuck you, Andrew Kreisberg.
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marcomardon · 7 years
We have a couple of recurring villains, one major recurring character. It’s funny. Every year, around this time of year, I feel like there’s this speculation, no matter what show it is, that we don’t know what we’re doing — maybe we don’t — but there is a plan. There’s always a plan on every one of these shows. We set stuff up throughout the years that’s going to be paid off. Whether you enjoy it or not is something different. But we’re really excited about where we’re at, how these revelations are going to come [out] and how everything gets wrapped up by the end of the year.
Andrew Kreisberg (x)
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ramen-noomerals · 7 years
Can’t wait for Andrew Kreisberg to rot in hell 🙃
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drnotreallystrange · 6 years
Debunked: “Danielle was handed her role through nepotism”
One of the lies that the WA / Candice trolls repeat over and over again to “prove” how Danielle Panabaker is some sort of super-evil mastermind is that she got her role through “nepotism”, i.e. by being friends with then showrunner Andrew J. Kreisberg (who has since been fired from the CW due to sexual harassment and misconduct charges).
Anyone with a little common sense knows that’s not how things work. Sure, if the show runner thinks you fit the role, or just happens to like you, your chances may be improved. BUT, a major role on such a project is not just given away like that. There are more people involved: the casting director, the producers, executives, etc.
Here’s how it went down.
“Panabaker, who plays Dr. Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost on “The Flash,” said her audition for the role happened very quickly, with the whole process taking less than a week. “I remember I was in New York, and I flew back and I think I met with David Nutter, the director of the pilot, and then read for you [casting director David Rapaport] and Andrew [Kreisberg] and a handful of people on a Tuesday,” Panabaker said. “I read for you guys on Tuesday, went to studio on Thursday, and tested on Friday and got the call from Greg [Berlanti] Friday afternoon that I got it.” “
Source: https://scaddistrict.com/2018/02/09/select-cast-casting-director-cws-flash-share-audition-experiences
And we are lucky that she got the role, because she’s perfect as both Snow and Frost. 
Fuck the haters, fuck the haters’ mothers, and fuck the horse they rode in on.
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