#fuck you chlorophyll
strabane-asda0 · 8 months
When am I actually going to need to know how photosynthesis works tho. Does it matter? That’s the plants’ business as far as I know.
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jendoe · 2 years
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tagged by @shadowglens and @leviiackrman to make some ocs in this picrew! thank you lovelies 💖
🖊 jacey torres | 🍓 jen doe 🎧 dawn moustafa | 🌊 claire morgan 💥 mai phan | 👽 trini marin
tagging @phillipsgraves, @risingsh0t, @chuckhansen, @queennymeria, @denerims, @indorilnerevarine, @marivenah, @sstewyhosseini, @echo3-1, @jackiesarch, @shellibisshe, @loriane-elmuerto, @unholymilf, @florbelles, and YOU!!
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grass-sniffer · 2 years
the morning dew is settling in drops upon the thin green blades as i casually stroll through the park, my eyes scanning for the best patch to settle into for today. as im scanning, my eyes fall upon a perfectly green, beautiful patch of grass. the small, vibrant green blades twinkled in the rising sun as the condensation of the morning air forms small droplets of water upon the plants. it seems as though time around me has stopped moving. i am focused solely on this magnificent spot of perfectly cut, green smelling plants. i can smell its wonderful essence all the way from across the park. it seems as though a patch of sunlight is shining directly onto it, breaking under the canopy of trees. i need to give it a smell. i make a mad dash over to the small patch, immediately getting on my knees and sticking my head straight down onto the individual blades, snorting and sniffing wildly. the drops of water get sucked up my nostrils, stinging and adding a new feeling to this experience. the grass smells wonderful. its the best ive ever had before. and ive sniffed a lot of grass in my lifetime. its almost as if im watching myself desperately snorting at the green plants from the third person. an out of body experience. mothers with their carriages walking past me glance at me as if im crazy, ushering their children in the opposite direction from me. clearly they havent been enlightened by the magic of natures best fragrance. i feel the water soaking through my jeans, but i dont care. all i want right now is more of that sweet sweet grassy flavour. im violently digging my face into the ground, rapidly inhaling as much of the flavour as i can, unable to be stopped. i have lost control over myself. as soon as my sniffing rampage started, it ended. i realize what im doing is shameful. i should collect the grass from the root to keep it safely in the comfort of my own home, not in nature where it can get easily mowed over! i dig my hands into the ground, and pull out each individual plant by the root. by now my entire face has green smears all over it, courtesy of the dew spreading the pigment of the godly plant. i grab as many as i can and shove them into my pockets and run as fast as i can, back to home, back to safety, where i can store my beautiful beautiful grass. my grass. my grass. my grass. mine.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Not A Verstappen: Gridlocked {7}
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!driver!reader x Lando Norris Summary: Your mother finally gets the truth out of you regarding Max. Warnings: 18+ only, swearing, angst WC: 2k F1 Masterlist NAV: Sibling Rivalry One || Two || Three NAV: Gridlocked One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight
The double bed was definitely not made to accommodate three people, even if you were all spooning, so you found yourself sneaking out at sunrise. You hadn’t been able to sleep with the thoughts running through your head, wondering why Max couldn’t have been more like your mother. You weren’t worried about waking Lando as you climbed out from between them, since you didn’t have an air horn on you, but you were careful not to jostle Charles who was a much lighter sleeper.
After changing into a pair of leggings and a sports bra, you found your airpods and shoved the Aura ring back on your finger before taking a lap of the village. You quickly settled into a good pace, feeling the rhythmic slap of your trainers on the pavement and timing your breathing to match. It cleared your mind and gave you a focus on something other than everything else that was happening around you. For those precious minutes you didn’t think about Max.
So far you had managed to avoid talking about him with your mum, though that was mostly thanks to being blindsided by your relationship status - it had been enough to distract her for the rest of the day. You weren’t so sure that luck would last another 24 hours but you would certainly try.
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“Just leave her be, she’ll come in when she’s ready.” Your mother had been watching you all morning from her spot on the window seat, a cup of tea in hand. After Charles had woken up he had joined her and watched curiously, wondering why you were in the garden. “Avoiding me,” she said with a knowing smile. “It’s funny that the only times she would willingly do her chores were when she was trying to hide. It was a dead giveaway, but I never said anything. It was just nice to not have to ask her to do them.”
Charles chuckled as you battled to trim the agapanthus with a pair of rusted and blunt shears. “Should I offer to help?”
She wrinkled her nose and shook her head, checking the time on her watch. “She’s nearly done.”
Charles quirked an eyebrow as he looked at the progress that had barely started to make a dent in the long drive.
“Fuck,” you hissed as you the slimy residue that leaked from every cut leaf made your hand slippery and the shears fell from your grasp, narrowly missing your foot. You went to wipe a wayward hair that fell onto your nose but the sun caught the shimmer of slime and you jerked back with a groan, instead trying to blow it out of your face. You grew more irritated as the hair remained where it was tickling your nose and the urge to sneeze built up. “Fuck this shit.”
Abandoning the garden, you marched up the path and kicked your filthy shoes off before storming through the house.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” your mother greeted jovially. “Lovely day for a spot of gardening.”
“I’m calling Mr Newberry,” you grumbled on your way to the bathroom. “He can sort that mess out.”
You felt slightly calmer after washing away the slime and the chlorophyll that stained your fingers green and that feeling only grew when you found Charles waiting with a coffee made just how you liked it. “Busy morning?” he asked after handing over your elixir of life and taking his payment with a quick kiss.
“I’m just trying to help out,” you said with an innocent shrug. “I made a list of things that need fixing around here and if I don’t make the phone calls they will never get done.”
Charles tried to hide his amusement but when you narrowed your eyes at him he couldn’t stop the smile from breaking through. “Your mother knows you so well,” he laughed as he leaned in to whisper, “She knows you are avoiding her.”
“No, she doesn’t.”
“Yes, she does,” he assured you, running his hands along your sides before he kissed your forehead. “Just talk to her, amour.”
A shirtless and sleepy Lando stumbled his way into the room, rubbing his eyes and yawning as he made a beeline for the two of you. You placed your mug on the table before he reached you and let him fall into the middle of the embrace as his eyes fluttered shut again. He must have been burrowed under the blankets because the heat radiating off him was almost hotter than the blistering shower you had taken.
“Why are you awake?” he mumbled against your neck.
“Couldn’t sleep.”
“She’s being a coward and avoiding her mum.”
That made Lando battle his exhausted state and force his eyes to open as his forehead crinkled with a frown. “Why?”
“I’m not.”
“Because she wants to know why that person-we-can’t-mention-for-another-eight-days keeps calling her.”
“You can say his name,” you grumbled. “Max Verstappen, World Champion, Number One. Prodigal Son. Cunt.”
Your mother gasped as she entered the room with a fresh brew of tea. “I should wash your mouth out with soap, young lady.”
You winced at the reprimand. “Oops, turns out we can’t say his name.”
“This has gone on long enough, take a seat - family meeting,” she ordered as she pointed to the table. Lando and Charles took a step towards the door but your mum tutted. “You’re a part of this family now too, gentlemen.”
“Should I put a shirt on?” Lando asked as he looked down at himself. “Or shorts?”
“Please don’t.” “Please do.” You spoke at the same time as your mother, both of you sending each other slightly irritated looks. 
“Two Spitfires, Char, there’s two now,” he whispered under his breath as he went to get dressed. He obviously had been in a rush and blindly pulled clothes out because the tense atmosphere wasn’t enough to stop Charles from grinning at the sight of Lando in his Ferrari shirt.
Seated at one end of the table, you faced your mother while your poor boyfriends were the buffer between. Lacing her fingers together, she stared back at you and made that heavy sigh that every parent could which immediately induced waves of guilt. You didn’t even have anything to be guilty over, but it happened anyway.
“What happened with Max?”
You crossed your arms at the direct question. “This is why I don’t bring people home.”
“What happened with Max?”
“Nothing.” You dropped your head to the table with a thud as her penetrating stare became too much to look at.
“What happened with Max?”
“Fucksake,” you groaned as her persistence won over your impatience. “He called you a whore…well technically he called me one too, but it doesn’t matter. He disrespected you, mum, so instead of calling you what he can do is he can take his phone and go fuck himself with it.”
Lando covered his mouth as a quiet squeak slipped out behind his apologetic smile and you reached out with your foot, running it up and down his leg. You felt bad for subjecting him to this drama when he was as introverted as they come - not that anyone would guess after seeing him on tv. Charles seemed to just take everything on the chin and not a lot fazed him at all, but like you he was reaching out to soothe Lando under the table too. 
“I shouldn’t have come, I’m sorry,” you said as you started to push your chair out.
“Wait, please,” your mum asked quietly as her face softened. “He shouldn’t have said that, sweetheart, and I’m sorry that he did. I’m assuming it was after he found out about the three of you?”
You all nodded sullenly and she sighed. “It’s a shock, that’s no excuse, but it was a big shock. Maybe you should talk to him? It’s been a few days, he’s had time to think and reflect. You might be surprised.”
“Have you ever heard Max apologise?” you asked Lando and Charles. Both of their eyebrows furrowed in thought before they shook their heads. “See, Max doesn’t apologise, and I have no interest in hearing anything else from him.”
“As long as you’re doing it for yourself, honey, and not on my behalf. I have been called every name under the sun, but it's water off a duck's back. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to repair the relationship for some vindication for me. He’s your brother and you have missed so much of each other’s life already.” Your mother sighed again as she saw you had heard her words but they hadn’t broken the wall you had built. “Just think about it.”
She rose from the table, walking around it to rest her hand on your shoulder. “Just think about it,” she repeated before she left the room as you sagged in your chair like a puppet whose string had been cut.
Your phone vibrated in your pocket and you pulled it out to see your reflection broken on the screen. It still hadn’t been repaired from the last argument you had with Max when you accidentally cracked it. Perhaps it was a good reminder to keep.
Unlocking the device, you saw the notification from family share - alerting you that your location services were in use. 
“Fucking cunt,” you groaned before hearing your name from the other end of the house. “Sorry! Can I call him a prick?”
Lando laughed and this time Charles joined in as your mother ranted to herself about your language. You couldn’t help that you grew up around mechanics and drivers, they were the most foul mouthed bunch of people. 
Reaching across, Charles took a look at your phone before updating Lando. “He tracked her.”
“What do you want to do?”
Five minutes ago you would have ditched the phone and packed the car. Five minutes ago you might have threatened harassment. Five minutes of talking with your mother changed everything. 
“I don’t know,” you admitted as you dropped your head in your hands until they were pulled away. You could wear a blindfold and still know exactly who was holding your hand, recognising their touch and feel with the familiarity of intimacy. “What do you think I should do?”
“I’m not ready to forgive him for how he spoke to you, amour,” Charles shrugged. “If he was my brother, I honestly don’t know if that would change anything.”
“I’ll follow your lead, baby,” Lando said as he lifted your hand to his lips. “Whatever you decide. What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking you look really good in that shirt,” you said as you looked at Charles for confirmation, his smirk evident. “Really, really good.”
“I always look good. Stay focused.”
“I am focused. I am going to call the gardener, and someone to fix that bloody pavement. Then, maybe, I’ll think about what to do next, it’s not like he’s going to be knocking down the door right this minute.”
Both of them turned to the door expecting to hear it knock and you rolled your eyes. “He’s not the bogeyman. He just likes to think he is.”
You took your phone back and opened the family share app, selecting Max’s phone and watched as it zeroed in on the pin drop. “Shit,” you sighed as the blue dot moved along the street. Leaning back in the chair, you craned your neck to see out the window and caught sight of an Audi SUV pulling in the driveway. “I take that back. Can we run?”
Click here for chapter eight.
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ourolite2 · 9 months
we’re aware that fontaine rains when neuvi cries, but that’s only when he's distraught. what about when he’s making love to you to the point where tears of venereal zeal prick his vision, the morning dew aries from the verdant, chlorophyll-imbued leaves as the drizzle wakes up the citizens of fontaine? romaritime roses blooming with bubbles to get the effervescent little ones active at dawn? the sunbursts and sundogs inducing fontaine’s tangible scenery to embrace how fucking delighted he is with you?
nightly love-making isn’t any better lemme tell you. the droplets are light as feathers, pittering gently against the condensed windows, mist tickling everyone’s skin, and the moon peering through your and neuvi’s window, being the probing maiden she is, watching you guys’ session with a rush of pride swelling in her chest. rain has a whole new meaning when he’s with you; has there ever been a time where the clouds darkened as of lately? when was the last time the two of you acknowledged the pleads from the freckled boy that begged him not to cry?
neither of you could recall anymore.
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chuckle-clips · 4 months
Schlatt: Pumps you full of xylem and phloem. 
[Ted and Critikal laugh]
Schlatt: And chlorophyll. 
Charlie: I haven’t heard the word Floam in a long, long time. 
Ted: I don’t think I’ve ever heard the word Floam. 
Critikal: That is a first for me as well. It’s been a while. 
[Schlatt laughs]
Charlie: Like, Floam— the word Floam actually like— I heard like a lock [cchkk] break open and like a fucking core memory unlocked when you said Floam. 
Schlatt: Welcome back to seventh grade biology class, man. 
Charlie: I just— like, my eyes just glazed over—
Ted: Wait, wait wait, Floam.
Charlie: And I had 60 Floam ads play in front of me all at once.
Critikal: Floam is like the little almost sand-like particles. 
Charlie: Like, the little beads. Like, right? They were little sticky beads. 
Schlatt: They travel through the— through the vesticles of the tree. Yeah, phloem. P-h-l-o-e-m. 
Charlie: No, okay we’re talking about— we’re definitely talking about different things. We’re definitely talking about different things. I’m talking about the— the like, the product for children, Floam. 
Critikal: Same. 
Charlie: Not like the— Not like the tree—
Schlatt: What? You’re not talking about the tree? The parts of the tree? 
Charlie: There’s no Floam— they don’t put— Floam comes from trees? Hang on. 
Schlatt: Yes. 
Critikal: Wait, what the fuck are you talking about? 
Charlie: No it doesn’t. No, that’s bullshit. 
Schlatt: Google— Google p-h-l-o-e-m. 
Charlie: How about— How about you Google f-l-o-a-m. 
Schlatt: Phloem. Function: the vascular tissue in plants that conduct sugars and other metabolic products downwards from the leaves. 
Ted: Oh, so you’re talking about something totally different. 
Schlatt: What the fuck, You thought I was talking about the fucking children’s toy Floam?
Charlie: I thought you were talking about the children’s toy Floam. 
Ted: Why would— Why would—
Schlatt: What, like the kinetic sand?
Charlie: Nickelodeon Floam, originally called Bubble-gak, a compound composed of—
Schlatt: Bubble-gak?
Charlie: Microbeads in a foam-like substance. 
Ted: Can I just ask something? Can I just ask something? Why would Charlie get so nostalgic, Schlatt, over a vascular tissue in plants that conducts sugars—
[Critikal laughs]
Schlatt: I— Listen, man. I—
Charlie: Come on, I remember when I was in the tree among the sap, like what the fuck did you think I was talking about? 
Schlatt: I was just— I thought I had just found someone who was equally as interested in trees as I was. 
Charlie: Oh, I love chlorophyll and the cell wall. 
Schlatt: Come on, man. You’re making fun of me now. You’re making fun of my passion. 
Charlie: Oh God, my chloroplasts lit up when you mentioned that. 
Schlatt: It’s— It’s not my fault I like wood, okay. 
Ted: Boom. 
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The Taming of Man - Dragon-shifting Katsuki Bakugou x F!reader
Ay Yo, Starting a series maybe perhaps??? Idk, felt cute, might delete later. seriously though, lemme know what you think, because I'd really enjoy writing this out all the way.
EXTREMELY BASED ON The Willow Maid by Erutan, pls listen for best experience, lyrics at the end are from this!
words: 1,958
warnings: cursing, blood, probably poorly translated German, reader is she/her and will be AFAB in the future if I write this all the way out
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"Fuckin' Bluebloods," Katsuki grumbled to himself, waving the Pyre Pine twig he'd picked up, batting at cobwebs and whipping tall Acrimony Trees. The trees, true to their namesake, warped their crimson roots up through the maroon dirt to try and trip him. He had been in this forest a thousand times before though, and simply dodged them, hopping on top of them as his clunky boots pounded into the ground.
He kicked at popping Portobello's, their ashy and highly spiced spores exploding out with a crackle into what fittingly appeared to be mushroom clouds, and jabbed at the star-shaped Fire flowers, which attempted to burn away his stick with flickering flames and a high-pitched squealing sound. The good thing about Pyre Pines is that they were fire-resistant, so the flowers died without retribution.
Yes, Prince Katsuki of Forrmidūl was in a terrible mood, and it was all thanks to some rich asshole who thought he was better than him. He had met with the prince of Novia earlier that day, Katsuki's mother and Prince Tenya's Father hoping for some kinship between them as the people of their countries were viciously feuding. Sure, the guy was civil, nice even, but Katsuki hated the way he looked at him. Like he was a brute. A savage. He hated the way he picked at their nations best delicacies, scraping off perfectly good Portobello paste, and he hated the way he couldn't do anything about it.
The very remembrance of it made his jaw clench, his fists tightening. He wacked at a blazing thistle with all his strength, the wine-colored stemming tips of the petals shooting off into mini red fireworks. A couple went wayward, flying into the skin of his arm. Shit. They set off, causing wounds similar to ones you might get from being shot with a BB. "God Fucking Dammit," He yelped, gripping at his left tricep and scowling at the dead plant. He swung at it a couple times more, beating the poor thing to a red mess. It wasn't blood, of course, but rather crimson chlorophyll that all plants this ring of the forest contained.
You see, he was currently in the first and largest ring of the Farbenreich Forest, known as either Böse or simply Rot, an area many dared not enter. Sure, other countries sat near the outer rim of it, but none were brave enough to seek entertainment or peace there. The area was highly dangerous, as you could definitely see, and the only people who explored it were highly skilled Dragonborne such as the Soon to be king, Katsuki.
The rings of the rainbow forest went as followed:
Böse or Rot; the ring of Rage
Eisen or Orange; The Ring of Protection
Schatz or Gelb; The Ring of Treasures
Leben or Grün; The Ring of Life
Nebel or Blau; The Ring of Mist
Unbekannt; The Unknown.
Some called Unbekannt, the center, Leela, assuming it'd be purple and follow the pattern of all the other rings, but many simply called it Unbekannt because that's what it was; Unknown. Katsuki had read about each ring in books, craving to know what was in the center, but he himself actually feared it. He never went farther than the very beginnings of Eisen, something deep within him compelling him to turn back.
He sighed, taking a seat on a rock and making sure no moss was present. The vivid memory of traveling this place with his father and sitting on a rock covered in Magma moss still haunts him. If he could recall, he couldn't sit down without being in pain from the burns for a month after. He hung his head for a moment, regaining what little calm he had, and tried to figure out what to do about his little wounds.
They'd heal in no time, surely, but at the moment blood was trickling out of each little indent in his skin. he decided to take off his linen shirt, ripping off the sleeves. He wrapped one around his muscled arm, flexing after securing it to make sure it wouldn't fall off. He took the other one and repeated, adding two layers of protection.
He told his mother he'd go camping tonight, bringing nothing with him so he could truly rough it like he always did, but given the circumstances he decided it'd be best to head back home. He stood up, turning around to head back, before something reached his ears. What was that? The humming of a dragonfly? no, it wasn't dragonfly season...no, it was definitely someone singing. Singing like an angel. He turned to the sound, whipping around but unable to face it. Who the hell was in here?!
He finally pinpointed it, realizing it was coming from deeper in the forest. Dare he wander farther? He heard many a story of mischievous Faerie creatures luring unsuspecting men to their deaths, but it was all fiction. He just wanted to know what it was...who it was...
He hesitantly began walking farther into the woods, his attention no longer on abusing the flora. He stopped periodically to close his eyes, keying in on the sound to be sure he was following it closely. Before he knew it, he was already entering Eisen, The sturdy and squat mahogany trees practically forming a wall, a maze of sorts. Mind you, when I say Mahogany, I mean the color and not the breed of wood we know.
He walked as far as he could, before the grove became too tightly packed for his muscled body to fit through. He looked around, determined to move forward and find the source of the lovely music, before finally looking up. He immediately began to climb up the dense tree formation, climbing for a solid 2 minutes before reaching the top. He stood amongst the tangerine leaves, examining what was before him.
These trees were hardly as tall as Acrimonies, so he couldn't see far, but he could see a break in the amber foliage. He carefully hopped from tree to tree, the leaves and branches unmoving, thanking whatever deity blessed him to have this adventure in the fall when most snakes and other deadly animals were hibernating. He eventually was able to make his way down, already at the joining between Eisen and Schatz.
He looked down, the soft orange grass transitioning into golden shreds. He carefully stepped on the new grass, grass he had never seen the likes of before, and it crunched beneath his feet. Pulling back, He saw that it bent like metal flakes, curling under. He began to continue his trek inward, looking around at the tall and thin fruit trees that appeared to be made of solid gold or silver. They held apples made of ruby, blueberry bushes made of sapphire, acorns of diamond...even the leaves were made of paper thin shreds of metal. Everything was shiny, and it appeased his dragon brain.
He reached up, snatching an apple off its lustrous stem, something that would take the average man all his strength to do. Stuffing it in his pack, he continued to grab up different leaves and gemstone fruits. It was heavy, really fucking heavy, but he was compelled to take as much as possible. At least, he was, before stumbling upon a skull. A human skull. A human skull, who's body was crushed beneath piles of treasure. Yeah...fuck that. He immediately dropped what was in his arms, whatever dragon instinct that had enraptured his brain being forced to silence for a moment.
Besides, that voice was getting louder, meaning he was getting closer. At this point, he could just barely tell that the singing wasn't just a tune, it had words, words that hurt his ears to try and make out at this distance. He shook off the greed he once felt, forcing himself to carry on and simply avoid looking at the stuff around him.
This section felt like the longest because of the fact that he'd have to ignore his animal brain, but it was probably smaller than all the others. He finally reached Leben, the smell hitting him before anything else. He could smell rain, and fresh flowers, and dirt. It was earthy, it was floral, it was life. He stepped to the border, watching the plants fade from gold to green. All around him was green, he'd never seen anything like it.
The trees had spirals of moss growing up the sides, a cool breeze flowing through the flora and ventilating the area. Pink flowers, similar in look to the fire flowers, sat close to the ground, it's petals facing up to the sky. Katsuki watched as a fly slowly and leisurely buzzed past, before one of the flowers shot up and snapped around it like a shark closing its jaws. Good to know.
Katsuki trod through the forest, the damp and rich soil sinking beneath his weighty step, doing his best to touch nothing as he needed to stay cautious. As he moved along, the singing got louder, and he finally could make out a couple words. The ones that stood out to him were "man" and "Forest."
He had to know what this was, who this was. He didn't even realize he had been walking for two hours in total, nor did he realize that the end of Leben was fast approaching.
The air became wetter as he reached Nebel, and he could see the misty area ahead. It was as if there was a wall of fog, a marker for the point of no return. He took a deep breath, gulping a little. "Toughen the fuck up," he muttered to himself, before finally stepping in.
The second he entered the area, it was as if night fell. He couldn't see the sky, nor the plants, nor the ground. Only fog. Even with his night vision he was blind here, and it irritated him. He began to walk forward, keeping his eyes open to try and see the slightest differences, but soon found himself re-entering Leben.
The fuck?
He tried again, and again he was in Leben. He knew now why Unbekannt was Unbekannt. He sighed, closing his eyes. This time, he saw with his ears. He cued in on the beautiful voice, the tone, the words. He slowly began walking towards it, redirecting himself when the sound began to get farther instead of nearer.
Louder and louder the voice became, Clearer and clearer, Until he no longer felt wet fog on his face. He opened his eyes, and what he saw amazed him. The trees were full of life, vibrant with fruit and leaves of all colors hanging from them, wildflowers growing in hefty fields in all arrangements of hue and style, and best of all, the singing maiden.
She was sitting on a ginormous tree stump, centered in the ring of trees, washing her feet in a brook that shimmered in all the colors of the rainbow. Her clothes looked handmade, a sage green dress layered atop a tight silk button up shirt and a white flouncy underskirt. She had more clothing in a basket next to her, presumably to wash.
Song poured from her lips like honey, her face serene as she unknowingly preformed for her audience of one.
"A young man walked through the forest With his quiver and hunting bow He heard a young girl singing And followed the sound below There he found the maiden Who lives in the willow He called to her as she listened From a ring of toadstools red Come with me, my maiden Come from thy willow bed' She looked at him serenely And only shook her head"
you were mesmerizing. You were a faerie.
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You guys don't understand, this is BARELY THE BEGINNING 😭 please comment if you want more, really I'd love the feedback.
Check the comments for extra info!
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hwaseonghwasworld · 7 months
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Arranged Marriage Chapter 8: This Wasn’t My Idea
Summary: being a popular model isn't enough for Y/n’s parents so they decided to get her married with a 6’1”, protective male who is also a mafia, all the secrets and lies everyone kept from her will soon come into the light, what happens once the truth comes out?
Yunho x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Genre: series Mafia au!, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Media au!
Warnings: murder, graphic violence, kidnapping, cursing
Updates: Probably Thursday at 7pm BST
Yunho pov
"I downloaded the tracker on her phone during our honeymoon" Yeosang nodded as he checked if he could look into her text messages. "Ok we're in" "she texts her friend group chat a lot" Yeosang said as he pressed onto the texts. "U-uhhh Yunho are you seeing this" "shit" we all looked at each other as we saw how her friends are telling her about me being Y/n's childhood friend "shit! It's too soon" I looked at the text messages seeing that Y/n isn't texting anymore. I immediately ran back home.
As soon as I got home I saw Y/n on the floor passed out, I picked her up taking her to our room, I put a warm towel on her forehead and sat next to her waiting for her to wake up. "Y-yuyu?" I turn to her and helped her get up, are you ok? Are you hurt?" "Why didn't you tell me?" I looked at her apologetic "I didn't want this to happen Y/n" "please forgive me. I'm so sorry" "I just need some time to think about this" she stood up walking out the house.
Y/n pov
As I was walking to my house I felt someone restraining me, I tried turning around but has passed out because of the cloth that probably had chlorophyll on it. Waking up, I saw a short but buff guy holding a gun at me, I looked at him with low tone eyes and he spoke. “Y/n I’m a huge fan” “so you kidnap me? And hold a gun at my face” “no, no, no. This is business, you’re married to a rival” I glare at him as his smile faded “never meet your hero’s they say” “BITCH YOU HAVE A GUN TO MY FACE” he stood up from his seat holding the gun to my temple “like I said… business” a taller buff guy with curly brown hair who looked like the leader walked in “take the gun out of her face Changbin, we’re not killing her.
More people walked in as I saw Felix and Hyunjin approach us “WHAT THE FUCK” both hyunjin and Felix helped untie me “what are you doing!!” “THAT’S MY SISTER” I stood up and Felix checked if I had any cuts or bruises. “Are you ok?” I smiled and nodded to Felix “I’m ok” “just because she’s married to Yunho, doesn’t mean you get her attention involved in stuff like this.”
Bang Chan called Yunho on your phone “Y/n I’m-“ “this isn’t ur little wife” “if you want to see her then-“ Yunho ended the call leaving everyone confused.
Yunho pov
I ended the call immediately running out and tracking Y/n’s phone, as soon as I got there I ran grabbed Bang Chan punching his face, he chuckled and looked at me wiping the blood of his lip with his thumb “how did you find us?” “Oh right… Hyunjin told us he found a tracker on her phone, tsk tsk tsk” “What?” I looked at Y/n as she said that and walked up to her “are you ok? Did they hurt you?” “I’m fine… you put a tracker on me?” “Let’s talk about this at home” I grabbed her hand and she immediately pulled away “anyway I didn’t bring you here for nothing” “come.. sit” Bang Chan smirked and held his hand out, pointing at the seat in front of him as he sat down too. “Come on Y/n let me take you home” Hyunjin looked at me worried and she nodded showing her the exit and walked out with her and Felix walking right besides them.
Yunho pov
“I brang you here to tell you to have a truce since the other reason doesn’t matter anymore” I looked at him confused wandering what is going on “this wasn’t my idea” since Hyunjin and Y/n are siblings, and you’re married to his sister we can’t be rivals, or try not to be” “wait so you kidnap her?!” “No… that was Changbin’s idea” I looked at Changbin confused and he looked at me and Bang Chan “what? I’m her fan” I roll my eyes and stood up “is that all? I’ll go tell Hongjoong… the leader…the in that you should’ve had the chat with” “because you’re married to my members sister” i nodded and walked out, calling Hongjoong and sitting in my car driving home.
“Hey what’s up? Did you talk to Y/n” “well it’s a long story, she got kidnapped” Hongjoong cut me off shouting “WAIT WHAT” i reassured her that everything is good “everything is so good that Stray Kids has a truce with us now” “wait what?” “ yeahhhh… umm, Y/n is Hyunjins sister” “WAIT WHAT” “can you say anything other than that please” “I didn’t know that out boss had a son” “well I mean he is in a rival group” “yup that makes sense” I ended the call and once I got home I called Y/n.
Y/n pov
Hyunjin helped me into the car, he looked at me and asked me a question “do you want me to take you to your house?” “No can you take me to bina’s” Hyunjin nodded and drove to her house. As soon as I got there I walked in since I have the keys and Bina ran to me hugging me “Y/n you scared us, where were you” I held Hae-won cradling her in my arms “well… where do I start” “I talked to Yunho then needed time to think, then I got kidnapped, turns out it my brother gang then now I’m here since my brother and Felix took me here” hae-won cooed and I smile feeling calm in her and Bina’s presence “you got kidnapped!” I nodded and she looked at me shocked “I don’t want to go back to Yunho house” at that moment Yunho called me and I looked at her and threw my phone on the couch.
Bina looked at he shocked and answered the call and we were quietly arguing since I didn’t want her to do that, she put it on speaker and we stayed silent. “Y/n please come back, look the tracker is in your phone, I just wanted to protect you” “and about the conversation earlier I liked you in high school but saw how you and Vernon started dating so I left” “Y/n please talk to me” I ended the call in shock and I didn’t know what to say, me and Bina looked at each other in shock.
“Maybe you should-“ “can I stay here?” For today “but you have modeling tomorrow, what are you gonna wear?” “Your clothes” I stood up and walked to her room and she shouted at me running after me. “You can’t just hide from him forever” “Isn’t that what you did to me when you and Jihoon were arguing” “fine but only for today, communication is key, and Yunho did a lot of it today” I nodded and gave Bina her daughter back and put pajamas on since it was getting dark. I fell asleep in her room and once Jihoon came back he was confused “Y/n is staying over. He nodded and I was in the spare room so no one had to move.
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sarielsnowings · 2 years
please tell me about your ocs
Fkdjdjsls THANK YOU, ANON.
Well it might be too much information to fit in a 2am post so I'll pick one for now:
Dr. Nathaniel C. Thorne (a.k.a. The Botanist):
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It all started with this idea I had while walking though the IKEA plant isle:
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Charming fellow and mad scientist obsessed with implementing plant characteristics into the human body.
His main field is botany but he's also a doctor in medicine and chemistry. Victorian era gifted child with free time and money to invest in an education.
Most of his interest focuses on carnivorous and poisonous plants, but he also has a soft spot for all kind of flowers, particularly roses, narcissus and pansies.
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He's a passionate scientist with a brilliant mind and no regards for moral judgment, easygoing, sarcastic yet charming and driven by curiosity and a mentality of “fuck around and find out” when it comes to questionable experiments (i.e. he might break the laws of nature just to find out if he can). And well, hear me out, what if trying to grow chlorophyll in our bodies as a new source of energy? And if that works, why not grow something else? This might not actually be the most scientifically sound hypothesis, but as a friend pointed out "it’s nothing a little radical experimentation won’t fix". I guess he just didn't expect one of the side effects to be "the plants can talk to you in return".
His experiments with his flowers and the co-dependent relationship he subsequently develops with them lead him to his downfall and inevitable descent into madness, practically condemning him to a reclusive confinement in his laboratory (greenhouse), only to have his mind twisted by the demands and desires of the now dangerously aware plants growing on him.
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He's also been featured a couple times on my NSFW twitter account but... We'll see if those get posted here. 👁️
Till then... Hope this satisfied some curiosity! 🌹
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dukeofriven · 6 months
The fact that fucking Jason Todd has gone viral on Tumblr instead of, say, Cassandra Cain or Oracle or fun characters from fun eras of DC (my boy Chlorophyll Kid wears a repurposed pair of dinosaur pajamas as his 30th century costume what more do you want?) is proof that this is still a hellsite, we can't have nice things, and the wearisome counter-textual woobification of shitheads who were better as corpses in boxes is just something we're stuck with seemingly forever. #KeepJasonDead for a brighter Gotham and a better tomorrow.
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mad-c1oud · 9 months
the "I could keep you safe. they're all afraid of me" or "do you feel safe enough to come with me?" for starcicle....these are already so juicy for etoiles to say but also there is something so intriguing about scenarios where charlie is the one saying it..... maybe these ideas would be fun to write?
YEAHHHHH no way you looked at the same one as me and also thought "oh but charlie saying this..." it's like you read my mind. Gonna write about one here, but expect to see the other in a regular text post because oh man they are so fun to write...
Feel free to ask for more prompts yall!!!
(Warnings for depictions of serious injuries and shock)
"Do you feel safe enough to come with me?"
Étoiles startles out of his panicked-induced scrambling to stop and look at Charlie, eyes wide and breath stuttering in his chest. Everything is blurry but he still has his mask on so he isn’t sure what’s going on. “W-what?”
Charlie is unharmed save for a nick above his eyebrow which means Étoiles did his job correctly, but the fighter himself has been better, sure. The slime hybrid eyes his sluggishly bleeding wounds, stopping to blanch at where his hand should be before his eyes shoot back up and lock with Étoiles’ again. The next time he speaks, it isn’t as meek or unsure, “Do you feel safe enough to come with me? I-I think we’re near a cave system I recognize. Somewhere we can hide until we can uh…” He gestures vaguely to where the fighter is cradling his severed limb to his chest protectively, “Address that? Neither of us can go back outside like this, man.”
God, Étoiles hates that he’s right. There’s sticky chlorophyll dripping onto to ground from his wrist and there’s a suspiciously wet spot growing along his side that can’t be good. He’s down one hand, his scythe is still outside with at least four code monsters hovering about. He can’t respawn unless he wants to risk not being able to regrow his hand back later, fuck. They’re stuck in this cave Charlie dragged Étoiles into when he fell and he kind of hates it. Not Charlie, just being stuck. Useless.
“Listen, I know we don’t really know each other well and you’ve heard the rumors which are actually more fact than rumors I guess but I mean I had some pretty good reasons for—”
“Okay okay sorry, what I’m trying to say is can you trust me this once? You’re kind of missing a hand and an eye and it’s really freaking me out, dude. Would you come with me? The codes can wait, surely?”
Non, ils ne peuvent pas attendre, Étoiles wants to protest before he registers what exactly Charlie said. He refuses to let go of his sword, bringing up his handless wrist to touch his cheek, wincing at the sharp, biting pain it causes. It’s amazing neither he nor Charlie gags at the sensation or sight, but Charlie must not find it gross and Étoiles is realizing he might be in shock. Weird. That doesn’t usually happen.
“Étoiles?” Charlie steps forward hesitantly, bringing his hand up, but stopping before it makes contact with his elbow. The sounds of fighting get louder outside and he starts to tremble, just a little. “You with me buddy?”
“Ouais,” Étoiles mummers, “You said my name wrong.” He notes distantly, grip on his sword lax. Charlie steps more into his space but doesn’t touch him yet.
“Whoops, maybe you can teach me how to on the way to my super-secret hidey hole, yeah? What do you say? Feel like walking with a misclicker?”
Étoiles should be on guard right now, especially when he’s down a limb and an eye but there’s something… comforting to Charlie’s tone, reassuring enough that has him sheathing his sword and grabbing for the offered hand, squeezing it tightly as Charlie beams.
“The ‘s’ is silent.” He mummers as Charlie urges him forward. Chatter from the hybrid fills the cave as he grips Étoiles’ hand with one of his, the other clutching a shitty, iron axe with the other. He forgets to worry about the code and finds it easier to breathe despite the cold, dark walls surrounding them.
He finds it easier to laugh too.
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somestorythoughts · 1 year
Eldritch Clone Troopers Again
I’m gonna revisit the Clones-Become-Something-Other idea but this time it’s not because of the Jedi.
The galaxy is, to put it bluntly, really fucking big. There’s a lot of weird not-understood-by-any-or-many stuff in it. And sure, the Force is all-encompassing and omnipresent, but that doesn’t mean everyone understands it the same. That doesn’t mean it’s the same everywhere.
Imagine if, by the end of the war, there’s at least 5 different kinds of Other/Eldritch SOMETHING going on with the troopers because they just keep running into the batshit weird stuff.
What doesn’t kill you changes you and all that.
And the changes spread somehow. Spread like a song, from veteran to shiny, from battalion to battalion. The shinies change to match their brothers, brothers who do not find something to change them find themselves matching their brothers. Like a disease some say, because they’re scared and they don’t know what’s happening and change can be terrifying and it’s up to their brothers to say it’s alright, we’ve got you, metamorphosis isn’t easy but it will pass. The changes spread like a song and when they hit other battalions that have their own song they don’t go further there, because they’ve already got their favorite tune and it’s not about to change, so they compare songs and cheer or tease about each other’s lyrics and melodies, and maybe trade tips, but they don’t trade songs.
No one knows who changes first.
Maybe it’s the Wolfpack, and oh they will never hear the end of the jokes, jokes that must be either run with or hated, because a hurricane brought on land forced them to shelter in an abandoned temple for long enough to be noticed. Those people were shapeshifters once, skin changers and berserkers, and their deities (deities are not representations of the Force but they’re the next best thing, beings made of the Force without being the Force made Flesh, and thus not bound to mortality, though they are not everlasting) remember and miss the days when they had worshipers who took the forms of animals and sang in chorus.
Each member of the Wolfpack can take the shape of a canine. Give it some time, and it seems like every canine in the galaxy is represented somewhere by a clone trooper. There’s bleedover between their two skins now, eyes that are not a human’s but not their creature’s either and thus don’t fit into either face, teeth too sharp and too many for a human and paws with just enough fingers to grasp. These troopers have a taste for raw meat now, for the hunt, and sometimes they laugh and chase their brothers around Coruscant and sometimes they hunt droids and generals, and sometimes they bring down creatures three times their size and feast. They howl and bark and cry together, a sound that shouldn’t harmonize but somehow does, and together they sing.
The 501st and the 212th will never agree who’s fault this was or who gets the credit, depending on who’s talking. It surprises no one that they change together, it would have been more of a shock if they’d each become something separately. They can’t agree on what it was that changed them either. They agree only on the planet. Maybe it was something in the water, which was drinkable but ran golden in every light, maybe it was the ruins, whose stones made their jedi wobble without knowing why, maybe it was the planet itself. The planet that was awake, and watching, and listening. The planet that felt the beat of the troopers’ feet when they danced and tasted the blood they shed and who knows the logic of a planet? 
They’re growing now, these troopers. Growing thorns in place of nails and flowers in place of eyes, and their blood flows thick like sap. There’s green on their lips now, chlorophyll that tolerates the rations but practically purrs in the sunlight, and whenever there’s the slightest chance the troopers strip down as much as they dare and soak in the sunlight, relish in the heat and light on their green-tinted skin and the ferns that curl along their scalps, the petals growing around their wrists and the algea growing between their toes that relishes the cool of water. They love to dance in the sunlight and their footsteps sign their names where they step, leaving new leaves and budding flowers in their wake.
The 327th plays host for one month to a flock of something that isn’t a phoenix or a firebird, but those are the only words they can think to apply. No one knows how they got on the ship. But their general says they’re peaceful and friendly besides, and radiating light in the force like a star (and aren’t they made of fire in the same way, they are not candleflame or forest fire or lava but starfire) and they make the cold of space warm, so the men grow to relax around them and are sad to see them go. They don’t take all of their warmth with them.
Spill their blood and it’s scalding hot, searing rock and metal and burning holes through fabric, raising blisters on the skin of anyone who doesn’t match their boiling heat. They could shower in icy water and fill the room with steam, indeed water sizzles when it lands. One trooper, with too much time and the right material, finds out that yes he can fry an egg on his hand and that’s a funny story but it’s also the least of what they can do, because these men can dance in a forest ablaze and fear neither heat nor smoke, can walk over lava and stare into suns, the suns that their eyes resemble because they’ve turned into stars. These troopers burn and shine and to compare them to distinct lights is much less of a metaphor than it was before.
Coruscant latches her teeth into the Coruscant Guard and there’s nothing they can do about it. That planet is a different kind of war than their brothers are facing but they’ve got casualty lists nonetheless and it takes no less persistence and skill and luck to survive it. There’s darkness in the city, pushing at the light of the Temple, and there’s light in the Guard but it’s the darkness that seeps into their blood, pulsing through them with each beat of their heart and each inhale.
It’s hard to look at the Guard now. They’ve become creatures of blood and shadow, muscle and bone, and death is just a word now because they know their bodies like no one else and they can simply knit themselves back together. The shades in place of their skin cover but do not hide the flesh beneath, the roll of organs, and where their eyes should be are pits or flickering streetlights or something moving that can only be glimpsed. Their minds seep along each other like oil on water, touching without merging, and it doesn’t make them safe it doesn’t fix the problem, but it keeps them from ever being alone, keeps any more of them from dying at the hands of those they protect, and that’s no small thing. The Guard tends not to speak much, but they tap constantly, tap and drum their words and tunes and the constant pulse of their shared heartbeat, their shared blood.
The SCUBA troops are the ones that bring the ocean into play. They catch the notice of an old god-goddess-divinity in a deep ocean, someone that isn’t really awake but instead the divine equivalent of half-asleep and half-dreaming and, much like a human just awake enough to not properly be asleep, makes a vague change to their dream without thinking about it.
These troopers don’t walk so much as flow; somehow they always look like they’re moving through water. Gills carve through their skin and salt water feels like coming home but fresh water is almost as good and aside from their gills only a few of them become like fish, only a few find their fingers webbed or learn they can grow tentacles at will, but all of them can swim through any water like they were made for it, can see through it clear as day, can laugh and dance on a ship in a thunderstorm without fear. And oh their dreams, they find their brothers in their dreams, bring them out of the choppy dark of nightmares and into the soothing calm of sweet dreams, they dream of things that are long gone and things that might be and things that could have been but never were, things that are known and things that cannot be understood.
Slowly, they grow to see the changes in their other brothers, their family, and it’s always a shock but it’s a good kind, oh you’ve changed to tell me how, how do you find it, it’s like unexpectedly meeting an old friend you haven’t seen in years but in minutes you’re sharing everything that’s happened since you met. And these changes, they don’t make the troopers force users but they give them a bit of awareness, enough to see who’s changed, to see the fingerprints of the force in the galaxy.
Some of them return to Coruscant and the Guard’s constant armor is as almost as much to keep them in the “proper” shape as it is to protect them and they above all know how to hide, so it takes sometime to see those fingerprints of change on them but they do and oh you’ve changed too what on earth did you run into to make that happen you’re supposed to be safe from the craziness here and one of the Guards laughs. It sounds like choking and cracking bones and hysteria.
Palpatine dies within a week. The war ends soon after.
When the clones rejoice, there are those who can change their skin and those with flowers for eyes, those burning with plasma and those who bleed uninjured and those who could walk the depths, all side by side and celebrating together as family does. Some of them are singing songs with harmonies that can’t be matched, some are dancing in a way that leaves clover behind them, some are shining in effusive joy, some are drumming out their pulse in accompaniment to the singing, and some are dreaming this for the little brothers awaiting them on Kamino. See your brothers in joy, see what you can become, we’ll be there to get you soon.
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iheartmoons · 30 days
GUYS FREAKIEST THING JUST HAPPENED. so i'm writing a gallavich summer fic, and it's based on the summer i just had. there was one night of summer that was so beautiful - we went to the beach at midnight + smoked + watched out for shooting stars cause it was a meteor shower + then we went into the sea and there was all that chlorophyll stuff that meant the water lit up every time you moved. anyway i want to put that night into my fic - it was esp important cause it was my friend's sister's birthday which is why we were there till like 2am. i had a thought that it would be cool if that was the night of mickey's birthday in the fic (since he's born in august too) and THEN I REALISED MICKEY HAS THE SAME BIRTHDAY AS MY FRIEND'S SISTER. so i literally WAS doing that on the night of mickey's birthday. so fucking weird.
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thelastspeecher · 6 months
elishevart replied to your post: “Mentally playing with the idea that the teens with...”
And they are weird colour eyes, that way they can’t hide as much. Maybe with lenses but still
​The eyes turn otherworldly
vulpixen replied to your post: “Mentally playing with the idea that the teens with...”
Ooo like a rainbow iris and black scelera.
Yesssssss I'm glad we're all on the same page here! These kids get some eyes that are very much not natural. These eye colors show up when their powers initially do and are a permanent situation. They can conceal their other forms and inhuman usage of powers, but the eye color sticks around, marking them as "contaminated".
Here's what I'm thinking for the Main Characters and their eyes.
Stan - his brown irises darken to fully black, making it impossible to see his pupils. But since he starts wearing his glasses at the school, it can be hand waved as him just having really dark brown eyes. (Speaking from experience here; after I switched to contacts so many people were like "Oh wow you have blue eyes!") In the right lighting, Stan's irises shine rainbow and his sclera (for those who don't know, that refers to the "white" of the eye) get a bit of a rainbow-y sheen to them as well. When Stan is in oil form, his eyes remain the same for the most part, but his irises shine rainbow a lot more.
Side note: Stan having fully black irises IS abnormal. While it is possible to have irises such a dark brown that they are indistinguishable from the pupil, actual black irises are impossible.
Ford - his brown irises turn to a dark red, once again passable as a normal eye color behind his glasses. But his eyes change color further when he goes into his glass form and explodes things. When he explodes things (which, btw, he explodes things he's looking at, so when he's first dealing with his power he has to do a lot of quickly looking away from people), his eyes turn gold. Since he goes into glass form when he explodes stuff at first, that's the only change that is noticed. Once he gets better control, however, and can go into glass form without blowing stuff up, his irises turn clear in that form, becoming effectively invisible. His pupils remain however; remember, folks, the pupil is actually just a hole through which light enters and thus will not change color.
Fiddleford - I'm bringing back bright green-eyed Fidds from the Accidental Abduction AU! His power is based around plants and fertilizer, so fuck it, we'll say he's basically got chlorophyll in his irises instead of melanin. His blue irises turn a like, spring grass green. Some people have green eyes, but not like this. This is a green that can only come from chlorophyll, not from light scattering in the stroma of the iris. When he uses his powers, the green leaks into his sclera. How much leaks into his sclera depends upon how much effort it takes for that particular usage of his power.
Angie - she's a special case because of course she is. Making her otherworldly eyes obvious right away would throw off the whole shtick where she doesn't realize she's got a power. That's the author's explanation. The in-universe explanation is that her situation is different for two reasons. 1) she inherited her power, and 2) she has a mild form of heterochromia. Angie's eyes are blue, but she has a small ring of gray around her pupils that is only visible up close. Because her power is inherited, her otherworldly eye situation takes longer to kick in. When her power manifests, one of her eyes becomes fully blue and the other fully gray. But it's not noticed.
Not to go all "light eyes look different in different lighting" on you, but it's true! I have blue eyes but have been told they look gray and a few months ago my own sister told me she thought my eyes were green. The different shades of light eyes depends upon how light scatters in the stroma of the iris, so of course light eyes vary depending upon lighting! Lighting, what color you're wearing, whether you've been crying recently; all of these are things that I have noticed make my eyes look different colors.
So that's why Angie's initial eye color change isn't noticed. One eye remains effectively the same, and the other one changes to a color that passes as the same as the blue one due to lighting and the color just generally being close. However, the gray eye slowly turns silver. Like, metallic silver. By the time Angie gets to the school, her iris looks like it's made of metal. And then it begins to reflect as though it's metal, too. Basically, Angie eventually winds up with one blue eye and one eye with an iris that acts as a mirror, changing color depending upon what it is reflecting. But the best part is: which eye is which color is inconsistent. It switches randomly. Which is another reason it wasn't caught right away. It's more difficult to notice a small difference that isn't consistently different in the same way. Like Fiddleford, Angie's odd iris color can leak into her sclera if she's using her power in a way that takes a lot of effort.
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
What was the worst ccompetitive gen in your honest opinion and what exactly did go wrong?
also, can you elaborate your opinion on generation gimmicks like mega evolutions and so on?
Gen 1 is by far the worst by any reasonable metric because only Italians enjoy playing Fish For Freeze Fish For Para PP Stall Fish For Crit: The Meta, but in terms of gens played by actual humans, it's gotta be either Gen 5 or Gen 7. Gen 5 went wrong by not banning perma-weather, which forced the competitive metagame to revolve around Rain, Sand, and Sun for years (this was so bad that Gen 6 nerfed weather abilities so that they only lasted for 5 turns) and also led to a whole bunch of shit being broken in its own right (weather-related abilities like Swift Swim, Chlorophyll, and Sand Rush put massive strains on teambuilding because you either had to run your own weather or specific defensive answers to counter them, not to mention Rain specifically gave access to 100% accurate Thunder/Hurricane and mitigated 4x weaknesses to Fire for Pokemon like Scizor and Ferrothorn).
Gen 7 had Z-moves and went wrong by not banning them. Z-moves broke a crapton of offensive Pokemon by letting them muscle through normal checks and counters (the example I like to give is Latias in SM UU, which would normally have been walled by most Steels since Hidden Power Fire did negative damage to anything that wasn't Scizor, but instead you could just slap Z-Thunder onto your moveset and kill every fucking Steel that wasn't Bronzong, and depending on meta shifts you could just run Z-Surf or Z-Shadow Ball instead. It didn't matter which one you picked as long as you got solid neutral coverage on Scizor and super-effective coverage on whatever other defensive Steel was most prominent, though Thunder(bolt) was usually the best option).
Mega Evolution: Fine, I'm not a huge fan personally but the limitations kept them from being broken (you can only Mega Evolve one Pokemon per battle and they have to hold a specific item).
Z-moves: Broken bullshit that never should've been introduced.
Dynamax: Even more broken bullshit that never should've been introduced. This is the only time in 4 generations that Smogon has banned a main generational gimmick.
Terastalization: Not as broken or as bullshit as Dynamax, but still broken bullshit. Not banning it will make Gen 9 worse.
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celestie0 · 2 months
🪷 I have been summoned. ℑ 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔠𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲.
These guys will never give up on the horny agenda will they 😭 it's been months wallahi I still remember the last time you got asks like these and like..okay I get it everyone gets horny occasionally but there's several stories that will cater to your needs of the moment. Hell just search up the tags #(insert character) smut and you'll get that shit.
I don't think the anon meant it in a pushy way but seriously on your end I can't even imagine the pressure it must put on you. Like imagine tens of people sending you stuff like this, then on top of that the cunts who send hateful, catty asks over STORIES and HEADCANONS. I'm actually so sorry dude. Forget about touching grass these people need a shot of chlorophyll injected straight to their bloodstream.
I think so much of this brain rot is because as a reader the effort isn't that significant on our end. 15-20 mins of reading and maybe a like or comment if necessary and that's all. As the writer on the other hand? So many hours spent in just coming with ideas, even more hours trying to articulate said ideas and make it coherent and fun to read, even more hours editing that stuff. Whew bitch. I remember why I gave up on my blog now 😭 but back to the point it's a major imbalance of effort and time put into the work from the parties. And after a point these people start feeling like they are owed their own specific fantasies and needs and it's just..girl I get it it's a self insert y/n fic but dj your kitty and go back to sleep instead of pestering an already tired and anxious writer.
You're god's strongest soldier Elliebear we love you. You and all the writers who put so much love and effort into your work only to get stuff like this in return.
HIIIII lilypad anon omg hope you’re doing well <33 also every time i read one of your asks i’m always reminded of how fucking funny you are 😂 the chlorophyll line sent me to the moon bahhaha. tysm for always coming to my support n rescue 🥺💕
AAA yea ikk like the fuckin kickoff smut asks too like bruh. i understand that i get new followers periodically that haven’t seen my posts addressing my issue w these types of asks, but like?? is it not also just basic decency? lol. i’ve been reading fanfics since i was like 12 y/o and i’ve never sent an author a rude asf ask or pushy comment like that…i can’t always keep giving these ppl the benefit of the doubt.
yea i mean i felt really awful when i responded to that ask about an hour after all my anger subsided lolol, because i can acknowledge that it’s not just the anger towards that particular anon, but also just a combination of all the asks i’ve gotten that just want smut. like, i’m ALREADY self conscious about writing smut, and i’m ALREADY self conscious about the lack of smut in my fics. these asks just make those feelings of anxiety increase ten-fold, and then i become too paralyzed to write anything.
yes i 100% agree w you, there’s definitely an imbalance of effort and i think the way you put it is perfect lol i could never put that thought into words the way you did haha. although it’s ultimately my decision to write and i’d never pressure ppl to interact w my work, i think because there is inherently such an imbalance of effort, some entitled readers suddenly think that they are OWED my time and OWED their hyperspecific fantasies to be included in my fics.
idk i’m like kinda getting carried away here i’m also pms’ing so bad i think that’s why this whole situation is messing me up more than usual 😂 but anywho thanks so much for supporitng me lilypad bb :(( i’m so grateful to have you as a reader. and yes! i’ve seen similar situations w my writer moots as well, so all the love extends to them too. i think writers really need to stand up for ourselves more often so these ppl fuckin learn n don’t do the same shit w other authors or in other fandoms
much love <3 ellie 🐸
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