#fuck zion extremists
kittybsims · 8 months
Forgot to post about it on here, but I just want to show some acknowledgement and praise Lilsimsie a bit, because she managed to get 52K dollars donated to the Palestine Child Relief Fund in just 3 hours, which is incredible.
Not only is it incredible, but it shows that anyone that doesn't speak up, especially with a way larger audience, like celebrities like Taylor Swift, are literally doing nothing, when they can get even bigger results done than Kayla. And that just proves to everyone that said like Selena Gomez, 'what will me posting about it do?' If a woman from Florida can get 52 thousand dollars donated for charity, then multi millionaires like Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift and many more can do way more.
As always, from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free, and zionism will meet its demise soon.
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teacup-captor · 8 months
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I wanted to share this tiktok with tumblr
Credits to tiktok user elisegravel_english
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kittyboones · 10 months
Important video I think all my pro-Palestine mutuals should see.
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jewish-vents · 2 months
i am SO sick and tired of the usage of zionism amongst goyim. the obsession around this word in general makes me lose my mind because i don’t think goyim should be even using it, since they don’t get it and they probably never will. all they did was twist this word and turn into a fucking slur, as if it’s an insult. even people who are pro-peace and aren’t into the idea that israelis deserve to die avoid being associated with zionism like the plague, which is fine. you should identify in whatever way you like, but i feel like zionism has been taken out of context by goyim to an extent that the only definition this word carries is negative and evil. and while zionism does have different types, like the political one that people in the israeli government take advantage of, the core of zionism means no harm. all it means throughout my life in israel as a jew is supporting the existence of israel and that we have a right to live in our ancestral homeland. that’s literally it. nothing about violence, nothing about persecution, nothing about fascism, and nothing about palestine to begin with. goyim always assume for some reason that zionism = kahanism which just. isn’t exactly correct. like you should definitely oppose kahanism because it really is bad but ffs stop being so obsessed about a jewish movement (i’m talking about zionism not kahanism obviously) that has been around for more than a century. it traces back to our history and culture, you cannot separate it from our roots. not to mention the fact that this word is in hebrew, and this all just feels like cultural appropriation to me. they took zionism and destroyed the values it held, the struggle and the pain jews had to face during their years in the diaspora, they’ll never get it. we belong to zion, and nobody can take the connection that we have to this land away from us. no gaslighting, no propaganda, and no hatred will help these crybabies.
zionists are just regular human beings and aren’t monsters, they don’t want to kill children, and the majority stands against the fascists who sit in the israeli government. i wish everyone could just shut up already and normalize the fact that most people who identify as zionist want peace and two state solution as much as the next person does. extremists don’t represent us and for some reason goyim can’t distinguish that. it angers me so much
also seeing zionism on goyim’s dni criteria while they put it next to antisemitism will never fail to make me laugh. they think supporting the existence of the only jewish state is as evil as nazism, what the heck. like it’s okay to criticize israel but how come wanting israel to be destroyed into oblivion is cool and heroic exactly? or dehumanizing an entire group of people cuz idk… somebody on tiktok or twitter told you. i know it’s debatable, but antizionism = antisemitism and nobody can convince me otherwise. they will always treat us like scum of the earth
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stealth-liberal · 11 months
You know what pisses me off? Extremists on both sides of the Israel/Palestine conflict seem to think that no one can see through them.
What do I mean?
It's really fucking obvious when MAGA shitbags try to use Jews in general and Israelis in particular as human shields to protect them from the consequences of their Islamaphobia.
Sure, guys, you REALLY support us when you stand behind crowds chanting "Jews will not replace us!". Or MTG nattering on about how Jews have giant space lasers and are causing all the wildfires on the west coast. Or you froth at the mouth about "George Soros", "elites", "lizard people" (lizard people are Jews guys) or that we got magical powers from Satan because we "killed Christ".
Then you turn around and pretend that you care about our safety or our lives? You pretend that you'll save us from the Big Bad Boogey Man (read: Muslims) that you support us living full and vibrant lives? Cut the shit, I may have been born in the morning, but it wasn't yesterday morning.
It's all so you can kick Muslims. It's all so you can get your violent psychosexual thrills by fucking with Muslims. You still hate Jews just as much as you did before. You aren't as subtle as you think you are.
On the other hand, it's also REALLY obvious when far left shitbags use Muslims in general and Palestinians, in particular, as human shields to protect them from the consequences of their Jew Hatred.
Sure guys, you REALLY support Palestinians when you have rallies around the world screaming about "GAS THE JEWS!", "Hitler was right!" and talk about how Jewish women aren't really women, instead they're "filthy vermin" who can't be raped. They quote directly from Mein Kampf and Protocols of the Elders of Zion and somehow think that does anything for Palestinians.
Yep, it sure does help Palestinians to terrify and attack and even kill Jews so that we think the only place that we will ever be safe is in Israel. It sure does help Palestinians to project your hatreds onto a conflict that has nothing to do with you. Cut the shit. I may have been born in the morning, but it wasn't yesterday morning.
It's all so you can kick Jews. It's all so you can get your psychosexual thrills by fucking with Jews. You don't really or honestly give 1/10th of 1 shit about Palestinians. And you aren't as subtle as you think you are.
I see you both, and you're both exactly the same. You're both garbage human beings. I will not deny your humanity. You're still human... you're just also giant bags of shitty garbage.
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fruitiestsyrup · 1 year
I feel it must be stressed, again, that understanding the actions of Hamas in response to continued Israeli aggression over the 15 years Gaza has been treated like an open-air prison--and going back further than that the systematic displacement and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians starting in 1880 with the purchases of land from absentee Ottoman landlords that those Palestinians were forced to vacate--is not the same as condoning them. Unrestrained violence against a population's civilians is absolutely not worthy of support or solidarity, regardless of who is engaging in it. It is part of the playbook of settler colonialism that innocents are put on the front line against any retaliatory violence executed out of desperation such that disproportionate violence can be justified in response to it.
But Hamas are not heroic. They're not freedom fighters. They're not soldiers of light. They are a gang of thugs running an open-air prison who massacred the other political blocs in Gaza after Israel signal boosted them, because of course using the US strategy of funding religious extremists to remove leftist opposition didn't work, as usual. They are holocaust deniers, they disseminate the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, they deliberately conflate Jewish identity with Israeli identity to justify total extermination of that religious bloc, they're vehemently anti-LGBT. They are not good people.
Now that I've said the obvious, I feel it should also be mentioned that a lot of shit that Israeli news orgs have spat out about Hamas' treatment of civilians is false. Do not fall for the beheading babies shit. Shani Louk is alive, if in critical condition with a traumatic brain injury and is being looked after in a Gazan hospital. From a lot of the reports, it appears that Hamas did not, at all, expect this kind of lacking resistance from the IDF (because of course Netanhayu moved a bunch of soldiers from the South to go oppress the West Bank some more even after being told that this would happen), and so they've penetrated much further into Israel than they intended and are now terrified of the level of reprisal that might be levelled in response. The foreign nationals were likely initially mistaken for Israelis, and when Hamas checked, they realised that they were wrong and they've been moved away from the front lines as hostages for leverage. They have threatened to start shooting hostages but given such an act would be an utter death sentence for them with no hope at all of any mercy, no matter how slight, I sincerely doubt that is the case.
You need to understand though that the murder and abuse (this is not, specifically, rape, considering that this has not yet been confirmed) of Israeli citizens is the logical conclusion of treating an entire population like animals: they lash out like cornered animals desperately. They are people, and people driven to desperation will do horrible, terrible things.
I can't condone it, but I do understand it.
Edit: and if you're going to come onto this post and talk about how decolonisation is always violent I am going to boot you into the fucking sun. No, it's not, have you heard of the Land Back Advocates for the Native Americans who are the end state of what this treatment of the Palestinians will result in?
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kittyboones · 7 months
I just have to say, Israel is really picking the most peculiar people to be the face of their propaganda,,,, like Amy Schumer? The lady that I've never seen or heard anyone say that they like her comedy, and that had sex with a guy she knew was drunk in college (which makes her a rapist), which she told in an interview herself? And Tiffany Haddish? Who groomed a 7 year old and a 14 year old? ,,, Y'all are really picking THEM?
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kittyboones · 8 months
The anon in my inbox that felt so brave, calling the genocide in Palestine a "war" between "Israel" between Palestine, why don't you step forward and show your face, so I know where to spit if I ever have the misfortune of meeting a human version of a pothole?
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teacup-captor · 8 months
What the ABSOLUTE fuck is wrong with some people-- the other day I saw a tiktok showing how many Palestinian vs how many Israeli kids have died and I left a comment saying those statistics are fucking horrifying and some zionist bastard left a fucking comment saying "womp womp". I hope they step in dog shit. I hope they find a coin and it's glued to the pavement. I hope their internet cuts off at the most inconvenient of fucking times. And I hope they know somewhere out there there's people that are absolutely revolted by them.
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kittyboones · 10 months
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kittyboones · 9 months
Just gonna say, if you have a picture of any animal as your profile picture or post about your pets or whatever, and you publicly support Israel, I'm just gonna assume you're an animal abuser
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