#fuckboy!harrison osterfield x oc
samwrights · 6 years
The Game // [1]
Summary: Tom Holland, Harrison Osterfield, and Jacob Batalon started a game back when they first began filming Spider-Man: Homecoming—to sleep with as many different extras as possible before the movie premiered. Their current targets are the ladies of the band Navy Skies, a ragtag group of young adults that were blessed with the opportunity to play in the homecoming dance scene. Fed up with the boys’ sick game, Laura and Zendaya are taking bets on who gets their heart broken first.
Pairing: fuckboy!Tom x OC, fuckboy!Harrison x OC, fuckboy!Jacob x OC, hints of TomDaya
Words: 2643
Inspo: Kick It // Neck Deep
Disclaimer: Lyric graphics were created by me, y’all. I’m not saying don’t steal it cause they’re not that impressive tbh but like don’t steal them.
Life was a pretty simple concept. Some people really wanted to complicate things and find deeper meanings within it, but at the end of the day, all there really was to it was to ensure you were living your best life. Dream big, work hard, and don’t allow anybody to take that from you. At least, this was the mentality that Cameron Lucia had adopted at a young age. She never let things like friends and family keep her planted in one spot. If they were truly family, they would never hold Cam back from chasing her dreams.
Or best case scenario, they came with her wherever she went; entirely inspired from her nomadic, carefree spirit. That was the situation she was currently in, anyway. At the ripe age of twenty four, Cameron and three of her closest friends she had met at her day job ended up packing up with her and moving out of state. It wasn’t that far fetched, or so she believed. The four of them had formed a band on top of their friendship and collectively decided they were going to move closer towards the music scene in Nashville, Tennessee in hopes of getting their big break. But after long debates about cost of living and not wanting to lose their city charm, the four of them settled on living in a northern suburb just outside of Atlanta.
The four of them had been living in their spacious, two bedroom apartment for the last six months and were still loving every second of it. Cameron always thought it was funny that people assumed they would be tearing out each others hair being in a band, living, and working together. With all of their different personality harmonizing, she knew they would prove everybody wrong.
The youngest of the group was Malachi, or Mac as he preferred, was freshly twenty one. Though lazy, he was the star socialite of the bunch. His charisma made their lives easier when it came to booking shows and just being the go-to person to have a one on one talk with. Ruby was the second youngest, but also held a very mature composure due to growing up way too soon—taking on the role of ‘Momma Bear’. Her incredible work ethic helped put all of Cameron’s dreams into motion. Danielle, or Dani, was a mere week younger than Cam and always focused on getting shit done, but they never held her back from being the life of the party. Cam was clearly the dreamer—always comping up or collaborating with her group of friends on proposing new insane schemes.
Together they supported each other in any which way they could, whether it be financially or trying to rationalize whatever impossible dream came to Cameron’s mind. They always started off crazy, like when she started booking their band at every single bar that she could possibly find in downtown Atlanta. They always ended up working out in mysterious ways, like when booking agents and producers wanted to feature Navy Skies in an upcoming unknown film right here in Atlanta. They couldn’t pass the opportunity up.
That chance brought them to where they were today, sitting in make up getting their hair done for their brief cameo on this unknown film project. Cam, Ruby, and Dani did their own make up at their own request. Since Mac had a buzz cut and the girls were only getting their hair done, he took the liberty to get his make up done, enjoying getting pampered with the miniscule amount of make up they gave him. “It feels like a facial that I so desperately need.” He laughed, causing his friends to laugh with him.
The band was called to set, and they followed a stagehand down the hallway of the school they were filming in, and entered the gymnasium. Heads turned upon the group entering—everybody was dressed in semi-formal attire while a banner that read ‘Homecoming’ hung behind the stage. That explained why the outfit selection they were all given were all dresses and dress pants.
“So for you guys, we don’t need anything super directive.” The stagehand said. “Think of this as a recording session, we’ll ring an alarm when we need you to kill the sound completely.” He explained that the amplifiers were going to be kept to a minimum; just loud enough to be ambient noise but not enough to overpower any dialogue. They were only required to do a half hour set, and none of the band mates didn’t have to talk throughout the set as they normally would have for a show.
“Okay, cool. Let’s get set up.” Said Ruby as they got on stage and unloaded their instruments. Cam set up all the microphones while Dani assembled her drum kit, and Mac and Ruby tuned their bass and guitars respectively. The gymnasium was packed with unknown people pretending to be students. If anyone would have known any of them, it would have been Malachi. But the only one he had recognized in the crowd was Zendaya, which was enough to leave Mac the slightest bit starstruck.
The experience was actually pretty cool and almost felt like a real show to the band. The fake students bopped along and some even danced with each other. When cameras weren’t zoomed in on actors, whom Navy Skies assumed to be major characters of the film, said actors were dancing amongst themselves and just being goofy. Zendaya was swinging along with the people she had grown close to over the duration of them film—Harrison, Jacob, and Laura. “Hey, these guys are pretty good.” Z said as she danced with Harrison. The students in the crowd were yelling along and cheering on the band, nearly forgetting they were extras in a film. Jacob and Harrison were no exceptions to Navy Skies’ hypnotism as they paused their movements for a brief moment. Jacob nudged Harrison, a knowing look in his eyes with a devilish smirk on his lips.
“Who you calling dibs on, mate?” Haz asked, reciprocating his friends now wicked features.
“I like the little blonde one on drums.”
“Perfect, I’m digging the guitarist.” He said, staring at the girl with a curly pixie cut. Harrison’s eyes were immediately drawn to the tattoos that covered both arms from shoulder to wrist. Zendaya and Laura rolled both of their eyes.
“Are you guys playing your stupid game again?” Laura asked. The boys just grinned in affirmation. See, since the beginning of the filming Spider-Man: Homecoming, Jacob, Harrison, and Tom started an unnamed game to see which of them could sleep with the most extras from the set. Right now, Harrison was the front runner, despite being an extra himself.
“I’m going to laugh so hard when this stupid game blows up in your face.” Zendaya sneered, a sly grin on her face at the mere thought.
“How do you figure?” Jacob asked. “They’re extras, they’re here for like a day and then it’s like it never even happened.”
“One of you guys are going to fall for your flings, and then she’s going to find out she was just a part of some stupid game and hopefully she puts your asses in place.” Laura added, taking a firm stance with Zendaya that what they were doing was wrong on so many levels. “You guys need a reality check.”
“Nah, that won’t happen.” Both Harrison and Jacob said in unison, their eyes focused on their targets. No, it wouldn’t happen.
Navy skies finished their half hour set with the alarm buzzing within in the gymnasium, signaling that sounded needed to cease. After setting down their instruments, the band mates took a seat off the edge of their stage, taking a drink from the water bottles provided from the film crew. Each of them were panting slightly, covered in a thin film of sweat from having to continuously perform. “I think we sounded pretty great.” Cam said as she tried to catch her breath. The band talked amongst themselves, only pausing when they noticed the same stagehand from before walking up to them. Behind him stood Zendaya and the people she was dancing with earlier in the scene, plus one more that none of them recognized.
“Hey guys, everything sounded amazing! But the cast was wondering if you could play an encore show? We’ll make it worth your while.”
“Keep talkin’.” Dani said, immediately switching to hardball mode despite being the smallest member of the band.
“We were thinking of tossing you guys an extra grand?”
“What?! Hell yes!” Mac screeched before the band could discuss it. Which, in any other circumstance would have angered the girls, it weren’t for the fact that they just earned five grand off of a show that didn’t require them to put a down payment for the venue. There was no argument to even be had.
“I guess that’s a yes.” Cam laughed. “But can we get a couple minutes to cool off?”
“Oh yes, of course. Take a breather, you guys can go change back into your street clothes if you want. I’ll let you guys know when you go on and you can treat it like a real show this time—no cameras.” The stagehand walked away, leaving the band to head off in the direction of the dressing room they had used earlier to change back into more comfortable clothes.
While the cast waited by the stage, Harrison and Jacob got Tom up to speed, letting him know who claimed who so far. “I guess that leaves me with the singer, is it?” He asked, staring at the girl with incredibly long brunette hair as the band returned to the gymnasium. Even in a simple baseball tee and ripped jean shorts, the front woman’s tattoos were the most noticeable features about her. They covered every visible inch of her arms and hands, even up her neck. He wondered what other parts of her body were tattooed. Tom, unfortunately, had been filming a different scene and didn’t get to see the band play. But judging from Harrison and Jacob’s infatuation with them, they must have left some kind of impression. With a couple of strings being pulled, Tom was able to get them to put on an encore show.
The band returned to the stage, trading in their dresses for ripped jeans and solid tees and looking much more relaxed. The cast walked up towards the stage, Zendaya being the first to break the ice and introduced herself to the band. “Hey, guys. We just wanted to say how much we all loved hearing you guys play and hope you don’t mind that we asked the film crew to have you guys play an encore.” She said, gesturing to herself and Laura and the boys. “I’m Zendaya, and this is Laura.”
“Oh, party. Mac, I’m the bassist.” The only male member shook both of the ladies’ hands firmly.
“Ruby, guitar.” She gave a slight wave to everyone. Harrison’s mouth twitched with the slightest smile as his target introduced herself.
“Dani, drums.” The petite blonde gave an awkward wave.
“And I’m Cameron.” One by one, the boys learned their prey’s names. It was officially game on now.
“I’m Tom, lovely to meet you, darling. I play Spider-Man.” He held his hand out to Cam, awaiting for her to shake it. Instead, the band all looked at each other before letting out a collective laugh. Tom looked at them confusedly, retracting his still empty hand. “What’s so funny?”
“We’ve been trying to figure out what movie we were going to be in for the last month.” Ruby said, still chuckling. The collective group shared a laugh briefly. As they waited around for the encore show to start, the group chatted amongst themselves, the boys buttering up their marks while Mac, Z, and Laura hung out.
“So, Spider-Man, is it?” Cam asked, her natural teasing tone coming through as she spoke to Tom.  “How did you land that role?” He laughed, answering with charm that he usually reserved for interviews. Cam was nodding along, showing she was listening.
“How long have you lot been in a band?” Tom fired back, his British accent resurfacing as he pulled himself out of character for the day. He knew he needed to keep his questions as innocent as possible to earn the trust of his prey before he could corner her and go in for the kill. Though she had answered, he hadn’t quite heard it due to focusing on his own thoughts more than their conversation.
The stagehand came back, clipboard in hand along with four sealed envelopes that he distributed to each of them. “You all ready to go?” He asked, looking at Navy Skies. They all nodded before hopping back up from their seats on the stage, getting ready for round two. By now, all of the actors, main crew and extras, gathered around.
“Ready guys?” Cam asked into the microphone while looking at her band mates.
“Let’s kick it!” Malachi enthused, signaling their start to a newer alternative set list that they had been working on in recent months. Cheers amongst the crowd erupted as heavy, fast paced chords blared along the amplifiers—this time at full volume. The cast took immediate notice to their stage presence, seeing how Mac and Ruby were in six with little head bangs as Cameron walked the length of the stage. She crouching real low to be face to face with the front row that was made up of Laura, Harrison, Jacob, Zendaya, and Tom before walking up beside Ruby. As she wrapped an arm around her guitarist, harmonizing their siren song as they sang out their next verse.
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Cameron took back center stage, opening her arms wide while her bassist and guitarist joined in for the last line. The final words lingered before rapidly moving onto their next song. It was no help that Zendaya and Laura were looking at the boys, each of them unknowingly jumping along to foreshadowing words.
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“Do you think they’ve realized?” Laura asked, yelling into her friends ear to be heard over the music. Zendaya shook her head.
“Definitely not. These girls don’t even know them and they’re calling their shit out.”
“Wanna make a little wager?” Zendaya raised her eyebrows, giving Laura an intrigued smile. “I’m betting all of them are going to fall for their targets. Whoever loses has to be the one to tell the girls they’re just another name to add to their list.”
“I’m betting Harrison falls for his.” She replied with a deep set smirk on her lips. Honestly, it didn’t really matter who won this bet—Z was just excited to see someone break it to them that they couldn’t just run around doing this to poor, unsuspecting girls. They had learned to tune out Laura and herself after the game had been established.
“Harrison? He’s the one winning their stupid thing!” Laura said in disbelief.
“Well, let’s get real, Jacob’s girl seems like she would only go for a one night stand.” At Zendaya’s statement, their eyes turned to the drummer. “And I could see Harrison falling for a girl like her. He’s the only one who’s got a real chance of being heartbroken.” She said, discreetly pointing to Ruby.
“What about Tom?” Laura asked.
“Please, Tom may be a participant in this silly game, but he’s in dead last and he would never fall for a girl like that.” There was the slightest sneer in Z’s tone as they glanced at the lead singer. “Besides, we all know I’m the one he falls asleep with at night.”
@xxoerinnoxx @araeni
Ready for more?
Part 2 >>
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lickmeleclerc · 6 years
|Last Virgin Standing| Masterlist
Pairing: Fuckboy!Tom Fuckboy!Harrison x OC!Valerie 
Summary: Tom Holland and Harrison Osterfeild are Lakeview High’s biggest rivals. They go head to head in anything and everything. They fight for football captain, chairman of the student union, the highest marks, you name it, they make it a competition. But one thing they’ve been tied in since junior year; how many girls’ V-cards they’ve happily cashed in. So what happens when Valerie Black starts senior year at Lakeview and just so happens to be, the last virgin standing.
Warnings: cussing, mentions of sex
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{Mood Boards}
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annathesillyfriend · 3 years
Anna's July Fic Recs
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Welcome to my July fic recommendations masterpost!! I thought I'd have so much time now that I'm staying with my parents and doing nothing. I thought I'd get through all the amazing fic waiting patiently in my tbr... yeah, that didn't work out 🙂 But still, I've managed to read some gems and I am so excited to share them with you!
To all the writers - I love you and I appreciate you so much!
To all the readers - please, share the fics you read and love. The reblog really makes the change! It’s the least we can do to show our gratitude.
ice lolly by @lauras-collection
one-shot, 18+, 🧁🍭😏, laura snaps left and right, but what's new???
lonely heart by @/lauras-collection
one-shot, 18+ but make it emotional, look who's back!! it's laura again bc everything she writes is 24k gold
office hours by @screamholland
series, 18+, professor!tom x ta!female!reader, liz thank you for always providing us with absolute bangers
unlatched by @spidey-sophie
one-shot, 18+, ceo!tom x personal assistant!reader, enemies to fuckers 😈, i read it like an hour ago and i'm still shaking you guys
break my heart by @rosyparkers
social media au series, i love me a good social media au fic and this one is just 👏👏
plan, interrupted by @uglypastels
one-shot, 18+, i am in awe, the perfect angst to fun to smut ratio, such an original concept with an impeccable execution 👏👏
sink or swim by @reawritesthings
one-shot, 18+, surfer!tom, fwb, best friends to lovers, phenomenal 👏
floating hearts by @veryholland
one-shot, i'd rather have him skin me alive than take me out to the ice rink but this is adorable :')
strings attached by @loverholland
one-shot, 18+, rich kid! fuckboy! fwb! tom holland x rich kid! fem! reader
limelight side a + side b by @specialk-18
series, r&b singer!tom x publicist!OC, side a is so good, haven't read side b yet but i'm sure it's just as good!
lover boy by @farfromharry
one-shot, lifeguard!tom, the cutest!!
jealousy, jealousy by @waitimcomingtoo
one-shot, famous!reader, so fun, i loved it so much 💙
summer night by @blindingdutchy
one-shot, 18+, literally my dreams written down
afterglow by @spider-barnes
one-shot, 18+, taking the relationship to the new level
perfectly perfect by @/spider-barnes
oen-shot, reader's helpind harry with his insecurities
the next 10 minutes by @greenorangevioletgrass
one-shot, 18+, stage manager!harry x actress!reader, fwb, ava is the queen of my heart, thank you and goodnight
reasons wretched and divine by @greenorangevioletgrass
part of the rich kid!haz au, 18+, the are not enough words in the universe the describe my love for that man, that fic and the woman, the icon, the legend ava ✨
if you feel the same by @duskholland
one-shot, the love of my life harrison + the love of my life h = 💙💙💙
love at the second sight by @mcumendes
series, actress!reader, costars + enemies to lovers, this is bloody amazing, sabrina ily babe you're a star ✨✨✨
half a man by @whitestarbucky
one-shot, 18, did it rip my heart out? sure. does it change the fact that i'd let riley run me over with a roadroller twice a day everyday for the rest of my life? no
hide out by @xbuchananbarnes
one-shot, are we even surprised to see dani here? she lives rent free in my heart, my mind and my rec lists
electirc by @buckys-darling
one-shot, 18+, left me brain dead cause it's so damn good
top shelf by @jobean12-blog
series, bookshop/bartender/baker au, so lovely!!
the lost converse by @firefly-in-darkness
one-shot, so lovely! daisy's fics are always 💙💙💙
bulova by @/babycap
one-shot, friends to lovers, so beautiful!
the good things by @houseravenclaws
one-shot, i love it!!!
tap by @/houseravenclaws
one-shot, STUNNING!
the things you've done by @divine-mistake
one-shot, no smut but 18+, so bloody good!!!
this was a premonition, i think by @divine-mistake
one-shot, no smut but 18+, tfatws!bucky, once again amazing work!!
unconventional love by @jurassicbarnes
one-shot, 18+, bodyguard!bucky x modern royal!reader, m's works are always great, i am convinced she wouldn't be able to write a bad thing if she tried
what a night by @/jurassicbarnes
series, so good!!
missing piece by @likeahorribledream
one-shot, new relationship with b, stunning work!
this fic by @becca-e-barnes
one-shot, 18+, i,,,,🤯🤯🤯 it killed me and i came back from the dead just to write this
i was made for lovin' you @buckycuddlebuddy
one-shot, 18+, rockstar!bucky x bassist!reader, husband!bucky 🤤🤤
crawl home to her by @nexusnyx
one-shot, this made me feel all 🥰🥰🥰
ducky boxers by @thewritingdoll
one-shot, single dad!bucky with twins, so lovely!
sacred new beginnings by @golden-bucky
one-shot, meeting bucky at the animal shelter, cat dad!bucky is everything
roommate bucky by @metalbuckaroo
collection of fics, roommate!bucky, love every single one of them!
closer to you by @bloomingbucky
one-shot, 18+, buck + facetime - clothes = 👌
brassy by @tuiccim
series, 18+, bucky x reader + loki x reade (fwb), great work!
this fic by @ocean-bucky
one-shot, this thing is the most adorable story in the world and vidra is a queen
if you forget, i will be your memory by @babycap
one-shot, do you know the feeling when you toss and turn in bed for what seems like hours but then you turn your pillow over so it's cold again, find a perfect postion and finally fall asleep? yeah, reading this will give you the exact same feeling
this fic by @ritesofreverie
one-shot, 18+, inspired by sam's training montage™, AMAZING
finally by @moonlight-prose
one-shot, reunion with sam, attention! you will cry your eyes out
the first time you lost him + part II by @lavenderwilson
two-shot, part of the first time series, lot of heartbreak but it's really woth it! please read the other works from this series!!
everything and beyond by @rodrikstark
series, mutual pining, this is my favourite steve series i've read in a while, it was perfect from beginning to end!
painted bodies by @bvckysmoon
one-shot, painter!steve, beautiful writing!!
love me as though there were no tomorrow by @ritesofreverie
one-shot, 18+, artist!steve x genderneutral!reader, so poetic, i am in love!
white paper + part II by @marvelescape
two-shot, modern au, paralegal!reader, singledad!steve, cute kid, coffee shop - yes, just yes
positions and pleasures by @/tuiccim
series, 18+, steve and his girl get their hands on 'the 10 position that will get her off every time' list 🤤
obvious by @mischiefmanaged71
one-shot, fluff™, this star is always feeding me with golden torres content and i am so grateful!!
teach me how to love by @mischiefmanaged71
one-shot, easily one of my top 3 torres stories!! got me addicted to the song as well
where we rot by @starknik22
series, villain!reader, amazing!
angel by @sourholland
one-shot, avenger/widow!reader, loved it!
amorentia by @tinyyoungblood
one-shot, hogwarts!au, the love i have for this fic is so storng i feel like my heart could burst any second
secret by @earlgreydream
one-shot, stark!reader, dating in secret, love this!
better half by @ptersmj
one-shot, peter is soft, i am soft, everything is soft 😌
inexperienced by @/starktonyx
one-shot, teaching pete how to kiss 👀
someone by @/peterplanet
one-shot, ‍💓💓
practice makes perfect by @/belowva
one-shot, 💕💕💕
this fic by @/worksby-d
blurb, tiny little thing but made me so happy!
the gala by @/icepower55
one-shot, came back to my roots, the first fanfics i've ever read were dramione :') amazing work, this gem reminded me why i love them together so much
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worldoftom · 3 years
have you got any fic recs? i feel like i’ve read/currently reading everything and i want to see what everyone else is loving!
I've read a few things recently so if you navigate to my #read tag, you'll fine them there! Now these aren't recs since I haven't read them !! but this is what I have in my drafts and will try to read during my break:
limelight - R&B Singer! Tom Holland x Publicist! OC by @specialk-18
strings attached - rich kid! fuckboy! fwb! tom holland x rich kid! fem! reader by @queensholland
mirrorball - tom holland x reader by @xoluvx
the pink shirt - Tom Holland x reader by @itsallyscorner
switch - pornstar!tom x pornstar!reader by @blindingdutchy
comfort zone | part 1 + part 2 - Harrison Osterfield x fem!reader, Tom Holland x fem!reader by @karmelek-writes
electric love - harrison osterfield x female reader series by @lauras-collection
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fanficparker · 6 years
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I was thinking of supporting my favourite fanfics through this list..! (I haven't read many, but the ones I love will be mentioned here, also feel free to send me your recommendations too)
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• Meant to Be (Second chances! Harrison Osterfield x Holland sister Reader) - @spxderbarnes
• Trust, Respect and Sacrifice (Enemies to Lovers! Bodyguard AU!) (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @definitely-not-black-cat
• Not so Subtle (Enemies to Lovers!) (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @johnsambrosemcclaren
• Yellow Roses (Bacheloratte AU! Best friends to Lovers!) (Fuckboy!Tom Holland x Reader) - @h-osterfield
• The Art of Pretending (Fake Dating!) (Fuckboy!Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @h-osterfield
• The Kids from Yesterday (Friends to Lovers! Road trip AU!) (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @faefictions
• Allies (Enemies to Lovers! Mob AU!) (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @soft-haz
• Jaded (Friends with Benefits!) (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @soft-haz
• Mutually Beneficial (Enemies to Lovers! University AU!) (Fuckboy!Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @definitely-not-black-cat
• Side Effect (University AU!) (Fuckboy!Harrison Osterfield x Plus-size!Reader) - @darlingosterfield
• Just a Kiss (BDSM AU!) [18+] (Dom!Harrison Osterfield x Sub!Reader) - @nerdraging4point0
• When the party's over (Best Friends to Lovers!) (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @laureharrier
• More than a Mission (Spy AU! Best Friends to Lovers!) (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @underoossss
• The Little Love (Dad! Harrison Osterfield x Reader) (Pregnancy AU!) - @lost-aesthetic-of-past
• Just a Name (Hidden identity! AU) (Peter Parker/Spider-man x Reader) - @acceptance07
• Personal rec: Faking, Falling (Fake dating! Unrequited love switcheroo!) (Fuckboy!Harrison Osterfield x Reader) - @fanficparker (Wattpad link)
• Personal rec: Adrenaline Rush (Enemies to Lovers!) (Harrison Osterfield x Holland sister Reader) - @fanficparker
Series exclusively from wattpad:
• To all the boys I've loved before (TATBILB Parody!) (Harrison Osterfield x Reader ft. Harry Holland & others) - @chiloridia
• The Strings attached (Brother's Best-friend AU! Dream sequence!) (Harrison Osterfield x Holland sister OC) - @marvel_geek1105
• (More to be added as I read more) (Suggest some fics too, so I can read and add them..!)
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jasntodds · 6 years
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It’s that time again!! You can view my full fic rec tag here! But, here’s a list of my favorite fics I read between October and November!
*Indicates smut/18+/nsfw *fic name*Indicates series
Colors (Peter Parker x Reader) by @parkerstan
Summary: A study of colors and feelings over the course of a relationship
Coffee Runs (Harrison Osterfield x Reader) by @tominachristmasjumper
Summary: Night shoots and coffee runs? who knew they could be so nice
Someone Else (Loki x Reader) by @game-of-fandom-fics
Summary: Loki has sat back and watched you go on dates and he’s heard you with one night stands, he wants to do something about it. He wants you to be his, even if it will unintentionally hurt you.
*Couldn’t Resist (Tom Holland x Reader) by @highkey-holland
Summary: Tom looked absolutely breathtaking with his hair blowing in the wind, you simply couldn’t resist.
Maybe (Tom Holland x Reader) by @saintlavrents
Summary: Tom feels lonely without you by his side.
You, Mister, Are Annoying (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @the-rightful-king-of-jotunheim
Summary: With some help, you finally decide to tell Bucky how you feel.
Stay With Me Tonight (Tom Holland x Reader) by @fanatic1997
Summary: You were content being friends with benefits with Tom Holland. But the seasons are changing and Tom wants more than just a good time.
*The Origin* (Peter Parker x Reader) by @uglypastels
Summary: Becoming Spider-Man
**Accidental Discovery* (Tom Holland x Reader x Harrison Osterfield) by @dtftomholland
Summary: A series of ‘accidental discoveries’ ends up in one of the best nights you’ve ever had with your boyfriend and his bestfriend and roommate.
Dancing On My Own (Tom Holland x Ballet Dancer!Reader) by @fratboievans
Summary: Based off Dancing On My Own
*3am (Sub!Tom Holland x Reader) by @hollandlovely
Summary: jetlag has tom wired, so how will you spend your energy?
I Could Have Loved You (Steve Rogers x Reader) by @a-walk-in-silence
Summary: Some… news is found out about your significant other, Steve Rogers.
*Avenging Fate* (Peter Parker x Fem!OC) by @secret-world-of-ana
Summary: Prompt: “Just, don’t die.”
*Bittersweet (Boxer!Harrison Osterfield x Reader) by @peppermintxparker
Summary: The day after a fight is always bittersweet.
It Isn’t You (Tom Holland x Reader) by @zendayacolemen
Summary: Tom confronts you about something you did in the past, but you try to defend yourself.
*Side Effect* (University!Fuckboy!Harrison Osterfield x Plus Sized!Fem!Reader) by @urbanhaz
Summary: Harrison Osterfield is known for his partying ways, bad attitude, and inability to commit to a serious relationship. With the title of “player”, he struggles through the motions of partying and keeping his reputation, all while trying not to flunk his senior year of university. But everything gets turned upside down when he stumbles across someone who can’t be bothered with him, or his usual charismatic charm. Suddenly, all that he knows is turned upside down and he realizes that reputation means nothing once you find the one your heart truly belongs to.
Guys Like You (Neighbor!Tom Holland x Reader) by @spxderbarnes
Summary: Just before a date, your neighbor decides to let you know that they’re madly in love with you.
Quiver (Clint Barton x Reader) by @lcthebtswriter
Summary: Clint calms you after the accident that got him injured replays in your nightmares
*Meant To Be* (Harrison Osterfield x Holland!Sister!Reader) by @spxderbarnes
Summary: When you’ve to return home for your brother’s wedding, you’re faced with a past that you wish was your future.
Drive (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @blackberrywidow
Summary: When a dangerous assassin breaks into the reader’s car, she realizes that becoming his glorified Uber isn’t actually the worst thing that could happen to her.
Even Spider-Man Needs Coffee (Peter Parker x Reader) by @everythingcollided​
Summary: Peter likes espresso a little too much.
If It Means A Lot To You (Tom Holland x Reader) by @peppermintxparker
Summary: based off If It Means A Lot To You by A Day To Remember
7 Minutes In Heaven (Peter Parker x Reader) by @foreverbeingthunderbuddy
Summary: Y/n’s bestfriend is forcing her to go to a party and they all start to play 7 minutes in heaven and she doesnt want to but peter says if she joins in he’ll join
Rage Quit (Boyfriend!Harrison Osterfield x Reader) by @h-osterfield
Summary: “Stop. It! Are you fucking serious?” You felt yourself getting annoyed by your boyfriend.
Something Funny (Tom Holland x Reader) by @noir-spiderr
Summary: Tom loves to see you laugh and anyone with eyes can see he’s head over heels for you so harry gives him an opportunity to do something about it
Feel Good (Tom Holland x Reader) by @urbanhaz
Summary: After an intensive day of filming, Tom returns home to a nice, relaxing surprise.
Flower Girl (Peter Parker x Reader) by @spider-bih
Summary: Dark brown hair, dark brown eyes. Both matching- yet you swore you saw more colors in his eyes- kind of.
Pain (Peter Parker x Reader) by @grandmascottlang
Summary: Peter and [Name]’s relationship has its ups and downs. Some of the downs are painful. 
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sweetlysilent · 6 years
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Hello lovelies!! So, I recently just hit 6k about two weeks ago on New Year’s Eve (which is crazy!!) I’m still so amazed that so many of you continue to follow me and enjoy reading what I write. I’m so blessed for each and every one of you, I love you all so much. That being said, I had asked what you all wanted to do to celebrate and you all wanted a writing challenge! I’ve never actually done one before (I know I’m a loser) so I based all the rules and info off of some of my favorite blogs that have done a writing challenge. All the prompts are under the cut! Have fun and happy writing! ❤
I used these prompt lists and song list: [X], [X], [X] 
Blogs that I based the rules/info on: [X], [X], [X]
You don’t have to be following me but.. it’d be nice :)
3 people per dialogue prompt.
3 people per song prompt.
AU’s are open to everyone, so if you’d like to use one, you may.
You can write for any MCU character, their actors and actresses + Harrison Osterfield.
Reader insert, OC’s, and third person are welcome.
NO first person.
It can be angsty, fluffy, smutty, etc. (No smut for anyone under 18. seriously.)
Must be a minimum of 500 words.
If you write more than 500 words please use the “read more” feature.
Send me an ASK with the prompt + AU (if you’re using an AU) you want and the character/person. (You can send in a backup just in case your prompt is taken).
ONE entry per person please.
I’ll be updating this post and putting a strike through which prompts are taken.
TAG me in your writing and use the hashtag #sweetlysilents6kwc
I’ll reblog every piece of writing and put it on a separate masterlist.
If I haven’t reblogged it within a week, feel free to send me an ask to make sure I’ve seen it. (I don’t always get notifs that I’ve been tagged).
You can write a one-shot, two-shot, make it a part of a series, etc.
Starts when you see this and the end date will be March 1st, 2019 (If you end up needing more time just let me know!)
Please reblog to spread the word❤️
Dialogue Prompts:
ANGST Prompts:
“It’s all my fault.”
“I trusted you.”
“I never wanted this.”
“Get out of here! Just leave!”
“Please talk to me.”
“I don’t want to talk.”
“You’re a horrible person.”
“I can’t do this again. I won’t.”
“What the hell do you want now?”
“You deserve so much better than me.”
“Don’t put me in this position.”
“I can’t live without you. Don’t go. Please.”
“Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”
“Hang on. You’re gonna be okay. Keep breathing.” - @fairydustparker w/ Bodyguard!Tom
“I’m so sorry.”
“Why can’t you forgive me?”
“I’m never coming back here.”
“I can’t believe you did this to me.”
“You ruined my life.”
“I know you won’t forgive me, but I’m still sorry.”
“You crossed a line.”
“I never want to see you again.”
“That was the only lie! I swear.” - @naturallytom w/ Tom
“That was the worst day of my life.”
“I just want you to be happy. Even if it’s not with me.”
“Did it take you long to move on from me?” - @urbanhaz w/ Tom
“It was an accident!”
“Why don’t you believe me?”
“We have to let go.” - @fortheloveoflamp w/ Peter Parker
“Burn in hell, for all I care.”
“You broke my heart.”
“Why didn’t you say something?”
“I regret ever loving you.” - @summernykole w/ Harrison
“I needed you. And you weren’t there.”
“The worst part is, I loved you anyway.” - @death-over-coffee w/ College!Roommate!Peter Parker
FLUFF Prompts:
“Nobody in the world has hands this soft.”
“Well, if I tell you, then it wouldn’t be a secret.” - @spiderboytotherescue w/ Tom
“Can we share the blanket?”
“You’re adorable when you’re mad.”
“Are you sure you’re not cold?”
“I want to spend all my time with you.” - @thelazypangolin w/ Tom
“You’re cute even when you make that face.”
“Your eyes are beautiful.”
“Is that my shirt?”
“I don’t wanna go without you.”
“When I’m with you, nothing else matters.”
“I planned the perfect date.”
“Stop making me laugh!” - @fanficparker w/ Roommate!Harrison
“Take my jacket.”
“That looks hard. Let’s switch.”
“I can’t be mad at you.”
“I love you, but you need to shut up.”
“I love your smile.”
“Gimme your hand.
“You smell fantastic.”
“Thanks for marrying me.”
“I made dinner. Surprise!”
“I can’t believe you did this for me.”
“I have never loved you as much as I do right now.”
“I wouldn’t wanna fight you. You’re pretty feisty.”
“Is it weird that was a total turn on?”
“You could always go nude.”
“They’re coming. Kiss me!” - @tomhollanders2013 w/ Tom
“I’m flattered you’re jealous.”
“I want a baby.”
“Cheers to you and me.”
“Would you warm me up?”
“That was the worst joke I’ve ever heard.” - @myspideysensesrtingling w/ Peter Parker
“All I want is you.”
“If I kiss you right now, I won’t be able to stop.” - @h-osterfield w/ Tom
AU Prompts:
Best Friends
Friend With Benefits
Friends to Lovers
Enemies to Lovers
Song Prompts:
Perfect x Ed Sheeran - @calum-hoodwinked-me w/ Harrison
Sail x A Summer High
Say My Name x David Guetta
Dive x Ed Sheeran
Stupid for You x Waterparks
Colors x Halsey
Is There Somewhere x Halsey
White Blank Page x Mumford & Sons
Into You x Ariana Grande
In My Veins x Andrew Belle
Ferrari x The Neighbourhood
Roses x Shawn Mendes
Sunflower - Post Malone
Like This x Shawn Mendes
Thinking Bout You x Ariana Grande
Three Empty Words x Shawn Mendes
Bad Reputation x Shawn Mendes
Little Lion Man x Mumford & Sons - @spidey-caps w/ Peter Parker
i hate you, i love you x gnash
Home with You x Madison Beer
Feelings Fade x gnash
Tagging some people who might be interested:
@starksparker @tomhollanders2013 @fairydustparker @hazhasmycoffee @h-osterfield @hollandroos @cosmetologynerd @gab-spidey @urbanhaz @neptuneparker @parkerpuff @pparkerwrites @hazsterfield @hazspancakes @tomshufflepuff @madmadmilk @dtftomholland @thothollandd @dej-okay @thelazypangolin @spxderbarnes
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hazinhoodies · 6 years
October part 9
Harrison Osterfield x OC
A/N: I promised this would be up today so here it is! I hope you guy like it! All parts of october can be found here. Also i’m in the middle of a sleepover right now you can find everything about that, here
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: Drinking, implied sex, holland brothers 
“Okay okay okay” Jacob spoke over the chorale of laughter from the group of slightly drunken boys. “Are we doing this or not?”
The boys all looked at each other nodding in agreement
“Great so everyone pitch in $50 and Z if you don’t mind” Jacob handed the four fifties over to Zendaya. She pocketed them as she sipped lazily on her drink.
“You know, you really shouldn’t objectify women like this” Z spoke, making sure that the bills were tucked away in her dress pocket
“Then why are you helping us” Tom spoke
“I’m just holding onto the money” Zendaya smiled sweetly, cocking her head to the side “Besides, I want to see you boys strike out”
Haz rolled his eyes as Jacob continued to talk.
“Anyways. We have until the end of filming” Jacob looked at each one of the boys in turn “Lets go” Tom, Jacob, Harrison and Tony all clinked glasses and took a sip right after
“I don’t know why any of you are going to bother trying, I’m going to win” Tom spoke arrogantly, the alcohol clearly affecting him.
“Name can only get you so far Tom” Tony patted the boy's shoulder as he spoke.
The rest of that night went on pretty similarly, the boys all teasing each other until one o all of them find someone to try and charm.
Harrison did fine on his own. He would’ve won anyways but just wanted to fuck with Jacob, Tony and Tom. He somehow would always manage to steal whoever they were talking to at the moment. Blame it on, those baby blues.
One of the girls, in particular, Harrison couldn’t remember her name if he tried. She was talking to Tony, seeming semi-disinterested.
“Hey, sorry is he bothering you?” Harrison walked up behind her, grazing her arm gently with his hand as he looked at Tony. Harrisons brows furrowed in confusion, his eyes all too aware of what he was doing.
The red-headed girl looked up at Haz, over to tony and then back up a Haz.
“No, actually we were just finishing up” She spoke softly, a slight apology in her eyes as she looked at Tony.
“Oh well in that case darling, I’d love to dance with you” He stepped away from her only to hold out his hand for her to take if she’d like. And so she did. As the two of them walked away Harrison quickly glanced behind him, shooting Tony an exaggerated shocked expression. He did this more than he probably should’ve, every time they went out he somehow managed to end up with one of the girls the other guys were with. Whether he chose to let it escalate from there, however, was a different topic all together.
Tony only got more angry with Haz stepping in constantly, feeling as though he was the sole target of his ‘theft’. Haz won in the end. The $200 was his. Tony eventually brushed it off. But he’d always been taught to take advantage of the opportunities given to him. When presented one as tempting as Emma, alongside being petty and getting back at Harrison, how could he say no?
Remy may not have been on set last year but Tony caught him up pretty quickly, he’d seemed pissed when he spoke of the bet. So when Remy had noticed -whatever it was- between Emma and Harrison, the fleeting glances, flushed cheeks, and cheesy grins, he may have mentioned it to Tony.
“So..” Emma paused, fiddling with the elastic on her wrist “It was a fuckboy bet?”
“Essentially, yes” Harrison gauged Emma’s reaction, she chewed the inside of her cheek, continuing the fiddle with the elastic. He looked down at his hands “We were dumb and arrogant and a little drunk. It was stupid and you probably think I’m like some huge dick now who ta-”
“Harrison” Emma interrupted him, his head shot up. “Why would I think that?” She placed her hand on top of his. He had been subconsciously twisting his ring around his middle finger. Her hand, significantly smaller than his, squeezed his gently.
“I uh. Um. I just figured-” Harrison stammers, he looks back down at his- their hands. Her nails now a clean yellow, in contrast to the chipped red she had on when they met. They stood out against his skin. He intertwined their fingers, completely losing his train of thought as her hand fit perfectly in his. They sat like this for a minute, Emma’s thumb gently rubbing the back of Harrison’s hand.
“I don’t think I could be mad at you if I tried Haz” Emma was practically whispering, still looking down at their hands, mindlessly tracing shapes across his skin with her thumb.
“You’ve known me for a month” Harrison chuckled, lifting his head to look over at her, her hair falling over her slightly slouched shoulders, curling gently at the ends. She looked at him through her lashes before lifting her head the rest of the way to meet his gaze.
“Does that matter?” Emma’s eyes were filled with a mix of curiosity and deflated hope. Harrison thought for a moment before shaking his head gently “Not at all” he whispered in reply, watching her expression change to delight. Emma bit her lip gently in attempt to hold back her smile. Harrisons' eyes moved to her lips as he subconsciously started to lean in ever so slowly, Emma did as well, so slow it was barely noticeable.
“Tell me to stop” Harrison whispered as their lips brushed, his gaze flicked up to her eyes as she shook her head gently.
“Don’t want you to” Harrison placed his other hand on her jaw gently, his fingertips rough against her skin. He nudged her nose with his, her breath hot on his lips, a small amount of invisible stubble already tickling at her lip. They both closed their eyes as the trailer door swung open, the previously quiet space quickly being filled with the laughter of the three Holland brothers.
Emma and Harrison split apart quickly, both of them already missing the other person’s hand in theirs and the heat of their lips so close, but so far still.
“Did you guys figure things out” Harry spoke, neither he or Sam had noticed the position their friends had been in before they stepped in. Emma and Harrison looked at each other and then back to the three boys. Emma shrugged and nodded her head
“Yeah. You could say that” Harrison bit back a smile.
Taglist: @rainbow-marvel  @notimeforthemessenger @notimeforthemessenger  @ap93mcu
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samwrights · 6 years
The Game // [4]
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Summary: Tom Holland, Harrison Osterfield, and Jacob Batalon started a game back when they first began filming Spider-Man: Homecoming—to sleep with as many different extras as possible before the movie premiered. Their current targets are the ladies of the band Navy Skies, a ragtag group of young adults that were blessed with the opportunity to play in the homecoming dance scene. Fed up with the boys’ sick game, Laura and Zendaya are taking bets on who gets their heart broken first.
Pairing: fuckboy!Tom x OC, fuckboy!Harrison x OC, fuckboy!Jacob x OC, hints of TomDaya
Words: 3094
Inspo:  Mr. Brightside // The Killers High Regard // The Story So Far Dancing On Glass // St. Lucia Placeholder // The Story So Far Closure // The Story So Far
Disclaimer: Lyric graphics were created by me, y’all. I’m not saying don’t steal it cause they’re not that impressive tbh but like don’t steal them.
Warnings: Mild sexual themes.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Weeks later, it turned out the girls had kept their word on never seeing Tom or Harrison again. Their world kept turning, just as it always did when minor setbacks presented themselves. Minor setbacks for them also always turned into new songs. Navy Skies had a whole new arsenal of songs to put on an EP they had been working on, as well as a new set list for their next few shows coming up. Cam had really outdone herself on writing this time around—she didn’t get stuck once and her band was easily able to make her imagination come to life.
They had a show tonight at the very same bar that Cam shot pool at three nights a week. Thanks to being good friends with the current manager of the bar, Navy Skies had a secured performance at the pool hall at least once a month. At the moment, the band was getting ready per their usual pre-show ritual. Mac was in the shower while the ladies did their hair and make up, warming up their vocals by singing along to modern karaoke favorites. Cam started off the bridge to Mr. Brightside. They each took turns doing a line, going a half step higher every time it was their turn including Mac who would chime in from the open bathroom door, despite hating this particular song.
The girls were dressed to kill, sporting leather pants and dramatic winged liner. Tonight, they were hoping for a big break with the launch of their self produced EP, maybe finally sign to a label. They needed to dress to impress tonight. Cameron finished lacing up her signature white Doc Martens as her band was heading out the door.
Being the local supporters they were, Navy Skies watched the other performers while shooting a couple rounds of pool before unloading their van. “Need a hand?” Cameron turned her head to see Tom, Harrison, and Jacob all walking up. She raised her eyebrow, an unintentional look of disgust on her face.
“What are you guys doing here?” She asked, not stopping from helping unloading their utility van.
“We saw you had a show, so we wanted to come watch!” Jacob said cheerfully, almost innocently. He knew he still had a chance to land his target, and he was going to seize the opportunity. Immediately, he started helping them unload a few heavy amps from their utility van. The tiny drummer thanked him profusely.
“Thanks a lot, social media.” Ruby grumbled, figuring that was how the boys found out about their show. She was helping bring their drum kit and a couple more amps forward until Harrison stopped her.
“Hey, can we talk?” He asked timidly, lending a helping hand by taking the amplifiers off the van and placing them onto the sidewalk.
“And then some? Ruby mocked icily. “There’s not much to talk about. You made it pretty clear that you and Tom were just trying to get into our pants, and Cam and I aren’t like that.”
“I know. And I’m sorry that I even said that because that wasn’t what I meant at all.” She looked at him expectantly, her tattooed arms folding over her chest. “We just wanted to impress you two so that we could keep seeing you.”
“I’ll give you a tip, then. Money doesn’t impress anyone, and neither does being a douche. I don’t care if you pay for my meals or my bar tab, or what kind of car you have, or how you dress. I care about what you have to offer that isn’t tangible and what you offer as a human being.” Harrison nodded his head slowly, taking in her words.
“Okay.” He responds finally as he mulled over her statement. “I’m sorry about what went down.  I meant what I said though—I want to keep seeing you, and I hope you forgive me enough to allow me the pleasure of taking you out.”
“I’ll think about it.” Ruby muses playfully, though it was clear that she held no grudge against him. They laughed together as they griped about moving the heavy equipment, the tension in the air dissipating after she forgave him. While this meant that Harrison still had a chance to snag his prey, it was the furthest thing from his mind. The only thing he could even think about was where he wanted to take Ruby out for their unofficial date.
Cameron was inside attaching all the cords to their respective inputs and outputs as Tom and Harrison wheeled more equipment in on a dolly. “Thanks.” She said shortly. Though Cameron didn’t necessarily have a reason to be angry—since Harrison was mostly speaking for himself and Tom the last time they had all seen each other—Tom never disputed his best mate’s words. In her mind, his silence meant agreement; it meant he was still doing whatever it took to sleep with her.
“Need anything else, love?” He asked, looking at her as she put together the rest of the cords in exasperation. She wouldn’t look at him.
“No, I’m good.” The boys looked at each other. Without physically saying anything, Harrison walked away to give his mate the privacy he wished for. Maybe Cameron would forgive him the way Ruby forgave Haz.
“Cameron.” Tom called out. She didn’t stop moving. “Hey, look at me.” She aggressively set down the microphone stand she had just assembled before turning to him
“I know I said sorry a thousand times the last time I saw you, but I am. Haz spoke for me, and I just want a chance to speak for myself.” Cameron looked at her watch before flashing her own brown orbs to his.
“You’ve got two minutes.”
“It was never about just taking you home,” He lied. “I don’t know why he even said that. If that’s all it was about, I wouldn’t have even bothered hanging out, I would have just moved on.” His silver tongue was working magic. Fib after fib, and she believed every bit of it. But she wouldn’t give in so easily. “But I want to get to know you.”
“One minute.”
“Please, don’t be mad at me. I’m sorry.” He begged, gripping her delicate shoulders to make her look at him. She groaned with a roll of her eyes.
“Okay, fine. I wasn’t really mad at you per se—mostly just at Harrison. And that’s not fair to you.”
“Friends?” He asked, hopeful.
“I’ll take it.” She had finished setting up all the wires after Harrison and Jacob brought in the rest of the equipment from their van. While her band was tuning their instruments, Cam was downing two drinks at the bar as fast as she could to help her overcome her innate stage fright. Tom was observing her from a safe distance, immediately noticing the restless tapping of her fingers on the bar and bouncing leg. “You’re anxious, love?” It wasn’t really a question despite the way it came out, but more so an observation.
“Yeah, I always get the jitters.” She replied as she downed another drink. “But I need to go do mic check.” She scurried away, waving to Tom as his friends flanked his sides.
“You guys good?” Harrison asked as they watched the band.
“Yeah, you guys?” Both of them nodded. “Perfect. Game on.”
The show began, flocks of young and older adults gathered around the small makeshift stage as loud power chords filled the bar. “Thanks for coming to the show tonight everybody! Let’s give a hand to the other bands that played!” Cam said into her microphone, causing her audience to erupt in applause. “We are Navy Skies and we were hoping you’d all like to kick it with us.” The pun she used signified the start of the first song of their set list—the very same song they played on the set of Spider-Man.
Their choreographed routine brought the most miniscule amount of nostalgia back to the cast as they watched from the very front. The way the lights were hitting the features of their targets and their incredibly overt, plucky personalities that shone on stage, the boys remembered their goal. Take out your prey, move onto the next. They were running out of time with just a couple weeks left of filming to complete, and Harrison was still in the lead.
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Being the punk band that they were, most the lyrics that fell from Cameron’s pierced lip often came out as garbled noise. But for some reason, every word always came out crystal clear to the ladies that had taken bets against their friends. “I almost feel a little sorry for them.” Laura chimed to Z, watching the band play from a distance.
“For who?” Her friend asks, sipping on her rum and coke.”
“The boys. They don’t even realize these girls aren’t going to put up with their shit.” Zendaya shrugs with a playful twist of her features.
“That’s their own fault. They wanted to play this game, but games usually have a winner and a loser. They just don’t know which ones they are yet.”
“Neither do we.” Laura reminded her, though they both were firm believers on their stances of the bet. The girls watched as the boys were jumping around enthusiastically with the band, awaiting patiently for future events to unfurl.
Meanwhile, the band was rolling through their set list; just having fun with their interactive crowd. They had just finished their fifth song and, while Ruby was switching out her guitars, Cameron took over the awkward silence. “So I know we play here kind of often, mostly ‘cause I basically live here and Wayne hasn’t kicked me out yet. Hi Wayne!” She waved to the manager who was standing behind the bar, who gave her a silly wave back. “But we’ve been writing quite a few new songs and we wanted to try something a little different. So I hope you guys like it.” She lead her microphone back to its stand that was resting in front of a keyboard.
A delicate upbeat rhythm came from the keys she played on as she lead her band through their newest song. It was so remarkably different from their typical angst and anger filled lyrics and chords that the audience was unsure of how to react. Typically, they’d be jumping around and bopping their aids, but the airy and nearly careless beat left them confused. Cameron hoped the drama leading up to the chorus got them moving like it did to her band, but she also knew their presence would play a factor in that.
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Cameron pulled away from the keyboard, taking a moment to pull her microphone back with her and jump along with her band as she sang the chorus in harmony with them. Much to her surprise, the younger folks in the audience were bouncing along, including Tom, Jacob, and Harrison. It was so different for them, but the positive responses were fueling confidence in the band as they transitioned into a ballad, Mac and Ruby each switching to an acoustic guitar. “We’re gonna slow it down, just a bit.” She announced as her guitarists started another semi-peppy beat.
Cam was bopping her head along to the strums of her mates guitars as the introduction started.
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From the very back row of the crowd, Z was smirking as Tom and Cameron made eye contact as she melodically sand such brutal words. The uncanny foreshadowing had to be obvious to more than just Laura and herself. Surely Tom knew that these lines had to have come from previous experience. Hearing such spiteful lyrics to whomever the subject was, was not attractive despite being ironically fitting. There was no chance of Tom falling for this bitter, heartbroken teenager in a young adult’s overly tattooed body.
Navy Skies closed out with another fast paced, angsty song. Cameron stepped off stage and surrounded herself with fans that were singing along with Tom standing at a safe distance. She stood in the center of a pit as she bobbed up and down with the beat of the drum.
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From the way the crowd was moving in sync with Cam, Tom gather that this particular song must have been a fan favorite. It was truly nothing short of magnificent to watch the energy that she was bringing to her people. Even her own band mates were coming alive on the stage, holding down the fort and keeping the reset of the crown entertained. “Ready?” Mac yelled into his microphone, the ever growing audience cheering loudly. “Get it!”
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Cameron ran back up to the stage, taking a bow as the reverberation from the guitars ringing on. Clapping and yells were sporadically filling the bar as Navy Skies took a collective bow. “Thanks so much everybody, have a wonderful night and get some safe!” The flurry of people slowly dissipated as the band began breaking down their equipment. Well, really it was just Malachi as the girls rushed off stage for their routine post show cigarette together.
“Thanks for abandoning me!” Mac yelled as he brought out both of his guitar cases. Jacob and Harrison were behind him, wheeling one amplifier at a time on a dolly and began helping load up their van. The girls simply waved their hands in dismissal. After they finished their smoke, they went back I to help clean up. Tom was sitting at the bar once again, this time with Zendaya and Laura flanking his sides with a total of nine shot glasses lining along the bar top. He turned to face the singer as she approached.
“Hey, love. Great show!” Tom stood up to hug the young woman, giving her the slightest amount of discomfort as he did so.
“Thanks. And thank you ladies for coming out as well.” She said sincerely, looking at Laura and Z.
“Yeah, it was pretty cool.” Laura added. The rest of the band as well as Haz and Jacob finally came to join after they hauled away the rest of the equipment.
“Ooh, did you buy us a round? Dani asked, glancing at the shot glasses all lined up. Tom started handing each of them out with Z’s assistance.
“Yep, one for everybody.” He raised his shot glass, everyone else following suit. “Cheers to a great show!” Everyone took their shot, followed by a string of whooping, but the celebration never ended there. Countless shots and drink later, and the band had completely lost track of how many drinks they had consumed. Dani was a dancing fool, grinding up on Jacob as the DJ played old school throwbacks. Laura, Z, and Mac were right along side them, giving off a girl’s night out vibe. Cameron and Tom were playing pool together, and Harrison and Ruby were god knows where. “How are you still beating me while you’re drunk?!” Tom jeered to a swaying Cam. She only laughed as she broke the rack once again.
“You just suck.” He scoffed playfully in response to her, taking his shot.
“Yeah? Why don’t we raise the stakes then, love? How about if I win this, you have to go on a date with me?” From the way things were going, it seemed like Tom had the chance to win.
“And if I win?” Cam tried her best to get her hazy mind together, formulating a plan for her victory.
“I’ll take you to the Spider-Man premier and lose the chance to take Haz as my plus one?”
“Deal.” She says as she finishes up a four ball run against him. They both had three balls left on the table before getting to the eight. Tom was fully confident he would win, though he wouldn’t mind it either way. Not that he intended to keep his word on bringing her to the premier. He had hoped the promise of taking her would give him brownie points and he could finally cross his target of his list. He had taken his shot, getting his solid ball towards the pocket, but it ended up rattling. Cameron sucked in air before clicking her tongue. “That’s a shame, Tommy boy. Looks like you’re taking me to the premier.”
“You haven’t even taken your shot yet!” Cameron laughed before finishing off her beer. She lined up for her shot, using delicate speed to get her to the eight ball.
“Back left corner.” She declared, pointing with her cue before she meticulously bent down and sank the eight ball. She turned to Tom, a smirk on her face as she threw a wink at him. A boisterous laughter bubbled from her chest as she saw the genuine disappointment on his face. “Let me know when the premier is.”
“Dammit, I was really hoping I could take you on a date.” He feigned disappointment. But so far, things were going according to his plan.
“I mean you still can.” She pointed out with slurred words as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Tom perked up at this.
“Yeah? When are you free this week, love?” He started to hone in on her, his hands touching her slightly exposed lower back. His fingers began to dance along her exposed tattoos as he looked down at her. Maybe it was the alcohol speaking, but the smolder burning in his brown eyes was affecting Cameron. He was making her weak. Her arms wrapped around his neck, bringing him close enough so that their noses were touching.
“I’m off Sunday night.” Her lips were just barely ghosting over, the metal bar in her lip grazing over him.
“Sunday night, then.” Was all he said before his lips crashed into hers, an act that didn’t go unnoticed by his co-stars as each of them turned to see the kiss.
@xxoerinnoxx @araeni @tom-hollands-eyelash
Apologies for any grammatical errors, I didn’t get a chance to proofread it before work. Let me know if you find anything and if you enjoyed this chapter or series, please make sure to like or reblog it!
Ready for more? > [ HERE ] <
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samwrights · 6 years
The Game // [2]
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Summary: Tom Holland, Harrison Osterfield, and Jacob Batalon started a game back when they first began filming Spider-Man: Homecoming—to sleep with as many different extras as possible before the movie premiered. Their current targets are the ladies of the band Navy Skies, a ragtag group of young adults that were blessed with the opportunity to play in the homecoming dance scene. Fed up with the boys’ sick game, Laura and Zendaya are taking bets on who gets their heart broken first.
Pairing: fuckboy!Tom x OC, fuckboy!Harrison x OC, fuckboy!Jacob x OC, hints of TomDaya
Words: 2537
Inspo: Too Sexy // Right Said Fred Often // The Weeknd
Disclaimer: Lyric graphics were created by me, y’all. I’m not saying don’t steal it cause they’re not that impressive tbh but like don’t steal them.
Warnings: Mild sexual themes.
Check out the previous part  >here<
The rest of the show went along swimmingly. Navy Skies was currently packing up their equipment, discussing their plans to go out after a successful day. Tom, Harrison, and Jacob walked up to the band.
“That show was sick!” Jacob cheered.
“Yeah, you guys were amazing. Sad that this was the only scene you guys will be in.” Tom added, trying to coax a response out of the girls. More so, his girl, as he kept his eyes locked on his target. “Since we’re all done shooting tonight, you lot should come to a little party at my house.”
“Ooh, party.” Mac said, giving a laid back hang loose sign.
“Send us the address?” Cameron said, locking eyes with Tom for what felt like the first time. Or maybe it was just the fact that he was finally able to notice that her brown eyes matched his.
“Sure, have you got your phone on you?” He asked, trying to feign innocence. Cameron pulled hers out of the back pocket of her ripped shorts that she had changed into after the show, pulling up a new contact page so Tom could enter his information. Unbeknownst to her, he smirked, knowing he was getting a leg up over Haz and Jacob. The faster he could claim his victory, the faster he could move onto his next target. Tom handed Cameron’s phone back to her, making sure his touch lingered a bit longer and that he smiled and made eye contact with her. She shied away from him, feeling uncomfortable with his overly hungered glance.
“We should drop out equipment off at home, and we’ll head over after. Sound good?” Dani said; the rest of band nodded in agreement.
“Great, we’ll see you all there.” Harrison sad, rubbing his hands together while keeping his eyes locked on Ruby. She pretended not to notice—they all did. But they knew they were going to discuss it all in their van on the way home.
The members of Navy Skies unloaded their equipment, lugging it up one by one to their second story apartment. After that, they all changed out of their now sweaty clothes and decided to clean up for the night, getting dressed up enough to impress, but not to look like they were trying too hard. They wanted to create the impression that it were just typical of them to be running around in simple, little black dresses, or in Mac’s case, black slacks and a pastel button up.
‘Address?’ Cameron sent a text message to Tom as the four of them piled up in Ruby’s car. Cam sat shot gun, much to the complaint of Malachi, since she was navigating. He always sat shot gun due to his height, but the eldest of the group put her foot down on the matter by ignoring him and pulling up the directions to Tom’s Georgia home.
It was quieter than the group had been expecting—big Hollywood party would have had hundreds of people...right? But in the driveway were only a handful of cars, just enough to force Ruby to park in the street outside of the house. Cam sent Tom another message, letting them know they were here, to which he responded with no answer, but instead appearing from the side of the house behind a fence. He unlocked the gate, coming to greet the group and welcome them to his home.
“I’m glad you all made it!” He said, hugging each of them but making sure to save Cameron for last. Instead of pulling away from her entirely, he wrapped an arm loosely around her back as he guided them to his yard. “It’s just a small get together tonight, we’ve got a fire going in the back yard.” His beautiful yard was filled with the cast and close friends all sitting by the fire or a couple of them swimming in the in-ground pool.
“Hey, they made it!” The cast jeered together in greeting. It was strange for the four member of Navy Skies—it almost felt like they were being welcomed into some crazy elite inner circle. They approached Laura and Zendaya who were sitting at the fire pit, feeling the most comfortable with the ladies. Jacob and Harrison who were both swimming, pulled themselves out of the pool to join the group by the fire.
“Fancy a drink?” Haz asked, making it seem as if it were an open ended question, but his eyes were trained on Ruby.
“Beer.” Dani and Cam chimed in unison, making the other laugh.
“Anything but beer.” Mac replied, causing Laura and Z to laugh and hold up their red solo cups in cheers towards him—they weren’t big beer drinkers either.
“Nothing for me, I’m driving.” Ruby said, causing Harrison to frown. He asked her again, telling her one drink wouldn’t kill her. “No, really I’m fine. But I’ll help you bring them out?” She offered out of politeness. Harrison accepted, walking off with Ruby towards the house. Jacob had taken the seat between Mac and Dani, with Cameron sitting next to her. The sound of the crackling fire was the only thing filling the current silence.
“So are you guys from here? Or…?” Laura asked with genuine interest, taking a sip of her vodka cranberry. Tom, Harrison, and Ruby all returned with drinks for the group, distributing them respectively. Tom took a seat next to Cam, handing her a beer. She thanked him with a small smile, noticing he had given her craft rather than domestic. The type of beer a person drank and offered says a lot about their character, she had always said.
“We’re actually from Chicago.” Mac answered after he thanked Ruby for bringing him his own vodka cranberry.
“Really? So what brings you guys out here?” Zendaya asked, looking at Laura briefly before looking at Harrison and Ruby. Her and Laura had their own plans.
“Cameron, actually.” Ruby answered. At this, the group turned to the brunette in question, who just started taking a gulp of her beer. “She just decided she wanted to move closer to the music scene, so she did all the research, found the place and locations we could transfer to work for our day jobs, and here we are.”
“To Cameron.” Tom said jokingly, but raising his beer towards the center in cheers. The rest of the group reciprocated, each of them taking a drink.
“So, we should play a game.” Jacob offered after silence threatened them again. The boys couldn’t afford silence or discomfort. “Let’s play truth or dare!” Everyone let out a laugh, but ultimately ended up agreeing to it. Jacob finished his beer, placing the bottle over the fire pit cover. Was it the smartest thing to do? Absolutely not. It was obvious that it didn’t matter much to them. Jacob spun first, the bottle landing on Laura. “Alright bitch, truth or dare?” He said endearingly.
“Truth!” She replied.
“Ugh, you’re boring.” Jacob joked. “Fine, how disappointed were you when Tom’s idea for a sex scene got denied?” The cast looked at him wide eyed, while the band was howling with laughter at the insider information.
“Jacob!” Laura protested.
“That’s tea!” Mac laughed out, doing his best not to choke on his drink.
“I was not disappointed. I was relieved, if anything.” She responded, sticking her tongue out to Tom.
“Ouch, Laura.” Tom joked, holding his heart in mock hurt. “I was looking forward to doing that scene.” His flirtatiousness didn’t go amiss upon his target, but she ignored it, chalking it up to typical Tom behavior.
“Please, that would be a PR nightmare. Every headline would just talk about some stupid love triangle between you, me, and Z.” Laura was being very meticulous in her word choice. While she was trying to make sure that their guests understood the gravity of the casts’ friendship, she was also trying to increase difficulty in the boys’ stupid game. Tom waved off her statement, telling her to spin the damn bottle. It landed on Cameron. “Okay, Cam. Truth or dare?”
“I’m gonna play it safe for now and say truth.”
“Pussy!” Mac and Dani jeered to their singer, earning laughs from the group.
“Okay, okay. Truth it is.” Laura said. “So the first thing we all noticed is the tattoos—where is the most hidden tattoo on your body?” Navy Skies once again erupted in laughter, except for the singer.
“Oh, shit okay. I got really really drunk in Vegas once, and I got ‘No Exit’ tattooed on the inside of my lip.” To prove she was telling the truth, Cameron pulled down her pierced lip, revealing the faded tattoo. This time around, the entire group shook with raucous guffaws. The bottle went around a couple more times, resulting in Mac giving Harrison a rather sensual lap dance, and Dani having to skinny dip and remain in nothing but a towel for the rest of the game. Now Dani spun the bottle, landing on Tom.
“Truth or dare, buddy?” She asked.
“I’m going to have to go with dare.”
“Alright, I dare you to give a strip tease to a person of your choice for two songs that I pick.” A smirk touched his lips as Dani controlled the outdoor speaker momentarily, putting it on loud enough to be heard over the cheers and chuckles of the party. The beat of Right Said Fred’s “Too Sexy” came on, and he knew it was go time.
Without a moments hesitation, Tom turned to the brunette next to him, a smoldering gaze in his eyes as he did a dramatic turn before slowly approaching Cameron, his steps in sync to the music. As the chorus came around, Tom crept close enough to be nose to nose with her, slowly fingering the hem of his muscle tee. He peeled it off excruciatingly slow, revealing each individual row of abs until his pecs were showing before completely tearing his shirt off and wrapping it around her neck before he strutted away to give Cameron a full view. Tom walked back to her as if on an imaginary catwalk to match the beat of the music. The first song ended as Tom ended up straddling his target, making sure to touch his bare chest to hers, his beauty leaving her breathless as it transitioned into The Weeknd’s “Often”. Tom ground his hips into Cam’s to ensure she could feel his ever growing erection as a sultry voice began to fill the speaker. He strutted further from her, repeating his previous actions as the chorus made it’s first reprise. This time, as he approached, he slowly unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans; the denim fell as he approached her. With grace and continuity, Tom stepped out of his jeans, leaving him in only his boxers.
Tom returned to straddling Cameron’s legs, shamelessly grinding into his target in hopes of turning her on. His breath caressed her cheeks as he rested his forehead on hers, his lips ghosting over Cam’s. There were two things that she couldn’t deny in this very moment—how attractive Tom was and how incredibly turned on she was. It was obvious he was too, and his lack of clothing provided more sound evidence. “Often” presented the final chorus and came to a close just as Tom’s hand began to snake up Cam’s dress, feeling the softness of her skin. His hand ghosted over her pussy in time with the song, making her heart stop. The world stood still as the song ended, save for the cackling of the gentle fire as both of their rich brown eyes mirrored lust. “It’s just the beginning, darling.” He whispered, just loud enough so that she would be the only one able to hear before pulling away from his target. As if nothing had happened, Tom nonchalantly returned to his seat beside her without putting his clothes back on, a smug smirk on his face. She had gotten a taste, he thought to himself. Now all he had to do was wait.
The slow burning fire began to die out as the party came to a close. Dani had put her clothes back on at some point, cracking silly jokes with Jacob. Mac was hanging out with Laura and Z in the pool. Harrison and Ruby were locked in what seemed to be a somewhat serious conversation with solemn smiles. Tom, who was still in only his boxers, was enjoying the little stories that he had goaded Cameron into telling him about her upbringing. And, though he would never admit it, her stories actually intrigued him.
Cameron didn’t have a super tragic life outside of a severely abusive relationship she was in when she was a late teenager. According to her, two years with the guy had been enough to set her on the path she was currently on—free to enjoy whatever life had to offer without worry of the repercussions of her decisions. It sounded so liberating. It was ironic, almost, how she was barely three years older than him but had already gained such wisdom and responsibility. It was alluring, in a way. A glimmer of pride would flood over her brown eyes and he wanted to make sure it would stay. “But enough about me, what about you? I’m sure you’ve got much better stories than I do.”
“You really think so, darling? I wouldn’t say that. I am blessed to be where I am now, and that includes sitting right here in my home with you.” Cam rolled her eyes, a playful grin touching her lips.
“Jesus, does that line actually work?” For a brief second, Tom was taken aback slightly. It usually does, he thought to himself.
“Depends, is it working for you?” He replied, regaining his composure.
“Not even a little. I won’t lie though, that strip tease almost got me, but you have got to work harder than that to get into my pants.” A devilish smirk crossed Tom’s features—this was the direction he needed this conversation to go in.
“Alright then, love, tell me. What do I have to do?” Cameron furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, not expecting him to continue his pursuit.
“What, with me? Come on, Tom. You’ve gotta be kidding.” He turned to face her fully, shadows created by the dying fire allowing his features to flow. “I’m sure there are plenty of other girls you could sleep with that are little to no effort.”
“Of course, darling.” His elbows were resting on his knees as he reached for her tattooed hands, holding them gingerly in his. “But that’s not what I’m asking, I’m asking about you.” Her focus was trained on her intertwining hands; she refused to make eye contact—afraid he would be able to call her bluff. In truth, she would jump at the opportunity to sleep with him had he asked. But by the direction of this conversation, Tom was opening up the window of opportunity for more than just a single night of drunken lust. If she had a shot at him, there was no way Cameron wouldn’t take it.
“Breakfast. Tomorrow. For the hangover I am guaranteed to have when I wake up.” Tom looked at her confused, instinctively pulling his hands away.
“Breakfast?” His ton was incredulous, the look on his face matching his voice when Cam finally met his brown gaze. She nodded slowly in response, repeating the word back to him. Tom sucked in a breath, a small chuckle escaping as he exhaled. “Okay, darling. I’ll pick you up in the morning.”
@xxoerinnoxx @araeni
Check out Part 3 >Here<
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samwrights · 6 years
Master List
As my list of fiction grows, it’s going to get harder to keep track of everything; so here’s the master list!
Homesick Master List
Summary: Tony and Pepper’s daughter Madelyn just graduated from Midtown School of Science and Technology. Without her parents knowledge, she managed to land an internship with her dad’s business to keep her busy over the summer and to prepare her for what she wants to do with her future. But she isn’t the only one with a Stark Enterprises internship—and now she’s stuck working with some overly excited ongoing sophomore named Peter Parker.
Pairing: Stark!Daughter x Peter (OC) Warning: Talks of substance abuse, death, and underage smoking.
Breaking Policy
Summary: First submission for @madmadmilk‘s 5k Celebration! Reader works at Starbucks in LA during the premier of Spider-Man: Homecoming
Prompt: Summer Job AU Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Another submission for @madmadmilk​‘s 5k Celebration. THIS IS NSFW.
Prompt: Netflix and no chill...cause the AC’s broken. Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader Warning: SMUTTY AS HELL.
Perceived Imperfection
Summary: One more submission for @madmadmilk‘s 5k Celebration. Plus size!reader and Tom do an interview for the Ellen Show, where she gets to share what she struggles with as Tom’s partner.
Prompt: Body positivity piece. Pairing: Tom Holland x Plus Size!Reader Warning: Mild talk of eating disorders(s)
The Game Master List 
Summary:  Tom Holland, Harrison Osterfield, and Jacob Batalon started a game back when they first began filming Spider-Man: Homecoming—to sleep with as many different extras as possible before the movie premiered. Their current targets are the ladies of the band Navy Skies, a ragtag group of young adults that were blessed with the opportunity to play in the homecoming dance scene. Fed up with the boys’ sick game, Laura and Zendaya are taking bets on who gets their heart broken first.
Pairing: fuckboy!Tom x OC, fuckboy!Harrison x OC, fuckboy!Jacob x OC, hints of TomDaya  Warning: Language, sexual themes.
I Don’t Mind
Summary: Based off of Defeater’s ‘I Don’t Mind’. You reflect on what ended yours and Tom’s engagement. How, despite moving on and being in a happy and healthy relationship, you could never forget the events that brought you to where you were today.
Pairing: ex!Tom Holland x Reader Warning: This story talks of an abusive relationship--physically and mentally. TW.
Pool Shark
Summary: Written for @upsidedownparker‘s 5K writing challenge. Reader has gotten a little too good at pool, and now her husband wants to play. THIS IS NSFW.
Prompt: Mob AU Pairing: Mob!Tom x Reader Warning: This is incredibly NSFW, and does a bit of kink work.
Remembering Sunday
Summary: Written for @notimeforthemessenger‘s 500 follower writing celebration. Peter has finally rejoined the world of the living after his encounter with Thanos. But was it even worth it?
Prompt: Remembering Sunday - All Time Low Pairing: Peter Parker x Unnamed female character Warning: Indirect mentions of suicide.
How To Fight
Summary: A relationship of any kind is a partnership. You gotta understand each other. You need to know and understand each other’s love languages, how to cheer each other up, how to support each other, and most important, how to fight.
Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader, Tom’s best friend!Reader Warnings: Uncomfortable conversations of borderline verbally abusive relationships?? They tryna get healthy. Also hella angsty?
There’s No ‘I’ in Team
Summary: After years of running, you’d finally had enough. Normalcy, routine; anything was better than being on the run and hiding away from the world. Even in the close comfort of your understanding, warm, vanilla boyfriend: Steve Rogers. Written for @noshitstark 1.4k writing challenge! Congrats, Nikki! 
Pairing: Steve Rogers x super!Reader  Prompt: “Who the fuck?” + “Language” + “Whom the fuck?”
Headcannons can be found [ HERE ]
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lickmeleclerc · 6 years
✿lickmeleclerc masterlist✿
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This Masterlist includes Tom Holland and those affiliated with him
{Tom Holland Imagines}
Here for the Summer ~ Fuckboy!tom stays with his best mate Harrison Osterfield for the summer break and Y/n Osterfeild has to deal with Tom’s constant flirting
Hurt on Set ~ During filming of Spider-man Homecoming as Y/n watches her boyfriend film he injures himself preforming a stunt 
Can I Be Him?~  Tom wishes he was him, but he isn’t & he never will be. Coming to terms with that hurts 
Me Before You au~ Tom’s dying wish is to be with Y/n Clark as they watch the view from his room in Switzerland. The last moments with her are precious
Too Hot ~Tom finds himself alone at a party until he meets Y/n
Too Hot pt.2~ nsfw! Tom and Y/n take things a step further
{Harrison Osterfield Imagines}
Pretend~ Harrison doesn’t want to pretend with you anymore
{Peter Parker Imagines}
 New Girl~ Y/n’s first day of school and a nervous Peter Parker has to show her around
 You’re Spider-man?~  which Y/n finds out her boyfriend Peter is in fact the amazing Spider-man {Harry Holland Imagines}
 Ghost of You~ Harry and Y/n have called it quits but one of them can’t seem to let go
Stuck~ In which Harry is stuck and Y/n finds it humorous 
Fake love~ Fake dating is all too much at times
{Preferences ft. The holland boys + Harrison osterfield }  How they Kiss  Miss You Messages  Promposals  How they Play with your Hair
{Head cannons}
 Beach day with Harrison Osterfield & his dog Monty  Mall Trip with Harry Holland                                                                 Sharing a hotel room with Harry Holland
Last Virgin Standing {Tom Holland + Harrison Osterfield x OC} Unfinished
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Forbidden { Tom Holland x Harrison osterfield x Y/n} Unfinished
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Falling Short {Harry Holland x Y/n} Unfinished
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Missed connections {Harrison Osterfield x Y/n} Unfinished
Chapter 1
Traveling with Tom Holland Boxer!Tom Holland AU
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