#full name is bobby
sorbetkisses · 1 year
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"it's hardly a scratch . i think you're being dramatic ."
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purrassicjet · 5 months
Sklonda knowing Sandra Lynn's backstory makes me want to cry because it means she told somebody. Sandra Lynn "Your mother's been very private about it" Faeth told a friend about her traumatic past!
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pgranateseeds · 5 months
I know a lot of people want it, but I don't think we'll ever get a conversation between Sandra Lynn and any of the bad kids about what Bobby Dawn did to her.
A. It's just unnecessary. We already know the gist, we can already see the ramifications of that action, and a conversation would just be retreading already discovered ground
B. Sandra's relationship with Fig is nearly always in turmoil. Ever since seeing her offer a shoulder to Adaine when she drank heavily when it was her, Fig has been avoiding Sandra when she could. She said in the fight when Baxter arrived, "I'm not trying to see my mom right now," and they didn't talk At All when she took them to the temple ruins. If Sandra Lynn was going to talk to anyone about Bobby, it would be to Fig just bc of closeness, and that's just not happening, at least not for a while. Also i see people define Bobby's short and disastrous relationship with Sandra as sexual grooming, and i find it hard to believe that if she was groomed, she'd tell her daughter, especially not to then say "Fig You Were Groomed Too" or "Fig, Don't Trust Random Men." I think people put way too much emphasis on Fig's bits where she kissed adults in earlier seasons and said "would i know if i had sex? What if I've accidentally had sex?", like those were just jokes, the latter being a joke abt how Fig didnt understand what sex was as a 14 year old, and i don't believe it would be fun for the table if those jokes were treated with the solumn seriousness of fig then being a grooming victim. Also Fig already distrusts men, she was right about Porter and she was stalking Ruben and literally every man outside of her family that she's come in contact with, she's either bullied or investigated, she doesn't need to be told a tale about how men ain't shit
C. Bobby is just much less of an antagonistic player in this conflict than previously expected. Yeah he was involved with The Big Bad, but after the reveal, a majority of the focus shifted onto Porter, Jace, and the Rat Grinders. I don't see the next two episodes having a moment where they sit down and talk about Bobby in depth, beyond "he was/is an asshole"
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siriuslysirius05 · 1 year
Eddie, absolutely bewildered: Buck.
Eddie: what is that
Buck: okay here me out—
Eddie, pointing at the old golden retriever sitting next to Buck’s feet: EVAN BUCKLEY-
Buck: her name is Daisy ❤️
Daisy: woof!
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cryptic-corvids-blog · 5 months
i have a confession to make — i’ve been seeing people post about buddy dawn and bobby dawn and until yesterday i thought they were THE SAME PERSON
i’ve met buddy dawn where i’m at in jy and i was so confused when i saw people talking about bobby dawn working at the school bc i was like “he’s a student ??? not a teacher ??? how could he expel kristen ???” and now everything makes so much more sense
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
If Bobby in his desperation after they’ve got Buck down and are trying to revive him evokes ‘Evan’ I will not be responsible for my actions
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mercykatze · 2 years
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another screencap redraw <3 i love drawing their silly little 80s outfits and their silly little 80s haircuts
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little-bumblebeeee · 7 months
need... serotonin.. must watch... stranger things audition tapes...
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softestepilogue · 1 year
okay but athena, chim, and eddie meeting once a month and having a “what whiteness my spouse did” competition. whoever’s spouse did the whitest thing wins and they get $500 and a prayer.
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ratatatastic · 6 days
"Especially those like—I'll tell you, the last minute with the puck just up against the wall. I'm like, 'Oh my goodness! This is the longest minute of my life!' It's the longest minute of my life, I'm trying to figure out, 'Okay—can they still get a shot off!? Can they still do this!?' You gotta be sitting there going, 'Mmmmrrgghhh.' Just like, 'Come on!'" "No, that was actually—yes, there was two opponents, was right in front of my net so I'm kinda like... But also the... I think two clinching games before we ended up the same way so... I think Mikksy was the same guy so I knew like—I trusted him, that he knows what he's doing. All the guys at that moment they—everybody can tight up their grip and not allow them to do anything."
Tobin & Leroy Show | 9.18.24 (x)
getting another perspective of the insanity of the final 15 seconds of scf game 7 is always fun especially when its from the poor guy in the net whos forced to be prisoner as he watches mikksy and forsy try to keep that puck to the boards with a sort of calmness that only a soldier in war can really have
if youd like to know yes ekky and monty have shared their two cents on those final seconds as well earlier in the summer and goalie perspective is good but dmen perspective from the two righties that shouldve been out there instead of mikksy is just as good its truly a riot XD
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shokuto · 2 years
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snobgoblin · 1 year
Bobby is such a cute name for a girl
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You know, I should probably have written the Susurrus/First Tanta AU before I wrote the epilogue, but I did not. Gonna share that epilogue, though, because I enjoy what I've done and I want to share :)
Cuff murmured in his sleep, a sleep that was apparently fitful and riddled with nightmares. Frey debated waking him up, but before she could get far in that thought, he gasped a name and she felt his consciousness return with a start.
"Hey," Frey said to catch his attention and help pull him out of that nightmare. "It's just us here. You good?"
"Good...? I... Was I asleep?" Cuff asked. Frey guessed she hadn't given him enough time to come back to Athia. There was a lingering feeling of panic in his voice, probably the last shreds of whatever dream he'd been having.
"You had a nightmare."
"Did I? I wasn't even aware that I could dream."
"Really? Huh. Learn something new every day." Frey considered waiting for him to finish coming out of that nightmare, but she knew if she waited too long he'd clam up and she'd never get an answer. So: "Who's Astra?"
"I, I don't... I don't know. I don't remember. She was... important to me, once. My whole world, it... revolved around her, I think." He hissed, a pain in his voice that Frey couldn't figure out. There wasn't anything around to hurt him. "Ah, what is this emptiness...?"
Oh. That kind of pain. Was Cuff in love once? Man, that must have been a long time ago, if he'd forgotten who she was. And, somehow, just knowing he had loved someone made Frey regret asking. Like she'd pried into something private she had no business sticking her nose in.
"Never mind," Cuff said before Frey could figure out if she wanted to say anything. He sounded back to his usual sharp attitude, and made a sound like he was clearing a throat he didn't even have. "How close are we to Rheddah?"
"See for yourself," Frey offered, her eyes fixed on the horizon where she could see the leading edge of land. It looked nothing like the Visorian coast they'd set out from. Nothing like Praenost, Avoalet, or Junoon, either. Athia was bordered by jagged and rocky cliffs, and beaches of black sand that Cuff said were the result of the land Breaking.
Rheddah looked a thousand times worse. Even from here, miles from shore, Frey could see Break glowing against the setting sun. Black, twisted strands and spires rose into the air, clawed at the sky and shredded the clouds passing overhead to ribbons.
She counted at least three structures that looked horribly like the Tree of Offering.
"Are those what I think they are?" Cuff asked, something caught between awe and horror in his voice.
"I really, really hope not," Frey admitted. "I don't think I can handle three more of you."
"There's only one me, Frey," Cuff scoffed. But he hesitated, and his next words wavered with doubt. "I think."
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linthehero · 1 year
……..so after the shit that happened in the finale am i allowed to admit i kind of ship bryce and gloria or
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mazzystar24 · 1 year
I stayed up till 4am yesterday and I binged most of season one then finished the last two episodes today
And I have to say buck and Abby is still a no go for me, they legit went as far as to have buck point out that he’s 26 and looking for fun and easy and at a completely different place in his life then went on to disregard that. They make 1617929383 jokes about him being young then have him date a woman twice his age. Buck legit mocks bobbys profile by saying hes stuck in 1995 (when buck would’ve been 3) when the woman he is dating was born 1976 (the character not actress). It’s so gross to me I am sorry if I’m offending any hardcore shippers cos they seem like the main love interests but ahhh I can’t.
I’m still meh with Abby and I still really like buck it’s been 10 episodes and this guy has already really evolved and started working past his issues with intimacy and women and he’s just so sweet and compassionate I love him
I am liking chimney more cos he’s getting more screen time
Butttt Hen I’m sorry I think maybe she’ll grow on me as the seasons progress cos everyone is flawed (and I hope she does cos a black queer character is hard to come across and I hate when they waste representation on a poorly written character) but I don’t like cheating storylines so I’m gonna need to see more from her 😭😭
And I still love Bobby omg his backstory and his plan to save 148 then you know is just so sad
Athena I love her, she’s great, she’s awesome, she’s badass (what else can I expect from the great Angela basset) and I’m glad she’s finally divorcing her husband and omg her and Bobby are gonna be so cute together, my new mom and dad❤️
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leonardoeatscarrots · 10 months
More Mercutio fanart teehee
This time from my Spaceships and Vodka AU (I wrote a fanfic for Bobby)
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Designed to accompany the P.T. AU art I did this summmer:
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Fanfic can be founf in Bobby's discord linked below with his comic
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