#full of white individualistic evangelical capitalists
system-of-a-feather · 2 years
A little secret I would like to suggest people is to unsubscribe to the white, western, capitalistic concept of identity and the demand to be a "unique person" and have "unique perspectives and experiences" and thus define yourself by specific words and concepts and hobbies and shit.
As a mixed person raised in a house where both individualism and collectivist culture, the white and western idea of identity is just so unproductive and unsustainable and is inherently tied in to benefit capitalism. You don't have to identify with specific terms and groups or be particularly passionate or good at anything to be you and have your identity. You don't need to be Martha the Geologist who sews as a hobby and whose favorite color is green and...
I feel a lot of people get caught up in "not knowing who they are" because they get so caught up in the minutia of trying to describe yourself when you just... literally don't need to. You don't have to stand out to be you. You don't have to offer anything to the table to be you. You don't have to be consistent or limited to a box or any of that shit to be you.
What defines you and "your identity" is the fact that you fucking exist, that you've been living, and that you are a person who does things and wants things. You don't need to specify what things you do, or what things you want, or what your history has been to "have an identity" you have that inherently just by being here.
Identity doesn't have to be that complex and I just really pity / have concern for a lot of people who scramble for labels to define who they are because honestly its really largely western individualism that is driving that need which inherently is capitalist bullshit and having a defined identity like that is so stifling to both growth and just being secure with your sense of self because contrary to what might be pushed, people are ever changing and defining yourself by limited boxes is just... not gonna work.
Like honestly, you can identify with the specific things, that isn't wrong and honestly its a lot of fun to "identify" with things, but that doesn't have to be the foundation of who you are. I identify with a lot of things I enjoy, but like.... at the core the foundation of who "I am" is literally just me.
I am me. My identity is that I exist in the way that I do and the way that I exist is ever changing and thats completely ok because in the end of the day my identity is never leaving until I fucking die. It's largely why in this system I have literally zero concern about "disappearing" or being engulfed through fusion because my man, my existence is not going anywhere. It might change form, but my sense of identity is not threatened by my parts having different values from me or said values "mixing" with my own because those values are not - at the core - the definition of who I am.
But anyways. I was rambling about this in the back cause I don't shut the fuck up. I just really dislike the inherent inefficiency, over complicated, and unsustainability that individualism has on shit and how it literally perpetuates and fuels capitalistic ideals.
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