#full on eye emoji
rubia-peregrinart · 1 month
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good hunter's emergency contacts summons fieldguide
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vebokki · 1 year
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something something shen yuan pov
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respectthepetty · 6 months
The poster child for
He ain't listening
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Not one fucking word was heard
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Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
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Trying to explain Basic Shading 101 and honey boo boo is too busy memorizing the curve of your lips and the scent of your neck.
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Men are so embarrassing.
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odetoscavengers · 9 days
if you are willing to do fictional anthros perhaps reaper leviathan subnautica... if you would prefer a real life beast ogrefaced spider ?? :DDD
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subnautica dares to ask the real questions such as: what if fish hated you
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thepiecesofcait · 1 month
Here is the panel I presented at @barricadescon last month that is essentially a highlights reel of the Les Mis production I directed last year.
Today is the one year anniversary of our opening night, and sharing this feels like a fitting way to commemorate all the memories made as part of this show!
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flower-seller · 1 year
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Behold, an
His cunt serving era, presenting to you Lord Volo, Presiding Warlord of the Ransei region’s ever elusive Yōsei Kingdom.
A lil more context/info below
A lot of tldr here but this man a secret prince and eventual KING in our silly little spin of things on top of everything else. I fan myself. New take on the Ransei region, entire new kingdom to fill for the missing Fairy typing of the time Conquest came out, new regional variants (that like hisuian variants eventually go extinct for reasons BUT 👀👀)
We’ve got… So much cooking. This is still just the tip of the iceberg… And I can only hope y’all enjoy our little musings here at the Flower Shop… 🥺
— Noodle Flowerseller
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 740: Sugimoto driven in a corner
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Pag 1
3: Pinch and crush him, Danchiku!! Crush Sugimoto-san!!
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Pag 2
1: As easy as crushing dry leaves!!
Yeah, Issaa!!
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Pag 4
3: You're slow
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Pag 5
1: You're slow, Sugimoto-san – Bamboo Hop Shot!!
2: He's fast!!
4: He got even faster.... than the second day...
5: But!!
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Pag 6
1: It's not so easy to crush my heart, Danchiku!!
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Pag 7
2: The battle between those two has started!!
3: The last battle of the training camp's fourth day!! The rule is simple, whoever crosses the sensor line first wins!!
4: The serious battle between Danchiku and Sugimoto, betting the spot in the Inter High!!
5: Sugimoto....!!
6: Danchiku!!
7: But.... this battle....
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Pag 8
1: That's right, Onoda
4: He.... Sugimoto understands everything
And he's fighting upon understanding that
6: He's running with that resolution
And he has no intention whatsoever of stepping aside!!
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Pag 9
2: What....
I really settled this with one attack
3: It was easy
5: Kuaaagh
8: Kuaaaagh
9: …. no
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Pag 10
1: Kuaaaaagh
He's still chasing after me!!
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Pag 11
1: Sugimoto-san
2: Dan.... chikuu!!
3: I wonder what's this feeling
I was thinking I could win against you, and it's true that I said I could defeat you with one attack
4: But, I don't know why, but my heart is beating fast
And for some reason the corners of my mouth are pulling up
5: Maybe it's because I know we've practiced and desperately ran together until now, but when earlier I turned back and I didn't see you, I though “ah of course”, but there was also another feeling....
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Pag 12
1: I thought- there's no way that that Sugimoto-san was beaten by just one attack!!
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Pag 13
1: Ha
2: Kuaaagh
3: He chased me and kept going until he passed me!!
5: Dammit, even though I couldn't defeat him in one blow, right now I feel so good!!
6: I'm thinking that this is the spirit!!
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Pag 14
1: Sugimoto-san!!
2: It's so hard....!!
Danchiku really got stronger than on the second day
3: But this is the basis of road racing: don't let your opponent understand how it is for you!!
4: Looks like you're having a hard time, Sugimoto-san
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Pag 15
1: He noticed!!
2: But there's no way I'm giving up the lead position
Until my breath calms down, I'll keep just the right pace....
3: He jumped ahead!!
4: Can you follow!?
6: Mh
7: Easily!!
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Pag 16
2: Well you're so reliable!!
Danchiku used his “Hop Shot” again
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Pag 17
1: Garuaah!!
2: He left me behind!!
3: Kuaaaaagh
Keep up, Sugimoto Terufumi!!
4: Sugimoto-san, you followed!! I'm happy that we're clashing seriously now
5: Issa told me not to tell you
But I'll tell you, Sugimoto-san
6: There's another secret to my special technique “Panda Shout”
Panda Shout is....
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Pag 18
1: A breathing technique
2: When humans breathe, oxygen weaves into their lungs
3: And when they work out, they need a lot of fresh oxygen
And they become conscious of their “inhaling”
4: But if they do it too much, their breathing becomes uneven and shallow, and they inhale the oxygen around their mouth that it's not “fresh air”
5: Exhaling is more important than inhaling!!
“Actively pushing out the air in your lungs”!!
6: That way, you can naturally take in a lot of “fresh air”!!
Panda Shout uses the abdominal pressure to squeeze out all the air from my lungs
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Pag 19
1: It's the ultimate technique to intake oxygen!!
3: Technique to intake....!!
4: If he can accelerate even more....!!
5: I'll use it right away
Ah, and there's one more thing
6: When I use this
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Pag 20
1: My acceleration with Hop Shot becomes twice as fast!!
2: Two.... ice
Please hold on tight and follow me, Sugimoto-san!!
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dazzelmethat · 1 month
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He has his mother's eyes. ❤️🐓🐍❤️
Young Renard and his mom Zina.
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kitteqq · 4 months
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mmm billyswag angst panel. billy is venting about the guest war... (click for quality lawl)
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
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I just really like the way Yusaku's expressions are drawn okay
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salemoleander · 1 year
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Whatcha up to there, Ren?
(Probably just recording a flashback, or needed his kingly head for something. Probably.)
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takami-takami · 1 year
When I grow up I want to be like those ao3 writers who have 100k fics that are practically books.
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lycanthrop-ee · 4 months
i can be more specific if you want/need but like, throw wide the gates!!!!!! TELL ME WHATEVER YOU WANT
my friend Ban (feniksido on here) has an incredibly intricate project he's been working on for ages and ages (if you ever see me reblog the same image sets a bunch from him it's because it's like my dominant special interest and if i don't look at kharian and enzo regularly i'll wither inside) and i love it with all my heart!!! i love learning about worldbuilding projects and oc's so much im so excited you want to talk about yours PLEASE!!! vibrates in place i am excited to learn
HEEHEE OKOK UMMMM ok well . BASICALLY it started as a vague "dnd-type setting" and sort of spiraled from there so there are three kingdoms [Troceia, Alistair, and Amaryllis] on the larger continent and a commonwealth [Nesprit] on the second one :] here let me get my trusty map
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now keep in mind i know very little abt geography so this is mostly abt continent shapes + kingdom/capital placements hmm lets see.. the first character to be created was mordred elderhardt, a runaway prince of Trociea who ended up escaping and finding their way to the honeystone, which is an inn in the mid-sized trading town of wellspring! since that was the first town to be invented it became the shorthand name for the universe as a whole the "#mordred" and "#troceia" tags have posts that remind me of them, their kingdom, + their family [which. has character lore up to three generations back] and the "#honeystone" tag has posts abt the inn + the family that owns it ! perhaps one of the most active character tags i have is "#quigley" who . has nothing to do with any of that HSGDHG he started as my dnd character and then i got so attached i airdropped him into wellspring . though i dont use the wellspring tags for his posts bc he would clog them <33 he is my favorite oc though thats the most basic starting point for the Lore ,, i also have some more general info like regional folklore, religion, creatures [which you found some of by yourself :33], international relations, cultures, etc etc etc !!! not to mention the rest of the characters ,, if you have any specific questions/topics of interest i can elaborate on them :DD we can also dm if you want/are comfortable :3
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yaburnae · 9 months
❝ It began as all things did: a girl on the shore, terrified and desirous. ❞ for nirmala!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ— A STUDY IN DROWNING ( accepting! )
It’s  too  cold  to  linger  too  long  outside  today.    There  is  a  southern  wind  which  kicks  up  off  the  coast  and  brings  with  it  a  chill  that  seeps  into  the  bones.    It’s  a  bad  day  for  Baba,    who  keeps  to  the  first  floor  of  the  house  after  he  has  trekked  awkwardly  through  the  fields  and  orchard  despite  the  frost  -  blanketed  ground.    Nirmala  can  hear  the  long  drag  of  his  gait  and the uneven thump of his cane even  from  upstairs;    it’s  slower  than  it  usually  is  and  that  means,    @taitropa  says,    that  she  mustn’t  pester  him  too  much.
This  is  a  horrible  thing  to  Nirmala,    who  prefers  Baba’s  stories  over anything else.    Mama  tells  stories  just  fine;    she  tells  stories  about  ships  and  saints  and  sometimes  she  tells  them  in  song,    and  Nirmala  loves  Mama’s  voice.    But  it’s  Baba  who  tells  stories  about  girls  with  knives  and  boys  with  guns  and  the  danger  of  city  streets  rife  with  mischief,    which  are,    of  course,    far  more  exciting  tales. Especially because Mama hates that he tells them to Nirmala.
❝    Mama,    ❞  interjects  Nirmala,    who  sits  on  the  cold  wooden  floor  with  her  legs  crossed  beneath  her.    Mama  sits  behind  her  and  rubs  oil  into  her  scalp  with  calloused  fingers  made  rough  from  saltwater.    They  are  still  gentle;    if  Nirmala  closes  her  eyes,    she  might  fall  asleep  and  she  still  has  bribing  to  do  today.    Downstairs,    Baba  scolds  the  dog  for  getting  underfoot,    the  sanded  down  quality  of  his  voice  muffled  by  the  yowling  wind  outside.    Nirmala  tilts  her  head  back  until  her  neck  hurts  and  Mama’s  warm  eyes  come  into  view.    ❝    What’s  desirous?    ❞
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loverboydotcom · 5 months
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babies secondhand vintage record store haul 😏 my attempt at having a wham! vinyl collection despite already having a wham! cd collection continues but like ! it’s from the eighties ! also i was wanting this a-ha in my vinyl collection and they had a limited edition one for cheaper than its apparently going online which like cool! the clear vinyl is fun
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