#fun fact: purple is the best color ever bc it goes so well w all their designs if you know where to put it
constantvariations · 2 years
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More color meddling for our titular team! I might need an intervention lol
OG Pic below
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daycollins · 4 years
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{ zendaya ☁ twenty six ☁ she/her }  among the whispers around peach hollow, have you heard of daysia collins? no? well, let’s catch you up to speed. rumor has it, she’s been seen strolling around blueberry boulevard & have lived in peach hollow for six years. it’s good to have her around because i hear she’s a crisis counselor for a living. recent events must have her trembling because it hasn’t be long since everyone found out she flunked school. let’s hope they learned their lesson that the truth always catches up to you.
yall know me. i’m kim, i play winnie, and i’m one of the admins!!  this is my damaged but optimistic baby, daysia. ITS PRONOUNCED LIKE DEJA VU :’) i just created her in november but she so quickly became my favorite muse to write. so buckle up! and pls plot w me. i am fragile and if i don’t get any plots i will hide in a dumpster, where i belong.
here is her pinterest and a spotify playlist if you wanna check those out ~
daysia jade, day, dj, deej – anything goes. she’s 23 and will turn her head to just about anything. she’s a spring baby born march, 1996.
her childhood was pretty good. she and her brother grew up a year apart, and her parents divorced early. early enough that daysia can barely remember a time where the family was hole, and likes it that way.
however, her father did not take the divorce well and turned to drugs – meth to be specific. he only saw the kids on weekends and even then, daysia and marcus absolutely knew what was happening. perhaps they didn’t know his choice of poison, but they knew that it was just that: poison.
he was never abusive and always took care of the kids, even if he was tweaking out of his mind. there were a few instances that were touch and go, like when he forgot to take dinner out of the oven and it caught fire, or when he forgot to change the sheets – little things that added up.
when daysia was 16 and marcus was 15, they were involved in a car accident. her dad was high behind the wheel, lost control of the car, and they hit the guard rail. they went over an embankment and down a short hill before the vehicle came to a complete stop, flipped over. she watched the life drain from her brother’s face, and never got into a car again.
a good deal of resentment built up for her father, but she remained stoic, even when he went to prison for drug charges and the dui he’d racked up that ultimately killed her brother. she didn’t let anyone know that she was hurting, because she numbed it all. she threw herself into her school work and her artwork, painting constantly. melting colors together somehow helped her cope. she could get her emotions out on paper. in fact, that still rings true today. in her bedroom of the apartment she lives in, she has covered one of the walls in canvas and paints over and over.
in an effort to start life over, daysia left detroit when she graduated high school. she transferred to peach hollow where she went to winchester university, not wanting a lot of attention. this is where she really came to life.
daysia was able to push michigan to the back of her mind entirely, because peach hollow had so much to offer. the people were better. the music was better. the parties were better. the education was better. there wasn’t a single thing she missed from home aside from her mother, who she kept in regular contact with and still does. they’re always texting and facetime before bed every night.
she came alive. college changed her. she was studying a subject that interested her and meeting people who didn’t have to know about her past. she did, and does everything to keep michigan her dirty little secret. she liked the party scene, but only drank or smoked weed. she refuses to touch anything that might turn her into her father. she was even hired on as a crisis counselor for a local hotline, contractual to her graduation.
in the past month, daysia has plummeted, however. nobody would ever be able to tell. she is the queen of poker face, an absolute delight to be around. she can be a little aloof, and is constantly stoned, but it’s how she gets through the day. she is an absolute goof, loves to crack jokes and make people laugh. she loves to laugh herself. these are all traits that show and cover the inner turmoil constantly trying to bubble to the surface.
daysia received word that her father passed away in jail. he overdosed, and she wasn’t sure how to feel. so she didn’t. she did, however, stop doing school work and started drinking more. she flunked out of school and lost her job.
at the same time, she got into her first serious relationship. day fell hard and fast for her best friend, mac. their relationship started out much like a fairy tale. she wanted to keep it like that forever, but her addiction and ptsd took over. she tried her very hardest to hold onto mac, but he moved back to nyc with their best friend, dom, in tow. she still misses them to this day and finds it hard to keep friends like she kept them close. the littlest things will remind her of mac and she’ll start to spiral. two years later and she’s still hung up, but she’ll deny it to the very end.
it’s safe to say that when this happened, daysia crumbled. she realized just how many people she’d lost and how many she had -- and she didn’t have anyone at that point, or so she thought. she continued to isolate and stopped answering her phone, and within the week, her mother was there to drag her home to detroit for detox. 
she spent the next few weeks laying in the bathroom, going through withdrawal from alcohol and the various benzos she’d started eating like candy. things were bad. her mother never left her side, and after many na and aa meetings, after snatching pill bottles and miniatures out of her room for months, daysia cleaned up her act. she put on a healthy amount of weight, started working out, went to aa or na two or three times a day until she was comfortable enough to skirt by a day or two without one. she finished up her degree that summer and started waiting tables. she saved up every cent, finally having enough money and credit built up to buy a house where she really wanted to be: peach hollow.
after talking to her old boss, they agreed to take her back on as a crisis counselor when she moved back
so the newly clean and sober (aside from weed lol) daysia is living in a house on blueberry boulevard with @dawsonsawyer​
as for her personality and relationships, daysia excels. she is nurturing, so when a friend, or even a stranger is hurting, she tends to go to their side and comfort them. as long as she can make them laugh, then everything will be okay. she makes friends pretty easily, and keeps them for the most part. she is fiercely loyal and will absolutely scrap to defend her loved ones.
she loves love. there is no gender she isn’t curious about and absolutely loves romance, though she also tries to hide that. her walls are ten feet tall. she’s in to hook ups, flings, and polyamory. she’s very open in that sense!!
she has an english bull dog named frank!! he is her pride and joy. she dresses him up in outfits, has regular photo shoots with him and loves going to the dog park. he isn’t legally an emotional support animal, but that’s definitely what he is to her. if he doesn’t like you, she won’t either tbh
she has this lil purple pen looking thing that is always on her. it’s her weed vape and she will hit it anywhere. her dumb head is always in the mfing clouds
she has a spotify family plan that is currently only her, mac, and dom and she will absolutely invite anyone she meets bc spotify premium is something everyone should enjoy
wears a lot of graphic tees and jeans, kinda a tom boy. doesn’t love dressing up but will occasionally. also doesn’t rly like make up but DOES know how to beat her face
1000% unable to be alone for like any period of time?? like if she gets off work and no one is in her apartment she just leaves. she goes next door to mac, goes to the peach pit, anywhere she can socialize. being left to her own thoughts will always turn out poorly.
really loves poetry. cannot write it to save her life, but loves going to slam readings or checking out poetry books from the library. her adhd brain can’t handle novels – poetry is just the right length to keep her attention and dig into her soul.
oh yeah, she’s got some pretty intense untreated adhd lol
ex-roommate: something happened between daysia and this person, whether it was a relationship gone wrong, a friendship with tension, or just the other person being a damn slob – and daysia removed them from the house and moved someone new in. they are probably on shitty terms.
current flings: a few people are probably on her list of suitors right now. people she spends time with romantically, but hasn’t committed to. she absolutely cannot be alone, at any point… ever! so, she has someone with her at all times. m/f/nb, all good.
party friends:  this one is pretty self explanatory!! these are friends that daysia may or may not talk to outside of a party, but will always cling to at one.
close friends: she lets very few people all the way in, but those that make it are generally taken care of by day. she makes sure that they are as comfortable with life as possible and spends a lot of time with them
exes: as daysia is a ticking time bomb, there have been many people she’s blown off. whether they once hooked up, were together, or what have you, daysia has a lot of exes. she never means to hurt anyone. it just sort of happens and she has accepted it.
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spinsterennui · 7 years
I was tagged by the amazing, kind, lovely @sherrinford221b Thank you so so so much for thinking of me darling. I love doing these things. Sorry this took a couple days. I’m not going to tag anyone though bc you guys almost never do my tags. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Super long so I’m going to put under the cut :)
the last 1/ drink/ tea
2/ phonecall/ I think to my doctor?
3/ text message/ with my best friend/ex/roomie
4/ song you listened to/ rise to me by the decemberists
5/ last time you cried/ earlier today
6/ dated someone twice/ no
7/ kissed someone and regretted it/ the last time I did this? oh shit no clue. but I’ve done it several times.
8/ been cheated on/ yes. last time was probably when my fiance (who actually ended up od’ing) cheated on me
9/ lost someone special/ this past spring
10/ been depressed/ I deal with this every single day of my life
11/ gotten drunk and thrown up/ the last time was quite a while ago... probably in college
3 favourite colours 12/ purple 13/ black 14/ grey
in the last year have you 15/ made new friends/ sort of
16/ fallen out of love/ sadly no, only into it
17/ laughed until you cried/ yes
18/ found out someone was talking about you/ no, didn’t find out lol
19/ met someone who changed you/ YES changed my life in so many ways, made me a better person, a better writer and thinker, allowed me to fulfill my dreams and just basically saved me from a life of misery even if he doesn’t realize it. I will always love him for this. With absolutely no qualifications.
20/ found out who your friends are/ yes it’s funny how when you need people the most, that’s when people abandon you and you realize they never were your friend to begin with
21/ kissed someone on your facebook list/ i only just made an actual facebook with my actual name and I haven’t even followed anyone or anything on it lmao
general 22/ how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life/ ......
23/ do you have any pets/ skipping this one right now bc still too hard
24/ do you want to change your name/ not anymore
25/ what did you do for your last birthday/ finished an essay lmao like literally my bday was the deadline. then again that shit makes me happy so.....
26/ what time did you wake up/ today? I actually slept until 5 bc the sun was not very bright this morning :)
27/ what were you doing at midnight last night/ sleeping
28/ name something you can’t wait for/ to finish my dissertation and have my MA awarded to me and then to start work on my PhD; also can’t wait to go home bc it’ll be nice to not be alone all the time
29/ when was the last time you saw your mum/ I haven’t seen my mom in almost 20 years idek also haven’t talked to her in that long as well
31/ what are you listening to right now/ right now I’ve got Lucifer is on so I’m just listening to that with the traffic outside and the occasional rumble of the train that goes past my window
32/ have you ever talked to a person named tom/ I’m sure I have but tbh I can’t think of a single specific one
33/ something that is getting on your nerves/ oh god I hate to say it but I need a break from England/London lmao there are just things that I love but also things that just drive me fucking batshit nuts
34/ most visited website/ tumblr
35/ hair colour/ I have natural red hair but it’s a little lighter the older I get and I don’t color it
36/ long or short hair/ long but not super long anymore
37/ do you have a crush on someone/ lol yes obviously but I think it’s past the crush phase and is just soul-crushing agony stage by now
38/ what do you like about yourself/ my mind
39/ piercings/ ears only, three on left one on right
40/ blood type/ I actually don’t know for sure... that’s weird right? w/e
41/ nickname/ none
42/ relationship status/ single celibate and prob going to stay that way for the rest of my sad pathetic lonely life lmao
43/ zodiac/ aquarius
44/ pronouns/ she/her
45/ favourite tv show/ of the moment is Lucifer
46/ tattoos/ I have two shitty tattoos that I aim to get fixed one on my back and one on my ankle
47/ right or left handed/ right; but when I eat two-handed I sometimes use my fork in the right, sometimes in the left
48/ surgery/ wait what? like have I had any??????? my tonsils and adenoids out????
49/ sport/ I used to swim competitively; as far as watching none really anymore I like watching swimming at the olympics and I used to love hockey but stupid bettman stole my team so fuck the nhl
50/ vacation/ ??????????
51/ pair of trainers/ black on black vans
more general 53/ eating/ I am so confused by some of these... like what do I like? american food lmao no but really I have serious food issues and can’t eat a lot of food in general it sucks but it’s not just “being picky” it’s literally physically recoiling in horror and absolute discomfort with a lot of foods
54/ drinking/ I try to drink a lot of water but I also love tea and espresso drinks
55/ i’m about to/ fuck around on tumblr lmao but in the near future I’m about to go home for a while!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!! never thought I’d miss georgia that godforsaken place lmfao
56/ waiting for/ “someone” to be single? lol jk waiting for idk a lot of movies to get released, shows to start, nothing big right now. waiting for my plane ride home!!!!!!!
57/ want/ to finish my masters and get my phd, to make “someone” proud and have them be in awe of my accomplishments and to have them see me as an intellectual equal and not as a student....... (and also as other things lol but that’s not realistic)
58/ get married/ lol see above
59/ career/ academic and fiction writer
which is better 60/ hugs or kisses/ depends on who it is
61/ lips or eyes/ eyes but lips kiss so there’s that
62/ shorter or taller/ okay so for so long I’ve had a short dude fetish, and for girls I really love tiny itty bitty short girls (both girls I’ve been in love with were like 5 feet tall lmao), but after the TH thing, and now you know who, i’ve gotten a bit into the tall guys thing... so both are good lol
63/ older or younger/ okay so here is the thing when you’re younger everyone loves older men but when you get to be my age it stops being as attractive lmao so I’d rather have a slightly younger dude or my age... girls I don’t care either way :)
64/ nice arms or nice stomach/ i like arms and tummies both but I admit a slight thing for tummies bc you know who does this thing where he always wears shirts that ride up and he pushes his hair back and shows his nice slightly brown tummy and it’s super super good [I want to show a pic but I am terrified that will out me more than I’m willing to have in this forum even though I do use his name occasionally lmao]
65/ hookup or relationship/ I have to say they both have their positive aspects
66/ troublemaker or hesitant/ hmm... sometimes the most hesitant person is a troublemaker underneath
have you ever 67/ kissed a stranger/ yes
68/ drank hard liquor/ yes
69/ lost glasses/contact lenses/ I don’t wear them (though I need them desperately)
70/ turned someone down/ yes but I admit I don’t do this very well I have trouble saying no it’s the sub in me
71/ sex on the first date/ yes
73/ had your heart broken/ all the time lmao
74/ been arrested/ fun fact, yes! I’ve been arrested for fucking expired tag/no insurance in godforsaken athens clarke county it was a bunch of shit
75/ cried when someone died/ yes
76/ fallen for a friend/ yes
do you believe in 77/ yourself/ I wish I could say yes, but not really. However, I don’t give up, so in a way I’m constantly trying to prove myself wrong about myself.
78/ miracles/ not as much anymore
79/ love at first sight/ not love, I don’t think love is a visual thing
80/ santa claus/ ........
81/ kiss on the first date/ yes if it feels right
82/ angels/ yes absolutely just not necessarily the whole surrounding christian stuff
other 84/ eye colour/ blue
85/ favourite movie/ Brazil :)
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