#fun fact: this is exactly 1881 word lolllll
shoheiakagi · 6 years
For the "talk about Homra": what's Akagi's daily routine? What does he do in Homra, does he have a job or is he studying? Does he have a girlfriend? What does he think of his King? Share your headcanons! :D
Ty so much for sending me this ask! I really enjoyed answering this question, and it actually made me think a lot more about this character. I’m sorry it took so long to reply, I had a really busy day + my phone was dying when I got your message (although I don’t like responding from my phone cause it causes a lot of grammar issues to the point of questioning my own English lol).
Also, this is mostly based on my opinions/interpretation, which I am aware that may not align with anyone else’s interpretation.
Keeping this under the cut cause it came out wayyyyyy too long. Also, there might be some grammar mistakes that I’m too lazy to search for cause typing this thing tired me out lmaoo, so sorry in advance. But don’t be shy to ask me more questions or to send your own headcanons! I love this shit.
Talk to me about HOMRA
Daily Routine:
Okay so this one is a little hard for me cause I barely go on a daily routine when I’m not going to class or work but even then I barely function well so I barely think about how others go on about their days.
He’s one of the few early risers in HOMRA, even on his days off, due to insomnia. 
Which causes him to be super grumpy during the morning and even at work (but it’s a good thing he knows how to pull himself together, otherwise he’d be giving Bandou a run for his money when it comes to getting fired).
He drinks a lot of coffee (there’s a Starpucks right near his job, after all) which is great cause it gives him energy, but it’s also bad cause it gives him too much energy
Like seriously, he’s probably one of those super annoying cheery guys you lowkey wanna smack sometimes but don’t cause self control and cause he’s cute af
He actually doesn’t go to HOMRA every single day like the other members. Some days he’s too tired from work, other days he just wants to chill with his other friends.
But he’s always the first one there whenever something urgent comes up.
He tries to go to the gym at least three times a week, to make sure he stays fit.
In general though, he enjoys working out and staying active.
He honestly hates staying in his apartment for a long time though. Not only does he feel lonely, but lately he’s been thinking too much (”We’re all doomed”- Bandou). Memories of Totsuka & Mikoto, how HOMRA disbanded once, the possibilities of HOMRA not being in his future, etc.
He’s not exactly sure if he wants to enroll in university, cause fuck school, but he also can’t rely on working part time at a local diner for the rest of his life
Which leads him to enroll in an online class for coding since he’s one of the few people who prefers numbers over literature
Whenever he has the time, he loves adventuring out in Shizume city, checking out new places (but lets be real, this boys been everywhere) and making new friends. 
Loves to sit on roof tops; it makes him feel like he’s at top of the world. It’s the little things that makes life worth living.
He’s one of the moodmakers of HOMRA (mostly amongst the abc boys + yata/kamamoto. He’s way too intimidated by Mikoto). 
I headcanon him as being the strongest amongst the abc boys. Akagi may be behind Dewa in terms of perception, but he is physically stronger. So that combined with his own strong perception skills, makes him a really good fighter, much to the envy of Bandou & Chitose.
Despite being a laidback and cheerful guy, he loves fighting. Whenever there is some illegal gang to bust, he’s one of the first ones out the bar, itching to smash some guy’s head with his bat or burning them all.
He’s obviously closer to the other alphabet boys than he is with the core members of homra (trio + anna/yata/kamamoto), which leads them to forming their own group within the clan. Whereas the main members are in the bar most of the time, the alphabet boys are usually out partying or dicking around somewhere. 
Based on the movie and some official content, it’s safe to say that he works part time at a local diner, which he later gets Bandou to join.
Despite him being grumpy in the morning, he’s always friendly to the customers he’s serving, which makes him super popular, especially amongst the female customers.
At first, he was oblivious to it, but that didn’t last to long cause he is pretty perceptive. Eventually he uses his charms to his advantage, cause the more customers, the more tips.
He’s always caught in the middle of arguments between Bandou and his boss (and sometimes other coworkers) which he often has to beg his boss not to fire Bandou cause yeah the guy’s petty, but he’s really good at frying those potatoes (no lie, San Chan is really passionate about how he cooks his fries). 
But sometimes it leads to his own job being on the line since he’s the one who convinced his boss to hire Bandou (goddammit san chan). It’s a good thing he’s popular amongst the ladies.
As i mentioned before, he enrolls in an online coding class, since he’s still on the fence about going to an actual university, but he doesn’t wanna spend his life flipping burgers.
I actually got the coding idea from another blog, but it really makes sense since he was good with hacking in s1.
Back in school, he was an average student. He did the bare requirements, always studied last minute, and would zone out in class. But he’s always found himself doing better in math. To him, math was simple. You just gotta work through the problem to find the correct answer, which is kinda how life works. He likes that there is only answer to a question, not multiple interpretations. This pretty much reflects on Shouhei himself. Despite being an optimistic guy, he tends to the see the world in shades of black & white.
Relationship (*slightly nsfw):
Honestly, I can see him in a relationship, but it’s usually set during the MOR timeline (before Totsuka’s death), months after the events of ROK, or in a completely alternative universe where no one dies. I can only imagine how his s/o would feel when they find out about him & the rest of HOMRA terrorizing a high school in order to seek vengeance.
He’s not a womanizer like Chitose, nor is he desperate for a woman to look at him like Bandou, but he’s had his share of relationships & hookups.
I genuinely think that he’s one of the more experienced members in HOMRA after Kusanagi & Chitose, but he’s more discreet about it. Also, he’s just not the type to flirt with every single woman he sees.
Actually super romantic and takes relationships seriously, but occasionally indulges in random hookups and one night stands.
Has been in a friends with benefits relationship, but it did not end well since he ended up catching unrequited feelings.
Has actually flirted with a couple of his customers who interested him, and gave them his number.
Very into PDA (handholding, kisses, arm around the waist, hugs, etc). 
*As mentioned by other blogs, he’s adventurous when it comes to sex, but he has a soft spot for vanilla cause it seems romantic. Loves foreplay, and he usually prefers giving oral than receiving cause he loves to please his s/o (and cause he has an oral fixation).
*Lowkey fantasizes about public sex, but knows how control himself.
He wants a relationship in where they’re best friends, and have a lot of fun together, even if they’re doing boring shit like watching Netflix & eating takeout on a Saturday night (it’s the company that matters).
He’s a super friendly guy, which can sometimes annoy his s/o cause some people misinterpret his kindness as romantic interest.
I could see him being weak for sweet & petite girls with long brown hair (this may seem like self inserting but I can only wish I was petite).
As for guys, I’m not exactly sure on what his exact type would be since I ship him with a few characters who are completely different from each other, physically and mentally (Eric, Chitose, Bandou, etc). 
But in general though, he’s weak for anyone who looks good in red, his favorite color.
When he likes someone, he makes sure that he can do whatever it takes to win them over. Can be a bit persistent at times since he’s stubborn af, but stays within his boundaries and backs off if he notices that the other party is uncomfortable or genuinely not interested.
He can be a bit oblivious when it comes to others crushing on him, but it doesn’t take that long for him to figure it out.
He likes to think that he’s not a jealous person, but when he sees a sweet smile growing on his SO/crush’s face cause of someone else, his jaw noticeably clenches.
Super happy if his s/o gets along with his clansmen, but he gets a little tense when they’re near Chitose cause sometimes he can be a bit too flirty, but he trusts his S/O and Chitose.
Loves to tease his S/O, which can sometimes lead him to be a little fuck boyish.
His relationship with his Kings:
1. Mikoto:
Like the others, he respects Mikoto a lot. But unlike the others, he can’t help but feel a bit uneasy whenever Mikoto’s sharp, amber eyes rest on him.
Which can sometimes make him feel upset, like how can I be a HOMRA member if I can’t even look at my King without feeling nervous?
Sometimes though, he thinks back to the night when HOMRA had to save him & Bandou from getting killed due to his reckless ass. 
He can’t help but remember how Kusanagi briefly compared Mikoto to him, which didn’t mean anything back then cause he was ready to pass out from all that blood loss.
But it kinda makes him feel better to know that at least there’s one thing he has in common with his king: that they both can easily get corrupted by their power in the name of good. He likes to think of it as a special bond that connects them but he’s pretty sure there are other members who relate to the sentiment.
Somedays, he can’t help but notice how Mikoto is just there. Like yeah, he is a very powerful presence, but it doesn’t really seem like he’s there with them. He just doesn’t seem to care about what goes on, which doesn’t really fit the image of a king at all, at least from what he knows. Shit, if he was a King, God knows the havoc he would create.
Sometimes he wants to talk to his King and get to know him better, maybe even cheer him up. But he immediately rejects the idea and goes back to his own little group with the other alphabet boys.
He is just a clansmen, after all.
2. Anna:
Despite initially thinking that she was a weird brat, he genuinely came to love and care for her as the little sister he never had.
He takes her out for shopping w/e Kusanagi & Totsuka are unavailable.
Loves to bring her toys & candies whenever he can.
They both share a mutual appreciation for the color red, a bit more than the other members.
When Anna first became King, he wasn’t really sure on how to feel.
Like great, HOMRA is back together, but can she really be our King?
He, along with a few others, genuinely believes that they should be protecting Anna, not the other way around.
Especially with her tragic past, she needs to protected. Being a King will only cause more danger.
Also, despite all his denials, his ego is a little hurt that the leader of a street gang is a 12 year old girl.
But him & the rest of HOMRA eventually come to understand that Anna is capable of taking care of herself, she is their King for a reason.
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