#fun fact. that connection was unintentional. I forgot about that when designing her
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Perfect day to reveal this character I made for Bliss a while back considering it’s literally the autumnal equinox! A very important figure in the world’s lore, The Equinox is the “Mother Cryptid”, basically what God (or what’s called “Numen” in this universe) is to humans/angels. Humans usually worship both deities— Numen for prosperity in life and Equinox for peace in death.
The Equinox is also the cause of one other thing: equinoxal cryptids. These are the cryptids that are born after death. When a living thing on the Overworld, like a human or animal, meets an untimely demise (which basically just means their time was cut short abruptly, one example being murder) their soul remains dormant for a little while and is placed into a “ballot-type system” in the Equinox’s care. Usually most souls will eventually pass this system and move on into proper afterlife. But sometimes these souls get pulled from said ballot system and are chosen to be reincarnated as a cryptid. Usually these equinoxal cryptids are one of a kind— they don’t follow any already existing species. They’re just them— no other cryptid quite like they are. These forms are often drawn to resemble something in their past life, which can be as mundane or representative as Equinox chooses. Their memories are also usually clouded after the process. Little details can often be recalled, but some are shrouded away. Some remember their deaths, others do not, or at the very least remember basic details of it. But some are left with vivid memories of it. There’s not really much telling why she does this— it’s a mystery left unknown. Perhaps it’s like doll making… crafting something you can love and tend to and hopefully pass on to the next person who will take care of it.
Equinox doesn’t really look too much into the lives of who she reanimates— not that she really can at all. It’s pretty much at random chance whatever soul she pulls out to recreate, regardless of what kind of person they were. Does she sometimes do this to the wrong people? Well… It’s not like it would be her fault if it ever came to that.
During the first day of Autumn, it is considered a celebratory holiday for Cryptids, but not a lot of actual celebrating gets to happen this day. It’s said that The Equinox’s connection with cryptickind is closer and stronger than ever as she roams around the overworld to spread autumnal joy, but this actually causes the Cryptids to become “overwhelmed” with the sensation and become very sluggish/sleepy/sickly. Despite that, it is still a happy holiday for them, equinoxal or not.
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