#fun oc to end this little drawing spree on! :)
1am-yan · 10 months
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@whitneysboyslut2 pandora :)
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svampira · 9 months
🍀,🧊 and ❤️ for elias !!
ask game
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
He used to be a redesign of the vtmb toreador pc🙈 which is kind of funny since i retconned into his sire being that guy. Design wise i started drawing him when i was around a year into digital art so I wasn't really looking at much for reference and inspo. Just woag what if this guy had long hair instead of a BOB
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
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(2022 designs) kiiind of yes I think his hair started looking more and more fuchsia just because it's one of my favourite colors, his facial features did kind of switch around a bit before ending up with what i have now but the fundamentals stayed the same (full lips but smaller than they used to be, hooded eyes, tiny evil nose). The main difference is that whenever i draw him now i google cute birds for inspo on what his face should look like
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👆 i get what i mean
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
I'm gonna have to be edgy here and say it was probably draining his hunter bf(long story)... Elias had killed people before (mostly other vampires, since he's a hound/scourge/basically diamila's lackey) but never to feed, and since he doesn't have any human memories he thought that lingering feeling of discomfort and dissatisfaction that is hunger 1 was just everyone's default state. It was basically the first time in his life he ever felt truly fine😔. The only reason he didn't go on a killing spree after that is that he mainly feeds through his herd and is attached to them a little bit + they fit his feeding preferences
If we want to be wholesome i think it was diamila taking him to the beach for the first time^^ he loves the ocean he used to spend 90% of his human days tanning on the beach or surfing, so even if he doesn't remember it he still had more fun than he'd ever had in his unlife. He and diamila have a pretty strange and offputting relationship but they're still bffs they enjoy hanging out w each other
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
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This is all a ton of self indulgent doodles, but they turned out well so I want to show them off x) One dorky fun thing I like to do is imagine OCs from my personal stories getting little crossover events with characters from other works I think they resemble or mirror, either in ways where they’d get along or ways where they’d clash.
And I happened to have a mouthy American half-vampire OC that tended to wear glasses to cover her red eyes, had daddy issues, was rather stabby, and had a rather cumbers name x) So here’s Thanastasia “Ana” Thresher and The Corinthian beating up on eachother xD (She hunts down dark persons/creatures who threaten mortals)
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I feel like they’d meet up in a situation where she puts herself out there as a victim to get close to him and then they just wail on eachother. It ends in a draw where he’s impressed and wants very much to get her to ‘loosen up’ aka join in on the hedonist killing spree (more in an evil mentor way then any romance) and but she’s not having it and now she has to deal with him popping up now and then like a stalker-y /joke-flirty Darth Vader trying to get her to join the dark side
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(Again I don’t see them romantically but I did imagine ‘Kiss with a Fist’ by Florence and the Machine playing during the fight xD)
And here’s just some doodles of different parts of Ana’s story, an emotional moment where she gets Magical Sword Conformation she’s a good person:
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And some styles she’s rocked thru the years (she was born during the 1700s New England vampire panic )
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She really liked the 80s and onwards as she could pass her eyes off as contacts x)
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simp999 · 1 year
Bloopers/Notes from "A New Home!"
☆I don't have anything too silly until ch. 15 :(
Ch. 1, Where am I?:
☆I started this fic at like, 2 am, just on complete impulse. Everything here just summoned itself from my 2 am brainrot.
☆I didn't really chat this chapter out with any friends, so nothing too silly.
Ch. 2, Meeting New People?:
☆I was planning on making reader more of a Simp, but I talked to my friends and we decided against it, since it would be difficult for reader to get along with characters more genuinely.
☆At the end of the chapter, "If I go to sleep here, will I wake back up in the real world?...", I was thinking of just posting chapter 3 where it said: You wake up, story over. The end.
Ch. 3, We are the Army.:
☆Army was an octoling since the beginning! You can see that in the banner. The background is made up of octopi instead of squids, and you can see a bit of a tentacle.
Ch. 4, If memory serves wrong...:
☆Bro I suck at writing flirty stuff. End me now, Aloha's difficult for me to write
☆The "nothin' personal, kid", was a total reference, and I plan on adding many more. I'm going to try my best to add some iconic vines that still suit the scene.
Ch. 5, Descisions, decisions.:
☆On the other hand, I looove drawing aloha! He's so cute and silly! I like to draw his tentacles very round and bubbly and man, his eyes are so pretty!
☆This was the chapter that made me start thinking about giving reader teammates, mostly because they needed someone other than a bench to sleep.
Ch. 6, Hoooow Anoooying.:
☆Can you tell he's my favorite?
☆I wanted to make him a little silly, giving him more of a personality. He can't be scary all the time, I really do think part of it is an act.
☆Another anime reference: the lens of his gasmask shining, just like in an anime.
☆I was torn between what to do for the banner. I already used Mask with his mask on for chapter 6, and I planned on using his maskless version for what's now chapter 13. But then I remembered another one of my favorite boyos, Desi! I know he isn't featured too much in this chapter, and I'm sorry, but I needed something!
☆Anyways, I know this entire battle by heart. I know all of Mask's voice lines. Save me.
☆I try my best to not show bias in my fics, but I will relentlessly show it outside of em'.
☆Ugh, can't wait for team cyan moments fr
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Ch. 8, Newfound Family.:
☆I was stuck between just giving reader nameless teammates, incase ya'll already had your own ocs in mind of something, but I HATE nameless characters. And characters that don't have a personality. I figured that I'd already have to give them personalities, so why not go all in.
☆Soooo, I threw in my beloved OCs! I've had these guys around for YEARS, so I know them and their personalities like the back of my hand, which makes writing for them super easy and fun!
☆bro they look so cursed with splatoon 1 hairstyles to me. I didn't have the heart to snatch their iconic hair, so ignore that.
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Ch. 9, Shopping Spree!:
☆I actually wrote this and the last chapter at 1 am by accident. I was like oho let me write a few notes down for tomorrow so I don't forget. But here we are 2k words later.
☆After seeing that the next day, I realised that the squad tm would take up 2 chapters total. There's 3 of them. So then I had to figure out how to do the banners. I worked it out, though!
☆Tasha's hair's longer I swear, it just didn't fit on the banner smh
☆Damn she and skull look a lot alike, huh
Ch. 10, Skull's Territory.:
☆I knew I couldn't have reader simp, but that doesn't mean I can't have some simpery!! So I have Milo, Leo and Tasha to do it!! They get to express my true emotions <3
Ch. 11, A Misunderstanding?:
☆sTEAAAALTH!!! <3333
☆My sweet boy
☆So the poll for background characters was mostly for him ngl
☆I also may have colored them green by accident the first time and had to start over.
☆I reaaaally hate making characters like Rider go OOC, but I need the story to continue! I'm sorryyyy
Ch. 12, Getting Too Comfortable.:
☆Also, blushy rider. ♡♡
☆He wants that battle, dude
Ch. 13, Player Two?:
☆May have made a 9 hour mask playlist to write to.
☆I was planning on going in official meeting order for these uhh "getting closer with the S4", (Rider, army, aloha, mask, skull.) but my clear bias for Mask got me to write for him first.
☆I struggled to choose which song, but the idea came to me because I learned all the lyrics to Kick Back(chainsaw man), not too long ago. But I figured I'd just go with one of the most well known series/openings.
☆Didn't make the cut:
-Was gonna have reader and Mask walk in the rain together. That's why reader grabbed Milo's umbrella, cause it was the biggest one.
-c'mon, that would have been cute
Ch. 14, ...You Didn't See that.:
☆I was planning this since the start to be honest. Not exactly this scenario, but I knew I wanted to throw this headcannon in there.
☆After seeing how much love my fic was getting, I was almost going to abandon the idea, afraid that my readers wouldn't like it, and leave.
☆Jeebus those tentacles took me way too long to draw.
Figuring out what to do for Army's meetup+scrapped ideas:
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Ch. 15, Sweetheart.:
☆I only made it to 1k words with Skull's part, he really doesn't talk a lot so it's hard to fill up space.
☆You guys asked for it: Avi time!
☆Now finally, here's some of the discord chats I had with my friends. Plans for story along with memes. Blanked out hints for the next chapter.:
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Ch. 16, An Unexpected Meetup.:
☆I completely winged it. I knew I wanted like- a dummy kinda where we'd see all the S4 at once
☆Sorry for minimal aloha time, we got him earlier in the series though! (Bias game strong, he's not my favorite s4 member :( )
☆I'll try for more aloha time soon I'm sorry
☆The kind of rivalry/jeasoulsy between them wasn't planned and I kinda don't like it, but it is canon that they don't really like eachother so
Ch. 17: Not Much of a Choice, Huh?
☆Ughhh this feels like a dating sim now and I hate it
☆But characters catching feelings ♡♡♡
☆Not to figure out how they deal with them and how readers gonna figure that out
Ch. 18: Challengers Approach!
☆ oOoo they catchin' feelings!!!
Ch. 19: The Freshest Squid on the Block!
☆ Hehe, we love making Leo happy
☆ Ugh, Emperor. I was not looking forward to writing him. I personally don't have him as a favorite, I was never able to like his kingly attitude. (I looove his design as somebody who draws nd does character design, though! Well made character.) Buuut...(see ch. 21)
Ch. 20: The Absolute King.
☆Yesss! Reader showing more emotion!!
☆Someone's gettin' angyyy
☆Ohoho does this count as angst? Berly, but I'm enjoying it
☆ Did you guys know that I half specialise in angst? Yeah enjoy that info
Ch. 21: A Crushing Defeat.
☆ Making you guys hate him off the bat is a lot dunner to write! He was shitty and mean in the first bit where he was shown anyways, so suffer! He'll have to go through some character development eventually, but until then, he's your most despised rival mwahaha
☆I hope the wat I write him makes you wanna deck him in the face :)
Ch. 22: It Only Gets Tougher, I Promise
☆ ... what no, what makes you think mask is my favorite. I show no bias ever. (How many times have I said that, now?)
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✚✚ ABOUT ME ✚✚
(Just realised I haven't made one yet lol)
Name: 'IWillStealYourToes'
Nicknames (in order of pref): Toto, To, IWillStealYourToes (bit ominous saying my whole username 💀 /lh)
Pronouns + Gender: She/her + Female
Sexuality: Bisexual/a-spec(?) + maybe polyam (I'm open to trying)
Languages: English, though I'm learning German and Spanish too :)
Other: I'm neurodivergent bc I have OCD (and maybe smth else like ADHD)
Languages - Ever since early Highschool, I adored all languages! I currently only learn German and Spanish, but if I could I would learn French too. My dream is to be at least tri-lingual!!
Maths - I think since I was young I was always good at maths, which I'm very grateful for. I think my favourite type of Maths is probably shapes in triangles or something like that, though algebra in general is fun :)
Accounting (ik ew) - In the beginning I found it difficult, but the more I learnt the easier I found it. Sometimes it's nice just sit and do numbers and nothing super creative.
Gaming - I love gaming with all my heart. I think I've always been interested in games since I was at least 9 or something. My current favourite game is probably TF2!! I started playing in 2019 and haven't stopped loving it since (although the a lot of the playerbase can be toxic)
Drawing - I'm not the best at drawing, but a sketch now and then always helps me, especially when I want to make a new OC! I also like sketching up outfit ideas for me to try out later. I usually draw fem people, since I'm not that good at drawing masc people :(
Writing - Of course I love writing! I started writing 'x reader' fics when I was on Wattpad then moved to Tumblr!
Playing piano - I'm self-taught so I'm not that good, but I still enjoy playing simple tunes now and then. Last song I was learning was 'I Giorni'. :)
Swimming - I don't take classes, I just enjoy relaxing in the water. Sometimes it's really nice just to immerse yourself in the water and not make a sound, you know?
✚My current fandoms✚
TF2 - I think this is probably my special interest lol. I love TF2 more than anything, if I can relate it to TF2 I probably have tbh-
My fave character is Engie or Demo and my main is Medic!
PAYDAY 2 - Something about shooting things as a team is just rlly fun to me lmao. The OST is genuinely so good if you can't get the game just listen to it pls- I usually am a stealth guy but omg M1 garand yippeeeee- Used to be my hyperfixation lol
My fave character is Sokol or Dallas and my main is Joy (I play Sokol or Dallas sometimes)
Undertale - Probably the first game I actually loved??? It's literally still on my favourite list fr- I would play it again but I did the True Pacifist run and I don't wanna ruin Frisk's life 😭
My fave character is Papyrus!
Star Wars: Clone Wars - It's an amazing show with great characters and visuals! I definitely have it as one of my special interests... It's really interesting to watch the show and see how each season the animation/visuals improve. I wish there was a separate show or smth where the clones actually get a good ending for once... 😭
My favourite character is Fives, Tech or Plo Koon :)
(I literally just found out the graffiti on Plo Koon's ships say 'Plo's Bros' and I can't stop thinking about it)
Lethal Company - I love this little horror game so much! I had a hyperfixation (no longer) to the point I actually made a 67 slide PowerPoint about it... I might have a problem. I like playing it with my friends the most, since I get scared alone really easily!
Republic Commando - Recently got it and I am hyperfixating fr 😭 I love these lil guys so much I sure hope nothing bad happens to them (especially to Scorch and Sev haha) (/s, I know what happens)
My fave character for sure is Scorch :) He's just a silly guy (he has committed several murder-sprees and will continue to do so)
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Claudia Hale || Teen Wolf OC
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Name: Claudia Marie Hale
Alias: N/A
Face Claim: Lyndsy Fonseca
Age: 23
Species: Werewolf
Special Abilities/Powers: Pain transference, memory transference, enhanced senses, speed and healing. Claudia can shift into a mottled black and red wolf. 
History: Although she was unaware of this fact until well after the fire that burned her family, Claudia was born a member of the Hale family. A few hours after she was born, she was somehow mixed up with a stillborn that would have gone to an adoption agency. Claudia was left in the service until she was about nine months old, at which time she was adopted by Kate Argent. It was this adoption that Claudia Jane (having been given the last name of the infant she had been confused with) became Claudia Argent. Growing up, she was allowed a lot of quiet time, which gave her a love of books and drawing. She was five years old when she finally met her uncle Chris and her baby cousin, Allison. She was ecstatic, having never known she had family because Kate had kept it quiet that Claudia was adopted. Despite the age difference, Claudia helped take care of Allison and eventually became a good friend. When the girls showed an interest in archery, they began learning and practicing. Claudia was about 10, and in a different competition ladder than her cousin, but the girls loved it. Not long after their first contest, Claudia discovered she could move things with her mind. It wasn't anything big, but small things, like a pencil or small book. When her mother found out about this, Kate began telling Claudia to use the ability in her archery. Although Claudia did train and practice her power, she refused to use it with her archery. The older she got, the stranger living with Kate became, but the young girl managed.For a few years, life stayed in a relatively similar routine. The single mom moved Claudia around a bit, but when Claudia was thirteen, the two had a stay for a year. Claudia actually made a friend, a girl named Agnes, and befriended the other teen's family. The girls were best friends, who shared everything. The spring break after Claudia's fourteenth birthday, Agnes' dad planned a vacation to a shopping spree to Vegas to see the Cirque de Soleil show, and each of his two daughters were allowed to bring one friend. Agnes chose to invite Claudia, and after days of begging and pleading, Claudia got Kate to agree. With fervor, the best friends made sure they had cameras, clothes, bags, and matching jackets. The Friday before spring break, Claudia was dropped off at her house long enough to grab her bags and then the five people were off, unaware of the fateful twist that awaited them all. The trip to Nevada went with no trouble, and the group of teenagers had a wonderful time. Between the shows, the shopping, the food and the amazing view from the hotel, Claudia forgot about the ability to move things. By the end of the week, the girls were sad to see the end of their fun. The tourists got in the car and headed back to Washington. About halfway home, the car took a pit stop for drinks and restroom breaks. Of all the people in the car, Claudia was the only one to put her seatbelt back on because they were behind schedule. A wreck ahead of them caused the group to take a detour into an area that had recently been iced over. At one point, Agnes' father hit a patch of black ice and lost control, rolling twice. Claudia was the only one left in the car by the time it stopped. The only survivor, although barely. She was placed on a stretcher and was then in an ambulance to the hospital while body bags were being delivered for the remaining four. While in route to the hospital, the ambulance was hit by....something. The driver and two of the three attending EMS staff were killed by a monstrous form. Claudia was dragged out and tossed aside, a huge bite in her side as she rolled down an embankment. As she fell into darkness, she was sure she was going to die.At least until she woke up the next day with no signs of any trauma.Scared, confused, caked in blood, Claudia panicked. Her mom would kill her. Kate hated when Claudia was late for anything, but this? As she struggled for an answer, she got an idea. Her uncle Chris. Perhaps he could warm Kate up to being sympathetic because of the accident? Surely it was worth a try. And so the young Argent began a trip back to her uncle's house. It took a few days, and a few concerned people who stopped her, the first of which being a married couple who offered her fresh clothes when she told them she'd gotten lost while hunting with her mom. With clean and new clothes, she continued on until almost a week later, she arrived in the town her uncle was staying in with her cousin and aunt. Sneaking around to the backyard, she waited until Chris came out to check the barbecue she could smell. When he realized she was there, the shock on his face was heartbreaking, although it was nothing compared to the fear and worry on his face when she explained about the monster that attacked her and the bite that was gone along with all the other injuries she had felt. When she told him she didn't understand what was wrong, Chris explained that nothing was wrong per se. That she had been bitten by a rogue alpha werewolf, she was now one herself and that she had to get to safety. When a confused Claudia asked why she couldn't stay with her mom, Chris told her the truth of the family. Why it was so important they had permits for firearms and all sorts of weapons; they were werewolf hunters. And while Chris followed the code, which he recited to her in perfect French, he was concerned her mother did not. In a last minute decision, or strategy, Chris gave her a bag with money, some food and drinks, a card with a California address and a promise that the family she would find would grant her protection, safety and a family. But she had only two days to get there. As he placed his leather jacket over her shoulders, Claudia asked why the short time frame. Chris merely smiled sadly and explained that the full moon was in three nights, counting the one they were in. Something seemed to understand in Claudia, and she nodded, granting her uncle one last hug before she was gone, heading as quickly as she could towards Beacon Hills and the family that would protect her, entirely unaware that fate was sending her back to her blood family.She was happy when she found herself in the edge of town and figured she could walk through the preserve, that even though she had arrived on the night of a full moon she would be okay. Sadly, she was wrong. The moon reached its peak before she found the house, and she lost control. Violent and unhinged by the beast, she hunted, and found a homeless orphan who had taken refuge in the woods, killing him viciously. Catching the scent of another wolf, the girl attacked, only to be severed back to humanity by the sound of snapping bone. With her senses back to normal because of the pain, she came face to face with Peter. At first, she was startled, but she couldn't bring herself to move. After a moment, the man asked her why she smelled like an Argent. She was confused at first, but realized somehow her uncle must have known the family. She explained what had happened, that her jacket was actually her uncle's and that he had sent her to find the Hale family. Peter took her the the Hale home, where he set her up in the basement and chained her down in case she lost control again. Once the night was over, Claudia felt normal again, but she knew that wasn't the case. For a few days, she was escorted by either Peter, his brother-in-law Jeremy, Peter's sister Talia, or the oldest Hale son Derek. The four taught her control, and once she had it, Peter and Jeremy trained her. She learned fast, and discovered the bite that had turned her also amplified her telekinesis. She felt free, and at home, finding herself calling Talia and Jeremy her parents, their children her siblings and Peter her uncle. It was a nice setting, one Claudia had imagined families to have. Right after she she turned fifteen, she asked Talia if her last name could be changed to Hale, which they did legally and Claudia Marie Argent became, as her birthright intended, Claudia Marie Hale. Claudia was glad to have a family, even if only "adopted", and she was prepared to do anything for her pack. What no one was prepared for was Kate Argent. Claudia began hiding when she realized the huntress was in town, warning Talia and when the plea fell on deaf ears, she fell to Peter, who was by far the confidant she talked to most. She didn't trust her mother, not after what her uncle had explained to her, and so tried to avoid her. And yet, just days before the fire, she happened upon the Argent. The two had a bitter argument before Claudia ran off, eyes the sapphire blue as she fought for control. When the woman vanished, Claudia found herself relieved. Even though she was sixteen, Claudia knew she shouldn't rejoice. Her mom wasn't someone to take lightly. And that was proven the day of the fire.Claudia had decided to wander the preserve, taking her sketchbook and some small snacks and water with her for her little adventure. Finding her favorite place in the woods, she settled in and began drawing. Getting lost in the art and quiet nature, she was brought out of it by a stabbing ache in her body. Gasping, she struggled to stand. Something was wrong, but not with her. Eyes flaring the blue of her wolf, she rushed, leaving her things behind to get home, to check on her family. What she found when she finally got there was smoke, and the sickening smell of burned flesh. When Derek and Laura arrived, she found her way to them, only to find Peter had escaped, but barely managed to stay alive. The three did go to the hospital and while Claudia and Derek stayed close to their uncle, Laura eventually made the decision to leave. As the oldest Hale was now alpha, and Derek and Claudia were only betas, they couldn't argue much. They found themselves in New York, where Claudia began courses for medical degrees while her siblings worked. Laura's free time went into finding the one responsible for the fire. Claudia wasn't sure, but a part of her wondered if her sister suspected Kate. She would never get the chance to ask, since once Laura got close, the alpha went missing. After a week, Derek went looking for Laura and it was a few days before Claudia got a call that it was time to go home. Laura had been killed in Beacon Hills, and they were going to find the alpha responsible.They hadn't expected the alpha to be their uncle. When everything hit the fan and Peter was killed, Derek took the role of alpha. Claudia began scouting for potential betas, people who could benefit from the bite. She had a brief relationship with one of the betas, Erica, but when the other female went missing, Claudia fell into a depression and almost killed herself with wolf's bane tea. She was kept under protection by her family. When a rogue alpha began threatening Beacon Hills, Claudia was threatened and Derek put out a death order on the woman for trying to kill his family. With the rogue missing, things have calmed a little and Claudia has since discovered that genetically, she is a Hale.
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awolfnamedluna · 3 years
Alright I wrote up a basic bio of my 10 new CSGO OCs. So yeah, enjoy! It's kinda long lol
The Counter-Terrorists
Socks: (she/they/he) Socks may be the newest and the worst at aiming and tactics, but she's found her use through hiding in odd spots and scouting the A.O. to relaying information to her team. She's also stingy with her money, allowing her to buy weapon upgrades for her teammates. When she's not operating, she's a sweetheart eager to bond with her team and feeding corn to the chickens. She tends to have horrible haircuts due her hair tending to grow back when she's feeling feminine then cutting it all off when she's feeling masculine.
Gunner: (she/her) The opposite of Socks, Gunner is the scariest of the team with her tiny, 4'11 structure and only a little muscle on her stick-arms. Not that that will stop her from sprinting through the A.O. with a machine gun and bashing her way through enemy forces. When she's not a charging bull in the field, Gunner's singing or drawing hot women and men that parade her mind.
Count "CT" Tawdry: (he/him) If anyone can come up with every possible scenario, it's Count Tawdry. Perhaps it's the pressure or perhaps it's anxiety, but whenever there's a question, he's got an answer. Beyond his mastermind, he's a professional troll, using cheap weapons or his knife to bring down enemies, or just pranking his teammates with. No, he's not actually of royal bloodline, it's a nickname title he earned from Gunner after he knife killed multiple enemies.
Protractor: (he/him) The leader of his team. Protractor has no set role and can do anything he's needed for. He does specialize in utility, and prefers throwing grenades at his enemies rather than shooting them. He works the closest with Tawdry on the field, and is Socks' primary trainer. He's also the dad of the team, taking care of his teammates when they're injured and having a rather relaxed attitude outside of operations.
Mark: (he/him) Mark's keen eyes serve him well when seeing enemies from a distance, making him the perfect sniper. He's also an expert handler with multiple rifles and pistols. His battle mindset never really changes when he's off the field, however, and he dislikes everyone for goofing off during downtime and says they should prepare for the next attack. Protractor is the only one he doesn't hate, even if he still comes off as aggressive when trying to conceal his crush on the leader. Tawdry and Gunner make fun of him for it.
The Terrorists
Fumes: (he/him) Need a molotov? Or a flashbang? Or a grenade? Fumes has it all. Especially the molotovs. If there's gunfire near him, there's sure to be flames. His favorite trick is throwing molotovs at his enemies and forcing them to run from the fire straight into his bullets. When he's not burning something or someone, he's busy making new C4s for his team to use or working on knitting projects.
Vishal "Vac": (xe/xem) The youngest and smallest of the team, Vac is best known for xyr ability to climb up anything and finding cheap spots to hide in the enemies never consider. Vac loves watching xyr opponents become flustered when they can't find xem, and has a whole camera roll of it. Outside of operation, Vac likes to feed the chickens bread and has met Socks a few times during xyr chicken feeding sprees. Both enjoy each other's company.
Clatter: (he/him) Clatter is a clumsy guy, and no one trusts him with explosive utility. He's also not allowed to use higher-end military rifles. So he's become the SMG trickster, using smoke grenades and his loud footsteps to bait the CTs into tracking and following him...right into his teammate's firing squad. Clatter enjoys teaching Vac the most because he has to be far craftier than his teammates to survive the hunting CTs.  Bread: (she/her) Bread LOVES art and paints all her guns vivid colors, though sometimes she paints everything in sight. At first, her teammates hated how she covered everything in paint. But when they found out Bread's superability to see colors allows her to notice even the smallest bit of color change, such as a footprint of an enemy, or movement in the dark, they gave her some slack, letting her paint some of their guns as well in her free time. She's also the mom of the team.
Awppertinaty "Tina": (she/her) The main sniper and leader of the team, Tina uses her sniper scope to see enemies from afar and alert her team of their presence. Her lethal awareness keeps anyone from sneaking up on her, even her own teammates. Despite being the leader, she has little trigger discipline, and will often take risks in fight. Outside of fighting, Tina likes to reside alone where she can sleep and leave Bread to take care of everyone. Sometimes she helps Fumes out.
The end!
THEY ARE ALL SO COOL!! Bread, Gunner and Socks are definitely my favorites!!
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hotcocosharing · 7 years
Heads Or Tails Part 5 (KBTBB RP EISUKE x OC)
Eisuke is my least favorite but an OC to torture the guy is TO DIE FOR so if you enjoy ANGST and messing with the KING, read on :)
My Masterpost here for easier serch, ENJOY!
OC- Kumiko Mayumi ❣ Canon- Eisuke Ichinomiya Rated M for mature audiences as the roleplay progresses…
Part 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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Kumiko’s POV
"Now, is this more Ichinomiya for you? If not, feel free to spread your legs and we’ll get this over and done with.” If it was physically possible for the human body to overheat and start steaming; my temperature would have sky-rocketed off the charts; eyes bleeding from the smouldering fire which was building up uncomfortable in the pit of my stomach. Sighing whilst rolling my eyes to fill the silence which settles between Eisuke and I in the room as everyone piles into the elevator, I take a final sip from the tea cup resting daintily in-between my fingertips, uncrossing my legs before standing up. It’s a simple two strides across the room before I’m in range for a comment beneath my breath which I am hoping has more effect at sabotaging his ego than a willed person ever could. “Ha! You’re not an Ichinomiya - you’re a child with a endless bank account who got lucky to inherit the name after Mommy died and Daddy abandoned you.” I don’t bother waiting around to finish breakfast once everyone is escorted into a VIP room; the moment the now new bane of my existence is out of my life, I excuse myself conveniently - mother and sister too caught up in what’s happening and being offered to them and father not at all willing to even look in my general direction to notice that my presence is missing. Making myself known to a maid who I’ve seen Eisuke and his aquaintences have their eyes on; I explain that I’ve accidently left my phone upstairs in the penthouse suite and that I ‘must’ have it. It’s a quick and simple persuiasion tactic which gives me a few minutes alone back upstairs which is all I need. It’s a quick rummage of Eisuke’s desk which is out in the open and to me, fair game; snapping a few quick photographs of his planner for upcoming events before attempting to open any draw as far as the eye can see. Damn all locked. A near empty cheque book by the computer is easy enough to conceal on me and the USB which rests by the screen comes with me too. That has to have some kind of convicting evidence on it. Calling a cab as I leave through the delivery entrance which I saw behind a 'staff only’ section which I noticed on my way in to the hotel last night, it’s a wait of a few minutes for a driver which drags on and on until a sleek black cab rolls up to the sidewalk. Getting in, I ask the driver if he has a pen and begin to write myself a cheque out; wondering how much money I can get away with for someone not to notice immediately. Hmmm… - $100,000. That should be enough for a fun little shopping spree for a party I’m sure I noticed whilst flipping through Eisuke’s planner. From the hotel in the cab it’s a rush to a nearby bank which follows with a sob-story about how my 'husband’ is out of town on business and only left me with his cheque book before I blow the quickly acquired cash on a floor length red gown, pretty pair of unnecessary louboutins and perfect shade of crime scene red lipstick. Once I’m in the comfort of my own apartment - a spare key being hidden beneath the front door mat because let’s face it; it’s not like anyone is going to come looking for me here, I grab my laptop out and check the USB to find that all it has on it is folders and folders of women in lingerie and bikini’s. WHAT THE FUCK? Is it a fetish? Are they pictures encrypted with information? Either way, I need to get to the bottom of this and referring back to the planner picture I took I have until this friday - 8pm - there’s a gala dinner for a charity event which I’m already well aware my father has an invitation to which means it shouldn’t be hard to get one of my own. There’s an incoming call on my phone which shows up as Hiro’s number and I decline it without a second thought. That man was an idiot; undoubtedly, I was more than happy to play along with his stupidity because with he inheriting the family business because I’m considered 'incapable’ as a female; a short and sweet hit from a paid henchman would mean everything was mine after the legalities and bullshit of a wedding. Hearing a knock at the front door it’s not long before it swings open - men who I’ve never seen before stepping in. Sighing, I shut my laptop and purse my lips into a tight, forced smile. “Do I bother to ask who sent you?”
Eisuke’s POV
Today is a particularly long day, after an unpleasant family drama of the Mayumi Family, the meeting with Bucci only tortures me further while the mobster keeps setting up his hideous daughter with me. There is already so much for my mind to process as Kenzaki has only brought me worse news from the drama queen. Soryu has checked the security feed to see her sneaking back into my suite and left with major victory of snapping shots of my dairy and stealing a cheque book which of course led to spending them on my behalf. Clever, bold and manipulative. I would have let it go for a woman who’s proved to be resourceful and less dull but her words from this morning only linger in my mind like an endless curse which I know I just couldn’t leave things the way it is. ”…..You’re not an Ichinomiya - you’re a child ….. who got lucky to inherit the name after Mommy died and Daddy abandoned you.“ I’ll show her who I am and she shall be sorry to ever cross me after I have done her a massive favor- stupidity can’t be helped but when it comes to ungrateful bitches- I show no mercy. My phone ring interrupting my thoughts, "Eisuke, this is Matsumoto Mayumi.” Oh for fuck sake. Before my lips are parted to stumble over an unwilling apology, the greedy bastard continues. “Is Kumiko at your place?” “No, not that I’m aware of.” Good, so he isn’t calling about striking some kind of deal with me. “She hasn’t returned our calls,” He pauses, “And… we have received a ransom note. It might be a prank but…” The man pauses at the sound of his crying wife whispering from behind, “I know you’re well connected, Eisuke. Could you find her….” My mind react faster than I anticipate with dozen of reasons to reject this ungrateful family- mainly I want nothing to do with them, lending a favor to a family in debt is no interest of mine but the last word that stutters out of his mouth has me frozen, “please?” The damn word and my step father request are on replay, I get off the phone and could practically hear the veins on my temples throb as I massaging them. Fucking hell, I am not a babysitter! “Soryu, my toy is missing. Find her.” My text to Soryu has put my miserable day to an end, I need my street relief and I want it now. Scrolling my screen as my thumb stop at a name and demand her to be at my suite in 15 minutes, at least my booty call would satisfy me the way I want.
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vampirerite · 7 years
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ok so Fun Times in Ovw Oc Town.
This is the beginings of my new junker oc, Currawong. theyre offense and carry a big gun, it has high spray so its good to use in tighter spaces. She has a robot named Little Friend that acts and shoots slower than a level 1 Torb turret thats meant to be more of a security device than respectable damage, and Little Friend can actually be destroyed separate from Curra. They wont respawn until Currawong respawns or uses her Ult, which summons THREE Little Friends. Theyre just a robot with no personality or AI besides a targeting system.
you can see at the top I originally had them as a tank, where their mech would transform into a car that ran people over in their ult, but i suck at drawing mechs and cars and it doesnt synergize with Mist at all.
as for story shit, Curra hires Mist online as a medic for their scrapping team going on an expedition. Shit goes wrong and the two of them end up going on a revenge spree through Junkertown and a few global locations after people who ran.
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talesofsymphoniac · 7 years
1. What was your first fic and could you stand to reread it today?
I think my first fics were Tales of Symphonia ones when I was 12 that I actually handwrote and still have because I collect all my notebooks like a packrat. I like rereading them from time to time– some parts are cringey, of course, but there are other ones that I just LOVE.There was also a Dawn of the New World sequel with, like, my own OCs and everything that I spent a whole summer on. That one I DID throw away because I expected it to end up cringey. And yeah, from what I remember it was (fight scenes are HARD, okay?) but also I really wish I could reread it. Now all I have are my memories…
5. Is there any fic that makes you super happy to reread and remember you wrote that?
Click Away is my baby and I’ll never stop being proud of it, sorry :P Any of my longfics, really.
7. What’s the fic you most want to continue (unfinished or no)?
Hm, well I just finished my latest WIP, so I have nothing actively in progress right now… I have a few sequel ideas for Click Away still kicking around that I’d like to get to eventually, though!
11. Have you ever written a fic for a concept you know someone else has done before? How did it impact your writing process or feelings after posting?
One of the advantages of writing in small fandoms is there’s a good chance that your idea hasn’t been done before, I’ve found. I mean, Tales of Zestiria has a few hundred works, but in general when I’ve been excited to write fics it’s usually because it’s a concept I haven’t seen explored as much. I mean, I guess modern AUs had been done before with Click Away, but I’d never seen an Online AU, for instance. Usually there’s some sort of twist or key point in my fics hat makes it so I don’t compare my writing to others, at least not much.
Then there’s the Death Gate fandom, which I do tend to be harsh on myself with just because there’s really one main author there who is really good and I always worry about how my stuff will “measure up” next to that, or knowing the exact individuals who will be reading, but that’s less about a specific concept and more about writing for that fandom in general, haha.
13. What’s the biggest change between your style when you started in fandom and today?
I haven’t been writing stuff with the intent to post it for very long, sooooo. I am more likely to try to write AUs now, as opposed to canon stuff (I still very much prefer writing canon-based stuff, though :P)
15. Have you ever purposefully written one fandom/fic idea over another because you knew it’d be more popular?
Nope, haha. My motivation is already so spotty that if something excites me enough to write it, I just go for it. And that almost never happens with two different ideas at the same time.
17. In your opinion, what’s your most overrated fic?
Treading Water, my Sormik lifeguard AU. It has my third-highest kudos on AO3 and while I like it well enough, it’s never been one of my favorites, personally!
19. If you had to pick one fic/scene/chapter of your work to describe your entire portfolio to a stranger, which would you pick?
That’s really hard??? I guess something introspective, probably, with strong relationships and themes? Possibly Polarity from To draw on all its omnipotence, though it’s a little bit too angsty to really describe my “portfolio.” It would need to be way more fluffy. Maybe something more like Fate Slides Into Freedom from the same. Or maybe The Truth Comes Out from A Click Away? Or Light from The Unspoken Bond? Idk, man.
21. If someone starts kudosing and commenting your fics in a spree and has a few works of their own, would you go look through theirs?
a;sldkfjaf I’m a really bad person and I almost never check that kind of thing, I’m so sorry
25. What constructive criticism, however well-meaning, always makes you feel bad when you see it in a review?
I don’t really get much in the way of constructive criticism (and that says nothing about me as an author, but more how fandom in general is trained not to critique fanworks unless the author asks for it). I did get a critical review in my first try writing Unspoken Bond which echoed stuff I’d already been thinking (basically that I could afford to bounce around the timeline a lot more in that fic, since it covered a lot of canon elements) and inspired me to give it another go in a different way, which I’ll always be grateful for even though I’ll also always wish it hadn’t taken someone else pointing it out anonymously for me to change things around, you know?
29. Does the division of your writing across fandoms line up with your reading? What’s the biggest discrepancy?
I read (or read, past tense) a lot of Yuri on Ice fic, but somehow I never wanted to write for it very much. I did a few script things, but for the most part the anime gave me a lot of what I wanted to see, so there was less of a desire on my part to fill the gaps. But I love reading other people’s interpretations!
That’s a pretty significant exception, though. In general, writing and reading usually matches up pretty well!
31. Who’s the one character you’ve just never managed to get perfectly right?
I always feel weird trying to write Dezel and Zaveid. It’s why they always have such small parts if they’re even in my fics. I have to say, though, I actually did enjoy Dezel more than I thought I would in Click Away (he still had a really small role, though)
33. Is there any particular character whose scenes always wind up being longer/more frequent than you expected? Does the quality hold up?
MARIT. Granted, this was only for To draw on all its omnipotence, since that’s the only one that’s really let me delve into her brain so far, but I didn’t expect her to have as much to say as she did. The thing about Marit is she only becomes a main character in the last two books out of seven in Death Gate, so there’s a lot of room to talk about her that just didn’t happen in those two books. I expected her to be hard to write for that reason, but instead it was really fun to get to flesh her out a bit more! And I really think the whole fic was better for it!
35. Have you ever written a ship into a fic without meaning to?
There was a little more Zaveid/Lailah flirting in Treading Water than I intended, but I lowkey ship that, so it wasn’t like I minded, haha. Other than that… I don’t think so?
37. Have you ever purposefully bashed a character/ship in a fic?
*cough* Salt and Sugar *cough* Statement released by Mikleo, 200 years after Sorey’s sleep began *cough cough*
39. Do you consider yourself to have a readership?
Maybe a little one in the Zesti/Sormik crowd!
41. If you cross-post your fics on multiple sites, do you have a favorite? Are there certain fics you would only post on certain site?
I don’t cross-post fics, except sometimes to Tumblr. AO3 is vastly preferred. (I used to read from ff.net when that was more popular but never wanted to post anything there)
43. How many views has your least popular fic gotten?
Going by kudos: What is Love? and What are Friends For? both have 5 kudos and 40 and 77 hits, respectively. Going by hits, A Soft Epilogue has 38 views (but 8 kudos).
45. If you had to call yourself an author of a single genre (besides fanfic) what label would you give yourself?
Well, I use the tag “Fluff” a lot, so there’s that. Fluff, family, friendships, relationships, that sort of thing.
47. If someone you know in real life who isn’t involved in fandoms asked to read your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you recommend they read first?
Hmmm, it would definitely depend on the person, but if I trusted them enough to show them something I might have them read Wedding Bells, actually. Just because it’s pretty innocent, gets into some pretty interesting points about the Purple Prose AU, and doesn’t require a ton of context.
49. Has anyone in your life ever read your fanfic just because you wrote it?
@neodiji was really unbelievably sweet the other day and left a comment on To draw on all its omnipotence, so that counts!
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