#funded trading programs usa
giannnissavvidis · 2 years
funded trading programs usa | traderfundingprogram.com
Funded trading programs in USA.Learn more here https://traderfundingprogram.com/usa-new-york
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bespokefunding · 5 months
Conquer the US forex market! Bespoke Funding Program helps you choose the right forex trading platform. Explore benefits, key considerations & popular platforms in the USA. 
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submalevolentgrace · 2 months
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for pretty much my entire life we have been locking up refugees in UN-certified human-rights-violating "offshore detention" camps for the heinous crime of daring to try and flee from death and worse, often from wars-on-terror we've helped wage, and have very much done highly decorated war crimes in. we hold them in conditions so bad that war-fleeing refugees have sown their mouths shut, tried to starve themselves, even children trying to kill themselves to escape what we're doing to them. WE are doing. because in my boots on the ground activism days i tried to fight the government on this, and the fact is, the australian public on the whole doesn't give a shit about us torturing refugee kids, half the country is in support of it, so the government gets a free pass no matter which side is in power. from howard to rudd to gillard to rudd to abbott to turnbull to morison to albanese, we lock up and torture refugees. the UN anti-torture inspectors aren't allowed to visit. the camps are run by a private USA prison contractor now.
and it's not like we can't organise a protest! we'll barricade MP's offices because of something an ally-in-law country is doing that we condemn, but when the blood is on our hands we don't wanna know, don't wanna fight, don't wanna admit. and albanese gets up there and says those barricades have "crossed a line", "there's no place for violence like this in our democracy", he says. you know where there is an implicit place for violence, apparently? cops beating indigenous kids to death on camera, the australian people are fine with that apparently. happens all the time. better have a curfew so those kids don't get too rowdy about it!
oh and the CIA agents and US soldiers we welcomed here to supposedly defend us, they rape a bunch of women and children, mostly also indigenous? better get ASIO and the AFP to monitor the population for anti-american sentiment, local cops do it plenty too and we can't stand up to the USA, we're about to go to war with our biggest economic trading partner on their behalf, the troop buildup locations have already been announced! sweep it under the rug little aussies, scrub it from your memory, who cares about raped children anyway? not worth protesting, apparently.
we are right in the middle of the asia-pacific, with loosely speaking about a 5th of the population ethnically or culturally asian, and they are absolutely terrified of speaking out about how many hate crimes they suffer constantly, because the other 80% of the population is more culturally invested in american politics than the fact that labor considers pauline hanson an ally. i don't blame the 20% getting hatecrimed for being scared to speak up, i sure as fuck blame the rest of us for not protecting them, and for doing those hate crimes. "wE'rE a MuLtIcUlTuRaL sOcIeTy!! nO rAcIsM hErE!!", but we'll organise citywide marches in the middle of a pandemic if a black american kid gets killed over there, and then tell blak people they're spelling it wrong.
then we flood the region with our white-bleached propaganda and "culture", to control smaller governments and and lure the people of the region here for our economic benefit; the wealthy as fodder to fund the education complex, and the poor to work below-minimum-wage-slavery "jobs programs" on our great proud aussie battler family run farms.
it's all out in the open. the torture, the murder, the rape, the hate crimes, the technically-it's-legally-distinct-from-slavery, it's all known, all reported regularly on the news, endlessly, cyclically, every few months or years, for my whole life. fuck knows what else we're doing and i don't know about because pine gap prevents it from reaching english language news.
i know the internet zeitgeist really only cares about the single latest trending topic to happen, so you're wondering what that is to make me react enraged and ashamed; but it's everything. i haven't even scratched the surface, just ranting off the top of my head.
every day i carry the shame of what a disgusting violent colony nation this is; to the people who consider themselves australian, to the people here before the nation and their descendants, to the people surrounding us now. i carry the guilt of failure to stop it, and casual complicity of having given up the fight because i couldn't handle it. i think that's what most activists do here, give up in shame, because activists aren't fighting the government - we have one of the most free and open democracies in the world, and the spineless cowards in charge absolutely will do what the populace whims of them - activists here are fighting the cruel and apathetic average australian, who either don't care, or active condone it all. we have the blood of this country on our hands.
what has australia done now?
it's fucken wednesday, mates. nothing new.
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mimi-0007 · 4 months
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****†** EVERYONE SHOULD READ THIS BEFORE YOU VOTE. ****Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, is a collection of policy proposals to thoroughly reshape the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Established in 2022, the project aims to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to the District of Columbia to replace existing federal civil servants—whom Republicans characterize as part of the "deep state"—and to further the objectives of the next Republican president. It adopts a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory—which asserts that the president has absolute power over the executive branch upon inauguration. Unitary executive theory is a disputed interpretation of Article II of the Constitution of the United States. Project 2025 envisions widespread changes across the entire government, particularly with regard to economic and social policies and the role of the federal government and its agencies. The plan proposes slashing funding for the Department of Justice (DOJ), dismantling the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), sharply reducing environmental and climate change regulations to favor of fossil fuel production, eliminating the Department of Commerce, and ending the independence of various federal agencies such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). The blueprint seeks to institute tax cuts, though its writers disagree on the wisdom of protectionism. .
Project 2025 recommends abolishing the Department of Education, whose programs would be either transferred to other government agencies, or terminated. Scientific research would receive federal funding only if it suits conservative principles. The Project urges the government to explicitly reject abortion as health care and to restrict access to contraception. The Heritage Foundation, an American conservative think tank that leads the development of Project 2025, asserted in April 2024 that "the radical Left hates families" and "wants to eliminate the family and replace it with the state" while driving the country to emulate totalitarian nations, such as North Korea. The Project seeks to infuse the government with elements of Christianity, stating in its Mandate that "freedom is defined by God, not man." Project 2025 proposes criminalizing pornography, removing protections against discrimination based on sexual or gender identity, and terminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, as well as affirmative action. The Project advises the future president to immediately deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and to direct the DOJ to pursue Donald Trump's adversaries by invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807. It recommends the arrest, detention, and deportation of undocumented immigrants across the country. It promotes capital punishment and the speedy "finality" of such sentences. Project director Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official, explained that Project 2025 is "systematically preparing to march into office and bring a new army, aligned, trained, and essentially weaponized conservatives ready to do battle against the deep state." Dans admitted that it was "counterintuitive" to recruit so many people to join the government in order to shrink it, but pointed out the need for a future President to "regain control" of the federal government. Although the project does not promote a specific presidential candidate, many contributors have close ties to Donald Trump and his presidential campaign. The Heritage Foundation has developed Project 2025 in collaboration with over 100 partners including Turning Point USA, led by its executive director Charlie Kirk; the Conservative Partnership Institute including former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows as senior partner; the Center for Renewing America, led by former Trump Office of Management and Budget Director Russell Vought; and America First Legal, led by former Trump Senior Advisor Stephen Miller. The Project is detailed in Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, a version of which Heritage has written as transition plans for each prospective Republican president since 1980. Critics of Project 2025 have described it as an authoritarian Christian nationalist movement and a path for the United States to become an autocracy. Several experts in law have indicated that it would undermine the rule of law and the separation of powers. Some conservatives and Republicans also criticized the plan, for example in the contexts of centralizing power, climate change, and foreign trade.
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bopinion · 8 months
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2024 / 04
Aperçu of the Week:
"It's supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everyone would do it."
(Tom Hanks as Jimmy Dugan in "A League of Their Own" 1992)
Bad News of the Week:
"The long march of cultural Marxism through our institutions has come to pass. The federal government is a behemoth, weaponized against American citizens and conservative values, with freedom and liberty under siege as never before." Is this a statement of a lunatic holed up in the basement waiting for the social apocalypse? No, it comes from Kevin Roberts, President of the Heritage Foundation. And it is the foreword to "Mandate for Leadership" of the "Project 2025 - Presidential Transition Project" - in effect Donald Jessica Trump's government program.
The almost 900-page paper outlines a takeover of power that has probably never before been prepared in such detail and, above all, publicly. It is intended to be the blueprint for the actions of a new conservative government. Which will be quite radical. Of course, this is not official, but the personal intertwining of this party-political think tank, the institutional MAGA heads and Trump's slowly crystallizing shadow cabinet alone makes you sit up and take notice.
Here are just three examples that should make every upright Democrat angry: The USA should withdraw from the World Health Organization, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund - because global elites contradict US sovereignty and only cost money unnecessarily. The "war on fossil fuels" should finally be ended - because these are "not an environmental problem, but the blood of the economic cycle". The country's external borders are to be "sealed", especially trade with China is to be stopped - because undermining the country's industrial base has to be stopped.
However, the core of "Project 2025" is the personnel policy. Project leader Paul Dans writes "Our goal is to create an army of tested, trained and prepared conservatives who will set about dismantling the administrative state from day one". And Dans is not just anyone: during Trump's first term in office, he was jointly responsible for personnel policy in the White House.
For Trump, the years in the White House were above all a story of betrayal, as he describes it today. By bureaucrats and RINOs ("Republican in name only") who refused to give him the unconditional allegiance he expected. This time he will purge all leadership positions in all institutions of members of the establishment and the Deep State. He has learned that he must also control the bureaucracy. And he will leave his mark on the USA for years to come.
With the arch-conservative dominance he has created in the Supreme Court, Trump himself has set the benchmark for this. He has also reorganized the EPA (Environment Protection Agency), pulled out of the nuclear deal with Iran, imposed punitive tariffs on China and Europe, withdrawn US troops from Syria, courted Vladimir Putin and left the Paris Climate Agreement.
Trump has achieved all of this against stubborn resistance. The "adults in the room", officials who remained in bureaucratic positions, prevented him from doing even more, such as leaving NATO or denying entry to Muslims across the border. He sees that as a mistake - one he would certainly not repeat. I don't like Nikki Haley. Neither programmatically nor personally. But she would be the lesser of two evils. After all, she doesn't want to lay the cornerstones of the Western community of values to waste. After all.
Good News of the Week:
There could be positive movement in the Gaza war. According to a report in the "New York Times", which cites US government circles, an agreement between Israel and Hamas could be imminent. According to the report, it's about the release of hostages and a ceasefire. Discussions on a corresponding draft were to begin in Paris on Sunday.
The draft had been drawn up by US negotiators on the basis of proposals from Israel and the Islamist terrorist organization Hamas. The two-stage deal envisages Hamas releasing more than 100 hostages in return for Israel ceasing its military operations in the Gaza Strip for around two months. This is linked to the hope that a lasting solution can be brokered in the meantime.
I take a critical view of the somewhat sparse composition of the consultations: in addition to the USA, which are chaired by CIA chief William Burns, only representatives of Israel, Egypt and Qatar are taking part. They are also only sending the second guard in terms of personnel. After all, Joe Biden would have discussed the talks with the heads of state of Egypt and Qatar in advance. And in the evening, Israel's first statement was that although there was a "considerable gap", the talks were constructive. So fingers crossed.
Perhaps this will happen just in time before the feared conflagration in the eternal Middle East conflict occurs. From the Houthi rebels to the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Iranian regime - which has just achieved a breakthrough in the development of missile technology - to Russia and China, many are just waiting for the USA to withdraw from the region even further than it did under Obama. And the way is clear to attack Israel as a "western bridgehead".
Personal happy moment of the week:
My 15-year-old son cooked. For the first time, not according to personal taste (although his lasagna is legendary) or a hot tip from a TikTok video. But according to a recipe. And it worked: when I got home, dinner was ready, the table was set, nothing had gone wrong and even the mess in the kitchen was kept within pleasant limits. Very nice. Please do this once a week now. Thank you.
I couldn't care less...
...that there will soon no longer be a shortage of teachers at German elementary school. Because if you take a closer look at this Bertelsmann study, you will learn why: the coming low-birth cohorts will simply need fewer teachers. Great solution, you incompetent education policy!
It's fine with me...
...that the French capital is fighting back against the farmers' protests. I live in a farming village myself and have the greatest respect for this profession. Nevertheless, I lack a little understanding for their unwillingness to move a little in the face of changing conditions too. When I look at the budget distribution in the EU (I don't know the French budget), there is no group that is subsidized more. If whoever, wherever, whenever starts to introduce real costs, I will be there enthusiastically - because that is the real problem.
As I write this...
...I am driving home from an annual company event in Baden-Württemberg. Where employees from different locations meet, who otherwise usually only know each other by phone or from online meetings. This time, too, there was an interesting exchange, excellent food and a good mood. It was just a shame that I had to miss a friend's 50th birthday, which was taking place at the same time. One negative highlight of the evening was completely unexpected: an armed hostage situation occurred a few houses away from us, but it ended well. It was probably just random luck that the perpetrator hadn't chosen the location we were in. Phew...
Post Scriptum
At the European Party Conference, the Social Democratic SPD sent its lead candidate Katarina Barley into the upcoming elections with a tailwind. The Vice-President of the European Parliament received 98.7% of the vote and a fairly clear program for Europe and against the right. What is astonishing is the prominent role that Chancellor Olaf Scholz is expected to play in the election campaign, as his poll ratings are in the basement. The argument in his favor is simple - and true: he has proven himself to be a convinced European and achieved quite something in the two years of his government so far. I hope that the European elections will focus precisely on this. And that it is not misused as a wave of protest against the traffic light coalition. Because Germany needs Europe at least as much as Europe needs Germany.
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
What Is Sun Myung Moon’s And Hak Ja Han’s Legacy?
Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han and their numerous organizations have been active leaders on the fields of religion, politics, business, media, education and culture during the last 70 years. What is their legacy on these different human enterprises?   RELIGION: Sun Myung Moon did not create any unique religious doctrine of his own. He did not have any revelations from God but borrowed (read: stole) the doctrine of the Divine Principle from the Jesus Church and its various branches. The Jesus Church was founded officially in 1933 by Rev. Lee Yong-do but for instance one branch The Holy Lord Church lead by Ms. Kim Song-do and it’s daughter church The In The Belly Church lead by Ms. Huh Ho-bin were functioning already in the 1920s. Sun Myung Moon was not a theologian nor was he an original thinker but borrowed his ideas from other religious teachers. So Sun Myung Moon has no religious legacy as a founder of a new religion. Hak Ja Han, Sun Myung Moon’s widow has been the leader of the Unification Church since 2012. She has tried to create some feminist doctrine in order to promote herself as a genuine religious leader. Her main doctrinal innovation is she claims to be The Only Begotten Daughter of God, Goddess Incarnate. But of course there is nothing new in her doctrine. Christianity (especially Roman Catholics) honours Virgin Mary as Heaven’s Queen who was born without original sin and she is regarded as a co-redemptrix with Jesus Christ. And in other religions there are a legion of mother goddesses like Shakti, Parvati, Kali, Isis, Hathor, Ashera, Anat, Ashtarte, Ishtar, Afrodite, Venus etc.   POLITICS: Sun Myung Moon’s and Hak Ja Han’s main legacy in politics is their Anti-Communist doctrine and practice. Sun Myung Moon established the World Anti-Communist League WACL in 1966 together with South Korean President Park Chung Hee, Generalissimo Tsiang Kai-Shek and Japanese Yakuza gangsters Ryoichi Sasakawa and Yoshio Kodama. WACL was co-operating very closely with the CIA in the Cold War. WACL was active in the Phoenix Program in Asia in the 1960s - 1970s, in the Operation Condor in Latin America in the 1970s - 1980s and in the Operation Gladio in Europe after the World War II. These anti-communist operations tried to annihilate all communist and leftist activists on all continents. Hundreds of thousands of victims were kidnapped, tortured, disappeared and killed. And together with the CIA the World Anti-Communist League was controlling all the networks of anti-communist forces and co-ordinated their activities. WACL funded and lead the hit-death squads which operated quite freely across the borders of different countries. The political legacy of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han is horrendous: hundreds of thousands of killed people in the anti-communist war all over the world  What was the crime of their victims? Their crime was that they wanted better salaries and better working conditions and living standards. They wanted decent housing for their families and bread on the table. They wanted better education for their children so that they would have more chances in life than their parents had. Was this a crime?   BUSINESS: Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han have had a myriad of different businesses but their main source of money comes from four “businesses”: drug trade, arms dealing, money laundering, human trafficking. Sun Myung Moon was closely co-operating with the Japanese Yakuza and they were involved in heroin trade in the Golden Triangle and after that in heroin trade in Afghanistan and then in cocaine trade in Latin America. Sun Myung Moon got limitless amounts of money and he could bribe influential politicians and presidents in Korea, Japan and the USA in order to further his cause and get immunity from prosecution. Sun Myung Moon has weapons factories in Korea and he sells arms to the South Korean army and worldwide. He does not discriminate anybody: all terrorist organizations are his clients like Mujahideens and Talebans in Afghanistan and Isis terrorist organization. Sun Myung Moon has been involved in money laundering from the beginning. He bought many banks in the USA, Uruguay and Cayman Islands and they are used for money laundering of his illicit money. Most of his “normal” businesses are losing money for instance in the USA but they are useful fronts for money laundering. And the fourth source of income for Sun Myung Moon is human trafficking: He uses Unification Church members as slave workers who do not get any salaries but must work for free for 24/7 in many of the Moon family businesses and in fundraising teams. They do not even get pensions when they get old and sick but are thrown to the street to survive by themselves. Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han are trafficking these slave workers from one country to another wherever they are needed. The last source of money are immense donations required from the members. This is just now a big scandal in Japan. Members are robbed by the Unification Church of their last dime and their children go hungry and do not have any money to go to college. The financial legacy of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han is the following: the Moon family wealth is now about 100 billion USD. Sun Myung Moon’s own son Sam Park told in a conference in 2014 that the Moon family assets were 60 billion USD. This number is mentioned in the depositions of the UCI court case in Washington D.C. The court case was between Hyun (Preston) Jin Moon vs. FFWPU. Now approaching the year 2023 these assets must have risen to about 100 billion USD. The members of the Unification Church have not got anything from the enormous Moon family wealth. All assets are under the name of Moon family members.
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shivam95 · 1 day
Exploring Job Opportunities For Master in Finance in USA
If you’re considering a Master’s in Finance (MFin) in the USA, you're likely wondering about the job prospects after graduation. The U.S. is a global financial hub, offering graduates excellent opportunities in various sectors. Let’s explore the different job opportunities for Master in Finance in USA!
Why Study in the USA?
The U.S. stands out for its strong economy, top-ranked universities, and vibrant financial sector. Earning a Master’s in Finance from a U.S. university equips you with the technical skills and global perspective needed to succeed in the fast-paced world of finance. But, the real advantage comes from the networking opportunities and hands-on experience you gain during your program.
Key Job Opportunities For Master in Finance in USA
Once you graduate with a Master’s in Finance., a range of exciting job opportunities for Master in Finance in USA open up. Here are some of the top career options:
Investment Banking Analyst Investment banking is one of the most popular fields for finance graduates. As an analyst, you’ll work on mergers, acquisitions, and capital raising for companies. It’s a high-pressure, fast-paced job, but it offers excellent pay and career growth.
Financial Analyst Financial analysts work in almost every industry, helping businesses make informed financial decisions. They check financial data and project trends and tell companies about budgeting, investments, and financial strategies. This role provides a broad range of opportunities, from corporations to investment firms.
Risk Manager Risk managers identify and mitigate risks to protect a company’s finances. As the financial market becomes more complex, businesses need professionals who can assess potential risks in investments, trading, or corporate strategies. It’s a rewarding role, especially in industries like banking, insurance, and asset management.
Portfolio Manager Portfolio managers oversee investment portfolios for institutions or individual clients. They make decisions about buying and selling stocks, bonds, and other assets to meet the financial goals of their clients. Working for asset management companies, hedge funds, or even independently, portfolio managers can earn competitive salaries.
Corporate Finance Analyst Large corporations need finance professionals to manage their internal finances. As a corporate finance analyst, you might handle budgeting, forecasting, or managing mergers and acquisitions. It’s a stable role that offers opportunities for advancement within the company.
FinTech Specialist The intersection of finance and technology (FinTech) is a growing field, and many finance graduates are now pursuing careers in this innovative sector. Whether you’re developing financial apps or working with blockchain technology, FinTech specialists are in high demand in the U.S.
Salary Expectations for Finance Graduates
One of the main reasons students pursue a Master’s in Finance is the attractive salary prospects. In the U.S., the starting salary for MFin graduates generally ranges from $75,000 to $120,000 per year, depending on the role and location. Here’s a rough breakdown of typical salaries:
Investment Banking Analyst: $100,000–$150,000
Financial Analyst: $70,000–$90,000
Risk Manager: $85,000–$120,000
Portfolio Manager: $90,000–$160,000
Corporate Finance Analyst: $80,000–$110,000
These figures can vary greatly depending on the company, your experience level, and where you're located. Major financial hubs like New York City, San Francisco, and Chicago tend to offer higher salaries but also have a higher cost of living.
Internships and Networking
To boost your chances of landing a top job, internships are crucial. Many U.S. Master’s in Finance programs emphasize practical experience, often providing opportunities for students to intern at leading financial institutions. These internships not only give you hands-on experience but also connect you with professionals who can help you land a job after graduation.
Additionally, networking events, career fairs, and alumni connections can be invaluable as you transition from student to professional. Make the most of these opportunities during your studies to build relationships that can help you in your career.
FinTech: A Growing Sector
As technology continues to reshape industries, FinTech is emerging as a significant area of growth. U.S. finance graduates with tech skills are in demand for roles in areas like blockchain, mobile payments, and financial software development. Companies like Stripe, PayPal, and even traditional banks are investing heavily in FinTech, making it a smart field to explore post-graduation.
The job opportunities for Master in Finance in USA are vast and diverse. From traditional roles in investment banking and corporate finance to emerging sectors like FinTech, the financial industry offers something for everyone. By gaining hands-on experience, networking strategically, and honing your skills, you can secure a rewarding career in one of the most dynamic sectors of the U.S. economy.
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amgracy · 30 days
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qocsuing · 1 month
Forex Regulations: What Every Trader Needs to Know
Forex Regulations: What Every Trader Needs to Know The foreign exchange market, commonly known as forex, is the largest and most liquid financial market in the world, with a daily trading volume exceeding $6 trillion. Given its size and global nature, forex trading is subject to a complex web of regulations designed to protect traders and maintain market integrity. Understanding these regulations is crucial for anyone involved in forex trading.To get more news about forex regulatory, you can visit our official website.
The Need for Forex Regulations Forex regulations are essential to ensure a fair and transparent trading environment. They protect traders from fraud, manipulation, and abusive practices. Without proper regulation, the forex market could become a breeding ground for scams and unethical behavior. Regulatory bodies around the world work tirelessly to maintain the integrity of the market and safeguard the interests of traders.
Key Regulatory Bodies Several regulatory bodies oversee forex trading globally. In the United States, the primary regulatory body is the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). The CFTC is an independent agency that regulates the futures and options markets, including forex. Its main goal is to protect market participants from fraud and manipulation.
Another important regulatory body in the USA is the National Futures Association (NFA). The NFA is a self-regulatory organization authorized by the CFTC to oversee the activities of forex brokers and other market participants. All forex brokers registered with the CFTC must also be members of the NFA. The NFA sets rules and regulations for its members and enforces compliance to maintain fair and ethical practices in the forex market.
In addition to the CFTC and NFA, forex trading in the USA is also subject to regulations from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC is responsible for regulating the securities industry, including certain types of forex transactions. If a forex trade involves securities, such as futures contracts or options, it falls under the jurisdiction of the SEC.
Global Regulatory Landscape Forex trading is a global activity, and different countries have their own regulatory bodies and frameworks. For example, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) in Australia, and the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) in Cyprus are some of the prominent regulatory bodies overseeing forex trading in their respective regions.
These regulatory bodies set standards that brokers must comply with, such as registration and licensing requirements, regular audits, and the implementation of anti-money laundering (AML) procedures. AML regulations aim to prevent money laundering and the financing of illegal activities through forex trading. Brokers must have robust AML programs in place, including customer identification and reporting suspicious activities to regulatory authorities.
The Impact of Regulations on Traders Regulations have a significant impact on traders. They provide a layer of security and protection, ensuring that traders’ funds are safe and that they are trading in a fair environment. For instance, the CFTC requires forex brokers operating in the USA to be registered as Retail Foreign Exchange Dealers (RFEDs) or Futures Commission Merchants (FCMs). These registration requirements ensure that brokers meet certain financial standards and adhere to strict rules and regulations.
Moreover, regulations often impose leverage limits on retail forex trading. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, passed in 2010, introduced significant reforms to the financial industry, including forex trading. One of the key provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act is the imposition of leverage limits on retail forex trading1. This helps to protect traders from excessive risk and potential losses.
Conclusion In conclusion, understanding forex regulations is essential for every trader. These regulations are in place to protect traders, maintain market integrity, and ensure a fair trading environment. By familiarizing themselves with the regulatory landscape, traders can make informed decisions and trade with confidence. Whether you are a novice or an experienced trader, staying informed about forex regulations is crucial for your success in the market
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giannnissavvidis · 2 years
A funded trading program is a way to access live trading funds without risking your own capital. 
 Learn more about funded trading here: https://traderfundingprogram.com/ 
 Learn more about funded trading here in USA: https://traderfundingprogram.com/usa-new-york 
 Learn more about funded trading here in UK: https://traderfundingprogram.com/uk-london 
 Learn more about funded trading here in Canada : https://traderfundingprogram.com/canada-toronto
 Learn more about funded trading in Australia here: https://traderfundingprogram.com/australia-sydney 
 Learn more about funded trading in India here: https://traderfundingprogram.com/india-mumbai
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energyevolutionexpo · 2 months
As the world warms, the shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy is accelerating rapidly. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), global capacity for renewable power generation is growing faster than ever in the past three decades. By 2025, renewable energy is expected to surpass coal as the leading source of electricity worldwide, with wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) power anticipated to outpace nuclear energy in 2025 and 2026, respectively. Furthermore, by 2028, 68 countries are projected to rely primarily on renewables for their power needs. This surge in renewable energy is timely for policymakers and climate advocates addressing greenhouse gas emissions. At the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), a goal was set to triple global renewable power capacity by 2030, aiming to advance decarbonization and achieve net-zero emissions. 
Europe is leading the way in renewable energy initiatives with a comprehensive set of policies aimed at accelerating the transition to clean energy. Key EU strategies like the Green Deal Industrial Plan, RePowerEU, and the Fit for 55 package are central to increasing renewable energy capacity and meeting climate goals. The European Green Deal seeks to make Europe climate-neutral by 2050, with a significant emission reduction target of 55% by 2030. RePowerEU aims to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, especially from Russia, and speed up renewable energy adoption. The Fit for 55 package includes proposals to update EU legislation to meet these targets, such as enhancing the Emissions Trading System (ETS) and increasing renewable energy benchmarks. Supported by funding programs like Horizon Europe and the InvestEU Fund, Europe is investing heavily in clean energy technology and innovation, reinforcing its position as a global leader in the shift to renewable energy.
Here are some upcoming events in the Renewable energy industry focussing on various EU goals, celebrating achievements, and showcasing innovations.
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Energy Evolution Awards, Conference & Expo, Spain
The smarter E EUROPE- Europe’s Largest Alliance of Exhibitions for the Energy Industry, Germany
32nd European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (EUBCE), France
Intersolar Europe, Germany
Connecting GREENHYDROGEN Europe Conference & Exhibition (CGHE 2024), Spain
SPE Europe Energy Conference & Exhibition, Italy
Large Scale Solar SOouthern Europe Summit, Greece
2nd European Congress on Renewable Energy & Sustainable Development, UK
41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference & Exhibition, Austria
Decarb Connect Europe 2024, Germany
Energy Transition Europe 2024 (ETEU), UK
World Energy Transition Conference 2024, Virtual event
Solar & Storage LIVE, Switzerland
Wind Energy Hamburg: The Global On & Offshore Event, Germany
Offshore Wind NorthEast (OWNE) 2024
EnerGaia, The Renewable Energy Forum, France
The 42nd Euroheat & Power Congress, Netherlands
6th Biogas PowerON European Conference, Denmark
Foresight NetZero Live 2024, UK
Reneawable Connect 2025, France
1. Energy Evolution Awards, Conference & Expo
         Date: March 13-15, 2025
         Venue: Madrid, Spain
The Energy Evolution Awards, Conference, and Expo, organized by Next Business Media, will make its inaugural appearance in Spain in 2025. The event will take place over 3 days from March 13-15 and will be honoring excellence in Energy Technology and facilitating collaborations. Bringing together industry leaders to explore advancements and address challenges, the event is expected to celebrate achievements and promote sustainable practices to propel the Energy Industry into a technologically advanced sustainable era, shaping a brighter energy landscape. EnergyNext Awards, Conference & Expo, under the ownership of Next Business Media and endorsed by InternetShine Corp, USA, aims to establish a global hub for the energy technology sector. It serves as a collaborative platform for tech startups, SMEs, established providers, investors, and institutions to connect and innovate across various topics, including energy security and sustainable solutions.
2. The smarter E EUROPE- Europe’s Largest Alliance of Exhibitions for the Energy Industry
       Exhibition: June 19-21, 2024, Messe Munich, Germany
       Conference: June 18-19, 2024, ICM  Munich, Germany
"Accelerating Integrated Energy Solutions" is the goal of The smarter E Europe, the largest alliance of exhibitions for the energy industry in Europe. Its mission is to spotlight renewable energies, decentralization, digitalization, and cross-industry solutions from the electricity, heat, and transport sectors to create a future-oriented, sustainable 24/7 energy supply.
The smarter E Europe comprises four exhibitions, gathering key global players to showcase the latest market developments, trends, and technologies. 
1. Intersolar Europe – The world's leading exhibition for the solar industry.
2. ees Europe – The largest and most international exhibition in Europe for batteries and energy storage systems.
3. Power2Drive Europe – The international exhibition for charging infrastructure and e-mobility.
4. EM-Power Europe – The international exhibition for energy management and integrated energy solutions.
To highlight the industry's innovative power, The smarter E Europe integrates conferences, forums, and workshops with these exhibitions.
Part of the international event series The smarter E, spanning three continents, The smarter E Europe is organized by Solar Promotion GmbH and Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe GmbH & Co. KG (FWTM).
3.32nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE)
     Date: June 24-27, 2024
     Venue: Mersaille, France
The European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE) series, initiated by the European Commission in 1980 in Brighton, UK, began as a scientific gathering. As the use of biomass for bioenergy and fuels grew, the conference evolved to include industrial aspects and introduced a technology exhibition in 1996. In 2000, it expanded to host the 1st World Biomass Conference and Exhibition. With increasing awareness of environmental impacts, the conference has focused on government policies regarding biomass as a renewable resource. 
The 32nd edition of the EUBCE, to be held at the Chanot Convention Centre from June 24 to 27, 2024, emphasizes the balance between environmental sustainability and economic performance across the biomass utilization chain, while maintaining a scientific perspective. This event encompasses all facets of biomass, including resources, research, innovation, deployment, and policies, with a strong emphasis on fostering partnerships between academia, research institutions, and industry. Presentations, selected from a Call for Papers, will include approximately 200 oral presentations and at least 500 posters, with over 750 papers already submitted. With an expected attendance of more than 1,600 registered participants and visitors in the exhibition area, this edition is poised to be one of the largest and attract international media coverage.
4. Intersolar Europe
      Date and Venue: Conference: June 18-9, 2024, Messe, Munich, Germany
                                      Exhibition: June 19-21, 2024, ICM, Munich, Germany
Intersolar Europe 2024 will be held in Munich, Germany, from June 19-21, 2024, as part of  The smarter E Europe. It is Europe's largest energy industry platform, emphasizing photovoltaics, solar thermal technologies, solar power plants, grid infrastructure, and renewable energy integration solutions. The event draws a worldwide audience of industry experts, including manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, service providers, and solar industry partners. The exhibition and conference offer a thorough overview of the latest advancements and innovations in the solar sector.
5. Connecting GREEN HYDROGEN Europe Conference and Exhibition (CGHE 2024)
           Date: June 25-27, 2024
           Venue: IFEMA, Madrid, Spain
Connecting Green Hydrogen Europe 2024 (CGHE2024) is a major event focused on green hydrogen, set to take place at IFEMA Madrid from June 25-27, 2024. This influential conference will bring together over 5,000 participants, including industry leaders, government officials, CEOs, and more than 100 exhibitors. The event aims to boost the hydrogen economy by showcasing the latest innovations and technologies.
CGHE2024 features a large exhibition space of 10,000 square meters, offering attendees the chance to explore cutting-edge products and services. There will be 75+ sessions with insights from over 150 energy experts, covering various hydrogen-related topics. Key highlights include the C-Level Strategic Summit, the H2Innovate Next Summit, and various specialized programs such as the "Women in Hydrogen Program," "Students' Day," and the "Startup Challenge Hub."
Attendees will have ample networking opportunities, learning from masterclasses, and participating in forums that discuss major hydrogen projects in Southern Europe. This event is a unique chance to connect with key players and innovators driving the future of green hydrogen.
6. SPE Europe Energy Conference and Exhibition
          Date: June 26-28, 2024
          Venue: Turin, Italy
The SPE Europe Energy Conference and Exhibition 2024 will be held from June 26-28 in Turin, Italy. This event aims to connect traditional oil and gas technology with new clean energy solutions, fostering collaboration among leaders in the energy, geoscience, and environmental sectors. The focus will be on innovative approaches to decarbonization and the energy transition.
Attendees can expect peer-reviewed technical presentations on the latest innovations, opportunities to hear from industry experts, and sessions tailored for young professionals and students, highlighting the future of energy education. The conference will emphasize interdisciplinary collaboration, knowledge sharing, and discussions on optimizing the energy value chain to achieve net-zero emissions and sustainable energy practices.
7. Large-Scale Solar Southern Europe Summit
         Date: July 2-3, 2024
         Venue: Divani Palace Acropolis, Athens, Greece
The 2nd Large Scale Solar Summit's return to Greece in July. This event is tailored for senior professionals from leading developers, EPCs, banks, and funds in the region, bringing together key players from Greece, Turkey, Croatia, and Italy. The summit will address urgent challenges, opportunities, and trends in solar power production, alongside complementary technologies like energy storage and green hydrogen. It offers a unique opportunity to engage with the expanding solar industry market and contribute to discussions towards achieving government energy targets. With over a decade of gathering key stakeholders, this summit continues the tradition of fostering collaboration and progress within the solar sector.
8. 2nd European Congress on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development
            Date: November 11-12, 2024
            Venue: Heathrow Hotel, London, UK
he 2nd European Congress on Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development will be held in London, UK, from November 11-12, 2024. This conference, organized by Scisynopsis, focuses on the theme "Current Trends in Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Development" and aims to deliver advanced eco-friendly energy solutions that provide competitive advantages and cost savings for industrial and business sectors.
Attendees can expect a variety of sessions, including cutting-edge presentations, panel discussions, and networking opportunities. The conference will feature contributions from researchers, professors, scientists, business delegates, entrepreneurs, practitioners, managers, and students from around the globe. Topics will cover a broad spectrum of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal, as well as sustainable development practices and clean technology trends 
Participants are encouraged to submit abstracts for presentations, which include studies on energy efficiency, carbon capture and storage, smart grids, energy storage, and clean transportation. The event aims to foster lively interactions with industry leaders and experts, making it a key opportunity for professionals to stay updated on the latest developments in the field 
9. 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition
             Date: September 23-27, 2024
             Venue: Vienna, Austria 
The 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC) will be held from September 23 to 27, 2024, at the Austria Center Vienna in Vienna, Austria. This event is the largest international conference for photovoltaic (PV) research, technologies, and applications, and it also features a major PV industry exhibition. Organized by the European Commission Joint Research Centre, EU PVSEC brings together the global PV community to present and discuss the latest developments in photovoltaics, network, and conduct business. The event will include approximately 1,200 scientific presentations, including oral and poster sessions, and expert workshops covering a wide range of topics such as silicon materials, thin films, PV system engineering, and new PV concepts like agrivoltaics and building-integrated photovoltaics. The exhibition will showcase cutting-edge technologies and innovations from the PV industry, making it a key platform for industry leaders and researchers to exchange knowledge and forge partnerships.
10. Decarb Connect Europe 2024
          Date: June 17-19, 2024
          Venue: Berlin, Germany
Decarb Connect Europe 2024 is set to take place from June 17 to 19 at the Hotel Palace Berlin. This event is all about driving forward industrial decarbonization. It gathers industry leaders, tech innovators, policymakers, and financiers from across Europe to discuss how to reduce CO2 emissions and transition to net zero.
You can expect a dynamic program featuring case studies, panel discussions, and interactive roundtables that cover topics like carbon capture, hydrogen technology, waste valorization, and financing mechanisms for green initiatives. The event also includes site visits to notable industrial facilities and a special networking dinner to help attendees forge valuable connections. With representatives from diverse sectors such as cement, metals, chemicals, and more, Decarb Connect Europe is a prime opportunity to engage with key players in the field and explore the latest advancements and strategies in decarbonization.
11. Energy Transition Europe 2024 (ETEU)
          Date: September 30- October 1, 2024
          Venue: London, UK
The Energy Transition Europe 2024 conference, organized by Reuters Events and set to take place in London on September 30- October 1 is a crucial gathering of industry, finance, and government leaders focusing on Europe's energy transition and decarbonization efforts. The event will explore key topics such as mobilizing green investment, collaborative governance, energy security, diversification, electrification, and carbon management. With prominent speakers from companies like  Octopus Energy, AkerBP, and Ørsted, attendees can expect insightful discussions, presentations, and networking opportunities aimed at accelerating the continent's shift towards a sustainable energy future. 
12. World Energy Transition Conference 2024
           Date: September 5, 2024
           Time: 6.30 p.m.- 9.30 p.m.
Hydrocarbon Engineering is hosting its World Energy Transition Conference, a virtual event dedicated to exploring innovative decarbonization technology and solutions driving the transition to a low-carbon energy future, on Thursday, September 5, 2024. The conference features a series of presentations from global leaders in the energy transition, offering attendees unique insights and actionable business opportunities. Sponsored by industry giant  Endress+Hauser, this conference is set to provide valuable perspectives on the future of the energy sector.
13. Solar & Storage LIVE
            Date: September 17-18, 2024
            Venue: Zurich , Switzerland
The Solar & Storage Live Zurich 2024 event, organized by Terrapinn, is set to be a significant gathering from September 17th to 18th, 2024, at Messe Zurich, Switzerland. As a premier trade show and conference, it caters to the solar, storage, and electric vehicle charging industries, boasting a substantial lineup of over 500 exhibitors, 100 speakers, and anticipated attendance of over 10,000 industry professionals. Attendees can expect to explore cutting-edge products and services from top-tier companies across various sectors, including panel manufacturing, inverters, EV charging infrastructure, legal services, mounting systems, and more. The event welcomes a diverse range of participants, including professionals from the stranded gas industry, along with distinguished speakers, delegates, and other relevant attendees eager to engage with the latest industry trends and innovations.
14. Wind Energy Hamburg: The Global On &Offshore Event
              Date: September 24-27, 2024
              Venue: Hamburg, Germany
 This edition of WindEnergy Hamburg will take place from 24th to 27th September 2024. This an event specifically designed to address the critical issues confronting the global wind energy sector. With a focus on assembling a high-quality, professional audience alongside exhibitors showcasing their latest innovations and solutions spanning the entire industry value chain, the event promises to shine a spotlight on key industry players across all halls. More than just a trade fair, WindEnergy Hamburg encompasses the entirety of the wind energy value chain and places a special emphasis on storage technologies. Additionally, it offers a robust supporting program and various added benefits, including synergies with SMM, the prominent international maritime industry fair held at the same venue just before WindEnergy Hamburg. These attributes collectively position WindEnergy Hamburg as the preeminent event for the wind industry.
15. Offshore Wind NorthEast (OWNE) 2024
            Date: November 6-7, 2024
            Venue: Monkwearmouth, Sunderland
Offshore Wind North East (OWNE) stands out as a premier event dedicated to exploring themes and opportunities within the offshore wind sector. With an impressive array of speakers, the event provides updates on business activities, highlights opportunities for the supply chain, and offers insights on future engagement strategies. OWNE 2024 gathers key stakeholders, including industry leaders, policymakers, and technology innovators, to address the sector's latest developments and challenges. Serving as a hub for networking, knowledge-sharing, and collaboration, the event is committed to advancing the growth and sustainability of offshore wind energy in the North East.
16. EnerGaïa, The Renewable Energy Forum
          Date: December 11-12, 2024
          Venue: Parc des Expositions, Montpellier, France
he EnerGaïa Forum, hosted by SPL Occitanie Events, is a global gathering focusing on Renewable Energies, happening on December 11 and 12, 2024, at the Parc des Expositions in Montpellier. Supported by the Occitanie / Pyrénées-Méditerranée region, it aims to spotlight efforts towards energy transition and the region's goal to lead Europe in positive energy initiatives. Now in its 18th year, the forum is a key hub for professionals and local authorities, drawing in around 17,000 attendees in 2023. It features diverse themes, engaging sessions, and exhibitions, making it a vital event for anyone in the renewable energies sector. The forum isn't just about networking; it's about discovering new innovations, staying updated on industry trends, and fostering meaningful exchanges to drive the energy transition forward.
17. The 42nd Euroheat & Power Congress
            Date: June 3-5, 2024
            Venue: Rotterdam, Netherlands
The Euroheat & Power Congress offers an unparalleled platform for companies to showcase their brand, products, and services to the global heating and cooling community. Whether as Platinum, Gold, or Silver Sponsors, exhibitors, or workshop hosts, participants can engage with industry leaders, decision-makers, and policymakers shaping the future of sustainable heating and cooling. With over 450 professionals in attendance, the event fosters valuable networking opportunities and facilitates business connections. Moreover, the Congress underscores the significance of district heating and cooling networks in Europe's transition away from fossil fuels, providing insights into legislation, technology advancements, and market trends. As the premier business event in the industry, the Euroheat & Power Congress is a must-attend for companies, start-ups, consultancies, universities, and local authorities committed to accelerating the adoption of sustainable heating solutions.
18. 6th Biogas PowerON European Conference
               Date: September 25-26,2024
               Venue: Copenhagen, Denmark
Following the resounding success of Biogas PowerON 2023, which attracted over 130 attendees from 22+ countries, the organizers are thrilled to announce the eagerly awaited 6th European Conference Biogas PowerON 2024. Set to take place on September 25-26, 2024, in Copenhagen, Denmark, this edition promises an impressive lineup of speakers delivering highly anticipated presentations, stimulating industry panel discussions, insightful technical sessions, and extensive networking opportunities. Against the backdrop of Europe's energy crisis and its emphasis on energy independence and security, biogas continues to gain momentum. The coming years are pivotal for its growth and expansion, with initiatives like The Biomethane Industrial Partnership (BIP) playing a crucial role in supporting the EU's sustainable biomethane production targets. The conference, featuring presentations from industry experts and case studies of ongoing projects, offers a comprehensive overview of the biogas sector, addressing topics such as new regulations and evolving market dynamics. It serves as a prime platform for networking and knowledge exchange among leaders across the biogas value chain, including suppliers, end-users, technology providers, and government representatives.
19. Foresight NetZero Live 2024
             Date: June 12-13, 2024
             Venue: Hull, UK
Foresight NetZero Live 2024 is a prestigious international gathering, uniting industry leaders committed to reducing and eliminating their carbon emissions. Now in its fourth year, the event is sponsored by the Tees Valley Combined Authority, Clarke Energy, and Uniper, and will take place over two days at the DoubleTree Hilton in Hull on June 12th and 13th. The North East of England and the Humber Region, known for their significant industrial activity and potential investment in decarbonization technologies, provide an ideal setting for this event. Attendees will hail from energy-intensive sectors such as iron and steel, cement, glass, paper and pulp, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, refining, food and drink, ceramics, energy, construction, ports, and transport, as well as project developers and NetZero solution providers. The event aims to showcase the latest projects, technologies, and engineering advancements aimed at modernizing industrial processes and achieving NetZero goals.
20. RenewableConnect 2025
           Date: March 24-26, 2025
           Venue: Paris, France
The International Connect on Renewable and Sustainable Energy is scheduled to occur from March 24 to 26, 2025, in the dynamic city of Paris, France. RENEWABLECONNECT2025 provides an extensive platform for stakeholders to interact, network, and advocate for positive change in the renewable energy sector. Whether individuals are seasoned professionals, budding researchers, or enthusiastic students, this conference pledges to offer a transformative experience at the forefront of renewable energy dialogue. Ultimately, the "RENEWABLECONNECT2025" conference acts as a catalyst for fostering innovation, championing sustainability, and tackling the pressing global energy challenges of both the present and future. Participants are invited to join in Paris as they engage, collaborate, and map out the journey towards a greener, more sustainable future.
These Renewable energy summits and conferences are significant forums for advancing the global transition towards sustainable energy systems. By bringing together experts, policymakers, industry leaders, and stakeholders, these events facilitate knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration. They provide opportunities to showcase the latest technologies, projects, and investment opportunities in renewable energy, stimulating market development and driving innovation. Moreover, these gatherings serve as platforms for policymakers to develop supportive regulatory frameworks and for stakeholders to advocate for policies that promote renewable energy adoption. By raising awareness, educating stakeholders, and fostering collaboration and partnerships, renewable energy summits and conferences play a crucial role in accelerating the shift towards a low-carbon, resilient energy future.
11th June 2024
Leading Geothermal Energy Events Exploring Untapped Potential
This high-level conference will bring together the European Commission, the European Parliament and Member States alongside investors and industry leaders to explore the market and regulatory opportunities to increase the pace of investment in three sessions – i) baseload geothermal electricity; ii) energy storage; and iii) lithium. Geothermal energy stands at the forefront of Europe’s journey toward a post-fossil fuel era, offering a reliable, resilient, renewable, and local energy source. As our society progresses and continues to decarbonise, geothermal is the only energy source with the versatility to supply local raw materials, electricity, heating, cooling, and energy storage. The approval of a European Geothermal Strategy, accompanied by a clear roadmap for mass deployment, has become imperative for the European Union's sustainable energy transition.
1. Energy Evolution Awards, Conference & Expo 2025
2. The Invest Geothermal Conference 2024
3. The Second Budapest Geothermal Energy Summit 2024
4. GeoTHERM Expo and Congress 2025
5. The German Geothermal Congress ( DGK) 2024
6. The 5th EAGE Global Energy Transition Conference and Exhibition (GET 2024)
7. The IADC Geothermal Drilling Conference & Exhibition 2025
8. The European Geothermal Congress (EGC) 2025
 Energy Evolution Awards, Conference & Expo 2025:
  Date: March 13-15, 2025
  Venue: Madrid, Spain
  Website: https://energyevolutionexpo.com
The Energy Evolution Awards, Conference, and Expo, organized by Next Business Media, will make its inaugural appearance in Spain in 2025. The event will take place over 3 days from March 13-15 and will be honoring excellence in Energy Technology and facilitating collaborations. Bringing together industry leaders to explore advancements and address challenges, the event is expected to celebrate achievements and promote sustainable practices to propel the Geothermal Energy Industry into a technologically advanced sustainable era, shaping a brighter energy landscape.EnergyNext Awards, Conference & Expo, under the ownership of Next Business Media and endorsed by InternetShine Corp, USA, aims to establish a global hub for the energy technology sector. It serves as a collaborative platform for tech startups, SMEs, established providers, investors, and institutions to connect and innovate across various topics, including energy security and sustainable solutions.
The Invest Geothermal Conference 2024: 
Date: 25-26 June,2024
Venue: Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Website: https://www.investgeothermal.com/en
The Invest Geothermal Conference 2024, organized by Enerchange and ThinkGeoEnergy, is scheduled to take place on June 25-26 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. This conference will bring together stakeholders from the geothermal energy sector to discuss financial challenges and opportunities in the industry. Key topics include financing options, investor perspectives, project funding, risk mitigation, and the impact of the EU taxonomy on geothermal projects. The event will feature presentations on municipal and local investment models, the bankability of geothermal projects, and risk-sharing mechanisms in Central Europe. It aims to facilitate cooperation between municipal utilities and private investors, addressing the complexities of public-private partnerships. The conference will also offer a "Geothermal Energy in a Nutshell" workshop for non-specialists and conclude with a social event to foster networking among participants.
The 2nd Budapest Geothermal Energy Summit 2024:
Date: 20 september 2024
Venue: Budapest, Hungary
Website: https://budapestgeothermalenergysummit.hu/
The event will gather global leaders, policymakers, industry experts, and researchers to discuss the development and potential of geothermal energy in the region. Highlights include an opening address by Hungary’s Minister of Energy, Csaba Lantos, and panels featuring representatives from MVM Group, Ormat, and Arctic Green. The summit will focus on Hungary’s strategy to double its geothermal energy usage by 2030, supported by policy discussions and case studies on successful projects. Organized with the backing of the European Geothermal Energy Council, the summit aims to advance cooperation and innovation in geothermal energy.
GeoTHERM Expo & Congress 2025:
Date: 20-21 February, 2025
Venue: Offenburg, Germany
Website: https://www.geotherm-offenburg.de/en
As Europe's largest geothermal energy trade fair, the event is set to feature extensive exhibitions and two congresses focused on shallow and deep geothermal energy. The previous edition in 2024 saw significant growth, with 6,509 trade visitors and 241 exhibitors from over 40 countries. This year’s congress will include 56 presentations on the latest developments and practical experiences in the geothermal sector. The event provides a vital platform for networking and knowledge exchange among industry professionals, researchers, and policymakers.
The German Geothermal Congress (DGK) 2024:
Date: 22-24 October, 2024
Venue: Kongresshotel,Potsdam, Germany
This prominent event will bring together over 500 participants, including industry professionals, researchers, and policymakers, to discuss advancements and challenges in geothermal energy. The congress will feature a variety of sessions covering near-surface, medium-depth, and deep geothermal energy, with a special focus on practical applications and technological innovations. This year’s program will include contributions from Nordic partner countries, showcasing their successful geothermal solutions and fostering international collaboration. The event will also offer extensive networking opportunities through social evenings, exhibitions, and excursions to local geothermal sites.
The 5th EAGE Global Energy Transition Conference and Exhibition (GET 2024):
Date: 4-7 November, 2024
Venue: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Website: https://eageget.org/
 This event aims to gather geoscience and engineering professionals to discuss the transition to sustainable energy. The conference will feature four sub-conferences focused on Offshore Wind Energy, Carbon Capture & Storage, Geothermal Energy, and Hydrogen & Energy Storage. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in a robust technical program with over 400 presentations, network with industry leaders, and explore innovative solutions that support the shift towards a low-carbon future.
The IADC Geothermal Drilling Conference & Exhibition 2025:
Date: 25-26 March, 2025
Venue: Vienna, Austria
Website: https://iadc.org/event/iadc-geothermal-drilling-2025/
The IADC Geothermal Drilling Conference & Exhibition aims to lead the way in shaping the future of energy by focusing on Geothermal Upstream, covering topics such as subsurface activities, drilling techniques, production methods, and regulatory frameworks. Participants will gain valuable insights into business models, procurement strategies, and supply chains, while also exploring groundbreaking technologies that could revolutionize the geothermal and broader energy industries. By leveraging IADC's expertise in defining standards for the Petroleum Upstream, the conference aims to establish a common vocabulary and set of standards for the geothermal sector. Additionally, it will address the challenges posed by inconsistent and underdeveloped regulatory regimes in geothermal energy, providing guidance for both businesses and regulators. This event offers a unique opportunity to contribute to a more sustainable and cleaner energy future while discussing the latest advancements and hurdles in geothermal energy production.
The European Geothermal Congress (EGC) 2025:
Date: 6-10, 2025
Venue: Zurich, Switzerland
The European Geothermal Congress (EGC) 2025 is scheduled to be held in Zurich, Switzerland. Organized by the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) and co-organized by Geothermie Schweiz, this congress is the largest geothermal event in Europe, occurring every three years. It serves as a central hub for industry professionals, academics, and policymakers to converge, share insights, and advance the geothermal sector. The event will feature a scientific conference, industry presentations, exhibitions, training courses, and various networking opportunities. The aim is to foster collaboration across different sectors to enhance the geothermal market and integrate geothermal energy more effectively into the European energy mix.
Within the dynamic landscape of renewable energy, geothermal power stands out as a reliable and environmentally friendly resource that is frequently underappreciated. Its capacity to provide clean energy, heating, cooling, and support mineral extraction demonstrates significant potential, even if its adoption may not be as rapid as other renewable alternatives. Nevertheless, a discernible change is underway, marked by growing discussions and enthusiasm surrounding geothermal energy. Significant events and conferences play a crucial role in propelling this movement forward by facilitating insightful conversations, interviews, and analyses that highlight geothermal energy's ability to revolutionize our energy systems and promote sustainability.
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market-news-24 · 5 months
Are you wondering who is eligible to receive a deposit and when will you get it? Find out all the details about eligibility requirements and expected deposit timelines in this news update. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] The news that Social Security recipients in the United States will be receiving an extra payment this month may surprise some of them. In accordance with their Social Security program, the SSA distributes benefits on Social Security May 2024 Payment confirmed Date. So to help millions of beneficiaries meet their basic necessities, Social Security is an insurance program in USA that offers monthly checks. You will receive a $3000 Social Security Payment this Week if you were born between 11th to 20th. To know more on $3000 Social Security Payment 2024 Eligibility you must check this page and get the latest update. If you are eligible, then you will receive RSDI May Payment Amount 2024 on May 15. Receiving a Social Security Disability check offers several benefits, one of which is the beneficiary’s assurance that their payment will rise yearly due to the Cap on Adjustment of Benefits. Pensioners can manage inflation via COLA. A monthly payment for disability benefits will not arrive for many Americans until much later, even though some have already received them in early May and some will get them later this month. The SSI and RSDI programs are paid in rounds by the Social Security Administration (SSA) throughout the course of each month. While each program has its own set of qualifying requirements, they all aim to give monthly benefits to participants who have applied before and fulfilled all requirements. Many families are concerned about how they will pay their bills and rents when a major source of income abruptly disappears. Individuals and families who meet specific requirements can receive income through the federally funded Retirement, Survivors, Disability Insurance (RSDI) program. If an injury prevents you from working again, RSDI can replace lost income and offer income once you retire. You may also be eligible for RSDI benefits in the event that a family member who was receiving disability benefits or a wage earner passes away. If you are a retiree who claimed Social Security benefits at the full retirement age (FRA) and you meet the requirements for retirement, survivors, and disability insurance (RSDI), you may be eligible to receive up to $3,822 a month. Recipients who match the $3000 Social Security May Payment 2024 Eligibility and are survivors with two children may receive $3,653, and individuals with disabilities may receive up to $3,822 based on their past employment history and system contributions. Benefits from SSI are not restricted to a certain amount; each beneficiary will receive a different amount based on their circumstances and eligibility. Two payments are still expected to be mailed this month on May 15th and May 22nd, per the Social Security payment schedule for 2024. The distribution of all payments is based on the birthdate of each recipient, with RSDI payments being made
on May 15 for those born between the 11th and 20th and on May 22 for those born between the 21st and 31st. Stay updated on the latest news regarding Social Security payments and eligibility to ensure you receive the benefits you are entitled to. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. Who is eligible to receive this deposit? - Anyone who meets the specified criteria set by the organization. 2. When will I receive this deposit? - The exact timing of when you will receive the deposit will be communicated to you by the organization. 3. What do I need to do to qualify for this deposit? - You may need to complete certain tasks or application processes to qualify for the deposit. 4. Is there a specific income requirement to be eligible for this deposit? - The income requirement, if any, will be outlined by the organization providing the deposit. 5. Can I request an early release of this deposit? - It is best to contact the organization directly to inquire about any possibilities for an early release of the deposit. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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gaxexchange · 6 months
GaxEx: Gaining Competitive Edge with Dual MSB License Accreditation
As a leading global digital asset trading platform, GaxEx has always prioritized the safety of user funds and the reliability of transactions. Recently, GaxEx's CFO, Alex Walton, made an important announcement: GaxEx has obtained dual MSB (Money Services Business) license certification in the USA. This achievement marks a significant milestone in GaxEx's compliance program. Obtaining dual MSB license certification in the USA signifies GaxEx's strict adherence to financial regulations in both countries and its successful passage of rigorous reviews by regulatory agencies. With these licenses, GaxEx's anti-money laundering (AML) and compliance efforts have received authoritative recognition.
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The exchange has implemented a comprehensive Know Your Customer (KYC) process to accurately identify each user's identity and established a stringent AML system to prevent potential illegal fund flows. The acquisition of dual MSB licenses in the USA holds great significance for both the exchange and investors. These two authoritative certifications validate GaxEx's compliance and transparency, offering investors a higher level of trust assurance. Investors can confidently choose GaxEx for transactions, knowing that their funds will be securely protected, and their trading activities will adhere to strict regulatory requirements. Holding dual MSB licenses also opens up broader market opportunities for GaxEx. The USA, being significant markets for global digital asset trading, boast large investor bases and abundant trading opportunities. With its dual certification, GaxEx gains a competitive edge in compliant operations within these markets, attracting more investor attention and participation while providing them with a wider array of trading opportunities. The acquisition of dual MSB licenses not only serves as a validation of the trading platform but also as recognition of its professional capabilities and operational proficiency. With its world-class technical team and advanced trading system, GaxEx offers a stable and efficient trading environment. Through continuous innovation and ongoing improvements in user experience, GaxEx aims to cultivate a diversified trading future for investors based on security, thereby assisting them in accessing more investment opportunities and achieving wealth growth.
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americanlendingcenter · 7 months
EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program - A Comprehensive Guide
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In 1990, Congress established the EB-5 Program Immigrant Investor Program, permitting foreign citizens to gain permanent residency in the United States in exchange for investing in commercial enterprises that create jobs for American workers to enhance the United States economy. Under the program, each investor must demonstrate that they saved or created at least 10 new jobs due to the EB-5 investment, which must be at least $1,050,000 or $800,000 if they invest funds in high-unemployment or rural regions.
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)-managed EB-5 program has been a solid source of foreign direct investment for businesses in various industries, generating billions of dollars for the United States economy. However, the future of the EB-5 program remains uncertain as it requires periodic reauthorization from Congress.
A key component of the EB-5 program is the use of regional centers and entities designated by USCIS to pool EB-5 capital from individual investors and allocate it to job-creating development projects. Regional centers are vital in facilitating EB-5 investment and have been responsible for most EB-5 capital raised to date. The Industry Trade Association Invest In the USA (IIUSA) represents over 200 regional center members and works for legislation that enhances the economic advantages of the EB-5 Regional Center Program.
One regional center that has successfully utilized EB-5 capital is the American Lending Center (ALC). ALC is not a public agency, government entity, or public/private partnership. However, it generates EB-5 investment for business ventures across various industries, including construction, childcare, education, motion pictures, healthcare, restaurants, wholesale trade, and travel accommodations that create new jobs. It also became a USCIS-designated regional center in April 2016, covering the states of North Carolina and South Carolina.
ALC operates under an "investor first" model emphasizing low risk through oversight from the United States government, a senior loan structure, and third-party fund control over construction projects. This approach helps ensure that they meet the job creation goals. ALC is also the leading non-bank lender for the United States Small Business Administration 504 loan program, which offers long-term, fixed-rate financing for key fixed assets to stimulate company growth and employment creation and is the only lender utilizing EB-5 capital for this purpose. It has been nominated six times for the prestigious EB-5 Industry Achievement Awards and serves as the official EB-5 investment partner for the City of San Diego.
When EB-5 investors allocate capital through a regional center like ALC, there are various positions their investment can take within the capital stack of a project. The most senior and secure position is senior secured debt, which provides the first claim on repayment in case of default. EB-5 investments are increasingly taking this form due to the protections it provides. However, EB-5 timelines may not always align with long-term senior loan terms, so flexible structures are needed.
Construction management is also crucial, as most EB-5 projects involve significant building work. As the senior lender, a regional center can require thorough construction oversight through a third-party firm to monitor progress and protect EB-5 capital. This level of control is a key advantage for EB-5 investors choosing the senior loan structure over other investment positions to lower the capital.
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shivam95 · 2 months
Exploring Top Colleges in USA For MS in Finance: A Comprehensive Guide
Pursuing a Master’s in Finance (MFin) in the USA is a significant decision that can shape your career in profound ways. The USA, home to some of the world’s top finance schools and bustling financial markets, offers unmatched opportunities for students looking to delve deep into the world of finance.
In this guide, we'll explore why the USA is an excellent choice for an MFin, outline the top colleges in USA for MS in Finance, and provide insights into the application process, career prospects, and financial considerations.
Why Choose the USA for a Master’s in Finance?
World-Class Education: The USA boasts some of the top universities globally, such as MIT Sloan, Harvard Business School, and Stanford University. These institutions offer cutting-edge curricula, experienced faculty, and extensive resources, ensuring a robust learning experience.
Industry Connections: Studying in the USA provides unparalleled access to major financial hubs like New York City, Boston, and San Francisco. These cities are home to leading financial institutions, investment banks, and hedge funds, offering ample networking opportunities and internships.
Diverse Opportunities: The USA’s diverse economy and financial markets provide students with exposure to various sectors within finance, including corporate finance, investment banking, asset management, and financial consulting.
Global Recognition: A degree from a reputable American university is highly regarded worldwide, enhancing your employability and career prospects.
Top Colleges in USA For MS in Finance
Here are some of the top colleges in USA for MS in Finance:
MIT Sloan School of Management:
Known for its rigorous curriculum and strong emphasis on analytical skills, MIT Sloan’s MFin program is ideal for those looking to specialize in quantitative finance and financial engineering.
Princeton University:
Princeton’s Master in Finance program is renowned for its strong focus on financial mathematics and quantitative finance, making it a top choice for students interested in research and academic careers.
UC Berkeley Haas School of Business:
Haas offers a Master of Financial Engineering (MFE) program that blends finance, mathematics, and computational methods, preparing students for high-demand roles in risk management, trading, and investment analysis.
Columbia Business School:
Columbia’s MFin program leverages its location in New York City, offering students access to top industry professionals and a wide array of finance-related events and activities.
University of Chicago Booth School of Business:
The Booth School’s MFin program is known for one of top colleges in USA for MS in Finance, allowing students to tailor their coursework to align with their career goals while benefiting from the school’s strong finance faculty and resources.
Admission Requirements and Application Process
Academic Background: Most top colleges in USA for MS in Finance need a strong academic background in finance, economics, mathematics, or a related field. A high GPA from your undergraduate studies is crucial.
GMAT/GRE Scores: Competitive GMAT or GRE scores are often required. Aim for a GMAT score of 700+ or a GRE equivalent to stand out in the application pool.
Work Experience: While not always mandatory, having relevant work experience in finance can strengthen your application and demonstrate your practical knowledge and commitment to the field.
Letters of Recommendation: Strong letters of recommendation from academic or professional references who can attest to your skills, achievements, and potential are essential.
Personal Statement: Your personal statement should outline your career goals, why you’re interested in an MFin, and why you’ve chosen the specific program. Highlight your unique experiences and aspirations.
Interviews: Some programs may require interviews as part of the application process. Be prepared to discuss your background, motivations, and how you can contribute to the program.
Career Prospects Post-MFin
Graduates from top colleges in USA for MS in Finance are highly sought after in the job market. Here are some potential career paths:
Investment Banking: MFin graduates often secure roles in investment banks, working on mergers and acquisitions, underwriting, and advisory services.
Asset Management: Opportunities in asset management firms include roles such as portfolio managers, analysts, and risk managers, focusing on maximizing returns for clients.
Corporate Finance: Positions in corporate finance involve working within companies to manage financial activities, including budgeting, forecasting, and capital structure management.
Risk Management: Financial institutions and corporations hire MFin graduates to assess and mitigate financial risks, ensuring the stability and profitability of their operations.
Consulting: Financial consultants provide advisory services to clients, helping them make informed decisions about investments, financial strategies, and risk management.
Financial Considerations
Tuition Fees: Tuition fees for top colleges in USA for MS in Finance vary widely. Top programs can cost between $60,000 to $100,000 per year. It’s essential to research each program’s costs and plan accordingly.
Scholarships and Financial Aid: Many universities offer scholarships, fellowships, and assistantships to help offset the cost of tuition. Additionally, financial aid options such as loans and grants may be available.
Living Expenses: Living expenses in the USA can be significant, especially in major cities. Budget for housing, food, transportation, and other personal expenses. Some cities offer a higher quality of life but at a higher cost.
Return on Investment: Despite the high costs, an MFin from a prestigious US university can offer a high return on investment. Graduates often secure high-paying jobs, with starting salaries ranging from $80,000 to $150,000, depending on the industry and role.
Pursuing a Master’s in Finance from top colleges in USA for MS in Finance is a strategic choice for those looking to excel in the finance industry. The combination of world-class education, industry connections, diverse opportunities, and global recognition makes the USA an attractive destination for finance students. By carefully selecting the right program, preparing a strong application, and planning your finances, you can embark on a rewarding journey that will open doors to many career opportunities in the dynamic field of finance.
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amgracy · 3 months
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