#fundielegacies candace ruth
biblethumpersims · 2 years
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Robin and Candace Mills had 13 children: Jeff, Taylor, Stephanie, Jonas, Juliet, Lance, Harrison, Brittney, Lindsay, Cooper, Regina, Tyler, and Shawn.
Robin completed his Nerd Brain aspiration and became a bestselling author, best known for his books about the Watcher. He died surrounded by just family, no cameras.
Candace died two days after Robin, and her daughter Regina honored her final wish of having her death filmed and uploaded to ChristTube as a video titled “MY MOM went to MEET JESUS?!?!! 😭😱😇 FINAL CHANNEL UPDATE 😫😭”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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"Mom, Juliet’s crying.”
“So? Juliet’s been crying literally since she was born. What makes this time sooo special?”
“Well, like, I just think that, maybe, you should talk to her or something?”
“Ummm, wow. I’m, like, suuuper busy. Maybe she can come to me if something’s wrong? Like, I’m not a mind reader!”
“...Nevermind. You’re totally right."
“Duh! I always am. You should talk to her yourself. Like, it will be really great practice for handling your own kids!”
“Good point. I’ll totes do that, thanks.”
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“Hey, Jules, are you, like, okay? What’s on your mind?”
“Will God kill us all if one of us does something totally bad?”
“If Taylor does something bad, will God kill me or you or Mommy to teach Taylor a lesson?”
“Um. Well, uh, God won’t kill you until it’s your time to die. Duh.”
“But, like, what if today is my time to die because God decided it’s time to punish Taylor?”
“Wait a sec, why would God punish Taylor? Did Taylor, like, do something?”
“I heard Mommy and Daddy talking earlier. Taylor, like, told a boy she loved him and now God’s soooo mad because she didn’t wait until she was married! What if God’s so so sooo mad that he hits us with an earthquake and, like, our apartment totally collapses and we all die because of her?!”
“Is this what those goth kids at church were telling you? They’re freaks, you deffo shouldn’t listen to their doom and gloom.”
“No! I totally thought of this myself! But Sappho thinks like I do. But not because she’s goth! Mercy Eaten agrees with us and she soooo isn’t goth. She wears yellow.”
“Well, that-”
“Are we going to die?” Juliet asks suddenly.
“One day.” Stephanie shrugs. Juliet’s eyes get wide and frightened, so she quickly adds “But not today! Or tomorrow. Or, like, soon.”
“How do you know?”
“Because... um... Taylor sooo hasn’t been given a chance to repent yet! God won’t kill us because Taylor can totally still say sorry and make things right.”
“All good now? Sooo great. I’ll catch you around, Jules.”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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“Mom, I don’t want a birthday party tomorrow.”
“What?! Jules, that is sooo ridiculous. Why wouldn’t you want a party?”
“My friend, Sappho, says birthdays usurp the importance of Jesus’s birthday and God will kill us all for thinking we’re as good as Jesus.”
“Jules, Jules, Jules,” Candace tsked, “Like, every day billions of Sims celebrate their birthday, and, like, not even one has been struck down in righteous fury over it. It’s totally fine to have a party.”
“But mom-”
“Julie, sweetie, I’m, like, so done talking about this. If we don’t throw a big party, everyone on Simsta will totally think I’m a bad mommy. Just because it’s your birthday, that doesn’t make this about you, ok? You can, like, totally pray and repent after the party if you want. And btdubs, don’t hang out with those goth freaks. Everyone will judge you. Mmmkay?”
“Ok, mommy...”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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from the Simstablr of Candace Mills (@.godspiousprincess)
As you ALL know, the Lord has BLESSED my womb again!!!! That’s what happens when you are a PIOUS WOMAN that OBEYS GOD - you are REWARDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THIS time, I want to PLAY a little GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
COMMENT down below to GUESS what SEX this CHILD is, and if you are RIGHT then I’ll share a SPECIAL SECRET PROMO CODE to get TEN PERCENT OFF your next order of SMEXUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you can GUESS the NAME, I’ll give you a SPECIAL SECRET PROMO CODE to get FORTY PERCENT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a STEAL (NOT in a NON-GOD HONORING WAY!!!!!!!), so START GUESSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
comments section
camlovesjesus 25m
congrats, sis!!!!!! if you work hard, you miiiight catch up to me ;) I’ll guess a girl, maybe named Lauren?
godspinkprincesstaytay 21m
You’re sooo FUN, mommy!!! I love you and JESUS!!!!!
diecryhate69 17m   holy shit are you roleplaying as your six year old daughter?
godspinkprincesstaytay 15m   No, I am RECORDING her REAL TRUE ACTUAL WORDS that she SAID in REAL LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Little Tay-Tay is not a BIG GIRL who can type or go online YET, so until she is OLD ENOUGH to use her account I’m running it FOR her!!!!!!! ENJOY YOUR BLOCK!!!!!!!!
godisparadise 17m
How fun c: A boy? Joseph?
godspiousprincess 11m   You are a FAME-CHASING woman of SATAN, a CHILD of a CHILD of DIVORCE, and a NAME STEALING WITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wouldn’t SELL to YOU if I were a DIRT POOR PEASANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
godisparadise 8m   Oh ok. Sorry :c
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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Jeff got married in a wedding that was 90% Candace barking at everyone to pose for her camera and 10% actual ceremony.
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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from the Simstablr of Candace Mills (@.godspiousprincess) 
PRAISE THE WATCHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The day EVERY mommy dreams of has ARRIVED: my SUPER PRECIOUS first born son, strong & handsome Jeffy, is ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!! We are SOOOOOO excited as Jeff enters this new season of life!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The GODLY bride is MISS FAITH CRANDALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Faith, I am SOOOOO EXCITED to welcome you to the Mills family, and SOOO EXCITED to welcome you as a SWEET AND PURE daughter-in-love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As an EXTRA CELEBRATION, you can get 7% off my Robbie’s BESTSELLER, The Watcher Is Watching, with PROMO CODE “MRANDMRSJEFFMILLS”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ACT FAST, because this sale WILL NOT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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“Jeffy! Your father and I want to talk to you. You’re 16 now, so it’s time to start looking for a wife. Don’t forget: marry early, breed early, breed often!”
“Actually, there is this one girl at church-”
“Perfect! Ask her father for permission to court her, and let God handle the rest.”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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“Taylor Madison Mills! What is the meaning of this?!”
“It’s a phone...?”
“It’s your phone, you stupid slut.”
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes. What you sooo didn’t even think of was that I’m, like, literally a super good and Godly mom, so I went through all of it. You’ve been talking to boys behind my back!”
“No! No! Just the one!”
“Shut it! I saw your 🥰 emojis, whore. You have literally destroyed your ‘I Love You’ virginity for your husband! What Godly man is going to want a girl that has a used up, filthy heart?! You’re barely thirteen, and you’re already a second rate woman!”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I-”
“Uh, soooo not good enough! You need to marry your boyfriend. It is literally the only way to save your purity. I’m gonna talk to your father, then to your heavenly father, and then to Allan Pittman’s parents. I won’t have any child of mine denied at the gates of Heaven!”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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“Julie, sweetie, what the frick frack are you wearing?!”
“Gloria and I swapped shirts! It’s pink, so the Watcher is ok with it!”
“Um, no. That shirt is soooo frumpy! You look like a homeless lesbian. Do you want everyone that sees you to think God forced you to live on the streets because you want to kiss girls?”
“But I don’t want to kiss girls!”
“Then don’t dress like it! God gave us clothes so we can advertise who we are without saying a word. So dress like the heterosexual home owner God knows you are in your heart!”
“Ok, mommy...”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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“Hiiii, and welcome back to Kwik N Godly, the part of my channel where I give you suuuuper quick info and advice!”
“As y’all know, little Harrison was born super recently, so it’s going to be a moment before my body starts to create a new life again! While I’m obviously suuuper sad about not being pregnant, I’m also suuuper aware of what I as a Godly woman should be doing while I’m waiting on that very special pregnancy test result!
First off: Fasting! God wants us to stay trim so our husbands will want to make more babies with us, duh! So I’ve been fasting to drop the baby fat! Now, obvs, how long you should fast is different for every woman. My new book, How To Be Slim & Trim For Him & HIM, goes into this with more detail. Grab your copy for just $77.77 with promo code SLIM4HIM!
Secondly, exercise! On top of fasting, I go for a jog every single day! I’ve spoken at length about how to be totally modest while exercising, so take a scroll through my Simsta for inspo!
Lastly, prayer! Show your faith and devotion to God, thank Him for giving you your latest baby, and show Him why you deserve another!
That’s all the time I have for now! Byeeee!”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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“Byeeee, aunty! Have a safe flight!”
“Goodbye, Robin,” Peace said pointedly, ignoring Candace. “It was a pleasure to meet you and your children.”
“Thanks for coming, Peace. Have a safe flight.”
“Oh, so considerate! I hope Candace realizes how blessed she is to have a wonderful husband.” This time, Peace stared right at her.
“She does. Goodbye, Peace.”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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"Like, is everything ok, aunty? Why did you want to talk privately?”
“You’re an attention-seeking harlot, a terrible mother, and an even worse wife.”
“...Excuse me?”
“You spend all day posing with a Bible instead of reading it, you reject the hair color God gifted your daughter, and you hardly talk to your husband.”
“Wow. Wow. Okay. You know what? You’re a judgemental cow! I do read my Bible, I read it to my kids, and I’m sooo sorry that I try to spread the Word instead of locking myself in some dusty, old church and getting off on how great I think I am!”
“Candace Ruth Mills!”
“No, no, shut up! What I did to Stephanie was for marketing. She-”
“It’s vanity! You’re judging and shaming your daughter over the way the Lord made her!”
“Ugh, whatever! Fine, I’ll dye her hair back. But you have no flipping right to come at me over my marriage, and especially not my faith! I am a million times less of a harlot than any secular women, and a lot of so-called ‘Christian’ women! One, Aunt Heaven called and says that her ‘Godly’ neighbor, Mrs. Crockett, has a new baby that doesn’t even look like her husband. Two, GodIsParadise Eaten literally starred in a show about what a whore she is. You wouldn’t catch me dead openly encouraging young men to give me pieces of their heart! I-”
“So? So? Judging yourself by people you’re better than will never get you into heaven! Who is more virtuous than you? How can you be more like Jesus? These are what you ask yourself to-”
“Don’t you change the subject on me! Sorry that I’m not the slut you want me to be, old maid, but I am virtuous and loyal to-”
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Candace and Peace freeze, then look at the child in the doorway.
“Yeah, Steph?” Candace asks, her voice obnoxiously cheerful.
“You’re screaming a lot. Did I do something bad?”
“No, no, no, sweetie, of course not!” Candace tilts her head towards Peace. “We’ll pick this up once the girls are in bed.”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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“Hiiiii, and welcome back to my channel! I have a suuuper special guest for you all: my aunt Peace! So, Peace, what is your number one tip for living a Godly life that honors the Lord?”
“The golden rule is something that’s simple, but not always easy: obey God! The Bible has everything you need to know.”
“Wow, that’s soooo great! Peace, you went your whooole life without a family. You say you weren’t lonely because you had Jesus, but let’s get totes real for a moment: do you ever feel sad about not fulfilling your life’s purpose?”
“I did fulfill my purpose. The Lord created me to become a nun, so I followed the path He set out for me. If I were to die right now, I am certain that I would be welcomed into Heaven!”
“That’s soooo great! Now- oh!”
“Not again... Ugh, I gotta go, aunty. This kid decided he or she wants to be born right now!”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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“Delicious breakfast, Candace. Did you cook it yourself?” Peace asks.
“Oh no, no, no. I take my God-given duty as a mother suuuuper seriously, so like, I am alwaaays trying to teach my girls how to be the best mommies and homemakers ever. Now that little Steph is a Child, she and Tay both helped me in the kitchen.”
“Good. My sinful older sister once set fire to the kitchen on the Fourth of July, the same day my younger brother was born. I wouldn’t want you to go through something like that. You’d hate to lose all of your flashy material goods, wouldn’t you?”
“I literally wouldn’t even care, like at all, as long as my family is safe. That’s what really matters,” Candace replies.
Robin raises an eyebrow, but stays silent.
“Good. So wholesome to see some of the Lord’s will has reached you.”
“All of it has, actually. Like, I’m super modest and I’ve had 5 kids in 5 years with number 6 already on the way, and Jesus is in literally everything I do, so the Lord is definitely working through me.”
“Congratulations. I’m happy to see such a quiverful family. I never married or had children, instead I devoted myself to being a nun.”
“Thank you for your sacrifice,” Candace says, with just an edge of sarcasm. “Your life must have been soooo lonely without a man or kids.”
“It’s impossible to be or feel alone when you have Jesus,” Peace says sweetly.
“I know. Because I'm fulfilling my God-given purpose of finding a man and raising kids, I literally never know loneliness even when nobody’s around. It’s just soooo great that being a daughter of God is sooo fulfilling.”
“Happy to hear so.” Peace places her silverware on her plate. “I’m finished with breakfast. Why don’t we get ready for Christfest?”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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At 7 exactly, Peace Tidwell arrives at the Mills apartment.
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“Auntie! We’re soooo blessed to have you over!” Candace says.
“I'm happy to be here. Your mother has been showing me your videos.” Peace looks around. “I must say, your home is cleaner than I’d expect from a mother that spends all day in front of a camera. Do you have a maid?”
“Ummm, like, no.” Candace makes a disgusted face. “A working woman is soooo not a Godly woman, and a not-Godly woman would try to steal my man! It would destroy the family.”
“You should hire one. A man may clean in exchange for money, as then it is a job. Then again, you cheating on your husband would destroy the family.”
“Well, like, actually, I’m super self-controlled and pure, so I would never, ever cheat on Robin. We girls are just less tempted by the flesh.”
“I’m glad you’re finally learning that. The way you dressed as a young lady made one wonder... But nobody is perfect. As long as Jesus has forgiven you, it’s all in the past.”
“Uh, wow, excuse me? I’ve always dressed really modest, especially compared to the slutty whores in the city, so I’m not really getting you, auntie.”
“Modesty shirt or not, you used to wear quite a deep neckline and short sleeves. In my day, ladies never exposed their elbows! Sad how Satan is warping the minds of the youth these days.”
“...Right. Um. Well-”
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“Enough unpleasant talk. I want to spend time with these sweet blessings!” Peace picks up Jonas, smiling.
“Right. Whatever you want, aunty.”
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biblethumpersims · 2 years
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Candace safely births a healthy baby girl, Juliet Mills.
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Meanwhile, Jonas grows up without anyone to witness it.
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