theblogs2024 · 1 year
Golf strategy and golf course management tips for left handers do not need to be more complicated or challenging than it is for right-handed players. Be smart about the decisions you make on the golf course, and be a bit more aware when teeing up and putting. These simple tips can take you a long way in your golf career. Check out more details here: https://www.tiktok.com/@gggmarketing/video/7261401183397416238
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passivetactics · 3 years
Funnel Hacking Live 2021: How To Attend From Home?
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Are you tired of creating funnels that fail? Do you want to elevate your business and fix your funnels? Then, this article might help you deal with these problems! Funnel Hacking Live event is a yearly conference that was founded by Russell Brunson and Clickfunnels team. In this article, we will go through the Funnel Hacking Live of 2020, what to expect in the 2021 event, the ticket cost and the dates of the event. Also, you will find some tips you should grab from their outstanding speakers! Before we go through the event of the 2021, let's see what is funnel hacking live and its history and the speeches of 2020.
What is funnel hacking live?
Funnel Hacking Live is an annual conference, created by Russell Brunson, co-owner of ClickFunnels, that features the world's most successful funnel builders sharing their winning tactics. Attendees get critical information that can help them see real growth and quickly scale their businesses. If you don't know what the ClickFunnels software is, the we recommend you read our article ClickFunnels Review 2020: Details, Pricing, and More, to learn all about it. To clarify, with this software, the ClickFunnels team have helped thousands of people to create and run their funnels. The main idea for the event being started was to bring marketing experts to teach business owners the significant aspects of online marketing. Apart from that, the business owners that participate in the event would get a chance to network with other entrepreneurs and gain more knowledge of business trends internationally. In fact, if you attend to funnel hacking live in 2021, you will see, like those who attended the conference in 2020, that they explain the sales funnel's process and techniques as if the audience was full of children. The simplicity of the lessons and activities makes it even a more great conference to help you understand how to run your business and funnels, and gain so much more revenue! If you can't wait until 2021, and you want some expert knowledge on how to create effective sales funnels that convert, then we recommend you read our article Funnel Hacking Secrets Review (2020) – Create Effective Funnels, created by Russell Brunson. Watch the documentary for free and reserve your ticket for the next fhl
Funnel Hacking Live History
Funnel hacking live event was established in 2015. Since then, impressive business people speak to these conferences and show how they got their business to bring enormous earnings. Over the years, the events have been taking place yearly in different states and cities. The attendees since then have increased impressively and more people take their path to skyrocket their business. Let's find out more about funnel hacking live history. In 2015, the funnel hacking live event had 638 registrations, 12 speakers, and $52K was the event budget. The first event took place in Las Vegas. In 2016, the funnel hacking live event had 1,046 registrations, 18 speakers, and $420K was the event budget. The second event took place in San Diego. In 2017, the funnel hacking live event had 1,436 registrations, 13 speakers, and $800K was the event budget. The first event took place in Dallas. Its theme was 'One Funnel Away'. Since then, Russell Brunson and the ClickFunnels team created and have been running the One Funnel Away Challenge. In 2018, the funnel hacking live event had 3,016 registrations, 19 speakers, and $1.5M was the event budget. The first event took place in Orlando. In 2019 there was a massive increase in sold tickets to 4,369, 19 speakers, and $2.8M was the event budget. The first event took place in Nashville. As for the 2020 event, it took place from 29th January to 1st March in Nashville. We still don't know the exact number of the attendees, speakers, etc. But as you can see, these numbers grow enormously every year.
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Funnel Hacking Live Donations The main social mission of ClickFunnels isto help liberate children from slavery and then educate them so they can change their own world. Every time a funnel was built inside ClickFunnels throughout the year, they donated $1 to World Teacher Aid. However, this wasn't enough for them. During this event, each year they donate money to help people in need. In 2015 they presented an offer to their attendees. Everyone who donated $500 to World Teacher Aid during the FHL event would get 2016 recordings for free! As a result, the ClickFunnels community donated over $12K! It was such an exceptional moment that they did that ever since at every funnel hacking live event. In 2016 the ClickFunnels community donated over $78K, and in 2017 they donated to World Teacher Aid over $239K. In 2018 they donated to $133,737 to World Teacher Aid. But it was not only that. They also reached their donation to $1.14M, as they donated over $1M to Operation Underground Railroad organization, which is about helping FREE children from an unimaginable life. As for the 2019 year, for every funnel built through the year, they presented to the World Teacher Aids and the Operation Underground Railroad with a donation check for $133,353. The ClickFunnels community raised and presented a check to Operation Underground Railroad for $1M, which is enough funding to rescue the lives of 400 children, and free them from modern day slavery!
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Funnel Hacking Live Awards And Prizes Because of the enormous success ClickFunnels users have, year-by-year they started creating awards and prizes for them to earn. In 2015 they gave away a "ClickFunnels red" Ferrari to Jeff Walker, who was the top affiliate for the DotCom Secrets book affiliate contest! They kept giving away such prizes while the years passed by. In 2017, a special award was born. They created the "Two Comma Club" award for entrepreneurs who reached the 7-figure financial milestone inside one of their funnels. Since 2017, they continued this tradition at FHL each year for the new entrepreneurs who cross the million-dollar mark with their funnel! In 2018 a new award was born. They called it the "Two Comma Club X" award, and it was for those who had reached the 8-figure milestone with one of their funnels! To explain, it was for those entrepreneurs who passed the $10 Million mark inside of their ClickFunnels funnel. They also surprised their recipients with a super-bowl-sized ring worth as a special thank you! In 2019 they gave away the "Oscars" of entrepreneurship! This was a record-breaking year! In fact, at funnel hacking live event 2019 they presented: - 19 Dream Car Awards to those who generated 100 or more ClickFunnels users as an affiliate. ​ - 116 Two Comma Club Awards to those who reached $1M in sales inside a funnel. - ​14 Two Comma Club X Awards to those who reached $10M in sales inside a funnel. As for the funnel hacking live 2020, we have no specific information yet, but each year they share the Two Comma Club and the Two Comma Club X awards.
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Funnel Hacking Live Event 2020
Funnel Hacking Event 2020 happened on the dates of 29 - 31 January 2020, this event took place in Nashville, Tennessee. It was a fantastic event. It was held in Gaylord Opryland2; 2800 Opryland Drive - TN37214. During this period, according to the 2019's registrations, over 4500 people attended the 2020 event. There were 16 speakers at the event. One of the major highlights of this event was storytelling. It was regarded as one of the topics during the funnel hacking event 2020. The dress code for the event was casual business wear. Watch the documentary for free and reserve your ticket for the next fhl Speakers Of Funnel Hacking Live 2020 The funnel hacking live in 2020 comprised 16 exceptional speakers. The funnel hacking live 2020 is one of the year's event with the highest number of speakers. There were more than 16 speakers, with Russell Brunson being among them. Each speaker was given a chance to address different topics during the three-day conference. The speakers were Tom Bilyeu, Ryan Holiday, Tony Robbins, Prince Ea, Gabe Schillinger, Annie Grace, Heather Quisel, Garrett J. and Danielle K. White, Jermaine Griggs, Kathryn Jones, Russell Brunson, Dan Henry, Anissa Holmes, and Marley Jaxx. We decided to display all these people so you get a view of them and what they offered. Let's begin and see what they talked about and what techniques and tips you can grab to upscale your business!
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Jermaine Griggs Jermaine Griggs is master of creating impressive sales funnels with ClickFunnels for his industry, music, and gained true freedom! Therefore, he sold his house and since then he is traveling with his family. At the same time, he is growing his online business. In this session, he showed how to create true FUNNEL FREEDOM by setting your funnel up so that your business can run and generate sales automatically, whether you're in the office or on vacation traveling the world. Kathryn Jones One of our favorite speakers, Kathryn Jones, talked about how to create pages that are visually engineered to convert. She explained how to build a successful funnel, including a piece most people don't know, which is critical to making pages convert. She noticed that many people were hacking and modeling different funnels inside ClickFunnels with no success. Like she said at the 2020 event, the key to creating pages that convert is not only about funnel hacking, but it is also about design hacking. This was a 2-part session. First, she showed people the strategy and power behind the funnel hacking. After her speech, one of their original ClickFunnels Certified Partners showed people how to take that to the next level with design hacking, so you can easily design pages that are visually engineered to convert.  Anissa Holmes Anissa Holmes used to be a dentist, and she was struggling to grow her business with no success. So she created a very simple funnel to generate some extra leads. As a result, she filled her practice with patients. This one funnel grew her practice so much. So, she could retire from being a dentist!   Now, she helps others learn how to build, grow, and market. In this funnel hacking live 2020 session, she showed the funnel she used to bring in so many new leads for her business! But it's not only that, she explained, like she said: "How do I generate more leads and get more people through the doors of my business?" What she taught can help local or brick & mortar businesses, no matter the niche, like: - Doctors - Gym Owners - Interior Decorators - ​Golf Courses - ​Home Repair - ​Mechanics - ​Real Estate - ​Lawyers - ​Restaurants - ​And other local businesses! 
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Russell Brunson ClickFunnels' co-owner, Russell Brunson, during funnel hacking live in 2020, explained how to fix a funnel when it's not working, which we expect him to explain again in the 2021 event. He is the author of DotCom Secrets, Expert Secrets, and Traffic Secrets and in these books you can find many of his marketing techniques that convert leads into clients. So how can you make sure that your funnel "works"? Assuming you built a hook-story-offer funnel, and it totally fails. Though, you can't figure out what the problem is. According to Russell, the entire goal is the execution. So, he showed how to decide if a funnel is not performing and if it is worth fixing. Garrett J. and Danielle K. White Garrett was there for the sixthyear in a row, and is the only expert who has been invited to speak at every one of their funnel hacking live events so far, so we expect him to be at the funnel hacking live 2021 event, too. The couple talked about how to find power and profitability in simplicity. Simplicity is the new hack in currency. It's exactly what Garret is practicing in his own business. Moreover, he recently published his new book "Attack With The Stack", which is about to bring simplicity to all businesses. In funnel hacking live 2020 event he gave his new book, and trained people on how he's using the "The Stacking Method" method to bring simplicity to all the decisions he makes about his business, marriage, productivity, team, etc. Marley Jaxx The impressive thing with Marley Jaxx is that she creates six months of video content in only 3 days! The thing is, there are so many people spending a significant amount of time to offer great content consistently. And yet they don't gain any money! So the question is: How do you create content in a way that gets you paid repeatedly? The secret lies in MONETIZATION! In funnel hacking live in 2020, she shared the content strategy she uses to help her clients get out of the content-making loop, and start monetizing their content videos, and we hope she attends the 2021 event!  Ryan Holiday Ryan Holiday at the funnel hacking live 2020 talked about how to create art that lasts far beyond itself. In this conference he went through what it takes to create an impact beyond the 'here and now", and how to build a legacy that continues to impact the people you serve for decades to come. As a creator, you want your masterpiece to last far beyond you or your business, and that's the reason he revealed the key to success for many perennial sellers Now for you as an entrepreneur, that art may be a:  - Book - Info-product - Training - Webinar - Piece of music - ​Painting - Video
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Gabe Schillinger Gabe Schillinger, the music maker millionaire discovers the right beat to go from broke to millionaire. He is a talented funnel hacker. So producing music isn't just his business, but his passion. He's built his own brand and business called Legion Beats, which gives up-and-coming rappers the music and marketing skills they need to succeed. He struggled to make a living with his music, and he was ready to give up when he came across my first book, Dot Com Secrets. Applying the strategies he learned changed his life. Moreover, during the funnel hacking live 2020 event, he earned a Two Comma Club award! In this session, he shared the powerful story of his journey to reaching the Two Comma Club and how he created a ton of impact for the people he serves along the way. Dan Henry He talked about the $6 million split-test that can put your entire business on auto-pilot! This speaker is known in the ClickFunnels community for being the "wild guy" who will try all sorts of crazy ideas and approaches, all in an attempt to grow his business. As a result to his efforts, he grew fast. He set up an A/B split test between ClickFunnels vs. all the auto-webinar software's out there spending over $6 million in testing. In this conference, he revealed who won, and shared his business model that simplified his life. He went through the different facets of his follow-up, like: - How he gets people to actually attend to his webinar. - What he does so people don't leave the webinar early. - His abandon booking sequence that's responsible for generating sub-$20 high-ticket sales calls on autopilot!   Tom Bilyeu Tom Bilyeu is a living proof that your fails don't make you a failure. He was the founder of a nutrition company, which he sold for $1 Billion! After selling his company, he wrote the "Impact Theory" book. But life threw him a curve-ball. It took him some time to understand that his audience really didn't need more business tips. He found out they needed the right mindset. So according to him, it's not your ideas that matter. It's not intentions that matter. During the funnel hacking live 2020 conference, he talked about the many failures that led to his overwhelming success. Prince EA His speech at funnel hacking live 2020 was about how to find your voice and make your message go VIRAL! Prince EA is a mega influencer with over 2 billion views on Facebook and YouTube alone. During this session, he debuted his brand new "Funnel Hacker" video. Eventually, he was put in the "hot-seat" and was asked about burning marketing questions about how he found his voice, and how he creates content that goes VIRAL! Annie Grace Annie Grace during the funnel hacking live 2020 event talked about how to turn your deepest pain into your greatest transformation. She grew up in the mountains of Colorado, and by age 26, she became the youngest vice president in a multinational corporation. All the pressure led her down a path of excessive drinking, and the possibility that she might lose everything, but she recognized the problem and she recovered. According to her: "Your deepest pain is happening FOR you - not to you". Read the full article
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tonyandvik · 5 years
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“@frankkern is completely insane and should NOT be listened to by anyone for any reason... EVER.” Sounds about right 😂 #frankkern #fhl2020 #clickfunnels #funnelhackinglive #marketing (at Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7-Uxs2A5oT/?igshid=1ojerju50c5pw
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theentrshack · 5 years
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Sharing high vibes with the good people @ FHL .... ✨💜😎 . . . #FHL2020 #funnelhackinglive #witchy #highvibes #goodvibrations #onlinemarketing #convention #conference #techmadeeasy #ilearnforyou (at Gaylord Opryland Resort & Spa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B77fCO5pakC/?igshid=hna340pn9psd
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qhli1210 · 5 years
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Who do you want to serve? #funnelhacker #funnelhackinglive (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5A08p4pFfe/?igshid=x4106s23bw9r
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glengouldonline · 6 years
Funnel Hacking Live 2019 - State of the Union
Funnel Hacking Live 2019 – State of the Union
Watch my State of the Union presentation Live-streamed from Funnel Hacking Live 2019! #FunnelHackingLive2019 #FunnelHackingLive
View On WordPress
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hotboy122 · 5 years
When it all goes wrong still stay focused #FunnelHackingLive #YearOfThePaper https://www.instagram.com/p/B8CaDJNpGZL/?igshid=zpna0h55ag8b
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magneticmulikah · 6 years
Funnel Hacking Seminars . . @prilaga #funnelvision #salesfunnel #funnels #funnelcake #funnelhackinglive #prilaga #funneling #funnelwebspider #marketingfunnel #funnelcloud #funnel #funnelneck #funnelhacker #funnelmarketing #funnelexpert #funneland #beerfunnel #funnelhacking #funnelweb #funnelcakes #funnelwebfilter #funnelchanterelle #funnelevo #funnelcakefries #redfunnel https://www.instagram.com/p/BvguOHeBjlD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m8i6ejsb5myq
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tonyandvik · 5 years
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Great speech @danhenry. And thanks for the book. Seems like a great one. Yes, ego is a distraction. Ironically - I’m sure Lee Iacocca’s ego (“I Am Chairman Of Chrysler Corporation Always”) wouldn’t have liked you calling him Lacocca 😀 #funnelhackinglive #clickfunnels #soldoutcourses #danhenry #digitalmillionaire #business #chrysler #leeiacocca (at Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B784iJ8g-yO/?igshid=108v91x44j33g
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theentrshack · 5 years
Funnel Hacking Live Cost vs Value - is it worth it to attend?
This quick 4-minute break down tells all.
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Bring on Funnel Hacking Live 2018! In this episode, we are taking you behind the scenes as Russell Brunson prepares for Funnel Hacking LIve. It's no small task! From presentation prep to marketing the event the Clickfunnels team is on it, sparing just enough time for some Uber-Eats Roulette. 
Watch as Russell reveals one of the big factors that contribute to his success. We guarantee you, it's not what you think! Especially because most people see this thing as a something to be cured. We’d like to think we have a pretty cool work environment for two main reasons, First, we believe in what we do. If you have ever wondered “does click funnels work?” Just ask entrepreneur Natalie Hodson who is a recent 2 comma club award member. We did, and in this episode, she’ll tell you just how she went from nothing to making over a million dollars in her sales funnel.   
 Secondly, we actually enjoy being around each other. You can see this pretty clearly not only in the awesome, one of a kind birthday present that James P. Friel bought for Russell that brought him tears of joy.   
If your in business you need to read this, its free, just pay shipping and handling. 
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have2travel · 6 years
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Russell Brunson interviewing Lindsey Sterling. Lindsey gave an incredible performance for us tonight. #lindseystirling #russellbrunson #funnelhackinglive #concert #violin #violinist #have2travel (at Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuPetT0FTxT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17gqrvslglll
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jasonnast · 6 years
@russellbrunson. Thank you for an amAZing #FunnelHackingLive truly best in class training event. #FHL2019 #eComIsland #LivingOnaLaptop #DigitalNomad #LaptopLife #LI (at Nashville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuPahkgAz83/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=im7uokvebsqg
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jobsr4dummies · 6 years
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!!! THIS IS YOUR CHANCE, ARE YOU GOING TO TAKE IT !!! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS CLICK, OR COPY AND PASTE TO YOUR BROWSER! THAT'S IT! https://office.builderall.com/us/franchise/share/299509?p1=rd&p2=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.1hourworkday.biz
#everybody #staypositive #stay at home Mom Stay at home Dad #adventure #adventuretime #advertising #adventureland #advice #advertisingagency #availablenow #adventuretravel #click funnels #web sites #blogs #vlogger #vlog #funnel #funnelhacker #funnelhackinglive2018 #funnelhackinglive #funnelvision #funnelcloud #funnels #funnelexpert #salesfunnel #funneling #funnelbuilder #websitebuilder #webcamgirl #webdesign #websitedesign #weber #webcam #webcomics #webuildchampions #webhosting #email #emailmarketing #emailprocessing #emaillist #emailing #emwilliamson #emailmanagement #émail #email auto responder #hikingadventures #hikingboots #hikingtrail #hikingculture #backpacking #backpacker #backpacks #backpackers #backpain #roadtrip #roadtrips #roadtoforever #roadtofitness #roadtripping #success #successfulwomen #successquotes #successmindset #businesswoman #businessowner #bisinesstrip #businessman #businesscasualsocks #businesscards #businessclass #businesscoach #businessprofessional #businesslife #businessopportunity #businessplan #businessnetworking #businessonline #businesspassion #businessmeeting #businesschicks #businessconsulting #businesslifestyle #businessmom #businessbranding #businesssuccess #businessstartup #businessgoals #businessdevelopment #businessadvice #businesstravel #businessasusual #businessbabe #businessredefined #businesspartners #businessenglish #businessschool #businesssales #video #videostar #videohot #videogames #videoporn #videooftheday #videography #videoshow #videoedits #videomaker #videoviral #viral #viralvideos #videoclipe #videoart #video_russia #videochat #videodiary #videomaking #animation #animallovers #animalkingdom #animalfanatics #animalart #travel #travelblogger #traveller #traveltheworld #tree #transformation #trash #trade #trap #traveling #traveltheworld #traveler #travelers #travele#outdoorfestival rsnotebook #travelbag #travelguide #travellingthroughtheworld #travelingtheworld #travelwithkids #travelingourplanet #traveldiaries #travelinspiration #travelwriter #traveldeeper #travelpic #travelmemories #tiny house living #tinyhouse #tinyhome #tinyhousenation #rv #rvliving #rvrenovation #rvremodel #rvlifestyle #rvadventures #rvproject #rvcamping #rvfamily #rvfulltime #van #vans #vanlife #vanlifer #vanlifediaries #vanlifediaries #vanliving #vanlifeexplorers #vanlove #vanlifestyle #vanlifewithkids #vanlifeeurope #vanlive #vanlifeproject #vanlifexplorers #vanladylove #vanlifeculture #vanlifesociety #vanlifeaustralia #camp #campus #campaign #campfire #campos #campeão #campeón #campaña #campi #campsite #campout #campinglife #camps #campervan #campervan #camplife #camperlife #campground #campanario #campinas #campeonato #campanha #campania #campestre #campo_grande #schoolies2018 #school #schoolgirl #schoolflow #schoollife #schoolsoutforsummer #scholarship #schooltrip #schools #schoolboy #schoolhouse #schoolfriends #friendshipquotes #friendzone #friends #frienship #friendly #friendly #friendships #friendzoned #friendz #friendshipgoals #friendsforever #friendslikefamily #explore #exam #exploretocreate #exploretheworld #explorer #page #pages #pager #page1 #text #textpost #textiles #texting #textpostsfunny #textsfromlastnight #textpostaccount #pic #pics #pictures #pics #pickuplines #pickup #pictureoftheday #picsart #pica #picofthenight #landing page #sales funnels #college #colleges #collegegirls #collegelife #collegehumor #collegue #collegegrad #collegedays #collegebound #college_diaries #collegegirl #collegegraduation #collegenight #collegekid #collegebabes #collegepark #collegecampus #collegegrads #collegestyle #collegesucks #collegesports #collegemates #collegeyears #collegeready #collegehockey #collegetimes #collegefest #colegiomilitar #college fun #outfits #out#outside_project #outlet #shoutout #outing #outlaw #outside #outstanding #outdoor #outdoorfitness #outdooradventures #outd#outdoorliving #outdoors #outfield #outdoorsman #outdoorwedding #outdoordesign #outdoorworkout #outdoorfun #outdoorfurniture #outdoortraining #outd#outdoorlearning #learning #outdoorlife #outdooractivity #outsdoorwomen #outdoorculture #outdoorpassion #outdoorconcert #outdoorresearch #outdoorkitchen #outdoorproject #outdoorequipment #outdoorswithdogs #outdooreducation #outdoorclassroom #outdoorsjournal #outdoorsports #outdoorslover #outdoorfamily #outdoorphotoshoot #learningeveryday #people #peoplechange #peoplesuck #peopleoftomorrow #poepleatwork #create #credit #creative_architecture
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#mondaymotivation #funnelhackinglive #marketingfunnel #marketingstrategy
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refreshingbytes · 5 years
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Shy girl here. As a kid, I was so shy I used to hide behind my dad’s legs when he introduced me to new people. My dad is 6’2 so he has long legs 😂 Kind of a loner, I hardly spoke to anyone except a couple close friends. I was bullied in school and dreaded going some days because of this. 😔 Kids made fun of me and called me Queen Christine to hurt me. And it worked. An introvert to the core, I withdrew myself even more from the world. Getting up in front of the class was my worst nightmare. And I honestly thought I’d fail public speaking. 🤦🏻‍♀️ When I was in college working on my MBA, presentations were required in every class, which forced me to face my fears head on. I also had to present in my various roles of leadership and management in Fortune 500 companies. (I still hated it though) It took many years to get over this fear, the fear of being rejected, made fun of, and laughed at. 😒 And now that I’m In the world of entrepreneurship, we have to face and conquer limiting beliefs daily. Imposter syndrome is real. It wasn’t until last night at FHL that i realized something life changing though. Tony Robbins spoke about the importance of embodying the type of person you need to be to accomplish your goals in different aspects of your life. And while Christine is shy and introverted and recharges her batteries by being alone (and would never ever approach someone she didn’t know, let alone Russell Brunson), that’s not going to grow her business. It’s not going to grow her as a person. And it’s not going to help her accomplish her goals. 😤 Guys, it took me 36 years to figure out how to conquer my fears once and for all. But now I want to introduce you to someone who’s about to take the world by storm. She’s amazing, brilliant, gorgeous, a social butterfly, and loves dancing. She is a total badass and is the CEO of a company that helps agencies and coaches automate their back end systems so they can scale faster. Meet Queen Christine. It’s about to get real. 😘 👑 #clickfunnels #fhl2020 #russellbrunson #funnelhackinglive #funnelhacker #funnelhackinglive2020 #gohighlevel — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2Sm6yLZ
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