#funny the crew behind the movie took the time to make these characters recurring and not just random
ben-the-hyena · 2 years
Remember them I talked about some days ago how they looked adorable together ?
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And how I also noted that somebody had me realize she was the female singer during the I2I number ?
Well I went to check myself and notably indeed it IS her with the same hair color under the hairnet
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And she even has her hubby's pic which is even more adorable
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The whole time this cute couple was working with Powerline and going to LA, but having a week long romantic gateaway together as the husband sings in On the Open Road because they want to camp in nature alone together which is their definition of romance as his lyrics hint at before going back to work. Both have music-related jobs and work together. You know they met and fell in love thanks to music and must sing and play music together and did during they week gateaway before the weekend
No I am not too invested in nameless characters who only have a few sung lines
To prove it, I am just gonna leave this here : HC this other musician is their son. Music family. He is a brunette and big like the wife too and kinda has the same faceshape, looks younger than the husband therefore probably the wife too, plus this can make a fun parralel to the "father-son" theme of the movie. He wasn't with them because he is a full grown adult with his own life
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nessataleweaver · 4 years
I was tagged by @god-of-dramatic-death-scenes​
List 5 tv shows that make you feel good, and tag five people to do the same
I hope anime counts? Both anime I list are available for free screening on crunchyroll, if anyone’s interested.
In no particular order, then.
1. BOFURI: I don’t like getting hurt, so I’ll max out my defense
This is just so much fun. Lots of jokes (including puns and sight gags), and lead character Maple constantly wandering around the game, accidentally doing things that make the devs tear out their hair in frustration. Equal parts heartwarming, funny and awesome. Based on a simple but enchanting premise: playing video games is fun! And it’s even more fun with friends!
2. Full Metal Panic!
Still my fave anime of all time. If I’m in the mood for serious action and drama I watch season 1, second raid, or invisible victory. If I’m in the mood to fall out of my chair laughing, I’ll watch Fumoffu? And now the original books are finally ALL being published in english hopefully they’ll release the short story collections as well, which is where the comedy’s concentrated.
3. Leverage
Now becoming relevant again with the new global financial crisis due to the plague... so relevant they’re doing a revival. I’m full of hope for it as it not only has the original show runners returning, but 90% of the original cast (even if Aldiss Hodge is only recurring because of his other job). I have a not-so-secret love for heist movies, and this has a new one every week. A whole crew of Robin Hoods, taking down rich people who have escaped justice, getting payback and some cash for the people they screwed over (plus a healthy commission for themselves). Plus everyone they go after is so richly deserving of getting taken down. If you manage to get it with the commentary, I highly recommend it, it’s stuffed full of interesting behind the scenes tales, and even some very scary ones on how they came up with the Ripped From The Headlines 
4. Forever Knight
Ah, the tv show I set the VCR for every week, because it only played at 4am when originally broadcast. Thanks to my viewing this show, at one point I could rattle off the names, if not the actual phone numbers, of six phone sex hotlines, four ‘introductions for single’ hotlines, and three fortune teller hotlines (one psychic, two tarot), due to how frequently they showed up in the commercials. Anyway, take a wonderfully angsty vampire with several centuries of been there shaped history who happens to work as a police detective, his wacky/oddly wholesome partner (depending on the season) his ex and still found family, his equally found family vampire father who happens to be unabashedly evil and immensely charismatic (honestly, Lacroix was what early Damon Salvatore wanted to be when he grew up), the lovely and brainy best friend who he had buckets of Unresolved Sexual Tension with... during it’s short run, FK covered almost every genre in tv - crime, horror, high fantasy, low sci fi (if only once or twice), romance, history, several different types of ethical dilemma and family dramas. I think the only ones they didn’t hit were outright comedy (though there were plenty of funny moments and lines) high concept scifi ala Trek and the musical episode.
5. Miss Fisher’s murder mysteries / Poirot
Cheating here, yes - but basically I love both these shows equally, and for pretty much the same reasons. They’re both mysteries, in which the detective wins and everything is solved, always reassuring. The mystery genre is one of my absolute faves, both watching and reading.  They’re both period pieces, meaning gorgeous retro sets and costumes. MFMM has the edge in costumes -  they’re so fabulous three travelling exhibitions have come out of the show - and a wonderful UST filled partnership with Phryne and Jack. AND it’s 100% true blue Australian! However, Poirot has David Suchet in one of the greatest performances in audio-visual history; not just in talent but in dedication - it took him twenty four years, but he filmed every single appearance of Hercule Poirot as written by Dame Christie. Speaking of, yes, Agatha Christie, my favourite authour of possibly all time.
Actually, you know what? I’m going to cheat some more.
6. The Whedonverse - Buffy, Angel, and Firefly
I know that Joss might be controversial these days - though I have certain opinions on that, (ie at least 90% of this seems to be people who believe he’s not ‘woke’ enough to be deserving of success anymore) let’s leave it for another argument. I believe time will nonetheless prove him to be one of the greatest storytellers in tv history.  His rich, fully rounded characters, (that were allowed to be flawed, as well as awesome!) and intricate storylines that allowed a whole ensemble cast to grow and change and brought up all sorts of issues in ways that not only resonated but made you think.
7. Farscape
The show that did Muppets in Space before anyone even thought of The Mandolorian. The puppets and makeup still hold up strong, even compared to anything on Disney+ and Star Wars. Farscape made me laugh, sigh, bite my nails, anguish in sympathy, and when a certain writer/director combination showed up I sought out my old teddy bear in advance because I knew I’d fucking need it. Funny note: even though it was filmed in Sydney, I had to import the first two seasons on video tape from fucking UK!!!  It was worth it. The DVDs on the other hand were much easier.
8. Highlander: the series
Yes, I know pretty much every movie except the first one sucked - except the second, which outright Does Not Exist. But the concept really hit it’s stride as a tv show. Which has all the been there shaped history moments of Forever Knight, and in some places has outfits as fabulous as MFMM. Plus, my other not-so-secret-love... sword fights! Honestly, every single season had at least two or three sword fights that Inigo Montoya would have been proud to fight.
9. My Babysitter is a Vampire
A beautifully sweet lead couple, one of the most endearing nerd crews around, a love of the ridiculous, (at least three times, cosplay turned out to be the answer!) and running gag about an awesome Twilight parody.
10. Star Trek: Lower Decks
Just as a note, while I never got around to watching TOS for some reason, the first three sequels - TNG, DS9, and VOY - will always hold a special place in my tv watching heart. Which, oddly enough, might be why I love LD so much. Mel Brooks once said that you can only make a true parody of something you really love. The creators of LD must adore Star Trek. Not just rampantly funny but stuffed to bursting with mythology gags and shout outs.
Hmmm... how about I tag @vivilove-jonsa; @riahchan; @chocolateghost; @yourtommyginger; and @woodswit.  All in your own time, ladies and gents.
Now I’m feeling the need for some extended re-watching...
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sharethisgemwithme · 5 years
Zach and Grace Friday panel at Connecticon 2019
Some highlights and notes from the "Growing Up with Steven Universe" panel featuring Zach Callison and Grace Rolek, Friday afternoon at Connecticon 2019. There are some promo spoilers. Most quotes are approximate from the notes I took on my phone. There may be a recording of the panel, but the camera was blocked by the audience question line for a while and when I got to the front of the line, I saw it wasn't even pointed at Zach and Grace.
Sorted into broad categories:
Movie hype / spoilery talk
Host asked about the poster. Zach said he's kinda looked at it, but not studied it closely. Grace: "Spoiler alert, someone has a neck." Zach: "That's all anyone can talk about."
What's the hardest scene to record that you've done. Zach: "I hate to do this but the hardest scene I've done I did a few weeks ago and I can't talk about it for quite a while." [audience groans]
Audience member: "I have a question about the movie." Zach makes police siren noises, "Oh no the Cartoon Network spoiler police!"
Attempts to get even small details were denied. "So we saw you have a neck. Is your voice going to change?" [pause] Zach: "A week from today (Friday), there's a big panel and there's gonna be a bunch of stuff. I recommend you watch."
This was earlier in the day, when I met Zach in the autograph line. Me: "I'm really looking forward to all the stuff that's gonna come out next week in San Diego." Zach: "There's so much. I'm not going to be there, after six years of going, I need a vacation."
Zach makes ABUNDANTLY clear how excited he is for what's coming up, "I am thrilled with what they've done after CYM."
Reaction to the new gems from CYM. Zach: "Sunstone is one of my favorites now. Like an after-school camp counselor." Grace: "Obsidian is one of the hardest secrets I've ever had to keep on this show." They finished recording CYM in 2017!
Have you ever cried in the recording booth? Zach: "Over a dozen times. One time really badly... with something that hasn't come out yet."
What's the biggest theme you've taken from the show? Zach: "I'm really sorry to do this, but I'm gonna skip this question because the theme I take away is something that hasn't come up in the show yet." He says the show has become intensely personal to him and his experiences, both intentionally and unintentionally, and says if he accidentally gave hints as to upcoming themes, it wouldn't be fair to the crew. (This probably ties in with some of the stuff below under “Outside of SU”)
Favorites and funniest
What's the hardest scene to record that you've done. Among stuff that's aired, Zach: Storm in the Room. Connie: "Either Nightmare Hospital or Full Disclosure when Connie is like 'Stop ghosting me, Steven!' "
What are some funny moments from recording? The opening scene from "Winter Forecast", the directors INSISTED on real marshmallows, "nothing else would do". Grace: "And these were not small. There's jumbo and then there's novelty size." Zach: "They got novelty size." Grace: "I could barely fit one inside my mouth."
Favorite episode (this question might've had a "besides the Big Plot episodes" caveat).
Zach: "Onion Gang. Any of the weird Onion episodes."
Grace: "I realize this is an unpopular opinion but I love the Ronaldo episodes. I have a Keep Beach City Weird sticker on my laptop. I don't like having stuff that's too overtly Steven Universe because I don't like to toot my own horn, but KBCW is great because it's 'if you know, you know'." Zach: "It's a lifestyle."
That segued into talk about "Rocknaldo", which Zach thought was hilarious, especially the way CN trolled everyone with the Bloodstone promo. Grace "Was that the one where Ronaldo tried to kill someone in the basement?" Discussion brings up that's "Horror Club". Grace continues, "That was a great one, like what are we DOING? No one went to jail for this?"
Favorite songs:
First, ones that they did.
Zach said "Let's Only Think About Love". I think he added a second one, but my notes say “or” and then stop there so I think I moved on to the next bit and forgot what else he said.
Grace says "Of course 'Do it for Her'" but also that she loved providing background harmonies for "Escapism". "Aly and AJ was the first concert I ever went to, so to do back-up vocals for AJ was the greatest fangirl moment." (There’s been some confusion as to whether Zach and Grace had vocals on that song, it’s now clear that they did)
Then, overall. Zach immediately sings "It's over, isn't it? Isn't it over?" Grace grumbles that she can't take the same answer, so she throws out "Stronger Than You".
"Back in the start of the show, it was a lot more lighthearted. What's the funniest or weirdest line you had to record?" Zach IMMEDIATELY goes into voice: "A boy on the cusp of manhood can't spend the whole day wackering." Grace enjoyed her line from "Open Book": "Of course you like the ending, you LOVE schmultz."
Pivoting into the weirdness of early episodes, Zach says "Frybo and Cat Fingers were back to back, 5 and 6. I don't know how anyone stuck with the show after that."
What's the biggest theme you've taken from the show? Grace: "I think about Mindful Education all the time. Here Comes a Thought is such a great song but also an important mantra."
Other than Uncle Grandpa, what crossover would you like to do? Zach: "I wanna be the very best!" Audience cheers. Grace says she would've loved to do "Adventure Time".
This segues into a joke that people confuse Zach for Jeremy Shada (Finn), in some cases even when Zach is standing in front of a poster that says ZACH CALLISON. Grace says that her boyfriend loves the joke so much that Zach is listed in his phone as "Jeremy Shada".
Behind the scenes
What was it like seeing the show blow up the way it did? Grace: "I used to go on Tumblr and read all the posts, all the reactions people had, but after Jail Break... couldn't do that anymore." Zach: "I poke my head into a reddit every once in a while."
What's it like in the booth with the rest of the cast? Grace: "Deedee and Michaela always get to do the funniest things."
Discussion of how voice acting lends them a little more anonymity than live-action, and there's still a spectrum of how recognizable people are.
Grace recounts a story from earlier in the day, possibly on the way to that very panel. "The elevator was pretty crowded and I was able to get on but Zach wasn't. And as soon as it closed, one of the other people in the elevator was like 'Oh my god, Zach Callison almost got on the elevator with us!' And I was like 'Oh my god, that would've been so cool!'"
Both Zach and Grace recounted times when they've greeted stranger wearing SU apparel and gotten blank stares in response, like, "Uh, yeah, what's your point?"
Zach: "As of Sunday, I'm leaving the country to be a hobo for a bit." He's flying to Siberia, then taking a 62-hour train ride to get on a boat to Korea, where he plans to visit the Korean animation studio where SU is drawn (as seen in "Steven's Dream"), something almost no actors do (apparently Michaela was more or less the first to do so, for any show at all).
Sometimes Grace will have a lot of "catching up" to do with the plot. "One time Rebecca was like 'oh by the way Lars is pink now." Zach jokes, "Lars is pink, Ronaldo and Pearl are married, oh and Steven is dead."
Have you ever cried in the recording booth? Zach: "Over a dozen times." Grace says she has, sometimes in group records.
More joking around: "Yes, I'm Zach Callison, the voice of Onion. I'll be in my booth." "You should have a print that's just Onion." "With the flames behind him."
What were your auditions like? Grace: "I was reading the sides from 'Bubble Buddies', and Connie is worried she's gonna die with no friends and I was like 'This is a kids show? This is a show for children and I'm supposed to say these words?!'" She saw Rebecca Sugar's name attached to the show, which she recognized as a fan of Adventure Time, particularly Marceline "I'm edgy like her!"
Audience member starts her question: "Ohmygod, my heart is in my ass. Wait, can I say ass?" Grace: "You can say whatever you want, you're not under the thumb of Time Warner." Zach: "Technically, I've never signed any NDA. Oh hell, I'm leaving the country in three days. ACT ONE!" [laughter, and he does not continue with joke spoilers]
Outside of Steven Universe
Tell us about yourself outside of Steven Universe. Zach: "I'm a dirty rowdy hippie." He goes to music festivals barefoot (but not urban ones).
Zach talked about some of the over-the-top scenes he's been in or seen on "The Goldbergs", where he plays a minor recurring character, including one where the actual rain they were filming in wasn't enough, so the producers dumped thousands of gallons of additional rainwater on the cast.
Zach said he hasn't auditioned for anything new in a while (I think he said at least a year) because of burnout. Whenever SU may end, he's ready for a break. Following on with that, discussion of what a shitty industry Hollywood is, especially for kids.
Zach: "A lotta people (in this industry), their big break is a show they hate, and that kills me to think that. And it couldn't be further from the truth for anyone in SU. If I had booked a live-action sitcom that ran six seasons, I wouldn't be here. I'd be in a much darker place."
What would you be doing if not this?
Zach: "I enrolled in college, signed up for things, never went to class, and eventually dropped out. I never had any other plan." Ties into further discussion of what an absolute nightmare Hollywood is for kids, that some of his friends from high school are no longer around.
Grace: "I went to college for two years (she would've graduated this spring), trying to make sure I had a plan B lined up. But flying back and forth from San Francisco to Los Angeles was getting ridiculous and I realized I wasn't being fair to my plan A."
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