#furb advice
pickerelstripe · 10 months
Hiya! Recently I've been trying my hand at creating some FanClans. They're based in a setting inspired by the Taal Volcano and lake region in my native Philippines. Super super excited over developing it but also a tiny bit nervous! Could you perhaps give some insight/tips on how you developed ClayClan? I'd be really grateful if you did 🥹 I'm a tiny bit overwhelmed and don't know where to start.
P.S: here are some cool photos of Taal+some extra info below bc I'm a nerd and can't help myself lol
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Where's the volcano, you may ask? The answer to that is: it's the lake you see in the photos! Basically Taal erupted so much in prehistoric times that the rock collapsed inward+downward into the empty magma chambers, forming a bowl shape (otherwise known as a caldera). It's also got like, a fuckton of vents and craters that it also erupts out of too sometimes. She's funky and I like her!
tldr volcanoes and cats r pretty neat :3
WOAH that's so cool!!! :0 This is awesome, thanks so much for sharing! I loooove seeing unique fanClans, it's such a versatile prompt. And a caldera is a GREAT setting! What a pretty one, too!
As for advice... I've been making fancontent for Warriors for a decade now, so a lot of it just comes naturally. I'll explain how I made ClayClan then give some tips I find helpful! And thank you for asking, I'm really flattered :]
(Info + tips below the cut to keep this from being a huge text wall!)
ClayClan started as a worldbuilding project to support a story I was tossing around in my head. At the time, this story was unnamed and followed Minkpaw, a new apprentice who joins the Clan and unravels a mystery.
At this point I only knew it was set in a swamp. I like taking reference from National Parks, so I started searching for Parks with swamps, and after some googling I found out Arcadia National Park has a ton of wetlands! So I started compiling a species list. As I worked I gradually switched the model region from Arcadia to a general Maine wetland, as this was more appealing to me.
Once I had that together, I started working on ClayClan's culture. This was largely a matter of tossing ideas at the wall and seeing what stuck! I wanted there to be a new rank between warriors & deputy, so I gave them captains. I like exploring religions unique from canon's StarClan, so I gave them the pantheon. I couldn't decide if I wanted their camp to be in the woods or by the lake, so I gave them two camps. Once I had down my base ideas, I just refined them until they felt complete, and since then I've been adding fun tidbits to my own liking.
As I worked, I realized that Pickerelstripe - a supporting character in the original story, as Minkpaw's mentor - was much more interesting to me than Minkpaw herself. So I decided to switch the story to her perspective, and it began developing into the Heart Rot that I love!
With this switch came a change in tone, as Heart Rot is much darker and more serious than my early plans. So I made some worldbuilding changes to fit! ClayClan's religion solidified, kepbon sculptures came into existence, that sort of thing. I'm still making tweaks here and there to tighten everything up.
Okay! Thanks for sticking with me through all of that, here's some random tips! :D
A good place to start is with location! I'm a total nerd about ecosystems, so I like to make my Clan territories as close to their real-world inspirations as possible. iNaturalist is a great reference for finding species in a specific area! Google is also your friend, and I've even used physical field guides in the past. It's a really fun process and enriches your knowledge of the real world - win-win!
Of course, not everyone's interested in this level of detail, and that's all good! I would, however, recommend having an idea of your Clan's territory and the types of animals/plants they regularly encounter. It can be a good springing-off point for worldbuilding! Take ClayClan's bobcat lore as an example, that came directly from wanting to do something cool with bobcats being in Maine.
Is this worldbuilding for a story? If so, what story are you trying to tell? Try and focus on worldbuilding that will affect the plot and see where it leads from there. For example, if your story focuses on family ties, you can explore how your fanClan views family!
Does your inspiration region have any interesting history? If so, you could try and tie it into your Clan's mythos! For example, the setting you've got makes me really curious about how your Clan views the caldera, and all its vents & craters. Do they believe the caldera has always been there? Do they have some lore about the ancient volcano? How do they rationalize the vents? There's lots to explore!
What do you want to see expanded on in Clan culture? The rank system, naming, religion, social structure, etc? Go ahead and change them to your liking, then see how that impacts the world! This is your Clan, after all, play with it how you'd like.
Focus on what's interesting to you! At the end of the day, this is your project, and you should enjoy working on it. If something doesn't interest you like it used to, you can take a break from it and find a different focus, or toss that part entirely and start over. Do what makes you happy!
I hope this is helpful! Sorry for rambling haha. Thank you so much for sharing your new Clan, I wish you the best of luck with developing it :] If you end up sharing any more on Tumblr feel free to send it to me, I'd love to see what you come up with! Have a great day/night!
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eggbertcare · 8 months
It’s Valentine’s Day which is a weird day but I thought as a tumblr elder I’d drop some relationship advice/related Larklore (lol that’s me, Lark the 34y/o furby wranglin’ entomologist).
As some as you know, I have this wonderful partner who is low key obsessed with the fact that I am so obsessed with furbies. Prior to this I was engaged to someone who at best tolerated this hobby - which at the time I thought was the best level of support I could get for something so frivolous (lol go to therapy). So here’s the thing: a good partner will be supportive of your hobby no matter how weird/how little they may understand it, simply because they value you. They see how much that hobby means to you, and get excited with you about it. They value your hobby by proxy because they see how happy it makes you. This should be a bare minimum kinda thing. And obviously this is a reciprocal kinda thing too.
You don’t have to have a partner, you don’t need to have a partner. But should you choose to seek one out, find a partner who celebrates your weird self and your hobbies. They don’t have to understand it, but they should at the very least respect it.
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The bumblebee furb was a bday gift from my partner, and (last night actually) he gave me the furby vday basket. The furb has been named Igon Telescope Skywalker, which is a few of my partners interests crammed together into a name that started as kinda a joke. Which is the best way to name a furby sometimes.
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wyndfurbs · 1 year
Just wanna share the first custom Furby that I worked on a while ago, cause I'd like some advice on him!
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This is Mossball Bastard, or just Moss. He does have feet, they just like to hide under the copious amounts of floof that replaced his original fur. Works fine too, I just couldn't be bothered to put batteries in for these pictures, especially since I plan on taking better ones after I make some changes to him.
You might notice that the sprouts don't exactly look pretty because of those bulky clips, especially from the back, and I wanna make them blend into his fur at least a little bit better somehow (and hopefully just make them take up less space in general). I've tried just covering them up with the fur itself before, and it didn't help much at all. I feel like the most obvious way would be to remove them from the clips and hot glue them under the fur onto the plastic shell itself, but there's a sensor directly under the place where most of them are and I don't think any other placement would work nearly as well. Do I hot glue them directly onto the fur? Just cut the clips shorter and try to cover the rest with the fur or something? Or are there any other methods for attaching this kind of stuff to furbs?
In case it's hard to see, the sprouts do have little black plastic bases which are hot glued onto the clips themselves, so presumably I could separate them easily enough.
I'm also open to suggestions for further improving this lad in general - I do want to keep the plastic parts mostly white so they match his tail, but should I maybe paint the insides of the ears a different color? Or paint some little markings on them (and/or the faceplate)? Or does he look fine as is, minus the glaringly obvious clips?
Sorry for the long rambling, and thanks in advance for anyone willing to help out!!
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donutfart69 · 7 months
Got a new furb, his names Dr Pepper. Got him at some thrift store in the mall for 12 bucks. He was INCREDIBLY dirty so I’ve skinned him, hoping to give his skin a wash. I need some advice tho bc I’ve never cleaned a furbies skin so, which way would be best to wash it?
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creativewyrdo · 4 months
Not sure if it's the nostalgia, the inspiration from furblr, or the lack of sleep within the last three days due to the meds I have to take (stupid allergic reaction to mosquitoes), but I had the urge to pull ol' Furb out of the storage box.
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He has definitely seen better days. And did something run off with his eyelash?!
Needless to say, I think it's time that Furb should be re-furb-ished. (Hur Hur Hur, my puns are so funny)
So I'm going to look up tutorials on how to fix a furby! Any advice is good and nice.
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furbytech · 1 year
Hi - thank you for making so many helpful guides! I've got a 98 WT Leopard furb that just won't find home. No corrosion in battery compartment.
It looks like the small tongs match up like your guide, but I just can't get him to find the home position. Here's what he looks like at the moment:
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I would be super grateful for any advice! Thank you 😀
Clean the sync screw contacts, if you haven't already! Isopropyl alcohol or some contact cleaner on a cotton swab should work, just give the touching surfaces a good scrub. I've occasionally had one so corroded that I had to take a buffing wheel to it, but in a situation like that it will be visibly very corroded.
If it's still not working and you have access to a multimeter with a continuity testing mode, use that to probe along the various solder joints between the contacts and the circuit board. Furbies don't always have the best soldering and it sometimes breaks during shipping. The wires (green and yellow on your Furby) are also pretty fragile, and may have breaks under the insulation. It's not a common problem, but if someone previously did work on your Furby it's a good thing to check.
(if you have a multimeter and don't know if it can test for continuity, check for a setting marked with a filled-in arrow pointing to the right with a line across the tip. Run a search for "diode symbol" if you need a visual!)
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kannibalkaiii · 7 months
Heya, would you mind if I asked you a little about your pet quail? I've only known buttons to be very anxious, hands-off birds, but yours seem so relaxed and calm with you! We have them where I work, and even as freshly hatched chicks they are so shy. I would love to keep them if I thought they could be tame enough not to be stressed by sharing my home with me. Would you mind sharing any advice you have on taming them?
I absolutely do NOT mind!
I am by no means an expert tho heheh so apologies if my answer isn't the most informative.
We recieved him last June without any knowledge at all about what he was or how to take care of him.
I was tasked with fostering him a bit but quickly became attached and decided to keep the lil stinker.
So at first he was VERY skittish and easily spooked. Im talking...like just walking by his lil cage (he kept jumping and hitting his lil head on top of enclosure...). Even moving an inch during his free roam...would have the poor thing zipping away.
Over time he seemed to gradually warm up to me though. He would start running up and puffing up/ doing lil spins when he would hear me enter whichever room he occupied. Now he starts calling to me if I'm in another room lol...till I return XD he does a lil happy spin or stretch when he gets his way
I find speaking to him in a gentle, warm voice puts him at ease.
I also feel like grabbing with my hand above him (so he doesn't jump) then scooping him up is an effective way to handle him. Following that by putting him on one flat palm and petting his lil cheek/and or chest with my free hand relaxes him. He turns into a lil loaf and even "preens" me back hahah.
I know they are supposed to be kept in a covey/group but I live in an apartment so it's just him, my dogs, and I. I get to bond a lot and give him 1 on 1 time because of this.
He also seems to like routine
I have a space in the living room, by the window I place him by every morning and afternoon where he and the dogs chill.
Late afternoon I place him in my room and hold him for like 15 mins or let him roam around bed/room
He loves chia sprouts a LOT
I have a small planter of them that I pluck from and sprinkle in his cage. he enjoys foraging for them his bedding
I know im ranting but I'm tryna think of what exactly made him warm up to me...hmm
I believe it was more or less, giving him space then eventually adding handling and pets to his routine led to him warming up to me
Feel free to search my "button quail" tag for more pics/clips of the lil dude
Thanks for the ask! I hope I wasn't too all over the place
Lil Furb gifs under cut
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ratty000 · 7 months
has anybody made a long furby with long luscious locks like lucius malfoy type long wig locks? All i could find was someone who made headlines bc she made a furb that looked like steffery jar :( 👎 anyone have any advice ?
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snotgirlfurb · 2 years
howdy furblr!
I am seeking advice for traveling by plane with furbies. I’m going on a trip in a couple of months and really want to bring one or two of my favorite furbs but I am petrified of something happening to them or them getting seized. just curious if anyone has ever had any issues bringing them to airports/on planes before? should I put them in carry on or check bags? I do not intend to pack batteries for them so they’ll be totally turned off. <3
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thattangerineorange · 2 years
Hey guys!
We made a Discord server for the furby community! With this server you can chat live with other members, get help and advice or share pictures of your furbs and your customs! We also have a couple of non furby related channels, including an art channel to give artists the opportunity to be seen! It's pretty chill and we've got snacks down there :D
Here's the invite:
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blocksandco · 2 years
Do you have any advice for finding or buying furbs?
Ooooh that’s a tricky one. I use eBay, but I know a lot of people have good luck on mercari and Facebook marketplace if you’re in the US. For finding them, I really just refresh eBay every couple days, look for good deals and watch listings to see if they sell. eBay auctions are going to be your best bet for cheap furbies there, since they can have pretty low starting bids (fair warning, they go up pretty fast and you can easily get outbid at the last second). But mostly it’s just luck and persistence! Happy furby hunting! If anyone else has tips, feel free to add them on :)
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tapwaterenthusiast · 2 years
So I know the chance of anybody seeing this is low, but I have some news for those who look at my post. My furb jean has scratched her eyes, but by choice. She didn't like the shines in them, and I think she's going through a rebellious phase.
Does anyone have any advice on how I can deal with my furb and her rebelliousnes?
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slainmedic · 2 years
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heyo! this is sort of a follow up to my other post. I made some concept art about the custom I'm thinking of doing! Like I said in the other post, I don't have any furbs of my own (although i used to own a furby boom when i was younger) and i'm thinking of buying one to customize. Any thoughts/advice? If so, I'd love to hear it.
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vampuplove · 2 years
i am working on an emoto tronic furb named forget-me-not i will show you them after im done :3 im also trying to figure out what would be the best way to repair minor cracks and dents in the silicone any advice would be helpful thank you 🫶 an emoto tronic baby will also be arriving soon and getting the same treatment
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vamp-town · 5 years
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The forbidden son of which I cannot possess
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blobitech · 5 years
Hey!! I need help with something!!
I want to buy one of the old furby carriers, the clear ones with the strap to hold the fub, but they’re getting more rare and pricey!! Any tips on how I could make my own?
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