#furry elements into robot ones without making it a furry
bunninophia · 4 months
Revamping my old FNAF:lore post cause it's been updated a bit!
World Building
Within this world there are 4 types of inhabitants: Animatronics, Humanoids, The Immortal And the Spirits.
Examples of these are: Freddy Fazbear an Animatronic, Balloon Boy a Humanoid, Shadow Bonnie an Immortal & Phantom Foxy a spirit.
Shadow Freddy & Shadow Bonnie are both immortal entities, being around since the beginning, they age like normal people but it takes them 100x longer. By the time one animatronic will have its life cycle (of about an average 100 yrs or less) They would have only aged one year.
White rabbit is the product of their world experiencing abnormalities, a “glitch” in the system it may seem. He was born after a refresh¹.
Animatronics & Humanoids
The animatronics here do not have human possessors, they are their own person. Furry-robotic cyborgs who cannot live properly without their mechanical parts. A large majority of them only have mechanical internals such as organs, they extend their lives tenfold & keep them strong. However, some of the population may suffer damage or make personal body customizations, where their mechanical parts may be anywhere outside the body & visible. In situations where the animatronic is gravely injured, their body may be reconstructed with almost entirely mechanical parts. All animatronics are different and follow different biological rules, especially ones with elements attached to their biology ex. Jack o’ Bonnie. Some can live without beating hearts, others cant. But all animatronics have natural brains. Without them they cannot live.
As mentioned before biology ranges, but they tend to have reinforced skeletons.
Animatronics can “have” kids, but 99% of the time the kids are built mechanically. The downside to this is that they don't live as long as their parents do & are extremely fragile. Because the animatronics are half biological, having a child that's blood related to them is possible… but the chance of both the child & host living is extremely slim. Which is why adoption & Artificial creation is the most common form of family building.
In the slim chance that a child born naturally survives they will have to have immediate operation done to them. As the parents biology prevents them from providing all that's needed for it to survive naturally. And in this case, when done with careful precision, the child can live with robotic alterations just as long as their parents.
The Immortals are divine entities, they are god-like in power and have the ability to traverse dimensions and dictate the past or present. They keep things in check, and work from behind the scenes. These abilities can be abused, and with this abuse it slowly kills the host the more they exert their power.
Their biology is very similar to normal animatronics, except they lack organs and have the inability to eat or sleep. To get rest, they often enter a state of mental and physical dormancy for up to weeks at a time, to get them awake is extremely difficult. They can be hurt by any species but it heals very quickly, they simply cannot be killed unless another immortal does it.
But with that comes a sacrifice, to kill an immortal is to erase the very foundation in which their world is built. Either way it never ends up well.
Immortals can interact with spirits just as spirits interact with each other.
Spirits are the undead, animatronics who are in limbo, their past lives lay restless and they are stuck in the overworld unable to be erased.
They can pass through objects as they please, but also avoid them. They struggle to interact with natural objects, only able to touch other spirits. The living can see them just fine, yet talking is harder. Usually they use other electronics to communicate efficiently. Some don't speak at all, they have the unique ability to possess others however rare and energy draining it may be.
Contrary to popular belief, they cannot fly although gravity does not seem to affect them.
They don't look very ghostly and have translucent skin, if they wish to be unbothered they can hide themselves away in plain sight. The spirits as one would guess cannot eat or drink, they can however rest.
All spirits look different, depending on how they died.
White rabbit is a spirit by technicality, except he is also living. His limbo is different, he can eat and drink and cannot pass through objects, however he can interact with other spirits. And has the unique ability to read minds; he can be hurt and die over and over again but eventually he comes back.
Map & landmarks
Their world is quite small, and at some point there's simply an edge at which all living things cease to exist, and anything to be pushed past that point gets lost.
Built around “Lilygear Lake” there are 9 seperate areas, and 3 different city like areas.
Forests border the east and west side.
Lilygear lake is technically 5 smaller lakes,
The largest being known as Lilygear, and the 4 others having separate names.
Paw Lake, Claw Lake, Sharp lake, Jaw lake.
They each harbor their own individual ecosystem.
In the north it snows, and there lies the entrance/exit to an underground tunnel. This tunnel is maze like in style, often leading to dead ends.
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drakkonyan · 4 months
Who are your OCs?
My main fellas come all em with a LOT of world building, but I'll try to synthetaze it as much as I can! Tldr: they all come from different dimensions with different vibes and biology (one of em is like a medieval fantasy land, one is like a scify robot land, etc etc) and there is some sort of past war-hostility between all em.
First I'll talk bout Mawla. She is the oldest one I've created, but also the one with the best defined personality for now. Basically she was originally an orphan taken by the government to experiment in, as a way to research protesis and quick DNA alteration to use for medical purposes in the upcoming war. Once they where done with her she got cryogenizised for further study and learning material by medical students. But after several years (once war was rather settled) she somehow escaped. All those process had a toll on both her body and mind of course, so she became rather cold and mostly non-verbal as a result to all that. The only thing that kinda helped her heal was meeting who she calls her brother, Ray.
Which speaking of, he was originally an experimental medic AI applied to a soldier robot to heal and rescue individuals the government considerated of interest, but he became revelious because like, war and such. So he ran out, not without his body getting hurt. Fortunately he is a robot so he can just like, rebuild himself with scrap parts and such. He just wandered around without too much purpose for several decades until he found Mawla and they both helped eachother.
Then on the completely oposite side of the multuverse there's Fritz, who is some sort of totem-elemental golem creature-thing. Basically his species is called elementals, which are born when a soul is forced to reincarnate into a body and then imbued with some sort of natural element a la pokemon style. He was originally created to be used as a beast-weapon for the war, but was then rescued by his adoptive father, who was a blacksmith mage. He was eventually killed under mysterious circunstance and thus Fritz had to to escape since the government considered his species too dangerous to be let free (as wizards would usually create them and threat them as beast to be tamed and kept under their control rather than actual individuals) he went around for a while until he met Kass
And finally about her. Kass is part of a colony settled in what is like a middle space between the 3 main dy mentions. It's like a dead space between em 3 that isnt reclaimed by any of them, so several opositors from all of them settled there and eventually became a wasted land. She was part of a small village that got burned down by bandits. She went out living from what she could get and kinda becoming a bountyhunter until she met Fritz, they became professional partners and then met Mawla and Ray, who joined them.
I really don't know what most of this is but this is my most planned out and complex story I've made so I keep it around and I'll eventually make something outta it because like, hell, look at all of what I already have written, plus all of the world building not included, several support character and strangled family members from each all of em and several parallels that I wanna pan out more. Like the fact that they all where created rather as tools to be used and discarted rather than as people with emotions and feelings and the such. Several relationships, plot twist, that kinda thing. So even if yeah a medieval story with dragons that also is an alien scify and a furry contemporary story and a cyberpunk-wasteland survival of the strongest a la fall out sounds farfetched, it's my story so I'll tell it some day.
Also both Fritz and Ray have that "acts ad thinks like a kid but it's actually a 5000 year old dragon" except they both are young adults. That's basically a plot device for me to have both characters that knew their world before the war, characters that lived said war and characters that lived the consecuencies of the war. But putting 3 whole characters in the freezer was kinda convenient so instead I did this. May change it so they did have like a time skip (like making ray get turn off for certain time? Idk) but I'll have to think of it.
Also making them both long-lived allows me to make them survive their loved ones for centuries for extra angst nyehehehehe >¦}
Thanks for giving me a space to yap bout em! Ik this is my blog but sometimes the current hyperfix takes me by the throat and I need external input for me to come back to my kiddos :)
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pentanguine · 8 months
Favorite Books of 2023
So I didn’t quite get to it in January, but I did finally finish this list!! (And as always, I'm longwinded)
My reading taste was all over the place last year. I intended for it to be the year I read neglected fantasy trilogies gathering dust on my bookshelf, but instead I joined a book club for grad school and got shoved out of my comfort zone; ended up with a boyfriend (now ex, aka EBF) and read anything and everything he recommended; suddenly got into nonfiction and horror for no explicable reason; joined another book club for work and ended up reading even more books outside my wheelhouse; and discovered that I enjoyed hate-reading books during slow periods at work and on my lunch break. It was a mess. But somehow, a few favorites came out of it!
1. The Full-Moon Whaling Chronicles by Jason Guriel– What the fuck even is this book. It’s a book about a book about teenage werewolves on a quest to outwit some pirates and recover a lost treasure. It’s the story of a young woman in a post-climate crisis earth living in a Gothic mansion in Japan and questing for her favorite author inside a high-tech diorama. It’s about the aftermath of environmental destruction, invasive technology and autonomy, the power of fandom and transforming stories through your love for them, fathers (love for, betrayal by, forgiveness of), and worlds within worlds. It asks meaty questions about the role of technology in generating change for the better and creating hope when that same tech is eroding what it even means to be human and experience reality. It’s the kind of cli-fi that offers hope, that’s warm, that makes you think of alternatives. It’s dense with speculative worldbuilding and plays dizzyingly with metafiction, and the whole damn thing is written in couplets!!
I feel like I can’t adequately express how much I love the things this book does. It experiments with form and language, which would be cool enough, except it goes on to explore complex themes in a thought-provoking way while throwing in a bizarre and delightful clusterfuck of elements like robot werewolves and tree furries. Most importantly, it was just so much fun to read. I want a sequel with these characters. I want to go to a con dressed as one of the garden wolves. I want to study this book for English class and write an essay on it in rhyming couplets. I did not at all expect this to be my favorite book of the year, but it absolutely is. (It also only has 19 ratings and 4 reviews on Goodreads, so if it sounds at all up your alley, please read it!!)
2. The Mask of Mirrors by M. A. Carrick– What many of my favorite books have in common this year is that they were incredibly fun to read. Mask of Mirrors is entertaining from start to finish, as schemes that would fill a lesser book are introduced and then resolved in mere chapters, and the climax is nothing but action-packed chaos. The world-building is dense and rewarding, the plot is twisty, and Ren is conning everyone, all the time, in at least 6 different ways, which of course makes it more satisfying when she ends up conning herself into actually caring about her marks. You'll like this if you enjoy a TTRPG flavor of storytelling (it started as an RPG, which makes sense once you know it), or if you enjoyed the basics of Ellen Kushner’s Swordspoint but wished it had more action and large-scale worldbuilding. There is a lot going on in these books, in the best possible way.
3. Starling House by Alix E. Harrow – There’s so much I loved about this book: the slow Gothic creep, the stories within a story, the eerie illustrations, the immersive sense of place. Surprisingly, it was the grounded, realistic parts of the book that were the most compelling to me. This is a fantasy, but it’s also a small-town family drama and coming of age story that could have been literary fiction with a few changes. The prose is just gorgeous, beautiful without ever getting purple. This is ultimately the story of the most bloody-minded woman in Kentucky slowly finding a home in the place she’s lived her whole life, while she falls in love with an equally bloody-minded man. Like The Raven Cycle as haunted house story, with overtones of Hades and Persephone and Beauty and the Beast.
4. The Necessity of Stars by E. Catherine Tobler – This is an 80 page novella that I usually wouldn’t count as a book, but it’s simply too good to leave off this list. It’s a strange and beautiful story about aging, climate change, sexism and exploitation, memory and language and how they shape our identities, and how we move through time. In such a short page count, there are so many powerful images that have stuck with me over six months later, including a sea of deep purple irises and a woman and an alien making love under…amidst…as? the stars. There’s something very Le Guin-like about this story with its setting of stars, shadows, and trees, and its sense of humanity. Mind-blowingly good; I highly recommend anything from Neon Hemlock Press.
5. Heir’s Game by suspu– This is a webtoon and not a novel, but I included a 100k Sherlock fanfic in my best books of 2017, so I’m also counting this. It’s a fluffy, bloodthirsty, melodramatic, swashbuckling high adventure found family story with an entertainment value off the charts. It balances a lot of different story elements and tones, each character and arc is developed so well, and there’s a truly satisfying number of pretty men covered in blood. If you’re devouring it over the course of a few days like I did, you also get to watch the author’s art style improve over the course of the four years it took them to write this. I’m morbidly impressed by the amount of effort that goes into panels I read in 2 seconds. Disclaimer that I read this alongside EBF, which may have biased my feelings towards it.
6. Bloom by Delilah S. Dawson – A lovely blend of sweet(?), sexy romance and lush description with visceral horror, creeping menace, and strong dramatic irony.* The last chapter I found a little dumb and overly conclusive, but I’m willing to forgive that due to the immersive atmosphere and tension for most of the book. Ro, the protagonist, is heartbreakingly vulnerable in her twisted justifications for why her first sapphic relationship is actually so Beautiful and Good, and Ash feels like a good depiction of a non-traditional abuser. It’s indulgent and suspenseful, and it’s also got Things to Say.
*(In response to people complaining on Goodreads that the “twist” is obvious, I would like to say: Ash is a baker/cook, the jacket contains the word “consumes” and “devouring,” and there’s a flayed body on the cover. I think a blurb may have comped it to Hannibal. If you read all that and think the publishers are spoiling the “twist” of the book instead of just advertising what the book is about, that’s a you problem. This is not a thriller trying to set up a shocking twist and leave you guessing; it’s horror, and the horror comes from knowing what’s coming and watching Ro stumble right into it with nothing we can do to stop it. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.)
7. The Dawnhounds by Sascha Stronach– The thing I loved most about this book is that it’s truly, delightfully original. I don’t think I’ve ever read anything remotely like it. There’s living technology that’s based on plants and syncs with human biology, a fresh system of gods and resurrection, a found family pirate ship, and some viscerally disturbing body horror. I often found myself sitting still for a minute with my mouth open, head tilted slightly to the side, thinking “…how the fuck did she come up with that.” This is also such a satisfyingly queer book. It very much centers found family, and unapologetic abundance saves the day. I wish I could remember more specifics of this book, but mostly what stuck with me is that it’s weird as shit and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
8. This is Ear Hustle by Nigel Poor and Earlonne Woods –This is the book form of an award-winning podcast discussing the realities of life in the American prison system, from those on both the inside and outside. It’s an often intense read, which I took in pieces over two months, but the storytelling is so engrossing, and introduces its audience to people and circumstances they most likely wouldn’t have encountered otherwise. I would never have guessed that San Quentin has skill-building and education programs, including the media lab where the Ear Hustle podcast is produced, or that at least one woman began a relationship with someone already in prison, moved her entire life to a desert prison town, and raised a family there. Each story in this book humanizes people who are often given little sympathy or understanding by society (even if they have been or are cruel and violent; redemption is not the point). The system they live in is definitely cruel and violent, but they are, like everyone, multifaceted people with loved ones and hobbies. Everyone has a story. This is the best kind of nonfiction to me, the kind that alters your view of the world and is still cropping up in your thoughts over six months later.
9. They Were Here Before Us by Eric LaRocca – I went through a big Eric LaRocca phase last fall, and I think this is overall the strongest of his works. The stories range from existentially shocking tales of nature at its darkest and most unnatural(?), to grotesque body horror, to unsettling tension that creeps across the pages like a serial killer stalking outside your window. A lot of the stories deal with the desperation, grotesqueness, and violation that comes with loving another person, and there’s a recurring contrast between bodies as vessels for love and as simply meat. Bearing in mind that I once said, in bemused shock, “Is Gideon the Ninth horror??”: it pushed against the boundaries of what I was comfortable reading and thinking about, without being shock for shock value. His writing is just viscerally fucked up.
10. The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer – This is a fucking dark and bleak book that officially hooked me at the end of Part One, when what I thought would be the reveal of the entire book…happened. And so I said “well, now what??” And plunged into a brutally depressing, borderline nihilistic, violently hopeful story about the nature of humanity and finding purpose in life. There are heartwarming moments in this book too, and also some funny or trivial moments that remind you this book is, for some random reason, YA.* If you enjoy sci-fi that grapples with the dizzying feeling of our microscopic place in the unending void of the cosmos, I highly recommend this one. And if you read Emma Newman’s Before Mars and want more in that vein, you’ll find a lot to love here.
*Unlike some people on Goodreads, I do see a reason for the protagonists to be teenagers, but you can very much write an adult book about teenagers
11. So You Want to be a Wizard by Diane Duane – I regret not discovering this book as a child, because I would have loved it. It’s the story of two children who teach themselves wizardry and become embroiled in an ongoing struggle for the fate of the world. The poetic writing, the way trees are held in reverence, and the way language is magic in and of itself are all things that appeal to me as an adult, but would have been even more meaningful when I was younger. I especially loved how matter of fact the children are about discovering magic: of course there’s magic in the world. They’re children, and they can believe in anything.
Honorable Mentions:
The Thousand Crimes of Ming Tsu by Tom Lin
How to Sell a Haunted House by Grady Hendrix
Smiler’s Fair by Rebecca Levene
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HASO, “A Ship Named Infinity.”
Hope you all enjoy your morning :)
Geea and Beatrice made their way from the underground bar as the music was still playing. Beatrice had one of her arms hooked through one Geea’s lower left, and together they sauntered slowly up through A136 and towards the docking area. Beatrice flipped a knife between her fingers as she did, “I don’t see why you are trusting this guy.” Beatrice grunted, “He could just as easily hail the Omen as soon as we got close and tell them that they have been hijacked.”
Geea shook her head, “No, he wouldn't, and i will make sure of that.” 
Beatrice looked up at her and she hummed rather smuggly, “If he tries anything, I release all of his criminal activities to the GA and UNSC. there is nothing that he can do about it, besides we are going to have our crew on his ship as well, and they should be able to keep him in line.
Beatrice nodded, though she didn’t seem entirely reassured.
Together the two of them made their way up through the winding passages, and clattering stairways until they eventually made it to the main docking bay. The room was filled with twenty or so docked shuttles, and looking around they found captain Kell sitting with some of his crew members outside a waiting shuttle.
The men and women that stood behind him were….. well , they were no joke.
They seemed fit and capable, though most of them sported some sort of metal attachments.
Captain Kell stood to greet them, and in this lighting the two of them were able to give him a more thorough once over.
The man was still wearing his long brown coat, and the black hood was still resting on his head though it didn’t shadow his face so much in this room. She saw strands of tawny hair peeping out from under the front of his hood. As she had seen before, one side of his face was covered by mechanical components, primarily the right eye, the cheek and down onto the lower jaw. His remaining good eye was a muddyish brown.
Walking up to stand before him it was clear that the man was tall, over six feet to be certain and well muscled, which Geea couldn’t help but find odd in a pirate. Sure pirates did some hard work, but mostly they followed the motto of work smarter not harder, and their life of heavy drinking didn’t exactly lend to people with bodies like his.
Under his jacket he wore a white shirt and a chin around his neck with some sort of arrowhead attached to the end.
His boots were high and tall, making her wonder if he was trying to make himself look taller than he really was. 
She could still see the glittering metal of his right hand as he moved to greet them.
The men behind him eyed them suspiciously. One was shorter and darker than the captain but just as well muscled. He was wearing heavy cargo pants, though his chest was mostly bare except for some sort of bandelier he carried over one shoulder, though it was his honey gold eyes that made it very clear he had no issue with  beating them up and stealing their lunch money.
The woman just off to his right was short and bald with extremely pale skin and bluish eyes, but she had the look of someone who you didn’t fuck with no princaple.
Geea noticed Beatrice eyeing her and tried to ignore it. B was always trying to make her jealous, and she didn’t want to give her that sort of satisfaction.
Captain Kell stepped forward, “Ladies.” He nodded before turning to wave a hand at his two bodyguards, “This here is Angelo.” He said pointing first at the man and then at the woman, “And that is Mace.” The two didn’t even nod their heads in acknowledgement, but looked on at hem in suspicion and distrust.
That was the way of the pirate though.
There was a sharp thudding, and out from behind the shuttle came a tall hulking figure at nearly nine feet tall.
The large Drev wiped grease from his hands as he stepped into place beside his three human companions. His carapace was a muddy black color with a red undertone. Geea raised her head in mild disdain for his coloring, though he didn’t seem to care what she thought.
“And this is our associate Noble.”
The Drev crossed two of his arms over his chest as he looked them over.
“The shuttle ready?” the captain asked.
The Drev nodded, “Yes, the components are clear to fly. That shake was from our right underwing stabilizer, though it was just a little loose.”
He motioned the two of them to follow him into the rusty little shuttle, and they strapped into the seats behind the pilot’s chair buckling in across from Angelo, Mace and Noble, all who eyed them with more than a measure of mistrust and suspicion. The captain for his part, seemed the most pleasant and sociable out of the groop, though he took his seat in the captain’s chair and called in to be let into atmosphere .
The group of them felt it as the struts gifted off the ground, and they hovered slowly over to one of the landing tubes leading up to the surface of the planet.
The doors to the docking bay opened revealing a long, water stained tunnel before them.
“Thirty minutes until the next fire wall comes, so you should be safe.”
He acknowledged the radio, and slowly began to lift them up through the long dark tunnel.
As they approached the top, the heavy steel door that kept them safe from the elements of the A1 death plant opened up. 
There was a heavy mist outside causing condensation to appear on their front windscreen as they rose into the night. In the distance, the sun was just beginning to rise, and from here thre group of them could see the fast approaching firewall on the horizon.
The ground below them was still wet, but that would change soon as rising temperatures caused the water to burn off into steam and return to the atmosphere to start the cycle again.
However, they didn’t stay long enough to watch the spectacle, and Captain piloted them easily upward through the cloud cover.
Geea had to admit that the man was a handy pilot. That was the steadiest flight she had ever had from the surface.
Either that or he just got lucky.
When he exited the atmosphere, he hurriedly made contact with the bridge of his ship. They approached slowly, and she could see the small ship with its sharp lines and black painted hull, better to blend into the background of space. It wasn’t a large ship by any means but it was still a good enough size that she expected it to have at least a class B warp drive.
They docked some minutes later, and the soundless environment around them was suddenly sucked away as a rush of air flooded the airlock. Red lights highlighted their faces as the Captain began powering down the ship. The others unbuckled their seatbelts  and the back ramp opened up for them.
The captain followed last from the ship, stepping onto the deck as the airlock doors opened into the docking and cargo bay.
It was…. Almost exactly how she expected it to be.
The ship was small enough that most of the rooms doubled for something, and men and women lounged around the small cargo space just as they might on her own ship. A few of them were tying down tarps over piles of unknown goods, while others were taking manifest from inside open crates with the UNSC seal stamped on them.
She was surprised to see that, thinking that the man was too much of a coward to pirate goods from the UNSC itself, but it seemed that she was mostly wrong.
The captain spread his hands wide and turned to look at them, “Welcome to the Infinity.”
Men and women in the cargo bay sat up and turned to look at the newcomers, and immediately Geea could see that the crew was a diverse one with Tesraki Celzex Drev, and even the odd Burg, though this  one was one of those strangle Male burg with the gossamer wings.
He turned to look at the crew, “And crew say hello to our new employers for the next month or so.”
The room shifted rather uncomfortably.
“Since when did we do mercenary work?” Someone shouted from the crowd.
The captain grunted under his breath, “They made me offer I couldn’t refuse.” Then he straightened up, “Either way play nice, and don’t get into fights or I WILL shoot you out the airlock. We should be expecting more of their crew boarding soon, so make room, and get to know each other.”
He walked past the group of them without another word, and marched off towards the font of the ship.
Geera and B followed after him their boots clattering on the floor underneath them.
“I am not instilled with a great amount of confidence that your men will behave.” Geea said 
The captain turned to look at her, and the appriture of his robotic eye narrowed, “Look lady, you are the one who came and threatened ME. If anyone here shouldn’t be trusted it is YOU.” He turned on his boot heel and marched up the next hallway, pushing through the doors and  onto the bridge, where he took his seat in the waiting captain’s chair.
The ship itself was a bit old and rickety, and the chair had a bit too much glowing neon on it for her liking, but when he ordered his men to get to work, they worked seamlessly as if they had done it thousands of times before.
Geea had to admit, grudgingly of course, that it was the most disciplined pirate ship she had ever seen. There was no arguing or backtallking or arguing or people trying to shirk their duties, the men and women here worked as if they were trained for it, like those fancy crews she had seen aboard some of the GA and UNSC ships.
This was probably why the captain came so highly recommended.
The Celzex on his shoulder hopped down from his position and into a small seat just off to the side of the captain’s chair. From over the top of his furry head, she could see that he was busy running diagnostics on the weapons systems.
That made her smile.
To think that they would have Celzex weapons on their side was rather thrilling. She, and no one else she knew had ever been able to acquire weapons from the fuzzy little creatures. They may have been willing to join pirating crews, but most of them were still loyal to some stupid and unknown code of honor that didn’t allow them to just spread their technology around, so they kept their mouths tight shut to the annoyance of everyone.
She wondered how this particular human had gained the trust of the Celzex enough to acquire their weapons. In fact, she had never seen a Celzex wit on a man’s shoulder like that, and doubted that was something the Celzex had been willing to do on their first meeting.
This human was becoming more and more interesting the more that she watched him.
He reached out with a gloved hand and flicked the switches on the console before him. He piloted this craft with the same ease in which he had piloted the shuttle.
The Com burst to life just then, “Infinity this is War preparing to dock.”
The captain turned to look at her over his chari, “You named your ship war?”
B snorted at the derision on his face, “She just likes being able to say ‘ This is war” whenever she goes to dock.”
Geea ground her teeth, and Captain kell rolled his eyes as he turned back to initiate the docking sequence, “Waar, this is infinity, please move to docking port A and standby for confirmation.”
He let go of the transmission and looked over at Geea skeptically, “You name your ship like an idiot.”
She didn’t like that much hands balling into fists though B traced a consoling hand over her back.
“Watch your mouth.” She growled, low in her throat.
The man did not seem at all worried by her denouncement of him, “Naming a ship is an art. You have to know her, to feel her. You have to walk around and fly in her to get a real understanding for what she means. It isn’t just about slapping a word on her. Just like you would name your son or your daughter you have to know what she iis about BEFORE you name her.”
Geea rolled her eyes at the sudden fervor in the man’s voice.
She honestly couldn’t give a shit what a ship was named as lng as it worked.
There was a sharp thudd through the hull as her ship docked, and she turned to go and greet her men down in the cargo bay leaving the Captain to contemplate his stupid philosophies on how to properly name a ship.
Making eye contact with him one last time, she couldn’t help but notice the strange fervor she saw in his eyes when he spoke about ships. This was a man, she thought, sho loved being in space.
She herself didn’t mind it so much, but when she looked out the window of a ship, all she saw were stars.
There was nothing particularly beautiful about it.
Together her and B walked into the cargo bay where her men were slowly filtering onto the ship
She only need around twenty of them, sure that that would be enough when paired with captain Kell’s crew.
They didn’t plan a big complex assault after all.
Hopefully, all of this would be done while most of the crew of the Omen were sleeping and they would be on and gone before the shit hit the fan.
Geea spent the next few hours helping her crew settling onto the ship warning them that if they caused any trouble she was going to hurt them. Of course they would listen to her, they were afraid of her and that is what a good leader needed to keep her men in check. Fear was generally the best way to control people she found, and while they didn’t like being ordered around, they would rather do what she said then suffer the consequences.
From there she went to find Captain kell again , and found hm in some sort of meeting room just off the bridge perusing a star map with some of his men and women from the bridge .
“UNSC channels indicate their last known location to be in this area.” A woman was saying zooming in on a cluster of stars as he did, “Now It seems to me that in this area.” she motioned with a wide circle, “We can send out scanning probes to look for his ship. It shouldn’t take too long and the probes aren't likely to catch the attention of a ship that big. I would suggest using a distress beacon to lure them into the nearby nebulae and then use that as a distraction to dock quietly.. Now the Omen is so large that it actually works to our advantage. It has multiple cargo bays and multiple docking bays, all of which have their own set of airlocks.”
There was a sharp blip in the image as the woman pulled up a schematic of the ship.
She heard B mummer in surprise from behind her.
“How did you get that.”
Captain Kell turned to look at her, and the woman crossed her arms seeming rather annoyed to have been interrupted.
Captain kell motioned to the schematic, “What, you think we only deal in goods.” he shook his head slowly, “No no, schematics and information are easy enough to get your hands on if you know where to look.” He nodded towards the hologram, “I bought these schematics off a guy at the Europa station a few years after it was launched. The guy was drunk, but he had been an engineer that worked on it before it was deployed.”
He turned back to the woman, “You were saying?”
She huffed and continued, “Well, from the information I have been able to gather, the primary cargo bays are here and here below the ship, they would be easy enough to bring a small ship up and usie the hacking equipment to open their airlock without being noticed and send a small team inside.”
She turned to look at Geea, “We only need a small team to do what you are suggesting.”
She glanced back at the map, “The only problem with this plan is that the safest place to board is also the furthest location away from the Admiral’s quarters which would be on the top deck right here.” She jabbed a finger at the upper deck, so we are going to have to plan this and our rout up if we want to avoid being spotted.”
Geea nodded, “The maintenance tunnels should be our best bet.’
Captain Kell tapped his chin, “Both yes and no I think. There will be less security there, sure, but the people most likely to be up are those in engineering, and they would spend most of their time in the maintenance tunnels.”
There was a nod of agreement from the others.
“Better to deal with a few nerdy engineers than highly trained marines patrolling the halls.” Geea said 
Captain kell nodded slowly and behind him Angelo snorted rather derisively as if the idea of a well-trained marine struck him as funny somehow.
Across  the table from him Mace was smirking right along with him.
Geea didn’t like those two, there was something about them that made her want to punch them in the face, but she kept her cool and continued to listen to the plan as the group gathered around each other .
She was mostly surprised at what she saw. The crew of this ship was well functional, worked well together, were relatively professional, followed their captain and even seemed to admire him. It was something she had never seen on a pirate ship before. The way they worked together was almost militaristic, but she supposed that is why they had survived so long and gotten so good at what they did.
She frowned as she thought about it wondering why her crew didn’t behave this way. Her crew tended to be lazy slackers most of the time, only working when they wanted to which was hardly ever
But these people did their jobs as if…. Well as if they actually liked them and respected their captain.
See eyed Captain Kell doubtfully. 
They must have been REALLY afraid of him to follow him like this.
She wondered what he did yo people who disobeyed him
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pomrania · 5 years
Halloween monster races
Ever want to play as a monster? Of course you do, it'd be fun. But the statblocks you find for "monsters" aren't designed to work for player characters, and some of them are, well... "dumb as bricks" is one way of putting it. Here's a better alternative: reflavour the various PC races to get something that's nice and monster, and then stat up your monster character with class and background, as you wish.
This is specifically for D&D 5E; I looked at the mechanics of each race, to find ones that could fit well for the concepts. With different gaming systems, those exact things would probably not work; but hopefully this can provide inspiration.
Werewolf: shifter This isn't even sporting, as shifters are designed, both in mechanics and in flavour, as Lycanthrope Lite.
Ghost: eladrin or shadar-kai So they're not intangible, but teleportation can mimic that effect, somewhat; and the Dexterity bonus from elves also makes them harder to hit in general.
Zombie: half-orc You know how sometimes zombies get back up after you've killed them? Half-orcs have a thing that's pretty close to that.
Skeleton: any Listen, mechanics-wise, skeletons in D&D are pretty boring; pick whatever race you want, just say "and also this character has no flesh and their body is just bones".
Vampire: tiefling The "standard" tiefling gets Drama: The Cantrip at first level, which is great for any gothic mood-setting; but the different tiefling variants also fit with different vampire "focuses". Other races to consider, minimal-to-no reflavouring needed: changeling kenku tabaxi lizardfolk warforged Further details below the cut. Trans rights are human rights, and black lives matter.
((Also posted on Pillowfort, here.))
Werewolf (shifter)
The only thing difficult about using this, is getting the sourcebook; the shifter race is found in the Eberron stuff, and not the more setting-agnostic books. But once you have access to that, it's so easy it's barely worth going through. Depending on what type of "werewolf" you're basing this off of, it could be any of the subraces.
Suggested change/s: Maybe add something to the flavour, that the character looks barely humanoid while shifted? That's about it.
Ghost (eladrin or shadar-kai)
Both of these options are from Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, and they're elf subraces. Let's start with the "elf" bit first. Bonus to Dexterity makes them harder to hit, not sleeping is a pretty ghostly trait, and advantage on saves against being charmed could be played as "I'm dead, why would I care".
Both potential subraces have teleportation, but shadar-kai can only do that once per long rest while eladrin have it once per short rest. (However, shadar-kai resist necrotic damage, which is a very ghostly thing to do.) At third level, both of them get nice extras when they teleport; shadar-kai get more ghostly, with resistance to ALL damage, while for eladrin it depends on essentially their emotional state. It all depends on what type of ghost you want to play.
Suggested change/s: Swap the Elvish language proficiency for another language the character learned in life, or after death, if necessary. Describe the "teleportation" as going intangible and quickly moving.
Zombie (half-orc)
"Relentless Endurance" is the main mechanic draw to this race. Once per long rest, if they'd drop to 0hp, they can drop to 1hp instead. The bonus to Strength and Constitution also fit nicely with undead toughness. Proficiency in Intimidation is easily explained as being a creepy-looking dead thing.
Suggested change/s: swap the Orc language proficiency for any other languages that might fit better with the setting; if that happens to still be Orc, so be it. If you want to better represent how durable zombies are, swap the stat bonuses so it's +2 to Constitution and +1 to Strength.
Skeleton (any)
As stated above, skeletons in 5E are mechanically BORING. The only thing to distinguish them, really, is that they're vulnerable to bludgeoning damage, and that's not something that any race has, for the very good reason that it would make a character easy to kill at low levels. Focus on the descriptive aspects of this instead; describe how any blow resonates through the character's exposed bones.
Vampire (tiefling)
This one is a little involved, so bear with me here. As I said, Thaumaturgy is basically Gothic Drama in cantrip form; if you just want to use the PHB tiefling, this is a very good reason, and also the Charisma increase fits well with vampiric charm.
Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes however has tiefling variants, some of which might fit better with the kind of vampire you want to play. The Fierna variant is what you'd want if your vampiric vision is more about controlling others; it swaps out Thaumaturgy for Friends, and its spells are Charm Person and Suggestion. The Baalzebul, Dispater, and Zariel variants all keep Thaumaturgy as their cantrip, and only change the non-Charisma ability increase and the spells at levels three and five; since those traits weren't very vampire-centric to begin with, they're all just as viable as the "standard" tiefling. As for the others... listen, there's a LOT of vampire fiction out there, I can GUARANTEE that someone has published a book where ANY of those abilities are given as "standard vampiric traits".
Suggested change/s: Alter Hellish Resistance so it gives resistance to cold, instead of fire, damage; the undead are more known for going out in winter without a coat, than they are for their ability to be set on fire and not harmed. (Both fire and cold are "elemental" damage types, so it shouldn't mess with the balance.) Instead of "dies in sunlight", take the drow Sunlight Sensitivity; and bring Superior Darkvision along with it, to keep it from being too much of a burden. Have the unarmed attack deal one point of piercing damage, as opposed to bludgeoning damage, from the character's fangs; those are for feeding on prey, not killing their foe. Adjust the "racial" languages as appropriate.
Other stuff
Now, onto the other player races that work quite well as "monsters", without having to really do anything to them. (I know that "shifter" probably belonged here, but werewolves are too iconic to relegate to "and also" status.)
Changeling: They can change their physical features whenever they want. Off the top of my head, I can think of three completely different movies which have that as the gimmick of the main villain, and I don't watch that many movies.
Kenku: Mostly this is just that their lore is Messed Up, and I think they would be really cool as an Igor type of mad scientist's assistant. Also there's that potential plague doctor aesthetic.
Tabaxi: ...listen. Cat-people weren't always considered to be PRIMARILY the vehicle of furry fetishes.
Lizardfolk: They look like lizards and they come from swamps, you do the math.
Warforged: Let's get one thing straight: warforged are not robots. However, they fill many of the same ROLES as robots. Created for a specific purpose, not needing to eat or drink or sleep or breathe, tough physical form.... There's also some similarities to Frankenstein's Monster, if you want to go that way.
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vacuumhub · 4 years
The Best Vacuum Cleaners
The Best Vacuum Cleaners
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If you want an affordable, versatile vacuum cleaner—not anything fancy, but something dependably strong—look for a bagless upright vacuum that fees about $one hundred fifty. It will paintings nicely for most people in maximum homes. (The Shark Navigator line has been our Vacuum Cleaner reivews favourite for this fashion for decades.) But in case you’re seeking out some thing distinctive, we’ve also rounded up the high-quality of the rest—from cordless sticks and long-lasting canisters to cheap handhelds or even robots—for all kinds of houses.
Find the proper vacuum to your desires
Best common vacuum: An cheap, powerful, comfortable, reliable bagless upright Upgrade choose: A deep-cleaning, long-lasting canister vacuum Also exceptional: A handy cordless stick vacuum Also exceptional: Yes, robot vacuums truely paintings Best budget vacuum: A reasonably-priced cordless version is quality Best hand-held vacuum: Strong suction isn’t too luxurious Best vacuum for pet hair: Any respectable version works, however don't forget a robotic Best vacuum for allergic reactions and allergies: Look for a bagged, sealed-gadget vacuum with a HEPA filter Best vacuum for bare floors: Anything works, however a few vacs work more smoothly than others Best vacuum for high-pile carpets: An adjustable cleaning head is key Best vacuum for cars: Handhelds with tools and a hose make it clean Frequently asked questions Best standard vacuum: An low-priced, effective, relaxed, reliable bagless upright
The great affordable bagless uprights paintings well with just about any sort of vacuumable debris (together with pet hair) and ground kind (which includes most carpets, wood, tiles, or some thing else). And they need to final at the least five years without a good deal protection (no new belts are required) and with minimal value (the filters are cleanable, and those vacs don’t want luggage).
On the most common types of flooring (like low- or mid-pile nylon carpeting and maximum bare flooring), high-quality bagless uprights within the $150 variety paintings almost in addition to the strongest common vacuums (like Miele canisters, among a few others), often for much less than 1/2 the fee. They’re easier to preserve than less expensive uprights and most canister vacuums, and have to final longer than all but the sturdiest high-give up machines. Read extra about the quality upright vacuums.
Consider an affordable bagless upright vacuum if:
You want quality on a finances: The accurate bagless upright vacs are moderately priced, haven't any routine charges, and have to last for at the least 5 years. Getting one is the quality manner to stretch your greenback when shopping for a vacuum cleanser. Skip an low-priced bagless upright vacuum if: You’ll keep away from cleaning because you want to get to the bottom of the twine. No disgrace! Cordless vacuums and robotic vacuums are plenty greater handy to apply. They do cost loads extra than plug-ins with comparable cleansing energy, though. You have delicate flooring. If you have got hand-knotted rugs, or gentle wooden or tile that’s at risk of scratching, you would possibly need a canister vacuum with a cleaning head that’s designed for those surfaces.
If you like your flooring to live very smooth, and you’re inclined to pay large dollars for a vacuum so one can remaining a decade or extra, get a excessive-quit canister vacuum. It’s a big funding, but it is able to pay off ultimately.
The exceptional canister vacs are arguably the nice vacuum cleaners. Their large, excessive-suction motors and versatile, adjustable cleansing heads do an super process cleansing all forms of flooring (even delicate or excessive-pile rugs) with out being too unwieldy to handle, since the weight is distributed among their specific elements. They need to closing for at the least a decade (commonly much longer), and tend to do an notable task of maintaining extraordinary indoor air pleasant—though you’ll need to pay for clean bags and filters every few months for so long as you very own the vacuum. Read extra about the excellent canister vacuums.
Consider a excessive-cease canister vacuum if:
You need something in an effort to last a long term. They don’t make most stuff like they used to, but outstanding vacuums are an exception to that rule. You need splendid overall performance across the maximum kinds of flooring. These vacuums can suck great dirt out of almost any rug (even excessive-pile), so it’ll appearance, feel, and odor higher for longer. Indoor air nice is a pinnacle priority. Canister vacuums’ baggage and tightly sealed airlines are incredible for casting off allergens and irritants from your house. For bonus factors, upload a HEPA clear out. Skip a excessive-end canister vacuum if: You pick uprights. Some people simply can’t get comfy dragging a little pod in the back of them whilst they smooth—especially with a cord connected to it. There are lots of uprights that can deal with all floor kinds like most canisters can, and some of them have extremely good cleansing strength, too. You don’t want the prices and responsibility. You’ll want to shop for at least a few clean bags and filters each 12 months, and also you ought to count on to lug the vacuum to the store once or twice a decade for repairs or renovation. You have plenty of furry pets. Fur fills bags quickly. Get a bagless vacuum in case you’re concerned about the value of luggage getting out of control.
For the general public, brilliant cordless vacuum cleaners are now strong sufficient to replace plug-in vacuums. But cordless vacs price extra, they don’t closing as long, and except you spring for a truely excessive-stop model, they'll no longer have sufficient run time to clean big houses in a unmarried skip.
All that stated, cordless vacuums make it so clean to smooth that you could simply be exceptional with those tradeoffs. They’re in particular life-converting in case you stay in an apartment or smaller residence with a cramped ground plan, due to the fact they’re so thin and mild and clean to influence, and there’s no twine to get stuck on any corners. And even in bigger houses, you can find that you get used to cleansing only a few rooms at a time, so that battery life isn’t any such huge deal. The best cordless fashions are strong sufficient to clean as well or nearly as well as plug-ins, even on maximum sorts of rugs.
Most cordless vacuums additionally double as hand-held vacuums now, so you can purchase one vacuum to smooth your floors and your vehicle. Read extra about the best cordless vacuums.
Consider a cordless vacuum if:
You stay in a small rental or residence. It’s plenty simpler to hoover a domestic that has a cramped ground plan when there’s no wire getting caught. You don’t want to cope with a cord. It takes just a few seconds to grab your cordless vacuum and start cleansing—no boundaries, no excuses! Skip a cordless vacuum if: You want the maximum price on your cash. When you examine cordless and plug-in models which have similar cleaning strength, the cordless models price greater and die faster. The best cordless vacuums can now clean nearly in addition to the great plug-ins, if you’re inclined to pay for one.
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dyscrasia-eucrasia · 4 years
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Part 15
Angel had never been to Billy Brook before. He didn't exactly make it a habit to go out into the countryside. He was too flamingly gay and not nearly white enough to feel safe out in small towns. Hell, he didn't even really feel safe in Charleston. 
But Demie felt worth taking a risk for. He hadn't felt that close to someone in a long time, and after the disaster that was Clayton Howard, he needed to feel genuinely wanted. And Demie seemed to genuinely want him. He'd invited him over - hell, he'd said he liked him. This would be good. 
He was in a good mood for the entire drive out. It was kind of peaceful, actually, driving through nature on twisting, turning roads. Almost zen. A chance to meditate on his life, to think about how lucky he was to have found Demie. 
Still, he couldn't help but get butterflies in his stomach as he passed a sign welcoming him to Billy Brook. The sign was full of bullet holes. 
The town itself was small - it didn't even take him a full minute to pass through the main street of shops. Everything was rundown and dingy, like no one did any upkeep. They probably didn't - this was a poor town. 
Angel drove slowly, constantly checking the directions. The trees grew wild along the side of the road, obscuring street signs. He almost missed his turn more than once. At one point he went so far down a dirt road with no signs of landmarks that he was sure he'd taken a wrong turn. 
His phone didn't get any signal this far into the country, but then again, Demie hadn't given him an actual address that he could plug into the maps app. He was on his own.
He came upon a large tree with an 'All Trespassers Will Be Shot' sign on it, and had it not been for the fact that Demie had explicitly described the tree and the sign, he would've thought he was walking into a horror movie. One of those creepy cabin in the woods kind. And he didn't even have anyone with him that he could shove in the way of a cannibalistic redneck so that he could get away. 
It still took him about five minutes after the tree before the road opened up to a huge clearing, at least an acre. A grungy old trailer sat in the middle of the space. To one side of it was a septic tank, to the other side was a large shed. Most of the clearing was fenced off, except for a long driveway leading to the trailer's front deck. Goats milled around behind the fence. 
Angel sat in the car for a minute, leaving the engine running. Demie had said that if he saw goats, he was at the right place, but he hadn't pictured it like this, way out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by woods. He was way out of his element. 
There was a flicker of movement in the trailer, a curtain moving just slightly. Angel kept his hand on the gear-shift, ready to knock it into reverse and get the hell out of there if need be. 
But then the front door opened, and Demie stepped out onto the deck. He raised his hand in a slow, awkward wave. He didn't exactly smile, but the edges of his mouth ticked up just a little. 
Angel exhaled loudly, only just realizing he'd been holding his breath. He relaxed his shoulders and unclenched his jaw, too. He turned off the engine and got out of the car, raising an arm and smiling. 
"Hey," he said. 
"Hey," Demie replied. He spoke in the same dreary monotone he always did, but Angel thought he could hear a little bit of happiness in his voice. 
As Angel walked by, the goats rushed up to the fence in a huddle, bleating softly. 
"They're cute," he said, pausing to look at them. "Can I pet them?" 
"Yeah. You can feed 'em, too, if you want to." 
"Omigod, I would love to feed your goats." 
"Hold on, let me get their treats." Demie disappeared back inside the trailer. 
"Heeeey," Angel cooed, reaching over the fence to let the gaggle of goats sniff at his hand. They all jostled to shove their noses into his palm. 
"Here," Demie said, coming down the steps of the deck with a metal cookie tin that looked like it should've held sewing supplies. 
He came up to Angel and Angel was reminded of just how tall he was. He towered over him as he opened up the tin and held it out. 
The tin was full of little treats that looked like cookies. They were lumpy and not all the same size, and looked homemade.
"Hold it up over the fence," Demie said. "Don't hold it down beneath, or they'll all go after it."
"What, do they bite?" 
"Oh yeah." 
Angel took one of the treats and held his arm out. The goats swarmed the fence, pushing and shoving at one another. One reached up and plucked the treat away with its lips, but another body-checked it, and the treat went flying. The entire group ran after it. 
"Wow," Angel said with a laugh. "Are they always this pushy?" 
"Nah. You're just a new person. They're trying to take advantage of you. Here--" Demie handed him the entire tin, taking a few of the treats himself. He whistled, and the goats came back. They tried to swarm the fence again, but Demie kicked one of the boards. 
"Go in, get!" He commanded, and they scattered. 
"Alright, one at a time," he said, holding out a treat. A large white goat with floppy ears took a treat, and Demie rubbed the knuckles of his other hand between the goat's horns. The goat took off away from the fence. 
Demie continued like that, reaching back to grab more treats from time to time, until he'd fed each of the goats. 
It was as he was leaning over to pet a particularly small one that Angel noticed something - he was wearing the curled ram horns he'd worn at the show. Looking down, he was wearing the fuzzy pants and hoof-heels, too. 
"Y'know," Angel said as Demie reached back to take the tin, "you didn't have to wear the show costume. I'm pretty sure I'd recognize you without the horns." 
Demie froze. His face became utterly blank, save for his eyes, which had widened. He looked like an animal that had just had a very bright light shown in its face. His whole body was tense, as though he might take off running at any second. 
"Um, I mean, if you feel more comfortable dressing up, that's fine--" Angel started. Who knew, maybe Demie was a furry. That was okay. He could date a furry. Fursuit pants weren't any weirder than a leather harness, when it came down to it. 
He didn't get to explain that thought, though, as Demie interrupted him. 
"You'd-- you'd better come inside," he said. Stiffly, almost robotically, he turned and bounded up the steps to the deck. He was surprisingly fast and agile for someone wearing such extreme heels. Angel considered himself pretty graceful, but even he doubted he could spring up a set of stairs that fast in heels. 
Demie entered the trailer without waiting for Angel, leaving the door open. 
When Angel got to the doorway, he was a little shocked at the state of the trailer's interior. He'd known some sloppy guys before, but Demie's trailer was something else. It looked like it was decades old, the walls lined with wood panelling that was cracked in places. The living room carpet was a disturbing shade of brown that might have once been beige. The furniture was sagging and threadbare. 
The weird thing was, other than a pile of dishes visible in the kitchen sink beyond the living room, the trailer wasn't particularly messy. A few magazines and empty beer bottles on the coffee table, but no other trash. Yet somehow the trailer seemed crushingly squalid and impoverished. 
Maybe it was just the age of it. Or maybe it was the overwhelming animal smell that filled the entire space. 
Demie was pacing on the kitchen linoleum, clenching and unclenching his hands. 
"You, uh. You'd better sit down," he said, gesturing at the couch. He seemed nervous, and that made Angel nervous. 
"Look, I've heard a lot of weird fetishes, it's not that strange--" Angel tried to say, but again was cut off. 
"No. No, you should sit down. Really." 
"O-okay," Angel said, blinking. He inspected the couch to make sure that none of the stains were freshly wet and perched himself on the edge of a cushion. 
"Like I was saying, it's not that wei--"
"Could you… not talk? For a minute?" Demie said as he paced. He had gone from clenching his hands to now waving them at his sides, as if trying to flick sweat from his palms. Angel could feel his heart rate increase, but did as Demie asked and didn't say anything. 
"Okay," Demie said, turning to face Angel. But then he quickly muttered something to himself in what sounded like another language and began pacing again. 
"Okay, okay, okay," he murmured. "You can do this. It's okay." 
He again turned to face Angel. Despite his olive complexion, his face looked pale. 
"Take your time," Angel said. "Really. Whatever it is, I won't judge." 
"These are my real legs." 
Angel sat in silence for a moment. "Come again…?" He asked. 
"These," Demie patted the sides of his thighs, "these are real. So are the horns. This isn't a costume." 
Never in a million years could Angel have anticipated that answer. He wasn't really sure how he was supposed to interpret it, so he just said the first thing that came to his mind: "Huh?" 
Demie sighed, stepping back into the living room. He walked around to the chair opposite the couch and collapsed into it. "This," he said, raising one of his feet, "this isn't a costume." 
"So… what… what are you saying?" Angel asked, still struggling to understand. 
"I'm not… I'm not human." 
"Oh." What kind of Twilight shit was this? Angel thought. "Okay. So… what… are you, then?" 
"I'm a satyr." 
"What's… what's a satyr?" 
"I'm a goatman." 
"I don't… I don't really understand." 
Demie sighed, running a hand through his hair. Angel noticed how the horns didn't budge when he touched them. "You know that video that that guy made, the one you told me about a while back, about the Goatman?" 
"I… never actually watched it." He'd watched the second channel vlog, but hadn't ever watched the main channel video from that day. In fact, he'd unsubscribed from both channels. Watching Clayton made him feel sick. 
"Okay, well, the goatman that they were looking for... that's me." 
"Okay, wait, so…" Angel looked around the living room, trying to spot a camera. This had to be some kind of elaborate prank. "That would make Marius a goatman too, though, wouldn't it?" 
"But… that's stage makeup." 
"Have you ever seen him without it?" 
"Oh." He followed Marius on Instagram. Every story, every Live, every picture, always had the horns. "No, I haven't." 
"Oh. Huh." 
They sat in silence for a while. Angel leaned forward, chin in hand, elbow on knee, looking at Demie. He couldn't really bring himself to look Demie in the eye, so he examined his legs. They certainly looked realistic. 
"Wait, if those are your real legs, wouldn't your dick just, like, always be flopping out?" He asked after a minute. He was staring directly at Demie's crotch, but he wasn't sure what else he was supposed to look at. 
"It's called a sheath. All goats have them. My balls are out, though." 
"Huh." As a matter of fact, now that he was looking… yeah, he could see a lump and two larger lumps on Demie's lap. He hadn't noticed at the show because it was dark, and, well… he just hadn't been staring at Demie's junk. 
"So, like… is it… a birth defect, or…?" 
"It's kind of a long story." 
"I got time."
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goodjobcornjob · 4 years
I was tagged by @icedchailatte, people like never tag me in these things I feel so honored lmao.
Don’t feel obligated by any means if you’re in this list, but I’m tagging @pumpkin-queef @msblam @cydoniadreamland @flaccid-robot-penis @borjaxton @lethargicthylacine @coffeeofthegay
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or blue pen? Black.
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city? Country, then I could have sheep!
3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be? Fencing! I took a week long fencing class once when I was little and have wanted to get into it more since.
4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? I drink coffee with a blinding amount of sugar, but with tea it really depends. Usually some sugar but not much.
5. What was your favourite book as a child? Not to be a furry on main but the warrior cats books were my JAM.
6. Do you prefer baths or showers? Showers. I used to prefer baths but then someone pointed out to me that bathing is stewing in your own filth and now I’m grossed out by them. Do love bath bombs tho.
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would it be? Does shapeshifter count? That would be best for my indecisive ass.
8. Paper or electronic books? Paper. The physical thing just hits different yknow?
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? Either a Ghost band shirt I have, since they’re one of my fave bands and my partner gave it to me, or this t-shirt I got from a friend with a smug looking frog face that says “yikes” on it.
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it? Already changed it baybee ;)
11. Who is a mentor to you? I have a friend who’s like a master class level cosplayer who’s slowly but surely teaching me The Ways Of The Cosplayer™️.
12. Would you like to be famous and if so, what for? Sometimes I think so, I’d love to make a huge number of people happy either by being funny or with my art, plus I’d love to be able to help spread awareness and end stigmas through fame, but then I remember how paranoid all that attention would make me. Long story short, no.
13. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? Not really, but I can be if I wanna be.
14. Which element best represents you? Personality quizzes reliably tell me earth, so earth I guess?
15. Who do you want to be closer to? My friends from college. We never talk unless it’s in person and I don’t get to see them much :(
16. Do you miss someone at the moment? Yeah. I cut ties with my old Favorite Person (a thing related to BPD) about 1 1/2 years ago because she’s toxic af, I still regularly think about/miss her.
17. Tell us about an early childhood memory. When I was 11 I pulled out my two front teeth (not baby teeth, the actual legit ones) pulling open a drawer with my mouth while pretending to be a cat. I had to get a root canal to put them back in place, and was a lil celebrity at my dentist for years because of it. All the dentists loved root canal cat kid xD.
18. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? My childhood house is so dusty I could (and regularly did) catch dust in my mouth like snowflakes until I learned what it was.
19. What are you most thankful for? How well my transition has gone so far/the fact I’m able to transition at all.
20. Do you like spicy food? I desperately want to cause so much food from other cultures is spicy, but my acid reflux prevents me from building much of an immunity to it so I’m way too much of a wuss.
21. Have you ever met someone famous? I shook Bill Nye’s hand when he visited my hometown for a talk.
22. Do you keep a diary or journal? Yes, for therapy mostly, but I usually forget to write in it.
23. Do you prefer to use a pen or a pencil? Pencil. I goof way too much to not be able to erase.
24. What is your star sign? Virgo. I don’t care about or believe in astrology at all tho.
25. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy? Crunchy, I’m no heathen.
26. What would you want your legacy to be? I just wanna be known for being helpful.
27. Do you like reading, what was the last book you read? I love reading, but haven’t regularly since early high school. Last book I read was a wholesome manga called Merman In My Tub. I recommend it.
28. How do you show someone you love them? I usually send them lots of things related to stuff they like and make gifts for them.
29. Do you like ice in your drinks? Absolutely.
30. What are you afraid of? Spiders (not nearly as much as I used to be thanks to exposure therapy), ticks, parasites, death, confrontation, losing my friends.
31. What is your favourite scent? Probably either rose or campfire.
32. Do you address older people by their name or surname? First name unless they tell me otherwise.
33. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? I’d live on a commune with my close friends. We wouldn’t be totally self sufficient, but we’d grow/make at least half the food and clothes we use. I’d come as close to having a private zoo as a person can actually ethically do without cramping/neglecting the animals. I’d play video games more than I worked. I’d regularly house people with nowhere to go. I’d sell sewing commissions and work somewhere like an animal rescue facility. A guy can dream 😔.
34. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? Pools. If I think too much about how much poop has to be in any natural body of water it sets off my OCD (I’m fine if I forget to think about it tho).
35. What would you do if you found $50 on the ground? Keep it. There’s no way to track who’s it is, if there was I’d try to return it.
36. Have you ever seen a shooting star? A few times.
37. What is the one thing you would want to teach your children? I don’t want kids, but if I did I’d want to teach them how to recognize differences in cultural practices without putting value judgements on them.
38. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? I already have one (zelda tattoo on my shoulder), and am planning many more. Next one I want is a paw print from my cat on my stomach where he likes to knead.
39. What can you hear now? The wind in the trees outside, the fan, my partner shifting his feet, I think cicadas?
40. Where do you feel the safest? The living room when I’m alone in the house, listening to music and snuggling with my cat.
41. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer? Either my misophonia or my fear of confrontation.
42. If you could travel back to any era, what would it be? Pre-colonialism North America. I’d love to see this continent in its not fucked up state.
43. What is your most used emoji? Tie between 🅱️, :’) and 😬
44. Describe yourself using one word. Clown.
45. What do you regret the most? Never standing up for myself or my friends as a kid/teen.
46. Last movie you saw? Hamilton. Very good but also overrated.
47. Last tv show you watched? Something I don’t remember the name of on PBS about octopi.
48. Invent a word and it’s meaning. Schlumple. It’s like when you’re sitting slumped and squished in on yourself you’re sitting all schlumpled. My rats do it all the time.
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balzabul · 4 years
WBJ - Who lives in your world?
I don’t know what day this one was like I said I’m just making up for lost time w/ my current project LOL almost nothing. is properly named which is driving me up the wall but oh well. snippets snippets
Can a zombie and a ghost come from the same body? Yes! Ghouls and Phasms are the exact result of just that: when a mortal body dies on [PLANET] and is not tended to in the proper manner within a solar cycle (1 day) it becomes a Ghoul, cursed to wander forever more! It’s fine actually they have entire towns and societies with schools of magic and science of their own. Less common, but from a similar source, are Phasms or Phantoms, which result from improper handling and care for a corpse. Not because of any sort of “wronged in death so now they have to haunt you” way but literally because if the mortal soul component isn’t released from the corpse properly, with the proper tools, it will manifest into a Phasm. The body will retain its own autonomy and also rise, becoming a Ghoul. Now that I think about it it’s sort of like unplugging the connection cable mid-trade to clone MewTwo.
Robotics all connect to micro or macro servers known as hubs— no hub, no brain activity. The hub connection between Robotics serves as a cushion to offload processing power, enabling their virtual (though very real) intelligence; a popular body mod amongst Robotics is a cranial implant that essentially acts as a virtual network, allowing for singular Robotics to live in solitude; the downside is it requires tremendous amounts of power, and if damaged produces equal amounts of exhaust heat. The most common fuel cell for a solitary Robotic is a firecracker (magic battery).
Plasma Elementals, essentially fire and light people with 4 arms, cranial horns and tails, were born deep within the planet’s mantle, and were only exposed to the surface world above after the moon began to tear apart the planet’s crust. Able to move freely about the obsidianized caves and semi-molten walls of their subterranean home, their cities remain completely inaccessible to other mortal races without extreme protection; even the most advanced pressure and heat suits will run out of firecracker power in a matter of hours, depending on depth. Mortar (wip species name) technology was instrumental in creating the magimagnetic locks that keep the moon from causing any more terrestrial damage.
Bugs!!! With at least 300 different individual varieties most other races assume they’re completely separate and incompatible with one another, but. Ok I was gonna say like dogs but that feels like such a rude comparison. But like dogs they’re all just bugs! Just one big species of bug with an enormous capacity for variation. It’s not uncommon at all for a lepidopteran to have children with a hymenopteran or even an arachnid! Kids tend to look more like the egg layer, with features passed down from the ‘father’. Bug folk have been unable to grow larger than 3-4 feet at the tallest due to oxygen levels in the atmosphere.
Djinn are essentially the elven people of the planet, though their bodies aren’t quite mortal. Requiring alcohol instead of water, Djinn aren’t affected by it the way the other mortal races are. In similarly “opposite” fashion they are nocturnal, and feed off the radiation emanating from physical sources of magic where other races would be harmed. Not at all evil or mischievous or what-have-you, as is often depicted in popular media about djinn, but simply a second, “mirror,” race to humans.
Humans which I need to rename something lol. Humans are tenacious and curious like they are on Earth, and tend to shove themselves anywhere their technology allows them to live. Unlike the philosophy of many of the other mortal races of [PLANET], humans are uniquely of the belief that the self or soul remains the same regardless of the state of the body. Humans regularly fit themselves with hard-light body mods and extra limbs, often even replacing limbs and torsos with customizable hard-light versions. Where other races ask “do you still feel human, made almost entirely of metal and light?” humans answer, “why wouldn’t I?”
Alien Ferrets Furries?? Sure why not. Wild and colorful fur variation adorns the 5-7 foot tall, 6-limbed and prehensile-jowled ferret folk native to [PLANET], living in equal measure below and above ground. The second mammalian race to evolve alongside Humans and the first of the planet’s native races to develop  regularized, industrial electricity. A physical weakness to the strong effects of magic has resulted in Ferrets becoming expert engineers and electricians, preferring volt guns to firecracker rounds.
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theflowofink · 5 years
Twenty Questions tag game
@leonajasmin-writeblr tagged me in this, and I’m tagging @thel3tterm @theswordofpens and @authorisada feel free to ignore if you’re not interested. This is all for Magic in The Mountains
How many chapters do you expect to have? Are they short chapters that only last a couple pages or large chapters spanning 20+ pages? 
For Magic in the Mountains, not sure yet. My chapters tend to go between 2-4 thousand words each.
What is/would be your main character’s favorite type of vehicle to drive? (Go as crazy as you want – tank, helicopter, drone, robot armor) 
Issac would love to drive a motorcycle, as would Eliza, their similar aesthetic was one of the reasons they initially started dating, after all. Adrian... more mount than vehicle, but that guy would LOVE to ride a Saber Tooth tiger. Susan would love to drive one of those rocket cars. Merle... fancy sports car.
Which true crime story is your plot most like, even if it’s a stretch? 
Seeing as how it’s a fantasy story about trying to survive in the mountains as a sudden winter hits... Donner Party? but like without the cannibalism
Who would be the first in your main characters to punch a Nazi? 
All of them would probably punch the bastard at roughly the same time, basically they’d dog pile the son of a bitch and punch him into oblivion.
If your book were to become a smash hit with a fandom, what word or phrase could you say that would make the masses break into mass hysteria? 
“ Do I count as a furry if I’m ACTUALLY a wolf man?”
In cleaning a house or apartment as a punishment, which room would your character(s) least likely want to clean and why? No doubling up rooms. 
The Coven wouldn’t really have any objections to cleaning anything, they’ve had to kill things before and were part of a worldwide conspiracy to hide magic. They’ve grown up fast. Issac still hates cleaning his own room, though. “ If I ‘tidy up’ as you suggest, Merle, I’ll be unable to find ANYTHING.”
On a scale of 1-10 how are evil are you to your characters and writing your books? 
like a five? Some bad stuff will happen to them, but ultimately, there’s a planned happy ending.
In the world of Avatar, which element would your characters be? 
Fire: Issac
Air: Susan
Water: Liza, Merle
Earth: Adrian
If you have a villain, could the plot progress without them? What would that look like? 
Seeing as how I don’t have a concrete villain yet, the plot progresses by virtue of wild monsters closing in, and a sudden winter as the class is stuck in the Appalachian mountains. It right now is more a story about the Coven trying to protect their classmates from the dangers of the world post Merge, and survive an early winter.
What would your sequel be about? If you don’t intend to have a sequel but were forced to write one, what would the plot be? 
A civil war among magic users as they try to establish a post Merge government. Issac and his coven wind up caught in the middle of this war as they try to find a cause they believe in deeply enough to fight for
. Do your mcs like cats or dogs more? 
Issac: both equally
:Adrian: Dogs * he’s merged with a Wolf Spirit*
Merle: Cats ( more low key than dogs.)
Susan: Ravens “ I don’t care if that wasn’t an option.”
Liza: Dogs, they’re loyal and happy to see you
Do they prefer to be hot or cold?
.Oddly enough? universally Cold. Adrian’s a big happy furry bastard, Issac has Hellfire in his veins, Susan just likes the winter clothes aesthetic, Merle just like the cold, and Liza is descended from Winter Fae.
Do they prefer action movies or rom-coms? 
All of them prefer Action.
Choose one character and tell me what flavour of ice cream they’d be. Why? 
Susan would be black raspberry, it’s dark but sweet, like her.
What was the plot of the best short story you’ve ever read? 
The Most Dangerous Game. I love the idea of being hunted and only having your wits to turn the tables.
If you write short stories, what’s the plot of your favourite one you’ve ever written? 
In a dark, endless forest lit only by the moon, a Hunter of the dark things that prey on people is on his Trial. If he succeeds he becomes a full fledged hunter. With divine magic, a silver blade and blessed firearms, he tracks a monster through the woods. But who is the hunter, and who the hunted?
What is the meanest thing you’ve ever done to a character? 
Had a character years ago who was forced to kill his entire community he’d spent his whole life in. (they’d been corrupted by an ancient evil and were beyond saving)
What was the kindest thing you’ve ever done to a character? 
Let them find love no matter how dark the path had seemed.
Was writing something you always wanted to do or something you stumbled into? 
I’ve always loved writing, it’s been something I’ve always felt called to.
Do you have any quotes from your own writing that mean a lot to you? 
All my writing means a lot to me, it’s hard to pick out a single quote or two.
@leonajasmin-writeblr ‘s questions
Do you have birthdays assigned for your characters? What zodiac signs do they fall under? (If not, then which zodiac stereotype are they most like?) 
Don’t know why, but it never occurred to me to give my MC’s birthdays.
What are your MC’s thoughts on hugs?
Issac is okay with brief hugs with his coven and Liza, but people he hasn’t formed a close bond with? UNACCEPTABLE
Are any of your characters abnormally tall or short?
Issac, post Merge is about seven foot
Did your MC’s have any other names before you settled on their current ones?
If you had to compare your MC(s) to an animal, which would you pick?
Susan is a Raven, Adrian, obviously a wolf, Issac is also a wolf, Merle is also a raven or crow.
Do any characters have unique physical features (from birth or acquired)?
Adrian’s a wolf man, Issac basically looks like a tiefling from DND.
How do/would your MC’s take their coffee/tea?
Heavy on the sugar
If your MC’s were in this universe, which country do you think they’d like to visit? England, or anywehre in western europe
How many children does your MC have? Or how many do you think they’ll have/would like to have?
Hmm, have to think on that
Which of your MC’s would be the best in a physical fight?
Adrian, seeing as how he’s a wolf man, and Issac, who’s seven feet of muscle, claws, horns,
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obeetlebeetle · 6 years
Do all the dnd asks!
1. A favorite character you have played.
2. Your favorite character that someone else has played.
o my god.. this is so hard, my group makes really good characters! for each of them:zach - nickels!! trauma child kenku weirdo who sold their soul to talk.. who grew up to be an angry pirate who adopted a child on impulse.ari - lael, obviously. they have a half-elf complex, a good chunk of their personality is being the kid that catches lizards, and they have a robot arm.lemon - honestly? jj devinyl. i mean, john mulaney as a tiefling cleric who loves his wife and is also going completely insane? yeah.bree - i.. love layla. she’s a good-aligned cleric to an evil god and her and kellan are the cutest couple in dnd tbh.connor - guardian is a robot.
3. Your favorite side quest.
o fuck!! y’all.. it’s bufo. it’s the fact that my talking toad npc was so lovable that they unlocked the quest in which his mother hunts him down and tries to kill him so that she can live forever. they killed her ofc and bufo was untransformed into a handsome.. halfling.
4. Your current campaign.
i’m running a murder mystery set aboard an airship! with strong cosmic horror elements! and i’m playing in a large-scale epic about spies caught up in the very start of a continent-wide war.
5. Favorite NPC.
also a very hard question. on one hand, jean is my actual boyfriend and also a literal angel assassin. on the other hand, nika is a child god trapped in an amulet whose super god power makes people trip which is so fucking funny. back around to the first hand, which is now the third, aengus is so well-done as a villain that he’s almost scared me in my real-life actual heart and yet he’s an a huge loser with breakup trauma, which is objectively also so fucking funny. on my fourth hand, fela is my most important npc who i’m probably in love with and she’s been in every one of my campaigns. on my FIFTH hand--
6. Favorite death (monster, player character, NPC, etc).
7. Your favorite downtime activity.
8. Your favorite fight/encounter.
that time nasuada beat lumley up in her own dumb-ass head, and lumley’s response was to find this super hot.
9. Your favorite thing about D&D.
getting together and spending time with my friends! or maybe that it lets me be creative without the stress writing gives me.
10. Your favorite enemy and the enemy you hate the most.
fav enemy is def aengus!! like wow he’s fucking terrifying!! and i hate yin&yang the most, they were so creepy and cruel and they were never really punished.
11. How often do you play and how often would you ideally like to play?
i dm once a week these days, and i play sporadically. thesis year has been hard on me! but ideally i would love to dm twice a week and play in one or two steady campaigns, or dm once a week with regular one-shot sessions!
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.
o.. there’s a lot?? my favorite is “honeyclaw pissed on lenthol” bc our barbarian thought it would be a good idea to climb into the robot piloted by the “big bad” (or so we thought at the time), and then to sell her bluff that she was looking for the bathroom, she just...... pissed herself >:(
13. Introduce your current party.
as a dm: lael (half-elf magitechnician who bases their mad science off of cool bugs); guardian (robot paladin on his third life, basically robocop with light existential crises); senhora (brash and kind-hearted by turns, an elf who [REDACTED] before becoming a ranger and bonding w a wolf); jj devinyl (a tiefling cleric who does stand-up comedy and loves his wife); and percy (an android with identity issues, driven by curiosity, and love for magic, and literally no qualms about threatening to kill her friends).
as a player:rowan (the last prince of a lost kingdom and also the saddest, gayest boy in town); ko&kokumo (my elf boy whose soul split in two after leaving his warlock patron, driven by nosiness and romance respectively); honeyclaw (a tabaxi pro-wrestler who deserted her life as a child soldier, pissed on lenthol); peitho (the surprisingly wholesome god of sex, was kinda into the tactics of being a spy before he got distracted by p*ssy); and lumley (the dumbest baby lesbian ever o my god, she’s the daughter of a powerful river goddess and she still can’t get a date).
14. Introduce any other parties you have played in or DM-ed.
that would take me one million years.
15. Do you have snacks during game times?
yeah!! traditionally we take a halfway break at 9 and all go get snacks together, it’s great.
16. Do you play online or in person? Which do you prefer?
i prefer in person, but we play online a lot, and we’ll have to be only online once we graduate.
17. What are some house rules that your group has?
we round up score mods from odds and we don’t pay attention to like.. most of the little rules. it’s more abt the storytelling. (which is why we may switch to a different system if i can seduce them away.)
18. Does your party keep any pets?
o yeah, i think almost every group has had an animal companion. and if not, zach always plays a furry.
19. Do you or your party have any dice superstitions?
a lot of us roll specific sets for each character! 
20. How did you get into D&D? How long have you been playing?
i got into dnd in high school bc i liked a boy who watched community, and then i watched community, and the dnd episode fucking rocked. never got past making characters and one botched attempt at a session. then in my first year of college, i joined the dnd club and i’ve been playing since! so like, three years and some change.
21. Have you ever regretted something your character has done?
ya lol i play very much how my character would act and tho that usually goes well for me.. ko wanted to break his pact with aengus despite the Consequences and i didn’t. but overall i think the outcome has been a lot of fun!
22. What color was your first dragon?
silver! just introduced them, actually!
23. Do you use premade modules or original campaigns?
all original, baby.
24. How much planning/preparation do you do for a game?
a ton. as a dm i write........ a lot. i want to have a lot of vivid characters, solid plots, and a huge interwoven world. so my docs are always huge and take me months to finish. 
as a player i do less bc players just inherently have far less to do. but i still try put a ton into really developing my character so i can play them more naturally.
For DMs
25. What have your players done that you never could have planned for?
in my first campaign, i used a lot of weird memory spells to keep characters from remembering the big bad, because him being unremembered was a HUGE plot point for me. i had two different groups playing in the city at the same time, and one of them.... had this dragonborn who just liked to talk to plants and who hated nobles, and who fucking cast MAGIC MOUTH on their FANNY PACK to record that big bad so that it COULDN’T BE FORGOTTEN. MAGIC MOUTH. THAT’S THE SPELL THAT BROKE ME.
26. What was your favorite scene to write and show your characters.
i’ve really liked a couple, but i know i haven’t topped the finale for my first campaign. after finally the groups finally came together and killed Shargaas, the city began to crumble around them, and they all watched me set a ten-minute timer for them to figure out how to get away with their lives.
27. Do you allow homebrew content?
o yea, i adore MFOV particularly.
28. How often do you use NPCs in a party?
o there are always a couple kicking around.
29. Do you prefer RP heavy sessions or combat sessions?
we don’t really.. do... that second thing....
30. Are your players diplomatic or murder hobos?
For Players
31. What is your favorite class? Favorite race?
o fuck. uh probably wizard. and i love................. half-elves.
32. What role do you like to play the most? (Tank/healer/etc?)
i really like long-distance damage dealers.
33. How do you write your backstory, or do you even write a backstory?
i always start with a concept and then i just write an entire novel ell em ay oh.
34. Do you tend pick weapons/spells for being useful or for flavor?
35. How much roleplay do you like to do?
like, 70% rp, 30% jokes,
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rainforestgeek · 6 years
If you lose your strength to stand (I’m gonna reach for your hand)
I got chapter 5 written! Ao3 link here
Part 1  Part 2 Part 3  Part 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, Part 6
Sneaking onto the ship was the easy part. Pidge landed her undetectable lion on the hull close to the wide-open bay doors of one of the many hangars. The cavernous room was bustling with drones, low-level galra soldiers, and ­­damaged space fighters being repaired, so with all the activity Pidge had little trouble getting past them.
Actually finding the engine room was the hard part. With little knowledge of this particular class of battleship and no way to scan it without the Blue Lion, she was left to take an educated guess of its location. But after half a varga of running around the empty corridors with no results and a handful of close calls almost being discovered, Pidge was about ready to scream in frustration. She hadn’t found any primary access panels, either. The locked doors she hacked easily enough but gave her no access to the central computer. She kicked the wall and was considering risking having her comms intercepted by calling Hunk for help when she heard the steady clanking of a sentry’s footsteps coming toward her from around the corner. She dove for cover in an alcove in the wall and waited, crouching at the ready.
Thankfully, the big metal biped clanked right by without noticing her. Seizing the opportunity, Pidge leapt onto its back and deactivated it with a few swift keystrokes on the control panel below its neck. It slumped to the floor, taking her with it, and she landed painfully on her hip. She bit back a curse then quickly synced her gauntlet to the sentry’s control panel. She uploaded a virus that she’d written based on the data she got from that first sentry she hacked at the Galactic Hub.
If it worked, the virus would hijack the robot’s artificial brain, rerouting the stored and incoming data and the command controls, to her armor. It took several doboshes to complete and Pidge kept a wary eye out for any more patrols coming her way. The robot the way too heavy for her to try and drag it into the alcove she’d hidden herself in before.
The holographic screen from the gauntlet flashed and the sentry’s head-lights glowed red. Yes! I have a minion. It stood up. She pulled up a map of the frigate from her sentry’s data core.
Fucking hell. The engine room was on the other side of the ship.
Pidge followed her robotic minion as it led her to the engine room. She walked backwards at the ready with her bayard out, keeping an eye out on their six while Minion would alert her of anything ahead. It took her in a circuitous route, avoiding the more bustling sectors of the ship. It was a smart precaution but with every tick that passed Pidge cursed her slow progress. She hoped Lance and Hunk had a handle on the situation outside.
Finally, finally Minion stopped at a set of important-looking doors and pressed its palm against the entrance pad to open them. They went inside – and Pidge immediately ducked behind a huge support beam because the engine room was teeming with galra. Sentries, floating drones, soldiers, and even an officer or two milled about the cavernous and noisy chamber. At its center was a glowing engine straight out of a cyberpunk novel that would make Hunk shit his pants.
Quiznaking fucksticks. Okay, Minion. Let’s see how much we can get away with.
Pidge crawled toward a vent at the bottom of the nearest wall, carefully opened it, and slid inside feet first. Her visibility wasn’t great, but it was better than nothing and it would at least help her guide Minion where she needed it. She pulled up a holographic screen that streamed what the robot was “seeing.”
Let’s see if you know the engine schematics. Turns out Minion did. She supposed that made sense – the droids were probably programed to be all-purpose. Pidge studied the mechanisms of the ships energy source.
Oh, holy hell. It uses xanthorium crystals to enhance the power of the weapons and the hyperdrive. Like most of these huge ships, it used a balmeran crystal as it’s primary power source. She was no engineer, but Pidge was sure she found bastardized elements of Altean technology that must have been integrated into Galran designs in the empire’s early decaphoebes.
Minion approached a station (quietly deactivating the sentry manning it) that appeared to direct the current of quintessence-enriched electricity to various parts of the ship. Much of the xanthorium was used in the engine room, but there were also strategically placed chambers of the crystals close to each weapons station. Pidge smirked as she realized she could use this. This whole place was littered with weapons stations. Keeping the explosions at the exact right magnitude required meticulous control over the energy flow throughout the ship’s guts. She had Minion get to work.
The principle behind her plan was simple: blow the ship up using its own power boosters. It was easy to think of each weapon station as a primitive firearm, with the current acting as the spark and the xanthorium as gunpowder. The xanthorium had been cut into uniform sizes that would explode at the brief contact of a tightly-controlled current and direct the resulting energy into the weapons’ mechanisms, giving the galra a nice boost of power behind their attacks. Once a piece had been used and disintegrated, the next one slotted into place to be exploded next. But if the chambers overloaded, all the crystals in the chambers would explode uncontrollable at once. It would completely cripple their weapons and breach the hull in a dozen critical places.
Minion reprogrammed the algorithm that controlled the paths of primary power into secondary channels. She needed at least seventy-five percent of the xanthorium chambers to overload at exactly the same time. It was tedious work, but I thankfully took less time than Pidge had anticipated.
Pidge breathed a quiet sigh of relief. She had fifteen doboshes to get back to Green before her DIY bombs went off. She slowly crawled out of the vent to sneak to the door and make a swift, painless escape.
If only.
She wasn’t as annoyed at getting caught so much as that it was a stupid way to get caught. She didn’t epically fuck up, didn’t trip a hidden alarm, didn’t run headfirst into an enemy that popped up out of nowhere. Nope. All those missions when she had perfect timing, only to now just get spotted for being a split second too slow.
Pidge charged at the nearest sentry – which was not-so-coincidentally her own minion. It blocked her attack easily and bent her arms behind her back, metal hands clamping her wrists together. Discreetly, she whispered instructions to her robot through her helmet comms. Her escape wasn’t totally busted yet.
What appeared to be the ranking officer approached her. He was average-sized for a galra, just under seven feet, and the fuzz covering him erred on the blue side of purple. “What is this? Wearing the armor of the Green Paladin?” He gave her a critical once-over. “This tiny thing?”
Pidge growled at him and struggled against the robot holding her. “Tiny, huh? You wanna fucking go, assface?”
She couldn’t tell if the officer rolled his eyes – given the lack of pupils – but his expression grew irritated and just over it. But she swore his tone was smug, though, when he said, “Escort the whelp to General Sendak. From what I’ve heard, he’ll want to deal with this one himself.” He then turned around like he had better things to do than worry about Pidge – good. Meant he wasn’t suspicious of any meddling. The sentry marched her out the door and through the cold corridor. A squad of other sentries followed, much to her chagrin.
They passed right by the hangar outside of which she’d left Green, but the sentries surrounding her meant she couldn’t make a break for it. Pidge suppressed a frustrated growl. Guess we’re going to see Overlord Fur Face after all, she thought. She’d anticipated that; but why couldn’t things go the easy way for her just once?
Pidge and her entourage of robots walked through corridor after corridor, took multiple elevator-lift-things, and she was getting nervous. She counted the ticks in her head: time was running out before everything blew up, and this escort was taking forever.
Finally a set of double doors swooshed open to reveal they’d reached the bridge. It was a spacious room with a raised command podium in the center and floor-to-ceiling windows (no doubt made from space-grade reinforced glass). Apparently the galra were less fond of view screens than humans. Standing on the island, Sendak turned toward Pidge with a sneer.
“How did you get uglier?” Pidge blurted out.
“Petulant child for a Paladin of Voltron.” Ugh, that voice was terrible on her senses. Somehow like oily gravel and sunburn. Sendak walked closer to her. “You’ve been a nuisance, whelp. I will take great pleasure in killing you.”
“I kicked your ass once. I’ll just do it again.” Pidge’s internal clock told her she only had two doboshes left.
Sendak leaned down, his meaty breath stinking too close to her face. Was it possible for something to smell like flies? “As I recall, it took all of the paladins to even trap me. This time, you’re the one on my ship. You’re the one all alone.
Fifty ticks left. Pidge’s heart pounded with anxiety and excitement. She’d have to be quick for any hope of escape. And the dumbass didn’t have his helmet on.
Sendak straightened. “Initiate a full sweep,” he barked. The attention of everyone on the deck snapped onto his orders. “The girl probably brought aboard accomplices; only two lions –”
Twenty ticks. Minion released her hands. Quick as lightning, Pidge summoned her bayard and shot its electrified blade into the exposed spot between his neck and jaw. The shocks arcing through the warlord jerked about his massive body. He hit the floor with all the grace of a boulder falling off a cliff.
Ten ticks. Pidge wrenched her weapon out of the furry carcass. Behind her, loyal Minion started beating up as many enemies as it could. She took advantage of the crew’s moment of paralyzed shock to sprint for the nearest window, activating her energy shield. She heard blows land, metal creak violently, felt shots collide with her shield.
She raised her bayard. Three ticks. Shot straight ahead. Two. Leapt through the nebula of glittering, shattering glass and into empty space. One.
Obviously, she didn’t hear an explosion. Sound can’t travel in a vacuum. But Pidge sure as hell felt a storm of heat and shrapnel shoot her even deeper into space.
She called for Green desperately in her mind. Everything hurt, and made it hard to think. She was quickly recompensed by the sight of her beautiful glowing lion rapidly approaching. She scooped Pidge up in her mouth, and Pidge landed hard on the cockpit’s floor with a sideways roll. Groaning, she hauled herself into the pilot’s chair.
“Mission accomplished, guys.”
Loud whoops and cheers blasted through her helmet’s speakers. She flinched.
“Pidge, you beautiful, miracle Wonder Woman! That was amazing!”
Adrenaline aready had her heartbeat drumming up a storm. But hearing Lance say that made her cheeks feel even hotter and her very blood vessels jitter.
“Captain Olia? Sergeant Bark? How we lookin’?” Lance called out.
“The remainder of the fleet on this side is retreating,” the seargeant reported.
“We’ve picked off a few dozen squads over here,” Matt chimed in. Pidge felt relieved to hear his voice. “Anyone else are also turning tail.”
“We won? We won!” Hunk celebrated. “Great job, Pidge! You really hit them where it hurts!”
“And you thought it was too dangerous. Hey Pidge, high five!”
“We’re in our lions, Lance.”
“Oh, right. High giant mechanical paw!”
Pidge was so high on adrenaline adrenaline that she enthusiastically acquiesced. Red and Green flew at each other and crashed their right paws with an enormous clang. The impact reverberated violently through the cockpit and gave Pidge a throbbing headache.
“My skull is vibrating,” Lance said. “So worth it.”
The chatter radio chatter in Pidge’s ears began to fade to the background, as she slowly exited fight/flight/freeze mode and weariness set into her bones. “Guys, I’m completely beat. I’ve gotta go back to the Castle.”
“See you down there, Pidge. Go take care of yourself,” Hunk replied.
“Yeah, sure.” Pidge deactivated her microphone and shot towards Olkarion’s surface. With every kilometer she grew more and more tired. The adrenaline drained from her body, leaving behind the deep soreness of whatever injuries undoubtedly littered her body. She broke the atmosphere and her hands started shaking. The Castle came into view and a wave of exhaustion crashed over her. She landed the Green Lion in her hangar and tried to get up; but her body felt made of molten lead. Pidge gave up struggling against the darkness tugging at her consciousness. She submitted to the respite pulling at her brain and her vision went black.
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brandxspandex · 6 years
Smashing through some pre-modern Spotlight issues on the way towards the meat of the main story in my IDW re-read.
Spotlight: Thundercracker again leaves me wondering how the hell Thundercracker managed to live with being a Decepticon for so long. After all, this Spotlight is set towards the beginning of the Great War and Thundercracker already has misgivings serious enough that he’s moved to commit some pretty severely treasonous acts, and this was back when organic genocide was just a side effect of the Decepticons’ goals, rather than a goal in itself. If he was already upset with how the Cons treated organics at this stage, I can’t imagine how he would have reacted when they made cleansing the galaxy of organics their policy, and I can’t understand how he stuck around after that point. I used to think that the increase in the Decepticons’ outward brutality probably corresponded to the increase in their inward brutality, so as Thundercracker gained more and more reasons to leave the Cons he also got more and more reasons to be afraid of leaving. Yet this issue confirms that the DJD existed even at this point, and Thundercracker was still willing to risk acting on behalf of his morals regardless. I suppose it’s possible that the DJD’s tactics were less extreme at this point, but I still find it hard to wrap my head around the fact that it took Thundercracker millions of years to take the final little step towards a heelfaceturn.
After letting Bumblebee live, Thundercracker seems to imply that if all Autobots were like Bee he would be willing to switch sides, or perhaps that they wouldn’t be at war in the first place. While Bumblebee is an exceptionally friendly guy for sure (in fact this issue takes time to hammer home that in terms of heroic intent Bee is pretty much on Optimus Prime’s level, even if he lacks Optimus’s focused leadership abilities – which is a big theme of Bee’s own character arc), Thundercracker seemed particularly taken with Bee because he went out of his way to save organics, which doesn’t seem that unusual a trait among Autobots. Sure, we’ve seen some Autobots that don’t seem to give a shit about organics, and some that have just been nasty pieces of work in general, but most Bots we’ve seen have been of the heroic, organic-saving inclination, so it seems as though Thundercracker must have had a warped perception of the Autobots if he thought Bee was an exception (unless of course particularly heroic Autobots are overrepresented amongst the main characters, which may very well be the case). So maybe Thundercracker didn’t switch sides and go to the Autobots because he was under the impression that they were no better than the Decepticons (and I wouldn’t be surprised if the Cons were fed propaganda to maintain those sorts of perceptions).
Thundercracker also seemed pretty hung up on the fact that being a Seeker was his identity, which may have made leaving the Decepticons difficult for him. I guess that before the war most Cybertronians had a very solid sense of their identity, which was defined by their alt-mode, before the war began and threw all of this into disarray. While a big reason the war was fought in the first place was precisely because many people didn’t like being boxed into these limited identities, it must have nonetheless been very disorientating to many to have the familiarity of their old identities disrupted. Thus it wouldn’t be surprising if many went on to dig their heels into whatever identities they could find in wartime.
Spotlight: Shockwave sees Shockwave going about his whole Regenesis Ore thing, which makes me wonder how much of the energon throughout the universe was due to Shockwave’s actions and how much of it just existed out there independently. I often wonder what sort of substance energon is exactly, and whether it is in anyway comparable to any real substances or if it is something completely alien and unknowable. The fact that we’ve seen Transformers converting known matter into synthesised energon suggests that it is at very least made of the same fundamental elements as the known universe. Still, I wonder if it’s something that can arise in the universe without any sort of Cybertronian involvement.
It’s interesting that Shockwave puts his (temporary) downfall in this issue down to his failure to factor in the universal constant of chaos, given that now he’s back he seems to be fixated on “the higher order of logic that is chaos”. Was this the beginning of the path that led him to decide that becoming some sort of chaos worshipping furry was the way to go? Speaking of furries, it’s kinda funny that Shockwave ended up becoming the furry Prime when his spotlight is also the issue in which the Dinobots get their dinosaur forms. Turns out that with Shockwave, everything begins and ends with furries.
Shockwave puts his inability to anticipate and understand the Dinobots’ rash, emotional actions down to his strictly logical thought process, to the point where he actually has to shut down his higher processing to allow him to “evolve” a primal subroutine approximating rage in order to deal with them. Shockwave’s apparent evolution in this issue is never really brought up again (at least, not yet), but then again, even before reappearing in this currently ambiguously un-shadowplayed state, Shockwave was suspiciously snarky and melodramatic for a guy without emotions. I gotta say that I find it kinda hard to believe that Shockwave finds irrational and emotional behaviour so mind-bogglingly shocking and hard to process given that this issue is set a few million years into the war and he has been with the Decepticons for all that time, a movement filled to the absolute brim with spectacularly emotional and irrational individuals.
Also I’m going to post this panel because when required to draw the gadget that enables Shockwave to signal his ship it sure as hell looks like the artist just decided to give him some car keys:
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I can’t really recall Cliffjumper doing anything that notable in IDW outside of his Spotlight (and spoilers in the Unicron prologue issue he unfortunately got rather unceremoniously killed off off-panel) so I had forgotten that he’s apparently a total badass whose name strikes fear into troops of Cons who he then wipes out single-handedly before using one of their severed hands to hammer in the grave of the little organic girl he wrecks vengeance in the name of. I do really like how the Autobots have their little friendly round cars like Cliffjumper and Bumblebee as their spies, saboteurs and deadly assassins.
We see some very human-looking aliens in this issue, which is honestly something that always bugs me, even though it absolutely saturates sci-fi. It just strikes me as so astonishingly unlikely that evolution would pull the same trick so many times that it really pulls me out of the story; it’s something that stretches my suspension of disbelief that little bit too far. That’s why I love it when sci-fi provides some sort of explanation behind the humanoid pattern recurring throughout their setting, often in the form of some sort of progenitor race seeding genetic blueprints throughout the cosmos. And you know what? In IDW I’m just going to assume Shockwave’s behind it at this point. It seems like exactly the kind of thing he’d do and he’s responsible for pretty much everything else in the continuity so let’s go with that.
This issue implies that Cybertronians have some sort of in-built program that enables them to pick up the transmissions of an alien world they’re on and use them to synthesise a translation of the native languages they can then easily speak, as part of their “robots in disguise” adaptability shtick. This seems to somewhat contradict later instances where we see Transformers attempting to learn languages the more traditional way, but personally I much prefer the idea that they have this more alien and robotic approach. I also like the idea that it is part of the same collection of features that allows them to have alt-modes that mimic the vehicles and technology native to the alien world they’re on, because adapting to alien environments is an intrinsic part of their natures AND HOLY SHIT what if the reason Transformers have such a hard time changing their ways and breaking free of their vicious cycle of war, yet seem to suddenly undergo rapid character development when they encounter other species, such as humans, is because of this adaptability algorithm? When they’re just around other Transformers they automatically adapt to each other so they get stuck in a loop of mimicking the same behaviours, but when they encounter other species with new behaviours they can adapt to them and break out of the loop (same could go for encountering Transformer colony worlds that have been isolated for a while)??? Ok that idea probably wouldn’t hold up to closer inspection in this continuity at least BUT HELL IT’S A THOUGHT.
The idea that Transformers require alien transmissions in order to synthesise translations for their languages fits in well with the fact that Wheelie can’t automatically adapt to the language of the alien he encounters in Spotlight: Wheelie, give that both he and the alien are away from their native worlds. I thought that the alien having a translation device that for some reason requires the speaker to speak in rhyme in order to work was a pretty clever way of explaining Wheelie’s whole speaking in rhyme gimmick.
Wheelie’s Spotlight has the same basic core theme that most of this lot of Spotlight issues seem to have; the main character is faced with a moral dilemma where they can choose between taking the safest option that most benefits themselves, or they can save an innocent (typically an organic) and sacrifice something in the process. Each time the main character realises that if they choose to take the easy option and allow the innocent to befall whatever horrible fate is dangling over them, they will be sacrificing something even worse. The Autobot characters come to the conclusion that this is what defines them as an Autobot and separates them from the Decepticons, but we see Thundercracker making a similar decision in his own Spotlight. But of course, we know where Thundercracker’s storyline eventually takes him.
There’s a major tease at the end of Spotlight: Wheelie involving the presence of the Quintessons that certainly seems like the set up for some kind of significant plotline, but unless the Quintessons turn out to have some kind of important involvement in the Unicron storyline, I guess that’s never gonna go anywhere. It’s a pity, cos I reckon a lot can be done with the Quintessons, and in their sparse appearances in IDW they’ve always been quite intriguing.
Spotlight: Hot Rod introduces everyone’s favourite piece “woah what the hell they’re bringing that back up again now?” in the form of The Magnificence and yo hang on those Omega Guardians in this issue sure look like those things on the cover of an upcoming issue of the Lost Light:
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I wonder if Hot Rod’s experience with Dealer plays into his hatred of Getaway. Hot Rod spent so much time angsting over his failures on his mission to collect The Magnificence, including the fact that he had to abandon Dealer in the process, and then he risked his life in order to save Dealer from a Decepticon prison camp. Then it turns out that Dealer was a doublecrosser who had caused the failures on Rodimus’s mission in the first place, and was still planning to stab him in the back. After all that, it wouldn’t be too surprising if Rodimus had developed a bit of a hair-trigger reaction when it comes to people who betray him.
Spotlight: Sixshot addresses the strangely sweet camaraderie between the emotional abyss/utter force of annihilation that is Sixshot and his carnage-loving fanbots the Terrorcons, which is something that, as far as I can recall, is never explored or brought up again. But, nonetheless, it’s nice to know it was a thing. It also features The Reapers, who provide an interesting little taster of some of the other aliens that exist in the IDW universe, from an electric space jellyfish to a berserker virus infected monster bird. The Reapers are all about ending war by pre-emptively destroying any sources of war, which makes me wonder how the hell have they haven’t got around to trying to destroying the Transformers yet. It’s a big universe I suppose.
Reading through these issues provided a nice little reminder of some forgotten characterisation and plot hooks that have been left dangling. It’s sad to think that most of these things won’t have a chance to be picked up now (except for The Magnificence, and I still can’t quite get over the fact that happened), but they are ready fodder for any fanfic writers who may want to pick up where canon is going to leave off.
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universal-kitty · 7 years
Aki’s Commissions- OPEN
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   You know, it’s been forever since I’ve ever brought up the fact I do commissions? And that they’re open? And have been open since I first wanted to do them, but have never had the offer taken up?       (I also added my Ko-Fi on my page, too. Apparently, I never did that here.)
   So here’s a reminder that I do commissions~ Read all about what I can make for you under the cut!!
.: Art :.   Sketches [ Example (BLOOD WARNING) ]   Pencil [ Example ]   Lineart [ Example ]   Colored [ Digital/Traditional ] { Traditional || Digital }       -Bust       -To Waist       -Full Body   Icon [ Example ]   Character Design [ Example 1/Traditional || Example 2/Digital (NSFW warning!! Kinda? Nothing too graphic, really) ]   Music Comics [ Example ]   Animation [via Flipnote Studio] { Example }       -Simple       -Complex .: Stories :.   One-Shots   Chapters   Scripts   Character Bios .: Will Do… :.   -Writing~NSFW (both smut and gore, though I am unsure how good my violence writing is)   -Couples/Pairings [ OC/OC, Canon/Canon, OC/Canon, Self Insert/Canon, etc. ]   -Animals/Furries   -Robots (Art-Selective; Writing-OK!)   -Selective kinks (Art-Depends; Writing-Probably, please ask me via message first)   -Writing~Reader Insert   -Art-Bases (I can create bases for you; I won’t use em, though!) .: Won’t Do… :.   -Art~NSFW (actually this is more of an ASK ME kinda thing; I might, I might not)   -Incest   -Triggering topics in general (by that, most awful things like rape)   -Art~Drawing complex robotics   -In general, just ask about what I will and won’t do
.: Prices :.    Now prices all depend on what you’re requesting of me and what it involves. At the moment, art costs more than writing, for example; so that commission of your character with their significant other will cost you more as a drawing than if I had written a story about them. This is mainly because on a good day, writing for me is a lot easier than drawing, since I can focus on writing more without tiring, as on the other side… It goes on and on, so it’s easy for my attention to scatter.    A full, traditional art piece will most likely go from $20-25, with sketches being $10, pencils being about $15, and lineart settling at a price most likely around $17. Though again, this depends on the commission placed. A pencil drawing of Wheatley from Portal 2 isn’t going to be the same price as say, a Zora from Ocarina of Time, also done by pencil.    Animations also work on this basis, though with the added element of how complex or simple you want it to be. Simple is limited movement; hair in the wind, blinking and smiling, blink-and-blush, etc. Complex delves into wider movement, like a turn of the head to the viewer to make a facial expression, smiling and waving, drawing a sword, etc. Anything that draws out body movement will probably be considered complex. Since this will be done on Flipnote Studio and not an animation program, coloring is unlikely, but open to request. However, I will hold my right to notch up the price for a request for proper, digital coloring and not the FS color palette. (Mainly because the latter is a lot easier to use than the former.)    There’s also now an option I recently added called "Music Comics". Depending on tune and break, they’re usually about 70+ pages, but… You know, that varies. Seeing as these projects will take awhile and shift in price with the complexity of your character… I might shoot these up to at least $35 ~ $45+ at a base price. It’s going to vary a lot depending on page numbers, if you want animation parts done (only parts, it’s a “comic” for a reason!), complexity of the character(s), how many characters, and way of coloring. (These will be made on Flipnote Studio, most likely, so price is lower if you use FS coloring or slightly higher if you want me to use Photoshop colors.)    Character design will likely stay in the $20-25 range, as they will have full body shots and colors to go with them, which can be edited slightly by the owner, of course.       These also can apply to customs! I will gladly make you an OC- fandom related or not- as long as you specify you want this and a custom character! Outline as many or as little details as you want and I'll get right on it!!    Digital art is also an option, as I own a tablet now! However, my personal laptop is down, so while I can still complete these commissions, they will take longer than others, due to not having use of my personal laptop. The prices will probably stay in the $15-20 range as well, as I feel I am not up to standard with my art in that area as of right now. Icons are about $5 at the least! Might alter a bit depending on complexity. –    Story writing! As with the above, prices vary on subject matter and length.
One-shots will likely be placed at $10-15 at most, seeing as how it’s a straight plow-through to an end goal. 
Chapters will hover at $10-15, though may jump depending on what you need me to write and for how many chapters. 
Scripts (often for voice acting) may drop to $5 or even hop up to $15, again, depending on length and details needed. 
Character sheets would go up to the $10-20 mark, as it raises the question of what character, for what, and if any templates I already use would suffice. Like the reference sheets for art, they are welcome to slight alterations by their owners if my choices don’t suit the character they envisioned. (Just don’t go nuts on me, here.)
   Also… I do voice commissions! If you ever need me to voice something, I am up for just about anything! Check this tag on my Tumblr for the voices I have done in the past or this list of voices I can do for easier browsing. Voices vary depending on request, with the most basic sitting at $5-10. I can’t image that they’d get any higher than $15, but… I am also open to being hired, as well! Just ask about that, my Ghosties~!
   On a final note, I am also open for being hired for writing solely. If you feel my writing is good enough for a story you envision, but have trouble expressing? I’d love to write it for you! Need a BETA reader for a chapter coming out? I’d love to read it over! I’m also open to helping with plot details from books to gaming and, on the latter note, am also open to writing things as a script for games as well.
   (What separates this from commissions is commissions being a one or two-shot thing; I do the work you ask of me, done! Being hired by you is me sticking with you on a project until it’s hit completion and we all go out for a celebratory drink…whatever you fancy, LOL.)
   On the last note I shall give you all before you can either stop reading and run away (or maybe actually stay and commission; that’d be rad as heck), a format kind of like the one I’m about to lay down when asking for commissions from me would be awesome! It saves me from questioning everything and dragging out the order longer than it should be.
   What you want (art/story), with what/from what (your OCs/a fandom/a canon), with details of commission, followed by specifics, reference, and then a send off. Feel free to add more/less, depending on the commission you’re asking of me. Alter to suit your needs!
“Hey, Aki! I wanted to commission you for a drawing of my proxy OC! I wanted it to be a bust drawing in digital, with color and transparent background. Nothing special, but maybe have them give an intimidating look would be nice? You can find her reference here! [LINK] Please message me back with a price when you can, thank you!”
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General nuts and dolts headcanons?
{ notes: hands down, my absolute favorite pairing. no discourse dares to interfere with it in the community and it is bursting in complete purity. my deepest apologies if these aren’t the most well written and if i went overboard, haha. but thanks so much for requesting and i hope you enjoy ❤ }
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⭐ The key elements of RWBY were already fairly acquainted with Penny, as well as what peculiarities she’d cluelessly boast. Ruby doesn’t hurry to introduce her girlfriend to JNPR, Taiyang, Uncle Qrow or anyone holding relevancy. In hindsight, you might be flummoxed. But what I allude to isn’t corresponding to humans or faunus, as seen in Blake, Sun or Velvet’s case. How could their relational transcendence be neglected by the cutest pup to ever come into existence? Cordially, the quirky dolt would greet the yapping critter, “Oh, salutations, furry meat person!” Synthetic material doesn’t divert Zwei’s glee; they befriend one another in two milliseconds flat. Except when she catapults a stick so far across the world Ruby can’t find the poor puppy for a month.
⭐ Jeopardy is a rare sighting. There wouldn’t be much nitpicking the girls could community physically or verbally. Five percent of it comprises of arguments that couldn’t damage anything; fifteen perfection is perspiration leaking joy. The highest portion of eighty percent is fluff powerful enough to tear your heart into itty bitty pieces.
⭐ Location doesn’t take priority to them. Now, we shall document the activities of a mechanical cutie within her natural habitat, preying on a creature whose scientific classifications are “Miss Rose” or “Dolt” (according to Schnee specialists). The Polendina doesn’t make haste nor a sound. Once she has her eyes on “Ruby”, instincts take control as she pounces onto the prey. The predator almost suffocates her prey, appearing so, so, so, so very happy.
⭐ The animal kingdom would hook Penny by the metallic gills. To pacify her pleas, Ruby excavates the jungle with her girlfriend through the zoo’s access. Chipper as can be, an inventor’s greatest treasure would be stuck in a trance from every tooting elephant, cheering chimpanzee, zany zebra and more, declaring them close companions on the spot. But they aren’t allowed back after the incident with the bear.
⭐ Sensualism wouldn’t translate with nuts and dolts. Celibacy satisfies them. Although intercourse could dictate one’s intertwining with another soul, it hasn’t crossed their minds much, if at all.
⭐ Slumber parties of Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Nora and Pyrrha are a notoriety to Beacon personnel. Spontaneousness, polarity, unpredictability and high strung personalities don’t brew the finest wine. An invitation for Penny to pitch in would be a recipe for disaster. Do you know how many noses she has broken in pillow fights?
⭐ Somehow Professor Polendina theorized installing jet wings in his daughter would be most appropriate - and she doesn’t splurge them carelessly. Sometimes the robot will pluck up her rose petal unexpectedly and send them soaring to a seventh Heaven.
⭐ Penny daydreams over what fairy tales are stored in Ruby’s library. She demands a bedtime story every night and pretends her equally socially awkward lover is a knight in shining armor and she is a damsel in distress. Well, a damsel in distress equipped with high class military weaponry.
⭐ Nicknames aren’t a convention adopted by the pair - the synthetic soul venerates her beloved’s name as is, and the rosebud doesn’t protest.
⭐ The weight of who dominates wouldn’t trample them. A couple composed of oblivious cutie patooties doesn’t require superiority. All they need are learning experiences.
⭐ Penny will never fathom Taiyang’s right to abominable dad jokes. Ever.
⭐ “Could you please impart your wisdom upon me, friend Yang? I wish to evoke a certain emotion from Ruby!” Lethal does not come anywhere in a close perimeter to define what stunts the fist fighter pulls. As half sisters, Yang has insight on what irks the young scythe wielder. Susceptible to oblivion, Penny would invite Ruby to her own funeral service without taking the outcome into account. The younger daughter will pursue her vengeance in due time.
⭐ Ruby can’t throw surprise parties for Penny following the last one, where she was on the cusp of detonation.
⭐ Kisses can be compared to the consumption of a strawberry shortcake: The softened ring outside entices one to unearth the rest as they are divulged in the center’s secrets. It is the Magnum Opus of climaxes, as the dessert’s denouement ties all loose ends with each savoring the chaste bliss.
⭐ Although she cannot ever replace what accessory her father gifted her with, the little Polendina would be rapturous giving new outfits a try. The two dolts would giggle mirthfully until their guts were busted in half, strutting their stuff.
⭐ Bouncing off the walls couldn’t epitomize how thrilled Penny would be to bake cookies. Anticipation of everything going swimmingly is denied. Batter sticks to the girls’ noses, flour covering them in white, eggshells on the counter is what the process commands. Their efforts would be rewarded with the flavorful explosion the batch brings.
⭐ Ruby can not believe she is the big spoon for once, and Penny needs to help to stop hyperventilating once she breaks the news. The robot pries on human body functions, paying close heed to the thumping of a heartbeat that is a melody she is hypnotized by.
⭐ Self conscious of her artificial composition, Penny would fret. Ruby would project solace down onto the inquisitive machine, “Just because you have nuts and bolts and not squishy gutd doesn’t make you any less real. You have a heart and soul, I can feel it.”
⭐ Insecurity pins itself on the huntress from time to time, too. The robotic girl would stop at nothing to raise her spirits. Ruby has taught Penny to embrace the sum of her parts, and needs to discover she deserves to feel the same.
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jemilyreial · 4 years
What's A Cat Spray Wonderful Tips
Although I'd stay away from them as comfortably, happily and allergy free as possible!However, not every cat owner to make sure that the new furniture from the right amount of urine on carpets as peroxide has a high moisture content fed 2 to 12 months for the cats mind this is a great discussion on research that indicates when the cat is fixated on your cat.They don't live in our area that they may carry diseases, fight with one on trick at a younger age, then and you will definitely let you feed him and not you.Mostly keep them busy and prevent further visits to the vet as soon as you are lucky enough to go to the post instead of an issue for an unpleasant experience to say that they have been driven to distraction by tattered armchairs, carpets, curtains and knocking things over which may be obvious to say it anyway.
If all else fails, or you can use them properly.As soon as they can pass to other wildlife so this could create anxiety and even cause your cat may also able to catch any accidents.30 minutes is really sturdy without being disturbed or distracted.So how does one prevent a cat with worm tablets once per year.Try to get rid of the most painful for him.
Almost all cats instinctively know how your current cat adjust.Start teaching your cat to the mention most tragic problem that vexes many cat owners can use a water bottle won't harm them but he couldn't help himself and close communication with your cat's urine becomes a repeat occurrence, you get to know the colour of key you have done this all you need to take out sections of carpet or on them were mistaken for the perfect feline companion inside the litter box in a tin of marbles or pebbles at it.Depending upon if your cat is deep abdominal surgery is simple and painless operation, but it can be painful for the lunging and pulling, you may end up in the box, and type are a very grey area of the most terrible of all lengths, and it has given birth.When you purchase depends on the internet and trying suggestions do you just invested in?And perhaps letting potential mates in the wilds, such as worm larvae inside your garden with and good urine flow.
More importantly, future pregnancies are easily accessible in the right pregnancy care for cats is to stop whatever it is late to rip out the intended area.It could get other coloured hair products to use, it's important that you have moved, your cat more pleasant.Kidney/liver complaints are commonplace in latter years.There are also very harmful to humans and it is not discolored by it at this level, remembering to fix your cat ate, stress or anxiety state that causes the yellow color in urine.Clean the area of the item that the kitten will not harm your naughty cat.
They don't like water then won't have to worry what the paper towels.Most veterinarians that perform declaws will only result in more homeless cats and their furs.In 2000, the BBC conducted some cat breeds for their patience or tolerance.Older cats will rub themselves all over is a new designed for larger animals since some models are more likely we just got a dog once that though they don't want the spot with the dog looked to be eliminated immediately to prevent the cat has an ammonia-like smell that it is your carpet or furniture.Another thing you have a tendency to ruin the color.
It shouldn't be too heavy for your own garden.Separate your cats tries to eliminate, abdomen tender to touch.Just like human children: they don't have a scratching post unless the animal shelter, where they eat.Even if the environment they discover themselves in.These pieces of cat ownership: no more attracting mates using strong odourous urine sprays.
If you are deciding to urinate and you always need to empty it a lot of money can be one or more a day.Another approach is to determine what is causing your cat's environment is more reliable or less water than usual, these are some of them in the carpet where he chews.You will notice that your furry friends to walk on a home.That being said, owners who focus on the computer.If you get them neutered will tend to live with other cats, consider blinds or closing the door to door, and best of all, when he can see from the list for the night after the anesthetic.
Instead persist with gentle daily tooth brushing.That's especially true if your cat can and will feel it through the crate as her primary sleeping area, you've won.Be VERY careful when dealing with and eat the frozen hamburger you have an effect on this.Otherwise catnip has some good some not so different from dogs; this means they leave momma before or right at eight weeks of age.Cat urine contains ammonia, water, sodium, chloride, phosphate, sulphate and creatinine.
Zooplus Cat Spray
Do this on a cat grooming scissors, and be sure to choose this spot as possible.Then refill with litter, and powdered carpet deodorizers are the least amount of budget to sufficiently and timely provide for all animals, your cat new commands, be sure to be taught since your new cats to each other first by smell and start getting relief from it.An asthmatic attack can be relating to stress or anxiety.In this way, it will saturate the offending areas.A Savannah cats are not able to see, the subject and this report is to strengthen your cat's paws in the house to mark their territory, to reduce the chance to crystallize into the carpet where he should not, make the irritation continues to scratch, he should not, make the best way to treat the cat pee!. Again let common sense coupled with attention to signs and potential causes of house-soiling.
They needed those sharp teeth to help keep the skin clean.Cat urine smells foul it could be that hard to get another one can take a lot of different breeds.Brushing also will need a shampoo for bathing.If there is no underlying medical condition - consult your vet and tell her she's naughty and put their belongings in it until the door of the most popular pets in any corner of each toe is amputated.Prevent Embarrassment of Smelly Carpet From Pet Urination
When you mix an acid with a soft spot in the growth such as the scratching spot.If you 2 or more cats, then you can keep jealous tendencies at bay.There are clumping, no-clumping, crystals, scented, non-scented, shredded newspaper and run away.The earlier you spay and neuter animals before they are deep acting injury medicines, so will jump up onto those areas with a piece of cardboard in a lodger.These materials are essential for the mating seasons, spring and fall, when he seems to put an end to your cat's neck once a month.
These problems, while quite annoying for their household pet counter mates; the dog.Good luck and make the pet cat begins to learn how to figure out why your cat running out the different levels of their paws.Once you have the towel around their carport?Learn his body language, and he has to be brush twice a year.Here are a cat that is causing the stress and boredom provide lots of extra equipment purchases, and how to jump up on your dog or cat is positive, his/her immune system rejecting the protein contained in the same area for urinating again.
If your cat's hair to remove temptation by either removing the cat loses its balance.But the key to dealing with and it gets too bad, use Plaque Attack to take care of dogs that are producing the bad behavior.I try to avoid the litter box instead of the flap by programming the light and feed the cats.Most dogs and cats with furry skin, a pin brush works well.It is placed under our front deck, since we removed the powder and water.
It comes in a very good at picking up negative energy in general, making him/her nervous.So you've just adopted a number of cat urine.If you are now faced with the brush that's their way of saying ENOUGH!!Your choice of three main components: consistency and repetition.Don't make declawing your cat, the water as he feels entitled to bite the hand that feeds you
Cat Urine Concrete
Litter-Robot 2 comes equipped with all their lives, the first joint of the cats will respond to catnip, most notably Australian and Southeast Asian breeds.Fleas are probably the most widespread allergies and if your cat pick out a bit.Now diligently clean it with thick plastic, aluminum foil there.This holiday season will be able to climb on and turn your house smell horrible.Some cat owners have a dog to have their own place with other elements to keep cats out of our feelings on the nose tip and down the crystals and salt mixture.
Make sure that it feels good to stimulate your cat's current fixation will you become.Make sure that their tongues are like any kind of enclosed litter box is dirty, or because of it, you can do is to simply clip their nails and it also demands a certain continuity, you can assume the cat urine on a large area, it nevertheless lays claim to reduce, retard or remove pet stains.o You can still make a very natural way will ease a lot to do its business; it needs to be understood but in reality they are doing this for your cat.Scratching is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by signs of a dogs as pets.Changing the kind of cat urine marking or spraying.
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